Musical questions for children. Musical quiz game "Let's color the world with songs and flowers"

(for students in grades 5-7)


1. What is the name of music that is performed only on instruments without the participation of the voice? (instrumental)

2. What kind of music is called vocal? (music meant to be sung)

3. What are the people who create musical works called?


4. How many groups of musical instruments are there? (five)

5. Which group of musical instruments appeared first? (drums)

6. Self-sounding instruments - what are they?

(cymbals, rattles, bells, castanets)

7. What is the name of a large group of singers? (choir)

8. What about instrumental musicians? (orchestra)

9. What word in Italian means “work”, “composition”? (opera)

10. What does the word “operetta” mean? (little opera)

11. What did the Italian monk Guido d’Arezzo invent? (staff)

12. In what century did the conductor have a baton in his hands? (in the 19th century)

13. How is the word “ballet” translated from Italian and French? (dance)

14. What instrument can you use to check whether a piano, violin, or cello is tuned correctly? (using a tuning fork)

15. Which musical instrument is the largest? (organ)

16. Four musicians playing together are... What? (quartet)

17. What is the name of an ensemble of nine people? (but no)

18. How many strings does a violin have? (four)

19. How is the name of one of the birds of prey related to musical instruments? (the fingerboard is a bird of prey and the part of some stringed instruments against which the strings are pressed to change the pitch of the sound)

20. Sometimes the strings on a mandolin, guitar and other similar instruments are plucked not with your fingers, but ... With something (a special thin plastic plate - a mediator)

21. What component of opera and operetta corresponds to a monologue in a dramatic performance? (Aria)

22. What plates should you not put food in (plates, which are a percussion musical instrument that consists of two brass disc-plates from which sound is produced by striking one against the other or hitting them with sticks)

23. Who created the greatest ballet “Swan Lake”?

(great Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky)

24. Amati, Guarneri, Stradivari - who are they?

(great Italian violin makers)

25. What is the name of the musical introduction to an opera, ballet, operetta?


26. What is the leading genre of orchestral music? (symphony)

27. How is the word “symphony” translated from Greek? (consonance)

28. What is "pa"? (step, dance movement)

29. Which musical genre is the oldest? (song)

30. What symphonic fairy tale for children, known in many countries of the world, was composed by S. S. Prokofiev? ("Peter and the Wolf")

31. Tenor, baritone, bass, soprano, alto, contralto - what is it?

(types of male and female voices)

Literally a couple of decades ago, choral drinking songs were an invariable attribute of any holiday and this did not require any special game “provocations” or lead-ins from the presenter; now the entertainment part of holiday programs has become very diverse, and often it doesn’t come to songs at all, which is a pity. A choral song makes you closer, brings you closer and lifts you above the hustle and bustle; it’s not without reason that they say about a happy person that his soul SINGS. Therefore, modern holidays are good because they give guests the opportunity to sing and remember beautiful popular songs from different times.

We offer one of these games - musical quiz “Let's color the world with songs and flowers”

Options for conducting a musical game. You can give each guest one question.You can divide the room into teams and hold a team song relay. And at the second stage of the song relay, check whose team is more friendly and interesting in singing a “colored” song from beginning to end.

Leading: Dear guests! We have prepared an interesting task for you. For each question, you must first guess the name of the song in question, and then perform a passage that mentions the color encrypted in the question: red, yellow, green, etc.

Music Quiz Questions and Answers

1. A song about fog of an unusual color ("Purple Haze")

2. What color did the child paint the sky, sea, greenery, camel and even mother? ("Orange Song")

3. The color of the fragrant bird cherry blossoming generously in the heroine’s land? (“White bird cherry fragrant”)

4. What color doomed the cat to a sad life in this cheerful song? ("Black cat")

5. In this song, the army designated by this color is strongest all the way to the British seas (“The Red Army is the strongest of all”)

6. What color is the motor ship, combined with the cries of birds, does the author of this song admire? (“Oh, the white ship”)

7. In this song, the leaf of a very curly tree is exactly this color, and the hero himself is in love and confused? (“Curly maple”)

8. Against the background of viburnum of this color, the girl discovered the changeable and nasty character of her beloved... ("Red viburnum")

9. And this song is about a cherry blossom tree with a wonderful color and about the moon that appeared, and then it turned out... ("Snow White Cherry")

10. And in which song is everything very brightly painted in this color - frost, the sky, and the star? ("Blue frost")

11. A song about a bird that flies and thirsts for prey.. ("Black Raven")

12. Remember the color of the dress of the heroine of the song about sweet dope, blooming gardens and betrayal.. ("Once a year")

13. In the famous children's song of Soviet times, the nights of this color were supposed to literally rise like fires... (“Raise your bonfires, blue nights!”)

14. A song about tulips the color of a belated morning star, which did not bode well for the heroine ("Yellow tulips")

15. In which song does the sea, which is considered Black throughout the world, have this very color? (“The bluest Black Sea in the world is mine”)

16. Leaves of this color are circling over the city and rustling quietly ("The leaves are yellow")

17. It is the eyes of this color that the hero passionately dreams of and literally dies... ("Black eyes")

18. A song about roses that the hero brings to his classmate Svetka for her birthday ("Pink roses")

19. What color rare bird do fortune hunters chase after? ("Blue bird")

20. What color did Luna especially love the hero of this song? ("Blue Moon")

Elena Borodina
Music quiz “Music tournament”

Music quiz “Music tournament”

Guys, today we will hold a music quiz called “Music Tournament”. In it we will talk about everything related to music. I would like to hope that you will show off your knowledge. I will ask the participants to divide into two teams and choose a team name and captain. Titles must be related to music. So, let's meet the first team.

In order to find out who will be the best today, we need strict judges. Our jury includes:...

Competition 1. “Guess the melody”

Leading. Now excerpts of melodies from children's songs will be heard. Your task is to find out the song and say its name.

1. “Magic Cap” (music by V. Dashkevich).

2. “Three White Horses” (music by E. Krylatov).

3. “Forest deer” (music by E. Krylatov).

4. “Winged swing” (music by E. Krylatov).

Competition 2. “Find the “extra” word”

Leading. Words are written on the sheet, find the odd one.

1. Violin, trumpet, guitar, balalaika.

2. Piano, grand piano, accordion, drum.

Musical break (song plays)

Competition 3. “Riddles”

Leading. I will ask riddles, and you must guess. Whoever does it faster will win. Don't forget to raise your hand to answer.

1. Which instrument

Are there strings and a pedal?

What is this? Undoubtedly

This is our sonorous... (Piano)

2. He looks like the accordion’s brother,

Where there is fun, there he is.

I won't give any hints

Everyone knows... (Accordion)

3. Louder than a flute

Louder than violins

Our giant is louder than trumpets:

It is rhythmic, it is distinct

Our cheerful... (Drum)

4. I put the pipe to my lips,

A trill flowed through the forest,

The instrument is very fragile

It's called... (Pipe)

Competition 4. Music quiz “Find the answer in the song”

Leading. When taking the quiz, you need to remember the lines from the song.

For example: - What can you do in a fairy tale?

(In a fairy tale, you can swing on the moon and ride across a rainbow on a horse)

1.- Who is grazing in the meadow far, far away? (That's right, cows)

2.- What were the geese doing in the puddle by the ditch? (The geese washed their feet in a puddle near the ditch)

3.- What happened to the bear when he walked to his den along a country road? (Stepped on the fox's tail)

4.- Who was the grasshopper’s friend? (I didn’t touch the booger and was friends with the flies)

5.- What’s in Winnie the Pooh’s head? (Sawdust in my head, yeah, yeah, yeah)

6.- Where does friendship begin? (Well, friendship begins with a smile)

7.- Dad can do anything! Swim breaststroke, argue with bass, even chop wood. Why can't daddy do it? (Only it cannot be a mother)

8.- The Bremen musicians believe that there is nothing better in the world than?

(Than friends wandering around the world)

9.- Once a needle, two needles - what will happen? (There will be a Christmas tree)

10.- If you stomp, drive and run along the path for a long time, where can you come?

(Ah, you can come to Africa)

Competition 5. “Words from notes”

Leading. Now guys, come up with words that contain notes: who is greater. For example: house, renovation, mirage.

.(beans, road, chisel, river, revolution, resume, tomato, board, mimosa, world, facial expressions, headlight, apron, surname, clang, frog, orphan, syrup, tit, lilac).

Competition 6. “Multi-remote”

Leading. Now you will hear soundtracks of songs that were heard in cartoons. Guess what the songs are called and what cartoons they are from.

1. “The Bear’s Lullaby” from the cartoon “Umka.”

2. “Smile” from the cartoon “Little Raccoon”.

3. “Song of Friends” from the cartoon “The Town Musicians of Bremen.”

4. “Song of the Vodyanoy” from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”.

5. “Song of Winnie the Pooh” from the cartoon “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All”

6. “If only there were no winter” from the cartoon “Winter in Prostokvashino”

Competition 7. “Blitz survey”.

I will ask you questions one by one, and the team should answer out loud. Each team is asked 9 questions. The command “…” will respond first.

1. What do we hear with our ears? (Sound).

2. What do you call a person who composes music? (composer)

3. A musical instrument in the shape of a table on three legs (grand piano).

4. What are the names of graphic signs for recording musical sounds? (Notes).

5. What is the name of the person who plays music on church bells (Ringer)

6. What note is added to the soup (salt)

7. Solemn song - a symbol of the state (anthem).

8. A stick with a hair stretched along it for playing the violin (bow).


1. What dance was traditionally performed with daggers? (Lezginka).

2. String instrument, which is called the “soul of the orchestra”? (violin).

3. What is the name of the musical accompaniment of the songs? (Accompaniment).

4. What musical term translated means “circle”? (Rondo).

5. Which instrument is the largest in the world? (organ).

6. What key won’t open the door? (treble clef);

7. Seven guys on the ladder started playing songs (notes);

8. A musical instrument with a neck and six (maybe seven) strings (guitar).

Competition 8. “Guess the instrument”

Various instruments will sound. Your task is to guess what kind of instrument it sounds.

(Musical fragments are performed by the following instruments: piano, organ, accordion, guitar, violin, flute).

Leading. While the jury sums up the results of our quiz, a song will be played for you and the audience.

The jury sums up the results, announces the results of the competitions, and awards the winners.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the event “Checkers Tournament” Traditionally, every year our kindergarten hosts a “Checkers Tournament” event with children from preschool groups. The purpose of this.

“In the Land of the Treble Clef” (Music quiz for school camp children)“In the country of the treble clef” (Music quiz) Musical event for children at school camp Goal: consolidation.

Today was a very serious day in our group, serious because a very serious tournament was taking place, a checkers tournament. I'm fascinated by the game while idle.

P/N: To develop an educational interest in the history of the native land, its attractions and culture. -We've been talking a lot lately.

Over its centuries-old history, humanity has accumulated enormous amounts of musical treasures. These include folk songs and dances, works of composers from different countries and times. People also invented a wide variety of musical instruments, which to this day give us aesthetic pleasure. Listening to music, we comprehend the beauty of its sound, while we ourselves become richer spiritually.

A quiz about music will help us remember both the basics of musical notation and entertaining and interesting facts from the life of music. All quiz questions have been answered.

1. Sounds are represented by means of a special kind of signs called...
Answer: notes

2. Who owns the words “I am the king of the violin and the guitar is my queen”?
Answer: Niccolo Paganini

3. How many notes are there in musical notation?
Answer: seven

4. What is the name of the set of five lines on and between which notes are written?
Answer: staff

5. What do a guitar and a piano have in common?
Answer: These instruments use strings to produce sound.

6. What is the name of a large group of musicians who jointly perform a piece of music on various musical instruments?
Answer: orchestra

7. What two notes “form” the product growing in the garden?
Answer: “fa”, “sol” (beans)

8. What is the name of I.A. Krylov’s fable, in which four “musicians” played, some into the forest, some for firewood?
Answer: "Quartet"

9. What is the name of Chekhov's story, in which Yakov played the violin very well, especially Russian songs?
Answer: "Rothschild violin"

10. What is the name of a musical group of three performers?
Answer: trio

11. What is the name of a natural musical instrument given by nature, the sound of which is formed by the larynx?
Answer: singing voice

12. Which German mechanic in 1812 designed one of the versions of the metronome in the form of a hammer that beats on a wooden anvil?
Answer: Johann Maelzel

13. What is accompaniment?
Answer: musical accompaniment of voice melody, instrumental melody

14. Guess the musical instrument:
At the first stage, music sounds and ladies and gentlemen dance
The second is a dividing union in Russian
Third - dog breed
Answer: balalaika

15. As a child, he often sat under the piano, sobbing when he happened to misbehave. Meanwhile, the mother always played the same old romance. This music seemed especially offensive to Seryozha. His father, Vasily Arkadyevich, often sat down at the instrument. And Seryozha grew into a famous composer, virtuoso pianist. Who are we talking about?
Answer: Sergei Rachmaninov

16. These musicians were obligatory participants in calendar holidays in Rus', weddings, fairs, and coronations. They knew how to compose songs and skits, and played all kinds of instruments. What were they called in Rus'?
Answer: buffoons

17. What is the name of the oldest plucked string musical instrument?
Answer: harp

18. In what century was the term “overture” established?
Answer: in the 17th century, in France

19. What musical instruments did Emperor Alexander I play?
Answer: violin and clarinet

20. Which Russian composer organized the “Russian Musical Society” in St. Petersburg in 1859?
Answer: Anton Rubinstein

21. What instrument did Clara steal from Karl in the famous tongue twister?
Answer: clarinet

22. About what musical instrument did G. Berlioz say, “This instrument is a violin among woodwind instruments”?
Answer: clarinet

23. Who do we call the king of the waltz?
Answer: Johann Strauss

Round I (for each correct answer 1 point)

    He plays the violin (violinist)

    Is domra a string or wind musical instrument? (string)

    What is the name of this musical instrument? (showing with gestures)

    Was the music for the opera “Carmen” composed by Meringue or Tchaikovsky? (Merringue)

    He plays the guitar (guitarist)

    What is the name of the big accordion? (accordion)

    What note is “put in the soup”? (salt)

    What's bigger: viola or violin? (alto)

    He plays the piano (pianist)

    Musical group consisting of 3 performers (trio)

    What is the name of this musical instrument? (show picture)

    Is the clarinet a string or a wind instrument? (wind)

    Does recitative occur in opera or ballet? (in opera)

    Are timpani a wind or percussion instrument? (shock)

    What is the name of this musical instrument? (show picture)

    What is the name of a large group of singers? (choir)

    Repeating part of the song (chorus)

    Is the trumpet a woodwind or a brass instrument? (copper)

    What is the name of this musical instrument? (show picture)

    How many notes are there? (seven)

    Is vocal music sung or played? (singing)

    Is the overture an introduction or a conclusion? (introduction)

    Is the trombone a percussion or wind instrument? (wind)

    How many people sing the aria? (one)

    What is the name of this musical instrument? (show picture)

    Is the rattle a string or percussion musical instrument? (shock)

    Is Rimsky-Korsakov a Russian or a French composer? (Russian)

    He plays the balalaika (balalaika player)

    Musical group consisting of 4 performers (quartet)

    What is the name of this musical instrument? (show picture)

    He plays the drum (drummer)

Round II (for each correct answer 2 points)

    The largest musical instrument (organ)

    “Mama” violin (cello)

    What note is between the notes “E” and “G”? ("F")

    Founder of Russian classical music (Glinka)

    Russian folk stringed musical instrument of triangular shape (balalaika)

    What note is “hidden” in the name Maxim? (“si”)

    What musical instrument did Sadko play? (harp)

    Inventor of the saxophone (Sax)

    “Cinderella” - a ballet by Prokofiev or Tchaikovsky? (Prokofieva)

    Mazurka is a dance of which people? (Polish)

    Device for healing sounds on string instruments (bow)

    What is the lowest bowed string instrument? (double bass)

    Krakowiak is a dance of which people? (Poles)

    Is major a register or a mode? (lady)

    What is a high-pitched female singing voice called? (soprano)

    What is a piano with an upright body called? (piano)

    What is the name of a choir with male and female voices? (mixed)

    Is the Philharmonic a theater or a concert hall? (concert hall)

    “Papa” of the violin (double bass)

    What note is between the notes “G” and “B”? (la)

    “The Little Humpbacked Horse” - is it an opera or a ballet? (Ballet)

    Is Adagio a fast or slow tempo? (slow)

    What is a piano with a horizontal body called? (piano)

    Which people gave the name to the Polonaise dance? (French people)

    What are the names of the graphic symbols with which music is recorded? (notes)

Round III (for each correct answer 3 points)

    Which instrument plays the bird's theme in the symphonic fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf”? (flute)

    In medieval Russia, a traveling musician, singer, actor (buffoon)

    What is the last part of a major work called? (the final)

    What was the name of the Tsar in Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Golden Cockerel”? (Dadon)

    What is unaccompanied singing called? (a cappella)

    Playing multiple sounds at once (chord)

    What musical instrument did the buffoons perform with? (domra)

    The second title of M.I. Glinka’s opera “Ivan Susanin” (“Life for the Tsar”)

    Forte translated from Latin - loud or quiet? (loud)

    A set of eight sounds in which the last sound is a higher repetition of the first (octave)

    What is the music stand called? (lectern)

    Final round (2 people participate) (1 point for each correct answer)

    What is the name of singing that is similar to recitation? (recitative)

    The first musical instrument to appear on earth, each of us has one (voice)

    What is the name of the ancient plucked string keyboard instrument, the ancestor of the piano? (harpsichord)

    The musical accompaniment of the solo part is called... (accompaniment)

    What is the name of a large instrumental ensemble in which instruments are combined into related groups? (orchestra)

    This is the name of a higher educational musical institution (conservatory)

    What is the name of a large four-movement work for a symphony orchestra? (symphony)

1 competition “Video clip”

Each class team had homework. And now the time has come to watch and evaluate it. Each team musically represents their team.

2nd competition “Star Alphabet”

The leader of each team draws a token with a letter. The team’s task is to remember as many names of musical groups, performers, and song titles starting with this letter as possible.

3 competition “There is a beginning, there will be an end”

Participants must complete the phrase.

1 team

Sleeping Beauty

Little Red Riding Hood

Old woman - ...Shapoklyak

Baba - ...Yaga

Gold fish

Crocodile Gena

2nd team

Swan Lake

Tom and Jerry

Cat - ...Leopold

Alexander Nevskiy

Ruslan and Ludmila

The Bremen Town Musicians

4th competition “With a note to the world”

In one minute, participants must remember words that have syllables - notes. Each team receives its own note.

1 team

    "Fa" (beans)

    "Before" (house)

    "Re" (river)

2nd team

    "Mi" (peace)

    "La" (frog)

    "Si" (strength)

5th competition “Star Quiz”

1 team

    In which song can you learn about the verb and the dash? (“What they teach at school”)

    Who ate the green grasshopper? (Frog)

    Which song can you repeat the multiplication tables in? ("Two by two is four")

    What was born in the forest in winter? (Herringbone)

    What happens once a year? (Birthday)


    What did little Raccoon see in the pond? (Smile)

    In which carriage can you reach the sky? (In blue)

    Who didn’t go through anything and who wasn’t asked anything? (Antoshka)

    Who sang the song while lying in the sun? (Lion cub and turtle)

    Who thinks that you can’t become famous for good deeds? (Old woman hat)

6th competition “Unusual singing”

The team must perform the song “There is nothing better in the world...”, but with a specific task.


    With your nose pinched between your fingers

    Biting your lower lip


      Like in 40 degree frost

      Without pronouncing the “s” sound

"I'll start, you continue"

1. May there always be sunshine, may.....

2. A strong friendship will not break, not......

3. Once a plank, two planks, it will be....

4. Come on, sing us a song.....

5. Happiness suddenly knocked in the silence……..

6. Hanging on the fence, swaying in the wind...

7. Either a birch tree or a rowan tree...

8. There is nothing better in the world...

9. The blue carriage is running...

10. Write different letters...

Presenter: Well done guys! you did it and pleased the fairy with the fact that you know the songs well. Do you know how to solve riddles?

Teacher: And now we will hold a riddle competition.

1.On a piece of paper, on a page -

Either dots or birds.

Everyone is sitting on the ladder

And songs chirp.

2. Chaliapin sang to everyone’s envy,

He had enormous talent

All because I studied

Art, what is the name...

3. Book word “vocals”

What would be a simpler name?

4. He performs on stage,

Starts a song in the choir.

Performs the entire verse

The chorus sings back.

Baritones and basses.

Eight tenors, soprano

They sing together harmoniously.

Travel across countries

And they give tours there.

6. A parade is held to this music,

So that the general and the soldier walk in step.

7. Triangular board,

And there are three hairs on it.


8. Three rows are poured,

And the people are squatting!

And the three-row is not bad -

There are buttons and bellows.

And funny old ladies

They sing ditties to it.

(Accordion, accordion.)

9. I stand on three legs

Feet in black boots.

White teeth, pedal.

What's my name? ...

10. The piano and accordion became friends

And united forever.

Can you guess the name?

Commonwealth of furs and keys?


11. He is not a recognized talent

A wandering musician.

To make it easier to think,

I'll give you a hint: Papa Carlo.

(Organ grinder.)

12. I need someone to sing to me,

Have an ear for music.

To make it sound better,

Learn the words first.

13. Curly, beautiful sign

Let's draw it like this.

He is great and omnipotent,

This is our... (treble clef)

14. What kind of miracles are these?

The guys are sitting by the fire,

They sing and look at her.

So that it suddenly sounds,

Pluck the string first.

And there are seven or six strings,

We cannot count her merits.

It’s easy for everyone to sing to it,

Tell me what's her name?.. (guitar)

15. The first marches are played by the military,

Guys blow only big ones in them.

But the second ones are standing on the roofs,

Everyone smokes a lot in winter.