Palmistry, determining the number of children by hand. Subtleties of determining the number of children in the palm of your hand

When studying palmistry, the line of children is of interest to both men and women. Young people are trying to find out how many descendants they will leave in a few years. Mature family people are interested in checking whether the real number of children matches the one predicted by the palm of their hand.

In the article:

Palmistry - children's line on the hand and approaches to reading it

The authors call children's lines There are different lines on the hand. In the first case, a new addition to the family is indicated by a line that looks like a ring around. The islands indicate the number of descendants, and several outlines indicate different fathers. The mark itself speaks of marriage. Thus .

Photo of children's line

European palmistry considers the marriage line to be a horizontal line located between the little finger and the heart line. If there are several of them, there will be the same number of marriages. And the line of children on the hand is a horizontal line that extends from the marriage line. If you are not destined to have a wedding, but there will be children, there will be lines of children, but not marriage.

There are many lines of childbearing. If one is “silent”, another line on the hand will tell about the number of descendants. It's easy to confuse signs that indicate children with those that indicate problems in your marriage. The latter cross out the signs of marriages, and the lines of the children take their beginning from them.

How many children will there be?

Knowing palmistry, answer the number of children according to your hand. On the left hands of right-handed people, or passive hands, what is given to a person from birth is indicated. In this case, the line of children means the number of descendants you are physically capable of bearing. Infertile people do not have these lines on their left hands. They may appear on the right hand when an illness or other circumstances that make childbearing impossible are overcome.

The number of lines on the left palm is an option that is rarely used. Fate throws up various situations. The potential can be used for abortion, and if there is no desire to have offspring and an accidental pregnancy is excluded, it simply will not be spent.

The number of vertical lines extending upward from the marriage line below the little finger of the right hand indicates the number of children you will leave behind. There can be many such lines and wrinkles on the hands. Pay attention to pronounced signs, they mean the birth of a child.

Line of children on the palm - how to find out the gender of the child

Long, bright and thick lines indicate boys. If you are pregnant, try to find out with the help of palmistry how many children you will have and for whom it is time to prepare.

Thin and short lines indicate that there will be a daughter. The signs of daughters sometimes reach the same length as the lines of sons. This means that daughters will be loved by their parents. This nuance confuses novice palmists - a daughter’s mark may be similar to a son’s, and it is difficult to distinguish them.

The meaning of the line of children on the hand, which looks like the letter v, is the appearance of twins in a family. Based on the size of the strokes of the letters, the gender of the children can be interpreted. Twins of different sexes, brother and sister, are a common occurrence.

When fortune telling for a married couple, one of the partners is predicted to have more descendants. Means that one spouse has greater potential than the other. Either not all heirs from one marriage, or a spouse with less potential, will not be able to realize more than the potential of his partner allows.

Other meanings of children's lines on the hand

When fortune telling by hand, the line of children tells which of the children will come from which marriage. If there are several lines of marriage, notice from which of them there are lines that speak of babies. It happens that the first marriage is childless, and the second will bring a descendant. Often children from different fathers or mothers live in the same family.

The frequency of new additions to the family is counted from the edge of the palm. If there is a larger dash first, and a smaller one after it, a son will appear first in the family, and after him a daughter. The distance between the lines answers the question of how long it will take from the birth of the previous baby to the next birth. The signs of the same age children may be similar to the dash of twins, but they are not connected at the base.

The lost opportunity to give birth may look like a weak line torn from. It means that they could have had offspring in a certain marriage, but did not take advantage of this chance.

Islands on the line, which symbolizes a son or daughter, speak of illness. If the island is present at the very beginning of the trait, the baby will be born sick or will be sick at the beginning of life. An island in another place indicates that the child will get sick at a later age, but before the start of his independent life. Smooth lines without distortion indicate the child’s luck and success.

Palmistry allows you to understand the question of how many descendants you will leave to the world. Rarely do predictions coincide with reality. The fact is that there are quite a few dashes of heirs, and it is difficult for novice palmists to understand which one speaks about his life.

Women and young girls are always interested in when they will have children and how many. However, many fortune tellings do not always give an accurate answer to this question. Palmistry will help you figure this out: you can find out how many children there will be using special photos and drawings with symbols. After all, from time immemorial this science has answered various questions about life, death, marriage and fate. Here's how you can look into the future and...

Should you believe palmistry?

Opinions vary regarding the plausibility of fortune telling in this way. Some believe that palmistry is a true and unrecognized science that accurately reveals the secrets of human life. Others stubbornly argue that fortune telling is nothing more than entertainment, a game of imagination. However, much depends on the professionalism of the palmist who interpreted the meaning of the lines on the palm. After all, as in fortune telling, the veracity of the forecast depends on the extrasensory abilities of the person giving the forecast.

Therefore, the question of whether modern palmistry is worth believing is decided by each person individually. The main thing is to find a good specialist or figure it out yourself by reading the literature. Moreover, with the help of palmistry, the number of children is determined accurately in almost all cases.

There are several interpretations. Here are the most common ones.

Determining the number of children

To do this, you will need a drawing or table showing the line of the hand and the hills. In many books, the line of marriage and, accordingly, children is interpreted in the same way, but modern palmistry rarely uses this explanation, since many people may have children outside of marriage. Also, combining the marriage line does not separate official registration and ordinary cohabitation, called civil marriage. Therefore, beginners should start with the classic interpretation, in which the lines of children are located on the Mount of Mercury, at the phalanx of the thumb. Longer lines indicate the birth of a son, shorter lines indicate the birth of a daughter.

If they are deep, then this means the number of interrupted pregnancies or opportunities to give birth that you will not take advantage of. Also, the lines of children may differ between husband and wife. For example, a woman may have 2 of them, and a man – her spouse – may have one. This phenomenon suggests that they will have one child together, and the second one will either not be born at all, or will be born out of wedlock or from another man.

This is how palmistry shows the number of children. In India, you need to pay attention to the Mount of Mars, located close to the base of the palm. The number of children is indicated by vertical lines. However, if they are unclear or absent at all, then most likely there will be no children at all, or pregnancies will end in abortions and miscarriages.

Many people are interested in the question of how palmistry shows the birth line of children with explanations and photos. However, in fact, it is impossible to accurately determine such a line: you need to look at the Mount of Mercury and carry out interpretations as described above. The line of marriage should not be confused with the line of children, since for many people they may be outside of legal marriage or in several different relationships. Also on the hill of Mercury you can trace the order of birth of children.

Curved, irregular lines can often indicate the birth of sick children, babies with a short life expectancy, as well as various miscarriages and abortions. The absence of lines can mean infertility, the crown of celibacy. Two lines that have merged into one mean the appearance of twins or triplets.

Features of interpretation

For those who are interested in palmistry for children with explanations, a photo during an illness may have inaccurate outlines and disappear over time when life is threatened, and then appear again. At such moments, you should not guess by hand, as the forecast may be inaccurate.

Whether to believe palmistry in matters such as the birth of children is something everyone decides for themselves. However, if you start studying the lines and hills of the hand, in general, starting with the life line. Then the science of palmistry will tell you exactly how to find out how many children there really will be, and you can make a personal forecast for yourself. Including establishing from what marriage they will be born or outside of it.

Good afternoon, my dear reader. Today I decided to introduce you to the secrets of an interesting science - palmistry, revealing some of the secrets of our hands. The time comes when many women, and even men, begin to think about the number of their future heirs. It’s good if these thoughts come to people out of idle curiosity. It’s worse when a woman is looking for reasons that prevent her from seeing the coveted two lines on a pregnancy test. How can palmistry help, you might think? Now everything will become clear)) Interesting? Read on...

What is palmistry

Palmistry- the oldest fortune-telling about the fate of a person, his individual characteristics, karmic past and future by using the hand, or rather, by the lines and tubercles located on it.

The very first person to write a work on palmistry was Aristotle, the greatest ancient Greek thinker and philosopher.

Photo of the location of the children's line on the hand with interpretation

This occult science can tell a lot about a person’s life, including about his karmic heritage, but I would like to focus today on children's lines. I remember, back in my teens, my friend and I carefully examined our palms while reading my mother’s fortune-telling book. Probably, many girls aged 12-14 are wondering how their future life will turn out)) What they saw then came true... At the moment I really have two kids.

In the modern world, most women decide on their own how many babies they will become mothers, so the number predicted by palmistry may differ from the real picture.

To make it clearer for you, I found a detailed description. This one shows very well.

How to determine by hand how many children there will be

Now let's get down to the main thing - the clarifications. Reading literature on palmistry. I saw that some authors “see” line of children in completely different parts of the hand. I have highlighted two main methods, so let’s look at them.

First option

The most common way to find out the number of children in a hand is to look at marriage line, located on hill of mercury, and small processes that rush upward from it, as in the photo above.

The Mount of Mercury is the area that is located between the little finger and a clear thick line (marriage line).

How to see the line of children

Sometimes children's lines are very thin and almost invisible. In this case, arm yourself with a magnifying glass and bend your palm slightly. Something like this...

If you are a beginner palmist, then know that you need to guess only by the active hand, i.e. right-handers on the right, and left-handers on the left. The passive hand indicates what is given from birth, i.e. potential number of heirs. And on the active hand you can find out what will come true in the future or has already happened.

Second option

The next way to determine how many children will there be?- take a look at three bracelets located on the wrist. Their location, clarity and thickness will tell not only about childbirth, but also about women’s health.

The topmost line of the bracelet is called line of Venus. In Ancient Greece, there was a belief that if this line had a strong bend in the middle towards the palm, then a woman should not get married. This was explained by the fact that she was doomed to a painful, dangerous delivery. Well, if the second line repeated the same curved shape of the first, then this was considered a very bad omen.

If all three lines of the bracelet were parallel to each other, were clearly drawn, and had no breaks or islands, then this was a very good sign for the expectant mother.

But on this photo with decoding of the children's line on the hand they will tell you about the gender of your babies, the possible conception of twins (the line looks like the letter V), and even the birth of heirs out of wedlock. Interesting? Is not it?

How to find out the gender of your unborn child by the lines on your hand

How to find out who will be born first in a family - a boy or a girl

Palmistry says that if the line is clear, even, and long, then the owner of the palm will have a son. Well, if it’s thin and barely visible, then most likely there will be a daughter. Although there is another interpretation, when the female line is absolutely identical to the male line. Palmists claim that in this family the girl will be especially loved.

If you have several different lines in your palm, indicating the birth of children of different sexes, then pay attention to which of them is located immediately at the edge of the palm. This child will be born first. Distance between children's lines indicates the difference in their ages. The closer they are located, the less time will pass between births. Here in this photo with a transcript you can see that a boy will be born first.

Photo decoding the gender of children based on the lines on the hand

Does your actual number of children and their gender match what your hand “says”?

Want to know how many children you will have? The ancient esoteric science of palmistry can answer all questions concerning the offspring: what gender will the child be? Is it possible to have twins and how many grandchildren will you have?

Children's lines on the palm

The lines of children on the hand will help answer all the above questions. These small lines represent a branch from the marriage line.

The figure shows that the lines of children are on the edge of the palm, and represent vertical branches from the horizontal line of marriage. These lines indicate the potential number of children.

Children's lines

How to find out the gender of your unborn child by the lines on your palm

If you are wondering whether you will have a boy or a girl, pay attention to the thickness of the lines.

  • Thin and faint lines - girls.
  • Thick, long and bright lines are boys.
  • The distance between the lines of the children indicates the age difference between the children. So, if the lines are located at a very close distance from each other, then we can assume that these children were born almost one after another, with a difference of a year or two.
  • If one of the lines on the palm crosses the marriage line in half, then this indicates a particularly reverent attitude towards this child (Fig. 2. b).
  • Seeing the birth of twins in the palm of your hand is not difficult. If the line of children is a fork (Figure 2. a), then there is a high probability of having twins.
  • Grandchildren in the palm are thin lines extending horizontally from the line of children (Figure 2. c). It is very difficult to notice them in the palm of your hand; it is better to use a magnifying glass.
  • Sometimes the presence of lines of children on the palm does not provide any guarantee of the appearance of offspring. A person can have five such lines, but he can live his whole life without children. In such cases, the lines of children are interpreted as the person’s personal achievements. It’s not for nothing that many talented people call their works (books, paintings, films, etc.) their brainchild.

    02.07.2015 09:01

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The line of children on the hand in palmistry is important for most women. Let's talk about the location and meaning of the children's line on the palm.

Palmistry helps people find out their future, foresee life-changing moments and determine how many children they will have. There are stripes on the right and left palms. For right-handed people, their potential and willpower are represented on the right palm, and fateful events are represented on the left. For left-handed people, everything is exactly the opposite: fateful events are reflected on the left palm, and character and abilities are reflected on the right palm.

The lines of marriage and children occupy a small space. Because of this, it is quite difficult to obtain accurate information on them. Palmistry defines marriage not only as an official union, but as a spiritual, heartfelt attachment. And this affection does not always end with a stamp in the passport.

In the process of fortune telling along the line of marriage, you can obtain information not only about heartfelt affection, but also about the number of children that may appear in this union. The marriage line originates at the base of the little finger, on. Smaller stripes extend from this strip, which are the lines of children.

As a person makes his choice along the path of life, his destiny also changes. The number of stripes determines the possible number of children. However, a woman may not use this opportunity: someone does not want to get married or decides to have an abortion. What does the hill of Mercury tell us?

  • If the branch of the children extends upward from the little finger and it is clearly expressed, then the baby will definitely be born.
  • The stripe is long and deep - it will be a boy. Short, not very wide - girl.
  • The dashes extend from the same marriage stripe - all children will be born from the same man.
  • The elongated strip of the son passes closer to the edge of the palm - which means he will be the first-born.
  • The order in which the babies appear is determined from the edge of the hill and depends on the distance between the stripes. The branches are located at a short distance from each other - there will be a small age difference between the children.
  • The stripe is V-shaped - most likely, twins will be born.

Sometimes the stripes on the palm change. Their number, width, and clarity may change. It all depends on which path the individual chooses.


To find out the number of future children, you need to consider the strip located between and area y. To do this, you need to pay attention to the edge of the palm, closer to the little finger. In this area there are processes (heart attachments) called. And from them even smaller stripes extend upward - the lines of children. This strip can be used to predict the gender of the heir.

The number of branches does not always correspond to the number of children born. We must remember that these lines only determine the possibility of having offspring. And how this potential will be used depends only on the owner of the palm.

Typically, the branches extending from the Mount of Mercury are weakly expressed. Therefore, during fortune telling, not only this part of the palm is taken into account, but also many other signs. Often, palmists, along with the Mount of Mercury, also consider the Mount of Venus, located at the base of the thumb.

The lines of children are in the form of processes running from the inside of the Mount of Venus (next to the line of influence). This helps the palm reader obtain reliable information about a person’s future children and the time of their birth.

If there is a clearly defined strip on the life line, rising upward towards the fingers, then this is an accurate confirmation that the desired baby will definitely be born. For some people, a sign also appears in this area, indicating boundless happiness. Palmists connect it with a long-awaited miracle in the family.

You can also find out about future children by. Usually the lines of children are located horizontally in this area, at the very bottom of the hill.

Palmists determine the lines of children in different ways. They find them in different places on the hand.

The Indians examine the line of children, paying attention only to the thumb. By looking at the kinship belt, they determine how many children an individual will have. The number of future children is determined by the grains located on the belt.

Many claim that these lines are located on the Upper Hill, under the branch of the heart. If the stripe is in this part, it can be assumed that conflicts are possible from time to time between the mother, father and child.

If a child brings only joy and happiness to his parents, then the line of children usually begins directly from the line of the heart. In this case, the baby will cause virtually no trouble or worry to mom and dad.

Features of influence

As already mentioned, the number of children may not coincide with the number of lines on the palm. Throughout life, the stripes on the hand can change, because they only indicate an opportunity that a person can use or not. In addition, the number of lines of children may not match between husband and wife. This is regarded as an indication of “possible” children, including those “on the side.”

For modern women, everything is much more complicated. After all, they are increasingly striving to achieve success in their profession and realize their personal potential. And family happiness is often postponed “for later.” The hand of such ladies contains significantly less information about possible procreation than that of those who prioritize the creation of a full-fledged family.

If the lines are too weak and pale, it means that the chance was missed. The baby was supposed to be born, but the mother chose to prevent it.

If the stripe grows from the islet, then there is a chance that the baby will be weak from birth. If the island is located above the line, then it will become painful later. Palmists can determine likely illnesses in offspring by delving deeper into the process of palm analysis. Four main lines have a significant influence on the line of marriage and offspring:

  • Life. If it goes straight and even, without islands or breaks, it can mean that a person will have as many children as he wants.
  • . Clear, smooth, without shoots, it says: there is a high probability that the individual will have great financial resources to provide his heir with a full and comfortable life.
  • Hearts. If it is clear, pronounced, its end does not go to the belt of reason, then this means that the owner of the hand is capable of selflessly loving his child.
  • Stripe at the base of the palm (). If it is smooth, does not refract, has no breaks or chains, then the person will have children in a happy marriage.

Features of decoding and determining the sex of the baby

To obtain reliable information, you need to remember some features of deciphering the stripes on the palm. If the spouses’ lines of children do not coincide, this does not mean that you need to doubt anything. In fact, the number of lines on a woman’s hand can vary. This is due to unused chances.

It happens that women have abortions, many resort to contraception, putting other priorities above procreation. It also happens that a representative of the fair sex has one and only chance in life to become a mother. As for men, they may also have illegitimate children, the existence of which they themselves sometimes are not aware of. Yes, this happens too.

If there is only one “childish” line on your hand, then you should be extremely careful. This means you have few opportunities to become a parent. It is very important to monitor your health and lead a healthy lifestyle. This primarily concerns women.

According to the observations of famous palmists, recently the lines on the hands tend to change very quickly. This is explained by the fact that our contemporaries devote their lives to searching for themselves, plunge into their careers and forget about the most important things in life. In this way, a person can radically change his life and destiny.

If you are interested in the gender of the future baby, then you need to carefully examine the edge of the palm, focusing on the area leading to the little finger. The stripes located in this part will help determine both the gender and the probable time of birth.

If a clear, pronounced elongated stripe extends from the marriage line on the hand, then a son will be born. If the stripe is shortened, there will be a daughter.

By looking at the location of the lines, you can find out in what order the children will be born. To do this, you need to pay attention to which branch from the edge of the palm passes first. If the elongated strip extends to the edge of the arm first, then a boy will be born first; if the shortened strip, a girl will be born.

If the lines are the same length, but one is a little thinner, then this can be interpreted to mean that the daughter will be the favorite in the family, the parents will pay more attention to her and give her more warmth.

The meaning of crosses and crossed out stripes

What do the crosses on the line of children mean? Often this sign speaks of possible health problems or difficulties in the life of the future child. If there is such a sign on the palm of one of the parents, then you should be extremely attentive to the baby. It is necessary to protect him, to monitor him. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the child until the cross disappears from the stripe on the palm.

Even if you are already a mother or father, it would be a good idea to follow the lines of your children. It is quite possible that there was no cross before the baby was born, but then it appeared. Be sensitive, attentive, watch how the child behaves, talk with your son or daughter. Perhaps something is bothering him, but he is afraid to tell you about it. Parents should pay special attention to their child if the cross arose when he reached adulthood.

If this sign appeared, but after some time disappeared without a trace, then this is simply wonderful. You can be calm about your child. He'll be fine. Most likely, you were able to protect your son (daughter) from injury, illness and many other troubles, and the danger was left behind.

It happens that a branch is crossed out by a pale, barely noticeable stripe. What could this mean? Under no circumstances should you be afraid. This phenomenon only determines the character traits of the little man.

If a line on a mother’s hand is crossed out by a faint stripe, we can expect that her baby will have a complex character. The same applies to representatives of the stronger sex. In addition, such an arrangement may mean possible conflicts between the child and his parents.

If there are several stripes crossing the line, pay attention to their depth, length and thickness. If the stripes are thin and can only be seen by strengthening your vision, then this only indicates a complex character. But if they have great clarity, depth and look like scars, then this can be interpreted as an indication of the possible pain of the baby.

Palmists claim that the children's line is not mandatory. It happens that it is not on either the right or left hand. Often those who already have children have palms without such branches. Don't worry if you don't have any of these stripes on your hands. These lines are so invisible that they can only be seen through a magnifying glass.

It is also possible that baby stripes are missing on the right arm but are present on the left. This often happens with left-handed people. The absence of “children’s” branches may also indicate that the parent has some disease that prevents childbearing. After the course of treatment, stripes may appear.

If the branches of children are located on the left hand, the child must be born. If there is no stripe on the right hand, then the heir will not appear until the person reconsiders his priorities.

The “children’s” strip was absent for a long time, and suddenly it appeared? This is a cause for great joy. This means that the future parent has managed to change something in his destiny, and soon he will have a baby.

Sometimes the line of children on the hand crosses the marriage line. This is interpreted as follows: the heir or heiress will be the soul of the family. This baby will be adored by both parents and will make their marriage even stronger.

In addition to the area at the little finger (the hill of Mercury), the space at the base of the thumb (the hill of Venus) will help determine the future fate, character and well-being of future children. By observing the location of the strips in this place, you can find out several important points at once:

  • The stripes located parallel to the belt of material well-being determine the number and gender of future children (exactly the same as in the classic version, on the hill of Mercury).
  • If there are dashes located directly on a woman’s life line, then you can accurately determine how many children she will have and when they will be born. These stripes can also be used to judge the influence of the offspring on events in the mother’s life.
  • The islands on the strip indicate the likelihood of having a baby out of wedlock.
  • On a woman’s life line there is a line going upward - this can mean imminent happiness. There is a high probability that the expectant mother will find out about pregnancy in the near future.

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