Find a distributor of discount tickets to the Mariinsky. The procedure for providing discount tickets (for travel, to the theater) for pensioners

What benefits are available in the St. Petersburg churches of Melpomene?

It's no secret that going to the theater these days is an expensive pleasure, which is often beyond the means of students and pensioners. But as VP correspondent Alexey Blakhnov found out, you can still save money, because many theaters sell discount tickets. However, information about this is sometimes hidden almost behind seven seals.

Bolshoi Drama Theaterthem. G. A. Tovstonogova

At the BDT, everything is organized centrally: the theater has entered into agreements with student unions of St. Petersburg universities and various organizations for the social protection of the population, which provides students and members of these organizations with the opportunity to purchase tickets at a discounted price - 300 rubles.

If such an agreement with the student union of a university has not been concluded, then the student still has a chance to purchase a ticket at a favorable price, but this can only be done if there are unclaimed tickets left.

List of universities and organizations entitled to preferential visits to the BDT: Institute of Technology, University of Plant Polymers, State University, University named after. Herzen, University of Railways, Institute named after. Mechnikov, Suvorov Military School, Nakhimov Military School, Marine Corps named after. Peter the Great, the First Border Corps of the FSB, all branches of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People, the Society of Great Patriotic War Veterans, social and leisure centers of all districts. Also, discount tickets can be purchased by employees of the Military Medical Academy and members of the Theater Society.

St. Petersburg Academic Comedy Theater named after. N. P. Akimova

Discount tickets are sold here from 18.00, that is, an hour before the performance. They have a fixed price of 200 rubles, but their quantity is limited, since the 20th row of the stalls is allocated for beneficiaries, and, of course, it is not rubber.

Youth Theater on Fontanka

Here, an hour before the start of the performance, if all the tickets are sold, you can buy the so-called entrance ticket: it does not provide the right to occupy a seat, but it costs only 100 rubles. This, in fact, is where the benefits end; discounts remain: twenty days before the performance, tickets can be purchased with a 20% discount, but if you buy a ticket ten days in advance, the discount will be only 5%.

State Drama Theater "Comedian's Shelter"

The price of a discounted ticket to this theater is 20% of the full price, and you can buy it at any time. However, only students and pensioners are entitled to a discount; such tickets are sold only on weekdays and are issued exclusively in sets of two per person. And there are no more than ten of them per performance.

Alexandrinsky Theater

Discount tickets to Alexandrinka can only be purchased for repertoire performances; the discount on them is 10% and applies exclusively to tickets costing over 300 rubles. You can buy such tickets only at the theater box office from 13.00 to 14.00 and only in cash.

Theater-festival "Baltic House"

The system is familiar: you need to go to the theater box office an hour before the performance, and then, if there are seats available, you can buy a discounted ticket for only 200 rubles, but the seat will be in one of the last three rows of the auditorium. And by the way, the discount does not apply to festival events.

Mariinskii Opera House

Here everything is somewhat more complicated - an hour before the start of the performance you need to go to the administrator and find out whether there are any unsold tickets, which, in fact, are sold at discounted prices. And if you are lucky and have some tickets left, then if you have a student card or pension certificate, you can buy them for about 500 rubles (the price varies depending on the performance).

Mikhailovsky Theater

On the day of the performance, if tickets are available at the theater box office, there is a 50% discount for students and pensioners (upon presentation of an ISIC card, student card or pension certificate). Also encouraging is the promotion, which bears the self-explanatory name “Student Wednesday”: on Wednesdays, students can buy any ticket for 700 rubles. Benefits apply only to repertoire events.

St. Petersburg is the birthplace of Russian musical theater. Court opera and ballet performances in Peter's capital were already given in the 30s of the 18th century. The Bolshoi Theater of St. Petersburg was built in 1783, and the Mariinsky Theater in 1860 (created according to the design of the outstanding theater architect A. Kavos and named after the reigning Empress Maria Alexandrovna, wife of Alexander II). In 1935 - 1992 bore the name S.M. Kirov. The world premieres of many masterpieces of Russian opera classics took place on this stage. Among them are "Life for the Tsar" and "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by Glinka, "Boris Godunov" and "Khovanshchina" by Mussorgsky, "Prince Igor" by Borodin, "The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia" by Rimsky-Korsakov, "The Queen of Spades" P.I. Tchaikovsky. A distinctive national vocal school has been formed at the Mariinsky Theatre. The fate of many world opera stars is inextricably linked with him. The great Fyodor Chaliapin and Ivan Ershov, Nikolai Figner, Leonid Sobinov and Feliya Litvin sang on this stage, and in subsequent years - Nikolai Pechkovsky, Sofia Preobrazhenskaya, Mark Reisen, Georgy Nelepp. The Marinsky Theater has always been characterized by reverence for classical traditions. At the same time, on its stage in the 20th century there were performances that became epoch-making, landmark for the development of a new aesthetics of the opera house. Here, Alexander Benois, Konstantin Korovin, Alexander Golovin and Valentin Serov opened up new possibilities for theatrical painting to the world. Here Vsevolod Meyerhold staged his brilliant performances, each of which became an artistic phenomenon that interests the world to this day.

The theater's repertoire includes works from the "golden fund" of opera classics. In recent years, the theater has carried out joint productions with the largest opera stages in the world: Covent Garden, Opera de Bastille, La Scala, La Fenice, Tel Aviv and San Francisco Operas.

In the most famous and rightfully best theater in St. Petersburg, ticket prices sometimes reach simply unimaginable amounts. However, here too there is an opportunity to cheat and save a lot. Not many people know that the theater has a monthly discounted subscription program that will allow theatergoers to visit the Mariinsky Theater at half the usual price. The program includes both opera and ballet performances in modern and classical performances. To purchase such a subscription, you just need to find a group on the social network and send the appropriate application. Afterwards you will be able to redeem your tickets within 48 hours, taking into account a 50% discount at the theater box office. Of course, such a program has a small disadvantage - you won’t be able to buy one ticket.

    Teatralnaya Square, 1; Tel.: 326-41-52

In Mikhailovsky there is also a preferential program. This time these are not season tickets, but exclusively individual tickets, which students and pensioners can buy with a 50% discount right on the day of the performance. In order to purchase a ticket, you just need to present the appropriate identification at the ticket office: for example, a student card, pension card or ISIC card. True, there is one “but”: the discounts apply exclusively to performances included in the theater’s repertoire - unfortunately, you won’t be able to see the production of the touring troupe.

    pl. Arts, 1; Tel.: 595-43-05

Of course, not the most effective option, but the cheapest: half an hour before the performance at the Liteiny Theater, students can purchase the coveted ticket for only 100 rubles. True, here’s the problem: everything depends on available seats. By the way, you can also watch an interesting production of the Na Liteiny Theater on the new chamber stage, which the theater opened literally in mid-February. Experimental productions are shown here, and tickets are half the price even without any promotions.

    Liteiny pr., 51; Tel.: 273-53-35

Everything is much simpler here, and those who like to save money even have a choice: tickets with a 30% discount are sold directly at the theater box office from 11:00 to 12:00. Happy hour applies to weekday productions. However, at the same time you can purchase tickets for the weekend performance. True, the discount will be much lower - only 15%. If you think this is not enough, you can try to buy a ticket with a greater discount, but again everything will depend on available seats: an hour before the start of the performance there is a 50% discount on tickets from 300 rubles.

    Vladimirsky pr., 12; Tel.: 713-21-91

There are also Happy Hours at the Alexandrinsky Theater box office. But the discount, unlike other scenes, is much lower: only 10%, although this small amount will not be superfluous. Discount tickets can be purchased any day of the week from 13:00 to 14:00.

    pl. Ostrovsky, 6; emb. Fontanka River, 49 A; Tel.: 380-80-50

Where would we be without Molodezhka, beloved by many St. Petersburg residents? You can also watch an interesting production quite cheaply, although compared to other theaters, the Youth Theater on Fontanka is already relatively inexpensive. An hour before the start of the performance, you can purchase an entrance ticket here that is not tied to a seat: such a ticket will cost much less than usual, but such a promotion does not apply to all performances. One of the disadvantages is that you can find out about the possibility of purchasing an entrance ticket only at the theater on the day of the performance.

    emb. Fontanka River, 114; Tel.: 316-65-64

If you’ve decided to take your child to the theater and don’t want to pay a lot of money, then you’re heading straight to BTK. Here you can not only buy a cheap ticket, but also attend the performance completely free of charge. To do this, you will be required to hand out questionnaires to the audience in the theater lobby half an hour before the start of the production.

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(Saint Petersburg)

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What categories of citizens of retirement age have benefits and discounts on travel?

Receive benefits and discounts on travel to the Russian Federation they have a right such categories of citizens of retirement age as:

If we talk about benefits, then preferential categories of pensioners have the right to a discount or complete avoidance of payment for transport such as:

  • railway transport (commuter trains and electric trains);
  • travel by any type of transport free of charge to undergo a course of treatment or rehabilitation;
  • public ground transport;
  • underground transport (metro);
  • air transport.

What discounts and on what transport do citizens of retirement age have?

Railway transport (electric trains, trains)

Citizens of retirement age have the full right to free use of commuter rail transport, including electric trains.

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (including former military personnel), as well as disabled people, have every right to exercise the right to free travel to the place of their treatment or rehabilitation course once a year.

Free travel is provided in both directions.

Air travel

Today there is a state program, thanks to which every pensioner is entitled to a discount of up to 30%. However, you can’t get a plane ticket everywhere. We are talking about bindings within the country. Currently, about 30 cities participate in the program.

To receive a discount, simply present your pensioner ID at the checkout and find out what discount is offered.

Each airline offers its own conditions for retirees.

City public

The right to free use of city public transport, with the exception of taxis they have a right:


If we talk about suburban transport, then this subgroup can be divided into several categories:

In the first case, the benefit applies to the same categories of pensioners as indicated above (benefits for railway transport).

In the second case, right to free travel have:

  • pensioners who were participants in the Second World War, including: home front workers and owners of the “Resident of Besieged Leningrad” badge, victims of fascism;
  • having awards of heroes of labor of the USSR or the Russian Federation, including their closest relatives.

Receipt procedure

Citizens of retirement age have every right to receive a discounted travel ticket.

The procedure for receiving it is as follows:

To issue a travel ticket, you must prepare the following: list of documents:

  • original and copy of the applicant’s passport;
  • original and copy of pension certificate;
  • ITU certificate if the pensioner is disabled.

After this, the pensioner should contact the territorial department of social protection of the population and provide documents. In addition, a statement is written together with social security employees.

You can get a card at the metro ticket office or at the Autotrans branch. Employees of the social protection department will provide more detailed information about receipt.

Single personalized discount ticket for pensioners. What is this? How can I get

Under the definition “Single discount ticket” This means the same travel ticket, only with a small nuance - it can be used in any transport, both above-ground and underground.

For his registration must provide:

  • pensioner's passport;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • if the pensioner is disabled - an ITU certificate.

The process of its registration is completely identical, as in the previous version, only you can go directly to the metro, railway and other ticket offices.

The card itself is similar to a bank card, but is used for discounted travel on public transport.

Step-by-step instructions for replenishing a discounted travel ticket

To top up a discounted travel ticket, you must go to any self-service terminal that allows you to make such top-ups.

Replenishment algorithm is as follows:

If a situation arises in which money could not be credited to the card for technical reasons, a corresponding notification will appear on the monitor screen. In case of such a situation, you can contact the specified contact information on the terminal and then the operator will carry out this operation manually. For this reason, there is no need to worry.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that if the deposited amount exceeds the specified amount, the terminal may offer to transfer the balance to a mobile phone number.

Discount tickets to theaters in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Pensioners have the right to purchase tickets to theaters in Moscow and St. Petersburg at discounts. Of course, different theaters have their own discounts, but they still exist, which is good news.

Speaking of discounts in Moscow theaters, then the situation is as follows:

If we talk about pensioners living in St. Petersburg, then in this city the situation is as follows:

  • Mikhailovsky Theater. In this theater, pensioners have the right to purchase tickets with a 50% discount exclusively on the day of the performance. The only condition is the availability of tickets at the box office;
  • Alexandrovsky Theater Pensioners purchase tickets with a 10% discount, provided that the ticket price without a discount is more than 300 rubles;
  • Theater “On Liteiny”. Tickets can be purchased at competitive prices (for only 100 rubles) for all performances, but there is one condition - they can be purchased 30 minutes before the start, and if they are still on sale;
  • Mariinskii Opera House. In this theater, the cost of tickets can reach simply unaffordable figures. But at the same time, a 50% discount is provided for pensioners. You can buy tickets on social networks in official groups. After pre-booking, tickets can be purchased at the theater box office two days in advance.

As you can see, despite the expensive tickets to theaters in our country, pensioners can count on certain discounts for a wonderful time.

The provision of travel benefits for pensioners in Sochi is described in the following video:

Theatrical art does not lose relevance over time and contributes to the spiritual and intellectual development of the individual. Visiting the theater is the most prestigious and expensive pleasure. The use of promotional codes allows art lovers to attend their favorite shows without compromising the family budget.

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If you received an offer to jump with a parachute, your actions:

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Where to get a discount on a theater ticket

Human cultural development should not take place at the expense of other needs. Theater studios very often attract viewers with tempting promotions and lucrative offers. Customers who place an order through the official website of the theater receive the maximum benefit when purchasing tickets. Valid coupons are posted in social networking groups, on posters, advertising brochures and flyers.

Distributors sell theater tickets up to 20-30% more expensive, so it’s cheaper to pay for your visit at the box office with a 10% discount. The best deals for theatrical performances appear one to two weeks after the release of the play. At this time, ticket prices are reduced to 10-25%.

Most institutions support young people and therefore provide a discount on a student card. An hour before the start of the performance, students of Russian universities receive a 50% discount at the Bolshoi Drama Theater. As part of the “Student Wednesdays” campaign, the Mikhailovsky Theater sells tickets for 1,000 rubles. By purchasing paired tickets for the opera and ballet, visitors receive a 20% discount.

Yandex.Afisha regularly publishes the best discount coupons and advantageous offers for attending theater performances. For example, the “Theater.Go” promotion offers a discount of up to 90%. The popular, trusted website daily presents more than ten coupons with discounts of up to 70% on productions, operas and concerts.

Promotional codes for the theater are provided by partners and sponsors. For example, when paying with a Sberbank bank card, the client gets back up to 50% of the ticket price in bonuses. In summer, all spectators receive discounts of 20% or more, as consumer demand falls. Some institutions provide visitors with an entrance ticket, the cost of which is up to 70% lower than the standard ticket.

What kind of discount coupons are there?

The most popular type of coupon is considered to be a certificate: the client pays a small amount and enjoys a maximum discount when purchasing a ticket to a theater performance. The second most common type of incentive is a reduction in the cost of services when the check amount reaches a certain threshold.

Theaters often publish discount coupons for purchasing multiple tickets at once. Spectators pay for the last, extreme, remote seats and receive significant benefits. For children, disabled people, students, large families, and pensioners there are personal discounts of up to 50%. On international holidays and name days, additional bonuses of 10% are active.

How to activate a promotional code

Discount coupons are activated upon payment. It is enough to enter a digital or alphabetic combination in a special field, and the cost of the ticket will be recalculated automatically. If the coupon is purchased at the cash desk of the institution, the discount is provided by the cashier upon presentation of the coupon or passport. During ticket sales and promotional days, you will not need to enter promotional codes: the purchase price includes all bonuses.

TOP 5 theaters where promotions are held

The five most popular theater institutions that are ready to offer customers maximum discounts:

Theater is a special, inspiring world. Spectators receive positive emotions and have a good time. On weekdays there are promotional codes for a discount of 10% or more for all customers. Special offers for discounts of up to 50% are available for students, pensioners, and people with disabilities. Ticket prices are reduced during pre-sale and also a few minutes before the start of the performance.