Instructions for beginners, diagrams and strategies. How to make money on sports betting

Sports betting as a way to make money. Instructions, strategies, diagrams

Greetings, dear readers, let’s talk about the current form of earnings today, namely betting on sporting events.

I’ll explain everything from the basics so that it’s very clear to beginners. You will find out what really works: schemes, strategies, where to start. After receiving your first income, you will want to do this further so that get a stable profit on bets.

Make money on bookmaker bets quite realistic even without large investments. As in any project (especially at the very beginning), three things are important - patience, desire, free time. The main thing is to get involved in the process, understand the principle of operation and not be afraid of your inexperience in this matter. Well, let's find out how to make a profit from betting, whether you've tried it before or not.

What earnings can a beginner rely on when betting?

Beginners often ask how much they can earn by betting, and how much profit more experienced players make from this. They are concerned about risk, and there is always risk when working with investments. In this regard, we do not take the last money for bets, that is, the money that is at your disposal for personal expenses that are not related to mandatory payments. This is necessary so that you do not risk money that you still have to live on until the end of the month. Do not borrow money under any circumstances or from the general family budget.

Sports betting are considered high-risk investments. Still, these kinds of bets can bring big profits. This does not apply to one-off bets. If we follow the strategy, then the funds should be enough for at least 50 bets of the same amount; we need to calculate the initial size of the game bank. You can make this type of income not permanent, but periodic, so as not to get into the same debts and live to see your salary. We have collected some free money and are working according to the strategy.

The path to becoming a professional is long and difficult. Professional handicappers analyze and calculate algorithms and patterns. It is their job that feeds and clothes them. They know the rules of sports forecasting and understand how a bookmaker’s office works.

What you need to make money on bets:

  • Bankroll (initial capital);
  • Internet access;
  • Observation, attentiveness, ability to cope with emotions;
  • Several hours of free time every day;
  • Interest in sports and a particular type.

Professionals advise betting on tennis, as it is the most profitable for forecasting. However, if you are not interested in it, then, like most beginners, you can choose basketball, football or hockey - the most popular sports. Almost every person sympathizes with one of these three types.

A beginner can actually earn 10% of the bank per month, and this is with a minimum deposit. Of course, you can earn 50% if you use risky strategies. I don’t recommend it, because there is a greater chance of losing your entire bank. Agree that 10% is not a bad figure. To get a stable profit, you need to be rational, not give in to emotions, think soberly and follow the rules.

Bookmakers' work

As practice shows, rates done by people of different ages. Usually these are fans, fans and just sports lovers. They derive benefit, financial benefit, from their interest. Every day, bookmakers offer a huge number of options, from which we choose what we need. Most often, bets are made by amateurs, for the sake of interest, to try their luck, without relying on logical conclusions and statistics. The player chooses any bet - this is his advantage. Even amateurs try to choose the option that is most likely to bring money. Such people take risks, which brings pleasure from the impatience to find out the result and adrenaline in the blood. Those who win rejoice like children who were given money for ice cream. This is understandable, because they are just amateurs and bet only out of interest in the hope of winning.

Interestingly, bookmakers know what the average player will bet on. These offices are intermediaries. This means they receive a certain percentage for their services. Therefore, our bets are not 50 to 50, but 47 to 47, for example. The remaining 6% goes to bookmakers. But that's not all. Bookmakers also make a profit by adjusting (lowering) the probability of the outcome of events (on which the player will bet), based on financial flows and public opinion.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners

If you haven't tried it yet betting or if you want to find out something for yourself, then read the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the terminology of bookmakers and remember the basic terms. Read the rules (believe me, it will never be superfluous, but will only help in unusual situations).
  2. We create an electronic wallet, choose the one that is most convenient for you. If you already have it, then register with the bookmaker.
  3. We deposit some amount (deposit) into our account at the bookmaker’s office.
  4. We choose an event to our liking and place a bet.
  5. It is recommended to save all your coupons, whether won or not. This is necessary so that in the future, if a controversial situation arises, you can provide at least some evidence.

Do not keep large sums in your account, withdraw profits, try to maintain composure in impulses to bet a large amount on some event. You only need to make a couple of clicks, which you may regret later. Always assess the risk and don’t rush to go all-in. We want to earn money, not become addicted (ludomania).

Strategies used in betting

Let's start with the fact that any strategy does not provide a 100% chance of winning (otherwise the offices would have gone bankrupt long ago). Since there are many strategies, we will consider the most popular of them so that the beginner does not panic over the upcoming choice from their huge number. It is worth trying several to compare which one brings more profit and is more reliable.

The most famous betting strategies:

  1. Betting on undervalued events (Value Betting)
  2. Dogon;
  3. Bookmaker sure bets (arbitrage bets);
  4. Live game;
  5. Classic pre-match analysis.

Amateurs bet on their own forecast, they are interested in the result, how accurately they were able to guess. Such people do not think about the long-term prospect of making a profit.

Those who think about it, bet on the bookmaker’s inflated odds and expect their profit. After some time it works. This is our first strategy - Value Betting, that is, bets on results that are undervalued by the company. Let's give an example: there is a match between a famous football team and a simpler one. Avid fans, fans will bet on their favorite club regardless of whether they win or lose. Thus, they seem to support their team (it seems so to them), but in reality everyone makes mistakes, even world leaders. This means that if you bet against it, you have a chance to hit a good jackpot. After all, who would bet against the clear winner? Leaders win - you lose a little, lose - you made good money.

Theories number 2 and 3 (catch-up and forks) are win-win, but only in theory, don’t delude yourself. There are two conditions for winning on such bets:

  1. Have an endless gaming bank;
  2. Permission from the bookmaker to bet any amount.

The catch-up strategy means that we bet on some result, the bet fails, then we bet on the same result, increasing the amount. Thus, if we win, we return our money with interest. This is dangerous because at the most inopportune moment the funds in the account may run out and the bet will not be placed. This kind of persistence can lead to collapse.

Playing forks is no longer as relevant as it used to be. Bookmakers offer approximately the same odds, so playing on the difference in odds from different bookmakers becomes unprofitable and even dangerous. They don’t like such players and can simply block accounts and cancel bets.

Live bet is a bet during the match, in real time. A risky type of bet, you can make a rash act (and there is little time to think). Also, the margin on these bets is high. Professional bettors do not prefer this strategy.

And all we have left is pre-match analysis. It's simple: the composition of the team, their past games and style of play are assessed, and we pay attention to the judge. Having weighed all this, we make a bet.

Since we’ve dealt with betting strategies, let’s look at financial strategies:

  1. Fixed profit;
  2. Martingale strategy;
  3. Kelly criterion;
  4. Flat.

You can read more about these strategies in other sources. I can only say that flat is more suitable for beginners - playing for a long time with a fixed amount (1-2% of the bank).

How does a bookmaker calculate odds?

How often do you hear the formula: six out of ten? Nine out of ten? When you say this, you don’t think that in this way you are making an (albeit mental) bet on the probability of some event. Six out of ten, that will be exactly the case.

Bookmaker also makes the same bets, but denotes them not in “six out of ten”, but in percentages, fractions or other ratios. It is already clear that bets are made in most cases on sporting events.

A good office will offer you the probability of an event in several display options - odds.

For example: let's take the probability of victory for this team to be 40%. How is this calculated in different coefficient systems?

Decimal odds

The most understandable thing for us is the decimal ratio. How is the decimal coefficient calculated? Two football teams of equal strength have a 40% chance of winning and a 20% chance of a draw (40+40+20 = 100). The decimal factor for this calculation will be 2.5. The bookmaker's tables will show the number 2.5.

The general calculation looks like 100 divided by the winning percentage.

The chances for any other event will be calculated in the same way. Divide 100% by the percentage of the event - we get a decimal coefficient. For ease of calculation, the bookmaker's percentage is not included in this case.

Why is this being done? Let's say you bet $10 on a team to win. If the team wins, you will receive 10x2.5 = $25. Net profit - $15. If the team loses, we lose $10.

This (decimal) calculation is called European or Russian.

English odds

All bookmakers use these fractions, but the UK and some other countries calculate without rounding to decimals.

Let's calculate the same probability (40%) in English.

Firstly, the calculation is immediately reduced by 10. We get 4+4+ 2. Next, we subtract 4 from 10 (this is the probability of winning), we get 6, this is the numerator of the fraction. We substitute 4 into the denominator. In total we get 6/4=3/2 or 1.5.

In English calculation, betting 10, we get 15$, net 5$.

American odds

In North America they don't do fractions. Their calculation can be called “earn $100”. If an American bookmaker has set odds of 140, this means that for a net profit of $100 we need to bet 140. This is a negative option. Sometimes there is the opposite option: how much we will earn if we bet 100. If the bookmaker writes odds + 140, this means that if we bet 100, we will get 140 if we win.

Reverse calculation is, in principle, also possible - but it is not significant either for the bookmaker’s office or for the end user. Note also that for ease of calculation, pure fractions were taken - without bookmaker’s markups. But everyone sets their own markups. It is not realistic to tell everything in a short article.

Bookmaker. Errors in the line made on purpose

Some bookmakers practice drawing lines deliberately with errors. This is done in order to reduce risks and increase your own income. It looks like this. If it is known that most people will bet on a famous tennis player to win, the office places low odds on him. Then, if he wins, her losses will be minimal. And the coefficient increases for his opponent. A bias is created that was made deliberately. It follows from this that if you see the bookmaker’s mistake and make the right bet, it is quite possible to win against the bookmaker.

The bookmaker must issue odds for all upcoming competitions. The player always has a choice. The bookmaker cannot always make a correct analysis of all matches in a line. In some cases, he needs to give a quote even if he does not have an opinion. A player, having found information that can significantly change the outcome of the competition, can use it and make the desired bet. For a successful game, two or three problems a day may be enough.

When starting the game, you need to decide for yourself what you expect from your bet. This could be a rush of passion or a calculation to make money. In England, there is a tradition when fans sit in a pub and start betting on their favorite team. They do not take into account who is her opponent. They place their bets for fun and can easily lose a significant amount. Thanks to such people, bookmakers around the world are thriving.

So you can make several bets just out of interest. If your forecast does not come true, then the lost money can be considered as a kind of payment for pleasure and excitement. But if you want to make a profit from your money, then it is worth remembering that such investments are largely subject to constant risk. There is a well-known pattern that says that projects with large profits are subject to a high degree of risk. A player who has learned all the intricacies of such investments can receive a profit in a year that is two or even three times greater than the initial investment. For comparison, we can cite the profits of players on the FOREX currency market, which amount to 100-150%.


Recently, many offers have appeared on the Internet promising a stable online business - unique and highly paid. A huge number of these offers concern sports betting. More precisely - bets on "negotiations" in sports matches. Various kinds of “informants” guarantee you big winnings - however, subject to payment for their modest services.

Predictions for the outcome of sports games received a new name - betting. It is defined as an investment instrument and is even compared to playing on the stock exchange. In a word, Russian “negotiations” have become a way to make money for both scammers and ordinary people.

Sports “agreements” and information from “insiders” help knowledgeable people have a stable income, which they get from bets at bookmakers. At the same time, one should not confuse sports forecasts and fixed matches, because in the latter everything is already known in advance.

If you type the word “negotiations” into any search engine, it will give you several hundred thousand pages. More often than not, everything that is offered online is a simple scam. Or forecasts, using which you can win big money and lose even more.

The advice in this case could be this: bet only on those games whose outcome can be guessed based on the team’s preparation for the championship and analysis of previous games. Information about “negotiations” is often unverified and false.

Do not place too large bets if you are absolutely not sure of the result and do not agree with the forecast for “negotiations” in the championship that you received one way or another. Know that all sports forecasts are made by ordinary people who can make mistakes. The only way to win a good sum is to find a person close to people from big-time sports.

Internet betting and its features

The bookmaker makes a profit regardless of the outcome of the event. Bookmakers have expensive equipment, as well as excellent analysts. The player takes into account the odds that bookmakers place on the outcome of the event, incorporating statistics and analytics into them. We just have to stick to our strategy.

There is special software that significantly helps in working with bets. It can be downloaded or purchased. Such programs can calculate bet amounts, keep statistics of your bets, and help you find the best offers among bookmakers in terms of odds. There is a lot of information on the Internet about bets, strategies, and so on. Study blogs, websites, forums, but do not forget that they are written by people, and people tend to make mistakes. Therefore, third-party opinions of individuals should not be taken at face value.

Rules for beginners, betting rules

If you would like to receive constant income from betting, and not place a bet once a month and rely on your intuition, then develop your analytical skills, communicate with professionals in this field and listen to their advice.

Each player has his own rules, but there are also those that almost everyone follows:

  • Bookmaker selection. Look for proven and reliable gaming platforms, register with several bookmakers that do not block successful players and do not limit bets;
  • Learn to manage your money correctly.
  • Self-control and patience should be your main allies. Don't get angry if your winning streak is interrupted, it's obvious. The losing streak will also end someday, so don’t be too happy about winning and make rash bets. Be calm and reasonable.

When reading forums and life examples of players, you shouldn’t believe everything, but you shouldn’t trust absolutely everyone either. Try different strategies, maybe people, without realizing it, will help you in your choice.

Sports betting in offline bookmakers - risks

Some people prefer to place bets at home, sitting comfortably behind a laptop. Others need the spirit of excitement that hovers in an offline bookmaker. Both types of pastime have their own characteristics that should be taken into account. What do you need to remember while in bookmaker?

Make your own decision

Regulars, seeing a newcomer, like to show off in front of him and show what a pro they are. But the most dangerous thing is that they give advice on how and what to bet on. Of course, the outcome of the game often coincides with their predictions. Listen to them, but the decision to bet on this or that event should come from you. Why?

Firstly, if you only do what you are advised to do, you will not learn to understand betting, analyze, or draw conclusions. Secondly, if the bet loses, you will blame them - this is wrong. Well, thirdly, you become dependent on them if they succeed, and if they ask you for money, you will feel morally not entitled to refuse.

Not enough information

At home, you have many sources of information that you can find by connecting to the Internet. There is only a large TV and, possibly, additional monitors for viewing statistics and match results.

Of course, now many people have modern gadgets in the form of sophisticated mobile devices and tablets. But there will always be people who will unwittingly disturb you, and how can you concentrate here, in this noise and din.

Delay in payments for big wins

It often happens that there is not enough money in the cash register and the bettor has to wait a day, or even more, to receive his winnings. Of course, this practically never happens in reputable establishments, but there is still a risk.

Unwanted clients

If the managers want, they may not even let you into the doors of the establishment. This is done for various reasons. For example, bookmakers don’t like bettors who are constantly and very lucky - it’s clear who wants to lose money. Another reason is accusation of fraudulent activities. This really does happen. Some players try to fake winning cards and get money from them more than once. Another option is to counterfeit the cards themselves. So, the client did not even place a bet, but allegedly comes with a winning card, which he printed on his printer, accordingly, having studied all the features.

But even if you do not resort to fraud, one fine day the administrators may refer to a clause in the Bookmaker’s Rules and pay you a bet with odds of 1, i.e. make a return. At best, they may not pay at all.

To avoid all this, choose reputable bookmakers that have proven themselves on the positive side. Read reviews, listen to what the regulars say - in this case, their opinion will come in handy, and you will never turn into.

Football betting

Football is the most popular sport to bet on. For many, it remains the main sport for making money from betting. Again, professionals do not bet based on intuition, their own assumptions, etc. This is what fans do in the hope that their favorite club will win the match. Or they simply place a bet, counting on their luck, fortune, luck, thereby enriching bookmakers and professionals. The pre-match analysis strategy does not always work, so fans often make mistakes. It is impossible to predict random goals, a red card to the team's best player, injuries and other events.

There are rules for betting on football matches:

  1. Do not bet on your favorite team, there is a possibility that you are biased;
  2. Bet on leagues in which you have great knowledge;
  3. Try to avoid the main matches; bookmakers provide odds down to hundredths.
  4. Do not give in to your emotions; you risk making mistakes in subsequent bets made in an emotional outburst.

Don’t get carried away by the match itself, keep an eye on the odds, they change. For professionals, the same hundredths are of considerable importance.


The World Wide Web contains information about methods and courses for making money on bets. Yes, not all of them work and are worth something, don’t despair if suddenly something doesn’t work out the first time, the second and the third. Draw conclusions, use the mistakes of the past for the benefit of the future. For many, this type of income is still just a hobby. And if everyone around says that work should bring pleasure, then why not do it professionally? Successful betting players peacefully sip their favorite drinks, sitting in their favorite chair and make a living only by betting. Yes, they are truly successful if they can afford to sit at home, do what they love and get good money for it. They do not have a magic wand that will indicate with 100% accuracy who to bet on in a given case. They are simply professionals in their field, their favorite business. Read information wherever you find it, try to find interlocutors who know how to make money on bets and are willing to advise you on something.

Articles about betting

Today we can say with a high degree of confidence that a considerable number of sports fans are able to predict the performance scenario of teams and players. But in order to make money on this in reality, you need to choose a bookmaker wisely.

Often, bettors are faced with the problem of using a site when it is difficult to “get to” a particular resource. There are also problems with how to access the 1xbet website. In this text we will try to figure out why this happens and how to still use this popular portal when you need it.

Currently, many bookmakers have working mirrors of their official websites. Moreover, there may be not one or two such mirrors, but hundreds and thousands. What is the reason for this and is it worth using these mirrors? Let's talk about this in this article...

Perhaps today everyone knows that many legal bookmakers offer many options for betting on goals scored in game No. 1 with a considerable number of options. It is logical that the offer of bets on goals among players is widespread, because this, in fact, is the main goal of the game as such.

As you know, a considerable number of novice bettors have considerable difficulties with such a concept as “0 handicap in betting”. The “classic” handicap, which indicates an indicator that is generally different from zero, is usually quite understandable for players - this indicator indicates the predicted difference in the measurement of points or goals scored. But what does this “0” indicate?

A professional arber cannot do without special software for searching for sure bets - scanners. They allow you to save valuable time and find bookmaker sure bets. Let's talk about what bookmaker surebets services are offered on the betting market.

Undoubtedly, it will be extremely useful for beginners, and, perhaps, for experienced players, to familiarize themselves with the global bestsellers in the world of sports betting. Thanks to books, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things. And perhaps you will save a lot of time by avoiding unnecessary mistakes. The most popular books on betting and bookmakers will be discussed in this article...

Among the huge selection of quotes for game No. 1, many players have definitely come across such offers as the total goals in the game, which at the same time contained a strange entry where the total is represented by a fraction that is a multiple of 0.25. These bets are complex enough for any beginner to understand.

For many years now, matches that are called “fixed” have, in fact, been as much a part of the sport as competitions that take place in a fair fight. Moreover, even if such wrestling takes place at the professional level. Previously, this state of affairs was not as widespread as it is now. It just so happens that in modern sports, match-fixing is already considered a serious phenomenon that threatens the development of the entire sphere.

Today, players often prefer to choose a bet, also taking into account such an aspect of the game as a handicap (or, in other words, a handicap). It is not difficult to understand the craving for this approach - if you correctly analyze this or that event, then this approach often brings good profits.

Obviously, all players who have at least once risked their money could not help but hear about such a concept as “bookmaker’s margin.” However, very few people understand the essence of this indicator and what impact it has on the possibility of leaving a bookmaker out of business.

In this article we will explain in detail what handicaps mean in football (in sports in general) and how to use them. Handicaps are currently one of the most popular types of bets. Therefore, everyone who plays in a bookmaker's office should have an understanding of the odds often offered in the bookmaker's line.

Any bettor at some point becomes convinced that the amount he wants to risk is not accepted because it is too large. Betting limits in bookmakers are a completely common occurrence: in this way, betting sites and offline institutions protect themselves from overly lucky players.

Conquering the world of betting, every beginner must understand why he plays at all, what he wants to achieve. Getting adrenaline emotions, confirming your own knowledge about your favorite sport, stable money earnings or hitting the jackpot? Having answered this question for yourself, you can already look at how to bet correctly in bookmakers, because the type of bet depends on the goal.

If you decide to start betting on sports and want to earn a stable income from it, you will need knowledge of all the intricacies of the game in bookmakers. The first thing you need to know is the possible outcomes. I don’t think it’s necessary to explain what happens when your bet wins or loses, but it’s worth paying attention to such an outcome as a return.

Return- this is the calculation of your bet with odds of 1. That is, if you place a bet and receive a refund, then the money is returned to your account in full. If a return occurs in one of the express matches, then this event is not taken into account when calculating the overall express odds (more precisely, it is taken into account with odds of 1). For example, if you bet on three football matches, at odds of 2.5 - 3.5 - 1.5, then the final express odds will be 2.5 * 3.5 * 1.5 = 13.125. In that match, where the odds were 1.5, you bet on TB(3), and the final score in this match is 2-1, this means that you get a refund. As a result, your express odds will be 2.5*3.5 = 8.75.

There are several rules, without breaking which you will significantly increase the likelihood of successful betting:

  • Do not bet under the influence of emotions. Many novice players try to bet on their favorite team, without any argument and relying only on their luck.
  • Do not place all your bets at one bookmaker. There are situations when two bookmakers have different odds for the same match, and they can differ very significantly. Some players who play for sure catch such situations and earn good money from them.
  • Never bet on unknown teams. Quite often you cannot find teams you know in the bookmaker’s lines, but you really want to place a bet. But by overcoming the excitement, you will protect yourself from losing and keep the bank at the proper level.
  • Don't bet big. The maximum bet should be no more than 5% of your bank. Many players want everything at once, go all-in and lose. This happens even at small odds.
  • After a losing bet, take a break from betting for a while. After all, after a loss you want to win back, you place a bet without thinking through the decision and lose again. It turns out to be a vicious circle. But if you take a walk, or watch a movie, and then start analyzing the bookmaker’s line again, then the chance of winning will be higher.

Watching a match of your favorite team is much more interesting if you bet on it. Some people take risks by betting on their favorite team to win in order to catch the euphoria of a positive result, because in this case not only their favorite team won, but they also earned money. But still, to successfully play in bookmakers, you must have a cool head, good calculation and all bets are reasoned.

5 tips you should heed:

  • You must be a pro in your sport, collect as much information as possible about the upcoming match and analyze it;
  • Choose one league of one sport, track everything that happens in it, find out about all the favorites, outsiders and dark horses;
  • Having chosen a bookmaker’s office, read all the rules of the game in it, study all the nuances and features of your bookmaker;
  • Keep an eye on your bank, do not waste money on empty bets, determine for yourself the maximum possible bet (it should not exceed 5% of the total bank) and the maximum daily limit;
  • Place bets only after thorough research. There is no such thing as a 100% winning rate, but proper analysis will help you get that percentage as close to 100 as possible.

Hi all. I decided to put things in order in my articles on UTMAGAZINE and do a short review of articles on sports betting. I have described a large number of working betting strategies, some better, some worse. I touched on four sports: basketball, football, tennis and horse racing, as well as some strategies that do not depend on the choice of discipline.

Bookmakers and betting exchanges

In this article, we looked in detail at who a bookmaker is and what bets are. We looked at the operating principles of both, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Those who want to engage in betting need to know and understand the operating principles of bookmakers and exchanges, just as traders need to know the infrastructure of the stock markets in which they trade.

Basketball Betting Strategies

There are many basketball fans in the world, and in this article we also looked at how you can make money on your favorite game. Two interesting strategies for betting on basketball odds are presented: one is based on statistics, while the other involves a small analysis of teams.

Horse racing betting strategies

Horse racing is very popular in the UK, but there are also fans in the CIS countries. In any case, to make money on horse racing, you don’t have to love it!) This review describes in detail the criteria, but based on which you can make a forecast on the result of the race.

Football Betting Strategies

Football is the most popular sports game in the world. Some men live by football, and some live by football!)) This topic tells about how to live by football. There we looked at one simple betting strategy based on analysis and statistics, as well as a more complex mathematical strategy, which is based on the mathematical laws that govern the dynamics of football odds.

Tennis Betting Strategies

Tennis is a very expensive sport and one of the most liquid on betting exchanges. This review presents two strategies that will allow you not only to enjoy watching the match, but also to earn a pretty penny from it.

Break-even sports betting strategy

Probably the most useful article in the entire series. Here we look in detail at what the odds on the outcome of a sporting event are, how to buy an odds, how to sell an odds, and also how you can consistently make money from arbitrage of sports odds between bookmakers or betting exchanges. I recommend everyone to read it.

Sports betting programs

Well, what a bookmaker and a betting exchange are, they explained what odds for sporting events are, they explained various strategies for various sports, they even revealed break-even strategies! It's time to look at software to implement our ideas. In this review, we looked at the pros and cons of four excellent trading platforms: BetAngel, MarketFeeder Pro, AutoTradingFox, BfExplorer, with which you can greatly simplify the process of trading sports odds on the betfair exchange, as well as automate trading ideas and implement high-frequency systems that cannot be repeated with your hands! And of course, we looked at the betfair exchange API. In the end, I want to say: sports betting is not a panacea, I would not say that it is easier to make money there than on stock markets, although it is a little easier)) There are clearly more inefficiencies in sports odds markets than in classical financial markets, but how are they similar? players' passion and lack of discipline, so in any market these qualities are unlikely to complement the player.