German music - German language online - Start Deutsch. Famous German bands Popular performers in German

Songs have a beneficial effect on the learning process. Words are learned quickly, grammatical structures are remembered with a bang! To be honest, you don’t even have to strain to learn the words to your favorite song!

In the last article we talked about how you can quickly learn German by listening. Well, in this article we will go into detail about modern popular music, and also talk about hip-hop. Go!

Popular music It also differs in that the words are usually quite simple, and the grammar is not complicated, so if you are recently learning German and love light music, then this selection is especially for you!


- German rapper, singer and DJ. Real name Carlo Waibel. CRO was born in Baden-Württenberg in 1990. Cro's nickname is a shortened version of his name - Carlo. In addition to music, he also tried his hand at writing and design. The singer himself says that he performs “ Raop ”, that is, a mixture of rap and pop music (Rap- und Pop-Musik). If the old-timer of the German music scene, Udo Lindenberg, has a distinctive feature of his image - sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat, then the representative of the new generation Cro has made his feature a panda mask, behind which his face is not visible. The singer wears this mask at concerts, appears in videos and even gives interviews. Oh, these stellar quirks!

But, no, in fact, a mask for a singer is protection. Cro says that without a mask he can walk the streets without fear of being recognized. “It's good for my character. If I didn’t have a mask, I would probably treat other people differently, and maybe star fever would appear. A mask is a protective shield. If it weren’t for her, I would have to behave like the last scoundrel and defend myself with this.»

Maxim(Maxim Richarz)
performs reggae and pop music. To date, Maxim has already released four albums, and from September 29 the singer’s fifth album will be available "Reprise". In one of the interviews, the singer admits that he wanted to complain less, which is probably difficult for a native German, because, as they joke in Germany, “Jammern ist die erste deutsche Pflicht.” A song about trying to numb the pain after a breakup. "Meine Soldaten" received an unexpectedly strong response from the public. Many wrote personal stories to the singer, talked about their experiences and thanked him for the composition that helped him get through this difficult time:

And here, in addition to the cool track, is not just a video, but a whole gangster movie:

Clueso(Thomas Hübner)
is a rapper, songwriter and producer from Erfurt. The singer has already published his first book “Clueso. Von und über”, which contains photographs, lyrics and stories about the artist. If at the age of 90 Thomas had a chance to regain either the body or the mind of his thirty-year-old self, the singer would give the choice in favor of... the body! The singer has a very good relationship with his grandfather, who, by the way, also plays music, and is very proud of his grandson’s successes. Thomas considers him his friend and always tries to find time to meet between tours.

Latest album "Neuanfang" was released in 2016. In the same year, the artist received the listener's award from the German radio station 1Live as the best performing musician.

is a rapper from Berlin with a dark past. From the age of 14 he was already selling drugs, and in the 11th grade he was expelled from the gymnasium. Instead of a prison sentence for drug possession, Bushido was sent to community service.

The main theme of the rapper's first songs was the hard life on the outskirts of Berlin, which he knew firsthand, the drug and weapons trade. Since 2008, Bushido has been involved in the real estate business. In the same year, the rapper published his autobiographical book, which took 1st place on the bestseller list at the book fair in Frankfurt am Main.

The controversial rapper has repeatedly paid fines for insulting police officers, fighting, was accused of plagiarizing music by Swedish and French performers, and was also suspected of having connections with a mafia clan. 3sounds terrifying! But the scary and terrible Bushido can be different:

Max Giesinger
- German singer and songwriter. Max played in his first band at the age of 13. And after exams at the gymnasium, he flew for a year under the Work-&-Travel program to Australia and New Zealand, where he was a street musician.

The singer’s popularity began on Youtube, where he posted his covers of famous songs or compositions of his own composition. Upon returning home, Max performed in the German version of the show “The Voice”, where his coach was singer Xavier Naidoo, and in which he took 4th place.

In 2014, the singer had to part with his producer and began a crowdfunding campaign for his album. We managed to raise funds in the first 24 hours! Song "80 Millionen" from the album “Der Junge, der rennt” became a radio hit. In 2016, for the World Cup, Max made a new, football version of this song.

Mark Forster
- singer and songwriter, born in 1984 in Rhineland-Palatinate. After a successful collaboration with rapper Sido in 2013, Mark entered the top ten performers in Germany and Switzerland for the first time. After Sido also took part in the song "Au revoir" in Mark's second album "Bauch und Kopf". The song took 2nd place in the German charts and received three gold records in Germany and platinum status in Switzerland.

Mark never takes videos when attending concerts - this prevents him from enjoying the atmosphere. But at the same time, he himself has nothing against if his fans take out their smartphones during a performance and turn on camera mode - the artist perceives this as a kind of “applause.”

Andreas Bourani
grew up in Bavaria in a foster family, where he arrived a few days after his birth and was brought up under the new surname Stiegelmair. Andreas never knew his blood parents, presumably from North Africa.

At the beginning of his musical career, the artist returned his last name - Bourani, in order to protect his parents from publicity. The singer was previously a member of the Catholic Church, but subsequently left it and now follows the teachings of Buddha.

Sido(Paul Hartmut Würdig)
- rapper and actor from Berlin, he, like Bushido, is still a dark horse. The singer's nickname means "Super-intelligentes Drogenopfer"(“Super-intelligent drug victim”), which already says a lot. Paul’s childhood cannot be called prosperous: the future star of the rap scene was kicked out of school for drug use, grew up with a single mother and sister, and wandered in the Berlin ghettos populated by immigrants.

Sido is distinguished by provocative, obscene lyrics. This is quite consistent with his character: in 2012, at the ORF show, during a discussion with Austrian radio reporter Dominik Heinzl, the singer lost his temper and, in a fit of aggression, punched the reporter in the face, causing him to fall. However, Sido generously offered Edward Snowden refuge in his home.

Helene Fischer
- a singer of hits and pop music known throughout Germany and beyond, she was born in Siberia in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Helena's family belonged to the Volga Germans, who were exiled to Siberia in 1941. In 1988, when Helena was 4 years old, the Fischer family moved to Germany as “German immigrants.” Already in Germany, Helena graduated from the private music school Stage & Musical School, and in 2005 she made her debut on one of the ARD programs. Since 2011, the singer has hosted an annual Christmas show. "Die Helene Fischer Show", where both German singers and actors and world celebrities perform. This spring, the singer's eighth studio album, Helene Fischer, was released.

is a German electro-pop band founded in 2003. The duo chose this name in honor of the novel of the same name G. Hesse “The Glass Bead Game”».

The group has released three albums. By the way, the members of the duet Carolin Niemczyk and Daniel Grunenberg admitted that they are partners not only on stage, but also in life. In numerous interviews, the artists are tired of fending off questions about the wedding, and, meanwhile, they admit that combining work and living together is not easy. Therefore, even on tours, the guys try to set aside time “for themselves”, walk in a new city alone or with other tour participants, sit in different seats on the bus - in general, relax each other.

Carolyn takes care of the housework for the couple, and Daniel is better with money, but he also hangs on the phone longer. Carolyn dreams of traveling around the world with a backpack on her back; she believes that it will be useful to look at the world through the eyes of other people, to find out how they live.

Fettes Brot
- a hip-hop group from Hamburg has been performing since 1992 and during this time they have released six studio albums, they have such popular hits as “Nordisch by Nature”, “Jein” and “Emanuela”, and this group has also received many prestigious music awards (MTV Europe Music Awards, Echo and Comet).

Die Fantastischen Vier
- old-timers of German hip-hop, although already from Stuttgart.
The group is one of the most famous in German-language hip-hop. The group gained popularity after the release of the song Die Da, which took first place in the charts in Austria and Switzerland, and second place in Germany. The band members voiced penguins in the German versions of the cartoons Madagascar and Madagascar 2.

And if you have favorite performers, write in the comments.

Natalia Khametshina, Deutsch Online

Which German performers are popular in Germany, but not popular in Russia? and got the best answer

Answer from????[guru]
In the 1990s, genres such as rock, punk rock and heavy metal were popular in Germany. German bands of that time are known far beyond the country's borders; for example, in Russia the band Rammstein gained particular popularity. But there were other rock bands that did not have a large army of fans around the world, but they all definitely contributed to the development of German rock music. Rosenstolz and Die Prinzen - representatives of pop rock, Beatsteaks - punk rock and alternatives, performers in mixed genres were also popular, for example: Sportfreunde Stiller - Indie rock, group MIA - German rock and pop, Oomph! - Industrial metal and EBM (Electronic body music).
But along with rock, the hip-hop genre developed in Germany; German rap blew up the public in 1992 with the hit “Die Da” recorded in Stuttgart by the group Die Fantastischen Vier. And it all started in the 80s, graffiti, break dancing and all that.
Definitely the dominant style in this country is German electronic music. We all know the name Paul van Dyk. And one of the first groups to record music entirely on electronic equipment was the group Kraftwerk; since 1970 they have been releasing albums, real mammoths of the German scene. The Germans are among the most advanced in this direction. Die Liste der deutschen Gruppen:
German pop music:
1. Young performers and groups of Germany (2005/2006):
Ich + Ich
Inga Humpe und 2raumwohnung
Joy Denalane
Sportfreunde Stiller
Virginia Jetzt!
Wir sind Helden
Tokio Hotel (Download the song Tokio Hotel - Schrei.mp3 on our website)
2. Proven successful German and Austrian performers and groups:
Die Prinzen (Download the clip Die Prinzen - Deutschland.avi on our website)
Die Ärzte (Download compositions with lyrics on our website - die Aerzte Der Graf, Rabell)
Die 3.Generation
Falco und link (Download the composition with lyrics on our website - Falco - Jeanny)
Die Fantastischen Vier
Die Sterne
Die Toten Hosen
Dieter Thomas Kuhn
Fettes Brot
Funf Sterne Deluxe
Goethes Erben
Guildo Horn
Herbert Groenemeyer
Jule Neigel Band
Nina Hagen
Münchner Freiheit
Peter Maffay
Reinhard Fendrich
Rodgau Monotones
Udo Jürgens
Wolf Maahn
Xavier Naidoo
Yvonne Catterfeld
Die Flippers

Answer from Irina Chistova[active]
Simple and clear: Tokyo Hotel. I hate and don't listen

Answer from ^(o,o)^[guru]
There are a lot of them. As already noted, mainly in electronic music.
Two more respectable groups, In Strict Confidence and YelworC, which appeared in the late 1980s in Germany, for a long time in Russia remained known only in very narrow circles of electro-industrial fans. Both groups existed for more than 20 years (Yelworc sort of broke up after 2008), but we started listening to them more “massively” only in the late 1990s
Among the younger groups, the generally good group Agonoize is only now gaining popularity in our country; they began to come to Russia more often, but again, they are listened to mainly by fans of the corresponding genres. From this area, the groups Centhron and X-RX are becoming more popular, including among us - their music is more danceable, club-oriented, but dancing to such music is the prerogative of cybergoths, so these groups enjoy the main popularity among them.
In general, the German electronic underground is still of interest mainly to confident fans of it. Even German rock and metal artists are better known on average.

Answer from Elena MYTNIK[newbie]
Dieter Bohlen is very popular. I advise)

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Year: 1983
Success: German-speaking countries, UK, Australia, Sweden, Canada (1), USA, France (2)

“99 Luftballons” from the future first studio album of the legendary German performer and member of the jury of the show The Voice, created a real sensation in Germany. The song is about 99 balloons that were mistaken for a UFO. Soon an English version of the hit was recorded and a video was shot. In the world charts, two seemingly identical compositions were destined for different fates. American and Australian listeners preferred the original German version, which became a very popular non-English song and reached the top of the charts. The English version was also a success, thanks to which the song reached the top of the charts in the UK and Canada.

Scorpions – Still Loving You

Year: 1984
Success: France (2), Belgium, Switzerland (3), Germany (14), USA (64)

Just a year after the success of Nena, Germany fires a second salvo at world music and in this case, the chart positions absolutely do not reflect the greatness of this song, which has become the hallmark of Scorpions around the world and the best hit of German artists of all time.

Scorpions – Wind of Change

Year: 1990
Success: German-speaking countries, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden (1), Belgium, Ireland, Great Britain (2), USA (4), Australia (7).

It took the Scorpions group six years to strengthen their success in world music and write the composition “Wind of Change,” dedicated to perestroika in the USSR and the end of the Cold War. The song gained great popularity partly from the fact that it was perceived as a symbol of peace between the peoples of Germany and Russia, peace throughout the world.

Boney M – Sunny

Year: 1976
Success: Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, South Korea, France (1), Switzerland (2), UK (3), Sweden (11)

"Sunny" is a song written by Bobby Hebb. It is one of the most recorded and performed songs in history; it has been published in more than a hundred versions. In turn, it gained the greatest popularity when performed by the disco group from Germany Boney M and became the only interpretation of the composition that topped any national chart.

Modern Talking – You're My Heart, You're My Soul

Year: 1984
Success: German-speaking countries, Belgium, Denmark (1), Spain, South Africa (2), Sweden, Norway, France (3), Netherlands (4), Japan (15)

The debut single of the most popular German band of the last century, which sold eight million copies worldwide, is still popular among music lovers around the world. The band's Europop music carried a special charm in the 80s, but even today people sing along to this song without even knowing the words.

Enigma – Return To Innocence

Year: 1993
Success: Ireland, Norway, Sweden (1), UK (3), Austria, Canada, USA (4), Switzerland, New Zealand, Germany (5), France (11)

One of the most mysterious groups of the last century in the “new age” genre is unlikely to leave you indifferent. Their songs could easily fill a "Chillout" radio station or put someone into a trance. In addition to the above-mentioned composition, the song “Sadeness” also received worldwide recognition.

Alphaville – Big in Japan

Year: 1984
Success: Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Venezuela (1), Belgium, Netherlands, Spain (2), Italy, Norway (3), South Africa (5), UK (8)

The debut single of the German band Alphaville, according to one version, is dedicated to Japan, a fertile market for musicians, where any record by a hard rock band can be sold in huge quantities and how cool someone can be there. According to another version, “Big In Japan is about a loving couple trying to get rid of heroin addiction. But the variety of interpretations did not prevent the song from becoming one of the main hits of the 80s.

Fool's Garden – Lemon Tree

Year: 1995
Success: Germany, Austria, Ireland, Sweden, Norway (1), Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium (2), France (3), Italy (6), Netherlands, Canada (10), UK (26)

If you are not familiar with the work of this group, after listening to this song, you would never guess that it was written by a German group. Pronounced Brit pop and simple lyrics became the key to the success of this composition, which became the only truly famous one from Fool’s Garden.

ATC – Around The World

Year: 2000
Success: German-speaking countries, Poland, Romania (1), Denmark (2), Netherlands (4), Belgium, Canada (10), Australia (11), UK (15)

A simple melody, acquired from the group Ruki Vverh and which became a worldwide hit after the efforts of the popular German producer Alex Christensen, raised the ATC group, unknown even in Germany, to the top of many world charts. The rotation of this clip on television also went beyond reason.

Sarah Connor – From Sarah with Love

Year: 2001
Success: Germany, Switzerland (1), Austria (2), Finland (3), Belgium (6), Netherlands (9)

An incredibly mesmerizing and sensual composition with an unforgettable story in the video clip and 15 million copies worldwide subsequently established Sarah as one of the most successful German pop singers of the early 2000s.

Cascada – Evacuate the Dancefloor

Year: 2006
Success: Great Britain, Scotland, Israel (1), New Zealand, Ireland (2), Australia, Norway (3), Belgium, Canada (4)

Recognition for the group came after the hit “Everytime We Touch”, released a year earlier. The composition “Evacuate the Dancefloor” became even more successful. The single was one of the best-selling singles in Swedish history and was included in the list of the 15 best-selling singles of the year in the UK. Well, the popular New York radio station Z100 ranked the track fifth in their 100 best songs of 2006.

Lilly Wood and the Prick ft. Robin Schulz – Prayer in C

Year: 2014
Success: German-speaking countries, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK (1), Australia (7), Canada (12 ), USA (23)

A remix of the 2010 song of the same name by the most popular German DJ of our time broke all sorts of charts around the world. The video, filmed in Berlin, has received more than 325 million views on YouTube and more than a million likes. Collaborations “Waves” and “Sun Goes Down” with Mr. Probz and Jasmine Thompson cemented the young DJ's success.

P.S. Some singles of the world-famous groups Rammstein and Tokio Hotel did not have such popularity on the world charts, which did not in any way affect the fame of the artists as a whole. Leave a comment if you want a continuation of the article about German musicians worthy of attention.

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German rock bands began to appear in the 70s of the last century. The most notable were Ton Steine ​​Schreben and Ihre Kinder. Among the soloists, Udo Lindenberg stood out.

English or Deutsch

Previously existing German rock bands, performing songs mainly in English, gave way to representatives of the new wave, the so-called Deutschrock. This style was distinguished by short singles in the rhythm of rock and roll and blues, performed only in German. The texts were simple, and the compositions were not particularly complex. Thus, German musical groups of the 70s did not arouse much interest among the public, although the musicians had a certain number of fans. It was not always possible to find the right path to success. Much also depended on the vocal component; German groups with talented soloists were more attractive to fans. Guitarists who masterfully played the instrument were also valued.


Everything changed radically when German groups began to appear with a diverse repertoire, which included both Deutschrock and English-language songs. Academicism as a performance style has become a thing of the past, and the music of German rock quartets and quintets has become more interesting. The musicians quickly realized what the listeners needed, and things went smoothly. Each new album added popularity and became an incentive for further development. New German rock bands appeared one after another, the beginning of the 80s being their heyday. Its popularity was facilitated by the musical situation of the time, when new forms of performance were needed.

Famous German bands

Gradually, a community of rock performers was formed in Germany, which consisted of already recognized singers and instrumentalists. The German rock bands listed below are the most famous:

  • "Ramstein" (Rammsteein).
  • "Tokyo
  • "Kingdom Come"
  • "Darkestrah"
  • "Head Crash"
  • "Disbelief"
  • "Reamonn"
  • "Lakrimosa"
  • "Megaherz"

Not all German rock bands are listed; the list could be continued.

Among the musicians performing in the rock style, there are many performers who create works in other genres. German pop groups are also deservedly popular among young people. A notable performer of pop music is the same ageless Udo Lindenberg, who sometimes mixes rock and pop compositions. A good example of performing pop music is the rock group "Scorpions", whose composition and professionalism allows them to perform music in any style.


One of the most famous rock bands in Germany called "Ramstein" was formed in early 1994. The musicians immediately chose a style that combined deutsche rock and heavy metal. The stage image of the group consisted of shocking lyrics and various stage shows.

After Herzeleid's debut disc was released in the summer of 1994, the producer demanded recording exclusively in English, as this was required. However, after several attempts, Ramstein managed to record a number of German songs that were included in the Motor Music album, which had considerable success. Subsequently, the group adhered to a repertoire composed of songs in their native language.

In 1995, Ramstein's first tour took place, organized in support of the released album. The audience was amazed by the grandiose pyrotechnic show that the musicians staged right on stage. Thanks to colorful fireworks, the group gained unprecedented popularity in a short time. In 1997, almost all the singles recorded by the musicians entered the top rating of musical novelties and took first place on the list.

The next studio album was released only in 2001, and it was called Mutter. The collection contained the most unusual and shocking songs created by the group in recent times. Thanks to this disc and the next tour in support of it, Ramstein gained a significant increase in fans. Meanwhile, work in the studio continued, and by the band's tenth anniversary, the first DVD was released, which included all the videos and concert recordings created.

The next album, released three years later, was called Liebe ist alle da - “Love exists for everyone.” The group toured a lot and performed at festivals. In 2011, Ramstein had a foreign tour in New Zealand, Australia and South Africa.


Scorpions is a popular German group that performs lyrical ballads and classical music. It was founded fifty years ago, but is still considered one of the most popular and revered in Germany and throughout the world. During the existence of the group, 150 million records and discs were sold. Using the example of the first released discs (Virgin Killer, Fly To The Rainbow), we can conclude that the musicians immediately found their style - melodic vocals and powerful accompaniment. A particularly successful album entitled Animal Magnetism, released in 1980, has been the band's calling card for many years.

After four years of silence, the group recorded the album Savage Amusement, which was a great success and took first place in European chats. In the US, the disc reached fifth position.

1989 was the year the Scorpions' weakest album, Crazy World, appeared. This ended the active creative period of the group. The new studio album was recorded only eight years later. It was a double disc called Pure Instinct, which became a long-term irritant to the American government due to its alleged immorality. At that time, German bands preached a certain looseness on stage during their performances, and not everyone liked it.

In the first decade of the 21st century, the Scorpions group spent a lot of time in Russia. In 2005, the team took part in the celebration of the millennium of Kazan, and in 2009 they performed in St. Petersburg. The last album was recorded in 2010 and was called Sting In The Tail. At the same time, the group’s farewell tour took place, the final performance took place in September in Donetsk.

Tokio Hotel

"Tokyo Hotel" is a relatively young German rock band, founded in 2001. She quickly gained popularity, and most importantly, immediately became known throughout the world. In September 2007, the team set a record, gathering about 17,000 people in an open area. The fans carried the band's lead singer off the stage in their arms, put him in a car and lifted the car with him.

In 2009, the group's next album, entitled "Humanoid", was released. On this occasion, a tour was organized to support the disc. The route passed through Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan.

Contribution to musical culture

Of course, German bands in their diversity are of significant interest to connoisseurs of modern rock. Their repertoire changes regularly, and Deutschrock is gradually becoming part of world musical culture.