Natasha Varvina and her ex-boyfriends. Natalya Varvina married Alexei Mikhailovsky

The wedding of one of the most popular participants in the sensational talk show “Dom-2” Natalia Varvina and the producer of this project Alexei Mikhailovsky took place. They were already officially married at the time of the wedding, but now they decided to carry out a ceremony of union before God.

The history of relationships between Natalya Varvina

Natalya came to the project with the goal of finding her love, but within the framework of the project she was unable to do this. However, she still did not know how close her happiness was. The love story between the producer and the famous participant has lasted for several years. Their romance began when Alexey was a married man, and Natalya was still a participant in the project. In fact, we can say that she took him away from the family.

According to some reports, this novel played an important role in Varvina’s relationship with the team and participants of the show. After the relationship began, Natalya did not miss the opportunity to hint at her special status as the leader of the project. She behaved very arrogantly and this is what served to end her friendship with one of the show’s hosts, Ksenia Borodina.

At the time they met Varvina, Alexei Mikhailovsky’s wife was Vasilina Mikhailovskaya, who was the director of the show. However, over the years of their life together, Alexei and Vasilina had a child. In fact, the two of them are the main founders of the Dom-2 project. The romance started very quickly, and soon after it was announced that Alexey’s relationship with his wife was breaking up. Despite everything, Vasilina continues to work on the project, claiming that everything is in order.

According to some reports, Natalya owes her promotion in the project to Alexey. He even tried to make her the host along with Ksenia Borodina and Ksenia Sobchak. But the channel's management did not approve of this candidacy, despite the fact that her hand-drawn image appeared among the leading images in the show's intro. Therefore, Natalya was never able to make a rapid television career.

For the first time, the relationship was officially announced at the birthday party of one of the famous participants in the project, Olga Buzova. Since her departure from the project, Varvina not only did not advertise, but also carefully hid her relationships and personal life.

Wedding ceremony of Natalia Varvina

The celebration of this event took place in the Turandot restaurant. Some participants of the reality show were invited to the wedding ceremony itself. Among the guests were such memorable personalities as Vlad Kadoni, Roman Tretyakov, Olga Nikolaeva, known under the pseudonym “Sun,” and Elena Bushina.

Natalya wore a classic open-top dress, accessorized with fine jewelry and a lace bolero. Her hairstyle was very simple, classic. Neatly styled hair in a bun in the style of the famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. In general, the whole image looked very modest, but this only made it more elegant. The atmosphere of the celebration was very solemn, and the decoration was done with a certain chic.

According to unconfirmed reports, Varvina was pregnant at the time of the wedding, and that is why she and Alexei decided, in addition to the official wedding, to also conduct a sacred ceremony. However, this information has not been confirmed and is kept in the strictest confidence.

The couple was already officially married at the time of the wedding. And if for the first time only a few knew that Natalya Varvina got married, then the second ceremony received wide publicity, despite the fact that the ceremony was not advertised and was closed. Only close people were allowed to attend the celebration.

The ceremony itself became known only from information that was posted in the official group of Natalia herself. Which, however, caused a mixed reaction. Many Internet users spoke extremely negatively, expressing their opinions about the behavior of the show participant.

The main opinion was the condemnation of Natalya for destroying the family; the fact that Alexey and Vasilina had a child at the time of the beginning of his relationship with Natalya was perceived especially negatively. Natalya was perceived by the audience as a woman incapable of such an act, some even called her an “angel.” Therefore, the very fact of the emergence of these relations caused a lot of surprise and condemnation.

To the same extent that Natalya’s act was condemned, Mikhailovsky’s ex-wife Vasilina is now warmly supported. There were a lot of reviews in support of her and her son, and the fact that she remained to work in the project next to her ex-husband and his new wife made people talk about the courage of this woman.

However, according to some reports, at the time the relationship between the project participant and the producer began, his family was already falling apart, and the relationship officially began only after Alexey’s divorce from his wife.

What has not all of us seen in the well-known scandalous project House 2! In our article we will talk about Natasha Varvina, her husband and child. This girl was lucky enough to get on a television project; soon, as we remember, she built a relationship with Stepan Menshchikov, who did not like the young participant, no matter how much she wanted it. After that, Natalya still had frivolous hobbies and novels, which ended, one might say, without beginning. The public is still interested in Natalya Varvina, her and the child, what their relationship is, where they live, what they do. There are a lot of questions, but let's talk about everything in order.

Natalya Varvina, her husband and child

After several failed love affairs, Natalya Varvina tried to “swing” at the main producer of the TV show, and this step was crowned with success. Alexey Mikhailovsky was a married man with a child, but this did not stop the girl. While still on the project, she hooked up with a wealthy producer. Alexey's wife, Vasilina, also had a significant role in the reality show; she was its co-producer. Natalya Varvina skillfully took Mikhailovsky away from the family and did not hide the rapidly developing relationship with him. And, besides, she began to highlight her advantage on the project, showing that she was having an affair with her boss.

Due to the developing love affair, Natalya Varvina ruined relations not only with all the participants of House 2, but also with Ksenia Borodina, who did not communicate with the girl at all.

Natalya Varvina and her Mikhailovsky got married a year after the official marriage. The gala event took place in Turandot, in the very center of the capital, where not only relatives were invited, but also some participants in the reality show.

Alexey Mikhailovsky refuses to comment on the wedding, but multiple photos of the ceremony appear on the Internet, where Varvina is dressed in a classic long white dress.

After all the events, the producer of the television project, Varvina’s current husband, wanted to present her as the host of House 2, but the leadership from above did not approve of her candidacy, and Olga Buzova, as we remember, became the host. Something went wrong in Natalya Varvina’s career on a television project, and she left it without regret.

Further, the girl does not give up, her plans change, she starred in the film, wanting to become an actress. The role turned out to be successful; Varvina’s success captivated her fans, who are again happy for her. In the future, she establishes relationships with many participants of House 2 and helps them in holding competitions, coming up with numbers.

While giving interviews and answering many personal questions, Natalya mentions children who are only in the plans. For now, the young actress’s first priority is her career. And since she just started it, then child not included in her plans.

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So far, Natalya Varvina and her husband, the general producer of the Dom-2 project Alexei Mikhailovsky, do not have children of their own. But the other day the nephew of the star couple was born. Little Vanya and his mother feel great and have already been discharged from the maternity hospital. Natalya shared good news with fans of the microblog.

“How our whole family has been waiting for you! We are so glad that we now have you! Our Vanechka! Our sweet baby. My beloved sister, my little blood, thank you for my sweet godson,” Varvina wrote on Instagram.

The young woman does not hide her delight at the new addition to the family. She gladly accepts congratulations and shares details of the baby’s first days of life. In honor of the birth of the baby, Natalya purchased a crib with a snow-white canopy. She also decorated it with a bunch of colorful balloons. The choreographer of the TV show admitted that she was quite selective in choosing children's furniture.

Fans of the ex-participant of the main TV show could not leave her publication unnoticed. They wrote many comments under the post with congratulations and good wishes for the newborn. Some social network users praised their idol for her tender feelings for the boy and asked if she was planning to become a mother in the near future.

"Congratulations! Health to the baby”, “Natasha, it’s time for you to be happy parents too”, “For some reason I thought it was yours. But congratulations on your godson too,” “What a sweet baby! Just an angel! Children are a great happiness and the greatest joy! May everyone who dreams of motherhood have their dream come true and have such a baby”, “Natasha, how we are waiting for you to give birth to your baby”, “So touching. Even through the congratulations and the text, you can feel how glad you are and were looking forward to meeting you!” - the followers noted.

It is not surprising that fans wish Varvina to find maternal happiness, because the young woman proves herself to be a true keeper of the hearth and an ideal housewife. Natalya regularly pampers her chosen one with culinary masterpieces of her own making. In addition, she even twists her own tomatoes for the winter.

Varvina and Andrey Cherkasov

Natalya’s relationship on the show did not work out, however, being active and purposeful, she quickly moved up the career ladder. First, Varvina and she create the group “Istra Witches”. Then the girl begins a solo career, and also tries herself as a concert director.

In 2009, Natasha took second place in the annual “Person of the Year” competition Dom-2, losing only to , but in 2010 she still won this title.

In 2011, the girl tried herself in the acting field and starred in the film “Dot Doc The Ten Last Days,” but the film’s ratings turned out to be a failure.

After Natasha left the project, it became known that the girl began a serious relationship with the main producer of Dom-2. At first they did not advertise their romance, but soon everything became clear. Mikhailovsky began to promote Natasha in every possible way, he even wanted to make her the third host of a reality show, but was refused. After some time, he divorced his wife, co-producer

" Four years on the project Natalya Varvina managed to build a very successful career and left the program as a “single.”

Biography of Natalya Varvina / Natalya Varvina

Natalya Varvina born November 23, 1982 in Volgograd. The girl has an older brother Alexander and a younger sister Olga. After mother's death Natalya Varvina, her father, brother and sister moved from Volgograd to the city of Volzhsky in the Volgograd region. Since the age of 12, she has been actively involved in dancing and loves active recreation.

Natalya Varvina Graduated from Volgograd State Technical University with a degree in Finance and Credit. After graduating from university, she worked for some time as a presenter on local television.

Natalya Varvina on the show House 2 / Natalya Varvina

Natalya first appeared on the project on August 2, 2007. She immediately stated that she did not intend to break up couples, so she decided to take a closer look at singles. To the choice of a young man Natalya Varvina She approached me very carefully, and it was much easier for her to develop friendly relationships than romantic ones. Elena Bushina became her close friend. The girls quarreled many times and declared that they would not communicate anymore, but in the end they still made up.

Despite his long stay on the project, the relationship Natalia Varvina there was not much during my participation in the program. She always approached her choices very carefully and at the same time was distinguished by her straightforwardness: if she didn’t like something, the girl immediately spoke about it directly. At first Natalia Varvina I liked the charming Stepan Menshikov, but he did not reciprocate. Later, she had a relationship with a new participant in the show, but it suddenly turned out that he had a wife and child outside the perimeter.

Natalya Varvina: “I lived under the radar of cameras for a very long time. But if this didn’t bother me before, now that I’m leaving, I want to tell people less about the details of my life. My desires are very personal, but they are simple and close to every woman.”

Been around for a long time Natalia Varvina the main womanizer of the project was spinning Andrey Cherkasov. After failed attempts at relationships with other men, the girl decided to try her luck with him, but Andrei began to behave rudely and aggressively towards her. Also during life Natalia Varvina in House-2 she had an affair with a Russian radio DJ Maxim Orlov and with one of the project employees, but both of them ended quickly.

Natalya Varvina about her departure from “House-2”: “It’s difficult to name a specific reason. I was on the project for about four years. During my stay at Dom-2 on TNT, I graduated from college and received a diploma in economic management, began acting in films and won the “Person of the Year” competition. It's time to look for new directions in life. I felt that way, so I decided to leave.”

Career of Natalya Varvina / Natalya Varvina

Behind the perimeter, the creative biography of Natalya Varvina began: at first the girl went on tour as part of the group “ Instrinsky witches" together with Alexandra Kharitonova And Elena Bushina, then sang a duet with Nelly Ermolaeva. Later Natalya Varvina continued working as a solo performer, and the organizers “ Doma-2“They entrusted her with the position of concert director of the project.

In 2011 Natalya Varvina made her film debut. She played the lead role in the drama “Dot Doc. Ten Last Days", where her partners on the set were Ivan Okhlobystin and Maxim Maltsev.

Natalya Varvina about her plans: “I have a favorite saying: if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. I am a creative person and I would like to act in films. For now, I decided to keep it a secret from everyone what I plan to do in the future, but I am sure that I will soon please my fans.”

Personal life of Natalya Varvina / Natalya Varvina

Natalya Varvina began dating the producer of “House-2” Alexei Mikhailovsky after she left the perimeter of the project. Natalya and Alexei quietly got married in the summer of 2012, and a year later they got married.

The celebration was very magnificent and took place in the prestigious capital restaurant “Turandot”. The toastmaster at the wedding was Roman Tretyakov, also a former participant in the project.