The calorie content and nutritional value of boiled beets are all the secrets of a healthy vegetable. How many calories are in boiled beets?

Beetroot, known to every Russian person from childhood, what beneficial properties does it have?

Few people know about this.

It’s not for nothing that this root vegetable is included in traditional Russian dishes - borscht, beetroot soup, vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat.

Few gardens can do without a bed of beets, few Russian families can imagine a New Year's holiday table without traditional herring under a fur coat, few restaurants can not find a single dish on the menu that does not contain this vegetable.

So what is the reason for such popularity and are the benefits of beets exaggerated?

Composition and calorie content of beets

Beetroot contains mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber, starch, water, and beta-carotene. Organic acids that help absorb and digest food are no exception - malic, citric, oxalic, folic, tartaric and lactic - they are also present in beets.

The protein content per 100g of raw beets is 1.5g, fat is 0.1g, and carbohydrates are 8.8g. The calorie content of beets is quite low - 40kcal per 100g. Boiled beets have a little more calories - 49kcal. This means that beets can also be consumed by those who are on a diet, since it will not cause harm to their figure. Beets contain a large amount of vitamins - A, C, E, PP and B vitamins. And the amount of micro- and macroelements is amazing:

Calcium (37 mg per 100 g of raw beets)

Phosphorus (43mg)

Magnesium (22mg)

Sodium (46mg)

Chlorine (43mg)

Potassium (288 mg)

Sulfur (7mg)

Iron (1.4mg)

Iodine (7mcg)

Manganese (0.6mg)

Zinc (0.425mg)

Copper (140mcg)

Chromium (20mcg)

Fluoride (20mcg)

Boron (280mcg)

Rubidium (453mcg)

Nickel (14mcg)

In addition, beets contain amino acids such as betanin, arginine, histidine and others. The main thing is that the amount of nutrients in raw beets does not decrease when cooked, so this healthy vegetable can be consumed in any form.

In cooking, first courses, salads, snacks and sauces are prepared from this vegetable. In addition to its attractive composition, beets also have a pleasant taste, which is why they are included in traditional Russian dishes.

Due to its low calorie content, beets are used in diets. Some girls arrange fasting days, during which the consumption of beets and other low-calorie foods is allowed. Short-term mono-diets based on the consumption of one product, in this case beets, are also popular.

Will eating raw beets do more good or harm?

Some people are skeptical about eating raw vegetables, but this is not the case with beets. Since childhood, parents have given their children a salad made from raw beets, carrots and cabbage. But what beneficial properties are endowed with raw beets, and what are the benefits for the human body from consuming them?

1. Beets have anti-inflammatory properties. She helps both outside and inside. Beet pulp is effective against skin inflammation, and when eaten, it will help in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

2. Beets are a powerful antioxidant. It will help remove toxins, salts, waste and cholesterol from the body, and protect the human body from radioactive exposure. Beets reduce the risk of cancer cells.

3. This root vegetable has a healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Beets are recommended for consumption by people prone to constipation. Improves intestinal motility, normalizes digestion.

4. Beets improve heart function and help treat cardiovascular diseases. Improves the elasticity of blood vessels, improves blood circulation. Betaine, which gives beets their red color, and B vitamins help reduce the level of a substance harmful to blood vessels - homocysteine. In addition, due to the effects of betaine and magnesium, blood pressure decreases and protein digestibility improves. Betaine helps in the fight against atherosclerosis. Regular consumption of beets will help prevent blood clots and the development of anemia.

5. Beets help the liver work - restores and renews its cells.

6. Beets help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis, but only if you eat this vegetable in reasonable quantities.

7. Beets help strengthen the immune system. This vegetable surpasses even some fruits in terms of the content of nutrients.

8. Beets help improve vision.

9. This vegetable helps increase human performance. Studies have been conducted in which it was found that athletes who consume beets are more resilient than others. The effect of beets is comparable to doping.

10. Beetroot for men is a preventive measure for prostate adenoma. Stimulates the functioning of the reproductive system, increases potency and fertility.

The benefits of beets for human health are undeniable A. Among other things, beets are also used in cosmetology. Skin masks that help get rid of inflammation are popular. This vegetable also helps get rid of freckles and warts. Shampoos and masks with beets are made for hair. They help reduce oily hair and combat dandruff.

But excessive consumption of beets can be harmful to the human body. People suffering from diabetes are advised to exclude this sweet vegetable from their diet. Well, beets contain up to 25% fructose, sucrose and glucose. People with low blood pressure should also avoid eating beets.

In particular, if you have high acidity, it is not recommended to consume beets, because they contain a large amount of organic acids. The Internet contains a lot of information about the benefits of beets. in the fight against urolithiasis– you can’t believe this. People suffering from these diseases It is not recommended to consume this vegetable.

If you are prone to heartburn, colitis, internal bleeding, and intestinal diseases, you should also avoid beets. Raw beets can cause an allergic reaction, including swelling of the nasopharynx and skin rashes.

What are the benefits of boiled beets and is there any benefit at all?

Many vegetables lose their beneficial properties during heat treatment, which cannot be said about beets. Even when boiled, it retains all the vitamins and minerals; the only thing that changes is the calorie content increases slightly. But this increase is insignificant, so beets can and even should be consumed during a diet to provide the body with nutrients and energy.

Excessive consumption of boiled beets leads to a decrease in calcium absorption. Therefore, this vegetable is not recommended for consumption by people suffering from a deficiency of this substance. Otherwise, the list of contraindications for boiled beets coincides with the contraindications for consuming this vegetable raw.

Beetroot juice: good or bad?

There is an opinion that drinking concentrated beet juice is healthier than eating this vegetable.

Beetroot juice is useful for vitamin deficiency, stress, loss of strength and insomnia. Has an antipyretic effect. Helps prevent the appearance of pathogenic microflora in the intestines and eliminate constipation. Beetroot juice has antiseptic properties, so it helps cleanse the oral cavity of germs. Improves digestion, blood circulation, improves vision and hearing. Beetroot juice retained its beneficial properties from beets, since the content of beneficial substances did not decrease during mechanical processing.

In addition, beet juice is used in the form of lotions for abscesses, redness and ulcers on the skin. Beetroot juice is also used to treat runny nose and sore throat.

But in addition to its beneficial properties, beet juice has contraindications similar to the contraindications for beets mentioned earlier.

To have more benefit than harm, you need to drink beetroot juice correctly. Due to the high acidity of beets, It is better to drink the juice in combination with the juices of other vegetables. If you want to drink beetroot juice in its pure form, then you should do this no earlier than 2 hours after pressing. It is not recommended to take many sips at one time. Large amounts of beet juice can lead to stomach upset, diarrhea, nausea or headaches, so you should not overuse the juice.

What are the benefits of beets for pregnant and lactating women?

Women expecting the birth of a baby and those who have already given birth should not worry about whether beets can be eaten. This vegetable contains a large amount of useful substances and vitamins necessary for the body of a pregnant or lactating woman.

Folic acid, found in beets, helps prevent fetal malformations and ensures normal development of the baby’s central nervous system. Iron prevents the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia in a pregnant woman and promotes oxygen saturation of the blood, which helps prevent oxygen starvation of the fetus. Iodine, which is needed in greater quantities during pregnancy and lactation, is also found in beets. It helps fight thyroid diseases.

If an expectant mother or a nursing woman suffers from high blood pressure, then eating beets will replace pills to lower blood pressure. Caution will not hurt those mothers who are prone to diarrhea or suffer from diabetes. In these cases, the consumption of beets should be limited.

Beets for children: good or bad

Due to its high acidity and bright color, it is not recommended to introduce beets into a child’s diet before reaching eight months of age. If you are prone to severe constipation, beets are also administered at 6 months. Otherwise, contraindications for administering beets to children do not differ from contraindications for adults.

The benefits of beets for the body of a small child are undeniable - this vegetable contains all the necessary micro- and macroelements, vitamins and nutrients. Regular consumption of beets promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora, improves peristalsis, helps prevent dysbiosis and eliminate constipation. Beets cleanse the body, removing waste and toxins.

This vegetable has a beneficial effect on the growing body., ensuring its normal development. Beets have a pleasant taste, so children love to eat them. In kindergartens, dishes from this vegetable must be included in the diet. And for good reason, because beets are a natural source of energy and nutrients.


The calorie content of boiled beets is of most interest to those who are going to lose extra pounds with it, having heard that it belongs to dietary nutrition. Unfortunately, such people think little about the nutritional value of this vegetable (what it contains) and the corresponding benefits and harms that it can bring to health. And those who want to lose weight rarely think about the quantity and combination with other products that beets will actually help to lose, and not vice versa - to gain weight.

Beets, being a storehouse of many different vitamins and other substances necessary for the body, can be used as a real cure for various ailments, as well as for weight loss or maintaining it within the required limits. However, not everyone can bring themselves to consume fresh root vegetables of this vegetable or juices and decoctions from them, which provide the most benefits. Boiled beets are much tastier than fresh ones, they are better digestible and you can use them to prepare many different wonderful dishes, including salads, so why not combine business with pleasure.

Proper cooking of beets is the key to preserving all vitamins

But to do this, of course, you first need to find out the nutritional value and calorie content of this product in order to determine as accurately as possible, depending on the goals you have set for yourself (treatment and/or weight loss), the necessary and/or acceptable amount of its consumption. Without doing this, you can get the exact opposite result - harm your health and/or gain additional extra pounds.

For those who are seriously planning to use beets for medicinal purposes or for weight loss, it would be a good idea to first read the relevant articles on the site:

  • and others.

These publications describe in detail not only the beneficial properties of beets and the impressive positive effects of its use, but also contraindications and possible harm from improper use of this vegetable. The last point (restrictions on consumption for health reasons and/or other indicators) should be taken very seriously, especially for people suffering from certain diseases of the digestive tract.

Regarding the issue of caloric content of beets, it should immediately be noted that boiled beets are higher than fresh ones. But not much. Thus, the main advantage of consuming fresh beets or juices from them is a much greater saturation of the body with vitamins and other useful substances contained in this vegetable. After all, as you know, any heat treatment, and other methods of preparation (salting, pickling, fermentation) lead to a significant decrease in the amount of vitamins and other useful substances that are in the fresh product. So if the question is simply “not to overeat,” then boiled beets are no worse than fresh ones. And if you also need to effectively fight excess weight, then it is better, after all, to prefer consuming fresh vegetables and/or juices from them. This is discussed in the articles mentioned above.

So, how many calories are in a cooked vegetable – 42–50 kcal (depending on the type of beet per 100 g of its root). And in a fresh one – 37–43.

As you can see, the difference in calorie content between boiled and fresh beets is small. But we must not forget about the benefits of the products we consume. Fresh beets contain (per 100 g of vegetable - data averaged by variety):

  • Nutritional values:
    • proteins – 1.7 g;
    • fat – 0.2 g;
    • carbohydrates – 7.6 g;
    • water – 87.1 g;
    • saturated fatty acids – 0.03 g;
    • dietary fiber – 2.1 g;
    • mono- and disaccharides – 7.9 g;
    • beta-carotene – 0.02 mg;
    • ash – 1.1 g;
  • Essential vitamins:
    • A (RE) – 2 µg;
    • B 1 (thiamine) – 0.03 mg;
    • B 2 (riboflavin) – 0.04 mg;
    • B 3 (niacin) – 0.3 mg;
    • B 4 (choline) – 6.3 mg;
    • B 5 (pantothenic acid) – 0.2 mg;
    • B 6 (pyridoxine) – 0.07 mg;
    • B 9 (folacin - folic acid) - 99 mcg;
    • C (ascorbic acid) – 4.5 mg;
    • E (TE) – 0.04 mg;
    • K 1 (phylloquinone) – 0.2 μg;
    • PP (niacin - nicotinic acid) - 0.33 mcg;
    • and others;
  • Basic macroelements (the content of which in the body is more than 0.01%):
    • potassium – 325 mg;
    • calcium – 16 mg;
    • magnesium – 23 mg;
    • sodium – 78 mg;
    • phosphorus – 39 mg;
    • and others;
  • Basic microelements (the content of which in the body is 0.001%):
    • iron – 0.8 mg;
    • manganese – 0.325 mg;
    • copper – 75 mcg;
    • selenium – 0.7 mcg;
    • zinc – 0.36 mg;
    • and others.

In cooked beets, calories will increase, and the amount of these substances will decrease. But how much less of these compounds the body needs in a boiled vegetable will depend on the correctness of its preparation. But how to properly cook beets is in the following chapters of the article. Only the carbohydrate content will increase and become equal to 10.8 g per 100 g of vegetable.

It is obvious that many, or rather the majority, who decide to include boiled beets in their daily diet for health improvement and prevention of various diseases or to reduce excess weight, are not at all tempted by eating it in its pure form. That is, in fact, only those who are extremely desperate due to serious health problems, and therefore no less serious about the expected therapeutic effect, or a passionate fan of this root vegetable, can eat this vegetable without adding any other products to it. But the latter is unlikely.

Boiled beets should be soft and release juice.

And it is obvious that other ingredients (vegetables, fruits, other and seasonings: butter, sour cream, mayonnaise), so necessary for preparing dishes with boiled beets, which are indeed considered “edible” by generally accepted standards and the taste of most people, will influence their content ( composition) on the calorie content and usefulness of the final finished product (salad, side dish, borscht, etc.). After all, all ingredients have their own calorie content and nutritional value (composition of vitamins and other substances). Therefore, when you monitor calories and prepare any dish with boiled beets (or any other), you need to take into account the caloric content of not only the dietary product included in its composition, but also all other components in it. And this can be taken into account by simple arithmetic calculations.

For example, let’s take many people’s favorite salad of boiled beets with mayonnaise and garlic. For 200 g of root vegetables, as a rule, you take 10 g of garlic, 5 g of salt and 30 g of mayonnaise. The calorie content of all these ingredients per 100 g of product and the total are as follows (average values ​​in kcal):

  • boiled beets: 46, and in 200 g - 92;
  • salt – 0;
  • garlic: 149, and in 10 g – 14.9;
  • mayonnaise (approximate value for a table): 627, and in 30 g - 188.1.

The total calorie content of the salad is 295 kcal. Its total weight is 245 g. Based on these data, it is easy to calculate the calorie content of 100 g of salad. This is the task of the school curriculum to solve proportions. Without going into its details, we will consider only the calculation method:

  1. Multiply the total calorie content of the dish by 100.
  2. We divide the result by the total weight of the dish.

Here's what you get: 295 * 100/245 = 120.41 kcal.

When you're watching calories, you should count each meal this way. Well, vinaigrette lovers can immediately say that its calorie content is approximately 120 kcal. Depends on the quantity of all ingredients. Boiled beets seasoned with vegetable oil have a calorie content of approximately 150 kcal.

Boiling beets is quite simple. It may be much more difficult in our time to find a root vegetable of this vegetable that is truly healthy and safe in all respects. Don’t forget that in addition to table beets (which is what we need), they also grow sugar and fodder beets. The composition of the root vegetables of the last two types is quantitatively different from the contents of table root vegetables. Of course, you won’t get poisoned by them, but they are also less beneficial, and they can also cause harm to your health. So, for example, there is a lot more sugar. Depending on the varieties being compared, it may be 2 times more. A healthy person won’t feel this, but a diabetic?

In addition, beets tend to accumulate nitrates and other chemicals well and in large quantities. During cooking, most of them will boil down and go into water (decoction), but if the initial concentration was high enough, then there will still be a lot of these compounds in the cooked root vegetable. Such a dietary product can cause more harm to health than good.

Checking if the beets are ready

Therefore, before you buy beets, you should definitely try to find out their origin - where and how they were grown. Especially if the vegetable is purchased at a vegetable market or in a store. And it is best to purchase beets grown in gardens and summer cottages. Although it is more expensive from private owners than store-bought, there are more guarantees that the purchased vegetable will be as healthy and environmentally friendly as possible.

Preference should be given to beet varieties whose root cut in the middle is dark red, bright red or burgundy and does not have radial light veins. In addition, it is also believed that the best varieties are those whose roots are slightly elongated.

If there is any doubt about the ecological purity of purchased vegetables, then before cooking, or any other use, it is necessary to remove (cut off) the top part - about a quarter of the total height of the root vegetables. Nitrates and chemicals mainly accumulate there, near the leaves.

Now about preparing the beets for cooking. First, if the vegetable is fresh from the garden and has tops that have not been removed, then they must be cut off to the very base of the root crop. It is clear that most often beets are sold without leaves. In any case, it is always already without tops in stores, at the market, and even among private traders, when they sell not just dug up vegetables, but taken from storage. Then what remains of the leaves, maybe some already withered short stems, can be left untouched and left.

Then it is recommended to thoroughly wash the root vegetables under running cold water. Although some do this after cooking, which is also acceptable. We must leave the root vegetable itself whole, as it is. That is, you should not only clean it, but also cut off its root and the upper part from where the leaves grew. This is necessary so that during cooking the root vegetable retains its taste, the maximum amount of vitamins and other useful substances, as well as its own natural juiciness, without being saturated with water. And for this it is necessary that the vegetable is covered on all sides with its natural protection - the peel. The exception is “suspicious” beets, which may be “stuffed” with nitrates and/or chemicals. For such root vegetables, we cut off part of the top (this was discussed above).

It is recommended to place the prepared vegetable in already boiling water. If you put it in a cold place and heat everything together until it boils, the cooking time for boiled beets will increase by 1.5–2 times. In addition, the vegetable will be subjected to heat treatment and remain in water much longer. As a result, it will lose more vitamins and nutrients, and will also absorb water, becoming more watery and less tasty.

Thoroughly wash the beets to remove any dirt before cooking.

The cooking time for properly cooked beets (thrown into boiling water) depends on their size and “youth” (how long they have been stored). It can take only 15 minutes for small root vegetables, and for large ones it can last 2.5–3 hours. Medium-sized beets are cooked for about 40 minutes.

Beets should not be salted during cooking. Salt makes the vegetable hard, and most importantly, it significantly increases its cooking time. And this, as mentioned above, leads to a greater loss of taste and vitamins from the root crop.

For the same reasons, it is not advisable to overcook beets. The longer a root vegetable is in boiling water, the more it loses taste and vitamins and becomes more watery. So you need to cook the beets exactly as much as necessary for them to be ready. You can check the degree of cookedness with a knife or fork. As soon as they begin to easily enter the root crop, cooking should be stopped. You should also immediately rinse the hot vegetable with cold water. It’s better to let it cool a little under running cold water. This processing allows you to achieve two effects simultaneously. Even if the beets are slightly undercooked inside, a sharp temperature change will bring them to readiness. And after such treatments, it will be easy to clean, while the most useful layer of the root crop under the skin will remain intact.

To reduce cooking time, experienced chefs recommend boiling medium-sized root vegetables for about 15–20 minutes, and then immediately placing them in a bowl (cup, pan) with cold water for half an hour. At the same time, “fresh” running cold water should continuously flow into the cup. During this processing, a thermal shock will occur in the root crops, which will bring them to full readiness. For small and large root vegetables, the approximate cooking time for this recipe is 6–8 minutes and 1–1.5 hours, respectively. The duration of the “cold bath” is approximately the same. Although, it is better to keep large root vegetables longer until they cool completely.


Dietary properties of boiled beets:

Among the most beneficial food products for our health is the familiar boiled beets. This root vegetable can provide the human body with a rich set of minerals, vitamins and other components it needs. It must be said that despite all the undoubted benefits of boiled beets, it will not “give” you extra pounds. The calorie content of boiled beets is relatively low, so it can be recommended to people watching their figure as a good addition to their diet.

Let's remember why beets are so good for us?

The most significant beneficial quality of this garden crop is the presence of more than 50% sodium in its composition, and at the same time only 5% calcium.

This composition sharply increases the solubility of oxalic acid salts, which tend to accumulate in blood vessels. Beetroot juice is an excellent remedy for hardened or dilated veins, and it is good for combating blood clots caused by high blood pressure or some other cardiac dysfunction.

The presence of calcium in boiled beets ensures normal nutrition of the cells of our body, and the chlorine content will help to effectively cleanse the liver, gall bladder and kidneys, causing lymph to circulate more actively in all parts of the body.

Another very important benefit of boiled beets. During the cooking process during its heat treatment, the nutritional properties of this vegetable are almost not lost. Mainly, this root vegetable consists of water and carbohydrates. Approximately 90% of the vegetable's nutritional value comes from carbohydrates, about 10% from proteins, and about 1% from fats.

Boiled beets are used not only as a food product. Boiled beet juice is an excellent help for many ailments and for improving the health of the body as a whole, and at the same time it has a very low calorie content. We can talk endlessly about the benefits of beets, but the main thing is that beets significantly strengthen the immune system, do not contain any harmful substances, and although, of course, this is not a panacea for all ills, its medicinal properties are undeniable.

How many calories are in boiled beets?

The calorie content of boiled beets, however, like all vegetables, is low and amounts to:

49 kcal per 100 grams of product

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) of fresh quince per 100 grams:

Proteins - 1.8

Fats – 0.0

Carbohydrates – 10.8

What is the calorie content of boiled beets prepared in different ways? And here it is:

Table of caloric content of boiled beets, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of boiled beets, prepared in different ways, is this:

Table of nutritional value of boiled beets, per 100 grams of product:

Among all the vitamins contained in beets, folic acid (vitamin B9) should be noted, which helps the synthesis of red blood cells and, in addition, improves protein metabolism. One serving of boiled beets contains approximately 1/4 of the daily amount of folic acid necessary for the functioning of organs and their systems.

Recipe? Recipe!

What dishes can be prepared from boiled beets? Yes, different. Here's a simple salad recipe:

Beetroot and seaweed salad:

Have you tried it? Then try this easy beet salad recipe. This dish is especially recommended for those who appreciate the properties of seaweed, but do not like its peculiar taste.

Product set:

  • Beets - one piece
  • One hundred grams of pickled seaweed
  • Oil, salt and pepper to taste, for dressing

How to cook:

The beets need to be boiled, allowed to cool and the peel removed. Then cut it into small cubes. Mix the seaweed (after draining the marinade) with chopped beets. This salad is seasoned with vegetable oil, salt and pepper are added to it - to your taste. That's all! A delicious salad, especially since the low calorie content of boiled beets in this salad will prevent you from gaining excess weight.

What are the benefits of boiled beets for weight loss?

Boiled beets help you lose weight. Firstly, due to the high laxative properties of boiled beets. Secondly, betaine, which is part of beets, regulates fat metabolism and speeds up metabolism.

There are several options for losing weight with beets. Firstly, you can arrange a short mono-diet for yourself, just for a couple of days. During this period, only baked or boiled beets in a slow cooker are allowed, and no more than two kilograms per day (this dose should be divided into six to seven doses). You cannot salt the beets, you just need to grate them or cut them into small cubes and season with sunflower oil (optional). You should also drink a lot of liquids, such as still mineral water, green tea, fresh vegetable juices - a total of about one and a half to two liters. Thus, at least two kilograms of weight will be lost in two days.

You can also prepare a salad from boiled beets and carrots, which also cannot be salted. In addition to this dish, you should drink carrot juice (about 300 milliliters per day) for two days, eat raw carrots, supplementing it with low-fat sour cream. You can also drink beet juice, but only a little at a time, otherwise it may cause intestinal upset (in general, it is better to dilute it with other vegetable juices). On such a diet, you can lose about 3–4 kilograms in 10 days and even get rid of hemorrhoids.

Perhaps the most common vegetable for preparing your favorite dishes, after potatoes, is beets. Unpretentious when grown, not losing vitamins and minerals during the entire storage period, tasty and bright, beets are deservedly considered the queen of Russian cuisine (calorizer). They began to cook beets a long time ago, although initially only the fresh leaves of the plant were used for nutrition, and the root vegetables were considered inedible. Let's answer the main question: how many kcal are in boiled beets?

Boiled beets are easy to prepare, they can be stored in the refrigerator for several days (unpeeled for 7-10 days) and used if necessary.

Calorie content of boiled beets

Are boiled beets high in calories? No, the calorie content per 100 grams is 47 kcal.

For comparison: calorie content, fresh beets, 42 kcal.

Which beets do you like best?

Raw tastes betterBoiled is the most delicious!

Boiled beets contain most nutrients: choline, vitamins A, B1, B5, B6, C, E, H and PP, as well as minerals necessary for the human body: potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, phosphorus and sodium, present in plant folic acid and sufficient fiber. Based on the chemical composition, it becomes clear that boiled beets are beneficial for almost everyone. The product is one of the natural effective laxatives; in combination with vegetable oils, it can cure severe constipation. Boiled beets take part in the blood, replenishing blood loss, which is especially important for women with heavy menstruation. Boiled beets are beneficial for men - it has been proven that they increase sexual desire and increase male strength.

The presence of organic acids (tartaric, lactic, malic, oxalic and citric) plays an important role in the process of food digestion. The substance betaine helps lower blood pressure, participates in lipid metabolism, and reduces the number of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. The property of beets cooked to remove heavy metals from solids is known.

Harm of boiled beets

Despite the obvious benefits of the product, boiled beets are not recommended for diabetics due to the high content of natural sugars, those with “weak” intestines and a tendency to gastric disorders, as well as for people with urolithiasis.

How to cook beets correctly

Cooking beets is quite simple, you need to thoroughly wash the root crop without cutting off the root and lower part of the tops (it is clear that we are talking about fresh beets, if they are stored for a long time, then there is no need to talk about any leaves, what is left from them, no need to cut). This is done to maximize the juiciness of the product. Place the finished beets in a saucepan, add cold water, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 45-70 minutes, depending on the size of the roots. Drain the water and cover the beets with cold water, which you drain after a minute (the beets will be easier to peel). More beneficial properties will be preserved if the beets are baked - wrap the clean root in foil and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 30-45 minutes.

Video: how to quickly cook beets

This video will tell you how to cook beets in a matter of minutes.

Healthy beetroot recipes

The simplest beet salad with herbs and vegetable oil (olive, sesame). This is an ideal option for those who monitor their health and weight. For the salad we need:

  • boiled beets - 4 pcs;
  • a bunch of cilantro or parsley;
  • green onions;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Boiled beets are grated on a large grater, chopped greens and onions are added.
  2. Separately combine lemon juice with olive oil, pepper, salt, mix and pour into chopped vegetables.

This is a great option as a snack between meals and as a side dish for dishes. It should be remembered that the root crop is prepared only in its entirety, otherwise all nutrients will be lost, resulting in only one fiber.


  • Carrots - 250 g;
  • Boiled eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese - 125 g;
  • Garlic cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • Beetroot - 2 root vegetables;
  • Walnuts - 100 g;
  • Pitted prunes - 120 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g.

Preparing the original salad with beets:

  1. Boiled eggs are grated on a grater with large holes, salted and seasoned with mayonnaise. The resulting mass is divided into two equal parts.
  2. Beets and carrots are peeled, grated and mixed separately with mayonnaise and a pinch of salt.
  3. The nut kernels are lightly fried in a dry frying pan and then crushed with a knife.
  4. Soak the prunes in boiling water for 10 minutes, after which we cut them into small pieces and mix with nut crumbs.
  5. Finely chop the green onions.
  6. The garlic goes through a garlic press. The cheese is grated on a coarse grater. Both components are mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise.
  7. Lay out the salad in layers: carrots, egg, cheese, garlic, egg again, nuts with prunes, beets, sprinkle with green onions or grated cheese on top.


  • Boiled beets - 2 fruits;
  • Broken walnut kernels - 50 g;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Butter - 55 g;
  • Cream 30% - 1/3 cup;
  • Fresh champignons - 100 g;
  • Blue cheese (or plain) - 120 g;
  • Table salt - 1/2 teaspoon;

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Let's make the sauce. Finely chop the mushrooms and fry in melted butter until golden brown, then pour the cream into them and cut into small pieces of cheese.
  2. Cook over very low heat, stirring the sauce constantly until the cheese is completely dissolved. Add salt if desired. Remove the thick sauce from the heat and give it time to cool.
  3. Coarsely grate the boiled beets or cut them into thin slices and place them in a sieve to drain excess juice (you can simply cut the beets into slices).
  4. Mix crushed nuts (a handful is left for sprinkling) and grated garlic with beets, salt to taste and place on a serving dish. Pour cheese sauce over beets and sprinkle nuts.

Vegetable dish "Beets"


  • Seasoning “Mixed peppers” - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Fresh tomato - 1 fruit;
  • Garlic - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Red onion - 2 onions;
  • Medium-sized beets - 5 tubers;
  • Refined oil - 50 ml;


  1. Chop the onion into rings and fry in oil, then add finely chopped garlic to it.
  2. Grate the washed and peeled beets on a coarse grater and add them to the frying pan with the onions and garlic.
  3. Chop the tomatoes into cubes or grate them and add them to the vegetables in a saucepan.
  4. Now pour in the mixture and sprinkle with pepper, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring regularly.

Once ready, we throw finely chopped greens into the container, and leave under the lid for another 5 minutes.

Thus, boiled beets are a very useful vegetable for the human body, although they have minor contraindications. It is worth boiling beets and using them to prepare various dishes.

The list of the most beneficial ingredients for the human body includes boiled beets, the calorie content of which allows you to use this root vegetable even while losing weight. In addition, you can prepare a huge number of delicious dishes from it. Why spend money on buying exotic food if a healthy and, moreover, cheap product is very close by? Flocked beets will be a good helper in the fight against extra pounds, and will also provide a full range of valuable substances to the human body.

On a note! Table beets are an experienced product. Even in ancient times, it was present on the tables of the Greeks and Persians. Moreover, not only the root, but also the tops were eaten. Before serving, it was soaked in wine.

Calorie content of boiled beets

The calorie content of boiled beets in water in an amount of 100 grams is at the level of 49 kcal. The majority of the root vegetable consists of carbohydrates, of which there are 10.8 g. The protein content is 1.8 g. The product is distinguished by the complete absence of fats in its composition.

To find out how many calories are in dishes prepared with boiled beets, it is recommended that you read the data below.

Calorie table for beets boiled in water when adding additional ingredients

The nutritional value, similar to the calorie content, of dishes prepared from boiled beets can vary depending on additional products.

Table of BJU dishes prepared from boiled beets

Product (100 gr.) Carbohydrates, g Fats, g Proteins, g
Boiled beets with garlic 7,2 5,3 2,1
Boiled beets combined with mayonnaise and garlic 10,5 8,2 2
Boiled beets seasoned with sour cream 10 2 2
Boiled beets combined with prunes 19 7,3 2
Boiled beets seasoned with vegetable oil 8,5 7 1,8

Benefits for the human body

About half of all the nutrients present in beets are sodium. Calcium is also present, but in less significant quantities. When beets enter the human body, oxalic acid salts, which accumulate in blood vessels, dissolve more actively. The juice of this root vegetable helps make the walls of veins softer and more elastic. Thus, boiled beets are recommended for use with high blood pressure and other problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Thanks to the presence of chlorine, the liver, kidneys and gallbladder are cleansed of harmful substances, and the functions of vital organs are restored.

This is interesting! After heat treatment, the nutritional properties of beets are not lost, so it is useful to consume them in any form.

It is worth noting that boiled beets are used not only in cooking. Due to the large number of useful substances included in its composition, the root vegetable is used as a medicine. For example, beet juice is a prevention of many diseases. It strengthens the immune system, which helps the body fight a wide range of diseases. Of course, beets are not used as the main remedy for treating ailments, but can complement drug therapy.

Beets contain many vitamins, among which folic acid (B9) occupies a special place. It enhances protein metabolism and promotes the synthesis of red blood cells.

On a note! In 1 piece Medium-sized cooked beets contain about a quarter of your daily folic acid requirement.

Benefits for weight loss

The advantage of the root vegetable is that it can be used in any form by almost all people. Beetroot has almost no contraindications. And due to its low calorie content, this vegetable is often included in menus for weight loss. In addition to the fact that eating beets does not negatively affect your figure, the body receives a whole range of useful substances. That is why nutritionists around the world recommend that people who are losing weight do fasting days based on this vegetable.

How to cook beets correctly?

Since beets are most often consumed boiled, many are interested in how to cook the vegetable. It is worth noting that this is very simple to do. First of all, the beets must be washed without cutting off the lower part and root. This way you can preserve the juiciness as much as possible. Place the root vegetable in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Then put on fire and bring to a boil. Cook for at least 45 minutes over medium heat. The exact cooking time for beets depends on the size and characteristics of the product.

To find out whether the beets are cooked or not, you need to pierce them with a toothpick. If it is soft enough, you can drain the hot water and pour in cold water instead and pour it out after a minute. This will help you peel the beets faster once they have cooled.

In whatever form beets are prepared, they will have a positive effect on the development of the human body. In particular, it promotes the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, restores the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, relieving constipation. In addition to containing a large amount of valuable substances, this vegetable is low in calories. This means that when consuming beets, your figure will remain slim and fit, and your health will be good.