How the Twin Towers were built in New York. World Trade Center

Today, the New York Memorial Park, built on the site where the Twin Towers stood before September 11, 2001, is open to everyone. The day before, only relatives of the victims of the terrorist attack and a limited circle of VIPs, including current and former US presidents and their spouses, were able to get there.

The funeral ceremony on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks ended when it was already morning in Moscow. For long hours at the Ground Zero, the names of the 3 thousand dead in New York were read out; the victims of the attack on the Pentagon were remembered at the “Concert of Hope” organized in Washington. Many people gathered at the crash site of the fourth airliner in Pennsylvania.

Transmitted from the USA NTV correspondent Alexey Veselovsky.

Thousands of people with photographs of loved ones, with their names on their lips. In the 10 years that have passed since the September 11 terrorist attacks, the mourning ceremony in memory of the victims has become a tradition that has not changed all these years. Four minutes of silence: two as the hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center skyscrapers in New York, and two more as the buildings began to fall. Then, within a few hours, the names of all those killed in the terrorist attacks that day are called.

This year, current US President Barack Obama and his predecessor George W. Bush flew to New York to honor the memory of the victims. Both stood behind a bulletproof shield, a tribute to increased security measures taken by police and intelligence agencies after it became known that al-Qaeda could launch a new attack on the United States on the 10th anniversary of the attacks. There were no speeches at the scene of the tragedy. Later in Washington, Obama summed up the past decade.

Barack Obama, US President: “We will not bring back the lives of the people who died that day. But today it is also important to remember what has not changed since the tragedy. Our character has not changed. Faith remains. These 10 years have shown that America has not given in to fear.”

In New York, on the site where the twin towers stood, after several years of disputes and disputes over who owns the land and what to build on it, a memorial park has finally been built. The museum will open next year. Construction of the first 104-story skyscraper is nearing completion. In general, all work here is planned to be completed in 2015.

Germano Riviera: “The pain doesn’t go away. Even after ten years, remembering that day, I feel pain. But I'm glad that the park appeared. It is very beautiful, and new skyscrapers are growing here. So life goes on."

Two granite pools with waterfalls inside exactly follow the contours of the foundations of the two fallen twin towers. And along the perimeter, on bronze slabs, are carved the names of all the people who died in the September 11 terrorist attacks - almost three thousand people.

Today will be opened to the public for the first time. But there are so many people who want to visit it that people will be allowed here for now only by appointment. Over half a million people have already signed up to visit the memorial.

Exactly 45 years ago, on April 4, 1973, the World Trade Center, designed by Minoru Yamasaki, was inaugurated in the Financial District of Manhattan in New York City. The architectural dominant of the complex were two twin towers, each with 110 floors - North (417 m high, and taking into account the antenna installed on the roof - 526.3 m) and South (415 m high). They became a world-famous symbol of New York.

The idea of ​​​​creating the World Trade Center in New York was born long before this. In 1943, the New York State Legislature passed a bill allowing New York Governor Thomas Dewey to begin planning for construction, but development was suspended in 1949.

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, economic growth in New York City was concentrated in downtown Manhattan. To stimulate redevelopment in other areas of Manhattan, David Rockefeller proposed that the Port Authority build a shopping center in Lower Manhattan. However, construction began 30 years later.

The architects of the project were the Emery Roth & Sons bureau and Minoru Yamasaki, who came from a family of emigrants and had previously built the buildings of the Pacific Science Center in Seattle, the Pruitt-Igoe residential complex in St. Louis (Missouri), etc. Yamasaki was afraid of heights, so all his projects are distinguished by narrow vertical windows. The windows of the World Trade Center buildings were only 46 cm wide. Yamasaki explained that in this way he strives to create a feeling of security for a person who could go to the window and lean on it with both hands, feeling safe.

Yamasaki's original plan called for the twin towers to be 80 stories high, but due to Port Authority building requirements, the height of the buildings was increased to 110 stories. Opened in 1973, the towers are the world's tallest skyscrapers. In addition to the towers, the WTC plan included the construction of four low-rise buildings and the 47-story 7 World Trade Center (built in the mid-1980s).

The main factor in limiting the height of buildings was the installation of elevators - the higher the building, the more elevators were required to service it, requiring more cumbersome elevator shafts. Yamasaki and his engineers decided to use a new system with two “sky lobbies,” where people could move from a large high-speed elevator to local elevators that went to the desired floors in their section.

Preparations for construction began in 1965 with the purchase of the Radio Row area and the demolition of existing buildings, mainly residential and small shops. Many local residents refused to move to other areas, so the start of construction was postponed several times. A group of small business owners sued the Port Authority, challenging the relocation of their businesses from the area, but the Supreme Court refused to accept the case.

The complex was built on an embankment site, so the foundation, 20 meters deep, had to be made using complex technology to prevent water from breaking through from the Hudson into the construction area. This work took 14 months. In August 1968, construction began on the center's North Tower, and seven months later - on the South Tower.

Engineers from Worthington, Skilling, Helle & Jackson decided to build the towers using a tube-frame system, without the use of load-bearing beams and columns - the steel columns in the core of the building, as well as in the external wall, were located so close to each other that they formed a rigid wall structure , which could withstand almost all lateral loads: wind and gravity. This made it possible to increase the usable area of ​​the twin towers.

The walls consisted of 59 columns on each side, each modular part included three columns, three stories high, connected by lintels, which in turn were welded to the columns and created new modular parts.

The columns were protected with sprayed fire-resistant material. To ensure the comfort of people inside the building, a series of experiments were carried out, after which engineers developed viscoelastic shock absorbers to absorb some of the vibrations, as some experienced nausea and dizziness in the towers.

A rectangular core of 27x41 m was constructed in each tower. Elevator and communication shafts, toilets, and auxiliary rooms were placed in it. It was built from 47 steel columns. The space between the outer wall and the core was covered with floor structures that connected to the outer wall in such a way as to reduce the amount of vibration. In this case, lateral loads were transferred from the outer wall to the central core.

The total cost of constructing the towers amounted to $900 million. The complex was inaugurated on April 4, 1973.

The design of the constructed World Trade Center drew criticism from urbanists and many architects. The Twin Towers have been called "glass-and-metal cabinets," "an example of the aimless gigantism and technological exhibitionism that is currently eviscerating the living fabric of every great city."

However, very quickly the towers became one of the symbols of New York along with the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty. Their image adorned postcards, the towers appeared in the screensavers of TV series ("Friends", "Sex and the City") and films ("King Kong" 1976).

Before the world-famous terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, when the towers and other buildings of the complex were destroyed, the World Trade Center experienced a major fire and another terrorist attack.
On February 13, 1975, floors 9 to 14 of the North Tower burned down. The fire spread due to the fire of telephone wires in the shaft between floors. The fire was brought under control within several hours and no one was injured.

On February 26, 1993, a truck carrying 680 kg of explosives drove into the underground parking lot of the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The explosion killed six people and injured more than 1,000 people. The goal of the terrorists was to destroy the North Tower, which, according to their calculations, was supposed to fall on the South Tower, which was supposed to lead to the destruction of both and mass casualties. After the terrorist attack, the alarm and fire safety systems were replaced.

On September 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked two American Airlines planes and flew them into the North and then the South Tower. The first plane crashed into the North Tower between the 93rd and 99th floors, trapping 1,344 people on the upper floors, unable to use the elevators or emergency exits.

In the South Tower, one of the staircase openings remained intact, but not everyone was able to use it before the collapse. The South Tower collapsed at 9:59 am, the North Tower at 10:28 am. As a result of the terrorist attack, 2,752 people died - 200 of them jumped out of windows. 20 people were pulled out alive from the rubble.

Twins Tower or twins - this is how New Yorkers lovingly called the tragically famous towers of the World Trade Center. The tragedy of September 11, 2001 went down in US history as a national tragedy, and the tragic news spread throughout the world in a matter of minutes.

It was not without reason that the terrorists chose the New York skyscrapers as the target of their attack, which were not just the pride of the Americans, but a symbol of their exorbitant pomp and love for gigantism. The “Project of the Century” turned into a tragedy at the end of the century.

How did the miracle begin? In the 60s, the prestige of American democracy was shaken. In order to awaken pride in their country and restore optimism and faith in the future to the people of the United States, an all-American project was needed - something grandiose that would have a stunning effect on the minds and feelings of millions of people.

There have been many projects put forward that could capture the imagination of the American people. One of the architects who was actively involved in the project was the Japanese-American architect Minoru Yamasaki (1912 -1986), already well known for his works, including the airport building in St. Louis, the complex of buildings at the Institute of Arts and Crafts in Detroit, and the American Concrete Institute.

Minoru Yamasaki conceived the World Trade Center project in 1962, in January 1964, the architect commissioned by the Port Authority created drawings of the buildings, a little later in the same year he presented for discussion a 1:130 life-size model, and two years later (5 August 1966) powerful excavators began to dig a foundation pit.

Before the twins, skyscrapers in New York were built on a natural stone base. Manhattan is truly made of stone, it has stone and granite under a layer of earth, this can be seen when you watch the construction of new houses: pits here are not dug, but cut down, gnawed out with the steel teeth of loggers.

The first problem that the engineers encountered was that there was no footstone in the place where the twins were supposed to stand. Instead, they found artificial, alluvial soil that previously “belonged” to the Hudson River. This soil consisted of a large amount of artificial soil, mixed with layers of cobblestones, sand, gravel, pebbles, even old ships were found in artificial soil. The builders were in despair: additional difficulties, additional costs, additional concrete.

This was not the only problem that beset the architect and engineers. The next problem that befell them was the 164 large and small, narrow and wide buildings, most often made of stone, that stood on the site of the future World Trade Center and had to be demolished. It was not difficult to take them down, but the problem still remained after that. It was much more difficult to leave intact and then move a rich and complex system of underground communications, a fire alarm system, multi-core telephone and electrical cables, gas, heat, pneumatic and water pipes, not to touch the nearby expressway and preserve numerous pedestrian roads and transitions.

Another problem was the station of the Underground Railroad, which begins the underwater route from here to New Jersey, carrying hundreds of thousands of people to and from work. If the road were closed, New York and the entire United States would face inevitable economic problems. The subway transported people until a new underground station was built in the lower tier of the complex.

This is not to say that the work of the builders was easy. What are they worth? 1.2 million cubic meters yards of land which had to be dug up and removed. Instead, under the twins, the so-called Plaza was created - an underground space where there were numerous restaurants and banks, travel agencies, airline ticket offices, shops, a new station of the New Jersey road, much better than the previous one, warehouses, technical workshops for servicing the twins and an underground garage for two thousand cars.

Faced with the challenge of constructing a building of unprecedented height, engineers adopted an innovative structural model: a rigid "hollow tube" of closely spaced steel columns, with floor trusses extending out toward the center. Along the outer surface of each of the four sides of the building, there were 61 steel beams running along the entire height, between which cables were also stretched along the entire height. The columns, clad in silver aluminum alloy, were 476.25mm wide and set just 558.8mm apart, making the towers appear from a distance to have no windows at all. The load-bearing walls were assembled from prefabricated steel blocks, each weighing 22 tons, height 36 feet (4 floors high), width 10 feet. The steel embedded in Gemini weighs two hundred thousand tons in total.

As the twins grew, installers laid interfloor floors from special, pre-prepared corrugated steel and durable concrete slabs. The ceilings were attached to the external load-bearing walls from the outside and to the internal, the only steel columns in the twins with a purely useful function - they were erected to attach internal elevators.

The elevator system used in the buildings is also. The Twin Towers were the first supertall buildings designed without masonry. Concerned that the intense air pressure generated by high-speed elevators could bend standard shafts, engineers developed a solution using a "dry wall" system anchored in a reinforced steel base. Elevators with a standard configuration to serve 110 floors could require half the area of ​​the lower rooms to accommodate the shafts. Otis Elevators developed a fast and compact system in which passengers would take turns in "sky lobbies" on the 44th and 78th floors, cutting the number of shafts in half. In total, the World Trade Center complex had 239 elevators and 71 escalators, which were controlled by a computer center from the Port Authority. Each elevator with a lifting capacity of 4536 kilograms could lift 55 people with a lifting speed of about 8.5 meters per second.

Construction proceeded quickly, despite the difficulties with financing that arose every now and then. New York City Budget 1965 -1970 was 6 billion dollars. To raise money to invest in the construction of the Trade Center, the city issued bonds with a guarantee of their repayment. But in 1970, New York suffered a financial crisis. The deadline for paying off the bonds has also arrived. The construction was almost frozen. To save the situation, new, increased taxes in the business sector had to be introduced. Another source of money was found: they began to rent out future Gemini premises for offices. And they were expected to be huge - 100 thousand square meters. m. We finally managed to “get out” of all the difficulties. The north tower was completed in 1971, the south tower in 1973. The grand opening of the World Trade Center took place on April 4, 1973.

The twins soared to a record height of 450 m. The towers were square in cross-section, with a side of 65 m. Each tower was 110 floors. The foundations of the structures went 23 m underground. 200 thousand tons of rolled steel were spent on the building frames, and electrical network cables, with a total capacity of 80,000 kilowatts, stretched for 3 thousand miles - half the distance from New York to London, across the Atlantic. Listing quantitative data can hardly get boring, because each new figure or number speaks of the unprecedented scope of what has been created.

The structure of the buildings was simple and reasonable. The facades are made in the form of steel frames and modular aluminum sections mounted on them measuring 3.5x10 m, manufactured by factory stamping. This design is earthquake-resistant and can withstand very strong wind pressure at great heights. The World Trade Center building could even withstand a collision with an airplane or other flying object. But the unfortunate Gemini could not resist the violent explosion and fire of 5 thousand liters of aviation gasoline from the tanks of the aggressor aircraft.

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The Real Story of the Twin Towers Bombed in New York and What They Really Symbolized

Fifteen years ago, on September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center complex was bombed in New York. 2996 people were killed, over 10 thousand were injured of varying severity. Both Twin Towers have ceased to exist. Another building of the complex, the Marriott Hotel, was buried under the rubble of the first tower. The frames of the four others survived, but they were deemed beyond repair and demolished.


The idea to build the World Trade Center (WTC) in Manhattan was proposed by the famous billionaire brothers back in the late 1950s. David and former mayor of New York at the time Nelson Rockefellers. They were supported by the local Port Administration. Construction of the complex began in 1966 and cost, according to some estimates, $1.5 billion.

The World Trade Center skyscrapers were designed by an American modernist architect Minoru Yamasaki, who is believed to have won the competition because he proposed to build the towers quickly and cheaply. He worked together with Antonio Brittaiocchi and by Emery Roth & Sons. Before starting to build the two giants of steel, glass and concrete, Yamasaki created hundreds of models. Perhaps he felt that the most grandiose and modern building in the world at that time would become his swan song and therefore tried to express his idea in it. “The World Trade Center should be a symbol of faith in the power of man,” the architect said more than once.

When creating the project, Yamasaki mixed his Gothic tastes and the architectural and ethical ideas of the great Le Corbusier. Subsequently, some critics called the architectonics of the WTC towers limited and boring, and the poverty of form, in their opinion, served as an “indicator of internal disaster.” Some considered these buildings to be the embodiment of the existing social system in the United States.

When the first of the colossi appeared in New York, critics called it “the biggest finger in the sky.” A specialist in technical history Lewis Mumford regarded Twin Towers as "an example of the unintentional gigantism and technological exhibitionism that is now eviscerating the living fabric of every great city." Many people also did not like the narrow (only 46 cm wide) windows of the office premises of the towers. According to the prevailing opinions at that time, the architect made them this way because he was terribly afraid of heights.

However, there was also an opinion that the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center represented a man and a woman. As confirmation, it was pointed out that Yamasaki emphasized the male tower with an elastic antenna, and the female tower with an observation deck gateway. He and She seemed to be on the move towards the Hudson and all of America. The woman, as always, was half a step behind. Perhaps this was an architectural representation of Adam and Eve leaving Paradise? The architect himself definitely did not speak out on this matter.


Dozens of low-rise buildings were demolished to clear space for a grandiose construction project near the city's port. 1.2 million cubic yards of earth were removed and transported to create a 21-meter-deep foundation under the skyscrapers and the Plaza, an underground space that later housed shops, restaurants, banks, airline ticket offices, travel agencies, a new metro station, and maintenance workshops for the twin towers. , warehouses and an underground garage for 2 thousand cars.

When constructing skyscrapers, an engineering idea was used that was first used to create the IBM office center in Seattle. In this case, the designers also used a structural model of a rigid “hollow tube” of closely spaced columns with a diameter of 990 mm, with floor trusses 83 cm thick, expanding towards the central part. Many steel columns inside the building became the load-bearing part that supported the entire building. The “stiffening ribs” were complex-profile steel floors. This concept made it possible to create spacious spaces inside, not cluttered with unnecessary structures.

The buildings' 64.5 m wide façade was a prefabricated steel lattice with columns 476.25 mm wide. They protected the entire structure from wind and other external overturning loads. The location of the “wind supports” outside the surface of the building prevented the transfer of forces through the membrane of the floors to the center. There were 61 steel beams along each of the four sides of the building along the entire height. Cables were stretched between them along the entire height. They, as well as a package of cables inside the elevator shafts, provided design flexibility. In general, the towers were a combination of steel cages from factory-produced modules measuring 10x3 m and weighing 22 tons. The external columns of the buildings were finished with a silver aluminum alloy. This gave the impression that the skyscrapers had no windows at all. Although there were as many as 43 thousand of them.

The Twins were the first supertall buildings designed without masonry. A special “dry-wall” system was developed for them, fixed in a reinforced steel base. The floors were supported by a series of lightweight trusses on rubber panels located between the outer columns and the elevator section. Both “brothers,” as the designers claimed, were capable of withstanding hurricane winds and should have withstood even the event of a ram by a medium-sized aircraft, such as a Boeing 707.

They were constructed mainly from glass, steel and concrete using duralumin and durable titanium. In total, about 400 thousand cubic meters were needed for construction. m of cement, 200 thousand tons of steel and 20 thousand sq. m. m glass.


The first tower was built by 1970. But officially the World Trade Center in New York was opened only on April 4, 1973 after the second one was put into operation. The complex included five more ground-based structures. Among them are the high-rise Marriott Hotel, a commodity exchange and the 8-story palace of the American Customs House. 8 floors in both high-rise buildings (7-8, 41-42, 75-76 and 108-109) were technical. All others, with a total area of ​​more than 1 million square meters. m, were rented.

The height of the World Trade Center skyscrapers (North Tower - 110 floors, 417 m, South Tower - 104 floors, 415 m) was a constant topic of jokes and anecdotes at that time. Here's one of them. At a press conference after the opening ceremony of the World Trade Center, Yamasaki was asked: “Why two buildings of 110 floors each? Why not one in 220? His answer: “I didn’t want to lose the human scale.”

In the 1990s, the World Trade Center towers housed 10% of all the offices in lower Manhattan. Almost 500 companies had offices there. Thus, in the South Tower, 25 floors for the head office were rented by the investment corporation Morgan Stanley, which manages capital worth $487 billion, and 5 floors were occupied by the Oppenheimer fund with a “modest” $125 billion under management. Fuji Bank was located on four floors . 3 floors each were occupied by the New York Stock Exchange, the insurance company AON, the telecommunications company Verizon (capitalization $17.5 billion), the architectural firm Manciani Duffi (recognized as the best interior designer in 2000) and the law firm Thacher, Proffit & Wood . The computer corporation Sun Microsystems, the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, and the insurance agency Frenkel&Co had modest, only 2 floors.

On a typical day, 50 thousand employees and 200 thousand visitors and tourists came to work at the World Trade Center. On the 107th floor of the North Tower there was a fashionable and expensive restaurant “Windows to the World”. Americans loved to celebrate weddings and celebrate various significant events there. In the 1990s, tens of thousands of tourists climbed to the observation deck of the South Tower every day. On a clear day, through the suicide fence, they could survey the surrounding area within a radius of 78 km.

The system of 99 elevators in skyscrapers was designed in such a way that high-speed lifts from below went to the beginning of the 2nd and 3rd sections of the building, starting on the 44th and 78th floors. From there, “local” elevators took passengers to the desired floor. Each sectional elevator could lift 55 people at a speed of about 8.5 m per second. In total, the World Trade Center complex had 239 elevators and 71 escalators, which were controlled by a computer center. The windows in the two towers were washed automatically 3 times a week using special machines on moving steel cables.


A huge design advantage of the New York twins was that the buildings' steel beams were connected to supports located less than a meter apart from each other, forming the outer walls of the building. Whereas the vertical supports of most other American skyscrapers are located at a distance of up to 6 m from each other, and the main load in them is transferred to the combined diagonal pillars, damage to which, as a rule, leads to the immediate destruction of the entire building.

The downside was the lack of foam fire-fighting systems that could cope with burning aviation fuel. Concrete is guaranteed to withstand flames for an hour or two. But 91 thousand liters of aviation fuel, which were used to fill both planes sent by terrorists to the World Trade Center buildings, turned the winged cars into thermal bombs. When the combustion temperature exceeded 800 °C, the steel supports began to melt. However, it was later discovered that this was not the main reason for the collapse of Gemini.

A few years after the tragedy, experts unequivocally established that the cause of the collapse was a gradual shift in the center of gravity in the buildings as a result of a fire. The outer columns could not withstand the extraordinary stress.


(based on materials from foreign press)

FOR REFERENCE: Minoru Yamasaki American architect who combined the international style with neoclassical features. Born in Seattle, USA, on December 1, 1912, into a Japanese family with American citizenship.

In 1949 he founded his own company. In 1951 he received an award from the American Institute of Architects for a residential complex in St. Louis, USA. True, already in 1972 these buildings were destroyed as “morally obsolete and socially burdensome.”

Among the most famous buildings designed by Minoru Yamasaki are the US Consulate in Kobe, Japan (1955), Lambert Airport in St. Louis, USA (1956), McGregor Memorial Community Center in Detroit, USA (1958), Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia (1961) and Eastern Province Airport in Riyadh (1985).

He built skyscrapers and at the same time was terrified of heights. While working on the WTC buildings, Minoru Yamasaki divorced his wife, married another, then divorced and married again, then again. Eventually he divorced again and returned to his first wife.

World News


The eleventh day of September 2001 went down in history as a tragedy on a global scale, dealing a crushing blow to the faith of citizens of a democratic community in their own safety and integrity. Terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 killed 2 thousand 752 people

The most important signs of the work of demolitions in the World Trade Center

The rapid and strictly vertical collapse of skyscrapers (this happens when a building is targeted for demolition), despite the fact that the “twins” collapsed vertically, the third building was also completely razed to the ground - WTC#7, which was not rammed by planes, all structures were practically destroyed " into crumbs" (this effect is achieved only with professional explosive dismantling), experts heard on the recordings the sounds of several explosions seconds before the collapse, which came from the first floors, captured on many amateur videos, wisps of smoke and flashes almost forty floors below the level where the planes crashed , numerous fragments of glass, steel and human remains found over a very wide radius, including on the roofs of houses, many vertical supporting beams were cut diagonally (such a preparatory procedure is also typical for dismantling), remains of combustion of the Thermate substance, usually used for military purposes for thermal cutting of steel (discovered at the site of the rubble by independent experts), numerous traces of steel supporting structures melted to a lava-like state. The combustion continued even on the fifth or sixth day and was recorded on NASA aerial photographs (airplane kerosene is not capable of creating such high temperatures - a minimum of 1500oC is required!).

The names of specialists who disagree with the official White House version are impressive - leading scientists in the fields of history, defense, psychology, philosophy and applied sciences. Conducted research confirms the opinion that the World Trade Center buildings in New York were destroyed by controlled explosions, and the authorities' version of the Pentagon attack does not stand up to criticism. Scientists are convinced that the government not only allowed the September 11 attacks, but also staged them for political purposes.

The names of the people who made sensational accusations are striking:
Robert M. Bowman is the former director of Project Star Wars, the US Air Force space defense program (101 combat missions).

Fred Burks is a translator for many American presidents and people who are familiar with the political cuisine of America first-hand.

Lloyd de Moos is director of the Institute of Psychohistory, president of the International Psychohistorical Association and editor of the Journal of Psychohistory.

Eric Douglas is a New York architect, chairman of the independent committee reviewing projects for the restoration of the World Trade Center.

James Fetzer is a renowned scientist, professor at McKnight University (Minnesota), former US Marine Corps officer, author and editor of more than 20 academic publications, co-founder of the S9/11T group.

Robert Fritzius - electronic engineering, radar and telecommunications specialist.

Daniel Ganser is a historian, representative of the University of Basel (Switzerland).

Michael Gass - explosives specialist (US Air Force), sapper, author of mine clearance techniques.

Kenyon Gibson is a former naval intelligence officer and the author of several books on the events of 9/11.

Rich Hellner - air traffic control, dispatcher.

Don Jacobs is the former Dean of the School of Education and Professor of Education at Northern Arizona University.

Andrew Johnson is a physicist, computer scientist, and software developer.

Stephen Jones is a physics professor, co-founder of the S9/11T group, and creator of the website.

Peter Kirsch is a renowned pathologist.

Wayne Madsen is a investigative journalist and former intelligence officer.

Richard McGinn is professor of linguistics, Ohio University.

Morgan Reynolds is a professor of economics, a leading economist at the Department of Labor during the George H. W. Bush administration, and director of the criminal justice center at the National Center for Policy Analysis.

E. Martin Schotz - historian, psychiatrist, mathematician.

Glenn Stanish is a pilot and director of the Airline Pilots Association.

Andreas von Bülow - ex-Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, head of the German intelligence services, member of parliament for 25 years.

Jonathan Wilson is a specialist in criminology, University of Winnipeg (Canada).

This is not a complete list, which allows us to get an idea of ​​the level of professionalism of the people who made accusations against the American government. What gives them the right to question the official White House narrative? The answer to this question can be found on the website, where 20 reasons for distrust of President Bush are published.

The 9/11 Commission refused to review vast amounts of testimony and evidence. Even the former director of the FBI stated that the commission in question was hushing up real events.
The recording of the interrogations of the dispatchers on duty on September 11 was deliberately destroyed - the tapes were broken by hand, the film was torn into small fragments, and its fragments were thrown into various trash cans.
Congressional investigators discovered that an FBI informant provided housing for two hijackers in 2000. When the commission wanted to question this citizen, the FBI not only refused to comply with this request, but also hid the informant. According to some reports, the FBI took such steps after receiving appropriate instructions from the White House.
A retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel and former director of the Star Wars project recently issued the following statement: “If our government had done nothing that day except to ensure that the normal procedure required in such cases was followed, the Twin Towers would still be standing. "Thousands of dead Americans would still be alive. Our government's actions are treason!"

Recently declassified documents show that in the 60s, the American high command developed a plan to blow up AMERICAN aircraft and commit terrorist attacks against US citizens on American soil.

The US Defense Department, responsible for the safety of citizens, has been conducting exercises for many years, developing a version of using kamikaze aircraft against the World Trade Center buildings and other American skyscrapers. “Various types of civil and military aircraft were used to practice actions in the event of a possible terrorist attack. In other words, the Pentagon used REAL EXISTING AIRCRAFT to simulate an attack on high-rise buildings, including the Twin Towers. Why did the department “turn out to be unprepared” - remains a question.
In addition, the military was practicing options for similar attacks on the Pentagon.
On the morning of September 11, American defense and intelligence agencies conducted military exercises to combat terrorism using REAL aircraft and fake "radar tags", which misled the controllers.
It was on the morning of September 11 that the government conducted maneuvers simulating a terrorist air attack on the World Trade Center.
Despite the government's claims of ignorance of the terrorist plane, the US Secretary of Transportation testified to the commission that Vice President Cheney personally monitored the pilots of the ill-fated Flight 77 many miles before the vehicle approached the Pentagon.
The third building of the World Trade Center (building No. 7) collapsed on September 11, despite the fact that it was not hit by terrorist planes. It collapsed as if it had no walls or ceilings. Before the tragedy, only small local fires were noted in the building. It is the only steel frame building in the world to be destroyed by fire, which by definition cannot happen.
According to a number of FBI employees, the World Trade Center buildings collapsed as a result of the explosion of bombs planted inside it.
MSNBC claims that police believed that one of the explosions at the World Trade Center could have been caused by a truck full of explosives located inside the building. In their opinion, explosive devices could have been placed both in the building itself and in its immediate vicinity.
The explosions may have been caused by "bombs" and "secondary devices," the New York City Fire Department's safety chief said. Firefighters believed there were bombs in the building.
A spokesman for the National Demolition Association said the collapse of the Twin Towers resembled a "classically planned demolition of a building."
Eyewitnesses of the explosion claim that the explosions occurred much BELOW the area hit by the planes. Moreover, they happened BEFORE the first plane hit the building.
According to the testimony of a certain police officer, destructive explosions on the upper floors occurred at intervals of 15 minutes. The building collapsed only after that.

Scientists managed to collect and systematize dozens of facts that were “overlooked” by the authorities, distorted their essence, or (what is especially scary) did not find a place on the pages of official reports. Every aspect of the official version raises doubts among the inquisitive and literate reader who wants to know the truth about what happened.

Terrorist attack or controlled explosion?

According to representatives of science, "the fire (fire) could not lead to the destruction of the steel structures of the building." Supporters of the official (government) version of the tragic events keep silent about this fact. Moreover, according to a report signed by the Directorate of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (2005), the steel structures of the buildings were destroyed allegedly as a result of fires. At the same time, science does not know a single similar fact.

Interestingly, the towers were designed with the possibility of air attack in mind and were built with the design strength to withstand a collision with such a colossus as a Boeing 767.

"They were designed to withstand all sorts of impacts, including tornadoes, bombings or collisions with huge airliners," says Hyman Brown, project manager for the Twin Towers (2001).

The theory about the destruction of the building as a result of fire and melting of the supporting steel structures is also absurd. According to experts, the destruction of skyscrapers is reminiscent of a “controlled detonation,” when a certain amount of explosives is placed in supporting structures and triggered in the desired sequence.

During a controlled detonation, the destruction of a building occurs suddenly - at first there is nothing, but the next moment the structure disintegrates. The steel structure at high temperature cannot suddenly break. This happens gradually - the horizontal beams begin to sag, and then the vertical steel columns become deformed.

But the video footage that captured the destruction of the towers did not record similar processes even on the floors located above the hole left by the plane. In addition, the art of controlled detonation of a high-rise building is to ensure that the exploded skyscraper does not fly apart in all directions, but “sags” in such a way that the debris remains exclusively at the construction site. This is what happened with the towers.

According to Marc Loisier, president of a major controlled detonation company, such an explosion "must be completely planned, and the explosives must be placed in a certain order." All 110 floors of the twin towers collapsed very neatly. In an unplanned explosion, construction debris would have covered the entire area, but this did not happen.

In a controlled detonation, the remains of a building fall to the surface at free fall speed, which does not happen in a random disaster. To do this, demolitionists first place explosives under the support systems of the lower floors, so the upper ones fall down, meeting virtually no resistance.

According to the commission's report, the south tower collapsed in 10 seconds, which corresponds to a controlled explosion. Moreover, this technique makes it possible to “cut” load-bearing steel structures into pieces of a certain length, which was recorded in New York. The huge cloud of dust that formed at the site of the towers after the explosion also serves as indirect evidence of a controlled explosion. Colonel John O'Dowd of the US Army Corps of Engineers came to this conclusion. “It seemed that the air at the site of the World Trade Center explosion was saturated with cement dust.”

Another proof of a planned explosion is a huge amount of molten steel at the site of the collapse of the towers. Thus, Peter Tully, head of the construction company Tully Construction, and Mark Loisier reported “lakes of molten steel” discovered at the site of collapsed buildings in underground elevator shafts. Meanwhile, the collision of the plane with the building and the subsequent ignition of aviation fuel could not lead to the formation of temperatures at which steel structures begin to melt. The mystery of the explosion of the Twin Towers, according to scientists, still remains unsolved. What about the government? It remains inactive, refusing to divulge information that contradicts the official theory.

Shortly after the events of September 11, more than 500 New York City fire and ambulance personnel gave oral testimony pointing out some of the inconsistencies noted during the response to the terrorist attack. The New York City mayor's office did everything possible not to make these facts public or to refute them.

Only in August 2005, The New York Times and a group of relatives of the victims, as a result of a lengthy trial and a number of appeals, managed to force the mayor's office to publish the mentioned testimonies of direct witnesses to the death of the WTC.

Witness accounts refute government theories, proving that the events of 9/11 were a well-planned terror attack.

Unfortunately, American officials do not want to conduct an independent investigation, establish the truth and punish those responsible. Why is this happening? Who benefits from this and why? These questions remain unanswered, but the public is not satisfied with the Bush administration's position, and the S9/11T group does not intend to stop its activities. Soon we will expect new details that will reveal the essence of these tragic events and the hypocrisy of officials. If the statements of American scientists turn out to be true, “controlled detonation” may well lead to an uncontrollable reaction from society - not only the American one, but also the world one. And then the authors of the biggest hoax in the history of mankind may not be in trouble, writes Konstantin VASYLKEVICH


In their haste to blame Muslims for this, in their haste to strike at Afghanistan, they made an investigation against the intelligence services themselves impossible.

“The US government announced the creation of a new structure within its intelligence services (numbering 170,000 people with an annual budget of $37 billion), designed to coordinate the efforts of different departments, as well as for the extrajudicial physical destruction of terrorists around the world, that is, for the murder of persons objectionable to the “world behind the scenes” (previously, the CIA hid such operations, now there is no need for this: it is enough to declare someone a “terrorist”). This was a new step in the global war “against terrorism,” declared after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, which gave the United States a free hand to forcefully subjugate the entire planet. Even then, many democratic countries adopted laws facilitating surveillance, preventive arrests, electronic wiretapping, and the abolition of the secrecy of bank deposits; Measures of political censorship were introduced in democratic media, including the closure of sites on the Internet that “distribute hate propaganda.” That is, the extrajudicial repressions of the special services against their own citizens were significantly expanded.” "TOMORROW", N30, 2002."

The BUSH administration used the Boeing attack as a pretext for invading Iraq and Afghanistan in order to realize its dream of world hegemony under the banner of the fight against terrorism.