What does full board mean? RO BB HB FB AI UAI - decoding of food types in hotels

HB, BB, FB, RO, AI, AP, MAP, EP... You will come across these abbreviations on any aggregator when choosing a hotel. They are indicated in the description of the services provided on the hotel website and in the voucher that was provided to you for check-in. What is hidden behind these terms?

These are abbreviations for the names of food systems in hotels. Hotel food types have Anglo-American roots, so decoding them is not a problem. Let's divide them into groups and find out the meanings.

Types of food with abbreviation and explanation

The standard system of the Russian segment of the tourism business often uses the following abbreviations to designate types of food in hotels. Let's present their decoding and description:

  • RO (room only), also possible: OB (Only Bed) or AO (Accommodation Only). Directly translated: “room only” - only accommodation is provided. Decoding the abbreviation OB (Only Bed)– “bed only” or AO (Accommodation Only)– “accommodation only.”
  • BB (Bed and Breakfast). Literally – “bed and breakfast”, it means accommodation with the provision of morning lunch. The main feature of “bb” is the absence of lunch or dinner included in the paid reservation.
  • HB (half board). Only breakfast and dinner are provided.
  • HB+. The “hb” food subtype means adding local alcoholic drinks to the evening meal.
  • FB (full board). Should be translated as "full board" as well as "whole board", the origin of the concept is similar to "hb". Accordingly, today meals in hotels of this type should include dinner and lunch in addition to BB conditions. The hotel can offer different types of food service, both a la carte and buffet style.
  • FB+ Relates to FB in the same way as HB and HB+, it is the same full board system, but locally produced drinks are served.
  • AI (all inclusive). Literally “all inclusive”, a type of room with full service. Typically, three meals served buffet style will include snacks throughout the day. The bars offer locally produced drinks all day.
  • UAI (ultra all inclusive). Corresponds to “ultra all inclusive”, used in Turkey and Egypt to indicate a higher level of food and beverages compared to All inclusive, foreign production. An additional afternoon tea and a second late buffet dinner are also available.

Types of food in hotels: American classification

When traveling to different parts of the world, you may also encounter other designations of food types, otherwise - plan. Here is a breakdown of such a food system in hotels:

  • AP (American Plan). “American” - in addition to the room, the stated price includes morning, afternoon and evening meals. European hotels accordingly designate this system as “full board” - FB.
  • MAP (Modified American Plan). “Modified American” presupposes the presence of lunch (it can be served in the afternoon or evening at the request of the guest) and, with any choice, morning lunch. You can compare this “plan” with the “half board” HB.
  • CP (Continental Plan). “Continental”: a guest occupying a room under these conditions will be offered breakfast included in the price. Compliant with BB.
  • BP (Bermuda Plan). However, in the American classification, BB has another analogue - “Bermuda” - a particularly hearty morning lunch is served in the morning, essentially closer to lunch.
  • EP (European Plan). “European” is usually the least expensive for the guest and only includes the provision of accommodation, fully complying with the RO, OB, AO systems.

Features of specifying types of serving

Separately, for the convenience of choosing the type of food, you should indicate the types of breakfast serving and their differences.

  • Continental. Includes coffee, hot chocolate, tea, sugar, milk, cream, lemon, marmalade, jams, honey, hot buns, croissants, bread, butter and olive oil. The Sunday version is possible with a cold boiled egg.
  • Advanced. Guests are offered all the standard continental items, as well as juices, deli meats, omelettes, fried eggs, boiled eggs, yogurt, curds, and dry cereals. Serving is often carried out according to the buffet system.
  • English. Very dense, be sure to serve buns, toast, jam, honey, butter, jam for tea, coffee and hot chocolate are possible, but not required. The main dish is scrambled eggs with ham or sausages, smoked fish, red beans in tomato sauce.
  • American. Plain water with ice, juices, fruits, sometimes compote, cereal flakes, served with milk, fried or baked meat, and pie are required.
  • Late breakfast. Combines elements of breakfast and lunch: tea and coffee, juices and mineral waters, milk, buns, butter, jam, cheese, soups, hot meat dishes, desserts.

Food systems in hotels are always classified as standard, so this information about the designation and decoding of abbreviations will help you book hotel rooms with pleasure.

We usually make sure in advance that it matches our preferences. We are talking about comfort, amenities, entertainment and, of course, food (see our section " ").

This article is intended to make sure that your vacation is good. In it you will find all the necessary information about catering in hotels abroad, an explanation of the abbreviations that are given in the characteristics of a particular hotel regarding food.

According to the rules, the types of meals indicated in this type of information about the hotel are already included in the price of your stay. And this is a very important detail when drawing up a budget for a future vacation.

Types of food in hotels

The type (type) of food at the hotel is indicated in the characteristics (description) of the hotel room, immediately after the type of accommodation you are booking. Its abbreviation consists of two or three Latin letters. Here's the full list:

R.O.(room only) - accommodation without meals.

E.P.(european plan), B.O.(bed only), A.O.(accommodation only), R.R.(room rate), OB(only bed), NO- accommodation without meals.

BB(Bed breakfast) - breakfast is included in the price (it can be organized as a buffet). The menu for this meal consists of cold and hot dishes and drinks. The range of dishes depends on the traditions of the country and the preferences of the hotel owners.

HB(half board) - half board, which includes breakfast and dinner (can be organized on a buffet basis), in addition you can order tea, coffee, and water for free.

HB+(half board +, extended half board) - the hotel’s food system is based on the principle of extended half board, the price includes breakfast and dinner (buffet), in addition, throughout the day you can order local alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, which are available hotel bar.

FB(Full board) - full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner), food is served on a buffet basis.

FB+(full board +), EXTFB(extended half board) - the abbreviation means extended full board, including breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet) and serving drinks (beer and wine are possible).

Mini all inclusive- full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) with local drinks served throughout the day, but in limited quantities.

ALL, Al(All inclusive) translated means all inclusive - breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet). During your stay at the hotel, throughout the day you can drink the offered soft and alcoholic drinks in unlimited quantities; additional forms of food are also served (light breakfast consisting of buns, butter, jam, coffee or tea, juice, second breakfast, light snacks, afternoon tea, late dinner, barbecue, etc.).

HCAL(hign class all inclusive) - if the description of the hotel room contains such an abbreviation, then you get everything for free, except for purchases while visiting stores, telephone, doctor's services, hairdresser service, some entertainment (water sports and scuba diving).

AdditionalUAL, UAI(ultra inclusive) - breakfast, late breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner (buffet). Meals will be complemented by a good selection of desserts, sweets, ice cream, all kinds of cold snacks, local and imported drinks. Some of the hotels operating under the Ultra All Inclusive system can offer guests additional free meals in restaurants with various national cuisines. At the same time, food is available throughout the day and includes various drinks (including alcohol). Varieties of ultra aIl inclusive:

  • Elegance all inc.

  • Super all inc

  • VIP all inc

  • De luxe all inc

  • VC all inc

  • MEGA all inc

  • Superior all inc

  • VIP Service

  • Ultra de luxe all inc

  • Royal Class all inc

  • Max all inc Extended all inc

  • Excellent all inc.

  • Imperial all

Additional forms of food in hotels decoding

C.B.(Continental breakfast) - continental breakfast (the name "French breakfast" (breakfast) can be used). It is a light breakfast, the list includes coffee (tea), juice, buns, butter and jam. As a rule, this form of food is offered in European city hotels. Usually it consists of an economical set of “coffee + croissant”, which characterizes these types of breakfast very well. It has a minimal variety of choice, but you are guaranteed significant savings if additional payment is provided.

AB(American breakfast) - American breakfast, the menu of dishes is similar to a continental breakfast, it involves serving various cuts; the only hot dishes served are scrambled eggs with bacon (or sausages).

EB(English breakfast) - breakfast, a complete and hearty breakfast, usually the menu includes juice, scrambled eggs (omelet), toast, buns, butter, jam and coffee (tea).

UAI(Ultra all inclusive) - this type of food includes the maximum list: breakfast, late breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner (buffet). You will be offered a large selection of various sweets, desserts, ice cream, all kinds of cold appetizers, local and imported drinks.

When choosing a tour and hotel, everyone tries to find the ideal option for themselves, depending on the availability of a certain amount of funds. And for many, the issue of nutrition is very important, since for some it is better when an accommodation option is offered, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but for others, the ideal and completely sufficient option is to have only a morning reception, and pay extra I don't want to pay for other food options. There are different types of food in hotels, the explanation of which is given in the article. It is important to familiarize yourself with them, since they are denoted by phrases that are far from clear to us, but by certain abbreviations.

What types of food are there?

The issue of food in any hotel is one of the most important when choosing a place to stay in a particular country. Here, a lot depends on the desired type of vacation, as well as on the age of the person buying the ticket. For example, sometimes it is enough for students to choose a hotel that does not provide meals at all, but for older people it is usually preferable to choose one that offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And each hotel has its own food system, which may depend on the star rating or a number of other aspects.

When booking a trip, you will see that the websites never specifically state how many meals are offered at a particular hotel. They are usually designated by certain abbreviations. And if these designations are understandable to avid and experienced travelers, then to beginners they seem like a bit of grammaticality. In order to correctly choose the most suitable option for yourself, it is worth learning to understand these notations.

Basic designation options

So, let's take a closer look at the main options for designating food types. These include the abbreviations BB, NV, FB and AL.

  • BB– stands for Bed and Breakfast. This designation states that those who will be staying at the hotel will only be able to receive breakfast, which is usually presented in the form of a buffet, where everyone can choose the dish that best suits their taste. Typically, such meals include salads, pastries, various drinks such as juices and tea, some hot dishes such as fried eggs, etc. You will have to pay separately for all other meals. Or you can have lunch and dinner outside the hotel;

On a note! An option like BB is perfect for those who prefer not to stay in their rooms, but to attend excursions and actively spend their free time in every possible way. The most convenient and profitable option in this case is to have a snack somewhere along the way.

  • NV– full name of Half Board. In this case, the person staying at the hotel will not only have breakfast, but also dinner, but will not receive lunch. Breakfast is usually presented in the form of a buffet, similar to the BB option. Dinner can be in the same format, or it can be a salad bar, when a person chooses one or another set of hot dishes. Drinks can be included in such a dinner or purchased at an additional cost. Usually free drinks are only included in breakfast. Most often, the HB variant is found in hotels in Europe;

  • FB– Full Board. This option includes three meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. The first reception is in a buffet format, but at lunchtime and in the evening you will need to choose dishes according to the menu. Drinks are usually purchased separately;

  • AL– this is the designation “All Inclusive” or All Inclusive. This, in turn, may imply several options. For example, this could be three meals a day, as well as the opportunity to drink any drinks throughout the day. As a rule, this option can be found in hotels in Turkey or Egypt.

Other food option designations

In addition to the main types of nutrition, there are others that may differ radically from those described above or be one of their options. Let's consider other designations that a user may encounter when booking a hotel.

Table. Other food options.


The abbreviation stands for Ultra All Inclusive. This option means that hotel guests can eat and drink whatever they want at any time of the day. And there will be more choice of food and drinks than in the standard All Inclusive option. Residents will also be offered alcoholic drinks, which are usually not cheap. This option is often found in hotels in Egypt or Turkey.

This option is also common in some countries. It is all inclusive, but you can also take various drinks for free throughout the day. This is convenient, since in hot countries you are constantly thirsty. But the view is suitable for those who prefer to relax in a hotel.

Transcript – Continental Breakfast. This is also an option that only includes breakfast, like BB. But breakfast will be very light and simple. There is often a choice of scones and jams, butter, tea and coffee. Sometimes sausage and cheese are served.

This type involves a lack of nutrition in principle. Stands for “room only”. So if the voucher has exactly this designation in the “meals” column, then you shouldn’t even count on breakfast at the hotel. You will have to eat at your own expense. By the way, similar options are the designations RP, OB, EP, BO, AO, NO. There are no included meals here either, but in some cases the hotel offers to pay for it separately.

This is a slightly extended HB. With this option, both breakfast and evening meals are accompanied by drinks included in the price of the meal.

If this option is available, a person eats three full meals a day, and also has the right to drink alcoholic beverages for free - they are usually represented by local variations.

Types of breakfast

Most often, in order to save money, and for convenience too, tourists opt only for options with breakfast when choosing a hotel to stay. That is why it is worth considering the existing variations of morning meals in hotels.

One of the types of breakfast is just Continental breakfast, which was already mentioned above in the table. These include baked goods, butter, jams and drinks. Typically, this breakfast option can be found in European hotels.

There is also English breakfast, when the guest is offered scrambled eggs of various types, sausages or fried bacon, tomatoes or mushrooms. Also, in addition to all of the above, buttered toast, beans, jam or honey, butter, drinks such as coffee or juice may be offered.

American style breakfast may vary and often depends on the season of the year. Usually these are fruit salads, cheese and sausage, cereals, yogurts.

On holidays you can expect from some hotels gourmet breakfast with champagne. It is usually served a little later than the regular option, and along with the standard drinks, guests can get delicious desserts with sparkling wine.

Also in a number of hotels there is such an option as late breakfast when the first meal is close to lunch. An excellent option for those who like to sleep longer. Meals are served between 10:00 and 14:00.

More breakfast designation options

Also, since we are talking about all the possible designations of food options in hotels, it is worth considering in more detail other options for designating breakfast. For example, buffet or buffet characterized by the ability to choose dishes according to your taste and create a menu yourself from the proposed options. Of course, the variations are quite limited, but at the same time, one cannot complain about the lack of variety. This can be meat, fish, all kinds of side dishes, as well as desserts and fruits, depending on what the hotel management has approved. The dishes are in special trays or on dishes; you need to go up and put them on your plate yourself. This is the most common option and the most convenient for most guests. You can immediately assess the appearance and appetizing of the dish.

On a note! The buffet offers an unlimited amount of food consumed - you can approach the tables several times and take as much food as you like. But taking food outside the restaurant is prohibited.

A la carte or A-la carte– an option that involves purchasing certain options of dishes from the menu. There must be a waiter who will serve the table, serving the selected dishes. Depending on the hotel, food can be either paid or free, that is, included in the price of the tour. A-la carte translates as “a la carte”. The advantage of this option is that there is no crowding around food trays like at a buffet. Usually, to visit a restaurant you need to make an appointment with the administrators in advance.

Picnic or Pocket Lunch– an option that is convenient to take with you on excursions. You can usually ask the hotel to collect this breakfast in advance.

Children's nutrition

Many travelers prefer to vacation with the whole family and, of course, take their children with them on vacation. But the child’s body is quite unique, and what adults can eat is often prohibited for young children. And what to feed the baby is often quite a big question for parents vacationing at the resort.

Some hotels offer special children's menu. It may include cereals, diet dishes, fruits and vegetables. If the hotel does not offer a children's menu, then it is best to pay extra for it separately and feed the child food suitable for a growing body. This is especially important in relation to trips to exotic Asian countries or states located in Africa. Unusual food can cause indigestion, and then rest will be a real challenge for both parents and children.

On a note! You can check the availability of a children's menu at the selected hotel or hotel through a tour operator or travel agency.

The choice of food option depends entirely on the traveler himself. Here you will have to evaluate your preferences, budget, as well as age and a number of other features. It's best to think carefully before grabbing the first ticket you come across. The issue of nutrition for many people is one of the most important when planning a vacation.

If a person prefers to spend time in a hotel or on the beach near it, then there is no point in giving up lunch and dinner. It is best to take the all-inclusive type of food. Then you won’t have to worry about where and how to eat, as well as what to drink. Especially if the food option includes the ability to drink drinks at any time on the hotel premises completely free of charge. And for parents with children, this is far from the worst option. You won’t have to worry about what to feed your child, since the food can be obtained right at the hotel and, most likely, it will be of high quality.

But if a person plans to actively move around the country, constantly go on excursions and come to the hotel only to spend the night, then the best option for him will be a food option that includes only breakfast, or no food at all upon check-in.

Video - Types of nutrition: explanation

When choosing food options, you should consider your own wishes and needs. It is also important to clarify the slightest aspects of nutrition with the tour operator if you have any doubts. Sometimes shortcomings when planning a vacation can negatively affect the overall quality of your vacation. Even if it is just a mistake when choosing the type of food.

When booking a hotel stay, we often encounter different types of food. Unfortunately, their decoding is not always given, so today we decided to fill this gap and consider each of them in detail.

Most often there are 3 types of power supply: BB, HB and FB

  • BB – Bed & Breakfast– type of food when only breakfast is included in the price. Lunch and dinner in this case are provided only for an additional fee, or the hotel generally only serves breakfast; at other times you will have to eat outside the hotel.

Breakfast is different, each country has its own characteristics, which are also worth keeping in mind.

Continental breakfast- the most common in Europe, more precisely on its continental part. Sometimes there is a special abbreviation - CB (Continental breakfast). This very light breakfast. You will be served coffee/tea, pastries, jam, butter. Sometimes an extended continental breakfast is available, but don't be fooled too early. To the standard set they will add yogurt, muesli or cereal and, if you're lucky, ham and cheese.

Another thing, or it is sometimes called American breakfast (AB - American breakfast), it is very filling and high-calorie. A classic English breakfast includes sausages, fried bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, beans, scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs, and toast. All this is served with a glass of juice or coffee/tea. In the USA, small pancakes - pancakes - are often added to the standard set.

In Turkey, Egypt, Asia and European resort towns, breakfast is served as a buffet. The variety depends on the hotel, but in principle, from the products offered you can collect both breakfast options, sometimes even at the same time :)

HB – Half Board– another popular type of food, half board. The price includes breakfast and dinner.

FB – Full Board– full board or three meals a day. The price includes breakfast, lunch and dinner at times set by the hotel.

The disadvantage of this type of food is that it ties you to the hotel. If you want to spend the whole day in the city, on the beach or on excursions, then you will have to skip lunch, because... returning to the hotel is a waste of time.

If, on the contrary, you like to spend your holidays in a hotel by the pool, but the hotel does not operate on an All Inclusive system, then Full Board is an ideal option for you.

Please note that drinks are not included during lunch and dinner.

Very rarely, but still there are such options as HB+ and FB+, usually at resorts. The plus in this case indicates free drinks. The standard is free drinks throughout the day.

Please note that the day is not 24 hours a day; the hotel has certain limits from _ to _ hours.

In addition, there are hotels that decipher “plus” in their own way. Often this means that drinks are free only during breakfast, lunch and dinner; at other times you have to pay for them.

AL -All inclusive or “all inclusive”. The most favorite type of food among Russians. Found everywhere in Turkey and Egypt. Recently, this trend has reached Bulgaria and Greece, as well as other popular resort destinations.

All inclusive meals means that the price includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and drinks throughout the day. In addition, there are additional meals - late breakfast/brunch or afternoon tea or both.

Another type of “All inclusive” is ultra all inclusive Ultra All Inclusive. Let's be honest, this formulation is sometimes used only to attract clients; often AL and UAL are no different. In theory, “ultra all inclusive” includes, in addition to local ones, foreign drinks, a wider selection of dishes and desserts. Some hotels serve food and drinks almost 24 hours a day, and you can also dine in A-la carte restaurants, where the service is à la carte.

If meals are not included in the price, this is designated as RO (Room only), EP, BO, AO or NO.

Forms of service in hotel restaurants

Restaurants in hotels adhere to one of two forms of service - Buffet and a la carte service.

– you take a plate yourself and put on the dishes you like, in the quantity you want, if it is not limited by the hotel.

A la carte- This is a menu service, like in a regular restaurant. You choose dishes from the menu and the waiter serves you. Unlike regular restaurants, in many hotels the choice of dishes on the menu is limited, for example, 2 salad options, 2-3 hot dishes, etc.

In many hotels there is a mixed form of food, breakfast is a buffet, and lunch and dinner are a la carte.

16 Dec 2013 Anna Komok Tags:

If you do not want to regretfully discover that the cheap hotel you liked does not provide food and now this is a sudden headache and financial pain for you, then when going on vacation or a business trip, you should pay attention to such a criterion as the type of food in the hotel.

In hotel descriptions, the type of food is indicated by a letter abbreviation - for example, HB, FB or AI. What types of abbreviations are there and what do they mean? What is the difference between an all inclusive hotel and a BB hotel?

We have collected for you all the necessary information to answer these questions.

Accommodation without meals

N.A.(Not Available)

Not available

O.B.(Only Bed) or B.O.(Bed Only)

Only the bed, i.e. accommodation only

R.O.(Room Only)

Only room.

A.O.(accommodation only)

accommodation only

SF(self catering)

Self-service. Accommodation is not catered, but basic kitchen utensils such as a stove, kettle and microwave will be provided in your room. This option is suitable for those on a smaller budget as you can buy food from supermarkets and cook for yourself.

These abbreviations in the “Food” column mean that in the basic version you will not be offered food at the hotel - only accommodation. Sometimes food can be ordered additionally upon arrival, but it may not be available at all.

Hotels offering accommodation only attract tourists with their prices. However, before choosing this option, calculate how much it will cost you to eat in cafes and restaurants for the entire duration of your stay. It often turns out that it is more profitable to immediately choose a hotel with meals. At well-known resorts, this food option is very rare. It is more typical for small city hotels and apartments.

Accommodation with meals

BB(Bed and Breakfast)

Bed and breakfast. This type means that the price includes breakfast. This food option is most often offered by hotels in Europe, where excursion tourism is very developed. Such tours involve early departure from the hotel, numerous excursions throughout the day and late return to the hotel. In this case, it is more convenient to have lunch and dinner on the route. In countries such as the USA, Mexico, Singapore and Australia, breakfast is usually ordered upon request and paid for on the spot.

BBL (BB+Lunch)

Breakfast lunch.

CB, CBF(Continental Breakfast) - Continental breakfast

This is the easiest breakfast option. Usually they serve tea or coffee, juice, buns, jam, butter, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, and you may also be offered fruit or yoghurt. Most often, this type of breakfast is offered in France, but the type of food itself is inherent in many European 2*-5* hotels.

E.B.(English Breakfast) - English breakfast.

Consists of coffee or tea, juice, toast, butter, jam and, of course, scrambled eggs and porridge.

AB, ABF, CA(American Breakfast) - american breakfast.

Similar to a continental breakfast, but in addition to the CB components, it includes various cold cuts and cheeses and hot dishes (omelet, scrambled eggs, sausages). Meals are à la carte, with a limited number of menu items available to choose from. This type of diet is often found in America and Western European countries.

BBF(Buffet Breakfast) - Buffet.

With this option, you can take as much food as you like, but you are not allowed to take food out of the restaurant. Of course, this type of breakfast is the most satisfying and loved by tourists.

HB(Half Board) - half board.

Like the BBL option, this system provides two meals a day, but usually it is breakfast and dinner (buffet). It is extremely rare that hotels offer to replace dinner with lunch; without problems, this service is provided only in hotels in the UAE. With this type of food, tea, coffee and water are provided free of charge only for breakfast. All drinks at dinner are at an additional cost, unfinished bottles of alcohol will be served at the next dinner. There is no need to pay for the drinks you drink each time; all you have to do is tell the waiter your room number, and you will be given a total bill upon check-out from the hotel.

This food option is very common in 3* and 4* hotels. This system is also suitable for tourists who are planning short excursion trips, or for those who only need a snack at a cafe on the beach as lunch.

HB+ (half board +, extended half board)extended half board

Breakfast and dinner (buffet), as well as local alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks all day.

FB (Full Board)- full board.

This is three standard meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet). This option is indispensable for those for whom it is important to eat regularly without getting carried away with alcohol: all alcoholic and non-alcoholic (except for a jug of water) drinks at lunch and dinner are offered for an additional fee.

FB+(Full Board Plus) ExtFB(Extended Full Board) - extended full board.

It differs from regular FB in that alcoholic drinks are offered free of charge during meals (beer and wine in some hotels).

Brunch dinner +

The type of food common in ski resorts, breakfast flows into an early lunch (without a break in between) and dinner, as well as locally produced alcoholic (wine and beer) and non-alcoholic drinks.

Best prices for tours to Antalya

Mini All Inclusive

Full board with local drinks not only during meals, but in limited quantities;

ALL, All or Al(All Inclusive) - all inclusive.

A service system in hotels, according to which three meals a day, drinks and certain types of services are provided free of charge. A variation of the system is max inclusive, when the list of additional services can be significantly expanded (free use of a hairdresser, gym, etc.).

In Spanish-speaking countries, the local name All Inclusive may appear - t.i. or Todo Incluido.

All inclusive De Luxe

Each room has a bathrobe and slippers. Fresh fruit is served on the day of arrival. Service - full board, including alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks of local and imported production, ice cream, drinks in the minibar, room service, visits to specialized a la carte restaurants.

All inclusive Fine Service

Each room is provided with a bathrobe and slippers, and fresh fruit and chocolate are provided in the room daily. Full board, local and imported alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, a la carte specialty restaurants, ice cream, drinks in the minibar, room service, yacht tour.

All inclusive High Class

Full board, local and imported alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, a la carte specialty restaurants, ice cream, drinks in the minibar, room service, massage, laundry, bowling, tennis courses. Everything is free except shops, telephone, doctor, hairdresser, some sports and scuba diving.

All inclusive PLUS

Full board, local alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, a la carte specialty restaurants, ice cream, water in the minibar.

All inclusive Royal Class

Full board, local and imported alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, specialized a-la-carte restaurants, ice cream, in the minibar: wine, beer, soft drinks, room service, Internet cafe, bowling, tennis training courses.

All inclusive Superior

Each room has a bathrobe and slippers; fresh fruit and chocolate are delivered to your room daily. Full board, local and imported alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, specialized a-la-carte restaurants, ice cream, drinks in the minibar, tennis courses, mini-golf.

UAL, UAI (Ultra All Inclusive or Ultra AI) - ultra all inclusive.

Breakfast, late breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner - buffet. A decent selection of desserts, all kinds of snacks, local and imported drinks. Most hotels operating under the Ultra All Inclusive system also offer guests additional free meals in restaurants serving cuisine from around the world. Each room includes a bathrobe and slippers, and fresh fruit is served on the day of arrival. Specialized a la carte restaurants, ice cream, drinks in the minibar, massage, internet cafe, tennis courses.

Ultra All Inclusive Variations

Elegance all inc, VIP all inc, Super all inc, De luxe all inc, VC all inc, Superior all inc, MEGA all inc, Superior all inc VIP Service, Royal Class all inc (RALL), Ultra de luxe all inc, UTA (Ultimate All Inclusive or Ultimate AI), Extended all inc, Exellent all inc, Max all inc, Imperial all inc

Power supply forms


Menu service for waiters. As a rule, such restaurants are themed: fish, barbecue, Chinese, Italian, Mexican, etc. Drinks are offered at a higher class than in a regular restaurant and bars. The number of free visits to such restaurants must be checked with the hotel administrator.


Meals according to the banquet system with an unlimited number of approaches


A smaller version of the buffet

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