When the show is the winner. Winner (Channel One) - “will the show “winner” brighten up your Friday evening?”

Vocal and gaming project of Channel One.

Airing time: Fridays at 21:30.

Show host " Winner" - popular showman and actor Dmitry Nagiyev, known to a wide television audience for the rating vocal competition of the First Channel "The Voice", as well as films and TV series "All about men", "Territory of Jah", "Fizruk", "Shell-shocked, or Freestyle swimming lessons ", "Kitchen", etc.

In February 2017, Channel One announced a casting for those who want to try their hand at the stage of the next musical project - “ Winner", the domestic version of the American vocal game show The Winner is from Talpa Media USA - the creator of the program Voice(Russian analogue - “Voice”). In the States, the project, which was adopted in other countries (France, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Vietnam, China), was aired in 2013. In Russia the premiere of the show " Winner» announced for May 2017.

Winner. about the project

Participants " Winner» - vocalists or music experts. The former must sing beautifully, and it does not matter whether this is just a hobby or a professional hobby. The latter must certainly have a musical education and an amazing ear. Of course, experience as a music critic, playing a musical instrument, or vocal teaching is welcome. Age of participants: 7 - 77 years.

The main prize of the vocal-game project “Winner” is 3 million rubles.

In each of the four issues " Winner“The performance skills of the performers are assessed by a team of experts, including 101 judges. The creators deliberately made the number of judges odd to eliminate the possibility of a draw.

The casting for participation in the new music show “Winner” was not only performed by performers, but also by members of the jury. There was only one selection criterion: experts must know, love and understand music.

The jury votes directly in the studio, and the result as a percentage is displayed on the scoreboard. True, these are only numbers that are not tied to a specific artist. The intrigue is that no one knows who exactly the jury decided to leave in the show.

Before the big final, participants (groups, duets, solo vocalists) participate in musical sparring on a stage divided into “red” and “blue” sectors of the ring. Moreover, in each round there is a cash prize at stake. In the first - 150,000 rubles, in the second - 300,000, and in the third - 500,000. Participants in the battle have the right to take the money and leave the project, but later it may turn out that it was the one who took the money who became the winner of the musical duel. Two out of eight participants remain in the final round.

But which of the lucky ones who find themselves in the big final will receive the title “ Winner” and three million rubles, TV viewers are already deciding by voting live as part of the final release of the project.

Former contestants take part in the show"Voices" and also the group "Catch" producer Igor Matvienko, popular performer Nastasya and other musicians already known to viewers. Participants cover domestic and Western hits, jazz melodies, rock ballads, etc.

Show Winner, issue 1, May 19, 2017

Premiere, first episode of the show " Winner"Viewers of Channel One saw it on air on May 19, 2017. Eight participants from the first edition competed for a place in the finals of the project. To receive 3,000,000 rubles in the final, they had to perform six songs in each episode. According to the rules of the show, only one participant could qualify for the finals.

The first to take the stage of the show " Winner", became 45 years old Sergey Pakhomov, who came to the project from Kaliningrad. He writes music for documentaries. Sergei admitted that he would like to win at least a million in order to start promoting himself. His opponent was a 32-year-old MC Mike from Yerevan. The singer has been living in Sochi for the last seven years. “The main achievement in life is my family: mother, wife and daughter. With the money I won, I would buy an apartment and think about a second child - I really want a boy!” - told about himself MC Mike. According to the results of the first round, MC Mike won, and Sergey Pakhomov took 150,000 rubles.

Acapella groups were next Rain Drops And Invoice. Rain Drops, which has been around for 18 years, decided to participate in the show " Winner", because they need money for promotion, for costumes and filming a video.

The five guys from Invois joked before the show: “We don't use musical instruments, everything you hear is the product of musical voices. We have seven children in our group! We need a lot, a lot of money."

Experts gave the majority of votes to the group Invois, which viewers had already seen in another musical television project - in show "X Factor" Main stage "on the channel "Russia 1".

Next came the 24-year-old Cuban Iliana Sanchez, who planned to help her family make major repairs to their house if she won, and 22-year-old Elena Zhirova from Naro-Fominsk - a blogger without a musical education, who has dreamed all her life of singing and performing on the big stage. Elena would like to use the money she won to build a shelter home for children from disadvantaged families. The winner in this round was Elena Zhirova.

The winner of the main prize of the first season of the show “Winner” was 15-year-old Ragda Khanieva. Choosing between the young vocalist and the Invois group, the experts voted for the girl: Dmitry Nagiyev handed Ragda a suitcase with 3 million rubles.

After winning the “Winner” show, Ragda admitted that she was going to spend her winnings on buying a ticket to space, since she has liked looking at the starry sky since childhood.

Premiere on Channel One! New music show "Winner"! They promise Nagiyev,

talented singers and the struggle between talent and greed. Is this really interesting? Is it worth spending on

premiere Friday night? Everything in order and in order in this review.

So, funny trailers for the new show, in which Nagiyev was looking for the biggest cup for

The “winner” did its job. Interest was piqued, and why not on Friday evening?

finally. The only thing that was confusing was that the premiere was launched at the very end of the season, which, as you yourself

you see, it’s not logical at all. It looks like we are in for a not very successful project.

The show started out ordinary. Screensaver, studio design, shooting style, corridors along which the participants

go to the fans, profiles, Nagiyev and his manner of broadcasting, we have already seen all this, and

why, “people are eating it anyway.” In my opinion, such an attitude only speaks of disrespect for

to the viewer.

Okay, let's continue. Without any special preludes, Nagiyev, in an annoying manner, calls two

participants. These can be solo performers, duets, and even groups. Everyone performs

whatever song your heart desires. One participant can perform, for example, "Oh, God, what a man"

another, say, "Hello" by Adele. Inappropriateness and the fact that the songs belong to different “weights”

There are also skillfully singing participants. And not all

The performances can be classified as amateur performances.

This time the performances are evaluated not by a star jury, but by people who have a professional relationship with

music. As an option - sound engineers. There are more than a hundred people on the jury. Voting results in

percentage are shown immediately on large screens. However, participants remain

unknown to which of them the jury gave more votes. At this moment it begins

bargain. If a participant believes that his performance was not very good, he can take the money, but forfeits

the right to advance to the next round, even if it turns out that the majority of the jury voted in favor

him. New round - new amount. In the final, the winner will receive 3,000,000 rubles. It's so simple.


What did Channel One count on? I don't understand. That scenes of temptation with money will keep

the audience is in constant suspense... Well, well, where money clearly appears - talent

ends. It’s simply unpleasant and uninteresting to watch the “temptations” of the participants.

The show has no original atmosphere, and we have already seen all the components of the project many times in

other programs.


Personally, “Winner” didn’t interest me at all, it even irritated me. While watching, I constantly switched to the “Culture” channel, which broadcast the 1969 Russian film “Wings”. He wasn't annoying. That's talented.


Well, it seems after the promising, but turned out to be mediocre series “What and

needed to be proven”, Yulia Samoilova’s fraud with Eurovision, Channel One has another

Channel One is launching a new music and entertainment project “Winner”, hosted by showman Dmitry Nagiyev.

Participants in the new music and entertainment show “Winner” will not only have to fight for the sympathy of the audience and the jury, but also overcome themselves

Participants of the new music and entertainment show "Winner" they will not only have to fight for the sympathy of the audience and the jury, but also overcome themselves, because on the way to victory they will face temptations from Dmitry Nagiyev himself.

At stake is 3 million rubles, which will go to the most musical and strong-willed. Project participants are not limited in musical genres (rock, pop, rap, folk, classical music, etc.). Solo performers, duets, trios and groups will take the stage. Vocalists of different ages take part in the competition. In each episode, eight contestants conduct musical duels between themselves until only one strongest remains on stage.

The participants' performances are assessed by a council of 101 members of a professional jury, which is a representative sample of the entire Russian society. Moreover, each of the jury members has a musical education and absolute pitch.

After each musical duel, the jury gives its ratings, but which of the vocalists received more votes remains a mystery until the last moment. Before delivering a verdict, the presenter invites those who are not confident in their abilities to voluntarily leave the show with “compensation” in hand. In the first round you can take away 150,000 rubles, in the second – 250,000 rubles, in the third – 500,000 rubles.

If the participant chose money, he leaves the project, even if it later turns out that the jury recognized him as the winner of the musical duel. If the participant decides to stay, and the result of the duel is not in his favor, he leaves without “compensation”. Thus, only an absolutely confident performer can win.

On Channel One there is the premiere of the music show “Winner,” where you can quite easily not only sing, but also earn a tidy sum (at least 150,000 rubles). We were able to visit the filming of this new project and see for ourselves how everything happens - and at the same time, once again, we were convinced of the boundless charm of the show’s host, Dmitry Nagiyev, and appreciate his subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) humor. And the fact is that the money here is real. And none of the producers of the show - along with the audience - knows whether this or that participant will take the money, or maybe he will simply decide to stay in the show or leave with his head held high. For the filming of each program, 1,700,000 rubles are allocated to the prize fund.

“Behind the scenes” of the “Winner” project. From here they control what is happening in the hall


Filming of the show “Winner” takes place at the former Kalibr plant, located near the Ostankino television center. Some other Channel One shows were previously filmed here - for example, “Without Insurance”, “TiliTeleTesto”. As expected, a team of emergency doctors is on duty at the project: what if someone gets sick when he finds out that he didn’t take the money in vain? Behind the stage is a huge control room with many monitors. The director sees every corner of the stage, every spectator or expert. Using a special microphone, he tells one of the participants or jury members what to do. Nearby there are several more small rooms that have been converted into studios. The loser or winner here records short interviews for the TV version, and there are also support teams cheering for their participant.

Show rules

For those who haven’t seen the first episodes of “Winner,” let’s tell you a little about the rules. Vocalists of different ages take part in the competition. All of them passed the casting (in total, about ten thousand applications were submitted for the show). In each episode, eight contestants conduct “musical duels” among themselves for elimination - until only one, the strongest, remains on the stage.
The participants' performances are assessed by a council of 101 members of a professional jury. Moreover, each of them has a musical education and perfect pitch, some are a producer, some are a vocal teacher, some are a music critic or even an artist of the Bolshoi Theater. All of them are in the studio, sitting in a special sector and seeing the entire performance “live”. It should be noted that if in the first episodes the jury members were silent, then in the next ones they will speak. Each of them has his own number, the presenter will selectively call it, and the expert will introduce himself and say how he voted and why he made such a choice. By the way, the jury members also went through the casting.

The TV presenter can dance to his favorite song

After each “musical duel” the jury gives their scores by voting using special remote controls. But which vocalist got more voices remains a mystery until the last moment. Before announcing the judges' decision, the presenter invites those who are not confident in their abilities to voluntarily leave the show with “compensation” in hand. In the first round you can take away 150,000 rubles, in the second – 300,000 rubles, in the third – 500,000 rubles. If the participant chose money, he leaves the project, even if it later turns out that the jury recognized him as the winner of the musical duel. If the participant decides to stay, and the result of the duel is not in his favor, he leaves without “compensation”. Thus, only an absolutely confident performer can win. But in the finale of the show, the winner of the project will receive three million rubles.

The one and only

The host of the show, as we have already said, was Dmitry Nagiyev. According to the producers of the project, they did not even consider other candidates. And, of course, there was no casting for his place.
Before filming began, we were able to ask several questions about the new project directly to Dmitry Vladimirovich. The showman answered in his usual manner - with humor, and it was sometimes quite difficult to guess where the pure truth was and where it was just a fraction.
— Did you immediately agree to take part in the new project?

— I was offered a choice of several shows that Channel One traditionally and regularly airs with good numbers. It seemed to me that this was the most optimal, bright and festive show for people. In the difficult times in which we exist, giving people the right to choose what to watch: a holiday here or social problems on another channel is important. So I chose "Winner". And today I have no regrets

Dmitry Nagiyev is interested not only in money

— Have you decided to confirm your status as the permanent leader of all the main vocal projects in the country? Don’t want to share these laurels with anyone?

- Since they pay me mainly with bay leaves - as we reverently call it at First, “laurel” - I don’t have to share with anyone, there are few people willing. It's not my fault that every project I come to blooms like a Christmas tree on the outskirts of a forest somewhere in Dibuny

— And if you were a participant in the “Winner” show, what would you choose: money or a chance to go further?

— Considering how I sing, I would ask for money so as not to sing in the first place. If I were in the place of the participants, I would try to approach my future fate on the project logically. Still, several hundred thousand clutched in a sweaty fist is better than pie in the sky

Confession of Nagiyev

A five-minute readiness is announced - and Dmitry Nagiyev appears on stage in front of the audience. The hall instantly comes alive.
- Raise your hand who has been sitting here since yesterday! Tired? – the presenter encourages the audience, clearly hinting that filming is already in its second day, and the day before, due to technical problems, the process was delayed, and many left the site much later than planned.
- I promise you: it will be scary, but great! It was with these words that they hired me to work on Channel One,” Nagiyev continues to “warm up” the audience.
Each replica of Dmitry Nagiyev can be recorded and quoted. For example, when another participant doubted whether to take the amount of 150,000 rubles, Dmitry Vladimirovich encouraged him:

— To be honest, this is a few months’ salary—mine, for example. Let's be honest. Viewers, who thinks that this money should be taken... me?

Dmitry Nagiyev himself is not averse to falling for money once again

You can't understand Russia with your mind

We need to talk about money separately. This is the main intrigue of the program. Unfortunately, according to the “Winner” rules, we cannot reveal who became the best, who decided to take the money, and who left with nothing. But much of what we saw surprised us - we certainly “can’t understand Russia with our minds”! Just as sometimes one of the foreign producers, who specially came to Russia to closely monitor how the conditions of the program format were observed, did not understand this. He sat in a special room, watched the process and from time to time said: “Why?” ("Why?").
It should be noted here that the format of the American vocal game show “The Winner is” from the same company that produces the show “Voice” is taken as the basis. The foreign premiere took place four years ago. Their versions were released in France, Turkey, China, Italy, Germany and other countries. The Russian adaptation is being made by the same team that works on the show “The Voice”.

Wake up the expert

A short break is announced, the audience is allowed to warm up a little, after which they begin filming again.
“Comrade experts, please wake up your colleague in the top row,” the director says into the microphone, causing general laughter. – I understand everything: we’re filming for the second day, we’re tired. But you'll have to be patient...
Each participant in the show has several songs prepared in advance that he plans to perform - in case he wins in the rounds, and the film crew and musicians need to know in advance what he is going to perform next.

Each one is assessed by 101 professional experts

On stage is one of the participants, young performer Alexander Kozlov. For filming this show, he lost 21 kilograms. Nobody forced him, of course, but the guy wanted to look more impressive.
Here's another one of the participants, Richie Agada. He is known for his work with rapper Basta. During this filming, we noticed several participants who had previously auditioned for the show “The Voice,” and some even went through several rounds there, but did not make it to the finals, like Olga Klein. She tries her hand here too. Angelina Sergeeva will also be in the “Winner” project. She participated in the second season of “The Voice”, all the judges turned to her, she chose Alexander Gradsky and almost reached the final. But the girl on the “Winner” project will be difficult to recognize: the long-haired brown-haired woman will appear in a completely new image, having cut her hair short and becoming blonde.

Before “Winner,” Angelina Sergeeva took part in the second season of the “Voice” project

The main thing that we were convinced of during the long shooting day: everything here is very bright, lively, exciting, and talented. And what is important - extremely honest!

Photos by Vadim Tarakanov and Maxim Lee

Many participants have to make a serious choice: fame or money, bird in hand or pie in the sky

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In 2017, Channel One prepared a surprise for all fans of musical art, announcing in February a casting for participation in the “Winner” project. Anyone who considers himself a vocalist or even an expert in the field of musical art has received an excellent opportunity to test himself on the stage of Channel 1.

There are two types of participants on the project - vocalists and experts in musical art. And if the 1st must be able to sing, and it doesn’t matter whether they are professionals or just amateurs, then the 2nd must have a professional musical education and have a unique ear. Naturally, experience in the music field is welcome, and if a music critic also knows how to play any instrument, then the participation of such a person on the show is priceless.

In each “Winner” program, a large team of the above-mentioned experts, numbering 101 people, evaluates the performances of applicants for the main award of the project, which amounts to a rather impressive amount - three million rubles. The number of jury members was deliberately made odd in order to eliminate the slightest possibility of a draw result.

The voting is open, but despite this, no one present in the studio will know the results, since an unusual voting system is used. Viewers of the new show with Dmitry Nagiyev “Winner” online will see only numbers in percentage terms, which, and here the intrigue remains, will not be tied to any of the performing participants. So, almost until the very end of the program, no one will know who is leaving the project and who is moving on to the next round.

Participants gather in duets, groups, trios or solos. On the stage, which is divided into two colors - blue and red, contenders for the main prize create 8 teams, which are divided into pairs and a kind of vocal sparring battle site begins. In the first round, 150 thousand rubles are played, in the second the amount is doubled, and in the third, the remaining participants begin to fight for half a million rubles. By the way, those competing in the battle can at any time, while the countdown is ongoing, take the money they won and leave the show with their heads held high. True, in the end, it may turn out that it was the person who left the project who turned out to be the winner.

Well, who will ultimately take the main prize of 3 million will be decided by live voting by viewers in the final episode of the show.

The creators of “Winner” didn’t even argue about the candidate for the presenter. The showman, the most popular actor Dmitry Nagiyev, did without casting, as he fully corresponded to the idea of ​​the project: a charming, witty, not at a loss for words, ironic, scattering charisma and sparkling quick jokes right and left, a man. Nagiyev fit perfectly into the program both externally and internally, supporting and pushing the participants to victory, while not forgetting about the audience sitting in the hall.

The Winner show on Channel One with Dmitry Nagiyev can watch all episodes online for free on our website at any time of the day!