Aziza's personal life now. Aziza Mukhamedova: biography of the singer, career and personal life

Aziza (real name Aziza Mukhamedova) was born in Uzbekistan. Her family consisted of musicians: her father was a famous composer, her mother was a teacher at a music school. It would seem that Aziza’s future was predetermined. But to everyone’s surprise, the girl dreamed of becoming a doctor. Perhaps she should regret that this dream of hers did not come true. Aziza's path to musical fame was thorny and ambiguous.


At the age of sixteen, Aziza joined the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Sado”. Working in this team meant a lot for the professional development of the singer. You could say this was her first music school.

Aziza's wise mother insisted that her daughter enter the conservatory. And the girl did not disobey her mother. Aziza combined her studies at the conservatory with work in the ensemble, since she was forced to financially help her family due to the early death of her father.

After graduating from the conservatory, Aziza takes part in the traditional vocal festival in Jurmala, where she takes an honorable third place and wins the audience award.

From this moment Aziza’s dizzying musical career begins. The singer moves to Moscow and releases her debut album, which enjoys wild fame. It is difficult to say what determines Aziza’s success. Perhaps the singer’s oriental flavor combined with her recklessness, so popular in the nineties, is to blame.

Aziza and Igor Talkov

In 1991, the popularly beloved singer Igor Talkov tragically died during a concert. The reasons for his death have not yet been clarified, but the main version is the murder of the singer, which was committed by Aziza’s lover Igor Malakhov. According to some rumors, Aziza herself is suspected of the murder of Igor Talkov.

After the death of the famous singer, a wave of hatred hit Aziza. She was unable to continue performing and left the stage. It turned out that it was only for a while. A few years later, the singer returned, but was never as popular as in the nineties.

Personal life

Aziza was in a close relationship with businessman Alexander Brodolin for several years. Rumor has it that for the sake of her beloved, Aziz even changed her faith from Muslim to Orthodox. The couple tried to have a child for many years, but Aziza had problems with childbearing. There were rumors that the singer was going to resort to surrogacy, but this information was not confirmed.

In 2016, Aziza unexpectedly broke up with Alexander Borolin and married another man. All that is known about the singer’s wife is that his name is Rustam.

The Khorezm performer was 46 years old. The artist spent the last months of her life with close people.

Cause of death of Aziza Niyozmetova

The singer underwent treatment in India for more than a year, but failed to overcome the disease. She spent the last months of her life with close people.

Recently, the singer was in Uzbekistan, and passed away in her native Khorezm, where she was born and raised.

Biography of Aziza Niyozmetova

Niyozmetova was a popular singer at the national level, her work was also familiar to foreign listeners, and Aziza gained her first popularity back in 1990. In fact, the singer devoted her entire adult life to music, was a respected artist and an equally respected person off stage.

In addition to her successful career, singer Aziza was also a mother of many children. She raised four natural and two adopted children. The singer’s death was a big blow for everyone who knew her and who followed her work, and many famous people from Uzbekistan have already expressed condolences to their family and friends.

Relations with the pop association “Uzbeknavo”

The management of the Uzbeknavo pop association demanded that the singer “observe the rules of moral behavior and not commit acts against the stage culture and culture of appearance, thereby offending the feelings of the audience.”

Aziza Niyazmetova noted that for the past 28 years she has been actively performing on stage; on April 7, she was called to Uzbeknavo to discuss her photograph posted on social networks:

“It turns out that just one photo of me, posted online, shocked the officials. It was a photo of me wearing a sleeveless dress and holding flowers. I posted the photo online with the inscription: “May everyone be lucky enough to receive such flowers.” I took a photo at home with a bouquet of flowers that my husband gave me. That is, not on stage. In this photo, only my forearms are exposed.

Document No. 248, signed by Uzbeknavo General Director Farkhod Juraev, who is known among artists as the “vizier of singers,” states that Aziza Niyazmetova “must respect the national mentality, national values, national ideology and customs.”

The singer believes that the discontent of officials was caused by her critical statements on social networks and the press:

– My objections to the yellow press, in particular, the online publication, and critical statements in general became a reason for dissatisfaction among officials.

However, the representative of the Uzbeknavo pop association Farrukh Botirov left our reporter’s questions about the reasons for reprimanding singer Aziza Niyazmetova unanswered.

As Ozodlik’s source in the Uzbeknavo pop association says, the organization regularly monitors photographs of singers on social networks and the press:
– Singers with “half-naked” photographs and those who give interviews to the Western press are included in the so-called “black list.” After approval from above, measures are taken against them. For example, you just have to remember how singer Lola’s license was terminated early last year. Then she went on stage in a dress with an open back

Aziza is a singer with an amazing voice, sultry oriental appearance and a difficult character. The public became acquainted with her work back in 1989, when the girl performed the hit “Your Smile.” She immediately won the hearts of millions. It seemed that unconditional success awaited her, but fate decreed otherwise. We will tell you about the difficult life of this talented artist in our article.


Singer Aziza (according to her passport - Aziza Abdurahimovna Mukhamedova) was born in Tashkent on April 10, 1964. She grew up in a family of professional musicians. Dad - Abdurakhim Mukhamedov - is half Kazakh and half Uyghur by origin. He was a participant in the Great Patriotic War, and in peacetime he received the title of Honored Artist of the Uzbek SSR. A talented composer and a wonderful person, he managed to instill in Aziza a love of music. However, he died very early. Our heroine was only 15 years old then. The girl turned gray from grief and from then on vowed that she would become the main breadwinner in the family. The mother of the future singer, Rafika Mukhamedova, was born in the village of Staraya Kulatka, Ulyanovsk region. She was Tatar by nationality. She had the opportunity to be a soloist of the State Academic Choir of the Uzbek SSR, work at a music school, and work as a conductor. The singer was always very proud of her mother and often took her to social events.


The future singer Aziza was the youngest of three sisters and everyone's favorite. But she was brought up in accordance with strict Muslim principles. There were no concessions in anything. However, the pursuit of art and science was encouraged in every possible way. Oddly enough, as a child the future singer dreamed of becoming a doctor. Later she dreamed of becoming a ballerina and spent hours practicing her ballet gait. In addition, Aziza was a rare tomboy. One day she fell from the roof of the house. Since then she has had a large scar on her forehead. She hides it with bangs and calls it her talisman. From the age of sixteen, our heroine has already successfully combined work with study. She performed as part of the Tashkent vocal and instrumental ensemble “Sado”. The girl performed the leading roles and was considered a very promising singer. In addition, she managed to perform at discos and holidays, play the piano in music clubs, etc. In 1980, Aziza entered the service of the K. Yakubov Philharmonic. Eight years later, she graduated from the conservatory in piano and decided that she was ready to conquer the big stage.

First steps in art

In 1988, our heroine was sent to the All-Union television competition of young performers of Soviet pop songs, which took place in the city of Jurmala. The girl did not receive any prizes there, but she managed to please the public. Everyone was captivated by her cheerfulness and stormy temperament. Taking away the audience award, the artist realized that she could achieve enormous success. Personal life for the singer Aziza did not yet have much meaning. She often got carried away, but her career was the main thing for her. She was noticed! From now on, she was ready to conquer Moscow, and then the whole world!

Way to success

In 1989, singer Aziza moved from Tashkent to Moscow. Here her solo career began. The song “Your Smile” by Oleg Beskrovny instantly made her famous. The beautiful, tall, bright, temperamental artist put her whole soul into the performance of the simple hit. The girl began to be invited to various musical events. She visited the Morning Post three times, which at that time was considered a great achievement. Then the artist presented the song “Marshal’s Uniform” to the audience. She was greeted with the same enthusiasm. Extraordinary vocal abilities, natural grace, stunning charisma... It seemed that a new dazzling star had lit up on the Soviet stage. However, fate presented the girl with a very unpleasant surprise.


The biography of the singer Aziza says that in 1989 she recorded her debut album called Aziza and successfully toured Russia with it. The beauty began to be invited to the most prestigious concert venues in the country. She performed with real pop stars. And she quickly lost her head. And this is precisely what should not have been done. It was 1991. During this difficult period, everyone was in danger. Aziza now has a lover and patron, Igor Malakhov. Strong, courageous and completely uncontrollable. There were rumors that he was a member of some gangster group.

At that time there was nothing unusual in this. But still, decorum was required. And there were problems with this. On October 6, 1991, at the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg, the situation finally got out of control. The famous singer Igor Talkov died in a brawl between Igor Malakhov and commercial director Valery Shlyafman. The dispute arose over the line to go on stage. It is difficult to say now who initiated it. But a shot was fired - and the idol of millions was wounded in the heart. He died almost instantly.

Sad consequences

How old was Aziza then? The singer's age is no secret to anyone. She was 27 years old at the time of the crime. She was full of hopes and plans. I was expecting a child from my loved one. She was six months pregnant. After the collision in Yubileiny, the girl lost her baby from stress. For her it was a terrible tragedy.

And, according to millions, she was responsible for the death of Igor Talkov. The artist was a cult figure in the eyes of his contemporaries. Women loved him for his bright appearance, men for his honesty and directness. Against the backdrop of the singer's death, Aziza's whim with an early appearance on stage looked not just outrageous - blasphemous. And no one began to delve into the details of what happened. Our heroine was found guilty. And this put an end to her successful career.


The biography of singer Aziza indicates that she has a strong character. However, the general persecution was not easy to bear. The girl completely stopped appearing in public. She went to her native Uzbekistan, where she gave private piano lessons. The active nature required an outlet. Therefore, in 1992, the singer worked part-time, wherever she had to. She worked as an artistic director in pioneer camps and children's creative circles. Then she went to the USA, where she performed at a friend’s restaurant. For three years, the artist disappeared from a wide audience. But after a while I decided to return in triumph.

Attempt No. 2

It was almost impossible to get into the same river twice. The world around was changing at cosmic speed. The public has new idols. But Aziza was determined to act. In 1993, she was included in the “Song of the Year” with the composition “For Your Love.” In 1995 she released a new album, “All or Nothing.” This name eloquently described the singer’s life credo. Uncompromising was her calling card. In 1999, the artist signed a collaboration contract with Stas Namin. After that, songs with rock intonations and oriental flavor appeared in her repertoire. However, all the singer’s creative achievements were unknown to the general public. The stigma of Talkov's killer haunted her and gave her no rest. In 2006, Aziza recorded a duet with Igor-Talkov Jr. It was a knight's move. The guy justified the singer. He said that after the death of his father, she was the only one who appeared on his doorstep with sincere repentance and an open heart. Igor even made the woman the godmother of one of his children.

Smile of Fortune

How old was singer Aziza in 2007? Forty three! It was at this age that she had the chance to surprise her fans again. And she did not fail to use it. NTV launched a new project - the show “You are a superstar”. Its participants were talented singers of past years - Alexey Glyzin, Sergey Chelobanov, Valentina Legkospupova and others. They competed with each other in singing, the art of impersonation, and presentation of material. Aziza was among the participants and won in a fair fight. She signed a contract with Joseph Prigogine, but then difficulties began. The producer refused to work with her. Among the reasons, he named eternal whims and reluctance to adapt to his requirements. In addition, the singer signed the cooperation agreement in pencil. This solved all the problems. Aziza and Prigogine broke up. The woman again began to look for her unique path to popularity.

Aziza Mukhamedova is a famous singer from Uzbekistan, who has also become very loved and popular in Russia. Starting her creative path, she showed herself perfectly at the start, after which she never slowed down for a moment. She released the most diverse albums, which were very favorably received by listeners, and they were listened to not only in Russia and Uzbekistan, but also in Europe, Africa, and even Asia. That is, a spectacular woman managed to declare herself as a singer. She also looks good, bright and stylish, despite the fact that she is no longer the age of young girls. However, for a public person this is not surprising.

Height, weight, age. How old is Aziza Mukhamedova

Height, weight, age. How old is Aziza Mukhamedova? This is the question all fans ask themselves when they are interested in their idol. Today, Aziz is 53 years old, height is 172 centimeters, and weight is 72 kilograms. That is, one cannot say that she looks too much like a model, but she doesn’t need it. After all, a woman attracts you with her bright appearance, charisma, pleasant smile, and amazing talent. Listening to her songs, you can immediately understand that she puts her soul into them and treats everything she undertakes with responsibility. But where did it all begin? How did an ordinary girl decide to become a singer and what contributed to this?

Biography of Aziza Mukhamedova

The biography of Aziza Mukhamedova begins in the city of Tashkent, in the sixties. The fate of the little girl was predetermined from the very beginning, because her father was an honored composer, but her mother taught music at school. Therefore, she devoted her entire childhood to music, although she had a dream of becoming a doctor. At first, Aziza's life was carefree, but when she was fifteen years old, her father suddenly dies. His death radically changed the family's lifestyle. Young Mukhamedova had to constantly work, although previously she could only study music. So, from a young age, the future singer learned what hard work is, that not everything in life comes easy and simple.

But Aziza did not give up studying at the music school, she continued to actively study, take lesson after lesson, improving her skills. Already at the age of sixteen, she became the lead singer of the Sado group, and it was here that the life of the poor girl changed dramatically. She couldn’t even immediately enter the conservatory because she didn’t have time for it. There were constant tours, not only throughout the Soviet Union, but also abroad. But the singer still graduated from the conservatory in the late eighties. At one time, the singer came to Moscow, where she debuted with various albums and met famous singers of that time, for example, Igor Talkov.

At the very beginning of the nineties, a tragedy occurred. Talkov died during a brawl on stage, and Aziza’s good friend was among the crowd. For this fact, the singer was persecuted so much that she disappeared from the stage for four whole years. And only four years later she was able to cope with her grief and sing new hits. In the 2000s, Aziza continued to release albums and take part in various television programs. Now she tirelessly continues to work both on herself and on new creativity. He releases albums and performs new songs, which are successful. For an ambitious and bright woman, nothing is impossible.

Personal life of Aziza Mukhamedova

The personal life of Aziza Mukhamedova is interesting, somewhat sad, but still with a happy ending. The first feelings happened when the woman came on tour to Afghanistan, where she was noticed by a handsome young man. The next morning he knocked on the door of her house. But the relationship didn’t work out, because at that time in her life the singer was only interested in her career and nothing else. Therefore, this time it didn’t work out, but the gorgeous woman can’t help but enjoy the attention.

When she toured Cyprus, a young businessman came to her concert and simply listened to her songs in fascination. As soon as they looked at each other, they immediately realized that they couldn’t live without each other. Therefore, when we returned home, we started calling back, reaching out to each other, and in the end we realized that there was no need to delay the wedding. In 2011, a solemn event took place in the homeland of men. His name is Alexander Brodolin. He was already married and had a child, but this did not stop him from starting a new relationship with Aziza.

Family of Aziza Mukhamedova

Aziza Mukhamedova’s family today consists of herself and her beloved husband, whom she met on tour in Cyprus. They immediately realized that they should be together, so they did not delay the wedding. The man had already been married before, he also had a child, but still, he built a relationship with his new beloved woman. Aziza has very warm feelings for him and wants them to have a child together. But she is afraid to give birth on her own because she is no longer young. Therefore, he is seriously thinking about finding a surrogate mother. But be that as it may, Aziza has a family and she is very happy next to the one she loves.

Children of Aziza Mukhamedova

The children of Aziza Mukhamedova are a closed topic for her, because the singer does not have them. It is difficult to name the reason why this happened. But most likely it can be explained by the fact that, carried away by her career, the woman somewhere forgot about simple joys. Although she has a beloved husband, in whom she dotes, she still has not yet decided to have children in the family. But Aziza dreams about it, thinks that perhaps she will seek the services of a surrogate mother. Whether the married couple succeeds or not, for now they are quite happy together. Especially considering that Mukhamedova’s husband already has a son, therefore, he does not particularly suffer about the fact that there are no children with Aziza yet. But, again, it is quite possible that a new addition to the family is still to be expected.

Aziza Mukhamedova's common-law husband - Alexander Brodolin

Aziza Mukhamedova’s common-law husband, Alexander Brodolin, became the chosen one who won the heart of a beautiful woman and singer. I must say that he succeeded in something that no one else could, because Aziza has a lot of fans. It so happened that young people themselves knocked on her doors, but the woman at that time was only concerned about her career, and not her personal life. But apparently you can’t escape fate, because during a tour in Cyprus, a handsome young man came to a concert and watched with bated breath the beautiful woman on stage. Having accidentally met their eyes, they realized that they were destined to be together.

After we returned home, we began to actively correspond and call each other. After which they decided that there was no point in delaying the wedding. Alexander Brodolin is a successful businessman; he already has a marriage behind him, from which a child was born. Despite all this, Aziza dreams that they will also have children together, but due to her age she is afraid to give birth herself. Therefore, the couple is thinking about having a surrogate child. So, maybe we will hear about how a bright married couple had children who continue the work of their parents. For Aziza Mukhamedova, nothing is impossible, and if she decides to become a mother, she will do everything that depends on it. It is important for her to be not only a popular singer, but also a good wife and mother.

Singer Aziza has lost a lot of weight in recent months. The popular singer openly told reporters that she was suffering from a serious illness.

In three months, Aziza lost ten kilograms. The artist does not go out into the world and does not film for television programs.

“I didn’t want to upset anyone and share my mood and problems. My health suffered a serious setback after yet another life stress. The bowl overflowed and cracked. The pain, suffering and despair that had accumulated throughout my difficult fate poured out in a torrent. Although there were, of course, a lot of good things in my life,” Aziza said.

The artist’s personal life is not going well. Several years ago, the singer met a man named Alexander. They had a beautiful romance, despite the fact that he lived in St. Petersburg and she lived in Moscow. Alexander proposed to Aziza, but the wedding has not yet taken place. The singer refused to move to the city on the Neva, and the Mother See did not attract the artist’s chosen one. It got to the point that last year Aziza decided to break up with Alexander and go to Tajikistan, but changed her mind.

And the singer cannot come to her senses after the death of her mother. And although the woman, who was well over 90, died a couple of years ago, Aziza is still unable to cope with her grief.

Aziza lost her child from Malakhov

Singer Aziza became the next star guest of Boris Korchevnikov’s talk show “The Fate of a Man.” The woman remembered the terrible day of death of her colleague, singer Igor Talkov, whose shot destroyed her career and the life of her unborn child.

The unfortunate shot happened a few minutes before Igor Talkov was supposed to go on stage, at the moment of a scuffle between the singer’s guards and Aziza’s friend Igor Malakhov, with whom she was expecting a child.

“Igor Malakhov was never my security guard, he was my favorite person. They just arranged him that way as a bodyguard so that they could go on vacation together. He was not associated with crime. Three months later I was going to marry him, I was already pregnant with his child. But on October 6, after all this tragedy, I lost my child,” said Aziza.

It’s interesting that the artist and Igor Talkov had a good relationship, so Aziza believes that at that moment someone turned him against her.

“I couldn’t even imagine that something like this would start. I was sitting in the dining room, drinking tea, and suddenly we heard clicks and screams. I ran out and saw that Igor was lying, fighting, I began to cover him with myself so that they would not hit him on the head. I saw that Valera, Talkov’s director, was holding a Malakhov pistol. I ran after Valera, he put the gun in the toilet tank,” the singer recalled the events of that day.

In the bustle, Igor Malakhov disappeared somewhere, and since the weapon belonged to him, they blamed him for what happened.

“I saw half a head of gray hair, I thought this was only possible in the movies. And then I found out from the doctor that I had lost the child. I thought that I died that day. If it weren’t for my mother then, I would have gone crazy after all this,” the artist admitted.

Aziza proposed involving psychics in the investigation of the murder of singer Igor Talkov

Singer Aziza proposes using new forensic methods in the investigation of the murder of Igor Talkov - magicians and psychics. She told Channel Five about this.

“What kind of examinations are possible there? God willing, of course, that we have new methods in the 21st century. Maybe they'll bring in psychics, white magicians, some kind of sorcerers? Maybe they'll say something. Like Messing and Vanga in their time. I advise you to contact them, they will tell you exactly how it was and what happened there,” said Aziza.