Monuments to historical, public, and government figures. Majestic Bronze A

Completed by: Daria Nelyubova Supervisor: I. A. Drobysheva

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Goal: having studied the sculptural compositions of S. Yesenin, to comprehend the secret of the poet’s poetic inspiration, to enrich information about Yesenin. Objectives: study the research literature about S. Yesenin; independently analyze the topic: “S. Yesenin in bronze"; show the nationality of Yesenin’s creativity, which is of particular value; based on the form and content of S. Yesenin’s sculptural compositions, talk about the immortality of the poet and his work.

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Sergei Timofeevich Konenkov is one of the outstanding sculptors of the  century. He always strived for accomplishments of enormous scope, for deep and comprehensive generalizations. His F.M. Dostoevsky and Bach, L.N. Tolstoy and Surikov, M. Gorky and S.V. Rachmaninov amazes with the complexity of his psychological portrait. These features of the master’s creativity reached their highest embodiment in “Self-Portrait,” which was awarded the Lenin Prize in 1957. The work is distinguished by a deeply thought-out compositional solution. The wide turn of the powerful shoulders serves as a pedestal for the head proudly thrown back, the face is framed by strands of gray hair, the gaze is directed far ahead. And finally, the last chord of the composition is a thin but strong hand, the hand of an artist and worker. “Self-Portrait” expresses the sculptor’s thoughts about the purpose of the artist, faith in the power of the human spirit and mind.

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Konenkov portrayed Yesenin at the moment of his inspired poetic self-expression. Grasping his hair with his right hand, pressing his left hand to his heart, with his mouth half open - at that moment he looked especially like an enthusiastic singer of his lyre. The gesture of his hands is an impulsive movement, full of sincere spontaneity. And the pose, so correctly captured by the sculptor, clearly seen and therefore very natural. Yesenin's portrait was made from the heart, penetrating into the mystery of poetic inspiration.

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...On October 23, 1970, on a stormy autumn day, ninety-six-year-old artist Sergei Timofeevich Konenkov came to Konstantinovo, the homeland of the poet Sergei Yesenin, as part of a delegation of cultural figures. The newspaper “Soviet Culture” then held a meeting of village workers with masters of art on Ryazan soil.

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The sculptor presented the museum staff with a photocopy of his pencil drawing by Sergei Yesenin and left a warm note in the book of honorary writers. “Remember and love our great poet Sergei Yesenin,” the sculptor said in parting. “After all, his voice was the voice of the people.” S.T. Konenkov was leaving “a thoughtful and gentle land,” the homeland of the great Russian poet. A year later, he himself completed his long life and creative path, rich in events and meetings.

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The Ryazan leadership turned to the famous Ryazan sculptor Antonina Petrovna Usachenko, who in 1970 was awarded the title of laureate of the All-Union Lenin Komsomol Prize for the monument “Grieving Pskov Woman”. Antonina Petrovna was able to create a monument - a bust of Yesenin - in the shortest possible time. It was manufactured at the Ryazan Tsentrolit plant. According to the plan of the leading architect of Ryazan N.N. Istomin, the sculpture was supposed to be installed on the station square in front of the Ryazan-2 station building.

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Monument to S. Yesenin in Ryazan. Sculptor A.P. Kibalnikov. On October 2, 1975, the grand opening took place.

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In the eastern district of Moscow, behind Taganskaya Square, among numerous factories and factories, at the intersection of Volgogradsky Prospekt with the boulevard, named Yeseninsky in 1964, a monument to the famous Russian poet Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin was erected. This was the first bronze monument in the country, which the sonorous Yesenin so passionately sang in his poems. The opening took place on October 3, 1972. The authors of the monument are People's Artist of the USSR, full member of the USSR Academy of Arts, sculptor Vladimir Efimovich Tsigal, architects S.E. Vakhtangov, Yu.V. Yurov

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It is interesting to look at the silhouette of the monument from the side, where the monolith-hill takes on the outline of a sailing boat, and the folds of clothing behind the shoulders are perceived as wings or a fluttering sail. In deep thought, slowly, with his usual easy gait, the young man descends the hillock. With his head uncovered, he walks in an “overgrown garden” towards the viewer, the wind, and the sun. The figure of the young poet, cast in bronze, stands almost on the ground. More precisely, it moves. Despite the fact that it is cast from metal, there is some special lightness and elation in it.

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One of the cities of Russia where the memory of our noble fellow countryman S.A. is sacredly honored. Yesenin, is Voronezh. Here, at different times, monuments to outstanding Russian literary artists have already been erected: A. Koltsov, I. Nikitin, I. Bunin. On October 25, 2006, another significant event took place: a monument to the great countryman S. Yesenin was unveiled. Love for the poet prompted People's Artist of Russia, Moscow sculptor, Yesenin Prize laureate Anatoly Bichukov to donate his work to the city. Actor Sergei Bezrukov provided sponsorship for this cultural event.

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...And I stand as if before communion, And I say in response to you: I would die now of happiness, Vouchsafed such a fate. But, doomed to persecution, I will continue to sing for a long time... So that my steppe singing can ring like bronze.

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Bust of the Orenburg military governor Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky.
In the history of our region, the years of Perovsky’s reign are rightfully considered the “golden time”. V.A. Perovsky served in Orenburg twice: from mid-1833 to 1841 and from May 1851 to April 1857. Grateful Orenburg residents decided to build a monument to a man who devoted almost fifteen years of his life to the active and fruitful management of the region. This event occurred in the year of the 210th anniversary of the birth of Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky. The author of the model of the monument is Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Orenburg sculptor Petina Nadezhda Gavrilovna. She worked on the monument for 12 years. This was the first time that a bust of the governor was cast in our city. This work was entrusted to the Orenburg plant "Plast". The city paid for raw materials and metal; The manufacturing costs were borne by the plant. The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the celebration of City Day on September 3, 2005.
Bust of V.A. Perovsky cast from bronze. The pedestal on which the bust stands is made of granite by the architect Stanislav Evgenievich Smirnov. On the pedestal, in voluminous, overhead letters, the name and years of birth and reign of the governor are written: Perovsky Vasily Alekseevich (02/09/1795-12/08/1857) Governor-General of the Orenburg Territory 1833-1842, 1851-1857. V.A. Perovsky is depicted in the prime of his life. His head is turned to the right, his gaze is stern and thoughtful, he is directed into the distance, as if examining his possessions. There are always a lot of people near the bust, and especially a lot of children with their parents, since the Kirov Park and the square, among other things, have always been and remain a favorite vacation spot for the townspeople.


  1. Governors of the Orenburg region. - Orenburg: Orenburg Book Publishing House, 1999. - 400 p.
  2. Dorofeev, V.V. Vasily Perovsky and the Orenburg region: to the 250th anniversary of his birth / V.V. Dorofeev. - Orenburg: IPK "South Ural", 1995. - 48 p.
  3. Savelzon, V. L. Orenburg history in faces. 50 portraits against the background of the era / V. L. Savelzon. - Orenburg: IPK "South Ural", 2000. - 320 p.
  4. Galieva, A. Accept gifts, Orenburg / A. Galieva // Evening Orenburg. - 2005. - September 8 (N 36). - P. 4-5.
  5. Ovchinnikova, N. And give everyone what they deserve / N. Ovchinnikova // Southern Urals. - 2005. - August 10 (N 155-156). - P. 1-3.

The term "art bronze" includes a huge variety of techniques and a variety of sculptural, applied and decorative products. These are small sculptures, various office items (writing instruments, paperweights, frames for miniatures and photographs), decorative vases, mantel clocks, etc.

Bronze casting reached its brightest peak in the 18th and 19th centuries. This type of art combines the imagination of the artist and sculptor, the skill of the model maker, the experience of the foundry, the virtuosity of the chaser, the painstakingness of the gilder, the perfection of technical thought and technology of his time. Since the 18th century, France has become the leader in the production of bronze products of unique beauty in Europe. Germany, Italy, Austria (Vienna bronze), Russia, etc. did not lag behind.

"Lucretia" - around 1851. Bronze sculpture from the Thiebaut Frere foundry. (The company was created in 1851 by Victor Thiébaut. A little later, Victor Thiébaut entered into a partnership with famous sculptors: David d'Angers, Carpeaux, Falguière, the Carrier-Belleuse company, Paul Dubois and Pradier. In 1898, Rodin himself signed a contract with this production - two of his works were cast here: St. John the Baptist and Triumph of Youth.) The height of the figurine is 12 inches.

Today, rarities in the form of bronze busts, figurines and items of stationery are from time to time put up for auction. As a rule, things date back to the end of the year before - the beginning of the last century; This is the period of the last heyday of artistic bronze.

Figurine of Grégoire Jean Louis(France, 1840-1890). Bronze on red marble. Height - 21 and a quarter inches.

"Sabrina" - Holmie Cardwell(England, 1815-1887). The bronze figurine was created in 1865. Holme Cardwell was born in Manchester in 1834, moved to Paris in 1841 and studied with David d'Angers (1788-1856). The marble original of the statuette was first exhibited at the Royal Academy in London in 1855 under the title "Sabrina" with an accompanying poem John Milton.

"Antiope" - Leon(France, 1840-1916). Bronze, date of creation - about 1900. Height 16 inches

"Toilet of Venus" - Karoly Shekeli(Hungary, 1882-1942). The figurine was created in 1931, bronze on pink marble. Height 15.5 inches.

Figurine "Athena". Around 1910. Vienna bronze. Height 14.5 inches

"Bather"(Germany/Austria, circa 1910). Bronze. Height - 23 cm

"Dance of the Nude with Cornucopia" - E. Saalmann(Germany, 1890 -1930). Bronze, date of creation - about 1900. Height 15.5 inches.

"Koy" - Philipp Johann Ferdinand (Fritz) Preuss(Germany, 1882 -1943). Bronze with gilding bronze. Date of creation - 1930. Height 9 cm.

"Forest Nymph" - Marcel Bouraine(France, 1886-1948). Bronze with green patina, chiton with silver foliage and brown enamel. Height 21.5 inches.

"Diana Queen of the Amazons" - Karl Neuhaus(Germany, 1881-). Bronze with gilding, date of creation - 1919. Height 15.14 inches.

Woman posing as a model - Jules Levasseur(France, 1831-1888). Bronze with gilding. Height 8 and 3/4 inches

"Nude" - L. Eisenberger(Germany, 1890-1930). Bronze with cold painting. Height 17 inches.

"Lullaby" (Psyche playing the violin) - Sylvain Kinsburger(France, 1855-1935). Bronze - circa 1891. Height 22 inches

"Andromeda" (unsigned). Vienna bronze polychromed. Date of creation - around 1910. Height 14 inches.

There is a monument near the Red October plant in Volgograd. Bronze is on fire, and inside the fiery bronze is a sailor. The artist managed to convey in metal the furious gaze of a sailor in the last minutes of his life....

There is a monument near the Red October plant in Volgograd. Bronze is on fire, and inside the fiery bronze is a sailor. The artist managed to convey in metal the furious gaze of a sailor in the last minutes of his life.

He stands, cutting off the enemy with his hands, not allowing him to pass through himself, burning in the flames of Stalingrad. The fire will not let him go, but the enemy will not pass through the flames of the burning sailor. Mikhail Panikakha remained forever in the city, where he did not allow the enemy.

The guy was drafted into the Red Army from Ukraine. The Pacific Fleet began its service. But the war changed the sailor's path. He is now in Stalingrad. Everyone submitted a report to be sent to the front. He got lucky. He was included in the favorites.

Mamayev Kurgan was the same then, only shells were exploding, and the Germans were coming from behind the mound towards the soldiers who were facing death in the middle of the fire. The enemy marched to Stalingrad, hoping to break through to the oil-rich Caucasus.

The attack rolled on one after another. The Pacific troops took on the tanks with only rifles in their hands. There was no technology. Seven tanks attacked living people, but only rage shone in the eyes of the sailors. Mikhail found himself in a trench, among German tanks.

How does a person decide to die, taking his enemy with him? This is incredibly scary. And it hurts. The guy only had grenades and Molotov cocktails left. He crawled forward.

The bullet hit the bottle with the mixture. It flared up like a bright torch in an instant. The hero spent his last strength to throw himself at Hitler’s tank with a burning torch. The burning man was glued to the enemy vehicle.

He was 24 years old. He had no children left. He died without letting the enemy into the city on the Volga. And it continues to burn on the streets of Volgograd for many years.

The feat of Mikhail Panikakha became known throughout the country. D. Bedny dedicated poems to him:

... He burned the enemy with his fire!
Legends will form about him,
Our immortal Red Navy man!

alloy in the name of one of the eras

Alternative descriptions

What is the Bronze Horseman cast from in St. Petersburg?

The material that gave its name to the era from 1800 to 700 AD. e.

Metal alloy based on copper, as well as products made from it

Alloy of copper with tin and other metals

Third-rate metal

Alloy of copper with various metals

For a long time this word was understood as "copper from Brindisi", but this etymology was eventually rejected

The gunner of the boat from the operetta by N. G. Minha “The Sea Spreads Wide”

Poultry raft from Rybakov’s work

Material from which the Bronze Horseman is made

Material from which a gift should be made for the eighth wedding anniversary

Copper alloy, products from which are awarded to athletes

Third-rate sports metal

Bronze Horseman Material

Alloy in tan description

Alloy busts

For third place

Alloy of figurines

Third-rate metal (sports)

Metal for the eighth wedding anniversary

Metal for the Bronze Horseman

Most of Auguste Rodin's works are made from this metal

Copper + tin for one of the eras

Third place medal

Copper-tin alloy

Rafting for the third prize winner

Statue metal

Rafting for the medal for third place

Alloy of copper and nickel with high electrical resistance

Alloy for busts and monuments

Alloy in the name of a historical era

Alloy that rhymes with bonzo

Metal for prize medals

Alloy of copper with tin and some other elements

Common name for many copper-based alloys

Alloy of copper with other metals

J. French an alloy of copper, tin and zinc. Bronze, pertaining to or made of bronze; powder, a mixture of gold leaf with earthy paints, in different shades. A bronze bill, in trade, non-cash, given before going into bankruptcy (bankruptcy), for sale, and division of proceeds. Bronze or bronze, give something a color, the appearance of bronze, paint, finish it like bronze, with paint or bronze powder, like red, yellow, green bronze. -sya, to be bronzed. Bronzing, bronzing cf. duration bronzing about. valid by verb; The ending in ka also refers to the quality of the work. This bronzing is not good. Bronzovka railway bronzing; bronze powder; a composition with which plaster and wooden things are rubbed, giving them the appearance of bronze. Bronzer worker m. working bronze and copper things; -chichiy, related to him

The gunner of the boat from the operetta by N. G. Minha “The Sea Spreads Wide”

The material that gave its name to the era from 1800 to 700 AD. uh

Rafting for the third person to finish

What is the Bronze Horseman cast from in St. Petersburg?

For a long time this word was understood as "copper from Brindisi", but this etymology was eventually rejected