Kalki Avatar. What was predicted will come true

Sri Kalki Bhagavan, also called Kalki Avatar, Sri Mukti Ishvara BhagavanIndian spiritual teacher, founder of a number of communities known as the University of All-Unity, Kalki Dharma, Bhagavad Dharma, the Golden Age Foundation, or the Foundation for World Awakening. To develop his spiritual movement, Sri Kalki Bhagavan also created two ashrams- "Satya Loka" and "Golden City".

Among other spiritual teachers (bhagavans), Sri Mukti Ishvara stands out in that many consider him Kalki- incarnation (avatar) god Vishnu. In the Hindu tradition, this image is associated with the idea of ​​spiritual revival of our world, the transition of humanity to a new stage of evolution.

Bhagavan Sri himself does not claim what is Kalki, trying to distance himself from this issue so as not to enter into unnecessary controversy. But at the same time, the Teacher confirms that he is performing on earth as an avatar- a being sent by high consciousness, whose mission give the world enlightenment. It should be noted that according to the teachings of Bhagavan, different avatars may have different missions, not necessarily related to spiritual growth, for example, Gandhi is the avatar of non-violence, Einstein is the avatar of physics.

To better understand the ideas that Sri Kalki Bhagavan brings to our world, consider him spiritual path. He was born under the name Vijay Kumar. This event happened March 7, 1949, in the Indian village of Natham, Tamil Nadu.

WITH three years old the future teacher has already realized his special purpose. This happened when Vijay Kumar visited the temple with my parents. One day, while looking at the images of various gods, he suddenly felt inside them and froze motionless. To questions about his condition, Vijay Kumar answered - “I’m inside God, I’m looking at you from the inside, how can I move on my own?”

At the age of 4-5, Vijay made the discovery that people experience suffering. He himself was always happy and did not suspect until that moment that other people’s lives were completely different. At that same moment, the future teacher realized that his purpose was to saving people from suffering.

When the boy was 9 years old, he became see the golden ball, which could be used to help people awaken and achieve enlightenment. By experimenting with the ball, Bhagavan Sri tried to understand how use this miracle to help others.

At the age of 28, the Teacher met his future wife Padmavati(now her name is Amma). She also had since childhood mystical abilities and worked miracles using manifestations of power Divine Mother. Padmavati believed from a young age that she will only marry god. And so it happened: the marriage with Bhagavan Sri took place on June 9, 1977.

In 1989, Sri Kalki Bhagavan revealed within himself the ability to transmit a state of enlightenment to others- this was at the time when he worked as a school director. It is important to note that the people, mostly schoolchildren, around Bhagavan acquired the ability spread cosmic consciousness to other people, through the image of a golden ball. They discovered new things in themselves opportunities for healing, influencing the weather, etc. Even travelers simply passing by the village where Bhagavan lived felt phenomenal mystical experiences.

After some time, Bhagavan Shri created order of his students, which could only be entered with parental consent. Today this movement consists of 180 member guides. Having begun to transmit energy to his disciples, Bhagavan gradually approached the possibility of universal enlightenment, which can be extended to any inhabitant of the earth.

Bhagavan constantly improved his methods, as a result, the time required to achieve the state of enlightenment is constantly decreasing. For example, if the obligatory condition for the first students was to follow an 18-month fruit diet, now its duration has been reduced to 10 days.

From August 2003 Bhagavan began to give enlightenment to large groups of people, conducting 10-day or 21-day courses. These programs are available not only to Indians, but also to Westerners who also constantly come to Bhagavan Shri.

Bhagavan's Teachings can be briefly formulated in the form of several theses, including the following: "There is only one Mind - this is the Ancient Mind. It is conditioned by separation and duality.

Your mind is not your mind, but a part of this Ancient Mind.

Likewise, your thoughts are not your thoughts, they are “downloaded” from the thought sphere associated with this Ancient Mind.

And as a conclusion: “Enlightenment is the realization that there is no “I” that needs enlightenment!”

Copied from the site "Self-knowledge.ru"

“Even the stones ringing underfoot
Because there may be traces on them too
My arrival.
Waiting, waiting,
Even you may not admit it
the hour of appearance..."

Our era is in many ways similar to the time that was sanctified by the name of Jesus Christ, and illuminated by the Rays of the same Divine Essence, which again enters the earthly sphere to initiate a New Era, the Era of Maitreya, the Avatar of the Future.

(Avatar(a) - (ancient Indian), literally “descent”. The incarnation of the High Divine Essence into the body of a mortal person).

When human consciousness reaches a critical state, which humanity cannot change on its own, and due to the fall of spirituality threatens the destruction of the Higher Cosmic Plan, a saving force appears in the form of a Teacher, Mentor, Messiah, who, incarnating in the earthly world, give humanity an impulse for further development. These Great Beings belong to those Creative Forces of the Cosmos that make up the Hierarchy of Creative Forces, ruling and guiding the creation and life of the manifested Cosmos.

All Avatars are originally Seven Gods who emanated from the Trinity One - the Central Spiritual Sun (CSS). They are the “Primordial Seven, the original Seven Breaths of the Dragon of Wisdom...”. They have different names: Dhyani, Dhyan-Kohans, Lha, Archangels and others.

At the first manifestation, Dhyani is formless, incorporeal, simply “breathing” of the One. But they are also intelligent forces - essences, carriers of the Thought and Will of the Absolute Mind [ibid., p. 352].

In the next stage of evolution they begin to take on abstract form; and then they manifest themselves through Mahat, the Universal Mind; appear as Manasaputras, or the Solar Ancestors of humanity, who endowed it with reason. They incarnate and are reborn in people as rulers, great sages and mentors who “taught” humanity throughout all the Root Races.

E.P. Blavatsky writes: “Such godlike beings as Gautama Buddha, Jesus, Krishna and some others united with their Spirits forever - therefore they became gods on Earth

Others - like Moses, Pythagoras, Apollonius (Plato), Confucius, Iamblichus and some Christian saints united with Spirits temporarily and took the places of demigods and leaders in the history of mankind” [Isis Unveiled, vol. 2, p. 193]

“In the struggle and the manifestation of truth, on the chariots of time stand the legislators of the common good: the tireless driver Moses; severe Amos; a lion-Winner- Buddha; justice of life - Confucius; fiery poet of the Sun - Zoroaster; transformed, reflected by “shadows” - Plato; great in the sacrifice of immortality - Good Issa; wisdom interpreter, lonely Origen; great community devotee Sergius.

All walked tirelessly; all subject to modern persecution; all who knew that the teaching of the common good would come immutably; everyone knew that every sacrifice to the common good is only an approximation of the paths” [N.K. Roerich, Altai-Himalayas, p.88].

Avatars went through human evolution, reached the highest spiritual state, and, being already in the Fiery body, the “body of Glory,” gained the opportunity to go to the absolute nirvanic state, to go to “Their Father,” but They choose a life of self-sacrifice in order to help humanity in its evolution . To do this, they can reincarnate either in the physical body or in the subtle body and enter the astral sphere of the Earth in order to increase the vibrational level of the entire Race of humanity for the aspiration of the Evolution of the Spirit.

The incarnated Great Spirits, Avatars, are known to us as Rama, Krishna.

Fig.1 The Coming of the Avatar

The source of all Avatars is the CDS, which according to the Christian tradition is Christ, and according to the ancient Indian tradition - Vishnu. “The Light of the CDS... is that Light, or energy, which we call Christ.”

And further “...The One Greatest Spirit is the Creator of our consciousness and the Savior of our humanity. This spirit is Avatar of Vishnu and appears on Earth every time humanity reaches a dead end and a shift in consciousness is necessary. Thus, all the Saviors of the World are the Images of the same Spirit - the Avatar of Vishnu, who manifests itself as Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Christ and Maitreya. He also appeared in other forms, less bright, but always truly ascetic.”

“All Messiahs are invariably Avatars of Vishnu, therefore They belong to To the One Ego"- writes E.I. Roerich.

In order for the Greatest Spirits to be able to periodically incarnate in physical forms for the salvation of humanity, it was necessary to create a certain transitional conductor, an intermediate form, which is reflection CDS, and at the same time making it possible to clothe the fiery bodies of Spirits in denser matter. This intermediate form is Single Ego about which E.I. writes Roerich, or the Group Soul of all Avatars. If we apply the Law of Analogy, then we can see the correspondence between the individual Ego of a person, which “dresses” in denser shells during incarnation, and the Single Ego of the Avatars.

When and how was the Single Ego formed?

At the beginning of the Third Root Race of humanity, before the separation of the sexes, from the pure ethereal shells-bodies of “human” entities inhabiting the Earth at that time, the Highest Spirits created a “Nurse for future human Adepts on this Earth and throughout the present Cycle” [TD. 2; 1-1.258; 2-1, 211, 338]. This “Nurse contains the Seed of Avatarism, or, in other words, is the power and cause of such divine incarnations. All the Saviors of the World, Bodhisattvas and Avatars, are trees of salvation that grew from the One Seed - Maha Vishnu" [ibid.].

The “Nurse”, the Mysterious Principle, the Power and Cause of divine incarnations, Maha-Vishnu is that One Ego from which the Great Spirits incarnate as Avatars.

Let us turn again to the letters of Helena Roerich.

"The Greatest Spirit of our Sunny systems - Solar Hierarch. And He, this Greatest Spirit, came in diminished Images in order to more easily reach and pierce (raise) the consciousness of the masses.”

"...Reveal identity all Great Teachers. It's time for humanity to get closer to the world, the Cosmic Mystery - Single Avatar, revealed with each Manvantara" [ibid.; 02/26/51].

“... Lord Maitreya and Christ are One Individuality...” [ibid.; 03/08/53].

“... Teacher of Teachers - Lord Maitreya is the Bearer of all Rays. It is the synthesis of Maitreya that contains all the rays. Enlightened Buddhists unite The appearance of Maitreya with the current Lord of Shambhala"[ibid.; 8.03.38].

“Lord Maitreya has many names, and everyone chooses the one that is closest to him. If you choose by time, then, of course, the name of Maitreya is closer” [Letter to Aseev, vol. 1, p. 85, 183].

“One should not be afraid of the merging of the Teachers and saviors of mankind into a single beloved form,” because all these greatest incarnations ... were incarnations of the One Great Heart and Spirit.”

“Each person chooses the appearance (Aspect) closest to him and the path to Him.

Didn’t Krishna say: “On all the paths to Me I meet you.”

For me, Rama and Krishna, Zoroaster and Lao Tzu, Buddha and Christ, Maitreya and Kalki-Avatar - All merge into the Single Image of the coming Messiah.”

"The coming era will be under the rays of the three Lords - Maitreya, Buddha and Christ." [E.I.R., volume 2, 31.7.37]

The Theogenesis quotes from the Archaic Manscripts: “The One Christ is the body of that Ego which manifested itself in the body of every Avatar.” In the Avataras, the Christ principle has developed to the point of forming the perfect form of Nirmanakaya, i.e. conductor for full incarnation of Christ.

(“Nirmanakaya - vehicles or bodies of Great Teachers are created from the auric substrate by Spiritual Will”).

The Ego that was last embodied on Earth in the body of Jesus is the same Ego that was embodied in every Savior who heralded the beginning of the New Epoch, the beginning of a small cycle within the Big one.

Thus, the source of all Avatars is initially the CDS - “Solar Hierarch”. He is Vishnu Christ, Maitreya. The Group Soul, or Single Ego, created in the III Root Race for the manifestation of the Greatest Spirit in the guise of Great Teachers or rulers and mentors has the same names. And finally, the current Lord of Shambhala is also a reflection of Lord Maitreya.

“...The appearance of Maitreya is so majestic, so powerful!” .

Lord Maitreya is the collective name of the One Ego of the Great Teachers and at the same time He is the current Lord of Shambhala.

What is the name of the Coming Avatar in different religions?

According to ancient Indian traditions, Kalki-Avatar, the “White Horse” Avatar, who will be the last incarnation of Vishnu in this Manvantara.

According to northern Buddhists - Maitreya Buddha.

Sosiosha - Savior of the Zoroastrians.

“Righteous and True” on a White Horse, according to the Gospel (Rev. 19, 2).

In the spirit of Western esotericism, the Coming 10th Avatar is the “Glorified Spiritual Christ.”

Also, according to ancient Indian traditions, at the future appearance of the Avatar, the heavens will open and Vishnu will appear “seated on a milky white horse, with a raised sword, sparkling like a comet, for the final destruction of the wicked, the renewal of “creation” and the restoration of purity.”

As you can see, predictions in Hinduism and Christianity are identical.

I.E. Roerich also speaks of the identity of the names of the Coming Avatar in different religions.

“The Messiah of the Jews is identical with Maitreya, Kalki Avatar, Muntazar, etc. - to that High Appearance that should appear on change of race to give a New Proclamation and establish the vibration to which the spiritual evolution of the New Cycle will sound. ...Kalki Avatar, according to Hindu traditions, is the incarnation of Rama and Sri Krishna, the creator of the Bhagavad Gita; and finally Maitreya, according to Buddhists, before his last manifestation must appear in his earthly sphere as Lord of Shambhala…» .

Since the Single Ego is a reflection of the CDS, they have the same names.

When talking about the "Coming Avatar", the questions invariably arise: when, where and how will the expected Avatar appear? Will it happen at some predetermined place and at some predetermined time? Will He come in a superhuman body and be surrounded by wonderful supernatural phenomena? Some believe in the literal interpretation of the words of Jesus Christ that His Second Coming will take place “on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory,” while others believe in the incarnation of the coming Avatar in the body of a certain child in an ordinary family.

“...For it is not easy to wait,
But I will give you signs and relief.
I won't come at night.
And in the hours when the sun's rays do not touch
Your land, give your spirit
Retreat calmly to the Abode of the Creator."

Let us present an excerpt from the Gospel, which is extremely necessary for a better understanding of the issue of the coming of the Coming Avatar.

The disciples asked Jesus Christ: “...Tell us when will this be? And what will be the sign of Your presence and the end of the age? The answer given by Jesus Christ is prophetic and of great significance: “Beware that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name and say: “I am the Christ,” and they will deceive many. You will also hear about wars... See, do not be horrified, for everything must come to pass. But this is not the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. But all this is only the beginning of disasters... And many false prophets will arise and deceive many... and then the end will come... when you see the abomination of desolation... the love of many will fail. Then, if anyone tells you: “Behold, here is Christ,” or “there,” do not believe it... If they tell you: “Behold, He is in the desert,” do not go out; “Behold, He is in the secret chambers,” do not believe it. For just as lightning comes from the East and is visible even to the West, so will the presence of the Son of Man be” [Heb. from Matt., ch. 24, 3].

In Jesus Christ's answer to the disciples, it is quite clearly stated that His “presence” will not be in the physical body, and one should not look for Him either in the desert or in temples (“hidden rooms”).

The difficulty of recognizing the coming of the Avatar without appropriate preparation is obvious. “Neither all the decoration of the heavenly spheres, nor the trumpet voice of an angel will confirm” His coming, “for we are told that the emissaries of Satan can use such means. Something must happen to by us or within us so that such recognition becomes possible...”

For many years now, the media have been reporting from time to time about the coming of a new Savior to Earth. Sometimes the dates of the Savior's incarnation in the body of a particular child in a particular country are indicated. Someone loudly declares himself the new Jesus, creates societies of his followers, and spreads the “new teaching.” As predicted, many false prophets, self-proclaimed adepts and teachers, sisters and brothers of the “White Brotherhood” have appeared, who are supposedly capable of leading their followers to Heavenly life, up to complete identification with God. They use practices to acquire supernatural powers, which attracts those who are curious or want to learn how to use higher powers in black magic. But only a spiritualized, selfless, pure, loving heart can feel the coming of the True Savior.

The coming of the Avatar is the awareness of the “presence” of Christ as the Divine principle in the heart of every person. Each person carries within himself the Divine Spark of Christ, because... man was created “in the Image and Likeness of his Father” - Christ. Man is a reflection of all cosmic energies, including the energy of Spiritual Love, Buddhi, and if he lives in Love and Brotherhood, and not in hatred and discord, if he prepares his heart and thoughts with high aspirations, he will feel the coming of Christ.

Christ is the true esoteric SAVIOR. The one who strives for the awakening of the Spirit, crucified in him by his own worldly passions; the one who overcomes these worldly passions will feel the coming of Christ.

1888 in the magazine "Lucifer" H.P. Blavatsky wrote: “The year 1888 was preceded by the radiance of the most beautiful star - Venus-Lucifer, which shone so brightly that it was mistaken for an even rarer guest - the Star of Bethlehem, whose next appearance is also not far off. There is no doubt that in such a significant year at least a small part of the Spirit of Christ will certainly be born on Earth» .

The great messenger of the White Brotherhood was right: in the secret notes given by Uch.I. in 1898, it was said: “The body of the Great Teacher, created through Kriyashakti, descended into the lower astral plane...”

“According to the Divine Plan, Christ, born in a subtle body, came again, ... emanating from the Divine into the aura of humanity. This Great Essence brought the Great Message of Love, so that the bonds of universal brotherhood would unite peoples and nations, so that peace and happiness would reign on Earth.”

In the process of his evolution, the Avatar reaches higher planes, he develops a form similar to that which the disciples of Jesus saw during His transfiguration - the body of Glory.

In such a body only the highest principles are preserved. Other names for such a transformed body: Fiery Body of Buddhi, True Robe of Immortality, Nirmanakaya.

To the spiritual eye of the observer, the body of Glory will shine like the Sun.

The energy of the Avatar’s Fiery body, similar in strength and brightness to the Sun, is destructive to the physical bodies of humanity, therefore, in order to help humanity, the Avatar puts on a body whose vibrations are close to the vibrations of the Earth’s aura.

When the Avatar entered the astral sphere of the Earth in 1898, the power of His energy raised the vibrational level of the entire aura of the Earth and of every person. His Power became the driving force many movements, which had as their goal to establish the Brotherhood of Humanity, break the “iron curtains” dividing countries, and unite people on one principle - all people are brothers.

These movements were: theosophical movement, Esperanto movement, socialist movements, etc. Also, thanks to the great evolutionary forces caused by the advent of the Avatar, new scientific and technological achievements were achieved: the discovery and application of earthly electricity; creation of the Internet; the use of solar energy is all a manifestation of Avatar energy. Many inventions, however, due to the incorrect and criminal use of the divine power of the Avatar, turned into a curse for humanity and instruments of its destruction: atomic energy, which causes cancer; biology inventing hormonal growth agents; genetic manipulation; TV. Also, the energies of the Avatar manifested themselves in two world wars (1914 and 1941), through which the Karma of humanity was worked out. The cosmic creative power of the coming Avatar either destroys or discards everything that cannot perceive this power.

In 1928 there was a descent of the Avatar's energy to an even lower plane, closer to the earth's atmosphere. Thirty-year period - from 1898 to 1928 corresponds to one revolution of Saturn, the planet of the Tester. During this cycle, the fiery power of the Avatar - the power of rebirth and transformation - imbued the lives of people and revealed their low qualities - ambition, stinginess, hatred, cruelty. Armageddon has engulfed the world, and the battle will continue until the negative energies exhaust their fury and subside in the hearts of men.

The arrival of the Avatar does not mean only the establishment of peace and prosperity. The Avatar will come not with an olive branch in his hands, but with a sword to separate the “sheep and the goats”, to cut off the vices of ignorance from knowledge and truth. The coming of the Avatar is always a signal for an intense struggle: “...Do not wait with chants, not with admiration, But intensify your labor in My Name. Not by sleeping, not by eating, but by labor I will justify My beloved.”

The olive branch will appear when the sword has finished its work and the purified soul bows its head before Christ.

The future Avatar, Christ will lead humanity in the battle of a new era. He is the One who keeps the hearts of people in His custody and will not let them out of His hands.

But each person must, through the growth of spirituality, prepare his psyche and body to accept and transform for good those high energies that are already emanating from the coming Avatar.

In addition, a person’s high spirituality will allow him to recognize and feel that the One Who has been awaited for a long time is here. As the philosopher Vladimir Solovyov wrote: “He is here, now, amid the random bustle, In the muddy stream of life’s anxieties. You possess an all-joyful secret: Evil is powerless, we are eternal, God is with us.”

Here are the lines of letters from E.I. Roerich: “One should not think that the Last Great Teacher will appear in the flesh and walk among us, teaching, as Buddha and Christ did. Each era requires its own revelations. And therefore the type of Teacher walking with a group of disciples from village to village, has already sunk into oblivion. Some Elder Brothers still wear a physical body for special purposes, but not for meeting crowds.

...The Great Advent cannot be an ordinary phenomenon, and therefore it will not be in the physical body. …The Great Lords take on one form or another in accordance with the needs of the world.”

“... Even if Christ Himself appeared among us now, He would not have escaped imprisonment... Therefore, you need to understand that the Greatest Individuality cannot appear now, among the chaotic thinking and vibrations of unbridled crowds. The Great Lords follow the Law of Expediency in everything. So understand that according to the condition modern humanity Manifestation of the Highest Ego in physical shell is completely impossible and would be destructive for all evolution...”

We will not seek Him in physical form. Perfect devotion to Christ; a life permeated with the energy of Christ will tune the consciousness to His key note, to His vibration.

« The High Teacher who has passed the last earthly initiation will not return to Earth So, as in the previous ones...".

“...you will only recognize the Avatar and He will recognize you when you awaken your inner vision and confirm your aspiration with action.”

“You will know Christ and He will know you when you join in His work by obedience to His commandments, for only then will you create a form through which the invisible Christ will become visible to you” [Ibid., 234].

“Oh, children! Don’t wait for Me to come to you, rise up and come to Me yourself” [Ibid., 229].

Each person must understand that whether he sees the newly come Christ or not depends on himself. Whoever, in high spirituality, feels and believes in the truth of the Coming of the Saving Cosmic Power, whose heart will vibrate in consonance with this Divine Power, will “see Christ.”

From the High Messages of Teacher I.: “Open your hearts, so that the Son of Man can find where to lay His head, so that He does not pass by you unrecognized!” (magazine “Temple Craftsman”. February 1911)

If we fail to recognize Christ in ourselves and in others, we will never be able to recognize Him where He will appear in full power at a given time.

Helena Roerich wrote back in 1934: “The teaching now given by the Great Lord M. is already a sign of His Coming. The plan associated with the Advent is already being carried out, and we are witnessing a great reconstruction of the World...”

Light of His Coming

“...Although your eye has not seen His Splendor, - your heart catches the beat His Hearts, and your ear now catches the faint echo of His Steps.

The stars, one after another, now sense Him... the tread when He, heading towards the Earth and passing by each star, leaves a small fraction of His Splendor, so as not to blind your eyes when it reaches you.”

Word of Christ

“I’m coming,” says Christ. - Is there a place in your hearts for Me? Or is the place that rightfully belongs to me occupied by many things that oppress you today?

Does the thought of my coming cause fear - lest I turn out to be an additional burden to the burden that you carry?

Truly it is not so, I tell you. For with my coming you will have the strength to bear both your own and all the burdens that Satan imposes on the human race in preparation for my day.

Do not be afraid - but just love more».


1.Agni Yoga. Volume I Sheets of the Garden of Moria. Call. Samara, Roerich Center for Spiritual Culture, 1992.

2. Blavatskaya E.P. The Secret Doctrine. Volume 1 (parts 1, 2), volume 2 (part 1), Leningrad, 1991.

3. Theogenesis. M.: Delphis, 2002

4. Temple teaching. From the Mountain Tops. - M.: Sfera, 1998.

5. Roerich E.I. Letters in 2 vols., Minsk, PRAMED, 1992

6. Roerich E.I., Roerich N.K., Asseev A.M. Occultism and Yoga. Chronicle of cooperation, vol.1. Sat. -M.: Sfera, 1996

7. Roerich E.I. Secret Knowledge. Sat. M.: Ripol Classic, 2003.

8. Teaching of the Temple, book 2, Minsk, IP Lotats, 2001.

9. Blavatskaya E.P. Theosophical Dictionary. M.: Eksmo, 2003.

10. Roerich E.I. Letters. 1932-1955. Novosibirsk: Vesko, 1993.

12. Temple of Humanity. Avatar Coming. Magazine "Delphis", 1994 No. 1.

tried to collect prophecies that speak of the advent of the 10,000 year Kingdom during Kali Yuga
for anyone interested, look under the cut, imo, some of the characteristics given to the people of the times of Kali Yuga fully came true and were realized in Russia, on the other hand, the interpretation of the onset of the “end of the world” in different traditions does not always have similar aspects
The Shiites have already announced the imminent coming of the Mahdi, the New Age has already announced the imminent coming of Maitreya, Buddhists are preparing for some kind of war that could cover the entire planet, etc.

Five thousand years ago, the sage Vyasadeva, sitting on the banks of the Saraswati River in Badrinath, saw in his meditation how in the just begun era - Kali Yuga - people would increasingly degrade and forget spiritual knowledge. He foresaw that the duration of human life would decrease, and people would become more and more greedy, lustful and unhappy. Vedic knowledge will disappear from the face of the Earth and be covered in oblivion.

Let us give descriptions taken from various Vedic works - the Puranas, concerning prophecies about our future and containing descriptions of the era in which we now live - Kali Yuga. Prophecies that have already been fulfilled The Bhavishya Purana, containing 14 thousand texts, is especially famous for its predictions. Bhavishya means "that which will be."

The Bhavishya Purana predicts the coming of Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and other great personalities. Regarding recent history, it is said, for example, about the collapse of the great empire (USSR), that people with yellow skin will fill the whole world with their technology. Besides all this, the Bhavishya Purana contains statements relating to such personalities as Adam, Noah, Allah, Shankaracharya, Jayadeva, Kabir, Nanak, Aurangzeb, Shivaji - right up to the reign of Queen Viktavati, that is, Queen Victoria. It even says how the British will build factories in Calcutta.

About the End of the World
Regarding the end of the world, about which there has been so much talk lately, the Vedas and including the Bhavishya Purana are very specific: it is inevitable

The end of the world means the complete disappearance of Humanity on our planet for many millennia. Until a new cycle of the Golden Age begins. But this does not exclude the possibility of catastrophes and disasters that await humanity in the coming years of Kali Yuga - the Iron Age, the most vicious in its essence. After all, humanity, like any living being, has its own karma, which will influence the development of events.

first there will be global catastrophes and mass exterminations. Impacts of gigantic force will cause planetary earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions, climate change, and a shift of the north and south poles.

Other sources

In Padma Purana(7.26.15-17) it is said that Kali Yuga is the abode of sin when everyone is engaged in sinful activities. People reject spiritual truth and engage in gambling and stealing. Everyone is addicted to sex and mind-clouding drinks. Heretics and atheists come to the fore.

Srimad-Bhagavatam (12.3.39-40) continues:In the Age of Kali, people's minds will be in constant agitation. They will be tormented by hunger and high taxes, constantly tormented by fear, and exhausted by drought. They will have neither sufficient clothing, food and drink, nor the ability to properly rest or have a sexual life...

IN Brahmanda Purana ( it is said that the main characteristic signs of Kali Yuga are cruelty, jealousy, lies, fraud and deception, the collapse of religious and moral foundations, fatal diseases, hunger and fear.

IN Narada Purana(1.41.22-88) it is said that people's knowledge in various fields will decline, as a result of which their sinfulness and imbalance will increase. People will become vain and deceive each other. They will engage in self-praise and try to elevate themselves by putting others down.

IN Vayu Purana(58.31-68 and 59.5-9) it is confirmed that women will be unchaste and will cease to be interested in religion; they will love wine and meat. Without enormous efforts it will become impossible to survive. People will easily become angry and commit cruel acts. The rulers will become base and deceitful. People will not hesitate to kill children in the womb.

Linga Purana He even claims that in Kali Yuga, thieves will become kings, and kings will be no better than thieves. Kings will take away property from citizens and appropriate public property; they will cease to be protectors and patrons.

IN Srimad-Bhagavatam (12.2.7-11) it is said that in Kali Yuga, power will belong to those who demonstrate their superiority to the suppressed and degenerate population. Indeed, politicians are already coming to power with the help of advertising and propaganda, using their own and others’ wealth.

Read more about this in Vishnu Purana(4.24): throughout Kali Yuga the rulers will be deceitful and vicious; they will take property from their subjects, and their laws will be as easily established as they can be repealed. Their piety will be insignificant and their desires insatiable. In the distant future, people, no longer able to endure the oppression of greedy rulers, will run to the mountains, where they will eat herbs and roots, wild honey and fruits.

It is predicted that this process of decline will continue for many millennia until humanity returns to the simplest stone tools, since it will no longer have other materials or its former ingenuity. Degradation will lead to people becoming backward and undeveloped beings. Therefore, it is quite possible that the remains of “our ancestors” discovered by paleontologists belong to humanoid creatures that degenerated during the previous Kali Yuga.

Change of Epochs

In chapter 16 Bhagavad Gita Krishna warns Arjuna about the danger of a consciousness polluted by materialism and the influence it can have on the entire world. He says about such people: “They believe that the gratification of the senses is the first necessity of civilization.” This is the main motive that makes a person “commit unfavorable, disgusting acts that destroy the world.” Consequently, the more polluted people themselves are, the more polluted the social consciousness and the conditions in which humanity finds itself become.

New Golden Age

But still, among the 432 thousand years of Kali Yuga, there are special ten thousand years when everything can change for the better. This is a very important period because according to the prophecy of the Vedas, it has many benefits. During this period, in many areas of life - in the spiritual consciousness of people, in enlightenment, in the search for knowledge and unity - there will be an upsurge and harmony.

However, such changes can only happen if we combine our efforts, otherwise the opportunity will be missed. This period of rise is called the Golden Age of Kali Yuga,

The world, one way or another, will be changed, and this can happen either in a violent way, through an apocalypse, or through cooperation and awakening of the bright forces of the planet. In the Golden Age of Kali, the forces of light and darkness become polarized, and the struggle between them intensifies. The forces of darkness are already enormous and becoming more and more terrifying. However, the forces of light, as well as the efforts of people bringing light to the world, are also great and constantly growing.

Advantages of the Iron Age

The Vedic scriptures speak not only of the ill effects but also of the benefits of the age of Kali. Srimad-Bhagavatam (11 cantos) tells that many exalted personalities from other, prosperous eras of Satya, Treta and Dvapara Yuga wish to incarnate on earth precisely in the Golden Age of Kali.

The fact is that during this period many pure devotees of the Supreme Lord descend on our planet, and communication with these spiritually exalted personalities opens up the opportunity for intelligent people of all eras to achieve the highest spiritual perfection in Kali Yuga.

The Vedic tradition is not the only one in which it is believed that many souls yearn for birth in this era. Thus, Tibetan lamas, mystics of Eastern India and the Mayan Indians also claim that many souls are waiting for incarnation in this era in order to take advantage of all the benefits of its coming changes.

Despite the chaos and wars ravaging the planet, the Golden Age of Kali Yuga has the most important advantage - it makes it possible to rapidly advance in the spiritual comprehension of the world. There are also specific methods of spiritual improvement prescribed by the Vedas for this era.

There will be modern monarchs reigning on Earth, kings of a rude spirit, a cruel disposition and devoted to lies and evil. People of different countries, mingling with them, will follow their example and the barbarians will be strong, protected by princes, while the pure tribes will be abandoned; people will die. (Spiritual) wealth and piety will decrease day by day until the whole world is corrupted. Only property will give position; (material) wealth will be the only source of honor and devotion; passion will be the only bond between the sexes; lying will be the only means of success in litigation; women will only be objects of sexual gratification; external appearance will be the only difference between different stages of life; dishonesty will be the common means of subsistence; weakness is a reason for dependence; threat and conceit will replace knowledge; the rich man will be called pure, and extravagance will be considered piety; mutual consent will replace marriage; thin clothes will be an advantage - the strongest will rule. Thus, in Kali Yuga, decay will proceed unabated. When will the end of Kali Yuga be very close? , a part of that divine Being which exists by virtue of its own spiritual nature will descend to Earth. He will restore justice on Earth and the minds of those who will live at the end of Kali Yuga will awaken and become as transparent as crystal. People who will be so transformed will give birth to a race that will follow the laws of the Age of Crete (or the Age of Purity)

MAITREYA("bound by friendship") - "Lord named Compassion", the future Teacher of humanity, Bodhisattva and Buddha of the new world - the era of Satya Yuga. The same as Kalki-Avatar (the incarnation of Vishnu in Hinduism), Sosiosh in the Mazdean religion and the Messiah in the religions of the peoples of the world (the only difference between them is the dating of their appearances).

Gautama Buddha spoke about the coming of God's Messenger like this:

“I am not the first Buddha to appear on Earth, nor will I be the last. In due time another Buddha will arise in the world, a Holy One, an Enlightened One, endowed with Wisdom, an incomparable Leader of men, the lord of angels and mortals. He will reveal to you the same Eternal Truths, which I taught you. He will establish His Law, glorious in its beginning, glorious in its Summit and Purpose in Spirit and Letter. He will proclaim a righteous, perfect and pure life, which I now proclaim. His disciples will be numbered in many thousands, while Mine are hundreds He will be known as Maitreya (Reunifier of the World)." (From the prophecies of Shambhala).

Zarathustra, about three thousand years ago, proclaimed the appearance of the Savior - Saoshyant ("He Who Embodied the Truth"), who would appear on Earth at the "end of times" before the decisive battle of good and evil:

“With his arrival in the world, Ahura Mazdra (the Creator of the Universe, personifying the Universal Divine Light) will begin the final battle with evil, which will be destroyed.” (Prophecies from the Avesta and other Zoroastrian sources).

Mohammed mentioned the coming of the Messenger of God, whom he called El Mehdi. He predicted its appearance from the East in the last decades of the 14th century Hijri (according to Christian reckoning, the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries), when the world would become mired in vices, and the manifestation of spirituality embodied in the Teachings of the Koran would almost disappear. He also predicted that many Muslims, far from God, do not recognize the Messenger of God:

"Many will consider His coming to be a frivolous hype, but IT WILL BE THE TRUTH... He will have the common wisdom of all the prophets and saints... the knowledge and essence of all religions will be in His heart... He will fill the earth with peace and UNITE ALL INTO ONE BROTHERHOOD." (Mentioned in the books “Bihar ul Anwar”, “Has-ul-Anwar” and “Hadith” (Book of Light).
Christians are sure that the second coming of Christ means the coming of Jesus, although He clearly made it clear that another would come - “the Spirit of Truth, who proceeds from the Father.” Christ is not the surname of Jesus, but one of the designations of the Messiah. Jesus was the Christ of his time, and at the turn of the era another Christ must appear, in another country and in another physical body. However, Their inner essence will be one, for it comes from one Father. Let me remind you once again of the words of Jesus about the second coming of Christ:

“And He will come and convict the world of sin and of righteousness and judgment; of sin, that they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, that I go to my Father, and YOU SHALL NOT SEE ME ANYMORE... I still have much to say to you, but now you cannot contain... He will glorify Me, because He will take of Mine and tell you the future. Everything that the Father has is Mine; therefore I said that He will take of Mine and tell you."

Amazing times have come. We send troops into Syria - no one knows why, we withdraw them - no one knows why. A ruse to take Palmyra? But from a strategic point of view, this town is not of significant value. You can, of course, fantasize about the deep meaningfulness of the “multi-step” carried out, but for some reason this brings to mind the old joke about a hippie who caught a goldfish and three times organized and abolished the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Europe. For what? - “I love it when people hang out.”

Are you sure that the Kremlin understands the reasons for its creative wanderings better than this hippie? I, for one, am not very good. There is a feeling of the presence of behind-the-scenes forces that are really guiding what is happening. And the goals of these forces are far from what they say on TV. Therefore, the actions of the Russian authorities seem unexpected and incomprehensible to us. They themselves don’t understand why they need this Syria. And in order to give these actions a meaningful character and prevent such associations from arising, a powerful propaganda apparatus has been created, instilling what needs to be thought about the events taking place. And it doesn’t matter what actually happens, what matters is how it is presented.

Lies have become omnipresent and omnipotent. We don’t notice, but these are epoch-making times. Neither give nor take, the apogee of Kali Yuga, predicted in the Vedas. It seems that the ancient prophecy knew more about our situation than all modern analysts. Maybe it will tell you what forces are behind the Syrian events, what their goals are and how these events will end?

Will you tell prophecies for the poor and wretched? Or maybe vice versa? What the ancient predictions come from is much more important than the political and economic situation.

Could political analytics have predicted the exceptional role of Palmyra in the Syrian events? Hardly. But here is a forecast that takes into account the mystical component of these events:

Mysticism is not at all synonymous with anti-scientific stupidity. The emergence of prophecies is explained by a certain pattern inherent in the universe. And if there is a pattern, then there must also be a mechanism that generates it.

You can often hear that history moves in a spiral. This feeling arises due to the repetition of certain historical moments. And this feeling does not deceive us. The cyclical nature of history is one of the manifestations of the really existing mechanism of the universe, which, perhaps, can be called a spiral of development. This name literally suggests itself, since this mechanism ensures the transformation of all entities in the universe from lower forms to higher ones. The function of this mechanism is to organize an oscillatory, and therefore periodically repeating process of energy-information exchange between its two poles. That is, the spiral of development is double and the entities located on its branches, or rather entire systems of entities, counteract each other, alternately exchanging irritating, one might even say demonic, influence. In the struggle of opposites generated in this way, the development of both systems occurs. It is this development that is the fundamental meaning of the universe.

And nothing complicated. The information needed to understand these processes has already become available. If we discard stereotypes, then this spiral and its two poles can be traced quite well in the history of mankind.

Doesn't it seem strange to you that the polytheistic religions that once existed suddenly gave way to belief in one God? Where was this god before? And where did the old gods go?

Yes, actually they haven’t gone anywhere. The one god that we know from the three main religions of mankind arose by uniting two ancient Sumerian gods - Enlil and Enki, precisely as their next stage of development. This long, multi-thousand-year process of transformation occurred during one half-cycle of the development spiral. There has been a change in its phase. At the lowest point of this spiral, the pantheon of lunar gods, or rather the system, was in a state of internal confrontation. In Sumerian myths, this is, for example, reflected in the uprising of the Anunnaki gods. Enlil and Enki were at enmity with each other. But this confrontation did not arise spontaneously. The system of Sumerian gods was purposefully split by external demonic influence from the opposite branch of the spiral. Such energy-informational influence over a distance can only be transmitted through a wave, the vibrations of which are nothing more than a vortex. The information contained in the modulation of this vortex is a lie that distorts the elements of the system relative to each other and arouses enmity between them, which is why, in those ancient times, Enki and Enlil were at odds. This discord is actually a demonic whirlwind.

It may seem strange, but the system of omnipotent gods can only eliminate this internal demonic whirlwind in a rather unexpected way. She must create her own daughter system in the form of the earthly people. Although in reality there is nothing strange about this. When making the transition to the next level of development, the gods must prepare a replacement for themselves so that the chain of development remains unbroken.

And such a people were actually created, and information about this came to us in the form of a biblical version of the origin of man. Only the parent system was not the god Enki and the goddess Ninmah, as reported in Sumerian myths, but Enki and Enlil. The female essence is the earthly hypostasis of this deity and in this case she was embodied in the form of his wife.

Gradually, over the course of several millennia, this people, at the cost of struggle and suffering, healed their gods from distortions, they united and formed a single divine essence, which in different religions is usually called Elohim, Yahweh, or Allah. This only happened at the top point of the development spiral.

However, as is commonly believed, this god was not the creator of all things. He was the creator of the Semitic peoples. Before him there were other, no less powerful gods. Simply due to the fact that the daughter system he created freed him from distortions, he became the most influential earthly god. But only for one half-cycle of the development spiral.

Now let's return to the fact that in addition to the lunar branch of the development spiral, there is also its opposite branch - the solar one, which means there is a solar system of gods, and the processes that took place in it are no less interesting than in the lunar system.

The processes in these two systems are symmetrical, but occur in antiphase. Consequently, at the same time when the gods of the lunar system were in discord and created their people, the god of the solar system, on the contrary, was united. At that time, there was no demonic whirlwind in this system and therefore the people of this god were in a state that is commonly called the golden age. These were the people of the Hyperboreans. At that distant time, they were at the top of their branch of the development spiral.

However, as this spiral rotated, when the lunar system began to gradually recover from demonic distortions, the solar system, on the contrary, fell under their influence. This is a common oscillatory process that can be observed in any pendulum or oscillatory circuit. Gradually, in the system of solar gods, enmity arose between the Suras and Asuras, known as the war of the gods. The demonic whirlwind that caused it also aroused the people of these gods. These were the people of the ancient Aryans, who, as a result, began to splash out waves of conquerors one after another. A passionary explosion arose. It was these conquerors who spread throughout the world and founded many ancient civilizations. When the war of the gods reached its climax, the remaining part of the Aryans split into Indo-Aryans and Iranians. Moreover, this split occurred in strict accordance with the split of the Aryan gods. The Indo-Aryans idolized the Sura and demonized the Asuras, and the Iranians did the opposite.

However, not all the inhabitants of Hyperborea left their sunken continent in this way. In accordance with the spiral of development, the golden age is the final stage of the next cycle of transformation. And not only gods, but also people. This spiral turns people into gods.

Aryans are warriors who were only a protective shell of Hyperborea. In the core lived the priests - the Dii, the Magi, who, although they were people, had by that time reached the earthly limit of perfection. There is evidence according to which they could fly and died of their own free will. These, still people, in the eyes of others, already looked like demigods. It was they who became the Vedic Suras and Asuras.

According to the Vedas, during the Golden Age, these demi-deities lived in peace and harmony on Mount Meru, located on the axis of the world. That is, at the earth's pole - in Hyperborea. However, as they were defeated by the demonic whirlwind, a rift arose between them, which turned into a full-fledged war. Insofar as by that time they had reached a superhuman level of development, this confrontation became a war of the gods, which ended, at the bottom point of the spiral of development, with a complete split in the Aryan system.

All this is reflected in Vedic myths. However, the myths also reflect how these demigods subsequently began to be cured of distortions.

When the distortions of the Suras and Asuras reached their maximum and the battle between them reached its climax, they created a mechanism capable of curing them from these distortions. In the myth he is described as , designed to produce divine amrita - a medicine that heals the gods.

And this mechanism is not at all mythical. The system of gods thus creates its daughter system in the ocean, where this amrita is produced. This symbolic ocean is the world of people, and the daughter system of the Suras and Asuras is the earthly people.

It was precisely this kind of daughter system that the Sumerian gods created earlier. Enlil was the Sur of her parent system, and Enki was the Asur. This parent system created the Semites as a daughter system.

In turn, the Scythians became a daughter system of the Aryan Suras and Asuras, who, unlike other Aryans, in their own words, appeared only in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC, that is, precisely when the war of the Aryan gods reached its apogee and the united Aryan people split into Indo-Aryans and Iranians.

The asur of the Scythian parent system was the god Popeye. Actually - Dad. In the Sumerian system, his analogue is Enki. The mother of the Scythians was the snake-legged goddess Api. It was in its snake tail that the distortions transmitted to the daughter system from the parent system were reflected for the production of serum - amrita. It corresponds to Ninmah among the Sumerians. However, the image of the mother is only the earthly hypostasis of the true progenitor of humanity - the Sura of the parental system. Another, and perhaps more correct, name for Sura is Dev - Virgo. He's Diy. He is the source of the feminine principle and therefore the foremother of a people is usually either his daughter or his wife.

However, Sur of the parent system is not found at first glance in the currently known pantheon of Scythian gods. But this is not surprising. Herodotus, who brought to us basic information about the Scythians, was familiar only with the royal Scythians. They were the asuric shell of the system and their god was Asur - Popeye. Sur corresponds to the core of the system, which was the Scythian farmers. We do not know the gods of these Scythians.

However, we know that the descendants of the Scythians are the Russian people. His asuric shell was the Rus, who directly descended from the royal Scythians and whose god was Perun. This thunderer was still the same Scythian Popeye.

The core of the Russian people were the so-called Slavs, descended from the Scythian farmers, whose god was not Perun, but Veles. It was he who was the Sur of the parental system of both the Russian people and the Scythians. The snake-footed goddess Api in the Russian interpretation became the mermaid Ros, who, according to Russian mythology, was Veles’s daughter.

The fact that our foremother’s snake tail turned into a fish tail is also not surprising. Api was simultaneously the goddess of both earth and water. Mother is the raw earth, which the epic heroes asked for help - this is what she is. Later it was she who began to be called Bereginya.

Thus, Papay - Perun and Veles (Api), being the parents of the Scythians, fully correspond to the Sumerian Enki and Enlil (Ninmah), who are the ancestors of the Semites. Only between these gods lies a time period of several thousand years. Moreover, if Enki and Enlil began this historical period as completely separate gods, and ended as a single god, Perun and Veles, on the contrary, began with a peaceful residence on Mount Meru, and ended with enmity. The battle between Perun and Veles is one of the main plots of Russian mythology.

In other words, the Sumerian branch of the developmental spiral is mirrored to the Aryan, as it should be for the opposite branches of this double helix. And the historical period under consideration corresponds to half of its period.

This historical period ended in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. and at the moment we are already at the end of the next half-cycle of this spiral. Since two half-periods of any oscillatory process have symmetry, in the second half-period each of the branches of the development spiral must reproduce the events passed by the opposite branch in the previous half-period of this spiral.

This allows us to make prophecies for the future.

In the historical half-period in which we are now, the Aryan gods are uniting, and the Sumerian system, on the contrary, is splitting. Just as Enlil and Enki once united into a single god, the unification of Veles and Perun is currently taking place.

However, this unification is prevented by a demonic whirlwind, which continues to stir up enmity between them. Therefore, in accordance with the logic of the development spiral, this vortex must be eliminated. And how exactly this will happen can be seen using the example of the liberation of the Sumerian gods.

The vortex, as a phenomenon, has neither its own mind nor will. These are energy vibrations that can be modulated in any way and thus forced to perform any actions. He is only a tool, but in essence a slave. Accordingly, any entity that succumbs to its distortions also becomes a slave. Even if this entity is an omnipotent god. Thus, before their unification, Enlil and Enki, distorted by the demonic whirlwind, were precisely in slavery. To now understand how they freed themselves from this slavery, it is necessary to discover the instrument of their enslavement.

A demonic whirlwind affecting the system of gods arises in the system of the opposite branch of the erased development. And in the most literal sense. The vortex that has taken possession of the gods is, of course, a spiritual entity, but to excite it a completely material generator is needed. That is, located on earth. Insofar as Enlil and Enki are gods of the lunar system, this generator should not be located anywhere on the earth, but in the earthly projection of the system of solar gods.

This projection is quite obvious. The haplogroup R1b found among the Egyptian pharaohs is not at all accidental. The Egyptians worshiped the sun and belonged to the solar or Aryan system. This ancient state was the location of the generator of the demonic vortex, which any of us can see now.

The generator of the demonic vortex influencing the lunar system of the gods was embodied in the form of ancient and mysterious Egyptian pyramids.

Let us pay attention to the fact that in the middle of the same 2nd millennium BC. In Egypt, the god Aten - Yati - suddenly appears. Moreover, this was the first single god in history. Moreover, this single god was so alien to the Egyptian people that the priests tried to quickly erase any memory of him. He was a strange god and his appearance was strange.

However, according to the Bible, there were Jews in Egypt at the same time. And soon after the appearance of Aten - Yati, they have an irresistible desire to free themselves from Egyptian slavery, which is fulfilled with the help of their new single god Yahweh. To free the Jews, this god carries out the so-called Egyptian executions.

The connection between Anton – Yati and Yahweh involuntarily suggests itself.

True, there is no documentary evidence that Jews were actually enslaved. But in this case it doesn’t matter.

Aten - Yati was not the god of the Egyptians. He was a Sumerian god. But it was not by chance that he came to Egypt. There he was in thrall to the distortions of the demonic vortex. Thus, the biblical liberation of the Jews from Egyptian slavery was only an earthly projection of the real liberation from slavery of their god. The Jews were a daughter system of this god and it was their suffering in slavery that healed him. Yahweh recovered and all he had to do was complete the process of his liberation by destroying the demonic vortex generator. And this generator was located precisely in Egypt and, as already mentioned, it was nothing more than the Egyptian pyramids.

The fact that the pyramids are older than official science believes is no longer news. They were created during the previous half-period of the development spiral, that is, even before the appearance of the Sumerians. Their creators were the demigods of the solar system, and the purpose of their creation was precisely the generation of a demonic vortex that would distort the system of the lunar gods. At the same time, the Great Sphinx was created as the guard of these pyramids. Look at its location. The Sphinx lies in front of the pyramids and looks not just anywhere, but exactly at the Sumerian. He protects the pyramids from him.

However, the spiral of development is stronger than any gods, and despite such protection, when the time came, the gods of the Sumerian system destroyed this generator. Of course, the pyramids themselves remained standing in place, but without their active element (which was located in their underground chambers) they are no longer capable of being a generator. The direct guards of these active elements were the Egyptian priests, and it was in order to eliminate this protection that the Egyptian executions were necessary. It is the confrontation between the Egyptian priests and the god of the Jews that underlies the plot of the Egyptian executions.

Pharaoh was ready to release the Jews after the sixth plague, but the torment of the Egyptians continued. This means that the freedom of the Jews was not their true goal. To force the priests to destroy the active element of the demonic vortex is the true goal of the Egyptian plagues. And this goal was achieved. Aten-Yati was freed and the one god Yahweh appeared, and at the same time the Jews were freed from slavery.

This is the true meaning of biblical events and such understanding is extremely important for us. The development spiral has changed phase. Now the gods of the Aryan system are being freed from the slavery of demonic distortions, and their daughter system is the Russian people. This means that our liberation will finally happen, and using the example of the Sumerian gods we can foresee exactly how this will happen.

The demonic whirlwind oppressing the system of Aryan gods has a very specific name. This is Baal. This god appeared in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC, that is, precisely when the Aryan system was destroyed and the Scythian people appeared.

This god appeared not just anywhere, but in Syria. And that's where his generator is located. Just like the Egyptian pyramids, this generator is material and can represent, for example, a Sumerian ziggurat (although options are also possible). A similar generator of Baal influencing the Russian people is However, this is just a repeater. To free the Aryan gods, the active element of the main generator, located precisely in Syria, must be eliminated.

Only this generator has defenders. They were once Sumerians, but now they have become demigods. They protect the generator not with their own hands, but with the hands of people. These are the same puppet masters who control both the Kremlin and Washington. Just as the Egyptian priests protected the generator of the demonic vortex from the single Sumerian god, now the Sumerian priests-puppeteers are protecting the generator of the demonic vortex of Baal, located in Syria, from the emerging single Aryan god. These are also almost gods and we would not have had a single chance if, in accordance with the spiral of development, a war had not arisen between these gods. The suras of these gods control the Kremlin, and the Asuras Washington and their war affects the confrontation between Russia and the USA. The internal struggle of the Sumerian gods conflicts with their common task of protecting the Baal vortex generator in Syria. This contradiction gives rise to the complex nature of the Syrian events, although the true meaning of the Middle East conflict is extremely simple.

The Aryan gods are freed from their demonic distortions and must destroy the active element of Baal's vortex generator. And in order to overcome the resistance of the Sumerian priests, they have to organize Syrian executions, similar to the Egyptian executions, which once broke the resistance of the Egyptian priests.

Reading the Bible, you can’t help but be amazed at the amazing tenacity with which Pharaoh did not want to release the Jews from slavery. It seems that God explained them to him quite clearly. However, if you compare those events with modern times, then you won’t be surprised at the strange stupidity of the pharaohs.

Now the Russian people are in slavery. The immediate owner of the slave is his own state power, which can easily free him. There are many events happening in the world directed against the forces that have sat on the Russian throne. For example, sanctions. And these events are nothing more than executions, forcing this government to free the Russian people. But the top of this power, like Pharaoh, is so stupid that it does not understand miracles and will resist to the last. Or rather, it will squirm to the last, trying to simultaneously strengthen its dominance and protect the generator located in Syria. She is forced to do this by the priests - puppeteers, who are still able to demonstrate their power.

However, these attempts are useless. In accordance with the spiral of development, the internal vortex in the Sumerian system will only increase, and in the Aryan system it will decrease. The puppeteers are weakening, and the Russian breed is gradually emerging from the slavery of its own distortions. It becomes more and more difficult to deceive him. And although, for example, Stalin is still the idol of a huge part of the Russian people, and another part of them reveres Gaidar and his comrades, more and more people are appearing who realize that the first one simply destroyed us, and the second one, in the most brazen way, robbed us. The deception on which Russian power rests is crumbling and insight is gradually occurring. The most difficult thing is to realize your own distortions and your own slavery. And although there are still few people capable of this, it is they who, by getting rid of distortions themselves, heal our gods. This is a process of a subtle plan and neither the authorities nor their puppeteers are able to prevent it. The gods, for their part, deliver us from the occult source of distortion. In the end, one way or another, the generator of these demonic distortions will be destroyed, the Russian people will be freed, and the gods of their parent system Veles and Perun will unite into a single god, who at his stage will become the most influential earthly god.

True, the names Veles and Perun should not be perceived as the true names of this god. These are the names through which the actual distortions were introduced. The name Veles is associated with the Sumerian Bel, and Perun with Marduk, while the god Bel-Marduk actually became Baal. To get rid of such connections, no one will yet know the true name of the new single god.

In addition, despite the fact that the Russian people are a daughter system of this god, this is not only a Russian god, but the god of the entire Aryan solar system. It was the appearance of this god that was predicted in the Mahabharata. Only there he is called Kalki-Avatar. This god must combine in himself a priest and a warrior, that is, Sura - Veles and Asura - Perun, and thanks to these qualities he will be able to complete the era of Kali Yuga.

According to this prophecy, a new god should appear in a place called Shambhala. And this name is not accidental. “Sham” is the ancient name of Syria, and “Bal” is translated as master, lord. Bal is the same Baal. Thus, the birth of a new god in Shambhala should be understood not literally, but as a figurative description of his deliverance from Syrian slavery to the demonic distortions of Baal. And with him the Russian people will be freed from slavery.

KALKI AVATAR (Sanskrit) -"White Horse Avatar", which will be the last manvantaric incarnation of Vishnu, according to the Brahmins; Maitreya Buddha, according to Northern Buddhists; Sosiosh, the last hero and Savior of the Zoroastrians, according to the Parsis; and "Righteous and True" on a white Horse ("Revelation", XIX, 2).

At His future appearance or tenth avatar, the heavens will open and He will appear “seated on a milky white horse, with a raised sword, shining like a comet, for the final destruction of the wicked, the renewal of “creation” and the “restoration of purity.” (Compare with “Revelation.” ) This will happen at the end of Kaliyuga, 427,000 years from now.

The mentioned end of each Yuga is called the “destruction of the world,” since the earth changes its appearance each time, flooding one system of continents and raising another.

(H.P. Blavatsky "The Key to Theosophy")

If we now consider the ten legendary avatars of Vishnu, we find that they are arranged in the following sequence:

Matsya Avatar: like a fish. This will also be his tenth and final avatar at the end of Kaliyuga.
Kurm-Avatar: like a turtle.
Varaha: like a boar.
Nara-Sing: like the lion man, the last animal stage.
Wamun: like a dwarf; the first step to human form.
Parasu-Rama: as a hero, but still an imperfect man.
Rama-Chandra: like the hero of the Ramayana. Physically perfect person; his closest relative, friend and ally is Hanuman, the monkey god. A monkey endowed with the ability to speak.
Krishna Avatar: son of Deva Devanagi (or Devaki), created by God or rather by the manifested deity Vishnu, who is identical with Adam Kadmon. Krishna is also called Kanya, the Son of the Virgin.
Gautama Buddha, Siddhartha or Shakyamuni. (Buddhists deny the doctrine that their Buddha is an incarnation of Vishnu.)
Kalki Avatar. This avatar has not yet appeared. It is expected in the future, like the Christian Second Coming, the idea of ​​which was undoubtedly taken from the Hindus. When Vishnu appears for the last time, he will come as the Savior. According to some Brahmins, he himself will appear in the form of the horse Kalki. Others claim that he will appear riding it. This horse is the shell of the spirit of evil, and Vishnu will ride him, remaining invisible to everyone, until he defeats him for the last time. Kalki Avatar or the last incarnation led to the division of Brahmanism into two sects. The Vaishnava sect refuses to accept the literal incarnation of their god Vishnu in animal form. They claim that these incarnations are to be understood allegorically.

In the above diagram of avatars we see traced the gradual evolution and transformation of all species from the pre-Silurian mud of Darwin and the mud of Sanchuniathon and Berossus. Beginning with the Azoic period, which corresponds to the mud in which Brahma plants his creative embryo, we pass through the Paleozoic and Mesozoic periods, which correspond to the first and second incarnations as fish and turtle; the Cenozoic period is embraced by the animal and semi-human incarnations of the boar and the lion-man: and we come to the fifth, crowning geological period, designated as the era of the mind or age of man, whose symbol in Hindu mythology is the dwarf - nature's first attempt to create man. In this scheme we should stick to the main idea and not judge the extent of the knowledge of the ancient philosophers by taking literally the popular form in which they appear before us in the great epic Mahabharata and its part Bhagavad Gita.

Even the four centuries of Hindu chronology contain a much more philosophical idea than appears on the surface. This idea defines them by both the psychological or mental and physical states of the person during their period. Krita Yuga is the golden age, the age of joy or spiritual innocence of man. Tretayuga, the silver age or the age of fire, the period of the supremacy of man, giants and the sons of God: Dvaparayuga, the bronze age is already a mixture of purity and impurity (spirit and matter), the age of doubt: and, finally, our own, Kaliyuga or the iron age, the age of darkness, suffering and sadness. In this century, Vishnu had to incarnate in Krishna to save humanity from the goddess Kali, the wife of Shiva, the all-destroying goddess of death, destruction and human suffering. Kali is the best emblem to represent the fall of man: the fall of the spirit into the degradation of matter with all its terrible results. Before we can ever achieve moksha or nirvana, the abode of blessed Peace and Spirit, we must get rid of Kali.

For Buddhists, the fifth incarnation is considered the last incarnation. When Maitreya Buddha comes, then our present world will be destroyed, and a new, better world will replace it. The four arms of each Hindu deity are the emblems of the four previous manifestations of our earth from its invisible state, while the head signifies the fifth and last, Kalki-Avatar, when this world will be destroyed and the power of Budh Wisdom (among the Hindus Brahma) will again be called upon to manifest itself as Logos to create the future world.

...We see in this sequence of avatars the implementation of a truly philosophical idea about the simultaneous spiritual and physical evolution of creatures and man. From the fish, the course of this double transformation carries the physical form through the image of the turtle, the boar and the lion man; and then, appearing in the dwarf of humanity, he reveals Parasa-Rama as a physically perfect but spiritually undeveloped being; until he leads humanity, personified by one godlike man, to the culmination of physical and spiritual perfection towards god on earth.

(H.P. Blavatsky. “Isis Unveiled”, vol. 2)