Who is a charismatic person? Who is a charismatic person (1 photo)

It is often said about some people: “He is a charismatic person.” What does it mean? And what is charisma?

A charismatic person is...

Sometimes, just by looking at a person, you can understand that he is a confident and responsible person who can be trusted. Or it happens that someone enters a room and his presence immediately makes your soul feel warm and pleasant, and the room itself seems to be illuminated with light. We cannot express it in words, but we subconsciously feel that he has a certain power that makes people gravitate towards him. People around you begin to experience these or similar sensations when a charismatic person stands in front of them. This can be expressed in anything: in a look, posture, style of clothing, gestures... But most often it is a combination of all personal qualities and habits.

Before delving into the topic and examining in detail what a charismatic person means and whether it is possible to become one, let’s get acquainted with the word “charisma”. Its roots are in Ancient Greece. There, the word “charisma” meant “gift.” But not only the ancient Greeks thought so. Christians believed that a charismatic person is one who has been awarded a gift from God, and by charisma they understood some great power, a spark. And in the great and powerful, “charismatic” is a synonym for the word “charming.”

Modern interpretation

Apparently, the ancients noticed that a charismatic person is a strong person with a “great gift.” Modern society also does not lag behind its forefathers. There are more than fifty interpretations of the term “charisma”. However, the famous political scientist and psychologist Mark Weber was the first to identify what this “great force” is. He devoted his entire life to the study of power and leadership and noted that charisma is a quality that helps a person look exceptional in the eyes of others and, as it were, endows its owner with a special, “great” strength capable of withstanding any difficulties. Weber also proposed a theory in which a charismatic man (or woman) has influence over a wide mass of people and can control them.

In today's business world, this is often seen in business. The head of an organization simply cannot help but have charisma; it’s like a passport to the world of the successful and strong. This is all due to the fact that any organization is managed not by the smartest specialist and not by the one who works the hardest, but by the one who is able to raise and inspire his employees to great labor feats and lead them to the bitter end.

You don't have to be successful

By the way, you don’t have to be rich and successful to have charisma. The fact is that you are not born with this quality, it can be developed. Of course, there are people with innate charisma. However, very often its influence on others is short-lived. Therefore, one must always practice and develop in this regard.

Those who were born and lived as an inconspicuous gray mouse do not need to despair and should at least try to obtain this “great power.” True, for this you need to make enormous efforts and completely change your previous life. First of all, you need to decide on this. And this is very difficult, since there is a daily, perhaps lasting several years, character strengthening. This means acquiring new healthy habits and completely abandoning old, harmful ones. And once you have already started, you must under no circumstances loosen your grip and stop, otherwise everything will go to waste. And most importantly, there must be unshakable faith in yourself. And then the results of your work will undoubtedly exceed all expectations.

How to become a leader

So, there is a strong determination to change for the better and develop leadership qualities. All that remains is to learn the secrets of charisma and decide what exactly needs to be developed.

  1. Confidence. No one will ever listen to someone who is trying to prove his point by hunching over and mumbling something incomprehensible in a quiet voice. Even posture and gait, straightened shoulders, a confident look, appropriate gestures, facial expressions and clear, intelligible speech - this is what will help convey your point of view to your opponent.
  2. Image. A strong personality should stand out. This does not mean that you need to run to an expensive boutique for fashionable “rags” or put a trash can on your head and walk around with it. Let the clothes be modest and inexpensive, the main thing is that they complement the image and create the right impression. As they say, the main thing is that the suit fits.
  3. Ability to bear responsibility. Now this is a rare occurrence. Few people want to get screwed over an uncompleted task, so such people try to distance themselves from any responsibility. A true leader must be able to take responsibility not only for himself, but also for everyone who is under his leadership. Otherwise, there can be no talk of any trust.
  4. Emotional control. It is imperative to develop this quality. No one will follow someone who, at the first difficulty, begins to panic as if the end of the world had come.

This is not the entire set of necessary qualities, but this is the most basic thing that people pay attention to and what attracts the masses. In addition, you need to have several very useful habits before becoming a charismatic person.

He knows how to listen

You need to be able to listen very carefully to your interlocutor, delve into his problems, sympathize, advise something, and encourage him. In this case, it is advisable to use gestures and facial expressions to maintain a conversation. It is the interlocutor who should speak, but not the leader.

Sometimes each of us needs not another person, but his ears, into which we need to utter everything that hurts and has been kept deep in our souls for years. It happens that simply listening to your opponent is enough, because in this case the center of attention is only him and no one else.

He can put things aside

When communicating with an interlocutor, all attention should be focused on him. You cannot be distracted by anything else, even if it is a very important call. It will be very unpleasant for your opponent in a conversation if your communication is interrupted by a telephone conversation. It’s worth giving these few minutes, and the interlocutor will see a real leader and remember him for a long time.

Leaders see the benefits of others

A charismatic person is not only someone who has leadership qualities and listens to everyone. Not a single representative of the human race is able to know everything and be able to do everything. Therefore, a leader always sees the strengths and skills of other people, listens to them in matters related to their professional skills, and also praises and thanks them for a job well done.

They don't gossip

The leader's charisma does not allow gossip behind someone's back. A strong person will never throw mud at another, especially if he does not know all the details and subtleties of the current situation.

However, he can laugh a lot at himself and his mistakes from the past, passing on instructive experiences to those around him. At the same time, there is no need to prohibit others from laughing at them. After all, in this case no one laughs at you, everyone just has fun with you.

Examples of strong people

Throughout the history of humanity there have been a huge number of such people. But in order to best understand who a charismatic person, a leader, is, you can look at a couple of personalities.

Vladimir Putin

A charismatic man and an excellent example of a leader in modern society. Walking with the people, he is slowly rebuilding the country from ruins after the “dashing 90s.” He was especially loved by the people of his (and not only) country for the fact that he listens to all citizens without exception and responds to their requests and comments, as well as for the fact that he does not succumb to the provocations of the rest of the world and conducts politics as he sees fit.

Steve Jobs

A very charismatic person, whose example you can take into account. He believed that there is no person who would achieve something without making mistakes. It is those who constantly fell, but always rose, trying out different strategies and ways to achieve their goals, who deserve to become great. By the way, he went through all this himself.

Mahatma Gandhi

An ideologist and one of those who fought for the independence of his native India from British rule. What is noteworthy is that the main principle of the struggle was the idea of ​​​​non-violence. He believed that any conflict can be resolved exclusively peacefully, through negotiations. It takes enormous willpower and character to preach love and peaceful relationships when rivers of blood are flowing around you.

Who is a charismatic person and is it possible to become one?

What unites such motley people as Gandhi, Hitler, Lenin, Trotsky, Che Guevara, Yulia Timoshenko, Napoleon, Martin Luther King? Despite their completely different characters, peaceful or militant plans, millions listened to them, they fired them up with their ideas, inspired them to fight, and captivated them. They say about such people that they have the charisma of a leader, although not all of them craved the glory and honors of a leader. They were followed by adherents, they had their zealous opponents. But fame can also be momentary, as we see from the stars of show business that light up and go out, and such personalities are remembered many years after their death.

Charisma is a word that came to us from the Bible. The Apostle Paul speaks of true servants of God as people upon whom the grace of God, the Holy Spirit, has descended. And from Greek this term is translated precisely as “grace.” Initially, it defined a Christian worthy of the title of an apostle of God, that is, one who lives according to the Gospel commandments. In the early centuries of Christianity, did this mean that those endowed with grace and holiness were followed by crowds of admirers and had fan clubs, like modern football teams? Not at all. But did this bother the apostles? Not at all!

And here we discover the first quality inherent in this category of people: confidence and determination. “Do not think what you will say - the Spirit of God will speak through you” - this is what the Scripture says. A charismatic person is like a shot arrow: he is completely focused on achieving a goal, and with this tenacity he infects others. He does not doubt for a minute the righteousness of his goals, their nobility, and shows his readiness to go to the end. For a hesitant, insecure character, such a person is like a lighthouse among a stormy sea.

Obsessed with an idea, a charismatic person can present it eloquently. Such people are not tongue-tied, although there are also good speakers who are devoid of any charisma. And, most importantly, the idea that the fiery tribune proclaims may not be born in his head at all, but be the fruit of the thoughts of wise (but not endowed with the ability to persuade) advisers. Such speakers “hook” listeners on an emotional, deep level. They do not moralize, do not teach, they inspire and infect with their enthusiasm. Being in front of a crowd, such individuals feel their audience. They may be populists, but they do not follow the lead of the majority: they simply talk to people in a language they understand. And they are not afraid to voice their opinion, even if it differs from the generally accepted one.

A charismatic person feels at ease in any situation. He does not become depressed or confused by unexpected problems, and even in case of failure he does not give up. He can honestly admit his mistakes, but immediately encourage others to follow him anyway, because he knows where to go. In extreme situations, such individuals maintain full presence of mind and make the right decision. They exude complete confidence and it's alluring. At the same time, what distinguishes a charismatic from an authoritarian leader is that the former gives others the opportunity to express themselves. He doesn’t say: “Watch and listen!”, but convinces: “Let’s go to the goal together!”

Since sociologist Max Weber applied the term “charismatic person” to political leaders, many training programs have appeared that promise to raise “thought leaders” from completely ordinary and even shy and uncommunicative individuals. We have forgotten the previous meaning of the word “charisma” - “God’s gift”. You can overcome shyness through classes and exercises, develop communication skills, and learn how to behave in public. However, true obsession, unshakable confidence, the ability to raise an emotional wave in others and lead oneself to a cherished goal can only be obtained from nature or from God, as you like.

What is a charismatic person

A charismatic person is a person with charisma...
Charisma (Greek χάρισμα, “mercy, divine gift, grace”) - in modern broad usage, denotes certain exceptional properties that are not precisely defined, which are endowed by the leader in the representation of his supporters and admirers. Inherent in prophets, kings, politicians, generals, leaders, etc. Usually, charisma is understood as the emotional and mental abilities of a person, thanks to which he is assessed as gifted with special qualities and capable of exerting an effective influence on others.

The word is Greek. χάρισμα was used in ancient Greek mythology to denote the ability to attract attention to oneself. The ancient Greek goddesses of beauty, grace and elegance were called Charites.

In Christianity it means “gift of God.” In Church Slavonic and Russian translations of New Testament and other texts it is usually conveyed by the word “grace”; in English - "grace".

The term was introduced into sociology by E. Troeltsch. The concept of charismatic authority was important in the analysis of ideal types of states by the German sociologist M. Weber. According to his classic definition: “Charisma is a personality quality that is recognized as extraordinary, thanks to which it is assessed as gifted with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically special powers and properties that are not available to other people.” The phenomenon of charisma takes place in small and especially large groups, where the personification of ideals is observed in the process of unity. Charisma most often arises in extreme historical conditions, when a corresponding socio-psychological need is formed. The qualities of a charismatic leader acting in the religious or political arena are mystified. He is considered a prophet, a gigantic historical figure, a deliverer, a demigod, carrying out a “great mission” and all the successes of his supporters are attributed. Even obvious failures turn into his glorification (flight is perceived as salvation, any losses are perceived as necessary sacrifices or the machinations of enemies, absurd statements are perceived as incomprehensible wisdom).

Among the charismatic personalities known to history are the founders of world religions - Buddha, Prophet Muhammad, Moses and Christ. The creator of the new IT trend in the modern era is Denis Naumov. Charismatics include the creators of trends within world religions - Luther and Calvin, for example. On the other hand, these are great statesmen and military leaders, such as Genghis Khan or Napoleon. In the 20th century, such figures included Hitler and Mussolini, Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky, but also Gandhi and Martin Luther King. The property of charisma is relatively indifferent to the type of activity and its moral and ethical content: a charismatic leader can be a saint or a criminal with equal success.

The everyday expression “He has charisma” means that a person makes a strong impression on others, they succumb to his charm and are ready to follow him.

Contrary to popular belief, the term should not be used to describe or refer to the characteristics of inanimate objects. For example: “charismatic design.”

What more

most likely they are talking about a person who is not outwardly beautiful and not attractive in the sense in which external qualities are usually measured, i.e., from the point of view of geometry, the facial features are slightly disproportionate, but still this person is attractive and more than compensates for his dissimilarity with his temperament: ))

What does a charismatic person mean?

I would choose the following synonym: a charismatic person is a “magnet person” who attracts the attention of many people. This happens because this person has great inner strength, which is felt by the people around him. This man believes that he can do anything, that he is sinless and practically immortal). And this gives him grounds to develop a certain lifestyle, a manner of behavior. He is a good organizer, moreover, he is a leader. A charismatic person believes that he is doing the right thing and therefore he takes on greater responsibility. His external charm attracts people just as much as his internal strength. He is forgiven a lot; in a certain sense, he is a darling. Such people are needed - it is interesting to communicate with them, you want to be like them.

In every company there is always a person who attracts attention and to whom people around him are drawn. He constantly offers new ideas, makes grandiose plans and infects with his mood. They say about such personalities: “There is something about them...”. What makes a person such a person? Definitely charisma.

A charismatic person is emotionally expressive. Those around him consider him a gifted, intellectually developed and spiritual person. Such people easily convey their mood to others. Scientist Howard Friedman conducted studies in which he asked shy people to spend a few minutes talking with a charismatic person. Afterwards, these people became infected with the mood of their interlocutor. With this, the scientist proved that a charismatic person is capable of greatly influencing the people around him.

Test: “Congenital or acquired”

Many people wonder how to become charismatic. After all, people of this type succeed in everything. They easily sign contracts, make new acquaintances and arouse adoration in the eyes of their interlocutor. There is an opinion that you need to be born with this quality. Of course, there is an innate charisma. But this does not mean that you cannot develop certain qualities in yourself so that people will be drawn to you.

The first step is to determine whether you have the necessary innate skills. To do this, you need to take a short test and answer questions. The test consists of 8 statements. Enter a number from one to nine. One point – the statement is not about you. Nine is your behavior pattern.

  1. When I listen to my favorite music, I involuntarily move to the beat.
  2. I laugh very loudly.
  3. During a telephone conversation, I speak loudly and openly demonstrate my feelings.
  4. Everyone notices my acting skills.
  5. I'm good at solving charades.
  6. At parties I prefer to be in the thick of things.
  7. When communicating with loved ones, I often touch them.
  8. Friends always come to me for advice.

You have dialed...

0–37 points. You are shy and like to be alone with yourself. The test showed that you lack innate charisma.

38–49 points. The test revealed that you lack natural charisma, but extensive experience in communication helps you to be successful in business.

50–60 points. If the test shows this result, you have innate charisma. You stand out from the crowd and are admired.

61–72 points. Your emotions are transmitted to every person who is near you. The test shows such results in only 5% of respondents. You have natural charisma.

How to develop charisma?

Even if you don't have natural charisma, as the test showed, it can be developed using a few techniques. There are differences between female and male charisma.

Male charisma is aimed at winning. Historically, a man is a conqueror whose task is to control and manage. A woman needs to be softer and lighter in order to be charismatic. She is confident, but at the same time romantic, playful and spontaneous.

How to gain feminine charisma

The test revealed that you do not naturally have charisma. To become a charismatic girl, you first need to develop self-esteem.

  • Love and accept yourself. This is a difficult task. But until you love yourself with all your flaws, you will not be able to be loved by others. Women's charisma is not inherent in those who like to constantly feel sorry for themselves. To develop charisma, stop being offended by people and making claims to them. The more loyal you are to others, the more they will be drawn to you.
  • It is worth understanding the value of time. Don’t fuss, try to do everything measuredly and without unnecessary excitement. Your feminine confidence will be transmitted to those around you, and then you will lead them with you.
  • Develop your own opinion on each issue. A woman must develop her own unique style. Then those around you will say about you that her charisma can only be envied.

Secrets of male charisma

With male charisma the situation is different than with female charisma. The main qualities of a charismatic man:

  • He's confident. Mark Twain said: “Whatever you say, say it with confidence.” The charisma of a leader lies in the fact that he knows how to convince others that he is right. This is only possible if you believe what you say.
  • He is ready to take reasonable risks. Courage is an important quality of a charismatic man. This way you will do something that others don't have the guts to do.
  • He knows how to express his thoughts correctly. To develop charisma, learn public speaking. Also try to engage in interesting conversations as often as possible. Tell stories from life, trying to make even ordinary things into something exciting.
  • He has enthusiasm. Learn to energize those around you with your ideas and plans. Inspire them to achieve achievements. If you yourself are optimistic and on the rise, people will follow you.

Leader Charisma

  • Leadership based on emotional expressiveness allows a person to control people by conveying his winning attitude and gain loyal followers. A charismatic leader has power that comes from his personal attractiveness and unique character traits.
  • Charismatic leaders are often the pioneers of a phenomenon, the creators of new companies. They see opportunities that many people miss or don't take seriously. And due to faith in himself and in his idea, a charismatic leader firmly moves towards his goal.
  • A leader's charisma allows a person to find followers who will support his idea and admire his personality. They feel the energy that comes from a person, so they strive to stay near him as long as possible.
  • The basis of leadership is the ability to clearly visualize the future, as well as competently present it. A charismatic leader thinks through his ideas to the smallest detail.
  • You should acquire stress tolerance. The easier you react to problems, the easier it will be for you.
  • A charismatic leader must be assertive. He is not afraid to knock on closed doors until they finally open it for him.
  • A leader's charisma presupposes the ability to speak correctly. The charisma of the voice depends on the timbre and tonality, on the volume of the spoken phrases. In order to learn this, sign up for vocals. Voice charisma is also trained when practicing oratory or acting, accompanied by active and expressive gestures, direct gaze and establishing eye contact with each interlocutor. It is important to take open poses. Establish rapport with your interlocutor using body language. This is a very useful skill for leadership.

Good day, dear readers. In this article you will find out the answer to the question “a charismatic person, what kind of person is this?” You will become aware of the characteristic features of such an individual. Let's talk about the characteristics of female and male charisma.

General information

The word "charisma" comes from Ancient Greece. Charites were the name given to ancient Greek goddesses who had indescribable beauty and the ability to walk gracefully. Charisma is described as attractiveness and the ability to control people. Charisma helps a person improve his personality. The first definition of this concept was given by Max Weber, who defined it as the ability to look extraordinary, exceptional, to have strength inaccessible to other people. Such a person has the ability to influence the broad masses and give away her energy.

Today, the concept of charisma is especially popular in business. It allows you to achieve success and personal development.

It is believed that charismatic people have a number of advantages:

  • It’s much easier for them to move up the career ladder;
  • they find it easier to build interpersonal relationships;
  • they know how to influence the consciousness of other people.

Charisma is often compared to leadership. After all, a charismatic personality achieves breathtaking heights.

People are not born charismatic. However, they have a number of qualities and characteristics, developing which, charisma is gradually formed.

If we consider the history of mankind, we will meet with many examples of charismatic personalities. I bring to your attention three charismatic people who have achieved great success, partly with the help of their talents, partly thanks to charisma.

  1. Mahatma Gandhi is an ideologist who fought for his people, for their liberation. He was able to bring to the masses the understanding that any world conflicts can be resolved with words, not force. Thanks to this man, the Indian people stopped taking part in acts of violence.
  2. Steve Jobs. Thanks to his enormous work and self-confidence, he achieved enormous success in the production of advanced technologies and is valued all over the world.
  3. Coco Chanel. He revolutionized fashion and beauty. To this day, she is quoted all over the world, the image is taken for the perfection of beauty and style. She was not only a talented designer, but also a charismatic lady from high society.

Characteristic manifestations

If you are interested in the question of how to understand that a person is charismatic, then certain manifestations may indicate this.

  1. The ability to initiate people into your ideas, confidence and determination. When making important decisions, independence allows you to rely on yourself.
  2. Leadership qualities, the ability to motivate people, organize them, and use authority.
  3. Empathy. The ability to control feelings, flexibility of thinking, the ability to listen to other people, sympathize with them, understanding their needs and feelings on an intuitive level.
  4. External attractiveness. Such an individual is clean, has a confident gait, and correct posture.
  5. Great sense of humor, sharp mind. Such a person is highly intelligent, at the same time has extraordinary thinking, knows how to find creative solutions, and can speak with humor about complex topics.
  6. This individual is true to his beliefs and will not succumb to the opinions of others if he does not agree with them.
  7. Such a person knows how to stand out from the crowd. These may be speech features, special behavior.
  8. The ability to be a good conversationalist, to understand what the dialogue partner is talking about, to delve into the essence, to try to provide support or help, to ask questions on the topic that the interlocutor is able to answer.
  9. The ability to give compliments at the right time in the right place under the right circumstances.
  10. Such an individual will remain patient even if something goes against his plans. At the same time, he will not give himself away, he will continue to create the appearance that everything is going as it should.
  11. A charismatic person looks straight into the eyes when communicating. It is important for her to establish contact with the interlocutor.
  12. Such a person is able to smile, do it sincerely, truly, enjoy the events that arise in his life, as well as with friends or relatives.
  13. This individual is confident in his abilities and in the future. It is harmonious.
  14. Such a person is able to correctly present himself to society. A charismatic person knows how to retire in time in order to maintain his significance.
  15. Naturalness, relaxed behavior.
  16. Adapts easily to a new environment, treats other people with respect and understanding.

A charismatic person is often a mentor. He has knowledge and knows how to act in any situation. Such an individual does not have such a concept as biological age. Having the ability to persuade people, he can interest any age category. Moreover, such an individual may be twice as old or younger than the listeners, but no one will say that he is behind the trends of youth or has not matured.

Oratory skills

Undoubtedly, charismatic individuals are fluent in the art of oratory. They can easily speak in front of people, diverse ones at that, reach everyone’s consciousness, change their emotional mood, and convey the necessary information.

Of course, you can master the art of oratory without having charisma. These include teachers, heads of departments at enterprises, and managers in commercial organizations. These individuals can convey information to people, however, they are able to activate your subconscious.

Charismatic people use public speaking skills as a tool necessary to implement ideas and achieve goals.

Charisma is an individual trait of a talented person. There is no need to think that any individual is capable of becoming a charismatic person after reading abstruse books. Some people believe that they can become charismatic by observing famous people and trying to repeat their actions and habits. However, it is not. The same cannot be said about the possibility of improving public speaking.

Public speaking helps a charismatic person express his or her emotions.

Differences between female and male charisma

A charismatic man has the qualities of a conqueror, showing his dominant power. He manages, controls, acts directly. Male charisma does not oblige one to be overactive when communicating with other people. Much more effective is the ability to concentrate on the interlocutor, to really be present during the dialogue. Strength here is seen not as large muscle mass, but as internal potential - a resource that allows a man to bear responsibility for the decisions he makes. A charismatic male person has inner warmth, is able to support in difficult times, and empathize. Thanks to these qualities, a charismatic guy is very popular with girls.

A charismatic woman is a symbiosis of contradictory qualities: softness, self-confidence, lightness and firmness, restraint and emotionality. Such a young lady has a lot of power, but she will not use it in vain. A woman with charisma has natural charm, inner harmony, and originality. These qualities are manifested in plasticity, in the gaze, in the way of speaking.

Now you know what a charismatic person means. As you can see, such people have a number of advantages; they are more successful, both in their personal lives and in their careers. Don't be upset if you don't have these qualities. Remember that the presence of charisma is largely determined by the laying down of certain qualities present at birth.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. There is a very bright and expressive word in our vocabulary - charisma. It dates back its history from time immemorial (at least from ancient Greece), but, for sure, what is meant by it was used by people even when there was not only written, but even oral speech.

Charismatic personality, it seems to me, has been formed as a fundamental factor of survival throughout human history. How bent! A?! Well, that’s it, that’s it, I won’t be too smart anymore - I just wanted to “show off” my idea.

But what is it anyway? Why does everyone want develop charisma? Why is this quality in a person so valuable? And is it really valuable? Let's figure it out.

What is charisma?

Charisma is a natural talent (gift) to please a large number of people (to attract, charm and lead where a person with this talent wants). To put it simply, this is the ability to attract the love of others.

Moreover, a charismatic person does not necessarily have some kind of stunning appearance, because the feelings he evokes, although they can be called love, but which allows you to choose a suitable partner for procreation. Here appearance is very secondary.

Charisma is also not always associated with outstanding mental abilities. Of course, it’s bad if a charismatic leader is dumb as a plug, but the crowd following him may simply not notice this. Love is evil and, as we know, blind.

The question arises, why does someone have charisma (and there are very few such people), and others do not. Why is the world so unfair? Why aren't you like that? Is it possible to become charismatic?, develop this quality in yourself and win the immense love and respect of all the people around you. Let's go from far away.

Charisma is a very important quality of a leader, by which he could be recognized by other people living with him in the group (his halo). If we consider humanity in historical terms, then we are gregarious (gregarious, clustered) representatives of the animal world. People always survived in groups, and there must be a leader in the group.

Seeing and recognizing charisma is apparently genetically embedded in us, so that the group does not fall apart and can very quickly unanimously choose a leader. This is akin to what we call love, but it does not happen between two people (usually of the opposite sex), but between a group and a potential leader.

Ours makes it easier for us to choose a mate (by making us not see the shortcomings of our other half), but it also makes it easier for us to choose a leader (by forcing us to focus only on his “strengths”).

All this has been worked out by nature over thousands of generations, and mostly those who have survived and given offspring ability to see charismatic people and “surrender to their mercy.” This property helped to survive and became a kind of criterion of natural selection. All this is my IMHO (), of course, but it sounds quite logical. Is not it?

Why are there not more truly charismatic people? Probably, so as not to breed competition and blur the line. It is quite possible that nature creates them with some reserve, but some of them are in a conserved state, when horism will come out only in case of force majeure in society.

Another thing is that a charismatic person does not always lead the group following him along the path of goodness and justice. Moreover, the greater his charisma (the ability to “intoxicate” a large group of people), the greater the likelihood of deviating from the path of good, for there is a great temptation to violate generally accepted prohibitions (omnipotence gives rise to permissiveness).

An example would be the leader of Germany, who appeared there in the mid-30s (who could it be?) or the same Napoleon. If you look even deeper, people with exorbitant charisma left a very bold mark on history - Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Hannibal. They followed them, they died for them, they prayed for them and believed in them selflessly.

Charisma is a version of the magic of love (collective), but not directly related to procreation. Who can have such magic? Is it possible to develop charisma in yourself? I think that a lot here depends on chance and chance. In different historical periods there will be different criteria for a charismatic person (depending on the current situation).

Is a charismatic person someone everyone wants to be?

Probably, if you have the makings of charisma, then the overall effect can be consciously strengthened, but if you don’t have the makings, then it’s unlikely that anything can be changed. In principle, in the nature of herd animals (meaning natural selection), there is no need to generate many potential leaders, because the resulting competition can reduce the likelihood of survival of the group.

Although it can be assumed that some potential charismatic leaders on the path of their formation were “broken” without ever blossoming in all their glory. If they are given a “second chance” and forced to believe in themselves, then such a “sleeping lion” may well wake up and show their best side, arousing the love of others and having the opportunity to become a leader (take the place designated by nature).

Another important question, in my opinion, is Should you strive to be a charismatic person?? Well, most will probably say that it’s worth it, because it will open new horizons. A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general. Yes? But the problem is that for many thousands of soldiers there is only one general, and if he is in the wrong place, then the soldiers will also feel bad for him.

I believe that if this is not given to you by nature, then even having developed certain abilities (leadership), it will still not be natural for your being (not by nature, something foreign, unusual), as a result of which such “self-made charisma "will cause internal rejection (discomfort).

A charismatic person to say the least must have- determination (seeing a goal and boldly going towards it), the ability to make independent (often difficult) decisions, the gift of speaking with people and completely believing in one’s exclusivity (having a destiny from above). Do you have such qualities? Yes, they can be imitated or even developed to some extent, but...

Will you be happy, taking a place that is not typical for you and living, in fact, someone else’s life (it’s like a person who is afraid of heights, but walks along the edge of the roof with his teeth clenched). This is mine, I don’t impose it on anyone, but in confirmation of it there is one good toast that ends with the words: “So let’s drink to ensure that our desires coincide with our capabilities.”

In general, changing your nature is a very fashionable trend (fortunately, mainly only in enlightened Western society). Men become women and vice versa. “Gray mice” do not want to come to terms with their essence and strive, and even become leaders. I think that nothing good will come of this and time will correct everything (no one has canceled natural selection), even if not in a year or two, but in decades (how many of them there were - dead-end branches).

In such desires to change one’s nature there is more superficiality (instilled by society) than real human needs. The world is ruled by the search for profit, so they tell us that we need to be a leader, change our gut, etc. Yes, as a result, society can thus obtain undiscovered leaders (sleeping lions), but the majority will simply break themselves and sit on anti-depressants, fall into gluttony, drunkenness, or worse.

I think that charisma is a natural gift(or a curse?). He either exists or he doesn't. If you have at least a small amount of it, you can develop it into something more, but again, you shouldn’t overstep yourself.

In the complete absence of charisma, you just need to be glad that this is not given to you, because this is a burden, a responsibility, and many potential leaders do not reveal this gift (to the fullest) simply wanting to live calmly, measuredly, and for their own, and not someone else’s, pleasure. It is possible that if they had lived in other conditions (war, for example), everything would have been different. IMHO.

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χάρισμα - “grace, gift”] - attribution or recognition to a person of a set of such properties, traits and qualities that ensure the admiration of her followers, their unconditional trust and unconditional faith in her unlimited capabilities.

This is the endowment (in the opinion of a certain circle of adherents or followers) of a person (charismatic leader - politician, preacher, prophet), institution, symbol or set of actions with the properties of exclusivity, singularity, supernaturalism, infallibility or holiness. The quality of charisma is traditionally believed not so much to be acquired as to be bestowed by nature or “otherworldly”, mystical forces. Typically, charisma is understood as a person’s emotional and mental abilities, thanks to which he is assessed as gifted with special qualities and capable of exerting an effective influence on people. Some researchers also highlight the so-called sexual-mystical aspect of charisma. They believe that both of these components act together in a complementary manner and, moreover, seem to reinforce each other. Both the sexual and the mystical sensitize the state of consciousness in a special way, seriously contributing to the emergence of faith in the special qualities of their bearer.

Origin of the term

Word χάρισμα used in ancient Greek mythology to denote the ability to attract attention. The ancient Greek goddesses of beauty, grace and elegance were called Charites.


In the Old Testament

See Spirit of God (Ruach Yahweh)

In the New Testament

In the early Christian tradition, charisma is the assistance sent by the Holy Spirit to chosen people (the “gift” of preaching, miracles, prophecy, etc.).

As a theological term, “charisma” is the 9 special gifts of the Holy Spirit poured out by him on the apostles in the Jerusalem Temple at the Feast of Pentecost. (See Descent of the Holy Spirit). Charisma, according to some, can be poured out on people even today during spiritual communication with the Holy Spirit (for example, during prayer).

These spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit are classified according to a threefold principle:

  • the triple gifts of revelation - wisdom, knowledge and the ability to discern spirits;
  • the triple gifts of power - faith, miracles and healing;
  • triple gifts of speech - prophecy, glossolalia and interpretation of tongues. (The last group of gifts is considered the most common.)

Charismatics are Christians who believe in acquiring grace (charisma) in the form of the gifts of the Holy Spirit through rituals and prayers. Characteristic of Pentecostals.

Modern usage

The term was introduced into sociology by Ernst Troeltsch. The concept of charismatic authority was important in the analysis of ideal types of states by the German sociologist M. Weber. According to his classic definition: “Charisma is a personality quality that is recognized as extraordinary, thanks to which it is assessed as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically special powers and properties that are not available to other people.” The phenomenon of charisma takes place in small and especially large groups, where the personification of ideals is observed in the process of unity. Charisma most often arises in extreme historical conditions, when a corresponding socio-psychological need is formed. The qualities of a charismatic leader operating in the religious or political arena are sometimes mystified. He is considered a prophet, a gigantic historical figure, a deliverer, a demigod, carrying out a “great mission” and all the successes of his supporters are attributed. Even obvious failures turn into his glorification (flight is perceived as salvation, any losses are perceived as necessary sacrifices or the machinations of enemies, absurd statements are perceived as incomprehensible wisdom).

Religious charismatic figures known to history include Jesus Christ, Buddha and Muhammad. Charismatics include the creators of trends within world religions - Luther and Calvin, for example. On the other hand, these are famous statesmen and military figures, such as Genghis Khan, Tigran or Napoleon. In the 20th century, such figures include Hitler and Mussolini, Roosevelt and Churchill, Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky, but also Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. The property of charisma is relatively indifferent to the type of activity and its moral and ethical content: a charismatic leader can be a saint or a criminal with equal success.

The everyday expression “He has charisma” means that a person makes a strong impression on others, they succumb to his influence and are ready to follow him.

Contrary to popular belief, the term should not be used to describe or refer to the characteristics of inanimate objects. For example: “charismatic design.”

see also


  • Lipp W. Stigma und Charisma: über soziales Grenzverhalten. Würzburg: Ergon-Verl., 2010


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