New memorable places of our city. Class hour "memorable places of my city" Project memorable places of the city

Our city is small, it is not many years old, but wonderful people live and work in it, who remember their past, improve the present and think about the future. But the future is impossible without the past, without the memory of it... By definition, the word “monument” is interpreted as “a sculptural or architectural structure in memory of someone or something,” as well as “a preserved object of the culture of the past.”

And today I want to show you the monuments of our city. After all, Monuments reflect the most significant events in the life of the city and country, images of outstanding personalities.

Monuments for labor victories are installed in all cities; they are very different in appearance. These are installed in our city.

Thousands of kilometers separated Prokopyevsk from the front during the Great Patriotic War. But thousands of the finest threads connected him with the active army. Not everyone returned from the battlefields. The memory of the dead is sacred. There is no district or mine in the city where an obelisk, monument, or stele has not been erected in their honor and glory.


Monument of Glory in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany

erected on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Victory. The author of the architectural composition is a teacher at children's art school No. 8, now an Honored Worker of Culture of Russia - Nikolai Georgievich Kalpidis. Three concrete faces, symbolizing the connection of generations, are crowned with a waving banner - a symbol of Victory. On the pedestal there is a memorial plaque on which the words are carved: “Dedicated to the Soviet soldiers, home front workers who forged victory in the Great Patriotic War. May 1975" The composition is made of concrete and metal. Height with base 16 m.


Installed on Komsomolskaya Street in 1958. The author of the project is the architect Grigory Polonskikh, the sculptors are A.N. Cheglakov and A.V. Sidorov.

On the tetrahedral pedestal is the figure of a warrior clutching a machine gun. The height of the figure is 2 m, the height of the obelisk is 6 m. The pedestal is lined with marble tiles.


Prokopchane - Heroes of the Soviet Union: Evgeniy Alexandrovich Azarov; Buslov Fedor Vasilievich; Gnedin Viktor Alexandrovich; Dyuzhev Mikhail Konstantinovich; Zonov Panteley Petrovich; Kolpakov Petr Ivanovich; Martekhov Vasily Fedorovich; Selivanov Evgraf Iosifovich; Ulanin Dmitry Dmitrievich; Chernov Grigory Ivanovich; Chernykh Ivan Sergeevich; Chechenev Mikhail Semenovich; Shelomtsev Nikolay Grigorievich; Shishkin Mikhail Vladimirovich; Shultz Mikhail Mikhailovich.


Installed on May 8, 1970 on the street named after. Artem. Authors: G.T. Kazantsev, I.A. Ksenofontov, G.V. Statsenko. On a ten-meter concrete slab there are images of the figures of a young soldier and a woman. On the marble slab are the words: “To fellow countrymen who fell in battles for their Motherland 1941-1945.” The warrior clutches a machine gun in one hand and a helmet in the other. In the woman’s hands are laurel and oak branches and a miner’s lamp.


The complex is made in the form of a concrete wall with portraits of people whose names some streets of Prokopyevsk bear. Part of the wall consists of concrete slabs with the inscriptions “1941 – 1945” and an image of a warrior holding a pistol. The top of the wall is crowned with the inscription: “The streets of the city are named after them.”


Located on the street. Lebedeva, 2, near the Shakhtostroiteley Palace of Culture. Opened in 1964. The memorial is made of concrete in the form of a tower about 3 m high. In front of the tower there is an arch made of stone. The monument is framed on both sides by concrete obelisks with a sloping top. The words on them:
“We always cherish the memory of you, nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten” and
“Russia remembers, Russia honors those who, following orders, did not return home.” The memorial is located on an elevated square pedestal covered with marble tiles. Framed with cast iron chains.


Located at the administrative building of the mine named after. Voroshilov. Installed in 1975 in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Victory in Nazi Germany.
The memorial was reconstructed in 2005.


Located near the administration building of the Ziminka mine; opened in 1970
It is a rectangular vertical slab 3 m high, made of concrete. There are two marble plaques on the stele. On the top board is the inscription: “Eternal glory to the warrior-miners who fell in battles for the Soviet Motherland in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 – 1945.” The names of the victims are immortalized on the lower marble plaque. At the bottom of the stele there is an image of an eternal flame and a guards ribbon.


The memorial was erected on the territory of the modern NPO “Razvitie” (former PZShA plant) in 1970. It is a stylized trench made of concrete. At the top of the trench is a marble slab topped with a five-pointed star with the image of a hammer and sickle. On the slab there is the inscription: “Eternal glory to those who fell in the fight for the freedom and independence of our Motherland”; in the center of the trench there is a marble slab with the names of the dead and an image of a laurel branch.
The complex is installed in the center of a flower garden. In front of the memorial there is a rectangular horizontal slab with the image of a five-pointed star.



At the request of city residents, the city executive committee decided to name one of the streets of Prokopyevsk after the Losevs who died in the Great Patriotic War. A stele was erected in honor of the Losev brothers in 1975.


Erected in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Victory, it was inaugurated on June 22, 1995. The design of the monument was made by the Honored Worker of Culture, member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation O.D. Komarov (the project won the city competition announced the day before). The monument consists of two rectangular steles 10 m long and 3 m high, lined with marble tiles. The names of 4,730 Prokop residents who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, disappeared, and died of wounds in hospitals are carved on the slabs. The lists are preceded by the words “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten,” made of metal. For the 60th anniversary of the Victory in 2005, another 70 names were added to the lists, identified during the search work of the local history museum



On April 26, 2001, a stone was laid on the Alley of Heroes, and on the day of the city on August 24, 2001, the first monument to Chernobyl victims in Kuzbass was solemnly opened.


Opened 08/24/2001.
The monument was made and installed by the builders of DSK, the workers of Prodmash and the experimental KuzNIUI plant.Made of metal in the shape of a parachute about 1m high. On a small pedestal there is a marble slab with the inscription: “To the soldiers of Russia who died in the hot spots of the planet.
The alarming pulse of military operations
Knocking on the doors of our peaceful days.
We remember you, fighters of hot spots,
Bowing to the sorrow of mothers...
330 people were sent from Prokopyevsk to Afghanistan. Three of them did not return.
This is Valery Simbirsky (07/04/1960 – 04/14/1980)
Vitaly Tarasov (October 31, 1959 – January 21, 1983)
Timergaliev Ravil (11/6/1962 – 11/18/1984)


Monuments for labor victories are erected in all cities; they are very different in appearance. These are installed in our city.


The stela is located on Victory Square, next to the Drama Theater. Opened August 23, 2006 The stele is made in the form of a rectangle and covered with marble tiles. On one side of the stele there is an image of the Star of Heroes of the Soviet Union and the names of the Heroes of the Soviet Union.
Nearby on the same side is an image of the star of the Heroes of Socialist Labor and the names of the Heroes of Socialist Labor. On the reverse side is carved the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (city award) and the names of the city's Honorary Citizens.


The monument to the steam locomotive was installed on the station square and was inaugurated on August 2, 2008, Railwayman's Day.
The Lebedyansky steam device is the official name of the steam locomotive. But the railway workers affectionately call him “Swan”. He hauled coal trains, military trains, and passenger trains for thousands of kilometers. Now his place is on the pedestal.
But we all remember that it is in reserve.


Installed in 1967 on Shakhterov Square in honor of the All-Union mining record set in 1964 by the team of Hero of Socialist Labor Nikolai Georgievich Kochetkov (mine “3-3-bis”, later “Central”). A coal loading machine UP-3 is installed on the pedestal. the pedestal rises on an artificial green hill. The side part is decorated with a bas-relief depicting a miner. The grand opening of the obelisk took place on October 20, 1967, on the day of the 50th anniversary of the Prokopyevsky mine.



It was opened in October 1967 near the cinema, which since 1937 has been named after the writer. A full-length sculptural image of N. Ostrovsky in an overcoat and budenovka is installed on a rectangular pedestal 2.5 m high. The height of the sculpture is 3 m. Material is concrete.

IN MEMORY OF HIS MEETING WITH THE MINERS OF THE CITY IN 1934. Installed in 1952 to the right of the entrance to the administrative building of the mine named after. Kalinin (now the management of the Kalininsky open-pit mine) The monument is a bust of M.I. Kalinin, mounted on a tetrahedral concrete pedestal. In 1934, the construction of mine No. 7 in Prokopyevsk was completed. Its opening coincided with the arrival in the city of the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the USSR M.I. Kalinina. In honor of Kalinin’s arrival, he met with the miners of the mine and a mine gathering of shock miners. In memory of the stay of M.I. Kalinin at the mine, the mine was named after him.

The monument is located on Avenue. Gagarin. Opened on October 24, 1984, dedicated to the USSR pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Boris Valentinovich Volynov, whose childhood and youth were spent in Prokopyevsk. The monument is a bronze bust of B.V. Volynov, mounted on a round pedestal 5 m high.
...Once again -
not for the first time -
Delight and joy - in full growth:
Soviet Russia again
On ships near distant stars!
You won’t even find the right words here,
How happy every Siberian is.
After all, there, in the heroic crew,
Our fellow countryman from Prokopyevsk!
A lot of feelings rushed to my chest,
It fills our hearts.
Good luck to you, Boris Volynov!
And to all the space eagles!
Mikhail Nebogatov


Sverdlovsk region Artemovsky urban district

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 3"

nomination: methodological development

cool hour on the topic

"Monuments of the native city"

developed by a 1st category teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 3"

Simonenko O.A.

Artemovsky, 2018

Thematic class hour on the topic “Monuments of the native city.”

Explanatory note.

Currently, there is an acute need for the revival and restoration of spirituality, the formation of a moral personality, a citizen and patriot of one’s country.Raising a mature, harmonious personality is impossible without knowledge of the history of one’s native land.. Therefore, the school should instillfeelings of patriotism, love for one’s homeland, pride in one’s country. This is stated in the document“Strategy for the patriotic education of citizens in the Sverdlovsk region until 2020.”

What is a small homeland? Probably every person can answer this question. Does he know the history of his native land? Most likely no. The class teacher often encounters this problem. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce students to the history of their small homeland and attend excursions to memorable places in the city. This year our city turns 80 years old. This class hour is dedicated to this date.

The class hour is addressed to 5th grade students.

Purpose of the lesson. To attract students’ attention to the cultural and historical heritage of their small homeland, to tell about the bright pages of the life of our city.


1. Broaden the horizons of students by studying historical material about their small homeland.

2. Contribute to the formation of students’ civic position and a sense of belonging to their region.

3. Contribute to the creation of a mini-project “My great-grandfather is the defender of the fatherland”

Predicted result :

Upon reaching personal results Students will develop:

Educational interest in the history of your “Small Motherland”.

A sense of beauty and aesthetic feelings based on acquaintance with the city’s monuments.

Upon reachingmeta-subject The student’s results will be formed:

The ability to plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

Ability to express speech orally and in writing;

The ability to search for the necessary information to complete tasks using additional literature, the media, encyclopedias, reference books (including electronic, digital), Internet information and live communication with relatives.

The result of this event will be a mini-project “Book of Memory”. The exhibition of works will be timed to coincide with Victory Day or Defender of the Fatherland Day. At the next class hour, dedicated to the “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland,” students will be asked to talk about their great-grandfather, who fought in the Second World War of 1941-1945.

The duration of the event is 40-45 minutes.

Equipment – ​​multimedia projector, computer, whiteboard.

Class plan .

« For Russia, our city is a particle,
And for us it is our parental home.
And we are glad that we can be proud

Small Motherland, where we live."

    introduction .

Homeland is the country in which a person was born and raised, and of which he is a citizen. This is our entire vast country, in which there are forests and fields, seas and rivers, cities and villages.

Our Motherland is the Motherland of Pushkin and Lermontov, Korolev and Tsiolkovsky. A well-known proverb says: “A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.” The nightingale, deprived of its crystal voice, is just a small gray timid bird. But the nightingale, with her nightingale song, lights hearts, awakens love, awakens tenderness, makes you cry and choke with happiness, he fills the world with unspeakable beauty. Just as a nightingale is strong with its song, so a person is strong with his homeland, his roots, his Fatherland.

Each person has his own small homeland - the land where he was born, where everything seems special and dear to him. This year our city of Artemovsky turns 80 years old. Our city has its own memorable places. And you guys should know about their history.

    Student reads the poem “My Favorite City” (author Alexander Barkhatov).

    Teacher. Today we have to take a tour of the memorable places of our city (the teacher shows photos of city monuments and asks them to name them and indicate their location). After the students’ answers, the teacher talks about the monuments of our city and the history of their appearance.Annex 1.

4.Teacher. In our city there are several monuments dedicated to the soldiers who died during the Second World War of 1941-1945. This war did not spare a single family. Your great-grandfathers fought on different fronts, giving their lives for our peaceful existence. Many of them did not return from the front, only a few managed to survive. Much time has passed since these terrible events. Now there are practically no living veterans left, but their memory lives in our hearts. We must remember their exploits. These monuments remind us of that terrible war that claimed the lives of millions. There is a person in your families who fought or even died defending their homeland. I suggest you guys remember your ancestors and create a mini-project “Remembering the feat of our ancestors.”

The teacher gives D.Z. students and invites them to tell in any form about their ancestor, who fought from 1941-1945 on different fronts of the Second World War or home front workers and create a page of memory (by May 9, an exhibition of student works will be set up in the classroom). The pages are designed in the same style for a computer science lesson and combined into the album “Remembering the exploits of our ancestors.” The material can be used for the annual event “Immortal Regiment”Appendix 3.

    Having received information about the history of monuments in Artemovsky, students are divided into 3 groups. The teacher conducts an interactive game based on this historical material.Appendix 2.

Rules of the game

The groups were offered a board with sections on which the names and costs of the questions were presented. Each team chooses a question. 1 minute is given. to prepare, the teams respond. For each correct answer, the team receives the selected number of points. If the team does not answer, then the right to answer passes to the opponents. The game ends after all questions have been answered. The total number of points scored is summed up and the winner is announced. All questions of the game are dedicated to the monuments of Artemovsky

    Teacher. At the end of the event, the teacher sums up the lesson and reminds about the history of the monuments and city residents who contributed to the victory during the Second World War of 1941-1945.


    Appendix “Monuments of the city of Artemovsky”.

    Application "Interactive game".

    Application "Student Projects".

    Appendix "Job Description".

    Photo app- report".

Information and educational resources used

“The chief governor was mighty, a glorious witness of the past years...”

November 4, 2009, National Unity Day, on Port Said Street, opposite the M. Gorky Library, in the park named after. Simbirtsev, a monument to governor Grigory Zasekin, the founder of Tsaritsyn, was unveiled. From historical sources it is known that governor Grigory Zasekin not only built Tsaritsyn, but was also its first governor until the spring of 1590. In addition to Tsaritsyn, Grigory Osipovich was the governor of fortified cities on the Volga: Samara (1586-1587), Astrakhan (1589), Saratov (1590). Fortress cities on the Volga became strategic points in the Lower Volga and Don regions, ensuring the security of the southeastern borders of the Russian state. And this, undoubtedly, is the merit of Prince Grigory Osipovich Zasekin.
The author of the sculptural composition is Volgograd sculptor Vladimir Seryakov.

...The governor knitted his eyebrows:
“I will give you advice, sons -
We don't want more blood
But you must guard Russia!
Don't ruin it in vain
I freely use my strength,
For Rus', sons, it is dangerous,
If there are no husbands in the ranks!...”

“Bless your doctors, Russia, rushing to work at dawn...”

On September 16, 2005, the monument “To the Medics of Tsaritsyn-Stalingrad - Volgograd” was solemnly opened in Volgograd. The opening is timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of Volgograd Medical University. The monument is located opposite the main entrance to the medical university and is intended to perpetuate the memory of all doctors and other medical workers in our city, who often sacrificed their lives to save the wounded and sick. The monument is a two-meter granite stele in the form of the Latin letter “V”, reminiscent of a broken heart. Inside this composition there is a “tree of life”, which at the same time symbolizes the good hands of the doctor. The monument has already developed a tradition: holding on to the “tree of life,” one must wish health to oneself and one’s loved ones.
The author of the memorial sign is Volgograd sculptor Sergei Shcherbakov.

If only all the professions in the world
Suddenly pile up like a mountain on the planet,
That's probably at its top
The word would flash: “Medicine.”
For almost since the Stone Age
There was no more honorable fate
What to fight in the flames of struggle
For saving a person's life.

“Next to you is a Guardian Angel...”

In September 2005, in the park named after. Sasha Filippov in the Voroshilovsky district unveiled a two-meter bronze sculpture of the Guardian Angel. This is one of those “peaceful” monuments of the hero city, looking at which you don’t want to remember the war. A bronze angel with prayerfully folded wings symbolizes spiritual purity and protection from worldly evil. Engraved on the pedestal are the words: “St. Guardian Angel, pray to God for us!”
The idea of ​​installing such a monument belonged to representatives of the public of our city, who announced a competition among Volgograd artists for the best sketch of the future sculpture. The sketches were reviewed by Metropolitan Herman of Kamyshin and Volgograd himself. The Metropolitan liked the drawing by Volgograd artist Sergei Shcherbakov because of the modest and humble image of the angel. Sergei Shcherbakov became the author of the monument.
There is such a good tradition: if you touch the sculpture, hold on to the wings of an Angel and make a wish, then it will certainly come true. As a sign of gratitude, residents of Volgograd and its many guests leave coins and flowers on the pedestal of their heavenly protector.

Guardian angel, thank you dear!
Since childhood you have been next to me,
You help me go through life,
So as not to accidentally go astray.
Quietly tell me where the right step is
And you will hint who is my friend and who is my enemy.
Don't let me fall off the cliff into the abyss,
If sometimes a misfortune suddenly struck.

“Dogs are not remembered by name, they are not given awards or orders...”

On May 28, 2011, in the Voroshilovsky district on Chekistov Square, near the monument to the officers of the 10th division of the NKVD troops and police officers who died a brave death in the defense of Stalingrad, the grand opening of the only memorial in Russia “to the destroyers of fascist tanks - demolition dogs of the 10th rifle regiment” took place. NKVD divisions.
At the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad, the 28th separate detachment of dogs was assigned to the 10th NKVD division of the 282nd rifle regiment. Four-legged soldiers played a very significant role in the destruction of enemy tanks during the defense of Stalingrad. The dog squad destroyed and damaged 42 enemy tanks and exterminated more than a company of enemy machine gunners. The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the 93rd anniversary of the creation of the regional FSB department.
The monument is made in bronze and is life-size. The dog is depicted with a bag with TNT and a fuse attached to its back, as it was during the Great Patriotic War. The whole figure of the animal is tense, it already sees its target and is ready to rush into the last battle. According to the authors of the composition, this is a collective image of a person’s devoted friend and a true fighter.
The author of the monument is a sculptor from Volzhsky, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia Nikolai Karpov.
At the opening of the monument, those present took turns rubbing the paws of the bronze dog, thus marking the beginning of a new tradition in the city.

Dogs! God gave you to people as a reward,
To warm the heart and delight the eye.
How little do you need from a person?
How much he gets from you!
When a dog is near a person,
Evil leaves the soul drop by drop.
She will always understand you at a glance,
Will fill the house with comfort and warmth.

“Hello, dear hippopotamus!..”

On April 23, 2008, on the lawn in front of the building of the new children's entertainment complex "Hippopo", in the Krasnoarmeysky district, an unusual sculpture - a bronze hippopotamus - was unveiled. The author of the sculpture is the President of the Russian Academy of Arts, the famous Russian sculptor Zurab Tsereteli. The artist received an order for the sculpture from the management of the children's complex. Z. Tsereteli agreed to do the work and refused the fee, declaring that he wanted to make a gift to Volgograd children and all residents of the city.
On the day of the opening of the monument to the hippopotamus, a new tradition was born: you need to climb onto the hippopotamus’s back, grab its ears and make a wish.

My favorite hippo
Lives in hot Africa.
It would be nice to be with dad
Fly there
Where is the hippopotamus on the river
Warms his big belly.

“I dreamed of making friends with an owl...”

In December 2005, a monument to Owl was erected at the entrance to the Polytechnic College, located in the Kirovsky district on 64th Army Street. The stone bird was made life-size - a 20-centimeter figurine of an owl was placed on a one-and-a-half-meter pedestal. The monument to the Owl, a symbol of knowledge and wisdom, was opened in the year of the 75th anniversary of the college.
Students and schoolchildren immediately fell in love with the sculpture, and they immediately came up with a tradition: in order to pass exams or successfully defend a diploma, you need to leave a coin on the pedestal near the owl.

The wisest bird in the world is the owl
He hears everything
But very stingy with words,
The more he hears -
The less he talks.
Ah, this is what many of us miss.

“There is such a profession...”

In August 2009, an unusual monument appeared in the courtyard of the Volgograd Central Department Store, representing a plumber crawling out of a sewer hatch. This sculpture is surrounded by a composition of a fountain, five stars and a fragment of an aerial bomb. The image of the hero of public utilities was taken from a real person - handyman Alexander Dubovsky, who during the Great Patriotic War was a favorite of the residents of the Central region. According to another version, the monument is a collective image of representatives of this profession. The City Hall of the Central District did not even know about the existence of the monument for a long time. It is believed that such an unusual gift for the city’s anniversary was made by one of the managers of a large trading enterprise in the Central District.
Despite the illegality of the appearance of the monument, residents of the area have already developed a tradition: holding the plumber’s right hand, people ask for solutions to their housing and communal problems.
There is no plaque with the sculptor's name on this extravagant monument.

I decided to become a plumber...
Infiltrated by the idea...
And I thought and thought for a long time...
Over an intoxicating idea...
I bought overalls, a hammer...
Keys, other various tools...
I'm sitting and waiting for a call...

“Teacher, before your name...”

On September 1, every child goes to school, and each of the children waits to meet their first teacher. This is a joyful event, a holiday of flowers and smiles. The teacher enters the class, and many inquisitive, inquisitive eyes look at him, asking - “What are you like?”, “What can you tell?”, “Do you believe in fairy tales?”, “What can you teach?”
The fate of the country and students is in the hands of the first teacher. In the future, the hands of students will sow grain, guide ships, and create amazing things.

In the year of the Teacher, a monument to the first Teacher, sculptor Anatoly Pakhota, was opened in the Krasnoarmeysky district on Engels Boulevard. Adults and children can come to the boulevard and say “Thank you” to the first school teacher.

Teacher, school teacher!
No matter how far our path is,
You will have threads in your hands
Our long roads.

And, looking into the blue expanses,
Through the passing years,
You are like mothers by name
You will always call us.

So let's learn quickly!
There's a lot to do!
Science will be useful to us
In our chosen path

“Glory to you, Lord, for the fact that we are Cossacks! Mothers of Russia are free sons"

On the upper terrace of the embankment named after the 62nd Army, near the Church of John the Baptist, there is now a memorial composition “Cossack Glory” (the authors of the composition are Vladimir Seryakov and Sergei Shcherbakov). The sculpture consists of two figures: a Cossack on horseback, leaving for service, and a Cossack woman, seeing off her husband with an icon of the Mother of God in her hands. Sculptor Vladimir Seryakov says that the prototypes of the monument’s characters are real people, our fellow countrymen who lived in the village of Kletskaya at the beginning of the twentieth century: Knight of St. George Kuzma Kryuchkov and his wife.
We are proud of our history, stories and legends, as well as our ancestors who glorified our region.

On the Don and the Urals
The Cossacks stood like a wall
From trouble and from sadness
They defended their native land
Glorious warriors...

Horseshoe for luck

We all believe in omens. And the happiest thing is to find a horseshoe for luck. Not to buy, not to steal, but to find or accept as a gift. Our ancestors considered the horseshoe a symbol of good luck and prosperity and cherished it as a talisman.
The MegaFon company, as part of the “Giving a Legend” project, decided to remember the tradition and give our glorious city a symbol of happiness and good luck. At the base of the “Horseshoe of Happiness” they laid a capsule with appeals to descendants from veterans of the Great Patriotic War and famous people of Volgograd. The text of these wishes will be revealed in 2060, 50 years from now.
The sculpture is located on Lenin Avenue, opposite the registry office and is a three-meter high arch, which is decorated with sunny sunflowers and white doves - symbols of peace.

I have a horseshoe to make me happy -
it was according to all orders.
Her on Chersonesos, on a cliff,
I found it on the quiet battlefield.

There are five nails in it,
she was lying towards me along the way
on the edge of the earth.


Municipal institution
“Inter-settlement information and library system”
Central City Library


Project manager: Nikiforova A.V.
Editors: Agafonova E.Yu., Vasilyeva I.V., Igumnova V.I., Imammova R.S., Lebedeva N.A., Mazurova I.V., Nechaeva O.V., Pilyavina Z.G., Podelshchikova T.A., Stepanova V.M., Shmakova E.I.
Ed. - comp. Purbueva V.Zh.
Photo: E. Kovalchuk, V. Kharchenko, P. Ushnitsky, K. Ryabko, M. Maisky

The bibliographic reference book "Monuments and memorable places of the city of Mirny" includes books, articles from periodicals available in the collection of the Central City Library of the city of Mirny, the municipal institution "Intersettlement Information Library System"
The material is arranged in a logical sequence according to the significance of the monuments. First, a photo, a brief description, and then a list of literature about the monuments and memorable places of the city are published.
The publication is intended for teachers, students and pupils to help them study material on this topic, write reports and abstracts, for library workers to more conveniently and quickly search for local history information, as well as for everyone who is interested in the history and culture of our city.

The importance of the city of Mirny as a center of the diamond mining industry is enormous not only for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), but also for the entire Russian Federation. In a short period of time, the beautiful city of Mirny grew up. Mirny owes its birth to the courage of pioneers - geologists, the talent of Russian scientists, and the dedicated work of representatives of various specialties. They worked in geological parties, scientific institutes, on distant taiga routes, quarries, combines, and factories. The city was built by representatives of different nationalities, who were united by romance, patriotism and a common idea of ​​creation.

The bright dream of the romantics has come true. In place of the remote taiga and tundra, a small tent village has grown into a modern beautiful city with a population of about 40 thousand inhabitants. The taiga was crossed by wide and bright avenues lined with high-rise buildings.

Today Mirny is a city with a multinational population, the administrative, industrial, scientific and cultural center of Western Yakutia. The compact, cozy city of Mirny is one of the most beautiful cities in the North, preserving in memory the unique history of its formation and its contemporaries, workers of the diamond mining industry. From year to year our city becomes prettier, grows and develops, while maintaining its unique appearance.

Quarry "Mir"

Mining Machinery Memorial on boardquarry "Mir" (opened in 2001)

Rumors about the presence of precious stones in the territory of Yakutia and the lands bordering it began to appear at the beginning of the 19th century. As a result of prospecting work in 1950-1953, several diamond-bearing placers were discovered in Yakutia. On June 13, 1955, a geological party discovered a diamond-bearing pipe, which later turned out to have the richest diamond content. It was then that geologists sent a telegram that later flew around the world: “We lit the pipe of peace, the tobacco is good...”. The diamond tube was named “Mir”. The following year, quarry development began. Over 44 years, only 17 billion rubles worth of diamonds have been mined here.

The program of excursions that are organized for guests of our city certainly includes a visit to the observation deck of the quarry. Its berm steps can also be seen on the city coat of arms. But today conditions are changing, and Alrosa is forced to switch to the underground method of mining diamond ore. Now the main volume is carried out at the Mir mine, where diamonds are mined underground.

From 1956, when commercial exploitation of the Mir pipe began, until May 2001, when open-pit mining was completed, diamond miners penetrated more than half a kilometer into the diamond-bearing rock. In 2001, the Mining Equipment Memorial was opened on board the Mir quarry.

The tube on the surface has the shape of an irregular oval, elongated from northwest to southeast, with a weakened constriction approximately in the middle part. Size

its long axis, oriented in the northwestdirection, 490 m, along the short one - 320 m. Up to a depth of 200 m, the tube is a typical funnel, deeper (up to 900 m) - a cylindrical body with a slight narrowing downwards, andthen, 900-1000 m from the surface, it turns into a supply dike.

1. Bordonsky, S. “Inter” and “World”: between the past and the future. / Sergey Bordonsky. //Mirninsky worker - 2004 .- January 24.

2. Vecherin, P.P. From trust to company, from tents to cities. Chronology of Yakutalmaz 1952-1992 / P.P. Party. – Mirny: Mirn. city. Typogr., 1997. – 296 p.

3. Descending into the depths of the earth. // Mirny worker. - 2007.- May 25.

4. Mirny - the diamond heart of Russia!: a short reference guide - Mirny, Mirn. city. typography, 2008. – P.18

5. Kharkiv A.D. Pipe Mir // A.D. Kharkiv, N.N. Zinchuk, V.M. Zuev. The history of diamond. - M.:NEDRA, 1997.- P. 302-311

Monument to the discoverers of diamond deposits and creators


The monument of republican significance is under state protection.The monument was opened on October 12, 1970. At the entrance to the city, against the background of man-made mountains, a 24-meter reinforced concrete obelisk rushes into the Yakut sky, bearing in its figurative characteristics the geological structure of a diamond-bearing kimberlite pipe. Embedded at height

17.5 m into one of the walls of the obelisk, made of concrete and smalt, the octahedron symbolizes that precious mineral for the sake of which the city of Mirny, the diamond capital of our Motherland, was built in the remote Siberian taiga. The architectural and spatial composition is complemented by a ramp-tribune, reminiscent of the horizon when mining waste rock aroundkimberlite pipe at the Mir quarry, one and a half kilometers from the monument. The ramp is decorated with bas-reliefs lined with colored smalt. The panel on the theme “Mother of Yakutia opens its depths to discoverers” was made under the direction of K. Korotkin by masters of the Moscow Decorative and Design Art Factory of the Art Fund of the RSFSR, according to sketches by the Moscow artist Yu. Kafengauz.

Designer Erlen Temnikov (former head of the construction department of Yakutniproalmaz) proposed constructing an obelisk from reinforced cement with the addition of granite chips on a powerful steel frame and three corners, with a base slab on a reinforced concrete grillage (foundation), resting in a pit at a depth of five meters on nine 11-meter piles, jammed into perpetually frozen ground. Engineer A. Plotnikov supervised these works. This is a monument to the strength and courage, intelligence and resourcefulness, endurance, knowledge and aspiration of those who created cities in the wilderness, put their souls into them and breathed life into them.

1. Architects give gifts to the people of the city. // Mirny worker. - 2005. - September 28.

2. Monuments of history and culture of the diamond region. – Mirny, 1980. – P.2-3

3. Vecherin, P. From trust to company, from tents to cities. Chronology of "Yakutalamaz" 1952-1992. / P.P. Vecherin.- M.: Mirn. city. printing house – 296 pp.: photo.

4. Mirny - the diamond heart of Russia!: short. reference – guidebook - Mirny, 2008. – P.15

Memorial complex "Vilyuiskoye"ring"

(bas-reliefs “Past, present andthe future of the diamond region", sculpturalgroup "Murder and Geologists", stela "Yakutia-mother")

Sculptors: E. Pakhomov, Katz, Yakhtin (casting - Gochiyaev).

Bas-reliefs - Combine of monumental decorative arts (Moscow) - authors A.V. Yakimenko, G.A. Nikitina

Opened on September 7, 2005. Dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the diamond industry and the city of Mirny.

The right to cut the symbolic ribbon was granted to the discoverers of Yakut diamonds by Elagina E.N. ,Shchukin V.N., Sarsadskikh N.N., Avdeenko V.P., Spiridonov N.N.

According to the chief architect of the Yakutniproalmaz Institute, S.V. Mironov, this is only a small part of the complex, which will include public gardens, a granite embankment, and a boat station. However, at present the memorial is an amazing sight. A huge, smoothly rising circle, broken on one side, symbolizing the walls of a diamond deposit-pipe. In the foreground is a human-sized group sculpture - an Evenk guide sitting on a deer and the discoverers of Yakut diamonds L. Popugaeva and his companion, worker F. Belikov, following behind. In the background, in the far semicircle, a black pillar of polished stone reaches into the sky, crowned by a small figurine of a woman in traditional

Yakut outfit - Khotun - Vilyuy (Mistress Vilyuy).

The peace of the hostess Vilyuya is guarded by the heads of lions and eagles looking to the four directions of the world.

The inner side of the Vilyuisky ring is decorated with bas-reliefs hanging on the walls depicting the everyday life of the pioneers - diamond miners.

1. Mirny and diamonds: 50 years together (chronicle of the anniversary year) / Author - comp. R. Yuzmukhametov. - Mirny, 2006. – 190 p.: photo.

2. Chuvashova, L. Tribute to the pioneers / Lydia Chuvashova // Mirny worker. - 2005. - September 9.

Memorial plaque to Pioneer Drivers

The monument to pioneer drivers was unveiled on April 19, 1967.

On this day back in 1957, diamond workers met a motor-tractor convoy that connected the city of Lensk with the city of Mirny. The column was headed by veteran of northern road transport Evgeniy Konstantinovich Belsky.

The memorial plaque bears the names of 59 pioneers to whom a monument was erected during their lifetime.

The monument is located 4 km from the city along the Mirny – Lensk highway.

1. Monuments of history and culture of the diamond region. - Mirny, 1980. - pp. 22-23.

Entry sign

The entrance sign is installed next to the stele in honor of the participants in the ferrying of vehicles from Bolshoy Never to Mirny. All this is a kind of repayment of debt to the veterans of the diamond region who found diamonds, paved roads, built cities and towns. The opening of the entry sign took place on September 10, 2004. A participant in the haul back in 1957, driver of the Mirny Mining and Processing Plant motor depot Nikolai Perminov shares his memories:

The path was very long and difficult, it took a month and a half. The road was blocked by rivers, cars fell through the ice, but we still continued on our way. I'm glad I lived to see this day. I am sad that many drivers from E.K. Belsky is no longer alive, they were wonderful people.

1. Chuvashova, L. U. Mirny has a new business card. /Lidiya Chuvashova // Mirny worker. - 2004. – September 14.

2. Mirny - the diamond heart of Russia!: kr. Ref. – guidebook - Mirny, 2008. – P.3

Monument to people, road and life

On the territory of the motor depot of the Mirny Mining and Processing Plant, a ZIL-585 stood still on a pedestal, as if it had just stopped. These famous cars, popularly called “football”, were the first on impassable northern roads.

The car became a monument to the feat of drivers and the work of diamond miners. It carried the first cargo and transported ore to factories.

The monument was erected on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the enterprise (1987) in September 1986. The idea of ​​the monument belongs to the head of the MGOK motor depot, Honorary Citizen of the city of Mirny, Nikolai Ivanovich Chirkov.

The information was received from the trade union committee of the motor depot of the Mirny Mining and Processing Plant.

Memorial complex "30th anniversary of the Victory".

On May 9, 1975, an obelisk was inaugurated in the city of Mirny in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The three swords symbolize the armed forces on land, air and sea. When a sword (weapon) is stuck into the ground, it means the end of the war, a symbol of victory.

“Let the world be unshakable, and let the blades of swords look at the ground forever,” these words of the Mirny poet and journalist M. Morozov speak perfectly about the final goal of the fight against fascism. They walk around the pedestal.

The obelisk was created on a competitive basis. Electric lighting and radio installation for the obelisk were also designed. In subsequent years, the city authorities and the leaders of the Yakutalmaz trust decided to expand the topic and create a memorial complex in which there would be a place for both the land of the hero cities and

To the Eternal Flame of Memory. At that time, there were still quite a lot of veterans of the Great Patriotic War in the city and people who had lost relatives and friends on the battlefields, and on May 9 they had nowhere to bow to the memory of the fallen, to pay tribute to the soldiers-liberators.

With funds from the Yakutalmaz Trust, the current memorial complex was created on the 30th Anniversary of the Victory Square. The Moscow Plant of Monumental and Decorative Sculpture, represented by artists - members of the Union of Artists of the USSR - V. Frolov and M. Neimark, took part in its creation; the chief architect is a member of the Union of Architects of the Russian Federation and the head of the team of authors E. Ermolaev, the designers are Y. Grechanik (Yakutalmaz Institute) and E. Bogomolsky, as well as MEPS workers.

The memorial complex consists of three parts.

"Wall of People's Memory" On it there are five forged copper medallions (shaped like order blocks) with thematic relief compositions: the beginning of the war - farewell; rear to front; partisans; offensive; victory. The authors are Moscow sculptors V. Frolov and M. Neimark.

An obelisk of three swords, symbolizing the end of the war, the victory of three branches of the military (at the same time this symbol can be interpreted as the victory of three allies: the USSR, the USA, England. Height 13.5 meters. Assembled in Moscow from sheet brass with brass rivets on a steel frame. The foundation of the "swords" stands on nine-meter piles driven into the permafrost. All the letters of the inscriptions are made in Moscow from cast bronze. The facing stone - red, black (labradorite) and gray granite was brought from Krasnoyarsk quarries.

The slab of hero cities - capsules with lands that were specially brought by veterans of the Great Patriotic War from all hero cities are walled up in it. The golden star located in the center of the slab was supposed to light the Eternal Flame.

By a special decision of the Ministry of Culture of the YASSR, the monument was recognized as a cultural monument of republican (Sakha) significance, transferred to the balance of the cultural department of the Mirny administration and is subject to state protection.

1. Ermolaev, E. Protected by the state: Memorial complex “30th anniversary of the Victory”. / E. Ermolaev // Mirny worker. - 1993. - Aug 4 - P.3.

2. Monuments of history and culture of the diamond region . - Peaceful, 1980. – P.10-21

Bust of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin for the 60th anniversary of the Victory

On May 7, 2005, in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory, a monument to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR, Generalissimo I.V. Stalin was unveiled in Mirny.

This is a bronze bust, the work of a St. Petersburg sculptor, born in Suntar, Eduard Pakhomov. Installed on the square of the 30th anniversary of the Victory at the request of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, which was supported by some labor collectives, youth and public organizations of the Mirny district.

It is no secret that the decision to erect a monument to Stalin in Mirny caused a heated debate, which spilled over onto Russian radio and television channels and the pages of printed newspapers.

The media and discovered two camps in civil society. The first is victims of political repression and their descendants. They warned their fellow citizens about the inadmissibility of revenge of the totalitarian regime and implored their contemporaries not to bring back from the past the shadows of leaders - criminals who subjected their own people to genocide. The second is war veterans who defeated fascism; Russians mourning the lost power of a great state of equal opportunities, socially oriented and predictable in relation to its people; young people who have inherited from their parents a keen sense of justice, for example, in the distribution of national income. They advocated respect for the history of their country and the people who made this history. The monument was erected near the 30th Anniversary of Victory Square.

1. In Mirny there will be...Stalin. : A monument to Stalin will be erected in Mirny. - “MK” in Yakutia.-2005.-March 30.-April 4.

2. Mirny and diamonds: 50 years together: chronicle of the anniversary year / Author - comp.

R. Yuzmukhametov. - Mirny, 2006 – 190 s. :photoil.

4. Chuvashova, L. Tribute to history: On May 8, the opening of a monument to Stalin took place in Mirny / Lydia Chuvashova // Mirny worker. - 2005. - May 11.

Nine-story buildings in the city of Mirny – first in Yakutia

A characteristic feature of our city is stone – precious and construction stone. New houses and new city blocks grew from the building stones. In Mirny for the first time in

In Yakutia, 9-storey houses were laid out and built on self-defrosting piles. The first nine-story building was commissioned in 1974. If you look under such a house, you will see thick piles standing in rows in the cool darkness. They are driven to a depth of up to 4.5 meters, and frost and wind rule between them, preventing the warmth of the house from melting the permafrost underneath. If this is not done, the building will warp and sink into a quagmire. Under nine-story buildings, kerosene piles are used. Inside each pile, two interconnected tubes are inserted into which kerosene is poured. In cold weather, it cools down and goes down along the coil, gradually increasing the cold around the pile within a radius of one to one and a half meters. The constant temperature of the permafrost is minus one degree, and builders lower it in this way to minus 20. In the summer, warm kerosene sits at the top. All this was invented by scientists from our institute “Yakutniproalmaz” with scientists from the Yakut Institute of Permafrost Science. This is how our city was created.

1. Rafalovsky, Y. The floors of Mirny are growing. / Y. Rafalovsky // Social. Yakutia. – 1977.- February 25.

Sculpture of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Sculptor M. V. Pereslavets

The sculpture of the Blessed Virgin Mary was opened in the first days of 1994, along with the commissioning of the new city clinic. The sculpture of the Virgin Mary will protect peace and health in the new building. It organically fit into the appearance of the intersection of Tikhonov and Pavlov streets.

"Virgin Mary" is the first sculpture in our

city. The height of the sculpture is 3 m.

1. Construction is completed. God bless you! // Mirny worker. – 1994. – January 5

Holy Trinity Church

Holy source

Temple square "Road to the Temple", fountain

Architects: S. Yurasova, S. Savvinov, S. Mironov, S. Vuiko.

The decision to build the Holy Trinity Church was made in 1995. In May 1995, the stone was installed and illuminated at the construction site of the future temple. The consecration was performed by Bishop Hermogenes of Yakutia and Lensk with the participation of the deputy. head of the administration of the Mirny district Morozkin A.P. The consecration of the construction site and the laying of the cross in the foundation of the temple was performed by Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II on July 22, 1996. The first service in the unfinished church (without an iconostasis) was performed on the Nativity of Christ on January 7, 2000.

The complete consecration of the temple and altar was performed by Archbishop of Yakutsk and Lensk Germagen on July 22, 2000.

Holy Trinity Church can be visited by 400 parishioners at the same time.

In plan, the building has a traditional cruciform shape, in volume - a single-height, four-pillar temple part with five domes and a hipped bell tower. Marble, granite, aluminum, copper, decorative chips, gypsum, gold leaf and titanium nitrite were used in the decoration of the temple.

For the first time in Mirny, an electric heating system is provided on the roof of the church.

1. Bordonsky, S. There will be a fountain in the park / S. Bordonsky // Mirninsky worker. - 2005. - July 29.

2. Bocharnikov, A. A set of postcards with paintings of the Church of the Holy Trinity has been released / Alexey Bocharnikov // Mirninsky

3.Verchenko, A. Golden domes of Mirny / A. Verchenko // Yakutia. – 2000. – January 6.

4.Vladimirova, Y. Diamond capital: object by object / Yana Vladimirova // Youth of Yakutia. – 2005. – August 12.

5. Dolgikh, S. Moscow Patriarchate. Yakutsk-Lena diocese. Holy Trinity Church / Sergei Dolgikh // Ilin. – 2004. - No. 2. – P. 77 – 79.

6. And the angel spread his wings // Mirny worker. – 2003. – July 11.

7. Karpov, Yu. City built on diamonds / Yuri Karpov // Peaceful and diamonds: 50 years together. – Mirny, 2006. – P. 182.

8. Mirny – the diamond heart of Russia!: short. reference – guidebook. – Mirny, 2007.- P.8

9. Chuvashova, L. Thank you for the beauty! [painting of the temple] / Lydia Chuvashova // Mirny worker. – 2005. – July 12.

10. Shaposhnikov, O. Here you meet eternity / Oleg Shaposhnikov // ALROSA Bulletin. – 2000. – December. - No. 15 (51).

11. Shaposhnikov, O. The temple will be forever and ever! / Oleg Shaposhnikov // Mirny worker. – 2000. – July 25.

Chapel in honor of St. Andrew the First-Called

A chapel named in honor of St. Andrew the First-Called has become an integral part of the city of Mirny. (The first of the apostles, hence his name First-Called, followed Christ along with his brother Peter. He was a simple fisherman from the city of Bethsaida in Palestine. After the day of Pentecost, he preached the faith of Christ in the Black Sea countries and, according to legend, walked to the mouth of the Dnieper to Novgorod , predicting the creation of a great Christian city on the Kiev mountains. He also founded a church in a small Byzantine village - the future Constantinople. The apostolic path of Andrew the First-Called ended in Greece, in the city of Patras, where he was crucified on the cross at the age of 62. The cross was inclined in the shape of a letter "X". Its symbolic image is placed on the flag of the Russian Navy, therefore it is called Andreevsky).

Project by the chief architect of the Yakutniiproalmaz Institute of AK ALROSA, Sergei Vasilyevich Mironov. The chapel is a free-standing cruciform religious building. It was built according to the canonical traditions of Russian architectural architecture as a prayer and liturgical building. It consists of one room, crowned with a dome with a cross. She is distinguished by rigor and lack of pomp.

The consecration of the chapel took place in the year of celebrating the 50th anniversary of the city of Mirny on September 7, 2005. The main part of the costs for the construction of the chapel was borne by the townspeople. This is Andrei Nikolaevich Yamboglo - construction, Vasily Andreevich Zholob - gilding of the dome and Vladimir Ivanovich Milushkevich - finishing of the chapel. Bishop Zosima of Yakutsk and Lensky awarded the restoration of the chapel to entrepreneur A.N. Yamboglo medal of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov, 2nd degree.

1. Chuvashova, L. In honor and memory of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called / Lydia Chuvashova // Mirny worker. - 2005. - April 9.

2. Chuvashova, L. Tribute to the pioneers. / Lydia Chuvashova // Mirny worker. – 2005.- September 9

3. Mirny Chapel // Vilyuisky Dawns. - 2007. - No. 13. - Insert

P monument to Viktor Illarionovich Tikhonov

On September 8, 2005, a monument to the first manager of the Yakutalmaz trust, Hero of Socialist Labor Viktor Illarionovich Tikhonov (1908 - 1977), who is rightfully considered the founder of the diamond mining industry, was unveiled. January 19, 1957 V.I. Tikhonov was appointed manager of the Yakutalmaz trust. Under his leadership, powerful diamond mining enterprises, workers' settlements and cities were built in a short time. A person of high vitality has always taken part in public life. The monument was erected at the intersection of Pavlova and Tikhonov streets.

The words are carved into granite:

I witnessed

Unique years

Heir to hope

Participant in achievements.

And let me leave

Even a small trace

For the memory behind me

The coming generations.

1. Chuvashova, L. I witnessed unique years. / Lydia Chuvashova // Mirny worker. - 2005. - September 13.

2. Tikhonov Viktor Illarionovich. // Honorary citizens of the city of Mirny: collection. biographical data. - Peaceful city. typogr. - 2001. – P.193-196

Lenin Square

Lenin Square is the venue for such holidays as Russia Day, City and Diamond Miner Day, Children's Day, Youth Day and Knowledge Day. On New Year's Day, a fabulous performance with the participation of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden takes place here, a snowy town appears, in the center of which there is a New Year tree, snow towers and slides.

The main object supervised by the joint-stock company is the reconstruction of Lenin Square with the finishing of the facades of adjacent buildings. The entire area around the Palace of Culture and the Zarnitsa Hotel was landscaped (performed by the TsMGMS company from Moscow): asphalt and paving stones were laid, granite curbs and fences were installed. The central flower girl on the square has undergone changes: it has been made more original, attracting the eyes of passers-by.

In July 2005, Lenin Square acquired a new look, flower beds with symbols of the anniversary year were laid out.

  1. Beyond the Diamond: Photo Album / Ed. N. Kan, G. Stepanova. – Mirny, 1996. –300 p.

2. Mirny is the diamond heart of Russia. Brief reference guide. – Mirny, 2005. – P.13

3.Mirny and diamonds: 50 years together (chronicle of the anniversary year) / Author-comp. R. Yuzmukhametov - Mirny, 2006. - 190 pp.: photo.

4.50 diamond years to the city of Mirny and the diamond mining industry of Yakutia: photo album / author of the project and editor. G. Beisembayeva; Ch. ed. R. Yuzmukhametov. – M.: Book –Penta, 2005 – 200 p.

5. Bordonsky, S. Architecture of Mirny: what was, what is and what will be. / Sergey Bordonsky //Mirninsky worker. – 2005. – May 18

6. Fastovsky A. Builder - sounds proud! / Al. Fastovsky // Mirny worker. – 2005 – Aug 13

Monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

During the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the city of Mirny on July 15, 2005, a monument to the founder of the Russian federal state, V.I. Lenin, was erected on the central square.

The right to open the monument was granted to the head of the district A.T. Popov, veteran of the diamond mining industry K.V. Kurbatov, first secretary of the Yakut Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation V.N. Gubarev, doctor of the MCRB O.M. Gazeeva, who represented the younger generation of Mirny residents. In their speeches, they emphasized the role of V.I. Lenin in the history of our country, noted that if we remember our history and respect our people, then we will have a future, and stability in the country.

1.Mirny and diamonds: 50 years together: chronicle of the anniversary year. – Mirny, 2006. – 97 p.

2.50 diamond years: 50 to the city of Mirny and the diamond mining industry of Yakutia: photo album / ch. ed. R. Yuzmukhametov. – M.: Book - Penta, 2005. -200 pp.: photo.

3. Bordonsky, S. Architecture of Mirny: what was, what is and what will be / S. Bordonsky // Mirny worker. – 2005. – March 19.

4. Fastovsky, A. Builder - sounds proud!/A. Fastovsky // Mirny worker. – 2005. – August 13.

5. Chuvashova, L. Happy holiday! /Lidiya Chuvashova// Mirny worker. – 2005. July 16.

6. Chuvashova, L. This city is the best on earth / Lydia Chuvashova // Mirny worker. – 2005. – July 19.

Historical and Industrial Museum


The Historical and Industrial Museum is the hallmark of the diamond capital of Mirny.

In May 1985, the technical and economic council of the Yakutalmaz production association, headed by General Director V.V. Piskunov decided to create a Historical and Industrial Museum in the city of Mirny. (Order No. 317 dated May 23, 1985). The museum was housed in the building of the recently opened City Library (in October 1984). Vecherina Taisiya Andreevna, a veteran of the diamond region, a well-known and respected person, was appointed director. Honorary citizen of Mirny. The staff was formed from the artist E.V. Pakulov and researcher Kobylkina O.A. A team of workers from RSSU was engaged in construction and installation work, led by the workshop manager, Godzevich Yu.V. The design and calculation of metal structures was developed by an engineer

"Yakutniproalmaza" Antonov A.M. Artists Dianov E. and Kvartalny A. assisted in the design work. Photographic work on filling the tablets was carried out by photographers Makarov V.F., Ryabchenko V.G., Panov P.P., Podvarko S.M., Ushnitsky P.S. The deputy supervised all work. Gene. Director of the Yakutalmaz association S.I. Selberg.

The Historical and Industrial Museum on Leningradsky Prospekt 48, in the building of the Central City Library, was opened to visitors on April 22, 1986. The showroom was divided into 9 thematic departments. The museum consisted of about 4,000 items, including about 1,000 rare originals: manuscripts, personal belongings, documents. Photos, awards V.I. Tikhonova, L.L. Soldatova, G.A. Kadzova, L.V. Zhelyabin, P.S. Novoseletsky and many leading production workers and veterans of diamond mining, Heroes of Socialist Labor. Museum exhibitions tell the story of the history of the city and the diamond mining industry, the history of discoveries of diamond deposits, and the discoverers - geologists.

1. Alekseeva, N.I. Keeper of the history of the diamond region / Nadezhda Alekseeva // Polar Star. - 2005. - No. 6. – P.34 -40

2. Vecherin, P. P. From trust to company, from tents to cities. Chronology of "Yakutalmaz" 1952-1992 - Mirny, 1997. - 296 p.

3. Kobylkina, O. Historical and production museum of AK ALROSA / Olga Kobylkina // Vilyuiskie dawns. – 2000. - No. 5. - P. 77

First house, local history museum

The first two-apartment planned residential building on Yakutskaya Street (now Oyunskogo Street) was put into operation on May 1, 1957 by a team of carpenters P.P. Petrova. The planned construction of the city of Mirny began with this house. For ten years it was a two-family residential building, and in 1968 it housed a local history museum. Geological and local history material was collected. This section of the museum was dedicated to the history of the discovery of diamond deposits and local history of western Yakutia.

The opening of the branch took place on October 18, 1990. The exhibition presents, in addition to rare original documents and photographs, many personal belongings of pioneer geologists: L.A. Popugaeva, N.N. Sarsadskikh, M.M. Odintsova, G.Kh. Fainstein, E.N. Elagina and others. The children of musher I. Ievlev donated to the museum the personal belongings of their father, who participated in the opening of the Mir pipe. The museum presents authentic documents from the period of collectivization in Yakutia, materials about some stages of the life of the famous local historian P.Kh. Starovatov, who predicted the presence of diamonds in Western Yakutia. The museum presents a collection of gems from Yakutia, a collection of kimberlites from various deposits, a collection of fossils, the remains of a mammoth and bison. The exposition of the local history museum has many objects of labor and everyday life, traditional Yakut crafts, beliefs, stuffed animals, ancient utensils and dishes. The fund has been replenished with new exhibits - these are household items made of copper and iron, a collection of avifauna, butterflies, medicinal plants, mosses and lichens, etc.

The local history department of the historical and production museum of the ALROSA company, but out of habit, city residents call it the local history museum.

1. Alekseeva, N.I. Keeper of the history of the diamond region / Nadezhda Alekseeva // Polar Star. - 2005. - No. 6. – P.34 -40

Kimberlite Museum

The ALROSA Kimberlite Museum was created by geophysicist engineer D.I. Savrasova. The Museum contains collections of kimberlite rocks from mined and explored blocks of the main diamond deposits, as well as collections of kimberlites from hundreds of weakly diamond-bearing pipe, dike and vein bodies. The museum, in addition to kimberlite rocks and minerals from deposits in Yakutia, has small collections of kimberlites from the Arkhangelsk region, Karelia, Canada, Finland, South and West Africa. There are impact meteorite diamond-bearing formations of the Popigai meteorite crater (impactites), a collection of lamproites from Australia.

The kimberlite museum began to be created in the early seventies of the last century during the Botuoba expedition of the Yakutgeology PGO.

In those same years, a geological museum began to be created at the Yakutalmaz PNO. By orders of the Minister of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy P.F. Lomako on November 12, 1974, three staff positions were allocated for museum work. The museum’s task was: “To organize in Mirny an all-Union stock collection of kimberlites and associated deep-seated rocks and minerals.” Later, in the mid-1980s, both museums were united under the auspices of the Botuoba expedition. The museum continued to be replenished with collections of various rocks and minerals. General Director of PNO "Yakutalmaz" L.A. Safonov creates a united mineralogical museum at the Mirny State Exploration Expedition (order No. 459 of 10.1992). The museum’s task is not only to collect stone material from mined diamond deposits.

The order stipulates that “the Museum must clearly and with sufficient completeness show the structure of the Siberian diamond-bearing province and be one of the attributes of the city of Mirny as the capital of the diamond region.” Subsequently, the museum was formed under the leadership of D.I. Savrasov, a separate house is allocated on the basis of the Markhinsky party of the Mirny State Expeditionary Expedition. In 2001, on the initiative of the former president of AK ALROSA V.A. Shtyrov, the second floor of a stone building in the city center with a total area of ​​more than 800 sq.m. is allocated for the museum.

1. The work of a lifetime (about the creator of the kimberlite museum, Dzhems Ilyich Savrasov): based on materials provided by G. Balakshin // Mirninsky worker. - 2009. - November 18..- P.2

2. History of the creation of the Kimberlite Museum // Vilyuiskie Dawns. – 2009. - No. 15. – P.110

3. Molchanov, Yu. Kimberlite Museum / Yuri Molchanov. //Vilyuiskie dawns. - 2010. - No. 16. – P.57

4.Kimberlite Museum // Vilyuisky Dawns. – 2000. - No. 5. – P.75-76

5. Panteleeva, I. World collection / I. Panteleeva, N. Guseva // Botuobinka: years and destinies. – M., 2005. – 383 p. :photoill.

Palace of Culture "Almaz"

“The building of the Almaz Palace of Culture fits organically into the architectural ensemble of Lenin Square. Its appearance is restrained, two rounded blind pylons seem to frame a large stained glass window, through which the brightly lit lobby and foyer are clearly visible, connecting the interior with the environment.

The functions of the palace of culture, where there is a room for a library, a lecture hall, photo and film laboratories, workshops, an art studio, and an exhibition hall, are to satisfy the spiritual needs of people. This was the main task for the architect Viktor Perpisov, who developed the project...” - this is what M.M. wrote about the Palace. Sofianidi, head of the literary association "Kimberlit" in 1977, the year of its opening.

In the 21st century, both the external and internal decoration of the Almaz Palace of Culture changed.

After the reconstruction of the square, all the buildings that make up its ensemble were designed in green and blue tones, matching the color of the Mirny kimberlites.

For the interior decoration of the Almaz Palace of Culture, noble dark brown, black marble, and white metal were used, which gave a modern touch to the design of the building. Instead of a lecture hall (small hall) there is now a hall for ballet classes. The building of the Palace of Culture is especially beautiful on New Year's holidays, when it puts on festive attire.

  1. Konovnitsyna, T. About myself, about time, about colleagues / Tatyana Konovnitsyna // Mirny worker. – 1997.- November 7.
  2. Sofianidi, M.M. Palette of colors, palette of mood/Mary Sofianidi // Mirny worker. – 1977.-November 24.
  3. Stepanets, V. Travel through the Almaz recreation center or reflections on the problems of leisure / V. Stepanets // Mirninsky worker. – 1991.- March 13.
  4. Tikhonova, L. And with skill and inspiration: The Almaz Palace of Culture is 15 years old / L. Tikhonova // Mirninsky worker. - 1992. - November 27.

Universal theater and concert center "Yakutsk"

On March 9, 1973, the wide-format cinema "Yakutsk" opened in Mirny.

It was a modern building with an auditorium with 400 seats, a winter garden and a cozy buffet. For many years, the cinema was the main place of leisure for the residents of Mirny and the villages adjacent to the city.

In March 1988, a video hall with 50 seats was opened at the cinema. For many years the cinema building was destroyed. The reconstruction of the building lasted several years. The date of the second birth, that is, the official opening of the Yakutsk theater and concert center, was June 21, 2008.

From the first days, TCC declared itself as a site of a new level. Artists of the State Opera and Ballet Theater, the Russian Theater named after. A.S. Pushkin, Sakha Theater named after. P. Oyunsky,

The state violin ensemble “Virtuosi of Yakutia”, world premieres of films were shown in the cinema hall, and interesting exhibitions were held more than once.

The Yakutsk shopping center hosts film premieres with the obligatory invitation of one of the creators, directors or leading actors. For the first time in Mirny, the Theater Living Room will open its doors. Its guests will be famous actors from no less famous theaters in Russia.

  1. Nikolaeva, S. “Yakutsk” raises the bar. Second birth / S. Nikolaeva // Yakutia. – 2008. - November 18. 28
  2. Noskova, L. Welcome, viewer! A video hall has opened in Mirny /L. Noskova //Sots. Yakutia. - 1988. - April 23.
  3. Rusin, V. The name of the cinema "Yakutsk" / V. Rusin - Mirny worker. -1973.- March 22.
  4. Future strategy. A theater and concert complex opened in the diamond capital // Yakutia. – 2008. – June 25.

Z Data from the Joint Stock Company "ALROSA"

On July 3, 1981, the state commission accepted into operation the new four-story management building of the Yakutalmaz association (Lenin St., 6), built by MEPS. On August 13, 1992, the official registration of the joint-stock company “Almazy Rossii-Sakha”, established at the end of July, took place in the administration of the Mirny district. On December 22, 1992, a decree of the government of the Russian Federation “On the joint-stock company Almazy Rossii-Sakha” was issued, dated December 1, 1992. This marks the final point in creating a company that now has all the necessary powers.

1. Vecherin P. From trust to company, from tents to cities. Chronology of "Yakutalamaz" 1952-1992. / P.P. Vecherin P.P. – M.: Mirn. city. printing house - 296 pp.:photoil.

2. Zhirov, V. At the most important facilities / V. Zhirov - Mirny worker. - 1981. - April 29.

3. Beyond the Diamond: Photo Album / Ed. N. Kan, G. Stepanova - Mirny, 1996. –300 p.

4. Mirny district: History, culture, folklore /Adm. Municipal entity "Mirninsky district": - Yakutsk: Bichik, 2005. - P. 280

5.Mirny – the diamond heart of Russia! Directory - guide. - Mirny: 2008. - P.5

6. Mirny and diamonds: 50 years together: chronicle of the anniversary year. – Mirny, 2006. – 97 p.

7. New facets of the diamond edge: photo album / Author. – comp. Z.P. Belykh - M.: 1993.-311 p.

8.50 diamond years: 50 to the city of Mirny and the diamond mining industry of Yakutia: photo album / Ch. ed. R. Yuzmukhametov. – M.: Book - Penta, 2005.-200 pp.: photo.

9. Rusina, I. City renewal / Irina Rusina - Vilyuysk Energy Construction. - 1981, July 3.

10. Stepanov, S. ALROSA. Past and present. / S. Stepanov. –M.: Polar Circle, 2002. -544 p. :photoil.

Mirny Polytechnic Institute

In March 1994, a branch of the Yakut State University named after. M.K. Ammosova. In June 1999, by decree of the President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Mirny branch was transformed into a Polytechnic Institute. It trains highly qualified specialists for the mining industry, the education system, and research and design institutes. Today, the institute has turned into one of the large educational, methodological, scientific, technical and cultural centers of the republic with the necessary educational and laboratory facilities, an experienced teaching staff, and a library.

  1. Mirny - the diamond heart of Russia!: a short reference book - guide. - Mirny, 2008. - P.11
  2. Mirny Polytechnic Institute (branch of YSU) / Comp. A.A. Goldman, A.A. Scriabin. – Mirny, 2004. – 36 p.: photo.

Administration building of the Municipal Entity "Mirninsky District"

At the beginning of 1971, the Mirny city committee of the CPSU, the executive committee of the city Council of Workers' Deputies, the Komsomol city committee and the people's control committee moved to a new four-story administrative building built on the main square of the city.

1. Vecherin P.P. From the Trust to the company, from tents to cities. Chronology of Yakutalmaz 1957-1999. : Mirny, 1997.- 296 p.

2. Mirny – the diamond heart of Russia! Ref. - guidebook. - Mirny, 2008. - 20 p.

3. Mirny and diamonds: 50 years together: chronicle of the anniversary year. – Mirny, 2006. – 97 p.

4. 50 diamonds to the city of Mirny and the diamond mining industry of Yakutia: photo album / author of the project and editor. G. Beisembayeva; Ch. ed. R. Yuzmukhametov. – M.: Book –Penta, 2005 – 200 p.

Administration building of the Municipal Formation "Mirny City"

In 1968, a two-story building on Lenin Street was put into operation. On its first floor there is a department store "Aikhal", and on the second floor there are several enterprises of the Mirny consumer services plant. In June 2006, city authorities moved to the former building of the Aikhal store. From this moment on, the main building of the Administration of the Municipal Formation “Mirny City” is located at Lenin Street, 16.

  1. Vecherin P.P. From the Trust to the company, from tents to cities. Chronology of Yakutalmaz 1957-1999 / P.P. Party. - Mirny: 1997.-296 p.
  2. Mirny is the diamond heart of Russia. Directory - guide. - Mirny: 2008.- 20 p.
  3. 50 diamonds to the city of Mirny and the diamond mining industry of Yakutia: photo album / author of the project and editor. G. Beisembayeva; Ch. ed. R. Yuzmukhametov. – M.: Book –Penta, 2005 – 200 p.

Children's art school

In August 1962, an important cultural event took place in the city of Mirny: a music school was opened in a small wooden building of a construction technical school. At first, only three teachers worked there, the first school director L.N. Chasova (choir and piano classes), V.G. Shvets (bayan and accordion class), G.S. Shubina (piano class). In 1967, the school moved to a building on 40 Let Oktyabrya Street, where it is still located. The school developed rapidly, adding new students and teachers. A violin class was opened in 1966, a cello class in 1967, a choir and wind instrument class in 1972, an artistic class in 1974, and a domra and balalaika class in 1979. The institution receives the status of a Children's Art School.

Almost no cultural event can take place without the participation of creative groups from the Mirny Children's Art School. Guests of the diamond capital enjoy attending concerts of young musicians, admiring the works of students in the art department, and eagerly and keenly adopting best practices in working with children. Victories in the regional competition “Northern Star”, in the pop song festival “Blue Bird”, in international competitions and festivals “Wind Rose” (Moscow), in the interregional competition “Young Voices of Siberia” (Novosibirsk), prizes in regional and republican musical competitions - theoretical Olympiads, competitions for young composers and “New Names” competitions (Yakutsk), at art exhibitions in Yakutsk and Moscow - these are the fruits of the creative union of teachers and students of the Mirny Children’s Art School.

In 2000, the art department of the Children's Art School moved to a new building on Tikhonova Street. There was also room in the school premises for an art gallery. Currently, the gallery's fund includes 115 units, which mainly include collections of Irkutsk and Yakut masters.

The best works of art school students are also stored here, the so-called “golden fund”, which is made up of graduation projects of graduates and works that won prizes in republican competitions. The gallery has become a place for creative communication between masters of various types of art. People are happy to meet here, give concerts, and hold seminars. The art gallery lives an active life, fulfills its main purpose - to contribute to the development of aesthetic education of the younger generation.

  1. Vecherin, P.P. From the Trust to the company, from tents to cities: chronology of Yakutalmaz 1957-1999 / P.P. Vecherin - Mirny: Mirn. city. typogr. 1997 - 296 p.
  2. Union of string and brush // Mirny district: history, culture, folklore. Yakutsk: Bichik, 2005. – P.181-188
  3. Our art gallery. // Palette. – 2007. - No. 1. – P. 18.
  4. Chuvashova L. The hut is red with pies, and the school is red with graduates / Lydia Chuvashova // Mirny worker - 1998. - February 28.

Mirny Central City Library

In October 1984, the city library moved to a new two-story stone building, which was built by the Mirnyenergopromstroy complex team in the city center, Leningradsky Prospekt. On the ground floor there is a children's library, on the second there is a reading room and a subscription for adults. Throughout Yakutia, this was the first and only standard building built specifically for the library: premises, sparkling parquet flooring, original wall decoration, openwork ceilings made of gypsum tiles.

  1. Pre-Congress Tribune: The Central City Library has moved to a new building // Sov. culture.- 1986. -23 Jan.
  2. Sanctuary of knowledge // Mirny district: history, culture, folklore/ Adm. municipal formation "Mirninsky district". – Yakutsk: Bichik, 2005. – P.188-190.
  3. Shishkova L. “Good healers of human souls” / L. Shishkova // Vilyui Dawns. -2005. - No. 12. – P.119-123

Sports Palace "Kimberlite"»

On April 2, 2005, the Kimberlite Sports Palace was officially opened in Mirny. The ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Vyacheslav Shtyrov.

The residents of Mirny have a wonderful sports complex, which includes an ice arena, a gym and a stadium with 5,000 seats.

The sports complex consists of two facilities - an arena for team sports and an ice arena. The gaming hall has a capacity of 1,250 seats, where mini-football and futsal competitions are held. Teams from Holland, Argentina, Spain, and Angola came to Mirny.

The Kimberlite Sports Palace has unique surfaces and exercise equipment, modern air conditioning and ventilation systems.

The gyms for weightlifting and choreography have the most modern equipment.

There are special classrooms for theoretical classes of groups ranging from hockey to figure skating. The capacity of the ice rink is 40 people per hour.

The cultural and sports complex is a unique enterprise. An aviation technical club was created here, which has three Yak-52 aircraft and one An-2 for the parachutist section. The pride of KSK is the modeling circle; it is planned to develop shooting sports and hold festivals in national sports in which athletes from the uluses of the diamond province will compete. And the main task of the team is to develop Olympic sports.

  1. Bordonsky, S. ALROSA, thank you for Kimberlite! // Mirny and diamonds: 50 years together (chronicle of the anniversary year). – Mirny, 2005. - P.44-48.
  2. Zhelov, P. “Kimberlite” is not an ore, but a Sports Palace / P. Zhelov // Arguments and facts in the North. - No. 14.
  3. Discovery of Kimberlite. - Yakutia. - 2005.- April 5

Triumph Stadium

Opening of the Triumph Stadium - a sports complex named after. The 60th anniversary of the Victory took place on August 6, 2005.

This is a modern sports facility with a good artificial turf that is resistant to the vagaries of northern weather.

The stadium was built taking into account all international requirements. Taking into account the northern weak soils, a reinforced concrete slab was installed in the base and a protective layer was made to prevent thawing under the slab.

After pouring a layer of quartz sand with rubber crumbs, which was delivered from Finland, a special “green grass” type covering was installed on the playing field, which is the latest generation of coverings used in international practice.

The stadium's stands can accommodate five thousand spectators at once. There are two artificial lighting masts and platforms for television cameras. The running tracks and shot put sectors are covered with a special rubber coating. This is a northern option - for our climatic conditions.

  1. Vladimirova, M. Triumph of Mirny / M. Vladimirova // Yakutia. – 2005. - September 6.
  2. Bocharnikov, A. “Triumph” is open” / A. Bocharnikov // Mirny worker. – 2005. - August 9.
  3. Breus, I. What will our sports house be like?/ Irina Breus // ALROSA Bulletin. – 2004. - No. 11.
  4. Triumph on the Triumph. // Yakutia. – 2005. - August 10.

Swimming pool "Crystal"

On one of the last days of 1987 in Mirny, the state commission commissioned the Crystal swimming pool. There is a gym, sauna, small and large baths with a three-meter diving board.

In recent years, the large and small bowls of the pool have been repaired, and a modern German water purification system has been installed. The water is filtered, chlorinated, treated with ultraviolet light, and passes through an automatic electronic quality control system.

For the youngest clients of Kristall there is a special room - a warm and cozy children's room with soft sofas and armchairs, an aquarium and a TV. Here, away from drafts, little children change clothes and wait their turn to swim.

There are slides in the small bowl of the pool. The bath itself is lined with colored mosaics. A countercurrent has been installed - the system creates a current like in a river, which helps beginners learn to swim. Shower rooms are equipped with touch panels: water at a given temperature is turned on with one touch. In dry swimming halls, where athletes warm up their muscles before training on the water, the floors and walls are lined with special soft materials that reduce the risk of injury. There is a cafe in the pool.

In addition to sports swimming, the Crystal pool has sections for synchronized swimming, rhythmic gymnastics and aerobics. For several years now, the Skat diving club has been hosting classes in the pool.

1. Vecherin, P. P. From trust to company, from tents to cities. Chronology of Yakutalmaz 1952-1992 - Mirny, 1997. - 296 p.

2. Gavrisheva, V. Pool “Crystal” is 15 years old / V. Gavrisheva // Mirny worker. – 2002. – December 24.

3. Malyarova, L. To be the best in the complex!/ L. Malyarova // Mirny worker. – 1989. - June 10.

4. Tolstov, V. The Crystal pool is open to everyone /V Tolstov // Mirny worker - 2006. - December 9.

Botanical Garden

A botanical garden has appeared in one of the quiet corners of the diamond capital, not far from the building of the former Rodina cinema.

The customer of the project was PETS LCD of the ALROSA company, and the Almaz-Antarex company was chosen as the contractor. The area is fenced and paving stones have been laid. The landscape of the park is decorated with a bridge spanning an artificial canal, alpine slides, and zoned seedlings brought from Yakutsk.

One of the most picturesque places for relaxation and walking has appeared in Mirny.

1. Bordonsky, S. We will have a botanical garden / Sergey Bordonsky // Mirninsky worker. - 2005. - Aug. 3.

Natural Park "Living Diamonds of Yakutia"

(Aan Ayilgy)

On April 9, 2009, the official opening of the Living Diamonds of Yakutia natural park took place. A nature park is 11 km away. northwest of Mirny on the watershed of the Chuonalyr and Kuelliakh rivers, this is a picturesque place with a unique microclimate, where nature has been preserved in its original form.

The organization of the natural park began after the signing of the decision of the Supervisory Board of AK ALROSA on August 17, 2000 and the agreement between the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and AK ALROSA No. 739 dated December 4 of the same year. The initiator of the creation of the natural park was Vyacheslav Shtyrov, while still the president of AK ALROSA.

The first inhabitants of the park are several young musk oxen and a couple of red deer (Wapit). In 2001, 13 musk oxen were taken from the Taimyr Peninsula to the village of Taas-Yuryakh, where they were kept until recently on the farm of the peasant farm of Sergei Simonov. Now 11 musk oxen have been delivered to their permanent habitat - the Living Diamonds of Yakutia natural park. Two beautiful wapiti were brought from the Orto Doidu Zoo (Khangalassky ulus). Forest bison brought from Canada and Yakut horses will also be kept here, and a little later birds rare for our region will appear.

A development program for the Living Diamonds of Yakutia natural park until 2013 has been developed. By this time, the park should turn into a zoo with spacious enclosures for predators and large herbivores: bison, musk oxen and even bison.

The territory of the park is 32,105.22 hectares, the length of the border is about 90 km, 18 km. from the city.

1. Bordonsky, S. In all its splendor!/ S. Bordonsky // Mirny worker. - 2009.- April 15

2. Bordonsky, S. New look of Chuonalyr / S. Bordonsky // Mirny worker - 2009. - April 11.

3. Dmitriev, A. Red deer travelers / A. Dmitriev // Yakutia. - 2009. - April 29.

4. Kolbasina, M. “Living diamonds of Yakutia” / M. Kolbasina // Yakutia. - 2009. - July 14.

5. Levochkin, V. With a mammoth on a short leg / V. Levochkin // Yakutia. - 2009. - August 21.

6. Sidorov, A. There are new residents in the park / A. Sidorov // Mirny worker - 2009. - April 7.

7. Unique natural park. // Alrosa Bulletin. - 2009. - No. 5.

Stone near the monument to the discoverers of diamond deposits and the creators of the city of Mirny.

On July 14, 1984, during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the city of Mirny, a meeting was held at the obelisk of the pioneers. At the conclusion of the meeting, a letter to the descendants of modern Mirny residents was placed in the capsule and concreted, which will be opened in 2010 (the text of the letter was published in Mirny Worker on July 18, 1984).

1. Party. From trust to company, from tents to cities. Chronology of Yakutalmaz. 1952-1992 - Mirny, 1997. - 296 p.

2. Letter of appeal. // Mirny worker. – 1984 .- July 18.- P. 1.

Stone at the site of the Yakutalmaz trust

The stone was installed on July 19, 2002 to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the Yakutalmaz trust and the ALROSA joint stock company. From 1959 to 1981, at this place at Leningradsky Prospekt, there was the headquarters of the USSR diamond mining industry - the building of the administration of the Order of Lenin Trust, the Yakutalmaz association.

2. Trust "Yakutalmaz": Photo chronicle 1957 - 2007. / Ch. ed. Z. Bestouts. – Mirny: Mirn. city. Typogr., 2007. – 103 p.

Stone - a monument to soldiers - Afghans

In connection with the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of a limited contingent of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, on February 20, 2009, a meeting was held in Mirny dedicated to the opening of a memorial granite stone, where a monument to soldiers participating in local hostilities will later be erected. The stone was laid on the street. Sovetskaya, in the park near the Almaz Palace of Culture (from the district administration side)

This is a tribute to memory and respect for the heroism of Soviet and Russian soldiers, a tribute to those who fulfilled their international duty at the cost of their lives. For four years, they actively supported the development of the project for a monument to those killed in local wars and armed conflicts: Vice President of AK ALROSA I.K. Demyanov, head of the social department of AK ALROSA R.N. Yuzmukhametov, chief architect of the Yakutniproalmaz Institute of AK ALROSA S.V. Mironov, head of the Municipal Municipality "Mirny City" S.Yu. Alexandrov, chief architect of the city of Mirny S.A. Safonova, Deputy General Director of PG Center-Marble-Granite LLC A.S. Ivanyatenko. The project to build a monument in Mirny has not yet been implemented for various reasons.

1. Bocharnikov, A. In memory of our soldiers / A. Bocharnikov // Mirny worker. – 2009. –February 21.

2. Dvorak, V. The guys left for the river... / V. Dvorak // Mirny worker. – 2009. – March 21.

3. We remember: the grand opening of a memorial stone where a monument to veterans who participated in local hostilities will be erected. // Mirny worker. – 2009. –February 18.

Memorial plaques

Memorial plaque

Soldatov Lev Leonidovich (1918-1997)

General Director of the Yakutalmaz Association

(1969-1978), Hero of Socialist Labor

A memorial plaque is installed on a stone on the street. Soldatova

1. Bordonsky, S. The Diamond Capital remembers V.I. Tikhonov and L.L. Soldatova /S. Bordonsky // Mirny worker. – 2008. – December 23.

2. Borodyanskaya, N. Profession - director / N. Borodyanskaya // Mirny worker. - 1988. - December 10.

3.They created the traditions of the diamond company // Mirny worker. - 2003. – December 24.

4. Soldatov Lev Leonidovich // Honorary citizens of the city of Mirny: collection. biogr. data / auto -composition Vasiliev G.I. - Mirny: Mirn.gorod. typography, 2002.- P.184-186

5. Trishina, N. Disgraced general / N. Trishina // Mirny worker. – 2008. – December 17.

6. Tsvetkov, Yu. General Director / Yu. Tsvetkov // Mirny worker. – 2005.- May 16

7. Yuzmukhametov R.N. Yakutalmaz soldier // R.N. Yuzmukhametov. Sunstone light. –Mirny: Mirn. city. typogr. – 2008. –P.93-96

Chirkov Nikolay Ivanovich


Truck transport worker, Diamond mining veteran

A memorial plaque was installed on the building of the MGOK Motor Depot on Leningradsky Prospekt

Kolbunov Vladimir Akimovich

(1911 – 1998)

Hero of the Soviet Union, Honorary Citizen

city ​​of Mirny, excavator operator.

A memorial plaque was installed on the house on Lenin Street, 10

  1. Kolbunov Vladimir Akimovich // Honorary citizens of the city of Mirny: collection. biogr. data / Auto. -composition Vasiliev G.I. - Mirny: Mirn.gorod. typography, 2002.- pp. 112-114
  2. Soldiers of Victory // Mirny worker. - 2005. -May 7
  3. Front-line soldiers of the diamond region: Book of memory. Part 1 rev. and additional / Auth. – comp. A.I. Vasilenko. – Mirny: Mirn. city. typography, 2004.- 215 pp.: photoill.

Serebryakov Ivan Iosifovich

(1930 – 1992)

Hero of Socialist Labor, excavator operator

A memorial plaque was installed on the house on the street. Lenina, 11

Morochko, N. Simple but bright life / N. Morochko // Mirny worker. – 2005. -December 23.

2. Serebryakov Ivan Iosifovich // Honorary citizens of the city of Mirny: collection. biogr. data /Auth. -composition Vasiliev G.I. - Mirny: Mirn.gorod. typography, 2002. - P. 179 - 181

3.Trishina, N. Serebryakov // People and Diamonds / Author. -composition Z.P. Belykh, V.E. Vybornov. M.I. Nepomnyashchikh. – –Yakutsk: book. publishing house, 1984. – P. 100 – 104

Kuzakov Vladimir Vasilievich

(1919 -1992)

Knight of the Order of the October Revolution,

first commander of the Mirny aviation enterprise

A memorial plaque was installed on the house on the street. Sovetskaya 14

Kuzmin Viktor Mikhailovich

(1923 – 1977)

Hero of the Soviet Union,

Brigadier of the MUAD mechanized column

A memorial plaque was installed on the house on Sovetskaya street, 7

Front-line soldiers of the diamond region: Book of memory. Part 1 rev. and additional / Auth. – comp. A.I. Vasilenko. - Peaceful, Myrn. city. typography, 2004.- 215 pp.: photoill.

Khabardin Yuri Ivanovich


Geologist-discoverer of diamondiferous minerals

Mir kimberlite pipe, Lenin Prize winner.

The memorial plaque was installed at 23 Leningradsky Prospect

Yuzmukhametov, R.N. History of the search and discovery of primary diamond deposits in Yakutia (1948 – 1955) / R.N. Yuzmukhametov. – Yakutsk: YaF Publishing House SB RAS, 2001. – 148 p.

Vasiliev Semyon Mitrofanovich

(1917 – 1997)

Hero of Socialist Labor, excavator operator

A memorial plaque was installed on the house on the street. Moskovskoy 8

1. Vasiliev, G. Heroes of Socialist Labor / G. Vasiliev // Mirny worker. – 2002. – July 20.

2. Vecherin, P. Delegate from Mirny // People and Diamonds / Author. -composition Z.P. Belykh, V.E. Vybornov. M.I. Nepomnyashchikh. – Yakutsk, book. from –vo, 1984. – P.84-88

Small architectural forms

Dragon, birds of paradise and flowers

A favorite place for Mirny residents - children and adults - to walk was the park near the Zarnitsa Hotel and the Almaz Palace of Culture. A cheerful fairy-tale family settled here in 1994: Gorynych, aka Drakosha, birds of paradise and flowers. The author of this metal sculptural composition is Honored Artist of Ukraine N.I. Mazur. Paths were laid along the green lawn, benches were placed, and Mirny residents flocked here.

Viktorova, T. Drakosha lives on the lawn / T. Viktorova // Mirny worker. - 1994. - September 3.

baby mammoth

Mammoths are the calling card of Yakutia. In the north of Yakutia, where the lowlands are washed by the sea, the remains of these large herbivorous fossil animals, united by one name - mammoth fauna, are found everywhere. If you decide to take a walk in the city of Mirny along Pavlova Street near the “Golden Tusk” store (Pavlova, 8a), you will definitely pay attention to the cute baby mammoth among the birches.

Strunnikov Yuri Vladimirovich, general. Director of JSC "Novis" as a gift to the city.

D dear doctor Aibolit and everything, everything, everything

A sculptural composition of K.I.’s favorite literary heroes. Chukovsky - “Doctor Aibolit and his friends” brings the joy of meeting the children of Mirny near the building of the children's clinic.

But look, some kind of bird

It rushes closer and closer through the air.

Look, Aibolit is sitting on a bird

waving his hat and shouting loudly...

But Aibolit shouts not “Dear Africa”, but “Hello, North”! Therefore, next to him in the composition of a small architectural form are penguins, polar bears, and fish.

Stolen sun

It’s always sunny in the small square near the Serge store on Tikhonov Street. The sculptural composition “Bear and Crocodile” is installed here - characters from the book by K.I. Chukovsky "Stolen Sun".

And in the big river


Lying down

And in his teeth

It's not the fire that burns -

The sun is red

Stolen sun

The idea of ​​installing this small architectural form belongs to N.A. Fateev. , who has done a lot for the improvement of our city.

Information provided by Ch. architect of the Yakutniiproalmaz Institute - Mironov S.V.

Lions in the city

Overnight: it wasn’t there in the evening, but in the morning they were already sitting – lions appeared in Mirny. Now they decorate the entrance to the Golden Fleece cafe. This is how the café workers added their own twist to the look of modern Mirny. The royal lions were made by order of the director of the Golden Fleece cafe, Valentina Vladimirovna Dreeva, in St. Petersburg.

Information provided by the director of the Golden Fleece cafe V.V. Dreeva.