Lesson notes for the senior group “Journey through the Kingdom of Fine Arts. “Connoisseurs of Painting” is a direct educational activity on cognitive and speech development for children in the senior group. Painting day lesson in the senior group.

Program content:

Teach children to make comparison words based on photographic materials and life experience;

Use epithets in the language, develop coherent speech, logical thinking;

To consolidate knowledge about portraiture as a type of easel art, about the proportions of a person’s face and shape, to improve the technique of working with colored pencils and watercolors;

Improve children’s ability to draw a portrait of their mother, convey the features of her face and hair;

Cultivate love for mother and respect for maternal feelings.


photographs of their mothers, reproductions of female images, watercolors, graphite and colored pencils, brushes, paper.

Previous job:

drawing self-portraits, drawing portraits of your family, conversations, looking at photographs and illustrations, didactic games, reading works of art and listening to musical compositions.

Progress of classes in the senior group of kindergarten

Children stand in a circle

Playback: Children! Guests have come to us, we need to say hello in a friendly manner, and say something cheerful in a friendly manner.


Good morning!

Turn left and right and smile at each other.

Good morning!

We wish you joy and smiles, and we also wish you: cheerfulness for the whole day!

Vosp.: Children, some of the paintings from the art gallery were brought to our group. What is this, an art gallery?

Children: (this is a room where there are a lot of paintings, and people are looking at these paintings; we saw an art gallery in a museum)

Vosp.: Who paints these pictures? (Artist)

Yes, children, an artist, like a magician, takes a blank sheet of paper and writes a work - a real miracle! (Children stand in a semicircle)

I invite you to look at these beautiful paintings. What genre of painting is in these paintings?

Children: this genre is called portrait.

Vosp.: What other genres do you know? (landscape, still life)

Children, who did the artist depict in these portraits? (woman).

How are these women different?

Children: (face, hairstyle, look, age).

Vosp.: Children, all these women are someone’s mothers. And this exhibition is called: “In the world, everything starts with mom”

I know that you love your mothers very much!

Now, children who have yellow smiley faces will tell you what their mother likes to do.

And children who have red emoticons compare their mother with someone or something warm, kind, magical.

Children: (My mother loves to dance.., My mother is like a star because she is bright)

Vosp.: I suggest you draw a portrait of your mothers and add to the exhibition “In the world, everything starts with mom.”

Let's warm up our hands a little.

Finger gymnastics"Friendship":

They are friends in our group (The fingers of both hands are joined rhythmically in a lock)

Girls and boys.

We will make friends with you, (rhythmic touching of fingers of both hands)

Little fingers

One two three four five. (Alternately touching the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger.)

One two three four five. . (Repeat 2 times)

Playback: Now come to me and together we will remember the sequence of drawing a portrait (first stage: with a simple pencil - draw the face, nose, eyes, lips, second stage - with a simple pencil we complement the hairstyle, neck, torso up to the chest, stage 3 - take colored pencils or paints and paint the portrait) We sit down.

They sat down well and straight!

Pencil in hand!

Good morning leaf! (the hand leans towards the sheet)

Good morning, neighbour! (Left - right turn of the hand)

Good morning, all neighbors! (Circular rotation of the hand and arm)

Stopped! We started drawing.

(Children draw their mothers to the background of musical accompaniment. From photographs. The teacher makes sure that the children hold a pencil or brush correctly, monitors the children’s posture, helps the children if necessary)

Ending. Reflection

Let's finish drawing! Now come to me and we will all see together what beautiful portraits you have made. (Discussion)

Well done!

When the portraits are dry, we will make frames for them and they will add to the exhibition of paintings.

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Program content

  • The ability to distinguish genres of painting from the general mass of paintings
  • To consolidate in children the idea of ​​painting as a form of fine art, to know the features of each genre
  • To develop aesthetic appreciation, the ability to see through what means of expression the artist’s painting is depicted
  • To evoke in children an emotional response to the works of artists, i.e., what they liked
  • Ability to work in a team during the game “Creating a Still Life”
  • Introduction to the animal genre

Material for the lesson

Presentation for the lesson, in the sequence of genres being studied, as well as playing the game “Find the extra genre”.

When conducting such a lesson, you will need a large room - it could be a music room or a large art studio, theater studio.

Carrying out the game “Creating a still life” with a large number of aids: tea sets, vegetable and fruit dummies, ceramic dishes, baskets, artificial flowers.

On the workstation is a fragment of a regular visual arts lesson with children present in the hall.

Attributes for Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Crayfish, and the Pike” - characters’ hats, capes on their shoulders.

Lesson plan

  1. Introduction - definition of the genre of painting
  • Still life (household and natural)
  • Game “Creating a still life”
  • Landscape (simple and complex)
  • Fairy tale genre
  • Animalistic genre (Krylov’s fable “Swan, Crayfish and Pike”)
  1. Game “Find the extra genre”
  2. Creative work
  3. Summarizing

Progress of the lesson

Children sit on chairs for spectators, and the children have felt-tip pens, watercolor crayons, and A-4 paper on their work tables.

1. ...Guys, today we will remember the main genres of painting, and also, during our lesson, we will get acquainted with a new genre.

...Tell me, what is a genre of painting? (children's answers) The teacher gives a complete definition: a genre of painting is a type of artistic work with certain plots, artistic images, conveyed by artists using paints.

The teacher offers to listen to A. Kushner’s poem, and in response to the children’s correct addition to this poem, a fragment of a particular genre will be shown on the workstation: still life, landscape, portrait.

If you see in the picture, a cup of coffee on the table
Or fruit drink in a large decanter, or a rose in crystal
Or a bronze vase, or a cake,
Or all the items at once, know what it is ... still life

(On the workstation you can show still lifes of children of past years of this group or reproductions of famous artists Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits”.)

The teacher reminds that still life is divided into everyday and natural. During the conversation, children complement what a domestic still life looks like and what a natural one looks like. During the conversation, fragments of drawings by children from this group are shown on the workstation.

  • After reviewing the still lifes, the teacher invites the children to consolidate their knowledge about everyday still life and nature using the game “Creating a Still Life.” Children present at the lesson are divided into three teams in order to collect still lifes: everyday, natural and natural-everyday. The attributes for playing this game are located on three tables in mixed disorder. This game can be played by a teacher psychologist or a studio teacher.

Explanation of the rules of the game

Natural and everyday still life

Household still life

Natural still life

It takes 5-7 minutes to play the game. After the game, the teacher reviews with the children the correctness of creating still lifes, thanks the children, the conversation about genres continues, the children are invited to sit in their seats in the auditorium.

If you see a river in the picture
Or spruce and white frost, or garden and clouds,
Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut

(On the workstation you can show landscapes of children of past years of this group or reproductions of famous artists Levitan “March”, Shishkin “Falled Tree”.)

...In addition to this, the teacher, during the discussion, suggests remembering that landscape can be simple and complex: in a simple landscape there is one or two plans, and in a complex landscape there are from three to six plans.

  • If you see that from the picture, someone is looking at us,

Or a prince in an old cloak, or some kind of steeplejack,
A pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka is your neighbor,
The picture must be called... portrait

(Show reproductions of portraits of famous artists on the workstation)

The teacher examines three types of portrait with the children: front - straight view, 3/4 turn, profile - side view.

(The teacher invites the children to remember which genres of painting were examined by the children earlier in art class. During the conversation, the teacher asks leading questions.)

  • ... In class, we looked at fairy tale genre, Let's look at the reproductions of the great artist, storyteller Vasnetsov.

(The works of the artist “Three Princesses of the Underground Kingdom”, “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”, “Bogatyrs”, “Alyonushka” are shown on the workstation - it is necessary to consider the character of all the characters in these works, how the artist conveyed the kindness and beauty of the surrounding world with the help of paints.)

  • Then the teacher introduces a new genre... animalistic and in the process of the story, shows on the workstation fragments of the artist Khokhlov’s works for the well-known cartoon “Mowgli”; in addition, you can also look at illustrations for Krylov’s fables.

Animal is an animal, that is, artists painted animals in human form, implying that they could walk like people on their hind legs, etc.

The teacher says that the animalistic genre is an inherently complex work, since the artist needs to draw this or that character in such a way that this idea is clear to the viewer, because the artist, conveying the character of the characters - animals, implies in their appearance people: good and evil, rich and poor, cunning, etc.

  • A group of children tell Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Crayfish and the Pike.”
  • The attributes for this game are prepared in advance by the teacher - these can be character hats.

    1. The teacher invites the children to relax and consolidate their knowledge about genres of painting, and play the game “Find the extra genre.” This game can be played by a psychologist or an art teacher. On the workstation they include fragments of landscapes, on the fragment the fourth landscape is superfluous, 5 minutes are allotted for this game.

    3. After the game, the children are invited to go to their desks and draw one of the genres of today’s lesson. Creative work is accompanied by the music “Seasons”.

    10 minutes are allotted for creative work. At the end of the work, the teacher and the children look at their drawings.

    4. ... Guys, today we have done a lot of work, examined a new genre, and consolidated knowledge about what we have already studied in a playful way. We remembered great, famous artists, as well as the names of their paintings. You did a very good job, I thank all the guys present here for their active participation and good behavior. On this good note, our lesson is over.

    Lesson summary - travel in the senior group to introduce children to the fine arts.
    "Journey through the Kingdom of Fine Arts."

    Compiled by: teacher of MDU kindergarten No. 228 Olga Vadimovna Sizova

    Program content:

    1. Harmoniously develop each child based on familiarity with works of fine art with the help of audiovisual means. Develop creativity, emotional sensitivity, imagination and fantasy.

    2. Form artistic taste.

    3. To educate moral principles through the perception of fine art, through works of fine art that have aesthetic universal human values.

    4. Foster the beginning of museum culture as part of a person’s general culture, a careful and reverent attitude towards works

    art, to museum monuments, awareness of the interconnection of culture

    external and internal.

    5. Introduce the main types and genres of fine art:

    sculpture - sculpture of small forms;

    genres - fairy-tale-epic portrait; in painting - still life, landscape, everyday painting.

    Preparatory work:

    An educational lesson, conversations about the main types of specialized museums.

    Examination of thematic albums about artists, photographs,

    illustrations, didactic games.

    Material for the lesson:

    1. Screen, decorated like a palace, easels for tasks.

    2. House for the character. Dunno doll.

    3. Attributes for the task.

    4. Sculptures m/f.

    porcelain(a bear cub, a deer, a foal, dogs, a squirrel, a bunny, a calf, a zebra, an elephant, a girl wiping a plate, a girl with a teapot).



    glass(mouse, caterpillar, dragon, caterpillar in an apple).

    5. Crossword.

    6. Portraits of artists.

    7. Mosaic by genre.

    8. Frames and baguette.

    Musical arrangement: G. Gladkov

    Fun disco.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Q: Do you guys like adventures?

    D: Yes, of course, we love!

    Q: So I really love and want to invite you to go on an exciting journey with me!

    D: Where, where will we go?

    Q: I already told you that any day now I am expecting a letter from a very important person.

    D: Yes, they did, but a letter arrived.

    Q: I received the letter, here it is. Queen Brush sent it to us. She invites us on a journey through her kingdom of Fine Arts. Do you agree?

    Q: But the road is not easy, you need to know a lot, and perhaps adventures and surprises await us along the way, and maybe magical transformations. Aren't you scared?

    D: No, we are not afraid of anything.

    Q: To get to the kingdom, you need to know the way. What helps a traveler not to go astray?

    D: Compass and map.

    Q: Correct. I have such a map, and this Firebird’s feather will be the compass. It’s good to take a cheerful melody along with you on the road. (A melody sounds).

    Q: Let's unfold the map and take a look. Here is the route we should take, and who do we see first?

    D: Dunno and his house.

    Q: That’s right, and here is the compass pen showing the direction (a melody sounds, the children go to Dunno’s house).

    D: Here is an envelope.

    Q: Let's see what's in it (opens, reads):

    “Dunno goes to visit the artist Tube for a drawing lesson. He assembled the easel. What extra did Dunno put in?” The children complete the task and help Dunno clean up the easel.

    V: Well done, everything is correct. Let's look at the map and continue on our way. It says "Artists Alley" and the compass pen shows you where to go. (Music sounds. Children go to the second point of their journey).

    D: There is also an envelope here. Orange envelope.

    Q: Let's open it and take a look. Is reading:

    "The sorceress Chernilda mixed all the books. The artists are upset. They cannot understand their illustrations and ask for help with this.”

    Q: Well, we can help this misfortune.

    D: Yes, we will sort out the books.

    Q: Come on, take a book and put it where the photo is


    (Children lay out illustrations).

    V: Well done, just great! It's time for us to hit the road. Take a look at the map. We need to go to Sculptors Street, so the pen points there. (Music sounds).

    D: Another envelope. Yellow color.

    Q: Shall we read it?

    Q: » Who are the sculptures?

    What do you know about sculpture?

    Write a short story about a bear cub." (Listen to the children's answers.)

    Q: An artist can convey the anxiety and fear of his hero with the help of an expressive gesture. Would you like to come up with a story about a bear cub? The little bear was left in a large forest without a mother bear, the baby bear, indecisively, steps from paw to paw and thinks hard about what to do - should he go forward or not?

    Thus, with the help of movement, the sculptor was able to convey the character of his hero, his mood, anxiety and indecision.

    Q: And it’s time for us to hit the road again, and the pen shows that from Sculptors Street we find ourselves in Genre Lanes. (Music sounds).

    Q: You know, guys, it’s very easy to get lost in Genre Lanes. And to prevent this from happening, we must remember what genres there are? Poetry? And the mosaic? Let's talk and play.

    D: This is Peizazhny Lane. (Children complete the task and read poetry).

    Q: So you and I came out of the alleys and didn’t get lost. Let's take a look at

    map. What do you see?

    D: Tube Artist and crossword puzzle.

    Q: So let’s go to the artist Tube. (Music sounds).

    D: Here is a blue envelope.

    Q: Let's open it and read it.

    “Guys, we are visiting the artist Tube. All the objects he uses are well known to everyone. Name them, and you will find out the name of the room where Tube works."

    Q: Shall we play “Field of Miracles?”

    (Children and teacher complete the task).

    And the map is calling us, let's see where we should go next. (Music sounds).

    B: Here we come. What kind of miracles are there - there is a frame, there is an easel, but there is no painting?

    Maybe these are the tricks of the evil Chernilda?

    D: There is a blue envelope. (Reads the text in the envelope):

    The sorceress Chernilda poured ink on Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”. The heroes are asking for help. They need to be brought back into the picture.

    Q: How to do this? Unless we play at being heroes ourselves. After all, for some reason, heroic armor lies here and good horses are waiting. (Children make assumptions, exchange opinions).

    D: We agree.

    Q: Remember the plot of the picture. What genre? Now decide who will be who. (Music sounds).

    This is how the picture turned out, a real living picture. Guys, look at the easel. The spell of the evil Chernilda has disappeared. The heroes returned to their place. This is what it means to be brave and decisive. Let's say “Goodbye” to the heroes and turn to the map. What do you see?

    D: Palace, castle, big house.

    Q: We are very close to the palace of Queen Tassel. But on our way there is still

    one palace. Princess Tsvetana lives there. Let's hurry there.

    (Music sounds).

    D: The envelope is purple.

    B: Let's open it and take a look. (Is reading):

    “The evil sorceress Chernilda, flying over the palace of Princess Tsvetana, covered the colored paths that lead to the palace with sand. Help Tsvetana free the paths from sand by remembering the magic phrase. Name the color from which the color spectrum begins.

    Q: Princess Tsvetana needs our help. Remember how the phrase sounds.

    D: Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.

    Q: So the paths appeared.

    (The music of Queen Tassel sounds, Queen Tassel comes out of the palace). K.K. : How many new things have you learned?

    K.K. : Do you know what children love most in the world?

    D: Ice cream, cakes, cartoons, dolls, walking, drawing, candy.

    K.K. : Children love a lot of things. I want to give you colors and magical

    sweets called “Fantasy”. Eat them and draw them

    wonderful drawings. Place them in a large envelope and send them to me at

    palace, and my palace is called the house of the muses, but where do the muses live?

    D: In the museum.

    K.K. : Music, muse, museum... What beautiful words. Well, my friends, it’s time for you to return, and I’ll be waiting for your drawings. Goodbye. (Music sounds).

    Q: Our journey has ended, and although we all know that it was a game, the game is very interesting. Thank you, children. Thanks to the guests.

    Lesson notes for the senior group “Journey through the Kingdom of Fine Arts.”
    Author: Sizova Olga Vadimovna
    Position: teacher of the first qualification category
    Place of work: Municipal preschool educational institution, general developmental kindergarten No. 228
    Location: Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl region

    Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group of kindergarten, topic: “Art”


    To introduce children to the concept of “art”, its types, creators and meaning in people’s lives.
    Recall familiar literary works with your children.
    Improve drawing, manual labor, and collective design skills.
    Develop auditory and visual perception, the ability to coherently express one’s thoughts.
    Dictionary: encyclopedia, art.
    Arouse in children interest, an emotional response to works of art, and a desire to continue getting acquainted with it.


    Book "Encyclopedia of a preschooler."
    Sheets of paper tinted brown, black wax crayons.
    Reproductions of paintings, pictures depicting rock paintings, sculptures, famous architectural monuments.
    Musical instruments.
    Empty eggs from Kinder Surprises, beans, flex stickers.
    Audio recordings: Bach “Joke”, Vivaldi “Spring”, music of percussion instruments.
    Video recording: P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “Swan Lake”.
    Various building materials.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Today, the most interesting book “Encyclopedia” will reveal to us another of its secrets, tell us a lot of new things, and introduce us to interesting things.
    Do you remember what book is called an “encyclopedia”? An encyclopedia is a book that tells a little about everything.
    Let's quickly open our “Encyclopedia” and find out what it will tell us about today.

    It says "Art".

    What is "art"? These are works in which the authors want to tell other people about something. These works can be paintings, songs, films, plays, books, dances and much more. There are different types of art and many are already familiar to you.

    Painting and sculpture

    Even ancient people decorated the walls of their cave dwellings with drawings, depicting people, animals, and events in their lives.

    Drawing "Rock Painting"

    Imagine that you are ancient people. If you imagine yourself as hunters, then draw a figure of a man with a spear and the animal you are hunting. If you are fishermen. Then draw a human figure, waves and fish. Or maybe you are picking berries, nuts or mushrooms in the forest. Maybe your task is to maintain the fire by throwing wood into it. Think and draw.
    Artists and sculptors have the talent to depict the world around them and their fantasies.
    After all, in his works - paintings and sculptures, he not only reflects what is in our lives, but also tries to convey his thoughts, feelings, and create a mood for us.

    Sculptors sculpt, carve and carve figures of people and animals (statues), various objects and whatever they want.

    Gymnastics for the eyes “Portrait, landscape, still life, sculpture”

    In the corners of the room, reproductions of paintings in these genres and images of sculptures hang under the ceiling; children, at the request of the teacher, find the given images with their eyes.


    You all know well what literature is. Name the literary works of writers and poets you know.

    Didactic game “Mistaken name”

    "Snow White and the Six Dwarfs" - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."
    "Dasha and the Bear" - "Masha and the Bear."
    “The Wolf and the Seven Little Lambs” – “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids.”
    “Ducks-swans” – “Geese-swans”.
    “At the command of the fish” - “At the command of the pike.”
    “The Lizard Princess” – “The Frog Princess.”

    Didactic game “Give me a word”

    If the Christmas tree had legs,
    She would run along... the path.
    She would dance
    Together with us,
    She would knock... her heels.
    (“Christmas tree” by E. Trutnev)

    My cheerful, ringing ball,
    Where did you rush... jump?
    I smacked you with my palm.
    You jumped and stomped loudly.
    (“Ball” by S. Marshak)

    Masha put on her mitten.
    - Oh, where am I pointing... what's going on?
    There is no finger, it’s gone,
    I didn’t get into my little house!
    (“Where is my finger” N. Sakonskaya)

    Suddenly it flies from somewhere
    Little... Mosquito.
    And it burns in his hand
    Small... flashlight.
    (“The Tsokotukha Fly” by K. I. Chukovsky)

    Didactic game “Which story is the illustration for”

    “The Lion and the Dog” by L. Tolstoy.
    “Who said “meow”? V. Suteev.
    “Seven-flowered flower” In Kataev.
    “Like an ant hurried home” by V. Bianchi.
    “The Owl” by V. Bianchi.


    From childhood, a person hears music: mother sings lullabies, music plays from the TV, in kindergarten we sing and dance to music, at holidays there is always music.

    Composers compose music, and musicians perform music. What do musicians perform music on, what do they play on? On musical instruments. What musical instruments do you know?

    Musical instruments include percussion, strings and wind. What instruments do you think are called drums? Drums are instruments that make a sound when you hit them. What instruments can be classified as percussion? Drum, tambourine, cymbals, rattles, maracas, castanets. Listen to the sound of music played on percussion instruments. (Hearing)

    Manual labor “Rattle”

    Children fill Kinder Surprise eggs with beans, close them and decorate the top with stickers. Then the children listen to music. Performed on percussion instruments and played along with their own rattles.

    What instruments do you think are called stringed? Stringed instruments are those in which the sound is produced by touching the string. What instruments can be classified as string instruments? Violin, guitar, gusli, balalaika. Listen to the sound of music played on string instruments. (Vivaldi "Spring")

    Exercise “What does a string sound like?”

    Try lightly plucking a string on a stringed musical instrument, and now with force. Has the sound changed? Try pressing the string with one finger. And with the other finger, touch the string lower.

    What instruments are called wind instruments? Wind instruments are those whose sounds are produced by the musician blowing into them. What instruments can be classified as wind instruments? Pipes, flute, trumpet, saxophone.
    Listen to how the music sounds. Performed on wind musical instruments. (Bach "Joke")

    Breathing exercise “Playing the pipe”

    Children fold their hands into a tube and make one long exhalation, several short exhalations, alternating short and long exhalations.

    Music can be performed by one musician or several. An orchestra consists of a large number of musicians who play different musical instruments, and a conductor leads the musicians.

    Outdoor game "Orchestra"

    Children are divided into three groups - percussion, string and wind instruments and imitate playing drums, violins, and pipes. The teacher is a conductor. When the “conductor” lowers his baton, the children in the orchestra disperse and move in all directions. As soon as the “conductor” raises his baton, the children in the orchestra find their places and begin to “play.”


    There are dances that are performed by one dancer. There are group dances. How many dancers do you think perform a group dance? Lots of dancers, a whole group. How many dancers dance a pair dance? Two dancers, because a couple is two.

    Dances can be fast and slow. Every nation has its own favorite dances. For Russians it is “Barynya”, for Ukrainians it is hopak, and for Tatars it is khaitarma.

    Ballet is not just a dance, but a whole performance in which music and dance tell a whole story. (View an excerpt from the ballet “Swan Lake” by P. I. Tchaikovsky).

    Theater and cinema

    You and I attended puppet theater performances, and each of you watched movies at home or in the cinema.
    In the theater the action takes place on stage, and in the cinema - on the screen.
    But how does a film or performance appear? The director chooses the script and selects the actors who will teach and perform the roles. A lot of people work to make it good and interesting for the audience. The producer finds the money, the artists draw the scenery, the costume designers sew costumes for the actors, the lighting technicians illuminate the stage or set, the make-up artists apply makeup to the actors - and they become “Baba Yaga” or “Pinocchio”.

    What films do you particularly like that you have watched?


    Architects are trying to come up with houses in which people would not only be comfortable living, but would also be pleased because their houses are beautiful. Look at the different houses that architects from different countries have come up with. (Show pictures).

    Lesson summary:

    What types of art did we talk about today? Did you like listening to music and looking at pictures? What is art for? People enjoy meeting works of art, get excited, and learn new things.

    Collective design from building materials

    Go out onto the carpet, choose your own building material and build a whole city.