The ideal image of the heroine in the novel "Eugene Onegin". Characteristics of Tatyana Larina

The image of Tatyana Larina in the novel “Eugene Onegin” plays one of the important roles. It contains Russian traditions and character that have developed over several centuries of the existence of the Russian nation. The distinctive features of the Russian soul are goodwill, devotion, patriotism, superstition and hospitality.

Tatyana grew up in the village. She was a quiet child and did not like to play games with other children.

Tanya was attracted by nature: fields and meadows, forests, flowers, clear skies above her head. She liked the harsh winter with its frosts and snowstorms, like every Russian person. Since ancient times, Russians have firmly secured their status as people who love the winter season and celebrate various holidays during it.

“Tatiana (Russian soul,

Without knowing why)

With her cold beauty

I loved the Russian winter..."

Tatyana had a beloved nanny who replaced her mother. The nanny told her fairy tales and ancient legends, which Tanya believed in. Tatyana was superstitious, believed in prophetic dreams, fortune telling and omens. This reflects the mystical side of the character of the Russian person.

“Tatiana believed the legends

Of common folk antiquity,

And dreams, and card fortune-telling,

And the predictions of the moon"

Tatiana grew up reading French novels.

She was thoughtful and calm, unlike her sister Olga, who was always cheerful and joyful. The author builds the relationship between the sisters on the basis of antithesis, which is why their images turned out to be so different. Tatyana was dreamy and poetic, she liked loneliness. Daydreaming is one of the traits of a Russian person that Tatyana possessed.

Having married an unloved man, Tatyana refused Onegin, whose feelings flared up when meeting Larina. Tanya still loved Evgeny, but understood that their union was impossible. She was faithful to her husband and could not destroy the marriage, even if she was unhappy in it. This shows the character of a Russian woman - devotion and respect for family ties.

“I love you (why lie?)

But I was given to another;

And I will be faithful to him forever"

A.S. Pushkin put the best traditions and character traits of a Russian person into the image of Tatyana Larina, which is why she was so sweet to the author. Any Russian person will recognize himself in her, will hear echoes of his soul, history and traditions of his country in Tatyana.

Updated: 2017-12-08

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The image of Tatyana Larina in Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin"


An important place in the novel “Eugene Onegin” is occupied by the image of Tatyana Larina - Pushkin’s “sweet ideal”. It was in her face that the poet embodied the best feminine qualities that he had noticed earlier in life. And the most important thing for the poet is that the heroine is “Russian in soul.” What makes her like this and what traits of her character are close to Pushkin?
What Russian person doesn’t love nature and the beautiful Russian winter! The poet emphasizes the heroine’s closeness to nature in her portrait:

Dick, sad, silent,...

Like a forest deer, timid...

Tatyana likes to watch the sunrise, wander through the forests, enjoy the silence and harmony of nature, and relax in its bosom. It is no coincidence that the heroine does not want to leave the estate and contrasts the “hateful life” of high society in St. Petersburg with her native, rural places close to her heart, and vast open spaces.
Tatyana Pushkin gives a purely Russian name, unconventional for noble heroines, with which “the memory of antiquity is inseparable.” After all, the heroine is the embodiment of national character. It is closely connected with people's life through spiritual ties. The best personality traits of Tatyana are rooted in folk soil. Raised by a simple peasant woman, just like Pushkin himself - Arina Radionovna, Tatyana received from Filipyevna all the folk wisdom, comprehended the concepts of good and evil, duty. Knowledge of folklore, fairy tales, rituals, folk traditions, “sweet legends of common folk antiquity,” and Russian dreams serves as proof of this.
Pushkin is always happy to emphasize Tatyana’s individuality, her difference from empty girls. The heroine's feelings are full of sincerity and purity. She knows neither mannered affectation, nor sly coquetry, nor sentimental sensitivity - all that was characteristic of most of her peers. She loves Onegin “not in jest,” seriously, for life. Her naively pure, touching and sincere letter breathes with deep feeling, it is full of sublime simplicity. The reverent words of her declaration of love for Evgeniy are so similar to the confessions of Pushkin himself!
And finally, Pushkin admires the natural intelligence of his heroine. Tatiana's intellectual development helps her in St. Petersburg to understand and internally reject the “tinsel that is hateful to life,” and to maintain her high moral character. And the world sees a strong-willed nature in her and realizes her superiority. But, even though Tatyana hides her feelings under the guise of a society lady, Pushkin still sees her suffering. Tatyana wants to run to the village, but she cannot. The heroine is unable to break the ties of marriage with the man she married. No matter who he is, she will never hurt him

.This once again proves her spiritual superiority over those around her, her fidelity and devotion to her husband.

In the novel “Eugene Onegin” Pushkin created a new literary type, which has no analogues in Russian literature. According to Belinsky, “he was the first to poetically reproduce, in the person of Tatyana, a Russian woman.”

Tatyana Larina symbolizes the image of a Russian girl. It is difficult to understand the soul of a Russian without being a Russian. It is Tatyana who appears before us as a symbol of the mysterious Russian soul.

From childhood she was distinguished by her difference from others. Her originality, sometimes wildness, seems to some like pride, affectation. But that's not true. A gentle disposition, but strength of character is manifested and even more emphasized against the background of his sister Olga. It would seem that a young girl in a noble family could be worried. Are deep thoughts, the ability to reason and analyze inherent in such a greenhouse environment? Lightness and carelessness should have become her companions, but everything turned out differently. The desire for study and self-development made the girls strong in character, deeply thinking, and empathetic. Frequent solitudes contributed to deep immersion and self-knowledge.

The first feeling that washed over Tatyana absorbed her completely. She was ready to meet love. Reading novels contributed to this. And so, the image of a person who corresponded to her fictional hero appeared in reality.

Tatyana, a pure and open person, went towards the feeling. She accepted it and decided to take a difficult but necessary step - recognition.

Having overcome her maiden pride, she dared to take the first step. What did she get in return? Condescension on the part of the brilliant Onegin towards a provincial girl, a humane act of refusal. First love often breaks young hearts. But this defeat made Tatyana stronger. The feeling did not fade away, but only hid somewhere in the depths of my soul. Nothing could stop her from loving Evgeniy, neither his indifference, nor cruelty, nor cynicism, nor the murder of Lensky. You cannot love for something, you can love in spite of it. Only then is it love.

Tatyana is a sensual but proud person. She did not humiliate herself and ask for Onegin’s love. She tried to move away and forget. Only she herself knows what was going on in her soul, what kind of struggle was raging between her mind and her heart. Reason allowed a provincial savage girl to turn into a sedate lady, the owner of a salon. An unloved husband cannot doubt his wife’s tenderness and fidelity even for a second.

The power of love, its beauty is most colorfully revealed in tragedy. Tatyana is not destined to be with Onegin. Love is alive in her heart, and perhaps has only intensified over time. But, alas. A sacrifice of love for the sake of honor and the promised oath at the altar.

The image of Tatyana Larina in the novel “Eugene Onegin” has long become symbolic for Russian literature. It is she who, as a rule, opens a gallery of beautiful female characters created by domestic writers. The text of the novel shows that Pushkin created this character very carefully and carefully. Dostoevsky wrote that the title of the novel should contain the name not of Tatyana, but of Tatyana - it was her who the famous novelist considered the main character of the work. The image of Tatyana not only appears as a portrait frozen in time and space, she is shown in her development, in the smallest traits of character and behavior - from a romantic girl to a strong woman.

At the beginning of Eugene Onegin, the author shows us a young seventeen-year-old girl (it is worth noting that Tatyana’s age is not stated in direct text, but Pushkin’s letter to Vyazemsky, in which he writes about the heroine of his novel, gives the answer to this question). Unlike her cheerful and frivolous sister, Tatyana is very quiet and shy. Since childhood, she was not attracted to noisy games with peers, she prefers loneliness - that is why, even with family members, she felt distant, as if she were a stranger.

They find her something strange,
Provincial and cutesy
And something pale and thin,
But it’s not bad at all...

However, this girl, so silent and unattractive, has a kind heart and the ability to feel very subtly. Tatyana loves to read French novels, and the experiences of the main characters always resonate in her soul.

Tatyana's love reveals her tender nature. The famous letter she writes to Onegin is a testament to her courage and sincerity. It must be said that for a girl of that time, confessing her love, especially by writing first, was practically equivalent to shame. But Tatyana does not want to hide - she feels that she must talk about her love. Unfortunately, Onegin simply cannot appreciate this, although, to his credit, he keeps the confession a secret. His indifference hurts Tatyana, who has difficulty coping with this blow. Faced with a cruel reality, so different from the world of her favorite French novels, Tatyana withdraws into herself.

And dear Tanya’s youth fades:
This is how the storm's shadow dresses
The day is barely born.

An interesting episode in the novel is the one that predicted death at the hands of Onegin. Tatyana's sensitive soul, which detects any anxiety, responds to the tension in the relationship between two former friends, and results in an alarming, strange nightmare that the girl had during Christmas time. The dream books do not give Tatyana any explanations about the terrible dream, but the heroine is afraid to interpret it literally. Unfortunately, the dream comes true.

The argument is louder, louder; suddenly Evgeniy
He grabs a long knife and instantly
Lensky is defeated; scary shadows
Condensed; unbearable scream
There was a sound... the hut shook...
And Tanya woke up in horror...

The final chapter of “Eugene Onegin” shows us a completely different Tatyana - a matured, sensible, strong woman. Her romanticism and dreaminess disappear - unhappy love has erased these traits from her character. Tatyana's behavior when meeting Onegin evokes admiration. Despite the fact that love for him has not yet faded in her heart, she remains faithful to her husband and rejects the main character:

I love you (why lie?),
But I was given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever.

Thus, the best image of the novel, which is perfectly described by the quote “Tatyana’s sweet ideal,” combines beautiful and worthy of imitation traits: sincerity, femininity, sensitivity, and at the same time amazing willpower, honesty and decency.

A.S. Pushkin is a great poet and writer of the 19th century. He enriched Russian literature with many wonderful works. One of them is the novel “Eugene Onegin”. A.S. Pushkin worked on the novel for many years; it was his favorite work. Belinsky called it “an encyclopedia of Russian life,” since it reflected, like a mirror, the entire life of the Russian nobility of that era. Despite the fact that the novel is called “Eugene Onegin,” the system of characters is organized in such a way that the image of Tatyana Larina acquires no less, if not more, importance. But Tatyana is not just the main character of the novel, she is also A.S.’s favorite heroine. Pushkin, which the poet calls “a sweet ideal.” A.S. Pushkin is madly in love with the heroine, and repeatedly admits this to her:

...I love my dear Tatiana so much!

Tatyana Larina is a young, fragile, contented, sweet young lady. Her image stands out very clearly against the background of other female images inherent in the literature of that time. From the very beginning, the author emphasizes the absence in Tatyana of those qualities that were endowed with the heroines of classical Russian novels: a poetic name, unusual beauty:

Not your sister's beauty,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

Since childhood, Tatyana had a lot of things that distinguished her from others. She grew up as a lonely girl in her family:

Dick, sad, silent,

Like a forest deer is timid,

She is in her own family

The girl seemed like a stranger.

Tatyana also did not like to play with children and was not interested in city news and fashion. For the most part, she is immersed in herself, in her experiences:

But dolls even in these years

Tatyana didn’t take it in her hands;

About city news, about fashion

I didn’t have any conversations with her.

There is something completely different about Tatiana that captivates us: thoughtfulness, dreaminess, poetry, sincerity. She read many novels since childhood. In them she saw a different life, more interesting, more eventful. She believed that such a life, and such people are not made up, but actually exist:

She liked novels early on,

They replaced everything for her,

She fell in love with deceptions

And Richardson and Russo.

Already with the name of his heroine, Pushkin emphasizes Tatyana’s closeness to the people, to Russian nature. Pushkin explains Tatiana’s unusualness and spiritual wealth by the influence of the folk environment, the beautiful and harmonious Russian nature, on her inner world:

Tatyana (Russian in soul, Without knowing why)

With her cold beauty

I loved Russian winter.

Tatyana, a Russian soul, subtly senses the beauty of nature. One can guess another image that accompanies Tatyana everywhere and connects her with nature - the moon:

She loved on the balcony

Warn the dawn,

When on a pale sky

The round dance of the stars disappears...

...under the foggy moon...

Tatyana's soul is pure, high, like the moon. Tatyana’s “wildness” and “sadness” do not repel us, but, on the contrary, make us think that she, like the lonely moon in the sky, is extraordinary in her spiritual beauty. Tatiana's portrait is inseparable from nature, from the overall picture. In the novel, nature is revealed through Tatyana, and Tatyana - through nature. For example, spring is the birth of Tatyana’s love, and love is spring:

The time has come, she fell in love.

So the grain fell into the ground

Spring is enlivened by fire.

Tatyana shares her experiences, grief, and torment with nature; only to her can she pour out her soul. Only in solitude with nature does she find solace, and where else can she look for it, because in the family she grew up as a “stranger girl”; She herself writes in a letter to Onegin: “... no one understands me...”. Tatyana is the one for whom it is so natural to fall in love in the spring; bloom for happiness, like the first flowers bloom in the spring, when nature awakens from sleep.

Before leaving for Moscow, Tatyana first of all says goodbye to her native land:

Sorry, peaceful valleys,

And you, familiar mountain peaks,

And you, familiar forests;

Sorry cheerful nature...

With this appeal A.S. Pushkin clearly showed how difficult it was for Tatyana to part with her native land.

A.S. Pushkin also endowed Tatyana with a “fiery heart,” a subtle soul. Tatyana, at thirteen years old, is firm and unshakable:

Tatiana loves seriously

And he surrenders, of course.

Love like a sweet child.

V.G. Belinsky noted: “Tatiana’s entire inner world consisted of a thirst for love. nothing else spoke to her soul; her mind was asleep"

Tatyana dreamed of a person who would bring content into her life. This is exactly how Evgeny Onegin seemed to her. She came up with Onegin, fitting him to the model of the heroes of French novels. The heroine takes the first step: she writes a letter to Onegin, waits for an answer, but there is none.

Onegin did not answer her, but on the contrary read the instruction: “Learn to control yourself! Not everyone will understand you, as I do! Inexperience leads to disaster! Although it was always considered indecent for a girl to be the first to confess her love, the author likes Tatyana’s directness:

Why is Tatyana guilty?

Because in sweet simplicity

She knows no deception

And he believes in his chosen dream.

Having found herself in Moscow society, where “it’s easy to show off your upbringing,” Tatyana stands out for her spiritual qualities. Social life has not touched her soul, no, it is still the same old “dear Tatyana.” She is tired of the luxurious life, she suffers:

She's stuffy here... she's a dream

Strives for life in the field.

Here, in Moscow, Pushkin again compares Tatyana to the moon, which eclipses everything around with its light:

She was sitting at the table

With the brilliant Nina Voronskaya,

This Cleopatra of the Neva;

And you would truly agree,

That Nina is a marble beauty

I couldn’t outshine my neighbor,

At least she was dazzling.

Tatyana, who still loves Evgeniy, answers him firmly:

But I was given to someone else

And I will be faithful to him forever.

This confirms once again that Tatyana is noble, persistent, and faithful.

The critic V.G. also highly appreciated the image of Tatyana. Belinsky: “Great was Pushkin’s feat that he was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce Russian society of that time and, in the person of Onegin and Lensky, showed its main, that is, male, side; but perhaps the greater feat of our poet is that he was the first to poetically reproduce, in the person of Tatyana, a Russian woman.” The critic emphasizes the integrity of the heroine’s nature, her exclusivity in society. At the same time, Belinsky draws attention to the fact that the image of Tatiana represents “a type of Russian woman.”