Why do you dream of a church inside? Basic interpretations: why do you dream of a church inside (according to different dream books). Why do you dream about church according to the dream book?

A church visible somewhere in the distance foreshadows disappointment in events expected for a long time.

If in a dream you entered a church immersed in darkness, you have vague prospects ahead. Apparently, you will have to wait quite a long time for better times.

According to Nostradamus, the church is a symbol of cultural prosperity, spirituality, and purity. He interpreted dreams about the church as follows.

A dream in which you saw a destroyed church means illness and moral suffering.

If in a dream you are present at a church service, then in real life you will experience remorse.

If you built a church in a dream, your desire for knowledge will be rewarded a hundredfold.

A church entwined with a snake is a bad sign.

If in a dream you saw a castle on a church, be careful! Your isolation and tendency to loneliness can alienate someone near and dear to you.

A dream in which you saw a church on fire foreshadows enmity between relatives.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted such dreams about the church in her own way.

If you see a church in a dream, then this indicates despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance.

If you saw yourself entering a church - in real life, your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.

If you were present at a church service in a dream - in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.

A dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors foreshadows life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.

In a dream, you stood in a destroyed church and tried to put a candle in a candlestick - in real life you will contribute to spiritual revival and renewal.

If you saw in a dream how you are helping to restore an ancient church, in reality all old grievances will be forgotten and you will be able to restore your previous relationship with a person close to you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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A person dreams of temples, icons, clergy, and other attributes of faith when something important related to conscience, honor or spirituality is about to happen in his life. The church and the priest are symbols of well-being and peace, both in the soul and in the dreamer’s environment. When interpreting what such dreams mean, do not forget to clarify the details: what the church decoration was like, how many parishioners there were, what the priest looked like in the dream - this will help dream books give more accurate interpretations.

Brief interpretation of sleep

Be sure to remember the events you saw in your dream - this way you can get a clear interpretation of your dreams. And if you can’t remember all the little things, don’t worry, dream books will be able to explain to you what you dreamed about even in a small plot. Here, for example, is why you dream of a church and a priest:

  • A beautiful new church - to joy and grace.
  • A dark, empty cathedral is a sign that your future is unclear and bleak.
  • The priest who rules the service promises help from friends in difficult times.
  • Lighting a candle means spiritual cleansing and enlightenment.
  • If you cannot approach the altar because of the large number of people praying, you are very close to a conflict.

Miller's Dream Book

Did you dream of the outlines of a church in the distance? According to Miller's dream book, such a dream means disappointment. And if you dream of a church and a priest near the altar, then you should not reject the help of friends in difficult times for you. A small chapel means news, and what it will be depends on the emotional state of the sleeping person.

The bright “House of God” as a symbol of joy and happiness

In a dream, do you enter a church and see that there are many clergy in it? Such a dream may indicate your inner lack of freedom or some kind of fears and complexes.

The interpretation of the dream in which the priest blessed the cross hanging on the dreamer’s neck is pleasing. This is a sign that an influential patron will appear in his life, capable of solving all problems, suggests the Slavic dream book. And if you see in a dream that the priest has consecrated a cross donated by one of the parishioners to a life-giving icon that brings healing to people, this promises the fulfillment of all his plans.

A gloomy chapel is a sign of ambiguity and misunderstandings

A dark church and a priest praying in it all alone symbolizes a vague future, some misunderstandings and disagreements, the Lunar Dream Book suggests.

If you light candles in a gloomy desert temple, then Fate will “give” you relief from your problems. Do you dream about candles crackling and going out? Be careful in reality, you may encounter an influential enemy - refrain from any undertakings. The candles burn brightly, driving away the darkness - everything that seems unclear to you will take on meaning.

Seeing the cathedral from the outside - from spirituality to vice

Self-knowledge and wisdom await the one who dreamed of a church and a priest on the threshold against the backdrop of a bright, clear sky. And if this temple was decorated with wreaths of flowers for the holiday, then you will have a fun, carefree pastime.

A wooden church under construction and a priest carrying logs for construction are a symbol of life’s tests of honesty and faith. The harder it is for a priest to carry logs in a dream, the more severe vices will be prepared for you to test. If you want everything to be wonderful in life, learn to fight temptations, recommends Pastor Loff’s dream book.



    I dreamed that I was standing in a church, there were few people, but it was light in the church, I went up to the priest, but this was not our priest, and he took a pencil and it seemed to me in my heart, but there was no blood, it just stabbed a little and That's it, I leave the church, and he follows me.

Why do you dream about church?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a church in the distance in a dream means disappointment in events that have been anticipated for so long.

Entering a church immersed in darkness is a sign that you will have to take part in a funeral. This also portends vague prospects and a long wait for better times.

Why do you dream about church?

Freud's Dream Book

Church - symbolizes a woman or female genital organs.

If a man goes to church, he strives for sexual contact with the woman he loves.

If he cannot get to church (perhaps something prevented this), he doubts his sexual viability and seeks to avoid upcoming sexual contacts.

If a woman goes to church, she is prone to lesbian love.

If she cannot get to church, this indicates her coldness towards her partner or possible frigidity.

If you admire the church, this symbolizes the strength of your relationship with your sexual partner.

A church under construction or restoration symbolizes your active sex life and harmonious relationship with your sexual partner.

If a man dreams of a destroyed church, this symbolizes his dissatisfaction with his sexual partner; he tries in every possible way to avoid sexual contact with her.

If a woman dreams of a destroyed church, she has too many sexual contacts with partners whom she does not take seriously; this may also indicate possible diseases of the genital organs.

Why do you dream about church?

Vanga's Dream Book

Church - the appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance.

Seeing yourself entering a church is a sign that in real life your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.

The dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors foreshadows life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.

In a dream, you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick - this dream means that in real life you will contribute to spiritual rebirth and renewal. You enter a church during a service. It is very crowded, as a large number of people have gathered under its dome. People kneel and pray. You raise your head up and see, instead of a dome, a sky dotted with stars, among which a bright red moon floats. The closer this month gets, the stronger you feel fear, it seems that a little more, and it will fall from a height directly on the heads of praying people - this dream is a harbinger of a cruel, bloody religious conflict. Most likely, you will become a witness rather than a participant.

To see in a dream how you are helping to restore an ancient church is a sign that in reality all old grievances will be forgotten, and you will be able to restore your old relationship with a person close to you.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The Church is a wonderful future; to be in it - in need you will find help and consolation; hear singing in it - your wishes will come true.

Illuminated - a serious misfortune; destroyed - you will recognize the need; to pass near - to commit a careless act.

The church vestibule is peace of mind.

Rural church - find truthful friends.

Church bells - something pleasant awaits you.

The church bell tower, seeing or climbing it - good views for the future.

Why do you dream about church?

Family dream book

A church visible somewhere in the distance foreshadows disappointment in events expected for a long time.

If in a dream you entered a church immersed in darkness, you have vague prospects ahead. Apparently, you will have to wait quite a long time for better times.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A church in a dream symbolizes eternal truths.

If you saw a church in your dream, this means that it’s time for you to think about your soul. As a rule, such dreams foreshadow failures and difficult experiences, but at the same time they also suggest a way out of difficulties.

A rickety or destroyed church is a very bad sign, saying that you may soon repent of some of your unseemly deeds and actions.

A separate case, to see in a dream a church rooted into the ground - such a dream suggests that in pursuit of everyday joys you are ready to step over your soul.

Why do you dream about church?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Church - to waste; to bad luck in your personal life; look for a way to atone for your guilt. Church repentance - commit a sinful offense.

Why do you dream about church?

Spring dream book

Church - a difficult test awaits you, melancholy.

To be laid to rest in a church is a sign of misunderstanding.

Writing in church for health means health.

Why do you dream about church?

Summer dream book

Church - you may receive a large inheritance.

Light a candle for health in the church - for the wake.

Why do you dream about church?

Autumn dream book

Church - to lasting love.

Order a health service in church - remember your parents.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A church seen in a dream portends disappointment. If you are in church, you will take part in a funeral, bad times will come. Praying in church is happiness in all matters. Approaching the altar and kneeling is a valuable find. Seeing yourself as a beggar on a church porch means that in reality you will engage in charitable activities.

Confessing in church portends consolation and joy; talking with a priest means your friends will keep you from taking a rash step. Leaving church is a mental relief.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Country Church – Find truthful friends

Why do you dream of a church - A wonderful future - to be in it - in need you will find help and consolation - to hear singing in it - your wishes will come true - illuminated - a serious misfortune - destroyed - you will recognize the need - to pass by - to commit a careless act

Archbishop - Seeing him is an expectation of protection - talking to him is an expectation of a pleasant event

Bishop - Good news.

Archimandrite - Seeing in a dream portends a surprise.

Divine service - To be present at a church service means that you will soon be offered a promotion or a new, higher-paying job.

Church bells - Something pleasant awaits you

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a church building, you will soon attend the engagement of one of your friends or relatives.

If you dreamed of a church building without a cross, you will be present at the engagement of one of your friends or relatives, but because of you their conspiracy will be upset.

In a dream you found yourself in a church - to the death of one of your friends or relatives.

You find yourself in a church for a church service - so far nothing interesting is expected in your life.

You dreamed that you witnessed the desecration of a church - a cheerful company awaits you, where you will meet a girl of easy virtue (if you are a man) and a heartthrob (if you are a woman).

If you dreamed that you participated in the construction or restoration of a church, know that you yourself are the architect of your own happiness.

Why do you dream about church?

Esoteric dream book

The church is wooden, small - to the choice of place or type of activity.

Enter the church - you will make the right choice, as you will soon see.

To pass by - the decision you are currently leaning towards is not successful.

Church altar - you are guaranteed help from your friends in finding a job, business, etc. Do not neglect it.

If church utensils are in use, this step will have a positive effect; if church utensils are dirty, do not expect any gratitude when abandoned.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Church - the appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, the need for spiritual cleansing and repentance.

Seeing yourself entering a church is a sign that in real life your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.

Being present at a church service in a dream means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.

A dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors foreshadows life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.

Seeing a church in the distance in a dream means disappointment in long-awaited events.

Entering a church immersed in darkness is a sign that you will have to take part in a funeral. This may also portend vague prospects and a long wait for better times.

Why do you dream about church?

Azar's Dream Book

Church is a difficult test, melancholy; praying to God in church is a shock; to be in it - in need you will find help and consolation; cross on the church - happiness; destroyed - you will recognize the need.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Praying in church is happiness in all matters; enter - remorse; to see is good luck.

Why do you dream about church?

Modern dream book

A dream in which you see a church in the distance foreshadows disappointment from long-anticipated pleasures.

Entering a church immersed in darkness in a dream means that in reality you will have to participate in a funeral. Gloomy prospects await you.

Why do you dream about church?

Eastern dream book

Seeing a church or being in it is a sign of patience.

You are dressed in black in church - get ready for the wedding.

In white - alas, for a funeral.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

sadness and disappointment.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Pulpit in the Church - You see in a dream the pulpit itself or a clergyman delivering a sermon in the Church - in reality a boring society awaits you; if you work at a large enterprise, you may have a meeting, a conference dedicated to uninteresting routine issues, and most of those present will be yawning and looking out the window; if you are a scientist or have anything to do with medicine, another scientific society awaits you, but not a single scientific genius will illuminate it, will not flash a bright thought; gray day, routine

Why do you dream about church?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing a church is an awakening of conscience/illness and patience.

A decorated church is fun.

Very beautiful - safety.

High - honor.

Entering it means going to prison.

The church is burning - bad times are ahead.

Dilapidated, abandoned - wisdom to forget, great truths to abandon.

A church minister in a dream is often a symbol of that part of our self that is entrusted with knowing the future and keeping it from consciousness.

To attend a church service - internal changes in you will improve your situation / you will find the strength to soften reproaches of conscience with good deeds / happiness.

Participating in it means good opportunities, but lack of strength.

Listening to church singing means the fulfillment of a secret desire, the joy/illness of an enemy.

Seeing a religious procession and participating in it is an amazing and unexpected turn of events.

Ominous - the funeral of a friend or acquaintance.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Seeing a church means well-being; awakening of religious feelings; event associated with it: wedding (marriage), funeral service (death of a loved one).

Participating in a church service or worship is joy and satisfaction.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream book of yogis

The Golden Church is a world where beings (mostly of a high level) seek knowledge and connections with the Supreme.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Church, icons, cross - To suffering, patience, prison. But: if a person is in prison, then such dreams foreshadow freedom.

However, if you have a dream about dying, when the dreamer’s soul visits the other world, then the church may simply be a sign of sacred space. If an icon talks to the dreamer in a dream, then this is a dream-vision that does not foretell anything other than what the icon said.

If in a dream an icon cries or exudes myrrh, oil, or blood, but says nothing, then this foreshadows suffering and serves as a blessing for long-suffering or repentance.

Why do you dream about church?

British dream book

Church, mosque, synagogue - These are places of worship of the corresponding gods. Why do you dream: If you are a very religious person, you may dream that you spend time thinking. Such dreams occur when you are worried about spiritual issues in real life, for example when you are tempted to take a false step. On the other hand, if you are in such a place against your own free will, then perhaps your ordinary religious beliefs conflict with your deep personal beliefs.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of the Church - you see a church in a dream - you will have to be patient, and you will achieve success. The church seems to be standing in the distance - you have been waiting for some event for a long time; it is about to happen, but don’t be so sure that your hopes will come true. It’s as if you entered a church and it’s dark - soon you will take part in a funeral ceremony; another interpretation of the dream: you will get tired of waiting for better times.

Why do you dream about church?

Christian dream book

Rural Church - You will have devoted and sincere friends. Imagine that you enter a rural church and light candles in front of holy images.

Why do you dream about church?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does Church, Chapel, etc. mean in a dream? (see also Church building on "C" and Church in religious images) is a refuge or our environment in which we need to take into account our own beliefs. And although we may not profess any religion, most of us have principles by which we live. In dreams they take on specific images.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Church (temple) - This is the bright palace of your soul, a place of solitude. A symbol of the dreamer’s high spiritual faith. If in a dream you find yourself in a church, you will experience insight and peace.

Why do you dream about church?

Women's dream book

Church - The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, the need for spiritual cleansing and repentance.

Seeing yourself entering a church is a sign that in real life your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you.

This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.

Being present at a church service in a dream means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.

A dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors foreshadows life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.

If in a dream you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick, this means that in reality you will strive for spiritual rebirth and renewal.

Seeing a church in the distance in a dream means disappointment in long-awaited events.

Entering a church plunged into darkness is a sign that you will have to take part in a funeral. This may also portend vague prospects and a long wait for better times.

Why do you dream about church?

Magic dream book

To see a dream about you had a dream about the Church - to pray in the church - to find luck. To be baptized in church is to fulfill your duty with honor. Walking past the church is a remorse. Seeing a church is good luck. Praying in church means finding help and consolation. Hearing church singing is a dream come true. Watching the construction of a church is a new stage of life. A dream about a church before holy holidays is an indication to visit a church. For non-believing people, a church can symbolize a prison. An empty church with boarded up doors means changes for the worse, depressing melancholy. Moving away from the church means committing a careless act. To attend a service in a cathedral, temple or church means that you can count on the love and respect of those around you, provided that you are honest and truthful. Hearing from the side how others pray is a request for a favor with a refusal. Discussing religious topics in a dream means your daily reality is overshadowed by troubles, and you want a serene life.

Why do you dream about church?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Church - religious feelings; right choice; moral doubts. Abandoned church - you do not pay attention to your spiritual life; restore the church - spiritual revival and renewal; church in the distance - some time will pass before you make your choice; a church immersed in darkness - thoughts of death; funeral; unknown; waiting for better times.

Why do you dream about church?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It is an architectural structure in which people gather in order to worship the transcendent, that which is different from their own organismic nature. The Church means the "operational center" of the activity of the Super-Ego. Moreover, it symbolizes an artificial womb, which enslaves the “I” of the individual, as well as a negative strengthening of the maternal complex. In any case, the church is a negative symbol, since it can ultimately be defined as a "computer mother."

Why do you dream about church?

Old Russian dream book

praying is happiness in all matters; enter - remorse; to see is good luck.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream book for women

To see a white stone church with golden domes in a dream - this foreshadows the cultural dawn of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations; to see such a dream from Friday to Saturday - your desire for spirituality and knowledge will be rewarded.

If in a dream you saw a destroyed church from Saturday to Sunday or from Sunday to Monday, this is a harbinger of illness and moral suffering.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you attend a church service, means that soon harmony and peace will reign in your home.

If in a dream from Friday to Saturday you saw a church entwined with a snake, this dream is a harbinger of trouble for all humanity.

Seeing a castle on a church is a bad sign.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Church - to suffering, patience, prison. But: if a person is in prison, then such dreams foreshadow freedom.

If a church icon talks to the dreamer in a dream, this is a dream that does not foretell anything other than what the icon said.

If in a dream an icon cries or exudes myrrh, oil, or blood, but says nothing, this foreshadows suffering and serves as a blessing for long-suffering or repentance.

Why do you dream about church?

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

A church building is an architectural structure in which people gather to perform special rituals that are very far from their natural essence and alien to their organismic nature.

The image of the church reflects a situation of pressure, control and violence from the superego: submission to social rules, laws, norms. Moreover, this image means artificially preserved, protecting. a nourishing environment (“illusory world”), and at the same time negative, dictating, oppressive, limiting, programming, forcing one to act according to a rigid algorithm (“computer mother”).

Why do you dream about church?

Dream book for the whole family

To see a white stone church with golden domes in a dream - this foreshadows the cultural dawn of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations; to see such a dream from Friday to Saturday - your desire for spirituality and knowledge will be rewarded.

If in a dream you saw a destroyed church from Saturday to Sunday or from Sunday to Monday, this is a harbinger of illness and moral suffering.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you are present at a church service, means that soon harmony and peace will reign in your home.

If in a dream from Friday to Saturday you saw a church entwined with a snake, this dream is a harbinger of trouble for all humanity.

Seeing a castle on a church is a bad sign.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Church means quick marriage for a woman.

Why do you dream about church?

Online dream book

The image of the church symbolizes your attitude to life, the meaning that rules and prohibitions have for you.

If it was visible in the distance on the horizon, then what you really expect will in fact not please you at all.

As the dream book says, desecration of a church is an omen that you may start a relationship with a partner who will not have serious plans for you.

The dream in which you built it reminds you that you are capable of achieving everything yourself.

If in a dream you saw a church engulfed in fire, in reality you will experience great grief associated with the collapse of your plans and unjustified hopes.

To see its ruins - try not to do anything illegal, anything that could harm others, otherwise you will have to experience severe pangs of conscience and pay dearly for your sins.

If she is Catholic, get ready for fate to send you very difficult trials, but you should not lose heart and despair, accept everything with dignity, and in no case complain or get angry.

A dream in which you saw an ancient church suggests that you need to engage in introspection, your thinking is wrong, and if you do not change it, then your life will not develop the way you need. Be sure to engage in self-improvement, focus on the spiritual, think less about material wealth.

If you are busy building it, know that all your efforts and hard work on moral improvement will bear generous fruits, prosperity and luck in everything await you.

Each dream book interprets the church from night dreams as a hint about the desire of the human soul for spiritual purification. If atheists see a dream, it becomes a hint for them that they need to come to God through repentance. Other meanings of this plot are discussed below.

I dreamed about a church - interpretation

Information about the church from a dream can be found in almost every popular dream book. Thus, Vanga noted that this image precedes the strong disappointment and despair of a person in reality. Some unpleasant event will happen in his life that will literally turn everything upside down.

If in a dream a person entered a church, it is advisable to remember from which entrance.

  • If it is secret, it means that in reality the sleeper is too secretive and distrustful of people.
  • More importantly, he should reconsider his life principles and, perhaps, even seriously work on his character. The plot being discussed suggests that in reality a person is very selfish and does not want to take anyone into account when making important decisions.

Miller’s work indicates that anyone who has witnessed a beautiful divine service in a dream should open their heart to new feelings in reality. If everything is in order in a person’s personal life, a similar plot may portend him even greater respect in society.

It happens that in night dreams the sleeper tries to light a candle in the temple, not paying attention to the chaos reigning around. This is a hint that in reality a person will have the opportunity for spiritual renewal and internal self-improvement.

According to Loff’s dream book, seeing a church with locked doors means loneliness and spiritual anguish. The sleeper himself will be guilty of the fact that close people will turn away from him. Correcting the mistakes made will not be easy. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort on this.

Seeing the interior of a temple in a dream

Often people who have not visited a church in real life for a long time see the inside of a church in a dream.

The plot of night dreams suggests that the human soul demands to visit the nearest temple and simply pray in a calm, secluded atmosphere. If you have such a dream immediately after visiting a church, it means that the dreamer was simply very impressed by its interior decoration. Now daytime emotions have to be relived in a dream.

The holy temple evokes God-fearing awe among people. At all times, the temple was considered a refuge for the oppressed, hope for salvation and eternal life. Why do you dream of a church inside - for good or for bad? What to expect from this plot? Let's turn to the interpreters.

General value

The Church reminds us of cleansing from sins and spiritual self-improvement. For atheists, the vision of the interior of the temple carries a call to repentance: think about your soul, about the inevitable hour of death. A vision of a temple foreshadows changes in the dreamer’s life, and not always positive ones.

The exact interpretation of what you see will depend on various nuances:

  • what denomination the church belonged to;
  • what condition was the premises in?
  • what happened in the room;
  • the dreamer's inner experiences.

Church with Catholic priest portends difficult times in the dreamer’s life: you have to make a difficult choice. A church with an Orthodox priest speaks of the dreamer’s serious internal disappointments: a turning point has come in your life.

Attend the liturgy- inner doubts gnaw at you, the voice of conscience haunts you. Perhaps you have offended a person and are experiencing pangs of conscience? The dream tells you: you need to fix everything, make amends. It will immediately become easier.

Attend the funeral service in church- to an unsuccessful marriage. Postpone your marriage; family life will inevitably collapse. Also, a dead person in a temple dreams of sadness, longing for a person who has passed away or died. The funeral service of a living person means a long separation from him.

See the christening ceremony- to joyful events in the dreamer’s life. Seeing your own child’s christening is a sign of the baby’s well-being and health. For childless people, seeing the christening of someone else’s child means a long-awaited pregnancy will soon occur.

Attend the wedding ceremony in the temple- to harmonious and warm relationships between spouses. Seeing yourself as a priest performing a wedding ceremony is a life shock. However, it will not be possible to change events; you need to prepare yourself mentally for the inevitable. Everything is in the hands of God.

If a pregnant woman sees a dream, soon she will safely give birth to a strong baby. However, you need to take care of your spiritual growth and purification.

Praying in the temple- good sign. A calm, prosperous future awaits you, all troubles will pass by, and reconciliation will come with your enemies. You are protected from above.

  • Pandemonium in the temple- to a conflict situation.
  • Seeing icons in chasuble- an auspicious sign; removing icons from the wall means straying from the right path.
  • Make repairs to the temple- build a happy future.
  • Seeing your enemies in the temple- to reconcile with them.

Has a negative meaning confession in church. If the dreamer confessed, difficult life circumstances await him due to his own mistakes. Seeing a stranger’s confession in a church means obstacles on the path of life.

Candles in the temple

The candle has a certain symbolism - it is a sign of purification, repentance and forgiveness. Lighting candles in the temple is a sign of heaven’s blessing, purification and renewal. It is also a symbol of inner insight - many of the reasons for the events that occurred will become clear to you. If the dreamer had a hard time experiencing some event, relief will soon come.

Women may dream of candles as a sign of a pleasant acquaintance with a reliable man who will become a life partner. Or it will be a good friend who you can rely on in difficult times. Buying candles in a church is a pleasant surprise.

However, not every candle carries a positive image. Seeing black candles in a church or a sooty cinder is a sign of disappointment, separation and trouble. Seeing servants extinguishing candles in a church means the death of a loved one.

If the temple in the dream was richly decorated, and the sleeper felt peace, such a dream foreshadows a calm, blissful life in the future. Seeing a temple in twilight predicts difficult times - get ready to experience disturbing events in your life. Faith in God will help you withstand difficulties. The vision of an abandoned old temple has the same meaning. Get ready for the test.

The temple is a symbol of the human soul. The way you saw the interior of the church is the state of your soul. An abandoned, uncomfortable church without icons and candles symbolizes the emptiness of your own soul. Think about the eternal, determine the true purpose in your life.