Although modern scientists consider the works of the Unified State Exam. Great naturalists who made worldwide discoveries

This manual is intended to develop practical skills of students in preparation for the Russian language exam in grade 11 in the Unified State Exam format. It contains options for diagnostic work in the Russian language, the content of which corresponds to the testing and measuring materials developed by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements for the Unified State Exam. The book also includes answers to tasks and criteria for checking and assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer.
The materials in the book are recommended for teachers and methodologists to identify the level and quality of students’ preparation in the subject and determine the degree of their readiness for the Unified State Exam.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1) Although modern scientists consider the works of natural scientists created during the Middle Ages and Antiquity to be “unscientific,” they are wrong: these works meet the most stringent criteria of scientificity.
2) Despite the fact that the works of ancient and medieval scientists do not meet the strict scientific criteria put forward by modern scientists, historians of science today are increasingly including the eras of Antiquity and the Middle Ages in their area of ​​interest, recognizing the value of research into those periods.
3) Famous scientists of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, including Aristotle, Al-Biruni and R. Bacon, stand at the origins of modern natural scientific thought.
4) Realizing the significance of the works of ancient and medieval naturalists, historians of science include in the scope of their research the works of those eras, although, according to modern scientists, such works do not meet the criteria of scientific character.
5) The scientific revolution of the 16th-17th centuries was preceded by such important processes as the emergence of natural sciences in the era of Antiquity and the development of modern scientific methods in the Middle Ages.

Which of the following words or combinations of words should be missing in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write this word down.
That's why
In particular.

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  • Russian language, Preparation for the Unified State Exam, Diagnostic work, Kuznetsov A.Yu., Mezhina T.V., 2019
  • Russian language, Preparation for the Unified State Exam, Diagnostic work, Kuznetsov A.Yu., Mezhina T.V., 2017
  • Russian language, Preparation for the Unified State Exam, Diagnostic work, Kuznetsov A.Yu., Zadorozhnaya A.S., Mezhina T.V., Narushevich A.G., 2014

The following textbooks and books.

Before the Age of Enlightenment and even after it, science in the eyes of a poorly educated society was not much different from magic. Incomprehensible formulas, strange experiments, mysterious vestments, a desire to penetrate the secrets of the world order... All this created an aura of mystery around scientists who, in the eyes of the crowd, turned into sorcerers who sold their souls to the devil. About five of them - in the material of "Futurist".

Herbert of Aurillac, Pope Sylvester II (946 - 1003)

The French medieval scientist and theologian Herbert of Aurillac, in addition to occupying the throne of the Catholic Church for four years as Pope Sylvester II, became famous for his great contributions to science. This is what he suffered from.

He studied mathematics, studied Arabic scientific works and popularized them in Europe. Herbert was one of the first among Europeans to become acquainted with Arabic numerals and tried to introduce them into European arithmetic. He introduced to Europe the armillary celestial sphere, which indicated the celestial equator, tropics, ecliptic and poles, and also reintroduced and improved the abacus, which had been forgotten since Roman times.

Herbert's incredible learning for that time aroused suspicion among his contemporaries. He was called a warlock, accused of witchcraft and communicating with the devil. It was believed that he could cast a spell and become invisible, and also created the idol of Teraphim, which helped him achieve the papal tiara. According to legend, while reading his last mass, he was torn to pieces by Satan.

Miguel Servet (1509 - 1553)

The Spanish thinker, naturalist and physician Miguel Servet studied medicine at the University of Paris and was the first in Europe to describe the pulmonary circulation, through which blood flows from the right side of the heart to the left. In the book “The Restoration of Christianity,” he clarified Galen’s erroneous idea, which had existed among doctors for more than 1300 years, about the passage of blood from the right ventricle to the left through the heart septum.

In addition to anatomical theories, this work contained a denial of the dogma of the Trinity, for which in the Christian world Servetus began to be considered “the chosen messenger of Satan incarnate,” an apostate and a sorcerer. On October 27, 1553, Servetus, never recognizing the divine trinity, was burned alive at the stake of the Inquisition along with his book.

John Dee (1527 - 1608)

The Englishman John Dee was one of the most educated people of the late Renaissance. Already at the age of 21, he taught Euclid's geometry in Paris and was friends with outstanding scientists of that time. In 1561 he wrote a significant addition to Robert Record's book on algebra and mechanics, The Foundation of the Arts. With his help, this work turned into the first universal textbook on mathematics using Arabic numerals and the “exact” sign. In 1570 Dee prepared an extensive preface to Euclid's Elements. In it, he identified mathematics as the key to understanding the world and tried to comprehensively cover its main problems at that time. Some researchers even find in this work the first rudiments of non-Euclidean geometry.

At the same time, Dee wrote horoscopes for Queen Elizabeth I of England, and studied cabalism, séances, and the occult. The inhabitants, who did not distinguish between Kabbalah and Euclid, considered him a warlock and tried to punish him for his connections with the evil spirit. In the late 1580s, while Dee was away in England, they attacked his home in Mortlake and plundered his prized library.

Giambattista della Porta (1535 - 1615)

"Human Physiognomy", 1538

The Italian researcher, one of the first scientists in Europe in the modern sense of the word, Giambattista della Porta, himself did not mind being considered a magician. True, at the same time he made a significant reservation: “There are two types of magic: one is unsuitable and has a bad reputation, since it deals with evil spirits and consists of enchantment and harmful curiosity; it is called witchcraft. Other magic is natural; she is recognized and accepted, and all intelligent people worship her.”

While practicing “natural magic,” della Porta designed an improved version of the Camera obscura, the predecessor of the modern camera, described the thermoscope and the experience of raising water by steam pressure, and wrote works on cryptography, physiognomy, mycology and other sciences.

In 1560, Porta organized the “Academy of the Secrets of Nature” in Naples, where, in addition to natural science, they studied the occult. Soon all its members, including the founder himself, were suspected of witchcraft. The inquisitors took on Porto, but fortunately for him and science, it didn’t come to a fire.

Jacob Bruce (1670 - 1735)

One of the associates of Peter I, although born in Moscow, was a representative of a noble Scottish family. Since childhood, he was passionate about mathematics and natural sciences. Traveling with Peter through Europe, studying algebra, astronomy, cartography and engineering, Bruce knew Leibniz and corresponded with him. He compiled the first Russian textbook on geometry and opened the first observatory in Russia at the Navigation School in Moscow.

The school, the head of which was Bruce from 1701, was located in the Sukharevskaya Tower (demolished in 1934). In addition to mathematics and marine sciences, they taught artillery and engineering, and German. However, ignorant rumor surrounded the Sukharev Tower and Jacob Bruce with an aura of mysticism. They said that Bruce had a book “that revealed all the secrets to him,” that he knew the secret of reviving the dead and the recipe for eternal youth.

After the death of Peter, Jacob Bruce withdrew from government affairs and lived in solitude on his Glinka estate. Here he worked on calculating the specific gravity of metals and looked for ways to purify metals from foreign impurities. For the common people, he still remained a sorcerer, whose image was surrounded by legends. Some of them say that at night a dragon flew to Bruce in Glinka, others that he could turn the pond into an ice skating rink in the middle of a hot summer.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Although modern scientists consider the works of natural scientists created during the Middle Ages and Antiquity to be “unscientific,” they are wrong: these works meet the most stringent criteria of scientificity.

2) Despite the fact that the works of ancient and medieval scientists do not meet the strict scientific criteria put forward by modern scientists, historians of science today are increasingly including the eras of Antiquity and the Middle Ages in their area of ​​interest, recognizing the value of research into those periods.

3) Famous scientists of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, including Aristotle, Al-Biruni and R. Bacon, stand at the origins of modern natural scientific thought.

4) Realizing the significance of the works of ancient and medieval naturalists, historians of science include in the scope of their research the works of those eras, although, according to modern scientists, such works do not meet the criteria of scientific character.

5) The scientific revolution of the 16th–17th centuries was preceded by such important processes as the emergence of natural sciences in the era of Antiquity and the development of modern scientific methods in the Middle Ages.

(1) Modern scientists consider the works created by natural scientists before the so-called scientific revolution, which occurred in the 16th–17th centuries in Western Europe, to not meet the strict criteria of scientificity. (2)<…>We can find reliable and extremely valuable studies of the surrounding world for humanity already in ancient times, for example, in the works of Aristotle, and the foundations of natural science methodology were developed in the Middle Ages by a number of outstanding scientists, including Roger Bacon and Al-Biruni. (3) Realizing the full significance of the work done in previous times, specialists in the history of science have recently increasingly included the period of Antiquity and the Middle Ages in the scope of their research.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).


In particular,


3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word ROW. Determine in what sense this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this

meaning in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

ROW, -a, m.

1) A line of evenly spaced homogeneous objects. R. houses.

2) The totality of some. phenomena that follow or are located in a certain sequence. R. generations.

3) A certain, considerable amount of something. R. cases.

4) Composition, environment. In the ranks of the army.

4. In which word was there an error in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was incorrectly highlighted?




5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

The horseman, for the sake of order, fired a few more arrows and, leaving behind clouds of dust, disappeared behind a WOODED hill.

Channel your teenager's passion into a PRACTICAL direction: invite him to enroll in a course or a club - this knowledge will certainly be useful to him in the future.

That day, the concert organizer came up to me, shook my hand and handed me a THANK YOU letter from the administration.

FOR A LONG time (about 200 years), historians and linguists believed that the single center of settlement of the Slavs was located in the middle Dnieper region.

If you don't take action, this VICIOUS weed will very quickly spread throughout the garden.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

LIE (on the floor)

Their work

hot SOUPs

SIX HUNDRED students

divide in half

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first list, select the corresponding position from the second list.



A) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

B) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

C) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

D) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

D) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

1) Being bosom friends, Lyoshka and Zhenya simply could not have serious quarrels and omissions.

3) Thanks to the efforts of the entire team, we managed to beat our main competitors.

4) Gorky’s fundamental innovation lies in the fact that neither love nor social conflicts are the main plot-forming core of this work.

5) Everyone who watched the new film by the famous director expressed very contradictory opinions.

6) The Russian surgeon and anatomist N.I. Pirogov bequeathed to us that “study, read, reflect and extract the most useful from everything.”

7) The poem “The Poet” by M. Yu Lermontov allegorically depicts the crisis of modern poetry, explained by social apathy.

8) Language is the best indicator not only of general culture, but also the best educator of a person.

9) The late period of creativity of A.S. Pushkin can be divided into stages, since he is represented by very diverse and dissimilar works.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.



shut up


9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

ra..expand, be..humane;

pr..protect, pr..protect;

in..coming, approaching..arriving; spend the night, not..visible;

un..disputable, r..plentiful.

10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.





11. Write down the word in which the letter Y is written in place of the gap.

slow (with decision)

(they) put up (posters)

prickly (shrub)

dependent (on parents)

(they) seal..t (signature)

12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Only seventy years later will the grandfather’s papers (un)published by the editor be discovered.

The still (un)blooming flowers were beaten by frost.

Andrey, (not) wondering, turned the bag over in his hands.

(Without) saying a word, the forester shouldered the heavy basket.

Sometimes you can’t (not) distinguish him from the owner of the house.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

The brothers were left (ALONE) and (C) AT THE BEGINNING they only looked at each other.

Nikolai (DURING) the entire argument was silent and only once IN (HALF) VOICE asked Marina to remove the samovar.

Even in his half-asleep existence, Ilya Ilyich could not, in his words, indifferently remember that same female aria from Bellini’s opera, which SAME as merged with the appearance of Olga Ilyinskaya, and ALSO with the dramatic outcome of Oblomov’s love for her.

The seller is JUST responsible to the buyer for damage or breakage of the cargo (B) AS a CONSEQUENCE of improper packaging, as is the buyer to the seller for timely payment for the goods.

Juniper bushes RARELY, but STILL, grow on the slopes of the hill.

14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

The ships, which managed to (1) take refuge in the harbor in advance, were pulled (2) ashore, but angry (3) waves rolled in here, and then the slender, precise (4) masts swayed and danced widely, and the boards creaked , as if ready to fall apart.

15. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) At first the young man was indifferent and calm, but the last words struck him and touched a nerve.

2) The theme of the fate of the generation of the 30s in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov can be understood both in a narrow literary context and in a broad social, historical and cultural perspective.

3) This general not only has military talent, but also good organizational skills and enjoys authority in the army.

4) The plot of the novel by I.A. Goncharov’s “Oblomov” looks drawn out and undynamic, complicated and loaded with parallel storylines.

5) Spring and summer passed quickly and unnoticed for the young spouses and their parents.

16. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

I saw all around me one boundless azure sea (1) all covered with small ripples of golden scales, and above my head the same boundless, same azure sky - and across it (2) triumphantly (3) and as if laughing (4) the gentle sun rolled.

17. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s), in the place of which(s) there should be a comma(s).

Our dear mother earth (1)

In days of trouble and in days of victory

There is no (2) you (3) brighter and more beautiful

And there is nothing more desirable to the heart.

Thinking about the soldier's

Unpredicted fate

Even lie in a mass grave

Better (4) seems (5) in you.

(A. T. Tvardovsky)

18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Winding paths (1) smooth lines (2) which (3) beckon into the depths of the site (4) make the garden mysterious.

19. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

His hand trembled (1) and (2) when Nikolai handed the horse to the horse breeder (3) he felt (4) the blood rushing to his heart.

20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Justice is inherent only to noble people.

2) Justice can be justified arithmetically, since all people are the same.

3) The main difficulty is that each person receives according to justice.

4) People tend to understand justice as an action beneficial to themselves personally, considering others to be unfair.

5) Coming to agreement on the concept of “fairness” is very simple.

(1) They have been talking and writing about injustice since ancient times - perhaps since humanity generally learned to speak and write. (2) What injustice is is still not clear.

(3) It is very difficult to come to an agreement on this issue, since in this case the dispute is conducted with a sufficient degree of interest. (4) Everyone wants to be treated “fairly” and complains about “injustice”, but tries to interpret the situation in such a way that injustice towards him immediately becomes obvious. (5) And everyone has sufficient conceit to judge “fairly” the attitude towards other people, and does not notice at all that others are indignant at his imaginary “fairness”. (6) Thus the problem is distorted by passions and shrouded in prejudices. (7) Entire generations are stuck in these prejudices, and you sometimes notice how the very word “justice” evokes a caustic smile.

(8) From previous generations, humanity inherited the belief that people are equal from birth and, as a result, they must be treated equally. (9) However, the essence of justice consists precisely in unequal treatment of unequal people.

(10) If people were truly equal, life would be extremely simple and justice would be extremely easy to find. (11) It would only be worth saying: the same people - the same share, or everyone an equal share of everything. (12) Then justice could be justified arithmetically and created mechanically; and everyone would be happy, because people would become nothing more than identical atoms, a kind of mechanical balls rolling everywhere, which would be similar in appearance and internally have the same mental make-up. (13) How naive, how simple, how petty!

(14) In fact, people are not equal in body, soul, or spirit. (15) They will be born as beings of different sexes, with different health and strength, with completely different predispositions, gifts, instincts and desires, they belong to different spiritual levels, and they (by virtue of justice!) must be treated differently. (16) This is the basis and main difficulty of justice: there are an infinite number of people; they are all different; How can we ensure that everyone receives justice? (17) If people are not the same, it means that they must be treated each time according to their living uniqueness. (18) Otherwise, injustice arises.

(19) Thus, justice means precisely inequality: to take care of a child, to help the weak, to be lenient towards the tired, to care for the sick; show more severity to the weak-willed, more trust to the honest, more caution to the talker; honor the hero.

(20) Justice, therefore, is the art of inequality, and it is inherent only in noble souls. (21) She has a heightened sense of reality; stemming from a kind heart and keen observation, she rejects a mechanical approach to people. (22) She wants to approach each case individually, disposing the person to compassion. (23) She tries to grasp in a person his essence and originality and treat him accordingly.

(According to I. Ilyin*)

*Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin (1882-1954) - famous Russian philosopher, literary critic, publicist.

The source of the text is unknown.

21. Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 10 and 15 confirm the judgment expressed in sentence 14 of the text.

2) Sentences 3-6 of the text contain reasoning.

3) Proposition 19 is the conclusion of the argument.

4) Sentences 10-12 present the narrative.

5) The predominant type of text is description.

22. From sentences 16 and 17, write down a synonymous pair.

23. Among sentences 19-23, find the one(s) that are connected with the previous one using lexical repetitions. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

Option No. 6996817

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-26 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Indicate the numbers of sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Although modern scientists consider the works of natural scientists created during the Middle Ages and Antiquity to be “unscientific,” they are wrong: these works meet the most stringent criteria of scientificity.

2) Despite the fact that the works of ancient and medieval scientists do not meet the strict scientific criteria put forward by modern scientists, historians of science today are increasingly including the eras of Antiquity and the Middle Ages in their area of ​​interest, recognizing the value of research into those periods.

3) Famous scientists of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, including Aristotle, Al-Biruni and R. Bacon, stand at the origins of modern natural scientific thought.

4) Realizing the significance of the works of ancient and medieval naturalists, historians of science include in the scope of their research the works of those eras, although, according to modern scientists, such works do not meet the criteria of scientific character.

5) The scientific revolution of the 16th–17th centuries was preceded by such important processes as the emergence of natural sciences in the era of Antiquity and the development of modern scientific methods in the Middle Ages.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).


In particular,



Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word ROW. Determine in what sense this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

ROW, -a, m.

1) A line of evenly spaced homogeneous objects. R. houses.

2) The totality of some. phenomena that follow or are located in a certain sequence. R. generations.

3) A certain, considerable amount of something. R. cases.

4) Composition, environment. In the ranks of the army.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.






In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.



don't put your elbows on the table

FIFTY HUNDRED subscribers

two pairs of JEANS


Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

B) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial phrase

C) violation of aspectual-temporal correlation of verb forms

D) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

D) violation in the construction of sentences with homogeneous members

1) The crazy, mysterious story of Yesenin and Isadora Duncan will never cease to interest those who seek to learn the incredible secrets of love.

2) From time to time in the basement, Liesel, having forgotten herself, listened to the voice of the accordion sounding in her ears.

3) The St. Petersburg period in the works of A.S. Pushkin’s work is not only characterized by greater stylistic freedom, but also by breaking genre boundaries.

4) The sparkling stars in the sky sparkled and shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow.

5) According to the resolution of the committee, it is necessary to reward particularly distinguished employees.

6) “Here is our new contender for the award!” - said the dean, pointing to the third-year student.

7) Isadora Duncan renounced her rights to the inheritance of the deceased Yesenin, saying that “take the money to his mother and sisters.”

8) Blok himself was never published in Scythians, although at that time he maintained warm relations with many participants in the almanac.

9) Before the thunder struck, Lisa and I ran from the yard into the house.



Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

be mischievous


z..mother (money)




Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

and..under the brows, and..chased

passed..gave, nor..ver

pr..found, pr..gave

by..clean, about..beat, up..mother


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.



shine through

(skillful) gardener

holy fool..vy


Write down the word in which the letter Y is written in place of the gap.

slow (with decision)

(they) put up (posters)

prickly (shrub)

dependent (on parents)

(they) seal..t (signature)


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

A (NOT) HIGH cloudy sky was visible above the mountains.

There are, as we often think, meetings with people that are (NOT) MEANINGFUL, but communication with them can be the beginning of a long friendship.

In this city you rarely meet an idle, (NOT) BUSY person.

Our short acquaintance did not in the least prevent us from talking in a friendly manner.

The buildings of St. Petersburg with its brown iron roofs are not at all DESIGNED to be viewed from above.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

The body becomes immune to infection (B) AS A CONSEQUENCE of immunization, ALSO known as vaccination.

This insignificant tavern conversation had an extraordinary influence on Raskolnikov, (AS) AS if there really was SOME kind of predestination or indication here.

(BY) WHAT and how my companion said, I (S)ONCE understood: he is an experienced, strong man.

At night it rained so hard that we were all soaked through, but there was STILL no way to get into the village.

Sashka thought that it was better to move (ALONE); Borka suggested the SAME.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

Freedom for Pushkin is the fullness of life, its richness, diversity. The poet’s Boldino creativity amazes with this very freedom, which is expressed (2) in a wide (3) variety of ideas, themes, images, in the desire to comprehend the inner (4) meaning of what is happening.


Place punctuation marks. Specify two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) A landowner wedding in the 18th – early 19th centuries differed from a noble wedding not only in wealth but also in its noticeable “Europeanization”.

2) Degrees of comparison of adjectives are formed using suffixes or using auxiliary words.

3) The novel “The Master and Margarita” challenges rationalism and philistinism, vulgarity and meanness.

4) How beautiful these lilies and field daisies and roadside cornflowers were on the old pond!

5) At the very foot of the mountain there were small green bushes and colorful flocks of flowers.


The woman (1) approached the fence (2) froze in place, and (3) only by the steam coming out of her nostrils (4) could one understand that this was not a stone statue, but a living person.


Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Onegin (1) my good friend (2)

Born on the banks of the Neva (3)

Where (4) maybe (5) you were born (6)

Or shone (7) my reader...


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Art and non-artistic reality can be considered as areas (1) the difference between (2) which (3) is so great (4) that even comparing them is excluded.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Shukshin in the story “A Mother’s Heart” takes the side of the main characters (1) and (2), although it is difficult and even impossible to challenge the broken law (3) in the work, maternalism comes first

love (4) which defies any written laws (5) and indestructible faith in man.


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) A fairy tale tells a person what to do in difficult life circumstances.

2) In fairy tales, behind an ugly appearance there is certainly a beautiful soul hidden, and behind external beauty there is inner ugliness.

3) Modern people who believe in fairy tales evoke a sense of surprise among those around them.

4) A fairy tale can provide answers to a variety of questions that a person faces on his life’s path.

5) All people, both adults and children, have encountered a fairy tale in life, but in the process of growing up, the ability to listen and hear a fairy tale disappears.

(according to I.A. Ilyin*)

*Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin


Which of the following statements are faithful? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 1–5 present the reasoning.

2) Sentences 8–12 provide a description.

3) Proposition 23 explains and complements the content of sentence 22.

4) Sentences 13–17 present the reasoning.

5) Sentences 26–27 present the narrative.

(1) Let's, dear reader, think about whether a fairy tale is something far from us and how much we need it. (2) We make a kind of pilgrimage to magical, desired and beautiful lands, reading or listening to fairy tales. (3) What do people bring from these regions? (4) What draws them there? (5) What does a person ask a fairy tale about and what exactly does it answer him? (6) Man always asked a fairy tale about what all people, from century to century, will always ask about, about what is important and necessary for all of us. (7) First of all, about happiness. (8) Does it come on its own in life or does it have to be obtained? (9) Are labors, trials, dangers and exploits really necessary? (10) What is a person’s happiness? (11) Are you rich? (12) Or, perhaps, in kindness and righteousness?

(13) What is fate? (14) Is it really impossible to overcome it and a person can only sit obediently and wait for the weather by the sea? (15) And the fairy tale generously suggests how a person should be at the crossroads of life and in the depths of life’s forest, in trouble and misfortune.

(16) What is more important - the outer shell or invisible beauty? (17) How to recognize, how to smell the beautiful soul of a monster and the ugly soul of a beauty?

(18) And finally, is it true that only the possible is possible, and the impossible is really impossible? (19) Aren’t there possibilities hidden in the things and souls around us that not everyone dares to talk about?

(20) This is what a person, and especially a Russian person, asks about in his fairy tale. (21) And the fairy tale answers not about what is not and does not happen, but about what now exists and will always be. (22) After all, a fairy tale is the answer of an antiquity that has experienced everything to the questions of a child’s soul entering the world. (23) Here, wise antiquity blesses Russian infancy for the difficult life it has not yet experienced, contemplating from the depths of its national experience the difficulties of life’s path.

(24) All people are divided into people living with a fairy tale and people living without a fairy tale. (25) And people living with a fairy tale have the gift and happiness... to ask their people about the first and last wisdom of life and with an open soul to listen to the answers of its original, prehistoric philosophy. (26) Such people live as if in harmony with their national fairy tale. (27) And it is good for us if we preserve an eternal child in our souls, that is, we know how to both ask and listen to the voice of our fairy tale.

(according to I.A. Ilyin*)

*Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin(1883–1954) – Russian philosopher, writer and publicist.


From sentences 13–15, write down synonyms (synonymous pair).

(1) Let's, dear reader, think about whether a fairy tale is something far from us and how much we need it. (2) We make a kind of pilgrimage to magical, desired and beautiful lands, reading or listening to fairy tales. (3) What do people bring from these regions? (4) What draws them there? (5) What does a person ask a fairy tale about and what exactly does it answer him? (6) Man always asked a fairy tale about what all people, from century to century, will always ask about, about what is important and necessary for all of us. (7) First of all, about happiness. (8) Does it come on its own in life or does it have to be obtained? (9) Are labors, trials, dangers and exploits really necessary? (10) What is a person’s happiness? (11) Are you rich? (12) Or, perhaps, in kindness and righteousness?

(13) What is fate? (14) Is it really impossible to overcome it and a person can only sit obediently and wait for the weather by the sea? (15) And the fairy tale generously suggests how a person should be at the crossroads of life and in the depths of life’s forest, in trouble and misfortune.

(16) What is more important - the outer shell or invisible beauty? (17) How to recognize, how to smell the beautiful soul of a monster and the ugly soul of a beauty?

(18) And finally, is it true that only the possible is possible, and the impossible is really impossible? (19) Aren’t there possibilities hidden in the things and souls around us that not everyone dares to talk about?

(20) This is what a person, and especially a Russian person, asks about in his fairy tale. (21) And the fairy tale answers not about what is not and does not happen, but about what now exists and will always be. (22) After all, a fairy tale is the answer of an antiquity that has experienced everything to the questions of a child’s soul entering the world. (23) Here, wise antiquity blesses Russian infancy for the difficult life it has not yet experienced, contemplating from the depths of its national experience the difficulties of life’s path.

(24) All people are divided into people living with a fairy tale and people living without a fairy tale. (25) And people living with a fairy tale have the gift and happiness... to ask their people about the first and last wisdom of life and with an open soul to listen to the answers of its original, prehistoric philosophy. (26) Such people live as if in harmony with their national fairy tale. (27) And it is good for us if we preserve an eternal child in our souls, that is, we know how to both ask and listen to the voice of our fairy tale.

(according to I.A. Ilyin*)

*Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin(1883–1954) – Russian philosopher, writer and publicist.

(13) What is fate? (14) Is it really impossible to overcome it and a person can only sit obediently and wait for the weather by the sea? (15) And the fairy tale generously suggests how a person should be at the crossroads of life and in the depths of life’s forest, in trouble and misfortune.


Among sentences 18–23, find one that is connected to the previous one using a coordinating conjunction and word forms.

(1) Let's, dear reader, think about whether a fairy tale is something far from us and how much we need it. (2) We make a kind of pilgrimage to magical, desired and beautiful lands, reading or listening to fairy tales. (3) What do people bring from these regions? (4) What draws them there? (5) What does a person ask a fairy tale about and what exactly does it answer him? (6) Man always asked a fairy tale about what all people, from century to century, will always ask about, about what is important and necessary for all of us. (7) First of all, about happiness. (8) Does it come on its own in life or does it have to be obtained? (9) Are labors, trials, dangers and exploits really necessary? (10) What is a person’s happiness? (11) Are you rich? (12) Or, perhaps, in kindness and righteousness?

(13) What is fate? (14) Is it really impossible to overcome it and a person can only sit obediently and wait for the weather by the sea? (15) And the fairy tale generously suggests how a person should be at the crossroads of life and in the depths of life’s forest, in trouble and misfortune.

(16) What is more important - the outer shell or invisible beauty? (17) How to recognize, how to smell the beautiful soul of a monster and the ugly soul of a beauty?

(18) And finally, is it true that only the possible is possible, and the impossible is really impossible? (19) Aren’t there possibilities hidden in the things and souls around us that not everyone dares to talk about?

(20) This is what a person, and especially a Russian person, asks about in his fairy tale. (21) And the fairy tale answers not about what is not and does not happen, but about what now exists and will always be. (22) After all, a fairy tale is the answer of an antiquity that has experienced everything to the questions of a child’s soul entering the world. (23) Here, wise antiquity blesses Russian infancy for the difficult life it has not yet experienced, contemplating from the depths of its national experience the difficulties of life’s path.

(24) All people are divided into people living with a fairy tale and people living without a fairy tale. (25) And people living with a fairy tale have the gift and happiness... to ask their people about the first and last wisdom of life and with an open soul to listen to the answers of its original, prehistoric philosophy. (26) Such people live as if in harmony with their national fairy tale. (27) And it is good for us if we preserve an eternal child in our souls, that is, we know how to both ask and listen to the voice of our fairy tale.

(according to I.A. Ilyin*)

*Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin(1883–1954) – Russian philosopher, writer and publicist.


Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20–23.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the numbers of the terms from the list. Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

“In the proposed text I.A. Ilyin talks to the reader about a fairy tale - about that very fairy tale where miracles, magic, goodness and justice live. The author gives his own assessment of this genre and invites us to pleasant, but at the same time serious reflection. The subject matter of the text determines the form: Ilyin’s reasoning is very simple and pathetic at the same time, a high degree of emotionality is maintained throughout the entire fragment. A number of means of expression contribute to the embodiment of the author’s plan. In syntax, these are, for example, (A)________ (sentences 7, 11, 12) and (B) __________(sentences 2, 25). The vocabulary repeatedly uses (B) ________ (“wait by the sea for weather”, “with an open soul”), successfully connecting with bright paths, among which we note, in particular, (D) ___________ (sentence 15). All together this gives the feeling of a living text that makes you think about a lot.”

List of terms:

1) phraseological units

2) antithesis

3) incomplete sentences

4) metaphor

5) series of homogeneous members of the sentence

6) exclamatory sentences

7) lexical repetition

8) hyperbole

9) anaphora

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


(1) Let's, dear reader, think about whether a fairy tale is something far from us and how much we need it. (2) We make a kind of pilgrimage to magical, desired and beautiful lands, reading or listening to fairy tales. (3) What do people bring from these regions? (4) What draws them there? (5) What does a person ask a fairy tale about and what exactly does it answer him? (6) Man always asked a fairy tale about what all people, from century to century, will always ask about, about what is important and necessary for all of us. (7) First of all, about happiness. (8) Does it come on its own in life or does it have to be obtained? (9) Are labors, trials, dangers and exploits really necessary? (10) What is a person’s happiness? (11) Are you rich? (12) Or, perhaps, in kindness and righteousness?

(13) What is fate? (14) Is it really impossible to overcome it and a person can only sit obediently and wait for the weather by the sea? (15) And the fairy tale generously suggests how a person should be at the crossroads of life and in the depths of life’s forest, in trouble and misfortune.

(16) What is more important - the outer shell or invisible beauty? (17) How to recognize, how to smell the beautiful soul of a monster and the ugly soul of a beauty?

(18) And finally, is it true that only the possible is possible, and the impossible is really impossible? (19) Aren’t there possibilities hidden in the things and souls around us that not everyone dares to talk about?

(20) This is what a person, and especially a Russian person, asks about in his fairy tale. (21) And the fairy tale answers not about what is not and does not happen, but about what now exists and will always be. (22) After all, a fairy tale is the answer of an antiquity that has experienced everything to the questions of a child’s soul entering the world. (23) Here, wise antiquity blesses Russian infancy for the difficult life it has not yet experienced, contemplating from the depths of its national experience the difficulties of life’s path.

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting). Explain the meaning of each example and indicate the semantic connection between them.

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is graded 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) Let's, dear reader, think about whether a fairy tale is something far from us and how much we need it. (2) We make a kind of pilgrimage to magical, desired and beautiful lands, reading or listening to fairy tales. (3) What do people bring from these regions? (4) What draws them there? (5) What does a person ask a fairy tale about and what exactly does it answer him? (6) Man always asked a fairy tale about what all people, from century to century, will always ask about, about what is important and necessary for all of us. (7) First of all, about happiness. (8) Does it come on its own in life or does it have to be obtained? (9) Are labors, trials, dangers and exploits really necessary? (10) What is a person’s happiness? (11) Are you rich? (12) Or, perhaps, in kindness and righteousness?

(13) What is fate? (14) Is it really impossible to overcome it and a person can only sit obediently and wait for the weather by the sea? (15) And the fairy tale generously suggests how a person should be at the crossroads of life and in the depths of life’s forest, in trouble and misfortune.

(16) What is more important - the outer shell or invisible beauty? (17) How to recognize, how to smell the beautiful soul of a monster and the ugly soul of a beauty?

(18) And finally, is it true that only the possible is possible, and the impossible is really impossible? (19) Aren’t there possibilities hidden in the things and souls around us that not everyone dares to talk about?

(20) This is what a person, and especially a Russian person, asks about in his fairy tale. (21) And the fairy tale answers not about what is not and does not happen, but about what now exists and will always be. (22) After all, a fairy tale is the answer of an antiquity that has experienced everything to the questions of a child’s soul entering the world. (23) Here, wise antiquity blesses Russian infancy for the difficult life it has not yet experienced, contemplating from the depths of its national experience the difficulties of life’s path.

(24) All people are divided into people living with a fairy tale and people living without a fairy tale. (25) And people living with a fairy tale have the gift and happiness... to ask their people about the first and last wisdom of life and with an open soul to listen to the answers of its original, prehistoric philosophy. (26) Such people live as if in harmony with their national fairy tale. (27) And it is good for us if we preserve an eternal child in our souls, that is, we know how to both ask and listen to the voice of our fairy tale.

Execution algorithm:

1)     Read the text carefully.
2)     We highlight the main points, or micro-topics (usually there are 2 or 3 of them).
3) We select statements that contain all microtopics as much as possible.

Example(from the 2016 sample):

(1) The first scientist who undertook to prove that amber is the petrified resin of trees was the Roman writer Pliny the Elder: he drew attention to the resinous smell and smoky flame when burning amber, as well as to the fact that in transparent amber one can often see those caught in it includes insects and plant parts. (2) Later, scientists tried to challenge this conclusion: for example, the famous naturalist Georg Agricola argued that amber is formed in the bowels of the earth from a liquid bituminous substance, which, flowing onto its surface, solidifies, and at the beginning of the 18th century there was a hypothesis that that amber came from the combination of oil with mineral acids. (3)And<...>M.V. Lomonosov in his works presented undeniable arguments in favor of the organic origin of amber, thereby confirming the hypothesis of Pliny the Elder.

There are three main ideas in the text:
1. Pliny the Elder argued that amber is petrified tree resin.
2. Scientists tried to challenge this and put forward their own hypotheses.
3. Lomonosov confirmed Pliny’s hypothesis (amber is the petrified resin of trees).

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text.

1) Amber is formed in the bowels of the earth from a liquid bituminous substance, which, flowing onto its surface, hardens.

2) Scientists have long tried to understand the nature of amber, but only M.V. Lomonosov argued in favor of the organic origin of amber, confirming the hypothesis of Pliny the Elder.

3) Many scientists studied the nature of amber and correctly determined its structure, for example Georg Agricola, who proved that amber is formed in the bowels of the earth.

4) The first scientist to prove that amber is petrified tree resin was the Roman writer Pliny the Elder, who drew attention to the resinous smell and smoky flame when burning amber due to insects and plant parts that got into it.

5) The hypothesis of the Roman writer Pliny the Elder about the organic origin of amber, disputed by many scientists, received reasoned confirmation in the works of M.V. Lomonosov.

Select the appropriate statements:

1) - is not suitable, since it only talks about the hypothesis of Georg Agricola, and even in the form of a statement. But this is not so.

2) - suitable, since all the main ideas are contained: scientists tried to understand the origin of amber (our 2nd main idea), Lomonosov gave arguments in favor of the organic origin of amber (our 3rd main idea), confirming the hypothesis of Pliny the Elder (our 1st main idea) .

3) - does not apply, since there is only one match with our list (“Many scientists have studied the nature of amber...”). And here is a further distortion of facts: Georg Agricola correctly determined the structure of amber - in the original text it is quite the opposite.

4) - is not suitable, since it indicates only one main idea out of three. This statement does not contradict the text, but we cannot say that it expresses the MAIN idea of ​​the entire text.

5) - suitable, since we have all three of our points: “The hypothesis of the Roman writer Pliny the Elder about the organic origin of amber...” (our 1st main idea), “... disputed by many scientists...” (our 2nd main idea ), "...received reasoned confirmation in the works of M.V. Lomonosov." (our 3rd main idea).

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