Pavel Volya clothing style. Freestyle

Burberry coat

Pasha, we will conduct our whimsical dialogue about what is closest to you - about fashion. So let's get serious: loafers or boat shoes?

Both words are unclear to me, so I choose toplophers.

It's a pleasure to deal with a specialist. I heard you recently made the Forbes list.

I am constantly on the Forbes list. And for me this is a nervous moment: they attribute crazy money to me, but do not write where to pick it up.

This time you were credited with two million annual income. Dollars How much of it do you spend on clothes?

Are we really about to dive into the abyss of fashion?

Of course, I have already dived and am waiting for you here, in the depths.

It's surprising to me that I impress anyone as a fashionable guy.

Wait, aren't you a fashionable guy?

I don't care about clothes.

So, goodbye, the interview is over.

No, really. I go to my closet at home and put on what looks right at me.

Do you choose outfits for performances like this?

Of course not! There are responsible people, stylists who get paid for this. But even here everything goes very quickly: I put on what they give me.

Do you remember the most terrible outfit, which one was chosen for you?

There are plenty of terrible ones. And I still perform in them. Recently there was a strange suit: white trousers with a tunic, and a wire inserted into the lapel of the jacket. And if you remember the very first broadcast Comedy Club? on me White shirt three sizes too big and with a blotch, a huge black scarf that makes it impossible to be hot, and black pants tucked into boots. To all this there are two belts at once: one with a skull, and the other with the inscription “SEX”. It is simply impossible to imagine a more disgusting creature.

Ann Demeulemeester coat, Burberry trousers, Premiata boots

Glamorous bastard.

He’s not even a scumbag, he’s some kind of glamorous little guy. Scary guy.

Why so obediently follow the stylists' choice?

I don't follow, I'm just not afraid to wear anything. I wear a thing - it doesn’t wear me. I always feel the dull envy of all these men with potbellies and growing butts, all the women who are getting fatter. Yes I skinny guy. I'm a hanger. Even if I put a bag on me, it will still be interesting.

If you showed up the way you dress now in your native Penza, do you think they would give you cuffs?

I’m happy to appear there, but I don’t walk around the central streets looking for punches. When I lived there, I also dressed provocatively. Those were the early days of rave. Greens skinny jeans, orange sweaters, grinders with giant soles, round glasses a la John Lennon. I dyed my hair yellow, orange, green. He has a mohawk on his head, with 150 braids woven into it, and his temples are bald. I looked like a predator from the part that was filmed at Kazakhfilm.

Have you ever had problems with those who preferred leather jackets with studs?

I come from a city where there were constant fights. My neighborhood was formed through fighting. It was an outskirts, a village. Half of the village was demolished and town houses began to be built on it. Ours was the first in this wasteland. What do you think the remaining half of the village was doing? She went to beat this house. Until many houses were built around, until the guys arrived there, until they all grew up, until we went and beat all the areas that were around ours - until then this process did not stop.

So it was you who hit?

Both me and me. Fights were routine. This compulsory program. Three times my nose was broken, which I inserted myself, without ever going to the first aid station. Last time By the way, I broke it in Egypt by jumping into the pool, so the whole hotel heard the impact on the bottom. I immediately put it in place.

Marc O'Polo jacket, Armani Collezioni jacket, Givenchy trousers, Premiata sneakers

I don’t meekly follow the stylists’ choices, I’m just not afraid to wear anything. I'm wearing a thing - it's not me

A familiar gesture.

Let me teach you, by the way. Look, the nose shifts to one side, if it doesn’t fall inward. If it fails, you will have to run to the emergency room. But if it moves, here’s my system: you place your hand on the side where you want to set it, so as not to break it in the other direction in the process. And just like that, you sharply put it back with your second hand. The nose is in place. At first everything under the eyes will be blue, then yellow, then purple, then green, and after three weeks there will be nothing.

Thank you, very useful. What elements of the Penza style did you have to get rid of in Moscow?

I remember there was a fashion for high boots among men. It seems that she came just from Moscow. Moreover, one pant leg had to be tucked in, but the other did not. I walked around the capital like this for some time, and then on the subway I began to notice cheerful, narrow-butted boys dressed in exactly the same way, throwing strange glances at me. And I realized that they had taken our boots from us. I had to say goodbye to these boots.

Have you ever used clothing for comic effect?

No, but she did it for me once. I move a lot on stage, so it’s not surprising that one day my pants tore in the back. The whole audience laughed, and then I spoke frontally. The jokes didn't matter anymore - everyone just knew I had a hole in my ass right now, and I kept performing with it. But, as a rule, I ask that the suit not draw attention to itself.

By the way, when did this signature suit style of yours appear? Jackets, shirts, ties...

In my youth I hated shirts and hated ties. Then the shirts were scary, like those of a German deputy. All those spade ties. The first time I changed my mind was when skinny ties appeared - remember those?

Not herrings, but just shoelaces. And then shirts in my size began to appear. My biggest problem when I was young was my size.

Dior coat, Burberry suit, Marc O'Polo shirt

Tell us about your tattoos. You made something new recently, right?

Yes, I made the names of my children on my wrist: Robert and Sophia. But they are small drawn on my chest - these are their first photographs after birth.

No no. I just really wanted a tattoo like this. When children appear, you become a slightly different person. Probably, from the outside it may look strange: they say, why did you put up their photos, can you forget that you have children? But it's something uncontrollable inside of you.

Does your style change in any way when you have children? What won't you wear again?

I won't wear super skinny jeans because I would like more children. And nothing else has changed.

You know, I have gold cufflinks and an expensive watch - these are considered accessories of maturity, right? There was a period when I wore a watch - different for every occasion. Then I didn’t wear them at all for two years. Then for a year and a half I wore a Casio with a calculator.

Coat Dior

I won't wear super skinny jeans because I'd like more kids.

You often go on tour, you see how they dress in Russian cities...

Let's start with the fact that I don't travel very often, usually before a big Moscow concert. This, by the way, will take place on December 1 at Crocus. Guys who are reading this, I’m calling everyone! There will be an adult, pissing performance on serious, sometimes even scary and uncomfortable topics. I’ll tell you everything about my family, children, and I’ll get to the bottom of your children. So, before such a concert there is a big tour of Russia, where I test out the future Moscow program. Usually these are 12–15 cities.

Enough to understand what Russian fashion is. How would you define the way Russians dress?

Four words: just not to stand out. But out of a hundred people there will definitely be one who goes against the rule. Most often these are men. In orange pants, lycra sweaters, blue glasses. And then, as a rule, it turns out that this guy works somewhere in the tax office or is responsible for the fire department. Of course, you can’t demand style from people when there is no basis for it. Give us more time more people, and not a gray mass, and for them - more money, and everything will work out. We will read, educate ourselves, buy fashionable things and produce them ourselves. Just don't put so much pressure on us from all sides.

What will you do if the fashion for Pavel Volya subsides?

Is there a fashion for Pavel Volya? When I started there were three people in the room, now there are ten thousand, but my enjoyment quotient hasn't changed. I'm the same crazy person who only cares about one thing - to get all the ugliness out of my head and see what happens. And as we approach the finale, I would like to confess Great love to my wife and my children and with great love to everyone who long years tolerates all the nonsense that I spew from the stage. Thank you first for supporting me throughout my life, and thank you to everyone else for supporting us financially.

Neil Barrett Coat, 21 Men T-Shirt, 21 Men Trousers, Premiata Boots

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Scandalous, sharp-tongued and always funny - that’s how viewers know and love him

You can have different attitudes towards the personality of a man named Pasha Volya - some are content with his pop role as a “glamorous scumbag” who bases his performances on “putting down” other people, while others know how much more he is capable of.

After all, his creative activity is far from being limited to routine clownery at the Comedy Club and participation in films, artistic value which not everyone recognizes. Since his youth, Volya dreamed of creating a rap group and rehearsed with a live band. He managed to make almost all his dreams come true.

Pavel “Snowball” Volya (real name Denis Dobrovolsky, “Snowball”) was born on March 14, 1979 in Penza, where he graduated from school No. 11. Moreover, with far from average results, but with a silver medal and a bunch of thanks from teachers for Active participation in the life of the school. To this day, Pavel’s photograph hangs on the honor board.

As he himself says, in Penza, as in any provincial town, there are only a couple of decent institutes. There wasn’t much to choose from, so the future “ glamorous scumbag“I went to study to become a teacher of Russian language and literature at a pedagogical institute. In parallel with his studies, Pavel played in KVN, was the captain of the Valeon Dasson team, and worked as a DJ at Russian Radio in Penza: the city has not yet forgotten DJ Pavel Dobrovolsky.

In 2001, immediately after graduation pedagogical institute, he left for Moscow: he started as a foreman at a construction site, later worked as a presenter at Muz-TV, voiced Masyanya, was a DJ at the Hit-FM radio station and, like an alarm clock, woke up thousands of radio listeners at exactly seven. Every day people heard: “Pavel Volya was with you.”

Pavel Volya

Originality... from under your feet!

What happened next was what, in fact, made Pavel Volya so popular. The first concerts of the Comedy Club took place in 2003, and the idea was invented even earlier by members of the KVN team “New Armenians”: Tash Sargsyan, Artak Gasparyan and Arthur Janibekyan. However, it was not entirely invented; rather, it was picked up during the American tour of the “New Armenians”. There, the guys studied the market for the stand-up comedy genre and decided that this genre would be an excellent alternative to KVN, on the one hand, and Full House, on the other. Since the latter were already quite dilapidated and the desire to create something new simply arose naturally.

On April 9, 2005, a presentation took place at the Atrium shopping center new program- Comedy Club. Only journalists and visitors attended the show shopping center. Pavel Volya opened the presentation with his speech. He almost immediately defined the role of a “glamorous scumbag”, joking at the journalists standing in the VIP area.

Pavel Volya

Since then, he has ridiculed the personal life and work of show business figures: actors, singers and athletes who come to the Comedy Club, and does not hesitate to say nasty things to their faces. That's how it happened: true originality creative style was very close, as they say, lying under your feet. But only Pavel Volya guessed to “pick it up”. His jokes are distinguished by harshness and cynicism, but, unlike sold-out comedians, he does not criticize politicians, not Russia, not our long-suffering medicine and education, he does not even sow decadent moods in society, but just laughs at the stars.

In 2005 " Stand-up comedy"was a new genre for Russia. The guys had no confidence that the Comedy Club would be successful. And where did she come from? After all, they started from scratch and immediately received... a negative assessment. Many, including seasoned comedians, did not perceive them, saying that it was vulgarity and stupidity. But they stuck to their line and eventually won. As for Pavel Volya, he once admitted that he still wouldn’t give up, it’s in his blood.

Pavel Volya

Guest star

Since Volya is a versatile person, he began acting in films with great enthusiasm. In the “Very Russian Cinema” project, Pavel was practically a guest star. In this parody of Russian films that were released in Lately: “Boomer”, “Brigade”, “Watches”, “9th Company”, “My Fair Nanny”, he showed himself to be an extraordinary actor. Since then, he has successfully acted in various genres, most often in comedies. So, in the comedy drama called “Plato” he got the role of a glamorous metropolitan partygoer, in other words, he played himself.
His hero is distinguished by his extraordinary intelligence and visual attractiveness, and his sense of humor is simply brilliant. In addition, he is sociable and successful in relationships with women.

In the remake " Office romance"Pavel Volya agreed to the role of Kalugina's secretary, gay Vadik, thereby not being afraid to replay one of best roles Liya Akhedzhakova. In an interview, he said that such an offer simply could not be refused.

Pavel Volya

Everything will be awesome!

One day, unexpectedly for himself, Pavel Volya suddenly began writing texts. At the same time, music began to emerge. Up to a certain point, he simply recorded it, and then it turned out that there were already fifteen songs. One of his first songs, “Show Biz,” entered rotation on various radio stations and became popular. “When we brought it, they told us: “Oh, no, this is terrible! A lot of text, unformatted.” Me: “Let him play for a week, then whatever you want.” He's been playing for a long time. They no longer remember about the non-format, they say, “nobody said that!” - Pavel recalls. That's how he started his solo career. Recorded several tracks and shot videos for the songs “Everything will be awesome”, “Mama!”, “Barvikha”, “The Most best song" and "Penza City". And also released solo album"Respect and respect."

Pavel Volya

The wedding did not take place

Family for Pavel Volya continues to be his parents and sister named Yulia. Although the heart of the “glamorous bastard” is periodically occupied by someone.

The personal life of such a multi-talented and handsome young man has always aroused interest among fans. For a long time his chosen one was TV presenter Maria Kravtsova, whom viewers know as Marika. They met on the set of a comedy show, and gradually their friendship grew into serious relationship. Marika has high requirements for a life partner - she values ​​talent, hard work, and the ability to find mutual language with colleagues. It was impossible not to see all this in Paul. Their romance developed rapidly, but not easily - the lovers broke up and then got back together, giving rise to heated gossip. However, the reasons for the separation were not advertised. Pavel did not discuss this topic even with close friends.

For almost four years, Masha and Pasha were considered one of the brightest couples in domestic show business. They lived together under one roof and traveled a lot. Close friends of the lovers were sure that the wedding was just around the corner. Even the press at one time was full of headlines about this, but later both Marika and Pavel confirmed that this information was nothing more than a newspaper fabrication.

The lovers were in no hurry to get married. Perhaps due to the fact that jealousy-related scandals constantly arose in their house. One day, the young people decided to separate for a while, after which they separated completely.

Now Pavel and Marika communicate only as friends.

Pavel Volya

Unglamorous man

Since Volya maintains his image as a ruthless showbiz wit who ridicules the quirks of the stars, it seems that nothing is sacred to this man. But Pasha himself admits that off the air he a common person, and the “glamorous bastard” is just a mask that he has to put on for the sake of money and the entertainment of the audience. In life, Pavel is completely different, he is not afraid to be strange.

“I had such a case. I was still living in Penza, I found a wallet, my license was there. “I gave the owner this entire wallet,” Volya once admitted in an interview. - When I do such things, I think that a person will be surprised that I am one of the millions of idiots who would never give up my wallet. But suddenly, fortunately, a miracle happened in his life. And I would be surprised if someone gave it to me. That’s why I will always give it myself.”

Pavel Volya has an original taste in clothes and always looks fashionable, despite the words: “I have a sweatshirt and quilted jackets in my wardrobe at home, these are my favorite clothes. Money helps improve taste, although this is not always possible, because there are incorrigible fools.”

Quote: “Russian cinema sounds almost as funny as Swedish rap, a Serbian Porsche or a very expensive Australian watch.”

Seeing yourself dressed in a weekend suit in a dream means that you will be invited to fun party with many good friends and no less number of pickles and strong drinks.

Being dressed in a casual work suit means that your salary will be delayed.

Dreamed about you men's suit portends monetary losses, the replenishment of which will take a long time.

Seeing a clown costume in a dream - you will find that you were mistaken about a person who was considered serious and obligatory when it comes to business relationships.

Putting on a clown costume is a danger of succumbing to the temptations of an easy life that has a criminal overtones.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Three-piece suit and number three

Trying on a three-piece suit in a dream means that you are not in your place in life.

If a woman sees this dream, then this is a sign that in 3 months she will decide to marry a person she does not love, and her marriage will not be happy.

If a schoolchild has this dream, then after 66 days he will show his complete ignorance in an exam or interview.

For a businessman, such a dream promises the collapse of ambitious hopes in the next 3 weeks, since he has aimed too high, he should put things in order in his thoughts and plans.

Interpretation of dreams from