We corrected NTV's mistakes in Irina Muravyova's kitchen... Corrected NTV errors in Irina Muravyova’s kitchen... Ideal renovation of Ant’s apartment

// Photo: Sergey Ivanov/PhotoXPress.ru

Actress Irina Muravyova is known and loved by the whole country. Millions of viewers remember her as the most charming and attractive.

The People's Artist's apartment is located in an old house in the very center of Moscow, not far from Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The owners, Irina Muravyova and her two adult sons, began renovating it, but then realized that they couldn’t do it themselves. The “Ideal Repair” program came to the rescue. Irina Muravyova admitted that she dreams of a spacious kitchen-living room where her whole large family can gather.

“I want it to be like in childhood, with a big table in the middle and a tablecloth. We have a big family. At least eleven people are gathering, but I would like to invite more cousins ​​and second cousins ​​so that everyone can fit freely,” Irina Muravyova, the host of the program, Natasha Barbier, voiced her wishes.

The designers proposed decorating the room in a classic style, which should appeal to both the actress and her sons.

Logs and two layers of plywood were laid on the floor, parquet was chosen as the finishing coating, and tiles were chosen in the kitchen area. The ceiling was covered with plasterboard. The walls have been leveled. There is a lot of stucco in the project. The highlight of the living room is the hand-painted wallpaper. Previously, these could only be seen in palaces. They are made by a Russian company founded by a family of artists. Craftsmen go directly to the site to personally draw details on the walls, taking into account the lighting. The author's signature is placed on such wallpaper.

Another “tasty” detail is the panoramic window. The designers decided to install just this, since Irina Muravyova’s apartment offers a magnificent view of Moscow. This is a window with heated double-glazed windows - in summer they reflect the sun's rays, preventing the room from warming up too much, and in winter they attract and retain heat well. A heated floor system is installed in the kitchen area and on the balcony.

For textile decoration, we chose curtains in a creme brulee shade and tulle made of thin cambric. The living room has new doors made of solid oak in cognac color.

The final touch is the stylish handles with ceramic details, they are made in the color of aged bronze. The sofa for the living room was chosen in a classic English style. This model is already 300 years old, but it is still in demand. Another gift from the program for Irina Vadimovna is a concert piano. It was made in Germany in the first half of the twentieth century, and at the end of 2016, a Russian company carried out a complete restoration.

After the renovation, Irina Muravyova’s kitchen-living room was completely transformed. This project involved a lot of handcraft, from the wallpaper and tiles to the sofa. Even the plates are hand painted. The room has become a true example of an ideal family kitchen and dining room. The actress was satisfied with the work of the designers.

This program aired on May 28th. Everyone is discussing the interior that the famous actress received a “Perfect Renovation.” Hand-painted wallpaper, custom-made plates with the same birds, a leather sofa, a piano...

Do you remember a similar program ten years ago?

A wall with tiles and a fireplace (as in imperial palaces) - also cabinets for dishes:

The pictures above show what happened.

And here's what happened:

NTV. Housing issue (reaction of the landlady and her husband from 2 minutes 40 seconds):

They kept silent about that repair in the current “...repair”. The kitchen was presented in a completely disassembled (down to the bricks) form. They also broke down the wall, enlarged the space... Like, my sons and I started it, but we didn’t get far,” explained Irina Vadimovna.

The “Ideal Repair” team didn’t come up with any surprises. I just bought a lot of new expensive things. Even the doors returned to their previous appearance with a window above the opening:

“I knew it wouldn’t be scenery!”- Irina Muravyova said when it was all over, and in this phrase of hers I see a clear reference to the previous design.

Of course, it was interesting to see what the reaction would be this time (see from 3 min. 28 sec.).

Everyone is happy for the people's actress. Justice and beauty have triumphed.
And I’m very sorry for Natasha Maltseva, the host of “Housing Question.” She looked so lost... She worked on the project from the first “pilot” episode. And then it was a “revolutionary” idea for our TV. And, perhaps, there was no more offensive review than Muravyova’s.

Everything could have been remade quietly. Two adult sons... They could handle it. And here... another “prick”, a reminder of a half-forgotten history, although it remained completely behind the scenes...

Different channels, different budgets. Different approach to design. The “Housing Question” has always been more daring, revolutionary and modern. “Ideal renovation” gravitates towards classics and luxury.
And... you need to understand that by giving a piece of your space into the hands of a stranger, this space will return to you not entirely yours. Unusual. And you need to get used to the unusual.

I have never trusted other people's ideas for my kitchen. Our poor stars, forced to undertake similar experiments for the sake of their own additional popularity and TV ratings...

By the way, when “The Housing Question” comes to ordinary Moscow families, everything turns out much more honest. Many simply cannot afford to update their interior. And here is such a gift...

When they saw the renovated nursery, they almost fainted. Vitaly says that all the furniture was of low quality, the wallpaper was peeling off and the baseboards were falling to the floor. When Milana saw her future room, she immediately burst into tears. Even the little one didn't like the new room. As we know: through the mouth of a baby the truth speaks.

But most of all, Irina and Vitaly were hurt by the fact that the specialists replaced the expensive wooden frames, which they bought for $15 thousand, with ordinary plastic ones. The producers didn’t even want to return the old furniture to the spouses. Irina and Vitaly promised that they would never take part in such shows again.

Natalia Filippova and “Dachny Otvet”

An ardent summer resident Natalia and her betrothed Evgeniy took part in the TV program “Dachny Answer” in 2010. The designers decided that it was necessary to make a gazebo on the summer cottage.

Professionals built an open gazebo - a veranda, the name of which was given to the “white ship”.

Filippova, seeing the design, did not know what to say, she was speechless. The “steamboat” certainly attracted everyone’s attention, but Natalya did not like the white color of the gazebo, all the furniture and even the pillows. The floor immediately became dirty as soon as they walked on it. Why was there a white floor on the dacha plot? Returning home, she was even more upset. She regretted that she contacted the program.

“The repairs took almost two months. All this time, a team of seven people lived in our dacha. The new wood floors in the house have turned into old dirty planks. Just like in the sauna, in which people washed for some reason. The humidity turned up all the floors in the steam room. And the shower stall was broken,”- Natalia shouted.

Filippova later said that the program director contacted her and helped resolve the situation.

Evgeny Kachalov and “Housing Question”

Evgeny and Tamara Kachalov from Moscow themselves came to the project because they wanted a cozy bedroom to be made from an old, outdated room. They expressed their wishes that there be as few different decorative items as possible, and that everything be done in dark colors.

The wishes of Evgeniy and Tamara were taken into account, but Evgeniy did not like anything, he became furious. Evgeniy did not skimp on his emotions and angrily discussed the work of the specialists; he saw all the blemishes in the interior.

“I was determined that it would be a surprise, and I have to admit: that surprise was a success after all,” Evgeniy told the press. “I can’t say he was pleasant, but he was.” The man says that the furniture that the Housing Issue specialists brought turned out to be bad; the legs of the bed fell off within a week.

On the program’s website, Evgeniy’s first impression is written as follows: “There is no complete disappointment from the resulting interior, but it does not cause delight either.”

Irina Muravyova

Irina Muravyova and her husband, director Leonid Eidlin, became participants in the renovation program. They wanted their kitchen to have a modern look. “Don’t listen to anyone, do as you know, you can do it well”- Leonid said. But when they saw the remodeled kitchen, they felt bad. The couple expected something completely different.

“Dear mother, what is this?”- asked the owners of the apartment. It seemed to the actress that the kitchen had become smaller, and the audience also agreed with Muravyova.

"I'm scared to be here"- said Irina Muravyova. She didn't like the kitchen at all.

True, after a while, professionals, in order not to lose their popularity, remodeled Irina Muravyova’s kitchen. Look how elegant it turned out, couldn’t it have been done this way right away?