Konstantin Tomilchenko: “My wife became a real second half for me when we got married.” Did you want to win? Still, a million dollars are at stake

Popularity and fame found Konstantin Tomilchenko after active participation in the projects “Ukraine’s Got Talent” and “X-Factor”, which were broadcast on the STB channel and in which he acted as director of the participants’ performances. Thanks to them, his talent was appreciated in his next project called “Everybody Dance!” Konstantin Tomilchenko acted as a judge. As they say about such people, he made his destiny himself, with his own hands. However, not without chance, of course. This is how chance intervened in personal life of Konstantin Tomilchenko. Work and personal life are closely intertwined in the fate of the dancer and director. After all wife of Konstantin Tomilchenko Natalie is also a dancer, and they met through working together.

Konstantin Tomilchenko for a long time I didn’t think about a biography related to dancing. Moreover, he is an economist by training. As he himself admits, as a boy he was very shy, but looked with delight at the guys who knew how to move well and were not shy to dance in front of him. large cluster people. The desire to learn how to do the same forced Konstantin Tomilchenko to dance for a long time in his room in front of the mirror. They didn’t take the guy to the circus school because they didn’t see his dancing abilities. They're probably biting their elbows now. After all, this refusal not only did not cool the ardor of Konstantin Tomilchenko, but, on the contrary, spurred him on even more, forcing him to train twice as hard. That's why he is called a self-taught dancer. The biography of Konstantin Tomilchenko also includes work as a backup dancer. famous artists, and created on our own dance team"Solbi", which won many prizes at various competitions. But participation in the projects of the STB channel became a kind of breakthrough, turning the life of Konstantin Tomilchenko around and directing it in a new way.

They met his wife Natalie in 2004, but at first the relationship did not go beyond work. Together they visited Germany, where they took the one-act ballet performance “Open”. Natalie, who graduated from the circus school, fit perfectly into the production. At one of the rehearsals, Konstantin Tomilchenko kissed a girl for the first time, and that’s where their romance began (I’d like to write “lifelong”). The couple took 9 years to formalize their relationship. The dancer proposed, as expected, in the presence of Natalie’s entire family in Cherkassy, ​​although, as he admitted, to be sure, he received her consent in advance. The couple not only signed at the registry office, but also had a wedding ceremony in the church. They are connected together not only by everyday life, but also by many joint work, including the dance performance "Baron Munchausen". For complete happiness, the couple dream only of opening their own choreographic theater and, of course, having children.

1. Economist by education.“I once worked at the Obolon plant as a beer stacker. Actually, I am an economist by education and even had an internship at a bank for a very long time, then for some time I did an internship at the stock exchange. It’s good that those times are in the past and now I’m doing what I’m doing.”

2. Konstantin Tomilchenko reads fairy tales to his daughter.“Quite recently a baby appeared in our family - Natalie and I had a daughter, Ulyana. About a year before the joyful event, my wife began buying children's books. Now we have a whole collection of them, but I understand that this is not the limit. Thanks to the birth of my daughter, I discovered fairy tales. As an adult I get to know them all over again incredible world. In these, at first glance, simple stories so much wisdom, hidden symbolism! I especially like Turkic, Azerbaijani, and Japanese fairy tales.”

3. Before the wedding, Konstantin Tomilchenko lived in a civil marriage for 8 years.“All this time, Natalie and I, like everyone else, lived in a civil marriage. Each of us had our own vision of an ideal relationship, there was enough of something in them, there was something missing, some wanted more, some wanted less. But when we got married in 2013, Natalie became for me real second half."

4. Learns to play the piano.“Recently my wife and I got new interest: We bought a huge white piano and now we learn to play in the evenings. More precisely, I play, and Natalie sings. Can you imagine how our neighbors feel about this!”

5. Treats money calmly.“Money, like a car, is just a necessity for me, not a luxury. Just as a car makes it easier to move around the city, money helps me and my family move through life. That's all. I believe that if money becomes an end in itself, life loses its true colors.”

6. As a child, Konstantin Tomilchenko was a shy boy.“In my youth I didn’t dance at discos, I sat in the farthest corner while my classmates were having fun on the dance floor. I was afraid of the stage, so I did not participate in any amateur performances. In general, I didn’t like to stand out and attract attention to myself: if, for example, my mother sewed for me beautiful jacket, then I took it off before entering the school.”

7. Favorite day is Sunday.“Now, when STB and I are actively preparing for the premiere of a large-scale and high-tech holiday 3D show “Vartovi Mriy”, which will be shown in Kiev all winter, Sunday is the only day of the week when I don’t have rehearsals, meetings, and I can fully dedicate it to his wife Natalie and daughter Ulyana.”

8. When he’s nervous, he swears.“Being nervous is in itself bad habit. When I get stressed, I start walking and moving a lot. I can, without thinking, hurt the feelings of another person, for which I greatly regret later. Another bad habit that I try my best to get rid of is that when I’m nervous, I swear. I try to pull myself together, drink water to calm down before taking active steps.”

Konstantin, tell us about your family’s culinary traditions?

My father loved to cook potato pancakes. These were his signature and they always turned out the most delicious. We also often went to the village to visit my grandmother, and I remember how she cooked poppy seed strudel in the oven. Only now I realize how delicious it was and how homemade it was!

My wife and I don’t have any super culinary traditions. We try to eat clean food from the garden and minimize shopping in supermarkets.

But I am for creating and preserving family traditions. But only good traditions, and not those that don’t understand what they’re turning into. Yogis generally believe that all illnesses come from food. Everything you ate, how you ate it and at what time is all connected.

Do you believe this?

Why believe? You can just try and understand.

My wife, by the way, knows how to cook Indian dishes. I'm not very good at naming Indian spices because there are a lot of them, but I really like Indian cuisine.

What are your favorite Indian dishes?

I love Dal pea soup, samoshi, I don’t remember the name of another dish, but it’s something like our stew with potatoes and cabbage, various porridges with rice.

Konstantin, do I understand correctly that your wife Natalya does most of the cooking at home?

Basically yes. I simply don’t have enough time for this and, in fact, in order to cook food, I need to be in a certain mood. And most often you don’t have the mood to concentrate and cook dinner. I rarely go near the stove, but if necessary, I am happy to help.

I love sweets and my wife uses Ayurvedic cooking recipes to prepare cheesecakes for us. She's addicted healthy eating and tries to purchase clean eco-products. Although we have a very hackneyed concept of eco-products. In fact, these are products grown in the garden. Not in greenhouses, stuffed with some kind of chemicals.

My wife likes Ayurvedic cuisine and, in principle, I am also getting into it. I like! Not everything, but a lot.

Do you eat meat?

I eat everything except animal meat, I really like fish. My wife is not a vegetarian, she eats meat.

Is there a dish that you consider yourself a real ace at?

This question takes me by surprise. I haven’t yet found a dish that I love to cook and can put all my feelings into it. I won’t talk about scrambled eggs and other similar dishes. But I'm looking for this dish. I believe that a person can cook any food deliciously if it is done with feeling, desire and soul.

Products that you absolutely do not consume, and some on the contrary?

I love dairy products. I try to eat a lot of cheeses, feta cheese, cottage cheese, milk. We buy all this fresh every week. I really love good cheeses, but in Ukraine, unfortunately, we have very few of them. However, I always try to choose something original from the cheeses and surprise myself and my wife.

How do you manage to keep yourself in good shape? Is there any special daily routine, including meals?

With my work schedule, especially when participating in various television projects, I eat at random, whenever I have to, and very quickly. Unfortunately, this immediately causes me to have digestive problems and abdominal discomfort.

The Hindus taught me that food is a gift and should be received properly, with honor and peace. I try to accustom myself to this, but during projects it doesn’t always work out. You need to find time and energy, take a breath and devote enough time to eating. I work on this on every project. After all, your health directly depends on how you eat.

I also haven’t eaten in fast food joints or drunk cola for many years. I am against fast food because it kills everything. What kills, first of all, is the art of food. Fast food, of course, is very attractive; once a year you can be tempted to go and eat potatoes. I won't say that I don't do this. But still I try to protect myself from such food.

The special diet of dancers is a superstition. If you are a dancer, then you do not have to go on diets, but simply eat differently. Why does the Bible say that gluttony is dangerous? Because everything in moderation is bad! There are no diets. It’s just that everything that is not for the good, in moderation, is bad. You won’t eat at 11 o’clock at night, because it’s bad for your stomach and then you won’t be able to sleep. That's the whole diet. In the same way, you won’t be able to eat before going to training, because this will put a strain on your heart, muscles, etc. Even if you are tempted, your body will immediately lead you to the clean water. He will immediately tell you: “So, boy, you don’t need to eat this, it’s unnecessary or you shouldn’t eat it now.” The form of my activity itself shows when to eat, what to eat and what not to eat.

What about restrictions? For example, you can’t eat sweets...

I don't limit myself. If I want sweets, I eat sweets. For example, I love coffee. I drink one cup of coffee a day. And now, in warm weather, I don’t drink coffee, because in the heat it can make me feel bad. In every moment like this I train myself. For example, it is contraindicated for me to eat fatty and spicy foods. It’s not that I don’t eat it at all, but I just try not to eat it in excessive quantities. The same applies to sweets.

What sweets do you like?

I really love cakes homemade. I love Napoleon, I love tiramisu. As a child, I really loved homemade eclairs. I love Indian sweets - with coconut flakes or orange-carrot ones... In general, sweets are my passion!

Konstantin, thank you very much for interesting interview! Let there be more delicious and interesting sweets in your life! And, of course, I wish you to find your signature dish!