Sample order to change the staffing table. How to remove a position from the staffing table

Making changes to employee documents when changing the staffing table

Salary changes

The staffing table is a document that is used to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing levels of an organization.

Staffing: development, approval, unified form

According to the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, approved. By Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37, drawing up a staffing table can be made the responsibility of a labor economist. Since not every organization has such a position, the company’s management independently decides who is responsible for this work.
If the head of an organization assigns this responsibility to an employee for whom it is not specified in the employment contract and (or) job description, then such a person is appointed by means of an order for the main activity.
An example form of an order assigning responsibilities to an employee to create a draft staffing table is given below.

The TCRF does not have a direct requirement for the presence of a staffing table in each organization, however, the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/04 No. 1 stipulates that unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment, incl. form T-3 (Staffing table), apply to organizations of all forms of ownership

The staffing table is approved by order (instruction) of the head of the organization or his authorized person.
In this order, in contrast to the standard form of an order for the main activity, there is no stating part, and the order can begin immediately with the words “I ORDER”, since no additional explanations are required to put the staffing table into effect. Although you can indicate the reasons (if any) why the new staffing table is approved.
The form of the order for approval of the staffing table is given below.

Until April 2001, legislation did not establish any requirements for the preparation of staffing tables. With the introduction of the Album of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 04/06/01 No. 26), the employer had the opportunity to use a ready-made staffing form - form T-3. In 2004, a new Album of unified forms was published, approved. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1, in which minor changes were made to the T-3 form. In fact, the approval visa signatures at the end of the form have changed. Here is an example of filling out the staffing table.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in the employee’s employment contract the job title must correspond to that specified in the staffing table.
If, in accordance with federal laws, the performance of work in certain positions, specialties or professions is associated with the provision of benefits or the presence of restrictions, then the names of these positions, specialties or professions and the qualification requirements for them must correspond to the names and requirements specified in the qualification reference books approved in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
At the moment, there are the following reference books that can be used when establishing a profession (position) in the staffing table:
- ETKS - Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers;
- Unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and employees;
- OKPDTR - All-Russian classifier of workers' professions, employee positions and tariff categories.

Making changes to the staffing table

There are two ways to make changes to the staffing table.
First, you can change the staffing table itself. The new staffing table with the next registration number is approved by the order for the main activity.
Secondly, as a rule, when changes made to the staffing table are not significant, they can be formalized by means of an order for the main activity.
If changes are made to the staffing table by means of an order, the title of the order may be as follows:
"On amendments to the staffing table";
"On changes in staffing";
"On a partial change in the staffing table."
The following reasons may be stated as the basis for the order:
- improving the organizational structure of the company;
- carrying out activities aimed at improving the activities of individual structural units;
- reorganization of the company;
- expansion or reduction of the company's production base;
- changes in legislation;
- optimization of management work;
- planning and economic calculations of the HR department, elimination of duplication of functions, etc.
The form for an order to amend the staffing table is given below.

When a change in staffing occurs, it is necessary to correctly assess the changes occurring in connection with this.
When new positions are added to the current staffing table, old ones are eliminated, the name of a position is changed, new departments are created, these processes often affect existing personnel, and then it is necessary to make changes and adjustments to the personnel documents of employees depending on what changes are introduced. It can be:
1) renaming the position;
2) translation;
3) renaming the department;
4) assignment of additional responsibilities;
5) changes in salaries.
In all these cases, the HR employee needs to carry out different procedures for preparing personnel documents.
Let's consider all these options separately.
Renaming a position occurs when an employee currently working and performing certain duties does not change anything that would entail a change in his job function or normal workday routine. However, it must be remembered that according to Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the name of the position, specialty, profession is an essential condition of the employment contract. Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that for reasons related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions, at the initiative of the employer, changes to the essential conditions of the employment contract determined by the parties are allowed. A prerequisite is that as a result of such changes, the employee’s labor function must remain unchanged. In addition, part 2 of Art. 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation also establishes a special procedure for such changes - the employee must be warned in writing no later than 2 months before their introduction.
Thus, in the case of renaming a position, in addition to making changes to the staffing table (by issuing an order on the main activity), it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the employee. If the employee does not agree, he should act in the manner prescribed by Art. 73 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. After this, appropriate adjustments are made to the personal T-2 card and work book. An example of making an entry is given below.

According to Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, transfer is a change in the labor function or essential terms of the employment contract, in particular the place of work (indicating the structural unit), if this is indicated in the employment contract, labor function, rights and responsibilities of the employee, characteristics of working conditions, benefits and compensation, regime work and rest, conditions of remuneration.
A permanent transfer at the initiative of the employer in the same organization is permitted with the written consent of the employee. The first document when registering a transfer should be a proposal for transfer, then - written changes to the employment contract, signed by the employee and the employer. After this, a transfer order is issued (unified form T-5), the basis for which is an amendment to the employment contract. After this, changes are made to the work book and personal T-2 card.
Below is a diagram of document preparation when transferring an employee and a scheme for making changes (additions) to the employment contract.

The staffing table (SHR or in common parlance - “shtatka”) contains a list of structural units, the names of positions, specialties, professions indicating qualifications, as well as information on the number of positions (Decree of the State Statistics Committee of January 5, 2004 No. 1). The same resolution also approved the unified form No. T-3, which is installed in all personnel accounting software products and, as a rule, is used by organizations and entrepreneurs.

Please note that it is not mandatory for non-governmental organizations. The Federal Service for Labor and Employment (Rostrud) has repeatedly indicated in its letters that they have the right to use forms of primary accounting documents developed independently.

Approval of staffing

It is approved by an order of the employer, which is signed by the head of the organization or another person authorized by him.

Making changes to the staffing table

The law does not establish the number of such documents, nor specific deadlines or periods for correction. As a rule, in such cases an order is issued to approve the ShR. If the innovations are not large-scale, you can get by with an order to make changes. It approves innovations, and they can be indicated in the text of the document or issued as an appendix. The document is signed by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him. There is no unified form; the employer has the right to develop it independently. The main principle is to record all the adjustments made. You can use our example of an order to change the staffing table.

Amendments are made in the following cases:

  • when introducing a new position or a new structural unit;
  • when their name changes;
  • when the salary or tariff rate changes;
  • when eliminating vacant positions and departments;
  • when reducing staff or numbers.

Introduction of new staff units

When it is necessary to hire a specialist whose position is not provided for in the staff, or to add an entire unit to the organization, an order is issued to introduce new units. It must contain information about the name of the structural unit, position name, number of rates, salary or tariff rate.

Changing the title of a position or department

Renaming, as a rule, does not entail a correction in the labor function of an employee (or an entire department). If the labor function changes, then renaming cannot be carried out. It is required to formalize the transfer of an employee (or several employees) to a new position. Changing the name will entail making adjustments and additions to the employment contract, the work book and the employee’s personal card.

Order to amend the staffing table

Thus, such innovations not only require notification, but also consent from employees. In case of refusal, the employer should be guided by Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, without missing the mandatory notification to the employee two months before the adjustments. You can use this sample order to change the staffing table.

Adjustment of salaries or tariff rates

This is a change in the terms of remuneration agreed in the employment contract. Therefore, it requires mandatory agreement with the employee even if the salary increases. In case of refusal of the employee, the employer should be guided by Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Listing of vacant positions and departments

This procedure does not require agreement with employees. These positions are not filled and therefore can be eliminated at the discretion of the employer.

Important point! If staff reduction is planned, then it is better to remove vacant positions from the ShR before the start of the reduction procedure, and not simultaneously with it.

Staff reduction

These are the most time-consuming innovations and should be prepared in advance. The employer must ensure that vacant positions are removed from the SR and that the new structure meets the needs of the organization. Employees are notified of the upcoming dismissal by the employer personally and against signature at least two months in advance. The corresponding order must also be issued at least 2 months before making adjustments. To make changes to the staffing table, use the sample order below.

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  1. Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.

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  • The procedure for making changes to the staffing table

    Reasons for making changes to the staffing table

    Making changes to the staffing table.

    Changes to the staffing table are made on the basis of a decision made by the employer, fixed by order. Changes may be of the following nature:

    — exclusion of vacant positions or entire departments due to organizational changes in the work of an organization or enterprise;

    — introduction of new staffing positions if it is necessary to expand production or increase the services provided;

    — reduction of staff units associated with a reduction in the number or staff of an organization or individual entrepreneur;

    — changes in salaries;

    — renaming departments and positions, etc.

    Changes to the staffing table can be made in two ways:

    — issuing an order on the corresponding change;

    — approval of the new staffing table.

    The employer independently decides on the method of making changes to the staffing table. When carrying out measures to reduce staff or numbers, the law also does not oblige the employer to introduce a new staffing table, i.e. he has the right to make changes to what is already in force by order. Thus, the employer can have one staffing table throughout the entire activity of the organization and only regulate the number of positions or structural units by orders.

    The employer is obliged to submit information on the availability of vacant jobs (positions) monthly to the employment service authorities (Clause 3, Article 25, Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation”). Part 1 art. 8 of Moscow Law No. 46 dated October 1, 2008 “On employment in the city of Moscow” contains a similar rule. The employer provides information about the need for employees (availability of vacant jobs, positions) in accordance with the procedure approved by Decree of the Moscow Government dated June 23, 2009 N 579-PP.

    1. Adding new positions and structural units to the staffing table

    If it is necessary to add a position to a structural unit or an entire unit within the organization, an order should be issued to make appropriate changes to the staffing table, i.e. on the introduction of new units. There is no unified form for such an order, so the employer has the right to develop it independently. This order is signed by the head of the organization or an authorized person. The date of introduction of the new position may not coincide with the date of issue of the order, i.e. changes may be introduced later (for example, the date of issue of the order is November 28, 2009, and the position is introduced from December 15, 2009). When adding to the staffing table, the employer is not obliged to familiarize employees with the changes being made.

    The diagram below contains information on ways to make changes to the staffing table by adding new positions (staffing units) or structural units, as well as the main steps that need to be completed.

    Ways to supplement staffing

    Unified form

    not provided.

    The project should indicate:

    - the date from which the entries are made


    I. Compiling a new one II. Making changes - names of new ones

    staffing table into the current staffing table of structural divisions,


    — number of new staff

    - salary amount (additional payments,

    Read more about this Drawing up a draft order for allowances).

    stage, see "Drafting Changes can be entered

    staffing table" from the date of issue of the order on

    of this material approval of the staff

    schedule or later.

    Signing the order Signing the order

    Head of the organization

    or a person authorized

    for approval (change)

    The order is registered

    Registration of an order in a journal (on paper)

    media or electronic

    form). Unified

    magazine form

    not provided.

    Storing an order Changes to standard

    schedules are stored


    2. Exclusion of vacant positions and structural units from the staffing table

    Vacant positions are excluded from the staffing table on the basis of an order from the manager or an authorized person. In this case, notification of employees about a reduction in numbers or staff is also not required, since these positions are not occupied by employees.

    Before starting the procedure for reducing staff or the number of employees, the employer is recommended to eliminate vacant positions in advance, and not simultaneously with notifying employees about the upcoming dismissal, since the removal of vacant positions without offering them to employees subject to dismissal may be regarded by the court as non-compliance with the procedure preceding the dismissal of employees on the basis provided for in clause 2, part 1, art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Since the order to exclude units from the staffing table is drawn up in a form developed by the employer independently, it is not necessary to indicate the salary or wages in it, unlike the order to introduce a staffing unit.

    3. Exclusion from the staffing table of staff units or structural units when reducing numbers or staff

    The right to make a decision to reduce staff or numbers is granted to the employer. The main condition for holding such events is compliance with the norms of Part 3 of Art.

    How to change an employee's salary

    81, art. Art. 82 and 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, i.e. written notification to employees, participation of the elected body of the primary trade union organization (if any) and offer of vacancies to employees subject to dismissal.

    3.1. The procedure for making changes to the staffing table when reducing staff or numbers

    The decision to reduce staff or the number of employees is made by the employer independently and is caused by a difficult production or economic situation in an organization or an individual entrepreneur, or organizational changes that do not allow maintaining a full staff of employees.

    After making a decision to reduce staff or the number of employees, the employer must take the following actions in relation to the staffing table:

    1. Issue an order to exclude certain staff units or positions from the staffing table or to approve a new staffing table without including the positions being reduced. When determining the date of entry into force of a new staffing table or making changes to it, it is necessary to be guided by Part 2 of Art. 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes that employees must be warned about the upcoming layoff at least two months in advance. Thus, the date of entry into force of changes cannot occur earlier than 2 months after the issuance of the order (for example, the date of issue of the order to make changes is 01/11/2010, and changes must be put into effect no earlier than 03/12/2010).

    2. Issue an order, regulation or other administrative document, which indicates the measures being taken to reduce the staff or number of employees of the organization, the date of the proposed changes, divisions, positions, surnames, first names, patronymics of employees subject to dismissal, their rights and the guarantees provided in accordance with legislation.

    3. Prepare and issue notices to employees subject to dismissal due to a reduction in staff or staff (if the employees were not familiarized with the order to reduce staff or staff against signature). The law does not establish the employer’s obligation to give the employee a copy of such a notice, so it is enough to familiarize the employee with it against signature (Part 2 of Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    4. Changes in salaries in the staffing table

    If the employer intends to change the salary levels, then he is obliged to take measures to notify employees about this and make changes to employment contracts, and if employees refuse to work under the new conditions, terminate their employment relationship on the grounds provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    After the employer makes a decision to change the salary level, it is necessary to issue an order to amend the staffing table, drawn up in any form, which is signed by the manager or an authorized person.

    5. Renaming positions and departments

    If the employer intends to change the job title, he must obtain the employee's consent to do so. In case of refusal of the latter, one should be guided by the norm of Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    If the employer decides to rename a structural unit or a specific position, it is necessary to issue an order to amend the staffing table signed by the manager or other authorized person.

    If the management of the organization decided to revise the salaries of employees, reduce them or introduce a new position, it will be necessary to issue an order to change the staffing table. In the article we will look in detail at how to draw up an order, and also provide examples of orders to change the staffing table for 2018.

    Reasons for changes in staffing levels

    1. The emergence of a new position or unit: is formalized by an order on a new staffing unit, which should indicate the name of the position or new unit, the number of new units, as well as their salary (including additional payments and allowances);
    2. Exclusion of a position: formalized by an order to exclude a staff unit (or units), which indicates the date of change, name and number;
    3. Staff reduction: before issuing an order, employees are notified of a reduction in staffing rates (2 months in advance), and also offer other vacant positions. After this, an order is issued on a new staffing table;
    4. Salary change: before issuing the order, employees are notified of the salary change (2 months in advance), and are also offered new positions if, for example, the employee refused to work with the new salary. After this, an order is issued on a new staffing table;
    5. Changing the name of a department or position: the same applies as when changing the salary.

    To organize personnel records in a company, beginner HR officers and accountants are perfectly suited to the author’s course by Olga Likina (accountant M.Video management) ⇓

    Procedure for making changes

    Changes to the staffing table can be made at any time as the need arises.

    Important! The head of the organization decides how many times to change the staffing table. You can do this as often as needed.

    If there is a change in the schedule of the position of any employee or his salary, the employment contract concluded with him will also need to be changed. At the same time, before making changes to the schedule, you need to formalize the transfer of the employee to another position. This can be done using an order using the approved T-5 form (see →), or using a self-developed form. The employee will need to enter into an additional agreement to the employment contract, and also make a note about the transfer in the work record book.

    How to notify an employee about a change in staffing schedule

    The employee retains the right not to agree to new working conditions; in this case, the employer sends the employee an offer for another job, also in writing. If the employer cannot offer a position similar to the previous conditions, then he has the right to offer a position that is lower paid and lower-ranking. If the employee refuses, he will need to formalize his dismissal, the basis of which will be: “refusal of a job offer due to a change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties,” that is, clause 7, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Depending on the reason for making changes to the schedule, they also differ in how to draw up the order.

    Here are examples of the main orders when changing the staffing table depending on the reason:

    Those employees who are directly affected by the changes must sign the acknowledgment. A new schedule containing all changes is attached to the order itself. The order should indicate the date from which the new schedule comes into force, and also appoint someone responsible for the execution of the order. The responsible person can be the head of the organization or an employee of the human resources department.

    Changes to staffing

    As mentioned above, there are no restrictions on the number and frequency of changes made to the staffing table. The manager has the right to independently decide when to change the staffing table. This can be done both from the beginning of the year and in its middle.

    Important! Even a temporary transfer of an employee to another position must be reflected in the staffing table. After the transfer is completed, an order is issued to change the schedule, and the period for which the new position is introduced is also indicated.

    Responsibility for failure to make changes to the staffing table

    Violation of the requirements of labor legislation, for example, a discrepancy between the number of employees and the staffing table, etc., entails administrative liability with a fine imposed on the organization and officials:

    • 30,000 – 50,000 rubles – for organization;
    • 1,000 – 5,000 rubles – per official.

    In order to avoid unnecessary fines for the organization and its leader, it is necessary to promptly make changes to the organization’s staffing table in accordance with the requirements established by law.

    How to draw up an order to make changes to the staffing table?

    The staffing table is a fundamental document that every enterprise should have. Naturally, at state enterprises it is developed and formalized strictly in accordance with established rules, and at private enterprises in a more free form.

    The precise coordinated work of the entire team depends on the correct placement of personnel, where the number of staff positions for the work performed corresponds to its volume, there should be no places where a person “serves time”, while in the neighboring department they work “without raising their heads” for the same money.

    How the enterprise is organized, what departments, workshops, teams it consists of, how many people are engaged in what work, how much they receive - all information can be obtained from this document.

    To register the staffing table, there is a special form approved in 2004.

    If there is a small number of employees, it is possible to list the composition on one form; in other cases, the composition of each structural unit is drawn up on a separate sheet.

    Filling out the schedule begins by filling out the “header”. Fits:

    • enterprise code corresponding to the classifier of enterprises and organizations, abbreviated OKPO.
    • the name of the organization as written in the constituent documents.
    • the date the staffing table was drawn up and a number is assigned; at the beginning of the year it is usually number one, but numbering by year is also possible. The dates of preparation and approval may not coincide.

    You can download a sample T-3 form for changing the staffing table.

    Period of validity of the staffing table

    Usually the staffing schedule is approved for a year.

    Under the word “APPROVE” write the number of the order by which the staffing table is carried out, its date, and the number of staffing units obtained by summing up the results in column 4.

    • In the table itself, in the first column, write the name of the structural unit and its code, if there are many of them in the enterprise
    • The third column lists all positions for each structural unit, starting with management and ending with employees, indicating qualifications, degrees, ranks
    • The fourth column indicates the number of staff positions for a given specialty with a given level of qualifications, a minimum of a quarter of the rate or more, there may be several of them
    • The fifth column indicates the salary per person corresponding to the position.
    • The following columns indicate all kinds of monthly allowances for additional skills and non-standard situations, such as an academic degree, difficult working conditions, for knowledge of foreign languages, and others.

    For each line, the amount of salary and bonuses is summed up and multiplied by the number of rates.

    For example, there are two positions for a truck driver with a salary of 15,000 rubles. Part of the route in their work takes place abroad, so an allowance of 1,500 rubles is provided. for knowledge of the language, for difficult working conditions 1000 rubles.

    We add 15000+1500+1000=17500 rubles x 2 people. We receive a monthly payment fund for drivers.

    The results obtained for all positions are summed up, and the resulting amount will be the monthly salary fund of the enterprise.

    The staffing table is endorsed by the head of personnel and the chief accountant, or simply the chief accountant in a small enterprise.

    All names of structural units, positions, allowances for state enterprises must be taken only from the corresponding approved lists; a position incorrectly entered in the work book may deprive him of his pension. Salaries cannot be less than the approved minimum.

    When is it necessary to make changes to the staffing table?

    Changes in staffing reflect changes in the enterprise.

    Whether it is the opening of new promising branches, the closure of non-profit-making workshops, changing the names of departments or positions, replacing one with another, the emergence of new ones, the elimination of positions and structural divisions, changes in pay, behind all actions there are specific employees performing specific work.

    And when changes occur in the structure of the enterprise, they are reflected in the staffing table.

    Sometimes it is enough to make changes to the staffing table, and sometimes there are too many of them and it is necessary to draw up a new one, which is approved by the order to create a new staffing table and it receives a different number.

    What is an order to amend the staffing table?

    1. The manager orders the preparation of an order to amend the staffing table. The order states:

    • name of the organization, city, date of the order, its number.

    2. Then comes the wording: On making changes to the staffing table.

    3.State the reason why the change occurs. It sounds like this:

    • Due to improved structuring,
    • In connection with the improvement of the enterprise,
    • Due to the increase in the number of specified services, etc.

    I ORDER:

    5. The last paragraph indicates who will make the change and within what time frame.
    Signed by the manager, performer. Persons affected by this order leave their signatures under the title familiarized with the order.

    This is a traditional form of drawing up an order, since there is no clear approved template.

    Orders concerning changes in position must be given to the employee for review, and written consent must be obtained from him; an entry corresponding to the change must be made in the work book.

    When changing salaries and allowances, the employee must be notified 2 months in advance; the changes are reflected in the employment contract.

    Special case: reduction in the number of employees at certain job levels or the positions themselves. If it entails the dismissal of employees due to reduction, Article 81 of the Labor Code, the administration is obliged to warn them two months in advance, Article 180 of the Labor Code.

    Approved by order, for example, on January 1, the changed staffing schedule begins to take effect two months later, on March 1.

    Why are changes to the order important?

    All orders for personnel, where there is a mention of the position held, movements, payment, are registered in the order book and stored permanently, a copy is filed in the personal file of the person to whom it concerns.

    In case of any controversial issues, the order must be taken into account by the court.

    Disputes about illegal dismissal, incorrect payment of compensation, issues arising when calculating pensions make orders for changes in staffing by objective evidence and irrefutable evidence, which clearly indicates the correspondence of the salary and benefits to the position held.

    Getting financial assistance from an organization is not that difficult. There is a sample application and rules for its preparation.

    Who is responsible for drawing up the orders?

    The preparation of orders for personnel work, if there is no personnel department, is carried out by order of the manager by the person who is entrusted with such responsibility by order. If the company is small, personnel work is usually entrusted to the secretary or accountant and issued with a special order.

    In addition to the fact that the staffing table reflects the structure of the enterprise, it clearly demonstrates salary costs, which contributes to the correct planning of the process, distribution of personnel, and, ultimately, affects the efficiency of the organization.

    A must have in every organization; it allows you to correct errors in your work and stay in touch with clients. Read about the rules for maintaining this book at the link.

    Producing change orders helps monitor staffing status, notify employees about changes, a copy of the order is given to the accounting department for timely accruals, and is filed in the personal files of those employees to whom they concern, entries are made on them in work books, and they are stored in personal files, helping to resolve issues about accruals, in the event their occurrence.

    To learn how to change the staffing table in ZUP 3.0, watch this video:

    Order to amend the staffing table

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    It is obvious that it is difficult to implement a competent personnel policy without such an important personnel document as the staffing table. The staffing table is used to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing levels of an organization in accordance with its Charter or Regulations.

    Nina Kovyazina answers,
    Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare of the Russian Ministry of Health

    Changes to the staffing table can be made at any time when there is a need, since the employer determines the frequency and frequency of changes in the staffing table independently ( ). Thus, re-approve the staffing table every year if there is no need to make any changes to it .

    In addition to renaming positions, changing the size and composition of payments, etc., labor legislation has separate procedures that can also lead to a transformation of the staffing table. For example, ( ), ( ) etc…

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    The order to amend the staffing table for 2017 is an order for core activities. A unified form of this order has never existed. Those. and in 2017 compiled in any form. Despite this, it is very important to comply with the following conditions:

    1. The document is printed on the organization's letterhead.
    2. The name of the administrative act must be indicated - “ Order»;
    3. The name of the order must include a brief summary of the document. In this case, the order may be called:
      1. « About changes to the staffing table»;
      2. « About changes in staffing»;
      3. « To change the staffing table».
    4. The text of the order must consist of two parts: stating and administrative.

    The first part indicates the reasons and (or) grounds for making changes to the staffing table. They are different. This may include reorganization and optimization of the company structure, as well as the introduction of professional standards, or reducing ineffective ones.

    The second contains specific changes made to the staffing table. It is mandatory to indicate the date of entry into force of the changes made. Depending on the changes made to the staffing table, the order may contain an order to the personnel service or personnel employee to ensure the execution of the relevant documents. For example, notifications workers, etc.

    Changes in staffing due to the introduction of a new position

    If the volume of work in a structural unit increases or a new production line opens, it may be necessary .

    As stated above, in such cases it is necessary to issue an order. An order to change the staffing table in connection with the introduction of a new position 2017 is a type of order to change the staffing table. The main points in preparing the draft order for the introduction of a new position correspond to those mentioned earlier.

    What should you pay attention to?

    The order to change the staffing table in connection with the introduction of a new position in 2017 must contain:

    1. Name of the position being introduced;
    2. The name of the structural unit (if any) into which the new position is being introduced;
    3. Number of staff units for the position being introduced;
    4. provided for the new position;
    5. Effective date of the changes made;
    6. Instructing the HR employee to prepare a draft job description for the new position.

    When introducing a new position into the staffing table in 2017, do not forget the following:

    if in accordance

    • with the Labor Code;
    • with other federal laws

    Since the performance of work in certain positions, professions and specialties is associated with the provision of compensation and benefits or the presence of restrictions, then the names of these positions, professions or specialties must correspond to the names specified in the qualification directories approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, or the relevant provisions .

    To give the order to change the staffing table for 2017 legal force, it must be signed by the head of the organization. This can also be done by another official authorized by the manager. Props " Signature " includes:

    • job title of the person signing the document;
    • personal signature;
    • decryption of the signature (initials, surname).

    Practical situation

    When can changes be made to the staffing table if an employee is ill on the day of dismissal due to redundancy?

    The answer was prepared jointly with the editors of the magazine " »

    Veronica SHATROVA answers,
    labor law expert, director and editor-in-chief of System Personnel

    On the day of layoffs, one of the employees is on sick leave, the other is on vacation. Can we make changes to the staffing table? If not, when is this possible?

    Make changes to the staffing table as employees are actually reduced. The draft new staffing table is being developed simultaneously with the order to reduce staffing at the first stage of staff optimization. If the dismissal of employees occurs later than planned, then make changes to the staffing table in relation to the number and positions of such employees strictly from the next day after their dismissal.

    And only after signing, the order to change the staffing table for 2017 is registered in , in which information about orders for core activities is entered. The registration number and date of registration are indicated on the order.

    Do not worry if the date of registration of the order and the date from which the changes are put into effect differ. Sometimes this is necessary to comply with labor law requirements.

    And only after signing, the order to change the staffing table for 2017 is registered in a special form in which orders for core activities are registered. The registration number and date of registration are indicated on the order.

    Do not worry if the date of registration of the order and the date from which the changes are put into effect differ. Sometimes this is necessary to comply with labor law requirements.

    The clearest example of this is the reduction of the organization's workforce. After all, according to part two of Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation about the upcoming The organization must be notified personally and against signature at least two months before dismissal.

    With the order to change the staffing table for 2017, you need , who are entrusted by this order with further preparation and execution of the necessary personnel documents. It is advisable to do this under signature.

    If the changes made to the staffing table affect certain employees, then it makes sense to familiarize them with this order as well. An example would be a situation where , but there is no change in the employee’s labor function. Obviously, the employee has the right to find out about this before signing an additional agreement to the employment contract.

    To summarize, we can conclude that changes are allowed to the organization’s staffing table. The number and frequency of changes made are not regulated by labor legislation. One of the options for making such changes is to issue an order to change the staffing table.

    When creating this document, it is necessary to take into account some features. This is important, since an incorrectly completed order may be invalidated by inspection authorities or in the event of a dispute between an employee and an employer.