How to learn to see the future: the first steps to clarity. How to see the future in a dream: learning to see prophetic dreams

Colin Wilson, in his book on the occult, talks about a man living in India who walked along a muddy path to the river every day to swim. One day, returning home, he noticed that in one place his footprints were moving to the side: for some reason, at a certain moment, he began to walk along the other side of the road. He couldn't understand why. Why exactly at this moment did he switch sides? He stopped and began to examine the tracks. Suddenly he noticed huge tiger tracks in the bushes. They were exactly in the place where he would have passed if he had not crossed to the other side. Most likely, subconsciously he sensed danger and walked around the tiger, saving his life. Coincidence or predictive power? You too can develop your psychic abilities and apply them in life.


Development of psychic abilities

    Understand the difference between premonition, foresight and prophecy. When it comes to predicting the future, a large number of different terms immediately pop up and it’s easy to get confused. Find out what this or that word means, and this will make your task easier and make the whole process of prediction more interesting.

    • Foresight means knowledge of future events thanks to certain means of perceiving the world (for example, dreams). Most precognitions come in dreams, and events happen within 24-48 hours of waking up.
    • Premonition- this is a feeling that something is going to happen, but there is no clear understanding of what exactly. A person feels that doing one way or another will be right. Premonitions can be just as important as precognitions, and they are much more reliable.
    • Term prophecy used by the ancient Greeks to describe the sense of time, with the belief that the future was predetermined and could not change. Prophecy is the knowledge of future events that are certain to happen and there can be no doubt about it. The prophecy means that there are no other options for the development of the future.
  1. Start practicing deep meditation. Research has proven that a person uses only a tiny part of the brain's capabilities. But are dormant abilities really impossible to use? It is not always so. You can train your subconscious mind by doing rough meditation, which allows the subconscious mind to take over the conscious mind. This is how you can begin to predict the future.

    • Sit back in a room with soft natural light. Sit up straight, but in a comfortable way (preferably on the floor), relax and concentrate on your breathing. Feel the air entering your lungs. Exhale. Imagine how oxygen saturates your body, and then the air returns outside again. Think only about breathing, nothing else.
    • Gradually begin to relax your body while continuing to breathe. With each inhalation, concentrate on relaxing, say, one arm. Feel the breath moving through your hand and relax it. Then move to the second arm, to the chest and to the rest of the body. Calm your mind. Concentrate on relaxation.
  2. Gradually enter a trance and immerse yourself in it as deeply as possible. There are no special secrets in meditation. Zazen (meditation practiced by Zen monks) roughly translates to “just sitting.” The purpose of meditation is inaction, which allows the subconscious to come out and gives a person psychic abilities. Having learned to do this, you will be able to see many more signs and omens, using which it will be much easier to predict the future.

    • As the trance deepens, you will begin to lose track of time. Your conscious mind will calm down and your subconscious mind will become more receptive. Some people at this moment imagine themselves climbing or descending a ladder or entering a cave, which symbolizes the descent into the unconscious and entering a trance.
  3. Start using the ability to meditate in your everyday life. Once you have learned to go into trance and engage in deep meditation, stop trying to make things happen - instead, let them happen. Pay attention to the images that arise during meditation, and then look for them in real life. Memorize the faces and people you see in trance and observe them after you wake up. It is quite possible that you were visited by foresight.

    • Use all your senses. This may seem silly, but try to imagine that your body is one big eye that is constantly collecting information. Air temperature, smells and even feelings can be signs pointing to the future. If you feel uneasy when you see an owl, and this has never happened before, consider this sign to be important. If you feel cold every time you hear the same song, take it as an omen.
  4. Pay attention to symbols and signs. We are surrounded by many signs, but it is up to the individual whether to notice them or not. If you are lucky enough to have psychic and observational abilities, you will still need to put in a lot of effort to learn how to predict the future, but you will be better at it if you train yourself. To unlock your full potential, you should stop thinking that everything that happens is random, and start viewing all events as parts of one big plan.

    • Always pay attention to the moments when goosebumps run across your skin. If something happened that caused such feelings, put everything aside and think about it. What do you see? What scared you? What seems important?
    • Don't dismiss déjà vu. Have you ever had the feeling that something has already happened in the past, that everything seems strange and already known? Start looking closely at what bothers you about this situation. What do you feel? Where are you? What sensations did you awaken?
    • Pay special attention to coincidences. For example, you wake up in the morning and see a swarm of midges near your window, and then you go to a cafe, and the barista has a T-shirt with a picture of similar midges. Pure coincidence? Many people believe that there is no such thing as a coincidence, and that all that matters is that something happened. Consider coincidences as symbols, signs, omens, and not just coincidences.
  5. Analyze the symbols. Let's say that during meditation you saw a bunch of crabs drinking gasoline on the beach at night, and now you can't get rid of this image. Strange. What does this mean? This image can have different meanings for different people, so you need to learn to read the symbols and transfer them to your own life so that they take on some meaning.

    • Think of it like analyzing a dream or a poem. The images may have evoked certain impressions, so start simple. Was the image positive or negative? Weak or strong? Did the action take place during the day or at night?
    • Analyze individual symbols that you regularly encounter in real life and during meditation. For example, crabs are an important image in predicting the future. They are found in some tarot card decks, as well as in the zodiac. This is a very important symbol.
    • If you speak English, read the Bible of Dreams. In it you will find a description of many images that appear in dreams. With this information you can begin to study dreams.
  6. Check out the mythology. If you know nothing at all about metaphysics, it will be difficult for you to predict the future. For those who want to develop psychic abilities and learn to foresee future events, it is best to read and find out what the collective unconscious is, as well as become familiar with the important myths and symbols of your culture.

    • Our understanding of consciousness and the connection between the conscious and subconscious has been greatly influenced by the work of Carl Jung. In Joseph Campbell's book The Hero and the Thousand Faces, one can trace similarities in the myths of different cultures, which suggests that symbols, signs and substitutions are somehow “built into” people.

    Dream analysis

    1. Start keeping a dream journal. If you don't remember the dream, you won't be able to analyze it thoroughly. To make things easier for yourself, always keep a notepad and pen on your bedside table. As soon as you wake up, write down everything you saw in your dream. Try to record as many details as possible. Do this every morning after waking up, even if you are tired.

      • What did you saw? Who was there? What smells, tastes, textures surrounded you? How did you feel emotionally? Was it a nightmare? Erotic dream? Just a pleasant dream?
      • First, write down the dialogue. This is often the first thing to be forgotten, so it would be a shame to forget something that could be important.
    2. Wake yourself up from time to time at night. If you don't remember your dreams, wake yourself up while you are still dreaming. Sleep interruptions are a great way to recognize symbols and remember all events.

      • Set your phone alarm to go off every three hours. This will allow you to get two full cycles of REM sleep of 90 minutes each. It will take you a minute or two to write down everything you saw in your dream, which means you'll get as much sleep as usual, but you'll also be able to record your dreams.
    3. Find symbols in dreams and determine their meaning. Treat dreams the same way you treat images you see during meditation: identify the symbols, bring them into your life, and figure out what meaning they want to convey to you.

      • Write down as many details as possible about each dream. Return to the image of crabs drinking gasoline on the beach. Crabs and gasoline look like important symbols, but it's also worth considering what sand, drinking, and other tactile and emotional elements of the imagery might mean. How did you feel when you saw this picture?
      • People are also symbols. If you dream that you are kissing your best friend, it does not mean that you are in love with your friend and you should start kissing. We dream about certain people because our subconscious attaches symbolic meaning to these people. Dreaming about kissing a friend may mean that you like a certain trait in that person's character that you would like to see in yourself.
    4. Relate the symbols you see in your dreams to real life and the future. There are common dream themes: for example, your teeth fall out, you fly, or you find yourself naked in the middle of a crowd of people. Such dreams have generally accepted interpretations: you are emotionally exhausted, you strive for control or learn to cope with it, you are defenseless. However, you can make more complex connections to coincidences or events in your life. Use information obtained from dreams and psychic abilities to predict possible future developments.

      • If you're waiting for news after a job interview and you dream that you're flying high and out of control, you might interpret the sign as anxiety about success or the freedom a new job will give you. And this may mean that you get this position.
      • Approach dream analysis soberly. If you dreamed that your friend died and was put in a coffin, this does not mean that your friend will actually die. Most likely, some chapter of this person's life is coming to an end, or your relationship will change in some way in the future. Relate the dream to what is happening in your life.
    5. Practice lucid dreaming and ask about the future. Some people who are good at this use lucid dreaming to directly ask questions about the future. If you can develop the ability to remain conscious and dream, try imagining a notebook or an oracle and asking them something about the future, such as: “Who will win the World Cup?” or "What are my chances of getting this job?" See what happens.

    Communicating with the Oracle

      Select a remedy. An oracle is a method, object or system that allows you to see the future. In order to establish a connection with the oracle, there is no need to climb a mystical mountain and summon three goddesses with laurel wreaths and crystal clear consciousness. Think of the oracle as a means of viewing the future. Oracles (from Latin - “to speak”) just make the task easier.

      • If you like unusual images and totemic symbols, choose Tarot cards. To get started with Tarot, learn to read from an experienced person who has been working with these cards for a long time. You can then begin to study the various cards and the role and history of the Tarot in the culture of fortune telling.
      • If you prefer to meditate on stories and coincidences, pick up the Book of Changes and peer into its mysterious world.
      • If you enjoy deep meditation and love meaningful symbols, try learning to read your hand, crystal divination, or any other form of divination that will allow you to become an oracle yourself.
    1. Don't ask one-word questions. If you want the oracle to help you find out something about the future, ask questions that require detailed answers. This will help you interpret the characters received in response. It is important to ask a question that does not require a monosyllabic answer and is not too simple.

      • You can start with the following questions: “What should I pay attention to?”, “How should I feel about...?” or "What should I think about...?" Do not force the question into a narrow framework, let the oracle give you an exact answer that you will need to interpret correctly.
      • The question "Will I get this job?" it will be incorrect if you decide to roll the dice or read the book of changes, since there cannot be a “yes” or “no” answer. Instead, ask what you need to do to get the job.
    2. Refer to Tarot cards. The Tarot deck consists of 78 cards, which has the major and minor arcana, and resembles a regular deck of playing cards. There are four suits: wands, swords, cups and denarii. In addition, each card has an image that can be read in different ways. This is one of the most famous and multifunctional ways of predicting the future using symbols.

      • Most tarot card layouts tell entire stories that are built around the question asked. If you want to learn more about these cards, read about them online, buy a textbook, and start getting familiar with the deck.
    3. Ask questions to the book of changes. To work with the book, you can use coins, pieces of marble, stems, sticks, or any other computational methods that will lead to the drawing of a six-sided figure consisting of two symbols. The figure will correspond to a specific entry in the book. Simply put, you need to roll the dice, ask a question and read a mysterious passage of text. If you like poetry, stories and meditation, you will love this method of predicting the future.

      As with shadow divination, observing figures in a mirrored surface allows one to see the symbols and interpret them.

    4. There are several good astrology sites that describe each sign in detail, but almost all of them ignore the Chinese zodiac.
    5. You can draw conclusions about a person's future behavior based on his past actions. If your friend rarely stays in a relationship for more than a month or two, you can assume that the new guy is unlikely to stay with her for long.
    6. Almost all people express their thoughts in one way or another. If you pay attention to small clues, you will be able to figure out what will happen next. If your neighbor in a cafe keeps looking at his watch, you can assume that he is waiting for someone.
    7. Warnings

    • Predicting the future requires experience and involves a lot of mistakes and starting over. You will not always be able to make accurate predictions.

Is it possible to learn to predict the future? Yes, definitely! Learn an amazing technique for traveling to the future!

Traveling to the future attracts many. People always look forward, go beyond the limit, know how events will develop. And this desire is characteristic of people throughout human history.

The latest scientific research, together with ancient esoteric¹ knowledge, suggests that there is only the moment “here and now”, that the future and past are also now!

And there is an opportunity to foresee the future consciously!

With the help of what is described in this article, you will be able to predict upcoming events and know what will happen next.

You can receive information both about your personal life and about the entire planet. And this opens up completely different opportunities for your growth and well-being!

The main requirement: a special state of consciousness!

In order to foresee the future, you need to go beyond time! This can be done by entering a special state of consciousness.

Unconsciously, people are in it every day: this manifests itself most clearly while falling asleep and immediately after waking up, when the mind is in a trance (meditation²). A person’s task is to learn to evoke this state in himself, called the state of the gap, consciously.

On our website you can find various techniques on how to learn to enter other states of consciousness; one of the methods is indicated in the notes to this article.

The state of the gap can also be called a deep trance; it is developed through regular training.

Techniques for predicting the future!

1. The practitioner sits down, takes a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

The room where the training will take place should be quiet and calm. No one should distract from the lesson.

2. A person begins to relax the muscles of the body, paying attention to each muscle group from head to toe.

3. Gradually the mind will relax along with the body, the practitioner will fall into a light meditative state. His task is to go even deeper.

4. He begins to concentrate³ on his breathing: without interfering with the process, he simply observes how inhalation and exhalation occur, feeling every movement.

5. Gradually the practitioner will fall asleep. He needs to remain aware, not fall asleep (to do this he needs to concentrate on breathing), this will gradually bring him into a state of in-between.

6. A person mentally turns to the left and enters a thick fog that hides the future.

6. Upon entering the cloud of fog, the practitioner will see that it consists of many events and timelines. Here you need to mentally state your question. It is pronounced clearly and firmly: “I want to know that...”

7. After some time, the fog of time will begin to transform and part, until at a certain moment the practitioner will be able to see the upcoming event and information about it.

8. When a person finds out everything that is necessary, he thanks time for its help and asks to return him to his usual state of wakefulness.

9. A cloud of fog will begin to thicken around the practitioner. Here you need to turn right and go forward, returning to the present.

10. A person creates the intention to return to himself, takes a few deep breaths; After counting to five, begin to feel your body again.

Secrets of the Gap State!

The state of in-between is a very deep level.

Here you can travel through time and enter a state of deep meditation. Prayers said in this state will definitely be heard by the Creator. True masters are at this level and can foresee the future!

In order to master the described technique, you need to be patient and practice regularly every day for several months. Success depends on many factors, such as the ability to concentrate and enter into meditation, relax and manage emotions.

The most important thing: to catch the state of the gap! This will be a qualitative breakthrough in your self-development, giving amazingly fast results!

This practice will connect you with Cosmic Consciousness. This will give additional protection to you and your loved ones. It is recommended to turn to the Cosmic Consciousness every morning, thank it and ask it to guide your life along the most prosperous path.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Esotericism is a body of knowledge, information inaccessible to the uninitiated, people ignorant of mystical teachings, special ways of perceiving reality that have secret content and expression in “psychospiritual practices” (Wikipedia).

² Meditation is a type of mental exercise used as part of spiritual, religious or health practices, or a special mental state that arises as a result of these exercises (or for other reasons) (

First, we will look at how you can predict fate? After all, a predictor, in fact, can be considered anyone who in any way predicts future events. This also includes scientific forecasting. This method of prediction has nothing to do with the supernatural capabilities of man, but only with the unique abilities of the human mind to see patterns and the smallest hints in current events or those that happened a long time ago. Moreover, many are sure that all the predictions (especially of the ancient soothsayers) were based precisely on this.

Another way of prediction is falling into ecstasy. This method is still used in some tribes by shamans. With the help of various techniques and rituals, they could fall into a trance, where they communicated with the spirits of their ancestors, who told them the future. Of course, the shamans knew a lot, were good healers and spiritual leaders of the tribe. They learned this art from childhood.

For some predictors, the gift manifested itself in a dream. It was there that they could see a piece of a future event or someone's future fate. And, of course, you can predict using objects - cards, crystal balls, candle flames, mirrors, etc. It should be noted that for cards, for example, there are already compiled interpreters, so with them it is easier to get an answer to the question. But with magic balls or candle flames it will be more difficult. It really takes ability.

Some can make predictions using the inner eye, seeing pictures of the future in front of them. Very often, such a gift is developed in blind people (for example, the Bulgarian seer Vanga). This gift can also be trained by developing a certain chakra, which is responsible for foresight.

How to learn prediction using various objects

As mentioned above, you can predict fate and events in completely different ways. For example, using Tarot cards, looking into a crystal ball, or seeing fate in coffee grounds. However, even the use of objects presupposes the presence of personal power. Next we will talk in more detail about working with multiple items.

So, how to learn fortune telling using Tarot cards or runes? In many ways, these two methods are similar, because you need to decipher the dropped characters correctly. Of course, for this you need the cards or runes themselves and an interpreter for them. At first, while you are studying, you will need it to clarify the dropped signs. To improve your understanding of the signs, you should spend sessions every day, deciphering the dropped symbols and checking how accurate your predictions are. After some time, you will have an intuition in working with runes or cards. Predictions will become more accurate.

Predicting the future using crystal is much more difficult. First, you must purchase a good real rock crystal ball. But if you haven’t found one, then a simple transparent glass ball without foreign inclusions will do. To conduct the session, the ball must be placed on a table covered with a dark tablecloth. It is advisable to close the curtains and light candles. Sit down at the table and relax. Look at the glass ball, detaching yourself a little, without forcefully trying to see something.

Each such session should last no more than half an hour, three times a week. After some time, you will be able to see haze or fog in the ball. This is a sign that everything is working out for you. After a while you will be able to see clear pictures in it. Remember that prediction with this subject takes a lot of power, so if you feel any discomfort, stop immediately.

Another way to receive a prediction is a prophetic dream. Some people can actually see future events in their dreams. The most important thing here is to remember in the morning what you dreamed about. To do this, place a pen and a piece of paper near the bed. Every time you wake up, be sure to write down everything you saw. Then you can begin to interpret. For example, by turning to dream books, of which there are now many, or by trusting your intuition and trying to decipher it yourself.

Of course, these are not all the ways to obtain predictions. There are many more of them. But all of them require not only abilities, as well as their development, but also great knowledge. Almost every method involves the appearance of a symbol that needs to be interpreted. And to do this you need to know what they mean.

Third eye training

One way to look into the future is through the inner eye. It should be noted that with a developed “third eye” you can be not only a good seer, but also a psychic, bioenergeticist, and also a healer. The development of the Ajna chakra involves the emergence of various abilities in a person.

How can she be trained? The simplest exercise is considered to be working with the eyes. This technique is described in detail in one of the articles on our website. In addition, you can include yoga, meditation, and various visualizations of pictures in your training. Concentration is also important in this matter.

A very useful initial exercise for relaxation and concentration with a candle. In the evening, light a candle and sit next to it at a distance of 10-30 centimeters. Stare at the flame for five to ten minutes. Try not to blink. After the specified time, you need to close your eyes and blow out the candle. Various colors, perhaps pictures, will appear before your mind's eye. Be focused while doing this, but don't get tense.

Prediction training with the help of specialists

Like any knowledge or ability, the gift of prediction can be learned from specialists. And this will be the most correct option, especially for beginners. To gain decent knowledge, you should find a good school or courses where an experienced teacher can pass on his knowledge to you, warn you against mistakes and guide you along the right path.

It should be noted here that, even after completing training at school, you should not stop there. Training should be continued and abilities should be developed, because they can easily be lost, especially for those whose personal strength is already low.

Some nuances in receiving the gift of prediction

In addition to training, developing intuition and other techniques that you can use to develop your gift, you need to adhere to a certain lifestyle. For example, everyone has probably heard about visionary elders in Christianity or monks from other faiths who had the gift of seeing the future. They received it thanks to fervent prayer, constant fasting and modest monastic life. Often this happened as a result of an illness that was miraculously cured.

It should be noted that many people who prayed to God to give them the gift of prediction actually received it. Sometimes it was inherited if a person lived in the world and had children. This is how generic soothsayers appeared, and the strength of each gift was not the same.

The gift of divination can be obtained as a result of an accident or clinical death. There is a lot of evidence of people gaining unusual abilities this way. However, this should not be done intentionally. The gift of seeing the future can also be acquired after wanderings and long pilgrimages, but this method will not work if a person does not work spiritually.


So, now you know what you need to do to learn how to predict various events. At the very end, it should be mentioned that any person, even those who do not suspect the gift of prediction, can get an answer to their question. You just need to formulate it precisely, and then, if the person is a believer, then pray; if not, then just know that there will be an answer. And indeed it is. You will receive an answer, the main thing is to be careful. The words of your grandmother on the bench or a phrase you accidentally read may be exactly what you are waiting for.

You can read more about various interesting human abilities, as well as energy-informational influences and ways to resist them

How can you see the future if you do not have any supernatural powers? But sometimes we so want to know all the most key moments of life in order to be prepared for something and not make mistakes. We would like to introduce you to a very unusual technique that helps lift the curtain of secrecy.

The future is just around the corner

If you don’t know how to see the future at home, then a simple technique will help you. Only a small number of people know how to do this technique from birth. But any ability can always be developed to a high level.

The essence is quite simple: a person closes his eyes and some symbol appears on the inside of the eyelid that describes his near future. Then all that remains is to decipher the secret message.

When a person closes his eyes, he sees a dark screen, also called the inner screen, as well as red and blue spots. This happens due to the fact that we see our eyelid from the inside, how the blood moves in the capillaries.

Technique technique

Let's learn how to see the future using this technique. If you change the movement of blood in the capillaries, this will lead to the formation of a picture on the inside of the eyelid.

How you can see the future:

  1. First you need to increase blood circulation in the body. You need to do any physical activity: exercise, running, fast walking, jumping rope, push-ups, etc.
  2. Pay attention to your pulse. It should increase, as should your sweating. You should experience slight physical fatigue.
  3. After strength training, you can sit or lie down.
  4. Close your eyes and ask any question. Let’s say: “What awaits me tomorrow/in the next week/month?”
  5. Gently run your hand over your closed eyes from top to bottom, slightly pressing on the eyelid from the outside.
  6. Symbols, phrases or images will appear on the dark internal screen for a split second.
  7. This great way to see your future is your prediction! Have time to notice it, as it disappears almost immediately. You can sketch or write down the information in your notebook.

Our subconscious speaks to us through these symbols, and with its help we can see our future. I don’t want to now list all the symbols that usually appear, so that they don’t get deposited in your subcortex, otherwise you will see exactly them. Each person has their own individual picture.

Each time you will do better and better. The pictures will become more colorful and voluminous. And you will learn to interact with your subconscious and hear it better.

It all depends on the degree of your enlightenment. Some people see a red or white-blue symbol, while others can see whole pictures of their future, as if they were watching a movie in 3D. Practice is key here.

The technique is absolutely safe for your health and vision. But do everything in moderation!

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One of the most cherished desires of a person sounds something like this: “How can I learn to see the future?” After all, you must agree, interesting to know what awaits you tomorrow, in a week, in a year. What is the future really?

The ancients believed that a person's future was predetermined even before his birth.

In every religion there is the concept of the inevitable (fate, fate or karma). It is this force that leaves a certain imprint on a person and determines his future fate.

But there is another theory: the future is our choice and the consequences it brings.. We make most of the decisions ourselves, and accordingly, we ourselves are responsible. In this case, it is likely that our own intuition or ability to trust oneself. Is it possible to develop this skill at home?

Many psychics and bioenergetics believe that it is possible. Physicists also joined their opinion, proving that time as such does not exist. That is future, past and present happen simultaneously and we are able to influence these substances absolutely calmly.

The theory of simultaneity allows us to believe that everything that happens to us happens here and now. When we meet other people, we become their present, we live with them in the same dimension. At the same time, when we part with these people, they do not go into the past, but continue to live in the present, but in their own. This line is very thin and can be crossed without any effort.

In the same way we can learn to recognize the future, just analyze your present. The main assistants in this are dreams, which, in essence, reflect the work of our subconscious.

Some of us are worried sudden flashes of insight, so-called insights that take us to certain moments in our future. Not everyone can “read” these moments, nor can they control their occurrence. However, psychics provide a number of auxiliary techniques that allow even an ordinary person to know their future. We invite you to watch the video below, and also go to the practical advice of clairvoyants.

Advice from psychics: how to develop the ability to see the future?

  1. Dream. Some people, even those who do not have supernatural powers, manage to see the future in a dream. And you, perhaps, can remember several dreams, fragments of which came true after some time. How can we make this skill stop being spontaneous? Everything is very simple - try to “program” yourself for a prophetic dream in the evening. This means that you need to instruct yourself to see the events of tomorrow in a dream, for example. Of course, you won't succeed the first time. This skill will require regular training. Don’t forget that our thoughts are material; before going to bed, always set yourself up for the positive.
  2. Card reading. One of the oldest ways to look into the future is card fortune telling. Tarot cards or ordinary playing cards, which have special human energy, can answer a question of interest or tell you what awaits you in the future. We described several simple but effective fortune telling on cards in one of the previous articles.
  3. Meditation. The practice of meditation has its roots in ancient Eastern culture. She teaches us how to “scan” ourselves – our thoughts, actions, desires. At the same time, the person completely relaxes, gradually going deeper into his consciousness. There are several meditation practices revealing human spiritual potential, transforming his consciousness and thus developing supernatural abilities. Meditations should be performed regularly, and it is recommended to go to nature or other secluded places where you can calmly be alone with yourself.
  4. Fire and candles. For this type of prediction, ordinary wax candles are suitable. The main thing is that the atmosphere is most suitable: evening (preferably during the New Year holidays), or midnight, absolute silence. Take 2 candles and a glass of clean cold water. Light one candle, cut a small part from the second, put it in a spoon and melt it over the lit candle. Pour the melted wax into a glass of water. The resulting figure will tell about the future and its events. For example, a wreath and crown promise success, a cross or a snake - illness and failure. The flower means success in love relationships, the stars mean career advancement.

Video lessons: how to learn to recognize the future?