How to draw a beautiful fluffy Christmas tree. Drawing a New Year tree in the middle group step by step with photos

Each of us has tried to draw trees at least once. Here we will teach you this simple art and show you how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step. A step-by-step lesson will clarify difficult points, and in the end, even for a child, drawing a spruce or Christmas tree will be quite simple. For drawing we will need the simplest materials - pencils and paper, it would also be nice to get hold of an eraser, but if you don’t have one, it doesn’t matter. It will also be very cool if you have paints, felt-tip pens or colored pencils - then the drawing will turn out colorful and attractive. Let's get started!

So, to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step, we need a sheet of paper. Let's draw a base on it that determines the height of our spruce, and also mark the line of the ground - you should get something like this.

On top of the base we begin to draw the shape of the tree branches. The top of the spruce will be thin, and then everything will expand. Try to keep the lines neat.

Draw the middle part of the tree.

The lower part also needs to be drawn carefully.

Now we need to draw a spruce trunk with a pencil. As you can see, even a beginner can handle drawing a Christmas tree. You also need to draw some grass under the tree to make everything look nice. The silhouette of the spruce turned out to be quite recognizable, and even if you drew such a tree for the first time, I’m sure it turned out just fine.

To make the painted spruce look neat, use an eraser to remove all excess. The end result will be a sketch that would be great to color.

I chose green shades, but you can draw a blue spruce or a snowy one, it all depends on your imagination. I also recommend watching the lesson How to draw a Christmas tree, you will definitely like it!

Drawing is an excellent development for children. In addition, the child has the opportunity to express his emotions on paper. Creative activities help instill aesthetic taste from an early age and foster perseverance.

Children try to draw what is familiar and interesting to them. Many people like to depict animals, cartoon characters, flowers, and nature. Children of all ages will be interested in learning how to draw a Christmas tree with paints or pencils step by step. After all, this tree is well known to every child.

How to draw a Christmas tree beautifully?

There are many different ways to portray a forest beauty. You need to figure out how to correctly draw a Christmas tree with a pencil, felt-tip pens or other methods.

Option 1

You can offer your child a simple way to depict a spruce tree in a few steps.

  1. First you should mark the trunk of the tree. To do this, you need to draw a straight vertical line in the middle of the sheet. Older children can do this on their own. Parents should help the younger ones. Draw small stripes at the top and bottom of the line.
  2. The next step is to draw the branches that extend from the trunk to the sides.
  3. Next, from the main branches you need to draw smaller ones. Let the child determine their number and length himself.
  4. At the final stage, the child can independently use a green pencil to draw small needles that should cover each branch.
  5. You can add multi-colored balls to this spruce, then you will get a New Year's picture. If the question arises, how to draw a winter tree in the snow, then you can simply add white or bluish traces to its branches.
  6. In order to depict a spruce forest in the warm season, you can draw several trees in this way, and add grass, flowers, and the sun.

Option 2

Another method is also within the power of a preschooler, moreover, this method requires a certain perseverance and painstakingness.

  1. You need to start working with the image of a vertical line. This must be done to indicate the axis of symmetry. From this straight line you need to outline the location of the tiers of branches going down at an angle.
  2. Next, you need to start carefully drawing each tier, depicting branches and needles.
  3. Having processed the entire picture, you should erase the extra lines.
  4. Next, you should decorate the drawing with paints. Around it is best to apply the background at your discretion. If your child asks how to draw a Christmas tree in the snow, then you can simply apply strokes of white paint to the picture with a brush. Or you can depict mushrooms, flowers and everything that reminds you of summer time next to the forest beauty.

If a child likes to work with paints, then you can tell him how to draw this Christmas tree with gouache step by step. In this case, the outline is drawn with green paint using a thin brush.

Option 3

Every child looks forward to the New Year holidays. Therefore, kids will be happy to hear how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil and decorate it with watercolors or other paint.

  1. First you should draw a triangle. At the bottom of the base there is a small square, and below it a rectangle. This is a tree trunk and a stand. To the sides of the triangle, lines are drawn down at an angle. These are the tiers of the Christmas tree.
  2. Next, you need to carefully draw the branches, connecting the tiers to the triangle. It can be carefully removed with an eraser.
  3. Now you can draw a star on the top, sketch out the outline of the garland and the main decorations.
  4. At this stage you need to pay attention to small details. Children love to decorate the New Year tree, so they will be happy to draw a variety of decorations.
  5. You can color the picture with watercolors.

Such drawings can be hung on the wall, or you can give them to your grandmother.

Spruce is an unusually beautiful tree, which is usually depicted on both Christmas and New Year cards. Not everyone imagines how to draw a spruce, although there is absolutely nothing difficult about it. In fact, this tree is easier to draw than, for example, a spreading oak or a bright maple. Spruce is especially interesting and useful to draw from nature, for example, in a park or forest. But, if this is not possible, then you can look at this tree in a photograph or in a high-quality drawing, and only then start working.
To draw a spruce step by step, of course, you will need a variety of stationery:
1). A piece of paper;
2). Pencil;
3). Liner. It can easily be replaced by the most ordinary ballpoint or black gel pen;
4). Set of multi-colored pencils;
5). An eraser.

If the items on this list are already at hand, then you can begin to study the question of how to draw a spruce with a pencil step by step, and then paint this wonderful tree:
1. Start with a simplified sketch. First, draw the outlines of the landscape, and outline the spruce in the form of a triangle;
2. Draw a path near the spruce tree. Draw the tree trunk, making it quite massive;
3. Sketch out the branches of the tree. Try to avoid excessive symmetry, otherwise the tree will end up looking like an artificial one;
4. To draw a spruce with a pencil, draw its branches in more detail. Draw snow on the tree branches;
5. To learn how to draw a spruce, it is not enough just to make a pencil sketch. After all, only a painted drawing in this case will look complete. Therefore, having made a pencil sketch, carefully outline it with a liner;
6. Using an eraser, clear the drawing from pencil lines;
7. Use a green pencil to color the branches of the tree;
8. Use blue tones to shade the snowdrifts, the road, as well as the snow lying on the branches of the spruce;
9. Paint the tree trunk with brown shades. Lightly shade the snowdrifts and path with a lilac pencil;
10. Use gray shades to indicate the forest in the distance. Lightly shade the sky behind the spruce with a light gray pencil;
11. Slightly deepen the shades of the sky with a gray pencil.
The spruce drawing is completely ready! Now you know how to draw a spruce. This means that, if you wish, you can create your own unique greeting cards for your family and friends. You can also draw a landscape using, for example, watercolors.

Our video tutorial "How to draw a spruce"! Enjoy watching and see you at the next drawing lesson!

It's easy to draw a Christmas tree yourself. Follow the steps described in the article to create a real New Year's masterpiece.

The favorite holiday of all children and adults is New Year. With the onset of winter, we prepare to welcome him: we buy sparkling decorations for the home, garlands and colorful lanterns.

  • The main attribute of this holiday is the Christmas tree.
  • Many people fundamentally do not buy live spruce trees for their own reasons, while others want nature to remain untouched for our descendants
  • Artificial Christmas trees are expensive, so you need to learn how to draw this evergreen tree to decorate your home and create a New Year's mood in it
  • It’s easy to make a New Year’s holiday attribute with your own hands, you just need to be patient and paint

How to draw a Christmas tree step by step with a pencil?

Prepare a large sheet of paper, because a Christmas tree is a tree and it should be tall. The minimum size of the sheet on which you need to depict the New Year's attribute is A1 format. You can glue several of these sheets together, and then you will get a real masterpiece.

How to draw a Christmas tree step by step with a pencil:

  • In the middle of the sheet draw a straight line with a pencil
  • At the very top of this line draw a star, as in the picture above. You can draw an even five-pointed star. It all depends on your imagination
  • Draw two lines from the star down, but not even, but smoothly diverging to the sides. Connect them with a zigzag stripe
  • Below, draw another such detail, which will start from the second zigzag on the right and left sides. It should be slightly larger than the top
  • The very last - the third part of the tree, draw even larger in size than the second one. At the very bottom of the New Year's beauty, draw a trunk
  • Paint the spruce green: the top part is light, and the second and third are dark shades
  • Draw Christmas tree decorations different colors, and a background with snow

Tip: This image of a New Year's attribute can be hung on the wall in the living room or in the children's room. Decorate the picture with tinsel and colorful shiny rain.

Drawing a Christmas tree step by step for children

It is easier to explain to children how to correctly depict a Christmas tree on a notebook sheet with squares. When does a child understand that spruce is several triangles of different sizes, he will be able to draw it on a simple sheet, without cells.

Such drawings in kindergarten are called graphic dictations. They help prepare children 5-7 years old for school. These lessons teach the child to be attentive, listen to the teacher and do what he says.

Advice: Practice with your little one at home using graphic dictations, and it will be easier for your child to study at school.

So, stages of drawing a Christmas tree by cells for children:

Drawing a Christmas tree step by step for children

  • Place a notebook sheet in front of your child in a checkered pattern and a pencil or pen
  • Tell him to back off 10 cells on the left, 3 cells on top, put a dot and started drawing.
  • Now dictate according to the diagram, in columns: 1 cell to the left, 2 cells down, 1 cell to the left, 1 cell down and so on.
  • When the child finishes drawing to the bottom of the sheet, draw a symmetry line, and ask the child to draw the same thing, but on the other side, like the image in the mirror.
  • The drawing is finished, ask the child: what happened?

Important: This way you can draw different objects and animals. The main thing is to work with your baby in a playful way. For example, while drawing, read a poem about a Christmas tree or sing a song with him.

A child may need to draw a spruce at school or even his parents - at work or at home, especially before the New Year holidays.

Important: The main thing when depicting any object on paper is its schematic drawing in pencil - a sketch. When all the steps in the pencil are completed, you can start painting with paints.

Drawing a spruce with a pencil step by step:

  • Draw a straight vertical line the same length as the height of the tree.
  • Step back a little from the top and draw smoothly curved lines to the sides of the vertical strip - these are blanks for drawing branches.
  • Now draw the top of the head, as shown in the figure, and “shaggy paws” or tree branches, outlining each blank line.
  • Draw one such “foot” in the middle. You can draw snow or grass on the ground.
  • If necessary, paint the tree with paints. That's it - the drawing is ready.

Easy Christmas tree drawings for sketching

If you can’t draw a Christmas tree yourself, then trace the finished drawing, attaching it to the window along with a blank sheet of paper, or draw the Christmas tree in another way on the table.

Tip: Print the finished images on a printer and create your own unique masterpiece.

Easy Christmas tree drawings for sketching:

Miniature spruce in a bucket. Show your imagination and decorate it with paints or markers.

Easy Christmas tree drawings for sketching

Drawing of a large spruce. You can hang many colorful balls and garlands on it.

Easy drawings of a Christmas tree for sketching

Sketches of original Christmas trees that can be enlarged and drawn on a large sheet of paper.

Easy drawings of Christmas trees for copying

Learn to draw at any age. This will always be useful in life. In addition, this activity calms the nervous system and adds positivity to our dull everyday life.

Video: Learning to draw a Christmas tree

And an integral attribute of the holiday. It is installed in every house, in every apartment.

Today we will talk about how to draw a Christmas tree. There are many options, but we will show you the simplest and most affordable ones. In addition, we want to show you how to draw a Christmas tree step by step. Even a small child can use these instructions.

How to draw a Christmas tree?

Option 1

This is probably the easiest way.

First we draw three triangles superimposed on each other.
Then we make the sides of the triangles more curved.

Let's finish drawing the trunk.
We decorate the Christmas tree with garlands and balls.

Option 2

From this line we outline how the tiers of branches will be located.
Carefully draw each tier, depicting needles and branches.
Using an eraser, erase the extra lines.
We decorate the Christmas tree with New Year's balls.

Option 3

Draw a triangle.
At the bottom of the base we draw a small square, below it is a rectangle. This will be a tree trunk and a Christmas tree stand.
To the sides of the triangle we draw lines running at an angle. These are tiers of branches.
We draw the branches, connecting the tiers with a triangle.
Using an eraser, erase the extra lines.
We decorate the Christmas tree with New Year's toys and garlands.

Option 4

Draw an equilateral triangle with a base slightly smaller than the sides.
In the center of the base we denote the trunk.
Using the shape of a triangle, draw the contours of the Christmas tree.
Use the eraser to remove the auxiliary lines.
We decorate the Christmas tree with garlands, balls, bows, stars, and candies.

Option 5

Draw a vertical line. This is how we denote the axis of symmetry.
We draw several rows of triangles with teeth - this is how we designate the branches.
We draw the branches as shown in the picture, giving the tree splendor.
We decorate the green beauty with toys and draw a stand.

Option 6

Draw a triangle with a rounded base.
To it from below we add three more triangles, a little larger in size, also with a rounded base.
Let's finish drawing the trunk.
Draw branches along the contours of the triangles.
We decorate the Christmas tree with garlands and New Year's toys.

How to draw a Christmas tree step by step?

Option 7

Draw an angle as shown in the picture.
We form a triangle with a base in the form of a curved, wavy line. These will be the branches.
We finish drawing two more rows of such branches.
We depict a trunk.
We decorate the Christmas tree with toys, garlands, balls, and candies.

Option 8

Drawing a Christmas tree this way is also not difficult.

We immediately begin to draw the contours of the tree.
Add a trunk.
We depict a star at the top.
We decorate the Christmas tree with New Year's balls, garlands and other toys.

We told you how to draw a Christmas tree step by step. I think that such simple diagrams will help even kids learn how to draw a Christmas tree.

To learn how to make beautiful snowflakes out of paper, watch the video: