Kalka avatar sagittarius space man. Vanga and the appearance of Avatar Kalki

Kalki avatar, without revealing his name and status, appeared on major television networks in America as well as Japan. This speech and subsequent appearances on television around the world should lead to the Kalki Avatar Declaration Day.

Kalki Avatar Declaration Day

When the Kalki avatar openly reveals himself to the whole world, it will be an unprecedented experience for all nations. For this purpose, television networks in different countries will be united by communication satellites. At the appointed time (different for each time zone, of course), His face will appear on television screens around the world. Kalki is an omniscient avatar, omnipresent, and HE will mentally overshadow the minds of all humanity at the same time. Each of us will hear Him in our own language. It is impossible to say exactly what will be in His message. But without a doubt, the Kalki avatar will emphasize who He is; from where Kalki avatar came; will report about his team of Masters of Wisdom, and Their return to our world; about world problems and how to solve them; about the new life awaiting humanity; about future technologies that give power over the forces of nature.

Kalki of the avatar will touch two great laws

Kalki avatar will touch upon two great laws that dominate all life on our planet: the law of “Cause and Effect” and the law of Reincarnation, the fact of reincarnation of the soul, as a way of the evolution of consciousness on our planet. The Kalki avatar will give a vision of a better life for humanity, a simpler life, in right relationships, not only with each other, but with the planet of which we are a part. Kalki Avatar will touch upon the needs of the environment, the ecology of the planet, how we should conserve and properly use the world's resources. And Kalki avatar will show how a simpler life can become happier, more fulfilling, when all nations share their resources with each other. However, these changes will not happen overnight. Change will occur at a rapid pace, but with minimal disruption to the existing social order.

Humanity's Heartfelt Response to the Message of Kalki Avatar

While the Kalki avatar will convey this message, this insight into the future, emphasizing his role and the role of the Masters of Wisdom in this work, His energy, the energy of love, will flow with great power through the hearts of all humanity. This will evoke an intuitive, heartfelt response from humanity to the message of the Kalki avatar.

Kalki avatar knows our answer in advance

This experience will give humanity insight into its most important essence, the essence of the soul, and will give it a vision for the future and a purpose: to live, creating a new civilization in a better and more just direction. Our collective response to this experience will determine the future of planet Earth. Kalki avatar will present us with a choice: either we continue to move along the outdated paths of greed, selfishness, competition and destroy ourselves, or we accept the principle of international generosity, recognize that humanity is one, and begin to build a civilization that has never been seen on our planet. Kalki avatar knows our answer, our choice, in advance. As the Kalki avatar said in message No. 11: “My heart tells me your answer, your choice, and rejoices.”

Kalki avatar values ​​will change the way people think

Many people are awaiting the return of the Kalki avatar with trepidation and fear. They feel that the appearance of the Kalki avatar will lead to great changes in all aspects of our lives. They rightly recognize that the values ​​of the Kalki avatar will inevitably change their way of thinking, their way of living, and they turn pale at such a prospect. Moreover, so mystical has been the concept of the Kalki avatar, taught by religious organizations over the centuries, that many people fear his judgment and omnipotent power; they expect the Kalki avatar as God coming to punish the wicked and reward the transferred.

Kalki avatar has attained the fullness of manifested divinity

One can only regret that such a distorted idea of ​​the Kalki avatar has permeated human consciousness. There is no such creature. In order to understand the true nature of the Kalki avatar, one must look at him as one of the equal Sons of God, each of whom is endowed with the full potential of divinity, differing only in the degree of manifestation of this divinity.

Kalki avatar is truly the Son of Man

That the Kalki avatar has achieved the full manifestation of this divinity is His Glory, and we may well bow in reverence before such an achievement. The fact that such an achievement is truly a rarity is also indisputable. But the most amazing thing about Kalki avatar is that once Kalki avatar was one of the people. There are no such trials and sufferings of a person that the Kalki avatar would not know. Every step on the Path that people are just beginning to follow is painfully trodden by Him. There is nothing in the entire panorama of human experiences that the Kalki avatar has not experienced. That is why Kalki avatar is truly the Son of Man.

The declaration of the Kalki avatar will establish Him in the eyes and hearts of all people

There is no doubt that if the Kalki avatar appears secretly in our midst, few will recognize Him. The Kalki avatar is so far removed from the popular conception of Him that He can pass through the crowd unnoticed. Thus, today Kalki avatara is among the brothers, awaiting the invitation of the peoples to begin his mission. Many of those who see the Kalki avatar every day do not recognize Him. Others recognize Kalki avatar but are afraid to tell. Still others are still waiting and praying, in the hope that the Kalki avatar may be T from whom they dare not hope. Only the Declaration of Kalki avatar before the whole world will establish Him in the eyes and hearts of people.

Reasons for the return of Kalki avatar

While we wait for that Day of Days to arrive, let us clarify the reasons for the return of the Kalki avatar. Let's try to understand the essence of the tasks that Kalki avatar set for himself.

To establish in our minds the fact of the existence of God - for this Kalki avatar came. To restore the Divine Mysteries - for this Kalki avatar is here. Teaching people how to love and love again is why Kalki avatar is among us. To establish human brotherhood, Kalki avatar once again walks the Earth. To maintain faith in the Father and in man, Kalki avatar took upon himself this burden. To usher in the New Era, the Kalki avatar returned. To strengthen the values ​​of the past and inspire movement into the future, to glorify God and man, the Kalki avatar descended from the high mountains.

Kalki avatar will establish world peace

Let's look at His priorities: ending wars; inauguration of the International Generosity system; eliminating feelings of guilt and fear - cleansing the hearts and minds of people; teaching humanity the laws of life and love; introduction to the Mysteries; decorating our cities; removing obstacles to travel and exchange between peoples; creating a common fund of knowledge accessible to all.

Weapon of Kalki avatar - spiritual knowledge and love

The fact that such a task is not easy even for the Kalki avatar is quite understandable. The ancient habits of disunity and schism are firmly rooted, while fear and superstition have cast their spell upon millions of people. But never before in the entire history of the world has a Teacher come, better equipped for his task than He. The Kalki avatar came to fight ignorance and fear, disunity and poverty. The weapons of the Kalki avatar are spiritual understanding, knowledge and love; the shining armor of the Kalki avatar is Truth Itself.

(abstract from the book by Benjamin Creme, “The Maitreya Mission, Volume 3”)

Kalki the avatar has already been born

Kalki avatar predictions

Kalki Maitreya avatar

the arrival of Kalki's avatar

(Sanskrit) "White Horse Avatar" who will be the last manvantaric incarnation of Vishnu, according to the Brahmins; Maitreya Buddha, according to Northern Buddhists; Sosiosh, the last hero and Savior of the Zoroastrians, according to the Parsis; and “Righteous and True” on a white Horse (“Rev.”, xix, 2). At his future appearance or tenth avatar, the heavens will open and Vishnu will appear “seated on a milky white horse, with a raised sword, shining like a comet, for the final destruction of the wicked, the renewal of “creation” and the “restoration of purity.” (Compare with “Revelation”. ) This will happen at the end of Kaliyuga, 427,000 years from now.The said end of each Yuga is called the “destruction of the world”, since the earth changes its appearance each time, flooding one system of continents and raising another.

Source: "Theosophical Dictionary"

  • - the last one, according to canon...
  • - see Vishnu...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - AVATAR a, m. avatar m. Sanskrit. 1800. Ray 1998. 1...

    Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 2 userpic picture...

    Synonym dictionary

"Kalki Avatar" in books

Avatar July 22

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Avatar July 22 To find the code values ​​for the birthday on July 22, we find in the Earth Channel section the parameters of the number 8, then 6. For each parameter we read the general values ​​​​and the values ​​\u200b\u200bwith the genotype of this number. We must remember that the Cosmon?8 program also appears in the codes of the new eras,


author author unknown

AVATAR The great test for the human soul as to the degree of its development achieved in this Messianic cycle will be whether it is a vital question as to the form which the coming Avatar of the human race will choose to carry out its mission, or even,


From the book Temple Teachings. Volume I author author unknown

THE COMING AVATAR Whenever the topic of “The Coming of the Avatar” becomes the subject of discussion in diverse audiences, questions invariably arise: when, where and how will the expected Avatar appear? Will it happen at some designated time or place? Will He come to


From the book Avatars of Shambhala by Marianis Anna

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Avatar and Vibhuti

From the book Integral Yoga. Sri Aurobindo. Teachings and methods of practice by Aurobindo Sri

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Chapter 2. From Kalka to Ivan the Third

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Chapter 2. From Kalka to Ivan the Third Question 2.1 As far as I understand, in 1223 the Mongols did not intend to fight the Russian princes, the three Mstislavs. The Mongols sent two embassies to the Russians. What did the first embassy propose and what did the second embassy talk about? Question 2.2 According to evidence


From the book The Battle of Kulikovo and the Birth of Muscovite Rus' author Shirokorad Alexander Borisovich

Chapter 1 BLOODY FEEDGROUND OF KALKI “In the summer of 6732 (1227) because of our sins, the unknown, godless Myavites came, and no one knew clearly who they were, and who they came from, and what their language was, and what tribes they were, and that their faith. And I call Tatars, and in other words I say Taur-meni,

Chapter Six The next incarnation of God is Lord Kalki. End of Kali Yuga

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Appearance of Lord Kalki

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Activities of Lord Kalki

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Prediction of the appearance of Lord Kalki in the Revelation of John the Theologian (Apocalypse)

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Kalki avatar

Recently, a lot of speculative materials have appeared on the topic of the end of the World and the coming of the Kalki avatar. There are even rumors that the Lord has already been born and will soon announce himself to the world.

All this information is the result of a very serious deviation in the study of the Vedas by those who are trying to do it differently than the Vedas themselves prescribe. The Vedas themselves indicate the only possible and correct way to comprehend the truth, which is transmitted through revelation from teacher to student within the framework of one of the 4 authoritative Vaishnava sampradayas.

The following four authoritative sampradayas or disciplic succession chains are currently known:

1. Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya Sampradaya (from Brahma)
2. Nimbarka sampradaya (from 4 kumars)
3. Vallabha sampradaya (from Lord Shiva)
4. Sri Ramanuja Sampradaya (from Goddess Lakshmi)

When a person tries to study the Vedas on his own, his mind can accept one thing, something that is closer and more interesting to him, and reject another, something that is not interesting to him or seems unimportant. So, confusion occurs in a person’s head and everything that he begins to preach is only his own conclusions, albeit based on partial sources of the Vedic scriptures. However, all educated people should always remember and understand some important truths:

1. When the Lord appears in this world, he does not proclaim himself an avatar; this is done by great sages on the basis of sacred revealed scriptures. These scriptures indicate not only the astrological correspondence to the coming of God into this world, but also His special mission, which only God himself can fulfill. Apart from direct incarnations of God, there are countless incarnations of God's qualities, etc. The scriptures always indicate the place of appearance of the avatar and the names of His parents. All this information was recorded many thousands of years ago, and in particular in such a work as the Srimad Bhagavatam, the appearance of Lord Buddha was absolutely accurately predicted 2500 years before his birth.

2. Today the Lord is already present on planet Earth. This avatara is Nama-rupa, the incarnation of God in the transcendental sound of His holy Name. Anyone who is waiting for some other avatars of God simply does not fully understand the significance of chanting the Holy Names in Kali Yuga. Anyone who desires to meet God can see His incarnation in the holy name. To do this, it is necessary to receive initiation into chanting the holy names of Krishna in one of the 4 authoritative sampradayas (chains of disciplic succession).

3. Lord Kalki does not come to the planet to give knowledge, because... by the time the Kalki avatar comes, people will no longer be able to assimilate anything. Kalki will destroy the population of the Earth, which will turn into an ignorant pack of half-humans and half-animals. As a result of this, the souls in these bodies will receive liberation. However, this will happen only at the end of the Age of Kali, which has not even really begun yet. According to Srimad Bhagvatam, for 36,000 years or more after the beginning of a new era, yuga-sandhya, or the transitional period between yugas, lasts. Only after the completion of this period does the power of the new age become fully manifest.

4. Another speculation is related to the dates of centuries given in the Vedas. According to them, the duration of Kali Yuga is 1200 years according to the calendar of the demigods. However, the same Vedas contain a description of the duration of 1 year of demigods. When our Sun goes to the southern hemisphere, it becomes night in Svarga-loka, and when the Sun goes to the northern hemisphere, it is day. Thus, 1 of our years is only 1 day according to the chronology of the inhabitants of the heavenly planets. Accordingly, 1 year of demigods lasts 360 of our years. So the duration of Kali Yuga is no more and no less - 432,000 of our solar years. According to astrological calculations, the age of Kali began on February 18, 3102 BC and, accordingly, should last at least another 426,886 years. The talk that the end of the age of Kali has already arrived is mere speculation.

“Even the stones ringing underfoot
Because there may be traces on them too
My arrival.
Waiting, waiting,
Even you may not admit it
the hour of appearance..."

Our era is in many ways similar to the time that was sanctified by the name of Jesus Christ, and illuminated by the Rays of the same Divine Essence, which again enters the earthly sphere to initiate a New Era, the Era of Maitreya, the Avatar of the Future.

(Avatar(a) - (ancient Indian), literally “descent”. The incarnation of the High Divine Essence into the body of a mortal person).

When human consciousness reaches a critical state, which humanity cannot change on its own, and due to the fall of spirituality threatens the destruction of the Higher Cosmic Plan, a saving force appears in the form of a Teacher, Mentor, Messiah, who, incarnating in the earthly world, give humanity an impulse for further development. These Great Beings belong to those Creative Forces of the Cosmos that make up the Hierarchy of Creative Forces, ruling and guiding the creation and life of the manifested Cosmos.

All Avatars are originally Seven Gods who emanated from the Trinity One - the Central Spiritual Sun (CSS). They are the “Primordial Seven, the original Seven Breaths of the Dragon of Wisdom...”. They have different names: Dhyani, Dhyan-Kohans, Lha, Archangels and others.

At the first manifestation, Dhyani is formless, incorporeal, simply “breathing” of the One. But they are also intelligent forces - essences, carriers of the Thought and Will of the Absolute Mind [ibid., p. 352].

In the next stage of evolution they begin to take on abstract form; and then they manifest themselves through Mahat, the Universal Mind; appear as Manasaputras, or the Solar Ancestors of humanity, who endowed it with reason. They incarnate and are reborn in people as rulers, great sages and mentors who “taught” humanity throughout all the Root Races.

E.P. Blavatsky writes: “Such godlike beings as Gautama Buddha, Jesus, Krishna and some others united with their Spirits forever - therefore they became gods on Earth

Others - like Moses, Pythagoras, Apollonius (Plato), Confucius, Iamblichus and some Christian saints united with Spirits temporarily and took the places of demigods and leaders in the history of mankind” [Isis Unveiled, vol. 2, p. 193]

“In the struggle and the manifestation of truth, on the chariots of time stand the legislators of the common good: the tireless driver Moses; severe Amos; a lion-Winner- Buddha; justice of life - Confucius; fiery poet of the Sun - Zoroaster; transformed, reflected by “shadows” - Plato; great in the sacrifice of immortality - Good Issa; wisdom interpreter, lonely Origen; great community devotee Sergius.

All walked tirelessly; all subject to modern persecution; all who knew that the teaching of the common good would come immutably; everyone knew that every sacrifice to the common good is only an approximation of the paths” [N.K. Roerich, Altai-Himalayas, p.88].

Avatars went through human evolution, reached the highest spiritual state, and, being already in the Fiery body, the “body of Glory,” gained the opportunity to go to the absolute nirvanic state, to go to “Their Father,” but They choose a life of self-sacrifice in order to help humanity in its evolution . To do this, they can reincarnate either in the physical body or in the subtle body and enter the astral sphere of the Earth in order to increase the vibrational level of the entire Race of humanity for the aspiration of the Evolution of the Spirit.

The incarnated Great Spirits, Avatars, are known to us as Rama, Krishna.

Fig.1 The Coming of the Avatar

The source of all Avatars is the CDS, which according to the Christian tradition is Christ, and according to the ancient Indian tradition - Vishnu. “The Light of the CDS... is that Light, or energy, which we call Christ.”

And further “...The One Greatest Spirit is the Creator of our consciousness and the Savior of our humanity. This spirit is Avatar of Vishnu and appears on Earth every time humanity reaches a dead end and a shift in consciousness is necessary. Thus, all the Saviors of the World are the Images of the same Spirit - the Avatar of Vishnu, who manifests itself as Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Christ and Maitreya. He also appeared in other forms, less bright, but always truly ascetic.”

“All Messiahs are invariably Avatars of Vishnu, therefore They belong to To the One Ego"- writes E.I. Roerich.

In order for the Greatest Spirits to be able to periodically incarnate in physical forms for the salvation of humanity, it was necessary to create a certain transitional conductor, an intermediate form, which is reflection CDS, and at the same time making it possible to clothe the fiery bodies of Spirits in denser matter. This intermediate form is Single Ego about which E.I. writes Roerich, or the Group Soul of all Avatars. If we apply the Law of Analogy, then we can see the correspondence between the individual Ego of a person, which “dresses” in denser shells during incarnation, and the Single Ego of the Avatars.

When and how was the Single Ego formed?

At the beginning of the Third Root Race of humanity, before the separation of the sexes, from the pure ethereal shells-bodies of “human” entities inhabiting the Earth at that time, the Highest Spirits created a “Nurse for future human Adepts on this Earth and throughout the present Cycle” [TD. 2; 1-1.258; 2-1, 211, 338]. This “Nurse contains the Seed of Avatarism, or, in other words, is the power and cause of such divine incarnations. All the Saviors of the World, Bodhisattvas and Avatars, are trees of salvation that grew from the One Seed - Maha Vishnu" [ibid.].

The “Nurse”, the Mysterious Principle, the Power and Cause of divine incarnations, Maha-Vishnu is that One Ego from which the Great Spirits incarnate as Avatars.

Let us turn again to the letters of Helena Roerich.

"The Greatest Spirit of our Sunny systems - Solar Hierarch. And He, this Greatest Spirit, came in diminished Images in order to more easily reach and pierce (raise) the consciousness of the masses.”

"...Reveal identity all Great Teachers. It's time for humanity to get closer to the world, the Cosmic Mystery - Single Avatar, revealed with each Manvantara" [ibid.; 02/26/51].

“... Lord Maitreya and Christ are One Individuality...” [ibid.; 03/08/53].

“... Teacher of Teachers - Lord Maitreya is the Bearer of all Rays. It is the synthesis of Maitreya that contains all the rays. Enlightened Buddhists unite The appearance of Maitreya with the current Lord of Shambhala"[ibid.; 8.03.38].

“Lord Maitreya has many names, and everyone chooses the one that is closest to him. If you choose by time, then, of course, the name of Maitreya is closer” [Letter to Aseev, vol. 1, p. 85, 183].

“One should not be afraid of the merging of the Teachers and saviors of mankind into a single beloved form,” because all these greatest incarnations ... were incarnations of the One Great Heart and Spirit.”

“Each person chooses the appearance (Aspect) closest to him and the path to Him.

Didn’t Krishna say: “On all the paths to Me I meet you.”

For me, Rama and Krishna, Zoroaster and Lao Tzu, Buddha and Christ, Maitreya and Kalki-Avatar - All merge into the Single Image of the coming Messiah.”

"The coming era will be under the rays of the three Lords - Maitreya, Buddha and Christ." [E.I.R., volume 2, 31.7.37]

The Theogenesis quotes from the Archaic Manscripts: “The One Christ is the body of that Ego which manifested itself in the body of every Avatar.” In the Avataras, the Christ principle has developed to the point of forming the perfect form of Nirmanakaya, i.e. conductor for full incarnation of Christ.

(“Nirmanakaya - vehicles or bodies of Great Teachers are created from the auric substrate by Spiritual Will”).

The Ego that was last embodied on Earth in the body of Jesus is the same Ego that was embodied in every Savior who heralded the beginning of the New Epoch, the beginning of a small cycle within the Big one.

Thus, the source of all Avatars is initially the CDS - “Solar Hierarch”. He is Vishnu Christ, Maitreya. The Group Soul, or Single Ego, created in the III Root Race for the manifestation of the Greatest Spirit in the guise of Great Teachers or rulers and mentors has the same names. And finally, the current Lord of Shambhala is also a reflection of Lord Maitreya.

“...The appearance of Maitreya is so majestic, so powerful!” .

Lord Maitreya is the collective name of the One Ego of the Great Teachers and at the same time He is the current Lord of Shambhala.

What is the name of the Coming Avatar in different religions?

According to ancient Indian traditions, Kalki-Avatar, the “White Horse” Avatar, who will be the last incarnation of Vishnu in this Manvantara.

According to northern Buddhists - Maitreya Buddha.

Sosiosha - Savior of the Zoroastrians.

“Righteous and True” on a White Horse, according to the Gospel (Rev. 19, 2).

In the spirit of Western esotericism, the Coming 10th Avatar is the “Glorified Spiritual Christ.”

Also, according to ancient Indian traditions, at the future appearance of the Avatar, the heavens will open and Vishnu will appear “seated on a milky white horse, with a raised sword, sparkling like a comet, for the final destruction of the wicked, the renewal of “creation” and the restoration of purity.”

As you can see, predictions in Hinduism and Christianity are identical.

I.E. Roerich also speaks of the identity of the names of the Coming Avatar in different religions.

“The Messiah of the Jews is identical with Maitreya, Kalki Avatar, Muntazar, etc. - to that High Appearance that should appear on change of race to give a New Proclamation and establish the vibration to which the spiritual evolution of the New Cycle will sound. ...Kalki Avatar, according to Hindu traditions, is the incarnation of Rama and Sri Krishna, the creator of the Bhagavad Gita; and finally Maitreya, according to Buddhists, before his last manifestation must appear in his earthly sphere as Lord of Shambhala…» .

Since the Single Ego is a reflection of the CDS, they have the same names.

When talking about the "Coming Avatar", the questions invariably arise: when, where and how will the expected Avatar appear? Will it happen at some predetermined place and at some predetermined time? Will He come in a superhuman body and be surrounded by wonderful supernatural phenomena? Some believe in the literal interpretation of the words of Jesus Christ that His Second Coming will take place “on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory,” while others believe in the incarnation of the coming Avatar in the body of a certain child in an ordinary family.

“...For it is not easy to wait,
But I will give you signs and relief.
I won't come at night.
And in the hours when the sun's rays do not touch
Your land, give your spirit
Retreat calmly to the Abode of the Creator."

Let us present an excerpt from the Gospel, which is extremely necessary for a better understanding of the issue of the coming of the Coming Avatar.

The disciples asked Jesus Christ: “...Tell us when will this be? And what will be the sign of Your presence and the end of the age? The answer given by Jesus Christ is prophetic and of great significance: “Beware that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name and say: “I am the Christ,” and they will deceive many. You will also hear about wars... See, do not be horrified, for everything must come to pass. But this is not the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. But all this is only the beginning of disasters... And many false prophets will arise and deceive many... and then the end will come... when you see the abomination of desolation... the love of many will fail. Then, if anyone tells you: “Behold, here is Christ,” or “there,” do not believe it... If they tell you: “Behold, He is in the desert,” do not go out; “Behold, He is in the secret chambers,” do not believe it. For just as lightning comes from the East and is visible even to the West, so will the presence of the Son of Man be” [Heb. from Matt., ch. 24, 3].

In Jesus Christ's answer to the disciples, it is quite clearly stated that His “presence” will not be in the physical body, and one should not look for Him either in the desert or in temples (“hidden rooms”).

The difficulty of recognizing the coming of the Avatar without appropriate preparation is obvious. “Neither all the decoration of the heavenly spheres, nor the trumpet voice of an angel will confirm” His coming, “for we are told that the emissaries of Satan can use such means. Something must happen to by us or within us so that such recognition becomes possible...”

For many years now, the media have been reporting from time to time about the coming of a new Savior to Earth. Sometimes the dates of the Savior's incarnation in the body of a particular child in a particular country are indicated. Someone loudly declares himself the new Jesus, creates societies of his followers, and spreads the “new teaching.” As predicted, many false prophets, self-proclaimed adepts and teachers, sisters and brothers of the “White Brotherhood” have appeared, who are supposedly capable of leading their followers to Heavenly life, up to complete identification with God. They use practices to acquire supernatural powers, which attracts those who are curious or want to learn how to use higher powers in black magic. But only a spiritualized, selfless, pure, loving heart can feel the coming of the True Savior.

The coming of the Avatar is the awareness of the “presence” of Christ as the Divine principle in the heart of every person. Each person carries within himself the Divine Spark of Christ, because... man was created “in the Image and Likeness of his Father” - Christ. Man is a reflection of all cosmic energies, including the energy of Spiritual Love, Buddhi, and if he lives in Love and Brotherhood, and not in hatred and discord, if he prepares his heart and thoughts with high aspirations, he will feel the coming of Christ.

Christ is the true esoteric SAVIOR. The one who strives for the awakening of the Spirit, crucified in him by his own worldly passions; the one who overcomes these worldly passions will feel the coming of Christ.

1888 in the magazine "Lucifer" H.P. Blavatsky wrote: “The year 1888 was preceded by the radiance of the most beautiful star - Venus-Lucifer, which shone so brightly that it was mistaken for an even rarer guest - the Star of Bethlehem, whose next appearance is also not far off. There is no doubt that in such a significant year at least a small part of the Spirit of Christ will certainly be born on Earth» .

The great messenger of the White Brotherhood was right: in the secret notes given by Uch.I. in 1898, it was said: “The body of the Great Teacher, created through Kriyashakti, descended into the lower astral plane...”

“According to the Divine Plan, Christ, born in a subtle body, came again, ... emanating from the Divine into the aura of humanity. This Great Essence brought the Great Message of Love, so that the bonds of universal brotherhood would unite peoples and nations, so that peace and happiness would reign on Earth.”

In the process of his evolution, the Avatar reaches higher planes, he develops a form similar to that which the disciples of Jesus saw during His transfiguration - the body of Glory.

In such a body only the highest principles are preserved. Other names for such a transformed body: Fiery Body of Buddhi, True Robe of Immortality, Nirmanakaya.

To the spiritual eye of the observer, the body of Glory will shine like the Sun.

The energy of the Avatar’s Fiery body, similar in strength and brightness to the Sun, is destructive to the physical bodies of humanity, therefore, in order to help humanity, the Avatar puts on a body whose vibrations are close to the vibrations of the Earth’s aura.

When the Avatar entered the astral sphere of the Earth in 1898, the power of His energy raised the vibrational level of the entire aura of the Earth and of every person. His Power became the driving force many movements, which had as their goal to establish the Brotherhood of Humanity, break the “iron curtains” dividing countries, and unite people on one principle - all people are brothers.

These movements were: theosophical movement, Esperanto movement, socialist movements, etc. Also, thanks to the great evolutionary forces caused by the advent of the Avatar, new scientific and technological achievements were achieved: the discovery and application of earthly electricity; creation of the Internet; the use of solar energy is all a manifestation of Avatar energy. Many inventions, however, due to the incorrect and criminal use of the divine power of the Avatar, turned into a curse for humanity and instruments of its destruction: atomic energy, which causes cancer; biology inventing hormonal growth agents; genetic manipulation; TV. Also, the energies of the Avatar manifested themselves in two world wars (1914 and 1941), through which the Karma of humanity was worked out. The cosmic creative power of the coming Avatar either destroys or discards everything that cannot perceive this power.

In 1928 there was a descent of the Avatar's energy to an even lower plane, closer to the earth's atmosphere. Thirty-year period - from 1898 to 1928 corresponds to one revolution of Saturn, the planet of the Tester. During this cycle, the fiery power of the Avatar - the power of rebirth and transformation - imbued the lives of people and revealed their low qualities - ambition, stinginess, hatred, cruelty. Armageddon has engulfed the world, and the battle will continue until the negative energies exhaust their fury and subside in the hearts of men.

The arrival of the Avatar does not mean only the establishment of peace and prosperity. The Avatar will come not with an olive branch in his hands, but with a sword to separate the “sheep and the goats”, to cut off the vices of ignorance from knowledge and truth. The coming of the Avatar is always a signal for an intense struggle: “...Do not wait with chants, not with admiration, But intensify your labor in My Name. Not by sleeping, not by eating, but by labor I will justify My beloved.”

The olive branch will appear when the sword has finished its work and the purified soul bows its head before Christ.

The future Avatar, Christ will lead humanity in the battle of a new era. He is the One who keeps the hearts of people in His custody and will not let them out of His hands.

But each person must, through the growth of spirituality, prepare his psyche and body to accept and transform for good those high energies that are already emanating from the coming Avatar.

In addition, a person’s high spirituality will allow him to recognize and feel that the One Who has been awaited for a long time is here. As the philosopher Vladimir Solovyov wrote: “He is here, now, amid the random bustle, In the muddy stream of life’s anxieties. You possess an all-joyful secret: Evil is powerless, we are eternal, God is with us.”

Here are the lines of letters from E.I. Roerich: “One should not think that the Last Great Teacher will appear in the flesh and walk among us, teaching, as Buddha and Christ did. Each era requires its own revelations. And therefore the type of Teacher walking with a group of disciples from village to village, has already sunk into oblivion. Some Elder Brothers still wear a physical body for special purposes, but not for meeting crowds.

...The Great Advent cannot be an ordinary phenomenon, and therefore it will not be in the physical body. …The Great Lords take on one form or another in accordance with the needs of the world.”

“... Even if Christ Himself appeared among us now, He would not have escaped imprisonment... Therefore, you need to understand that the Greatest Individuality cannot appear now, among the chaotic thinking and vibrations of unbridled crowds. The Great Lords follow the Law of Expediency in everything. So understand that according to the condition modern humanity Manifestation of the Highest Ego in physical shell is completely impossible and would be destructive for all evolution...”

We will not seek Him in physical form. Perfect devotion to Christ; a life permeated with the energy of Christ will tune the consciousness to His key note, to His vibration.

« The High Teacher who has passed the last earthly initiation will not return to Earth So, as in the previous ones...".

“...you will only recognize the Avatar and He will recognize you when you awaken your inner vision and confirm your aspiration with action.”

“You will know Christ and He will know you when you join in His work by obedience to His commandments, for only then will you create a form through which the invisible Christ will become visible to you” [Ibid., 234].

“Oh, children! Don’t wait for Me to come to you, rise up and come to Me yourself” [Ibid., 229].

Each person must understand that whether he sees the newly come Christ or not depends on himself. Whoever, in high spirituality, feels and believes in the truth of the Coming of the Saving Cosmic Power, whose heart will vibrate in consonance with this Divine Power, will “see Christ.”

From the High Messages of Teacher I.: “Open your hearts, so that the Son of Man can find where to lay His head, so that He does not pass by you unrecognized!” (magazine “Temple Craftsman”. February 1911)

If we fail to recognize Christ in ourselves and in others, we will never be able to recognize Him where He will appear in full power at a given time.

Helena Roerich wrote back in 1934: “The teaching now given by the Great Lord M. is already a sign of His Coming. The plan associated with the Advent is already being carried out, and we are witnessing a great reconstruction of the World...”

Light of His Coming

“...Although your eye has not seen His Splendor, - your heart catches the beat His Hearts, and your ear now catches the faint echo of His Steps.

The stars, one after another, now sense Him... the tread when He, heading towards the Earth and passing by each star, leaves a small fraction of His Splendor, so as not to blind your eyes when it reaches you.”

Word of Christ

“I’m coming,” says Christ. - Is there a place in your hearts for Me? Or is the place that rightfully belongs to me occupied by many things that oppress you today?

Does the thought of my coming cause fear - lest I turn out to be an additional burden to the burden that you carry?

Truly it is not so, I tell you. For with my coming you will have the strength to bear both your own and all the burdens that Satan imposes on the human race in preparation for my day.

Do not be afraid - but just love more».


1.Agni Yoga. Volume I Sheets of the Garden of Moria. Call. Samara, Roerich Center for Spiritual Culture, 1992.

2. Blavatskaya E.P. The Secret Doctrine. Volume 1 (parts 1, 2), volume 2 (part 1), Leningrad, 1991.

3. Theogenesis. M.: Delphis, 2002

4. Temple teaching. From the Mountain Tops. - M.: Sfera, 1998.

5. Roerich E.I. Letters in 2 vols., Minsk, PRAMED, 1992

6. Roerich E.I., Roerich N.K., Asseev A.M. Occultism and Yoga. Chronicle of cooperation, vol.1. Sat. -M.: Sfera, 1996

7. Roerich E.I. Secret Knowledge. Sat. M.: Ripol Classic, 2003.

8. Teaching of the Temple, book 2, Minsk, IP Lotats, 2001.

9. Blavatskaya E.P. Theosophical Dictionary. M.: Eksmo, 2003.

10. Roerich E.I. Letters. 1932-1955. Novosibirsk: Vesko, 1993.

12. Temple of Humanity. Avatar Coming. Magazine "Delphis", 1994 No. 1.

1. Fragmentation and Unity of Man.
2. The order of birth of Light by the signs of the Zodiac.
3. God as the Word.
4. Word of Gemini and Taurus.
5. Ascent from Matter to the world of Spirit.
6. Messiahs of the Order of Melchizedek.
7. Kalki Avatar.

1. Fragmentation and Unity of Man.
The Tesla Tower in the human body represents the expression of androgynous existence and is the fact of the rise of Light from the captivity of Matter. This state of the Tower in the body gives birth to Cosmic Light in a special way. I will describe how the Light of the soul fell into Matter and how to get out of captivity, based on ancient Vedic knowledge.

Kalapurusha, or Cosmic Man, is associated with the state of integrity-fragmentation of the universe. The creation of the Universe came from the parts of his body. In Indian astrology, the entire zodiac represents the body of Kalapurusha.
Aries - head of Kala Purusha
Taurus - his face
Gemini - arms and shoulders
Cancer – chest and heart
Leo - belly
Virgo - back
Libra - lower back and lower abdomen
Scorpio - genitals
Sagittarius – hips
Capricorn - knees
Aquarius - calves
Pisces - feet

This person must be brought together into an androgynous - whole - being, so that the body of an ordinary earthly person functions in constant Light.

Kalapurusha - Space Man = 366 = Create a whole from many parts = Sacred Divine Unity = Channel twenty-nine: ninety-two

2. The order of birth of Light by the signs of the Zodiac.
According to the Vedas, Ardhanarishvara (Shiva) was the first androgyne, and his symbol is the sign of Gemini. The zodiac sign of Gemini is precisely a pair of opposites, a man and a woman, and not a pair of twins (a pair of men or a pair of women).

From the sign of Gemini, the order of emergence of states of Matter begins - the manifestation of the Universe outside. Gemini is the first sign of the Air triad, and they were the first to take Form. It is known that the great descent of the gods took place when the manifestation was in Gemini.

Gemini gives birth to Sagittarius - electric fire, the opposite sign of the Zodiac. Thus, Gemini and Sagittarius form the first diameter of the Zodiac circle. It then turned counterclockwise and gases (Gemini) and electric fire (Sagittarius) combined to form Water. This is how Scorpio appeared - the first germinal medium for reproduction. Scorpio is responsible for the genitals.

Scorpio conceived the prototypes that are at the source of Gemini, and gave birth to a solid state - the Element Earth. Its manifestation is the sign of Taurus, opposite to Scorpio.
Next, Scorpio gives birth to the Water triad, and Taurus gives birth to the Earth triad.

3. God as the Word.
Man manifests himself as the Creator and expresses himself through the Word (“In the beginning was the Word”). In this he is similar to God the Creator.
God as the Word descends into Matter through the four stages of creation.

4 – speech – manifestation of the Word outward using language
3 – mental image – formulation of the Word in the mind using the tongue
2 – The Word as an Idea - the existence of an Idea without linguistic design in the unconscious mind of the speaker
1 – the state before the creation of the Word.

The primary state of the Word is comparable to the Ocean of Creation, and it is the Matter of the Holy Mother's plane. The Ocean creates the Wave as a certain state, and the Wave begins its descent into Matter for realization. “Three quarters are hidden on the planes of immortality, and this universe visible to us forms the fourth quarter” (Purushasukta).

I can see the Waves coming from the Ocean of the Mother of the World, therefore the events of the subtle plane that I describe are not my invention. I have eyes that see in those layers, like the physical eyes of people see the manifested world. Therefore, Shambhala gives me work on the planetary level, showing the connections of all available planes. I am the one who consciously lives and conducts the Ocean Wave.

4. Word of Gemini and Taurus.
The power of the Word is not developed in an ordinary person; it is buried in the lower chakras, in the genitals, as evidenced by the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is a rapid fall into Matter.

Initially, the Word is the instrument of the Twins. The expression of the Gemini Word in the human body is the vocal cords. The Word manifests in Sagittarius, at the base of the spine (muladhara chakra).

The God of the Word androgynous Ardhanarishvara presides over the Temple of the Word. The path to it is opened by the vocal cords, or two pillars at the entrance to the Temple. These are two stars of the constellation Gemini. The two columns affirm the unmanifested word in the power of the life impulse.

It is possible to go inside the Temple through two columns only by achieving an equilibrium state caused by the recognition of apparent opposites. The golden mean point is created by examining both bowls of opposite principles and bringing them into balance. By experiencing opposites, Gemini becomes objective, like an impersonal number, and not subjective. Their number is 5, and they are “people of the middle”. Thus, Gemini gives entrance to the timeless Wisdom of Vishuddhi, which is based on objectivity. After passing through the gates of the Temple, the owner of Gemini becomes not Mercury, but Uranus - the highest hypostasis of Mercury.

The Word reaches the earth, that is, manifestation into form, through the sign of Taurus. “The three states of the Word are in the cave of unmanifestation, and people utter the fourth phase of the Word,” says the Rig Veda. The sign of Taurus represents this fourth state of the Word.

Taurus rules Beauty, because... all forms of the universe strive for perfection. The expression of the Ideal of the Word is the Beauty of forms.
If Gemini rules the vocal cords, then Taurus rules the voice. The vibration of the vocal cords produces a trembling which causes the Fire of the Word to manifest itself. This trembling is represented by the sound R. In fact, it is the seed of sound that fertilizes the unmanifested thought, turning it into the expressed Word. It is called Rishabha - the great bull. For a person of a high order, this is the level of the great bull, when he acts as the Creator through his Word (visuddha), that is, he is the builder of the higher universes.

The animals of the Taurus sign are the bull and the cow, and their spiritual symbolism is as follows. The Sun in Taurus is the fertilizing great bull and represents the transmission of the Word. The Moon in Taurus is the great cow and represents that which is fertilized.

The word in its unity consists of two components: concept (content) and language (system of signs). Language is feminine in nature, but the concept of the utterer is masculine. The fusion of two principles gives birth to the Wisdom of the One who speaks the Word. This is symbolized by the calf - Mercury in Taurus. The unity of the sign of Gemini (language) and Taurus (sound) is accompanied by spiritual healing through the Word or its projection through the gaze.

The word flies on the two wings of the Great Swan - language and sound. When the sound comes from the speaker (Brahma) to the listener, the flight of Saraswati begins. This Brahma is the father of Saraswati, because he created sound. When, as a concept, he follows her, then they become husband and wife and are united in marriage.

The Word as Thought (the second stage of the emanation of the Word) occupies 90 degrees of the Zodiac and falls on the signs of Aries, Taurus, Gemini. This state of the Word as God is called the Great Geometer of the Universe, and its numerical-geometric value is pi. He showers His blessings on man in the form of knowledge and wisdom. In this regard, the glyph of the number pi is similar to the glyph of Gemini and differs from it only in the absence of a lower horizontal line. Gemini is the source of numbers, and mathematics belongs to Mercury. That's why I like to do calculations for my works.

The raising of consciousness from Vishuddhi to Sahasrara occurs through these three signs. The word as breath is located in Gemini, the word as voice is in Taurus, the word as utterer is Aries. Om is the utterer himself, the Supreme, the ultimate immersion of the Word into eternity. Lack of inhalation and exhalation.

5. Ascent from Matter to the world of Spirit.
Previously, there were 10 signs of the Zodiac, and the signs from Virgo to Scorpio were a single sign, an expression of the densest Matter. At that time there were no gender differences in bodies and no division into men and women. Then there was a fall into Matter, and this celestial zone was divided into Virgo - Libra - Scorpio. In the human body, it is responsible for the area from the solar plexus to the hips. Therefore, when ascending to the higher layers of consciousness, the most painful thing for a person is the ascent into the Light of the intestines and genitourinary system. This is a very important zodiac key.

The transformation of this part of the celestial sphere and the area of ​​the human body lies at the basis of the living Tesla Tower. In their combination lies the path to androgyny. But ignorant people sense this path to heaven somewhat perversely, which is why there are such manifestations of the path as hermaphrodites, transvestites, anal sex and other sexual experiences. Such painful manifestations are necessary, and in all their glory, because the horizontal line of sexual division must be filled completely. Having known the disease, you will know the Light.

The fall into Scorpio (sexual division) occurs quickly, but the ascent to the heights of the Spirit takes a lifetime. In order to appear as the Creator and raise the power of your Word from the depths of Scorpio, it is necessary to transform the reproductive system, that is, to transform the sign of Scorpio.

Scorpion expresses the state of “man in woman” - this is that divine spark that descends into Matter to be buried in form. This means that a person needs to find the Spirit in his lower chakras, in his genitals. Men do this faster than women, because... men are by nature expressions of the Spirit.

Taurus expresses the state of “a woman in the heart of a man,” when the lower consciousness finds itself in the love of the higher pole. This is Lakshmi in the heart of her Lord Vishnu. A stage of transformation of your heart (anahata) is necessary to open the path to the Word of the Twins. This means that you should find in your heart unconditional love for everything manifested and unmanifested. Women cope with this task better, because... they are by nature an expression of Mother Nature.

Twins as a sign of alchemy they transform the lower nature of man into the higher (the ruler is the great alchemist Mercury-Hermes). Gemini expresses the final, equilibrium state of “man and woman.” When Taurus defeats Scorpio (the higher nature over the lower), the Creator (Brahma) appears in the collection - androgyny.

When I gave the diagram “OK” (), I thereby drew a return of man to the initial state of the planet before the division of people into men and women. 10 is the number of the planet before division, this is the planet in the light of day, without night. This is the power of zero and one. In the diagram, the vertical (man) is expressed by one, and the horizontal is expressed by zero (woman). Unity of gender.

6. Messiahs of the Order of Melchizedek.
The Great Teachers of humanity come to Matter through the Order of Melchizedek - “King of Kings”, “Priest of the Most High”. In the Order they receive certain Initiations and their Mission. Melchizedek himself was born in an immaculate manner, “he is without a father, without a mother,” and this tradition of being born from the Light, that is, in an immaculate manner, is repeated cyclically.

The Immaculate Conception occurs through the Zodiac sign of Virgo, which represents Matter of the highest plane. This is conception on the plane of the Ocean of Creation. There is God both speaking and the Word itself.

The Savior expected in Christianity, who is also the Kalki Avatar expected by Hindus, will be born in such an immaculate way.

“It is recorded that at the appropriate time, through the power of the spoken Word released from the throat chakra, spiritually advanced individuals will face each other and, speaking sacred words, will hasten with the help of light rays in the seminal energy the correct use of sexual sacred energies and the action of the caduceus so that instantly create a living form in the great cosmic light, from which the son of God will emerge in radiant manifestation.”

In this prophecy there is a direct correspondence to the order of birth of the Light of the Cosmic man by the signs of the Zodiac. These are the matches:
Gemini - Word, throat chakra, facing each other, sacred words, caduceus.
Sagittarius - light rays (electric fire)
Scorpio - seminal energy, sexual energies
Taurus is a living form.
As a result, Kalapurusha is born - the Cosmic Man, or an avatar in earthly incarnation.

This requires that the three upper centers of Sahasrara, Ajna and Vishuddha, expressed by Aries, Taurus, Gemini, correspond to the spiritual level of development. Then a ritual of cosmic order occurs.

7. Kalki Avatar.
Kalki Avatar is the Rider on a white horse, he will come from a place called Shambhala to destroy injustice, administer justice, establish himself on the throne and restore the Law.

The sign of Sagittarius has the right to rule the highest Court. The sign of the Kalki avatar is Sagittarius, whose symbol is a shooter with the body of a horse, that is, a centaur. Based on the diagram of the birth of Light by the signs of the Zodiac given above, the birth of the Light of Sagittarius follows from the sign of Gemini. Gemini performs this act of creation.

The womb of the Milky Way is located in the constellation Sagittarius, which means that Kalki avatar will be born from the womb of the Milky Way.

When I was by the sea, Kalki-avatar came to me on a descending Wave. I see living pictures of Shambhala through Nicholas Roerich. The Kalki avatar painting was similar to Nikolai's style, and yet it was more mine than his.

During his lifetime, N. Roerich painted a picture of the same name, and the Kalki avatar on it is drawn from the side, in profile. Nikolai let the avatar into Matter as a man of Spirit.

Kalki-avatar came to me face to face, full face, descending from the mountains of Shambhala. He rode a horse, and the horse merged with him into one. Those forces that followed him also formed a whole with him, and in images this could be depicted as cavalry. Behind him, against the backdrop of the mountains, was a large square, from which his light power flowed, as if from a cornucopia. The square is a symbol of Matter, muladhara, and this time the Spirit (Light of the avatar) was one with Matter, since it came from the mountains of Shambhala.

His face resembled the face of the King of Truth Melchizedek, which speaks of the mission of the Order of Melchizedek.

I did not have a feeling of admiration for the descending energies, as expressed in the painting by Nicholas Roerich. There was a feeling of equality. He came to me as a woman who is the Gate of birth between Heaven and Earth.

This was his descent through the upper chakras through my subtle body. A few days later he came to me again, but not through the upper chakras, but through the lower ones, and passed through the muladhara through the uterus to the top. The passage is open in both directions.

When I ask myself what the Kalki Avatar is, what accompanies his advent, the following sensations arise in me.

Between Jupiter and Neptune there is a whole population of comet-like celestial bodies called “centaurs.” It is possible that their population serves as a kind of safety ring that prevents them from becoming pregnant with the Light of distant planets and stars. But if we “tighten” this ring, then our Solar system will become pregnant with Cosmic Light.

Also in consciousness appears Vulcan - an asteroid-like body between the Sun and Mercury. It is taken into account by a small number of astrologers. But I see that its function will be significantly enhanced when the Kalki avatar comes.

So far, general impressions can be described with keywords: movement of the earth’s crust, activation of volcanoes, everything underground. This is due to the pressure of the Light of Kalki-avatar on the core of the planet. And at the same time, horses and centaurs run along the astral plane, creating a powerful movement for descent, exploding thin layers. All this pressure will go to the Earth and to people. Therefore, humanity has been “relaxed” and demagnetized for several years now, so that there is no tension in bodies and minds.

Kalki avatar = 92 = Chosen One = God's judgment = Everything has come to life

Rider = 62= Vulcan = Freedom

Rider Kalki Avatar = 157= God's Anointed = New Kingdom = Enter Oneness = The Power of the Spirit on Earth = Chiron the Centaur = Vulcan Eruption = Pole Shift = Face to Face = Pressed the Button

The “judgment” of the avatar must be understood correctly. The Light of Heaven is coming to Earth. How much everyone is ready to accept it, what everyone has done to be the Light as much as possible is the only question on the agenda.