Where is the bottle now? “Butyrka”: “What’s wrong with the fact that we sing about life on the other side of the fence? The Butyrka group now

Zhdamirov Vladimir Nikolaevich was born on August 6, 1958 in the Voronezh region.In his youth there were hooliganism and being brought to the police, and one can say that it was stormy. But because parents were associated with art, and his brother was an Honored Artist of Russia in the field of dance, it is not surprising that Vladimir was already drawn to music and creativity in his youth. What happened next was like many at that time: homemade guitars, VIA, work at dances and weddings.

A new turn in the biography of Vladimir Zhdamirov occurred in 1997, when he met Oleg Simonov, who had recently been released from prison, where he wrote most of the lyrics for future songs. Vladimir was one of many performers to whom Oleg offered cooperation, but he turned out to be the only one whose voice, charisma and dedication helped make the right choice, which determined the fate of both for years to come. Their first joint project was called "Distant Beam".

The collaboration was not easy. Colleagues fought, made peace, argued, but wrote songs. A turning point in their creative activity occurred after a meeting with future producer Alexander Abramov. He noticed them when the musicians, having been refused by many Moscow recording and publishing companies, turned to the Master Sound company (aka Russian Chanson). Abramov managed to convince the director of the company, Yuri Nikolaevich Sevastyanov, to pay attention to the team. Sevastyanov, who has extensive experience in discovering stars of the genre (Mikhail Krug, Sergei Nagovitsyn and many others), gave the green light for the release of the debut album. The name “Butyrka” was proposed by chance, after on September 3, 2001, several prisoners made a daring escape from Butyrka prison. Everyone liked the name and it stuck.

The debut album (“First Album”, 2002) was a stunning success, and “Butyrka” became one of the most popular groups and performers of the Russian Chanson, which could not but affect the biography of Vladimir Zhdamirov. And this success was not accidental - fans of the genre could not help but note the original sound, memorable voice and sincerity of Vladimir’s performance. The “second album” was released in the same 2002. It became a worthy continuation of the successful debut and strengthened the success of the group. At the presentation of the public music award “Worthy Song 2002”, held in St. Petersburg, at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, the group won in the “Discovery of the Year” nomination and was awarded the prize for the best video in the “Russian chanson” genre (clip for the song “The Smell of Spring” directed by A. Tumandeev). Since that time, the group's songs have been at the top of the sales charts and charts of Russian radio stations. The group unofficially becomes the most popular and most in-demand and actively touring group in this genre.

Vladimir worked as a member of Butyrka for 13 years, being the author of music, leader and musical director of the group. He recorded 8 albums - more than 80 songs, a good half of which were included in the golden collection of Russian chanson. Songs performed by Vladimir such as “The Smell of Spring”, “The Snow Is Melting”, “Kolshchik”, “Certificate”, “Icon”, “Ball”, “Don’t Touch Autumn”, “Last Dawn” and many others sunk deep into the soul fans of the band, which determined its popularity and relevance for many years.

In December 2013, due to the arrival of another vocalist in the group, as well as due to long-standing creative and personal differences, Vladimir and his team of musicians left the “Butyrka” project and went on a solo voyage. Despite the fact that the artist is a fairly well-known and significant figure in the world of Russian music, he had to face considerable difficulties. Having left Butyrka and the Russian Chanson company, Vladimir found himself deprived of the rights to perform old songs that were loved by the people in his performance, and practically started everything from scratch. But the first solo concerts showed that the public accepts new songs as warmly as previously beloved hits, and the artist is still interesting to people. And this interest is growing noticeably, because... Vladimir does not intend to limit himself to the genre and plans to delight and surprise his audience, gradually revealing himself in a new light.

On December 1, 2014, the official release of Vladimir Zhdamirov’s long-awaited debut album “Spring Behind the Fence” took place. It included 13 songs, which in the shortest possible time fell in love with the audience and became popular. Many of them can already be heard on the radio; people at concerts greet the new solo program with standing ovations and long standing ovations, singing along with their favorite artist.Currently, Vladimir Zhdamirov is actively touring, and in parallel with this, work is underway on new songs.

Zhdamirov Vladimir Nikolaevich is a famous musician, one of the creators of a separate direction of chanson. We will talk about the biography and work of this talented person in this article.


This prominent musical figure was born on August 6, 1958. He was not the only child in the family, so he grew up in conditions of fierce competition, since each of the children wanted to receive more attention and praise from their parents.

Parents surrounded their children with constant attention and care, and, despite the difficult and difficult years of hardship, they tried to fence in their childhood, showing only the good side of life. And they never, ever focused on the bad. It's as if she doesn't exist at all.

Only the children still could not help but see the truth. Everything around was not that bad, but not good at the same time. Gradually, life deteriorated, and the child’s inquisitive mind understood this perfectly. But while the family was responsible for them, until they were left to the streets, the children could take the word of their mother and father. Having matured, they set off with their own feet to plow the expanses of their vast homeland. And that’s when the truth came out.


The guy’s youth was, to put it mildly, unsafe. In his youth there was hooliganism and constant arrests at the police station. The young guy lived life to the fullest. For him there was only one day, and everything besides it - let it all burn with fire and be lost! Several times the teenager came close to actually going to jail. But thanks to his parents’ connections, and simply incredible cosmic luck, the young man avoided the shameful stigma of “criminal” in those days.

It couldn't go on like this any longer. Since his parents were involved in art, and the guy’s brother, not just anyone, but in the field of the dance genre, it is not surprising that Vladimir decided to forget about the crooked and narrow road of a criminal and, with his father’s parting words, decided to seriously engage in music and independent creativity.

Quickly getting the hang of it, the guy begins trying to record his own songs. Little by little, his ability to play the guitar and his strengthened voice allowed him to record his first test songs. His personal level as a musician is growing, and the guy urgently strives to find like-minded people.

Becoming an artist

Well, then time rushed to run. It started, it went, it spun, it spun. Homemade guitars that were made in the evenings in the courtyard while drinking alcoholic beverages. VIA, work at dances and weddings, amid the noise of drunken guests and shouts of “Bitter” to the newlyweds. Vladimir tries to perform constantly, but his busy schedule gradually kills his desire to write real music. A musician's career is limited to such small performances, and although he has a stable income and some kind of fame, the man wants something more. Something else, but what, unfortunately, he doesn’t know at all.

A new turn in the biography of Vladimir Zhdamirov occurred in 1997, when he met Oleg Simonov. Oleg had just been released from prison, where he wrote most of the lyrics for future songs. Vladimir was one of many performers to whom Oleg offered cooperation, but he turned out to be the only one whose voice, charisma and dedication helped make the right choice, which determined the fate of both for years to come. Their first joint project was called “Distant Light”, and, as many believe, it became a turning point in the lives of the project’s authors, forever changing their small world of music, showing it to the world exactly as the creators themselves saw it.


Relations within the team did not develop almost immediately after its founding. No, two adults with a wealth of experience behind them did not make demonstrative scenes and did not quarrel over trifles, as if this was what their life consisted of. But sometimes there were real conflicts of interest. The two musicians could not decide what their young group should become in the world of music and in what direction they would move.

For this reason, success came to the group after quite a long time, and the musicians had to put a lot of effort into this. The first songs of Vladimir Zhdamirov were not very warmly received by the public. The team, of course, attended events for money and gave a number of concerts. But the music of Vladimir Zhdamirov and his group was of average quality, and people immediately heard it and could not sufficiently enjoy the singing and playing of the men.

We had to sit down and negotiate among ourselves. The reconciliation between the two sides took a long time, but gradually, with the opening and emergence of dialogue, the quality of the songs began to improve. Of course, the new songs did not bring worldwide fame, but people had already begun to wait for them, somehow showing the singers signs of love and attention.

The end of the work of "Distant Light"

The group ended its existence in the “Distant Light” format for several reasons. Firstly, there were much fewer ideas for songs, and it seemed like creative differences, forgotten and buried in the ground, began to appear again. The musicians did not want to go through the most unpleasant moments of creativity again and decided to end it on a high note, remaining friends.

Secondly, it began to seem to spectators and listeners at concerts that musicians can do much more than they express emotionally and show in the quality of the music they wrote. Letters from fans began to increasingly contain hopes that the musicians would make a truly gorgeous project that would once again return them to the Olympus of Russian music.

Due to these circumstances, the men made a joint decision to open a new chapter in their lives. They say little about this stage, but from the words that journalists managed to extract from them, it is clear that now, after so much time, they do not regret anything.


In 2002, the group released their first album entitled “First Album”. The disc was a stunning success. The listeners finally got something new, but there were also those among them who did not like the new music. But even without them, the group had an impressive fan base, and in a short time the Butyrka group became one of the most popular chanson performers in Russia.

Of course, such news could not but affect the creativity and goal-setting of the group. The main thing in this story is that fame was not accidental at all. The listeners finally received the desired piece of normal creativity, and the singer’s voice and delivery also played their role. New glory.

The new album was released at the end of 2002. The band decided to strike while it was hot and attacked the music like a wild dog on a man. The album by Vladimir Zhdamirov and his team was liked by the public again. The group has already firmly established itself in the positions it occupied. The creativity of Vladimir Zhdamirov and the entire team was appreciated, which means they could rest a little and think about what to do now with the fame and with the responsibility placed on their courageous shoulders. The number of corporate events, performances and simply concerts has doubled, if not tripled, in one month. Everyone wanted to listen and watch the musicians and their presentation live. The price tag for performances has increased, and along with it, the artists’ opinion of themselves has also grown.


The group began receiving all kinds of national awards and honors. The musicians give up writing new songs and tour all over the country with the old and proven program. They are warmly welcomed in every city, they are stars and deserve the warmth and loyalty of people’s hearts. They always have full houses, but sometimes they play at half capacity. But even such performances are liked by the public.

Artists begin to attend thematic programs, expand their staff and open new vacancies. Now they are not just musicians, they are a brand, and the task of the brand is to live up to the level.

Problems within the team

But nothing lasts forever under the sun. The group, of course, had problems and disagreements, which they skillfully hid from the audience. But even if you can deceive them, you certainly can’t deceive them by exposing yourself.

In December 2013, personnel changes took place in the team, which will become the final chord in life, and most importantly, in the work of the once famous group. Instead of Vladimir, a new vocalist is hired. Before this, no one informs the man about the previously made decision, which, in fact, is a behind-the-scenes game of other participants.

A new twist in the biography - Vladimir Zhdamirov is faced with a choice, but to the latter’s credit, he simply accepts it as a fact. Of course, it’s difficult for him, of course, he doesn’t want to leave his partners. But the choice was not made by him, which means nothing depends on him.

Vladimir gathers musicians who do not want to work without him, and together they leave Butyrka, leaving this musical project behind.

After "Butyrka"

After saying goodbye to the group, Vladimir was in a difficult situation. He did not have the rights to perform his songs, nor did he have the opportunity to immediately begin writing new ones. Studios were expensive, so to begin with, the creative association of people who left Butyrka worked somehow, preparing to just start from scratch. Cheap corporate events have returned, and the atmosphere of communication between musicians and listeners has returned. He again begins to read his letters himself, again begins to answer them and be interested in the opinions of fans. The passing of fame does him good, and soon he records his first solo album, which begins to spin and sound in the world.

Solo debut

On the first day of winter 2014, the official release of his debut solo album “Spring Behind the Fence” took place. Vladimir Zhdamirov is not upset. He continues to do what he loves - music. The song "Spring" by Vladimir Zhdamirov became popular on the radio. The tour begins, people's love returns to the singer.

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The Butyrka group was formed through the joint efforts of Oleg Simonov and Vladimir Zhdamirov.

The history of the group begins in September 2001. By this time, the group had recorded several songs at a studio in Voronezh, but did not yet have their names. Of all the Moscow recording companies that the musicians approached, only the Master Sound company, well known to fans of the genre called “Russian Chanson,” became interested in the beginning band. Here they were noticed by producer A. Abramov, who in turn convinced the director of the company, Yu.N. Sevastyanov pay attention to the group. Sevastyanov, who has extensive experience in discovering stars of the Chanson genre (M. Krug, S. Nagovitsyn and many others), agreed to release the debut album. True, the team did not yet have a name. But after on September 3, 2001, several prisoners made a daring escape from the Moscow pre-trial detention center known as “Butyrka,” A. Abramov proposed calling the team that.

Everyone liked the name and it stuck. The debut “First Album”, released in 2002, was a stunning success. The original sound, memorable vocals of V. Zhdamirov, as well as the sincerity of O. Simonov’s poems immediately made the group popular.

The topics touched upon by Oleg in his poems were understandable and close to those who are familiar with life behind barbed wire first-hand. But there is one more feature - the themes of Butyrka’s songs are not only about prison and camps, there are a lot of simple stories in them, similar to stories from people’s lives.

The “second album” was released in the same 2002. It became a worthy continuation of the successful debut and consolidated the success of the group. At the presentation of the public music award “Worthy Song of 2002”, held at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, the group won in the “Discovery of the Year” nomination and was awarded the prize for the best video in the “Russian Chanson” genre (clip for the song “The Smell of Spring”, directed by A. Tumandeev).

In January 2004, the third album entitled “News” was released. In 2005, the fourth album “Icon” was released. In 2007, the fifth album entitled “Globe” was released.

In 2008, the “Sixth Album” of the Butyrka group was released.

In 2014, an album called “I’ll be back home” was released; in 2015, an album by the Butyrka group was released with the very pleasant name “Date”.

Biography of the second vocalist of the group Butyrka

I am Andrey Bykov, born in Berezniki, Perm region in 1960. My father worked as an artist, my mother was a teacher in a kindergarten. From an early age I was introduced to music and songs; my parents took part in amateur performances and took me with them. By the age of five, I already had my own small baggage - I knew several dozen Russian folk songs by heart! (I still remember many of them)! From the age of 12, my mother raised me alone (my father suddenly left worldly life).

The Palace of Pioneers opened next to my house in 1972, and my friends and I began studying at the VIA. My first instrument in my rock and roll life was the bass guitar! The choice towards creativity was made in an instant!!! In 1976 he entered the music school, the brass department, bassoon class. I studied for two years and, to my deep regret, was expelled (I lacked perseverance and time for basic subjects). We started playing in the city park on the dance floor. What times!... In the fall of 1978, I was drafted into the army. Returning home, I started playing in a restaurant. In 1982-83 he worked at the Ulyanovsk Philharmonic in the musical group “Time and Song” as a technician. Then there was two years of work in restaurants in Abkhazia. In 1985 he returned to Berezniki and started working in a tavern.

In 1998 he went to Moscow for a year. It was in Moscow that the meeting and acquaintance with Oleg Simonov took place. The meeting was probably significant even then. We talked, he listened to me sing and said that we could collaborate in terms of creativity. We agreed to keep in touch. But I had to go home (my mother had a heart condition and was periodically ill). But fate decreed that I returned to Moscow in 2001 with my future wife Alena from Sochi. We met there. As always, I sang in the restaurant, Alena led her team, she had a show ballet and danced herself. Since then we have been together, our beautiful daughter is growing up. The eldest son Danya lives in Yekaterinburg. In February 2015, Oleg called and briefly outlined the situation and offered to participate in the group’s work. This is how our re-meeting took place!

Current composition of the Butyrka group:

  • Alexander Goloshchapov - bass guitar
  • Andrey Zhuravlev - guitar
  • Yuri Akimov - drums
  • Yulia Griboyedova - art director
  • Valery Liznev - sound engineer

History of the group

It was September 1999, when Oleg Simonov, after serving 8 years, was released
and returned home. During all 8 long years, serving sentences
in the Irkutsk colony, he wrote songs, singing them with a guitar.

It so often happens that it is in captivity that the human soul is born
sincere lines going from heart to heart of other people.

Oleg always hoped and believed that people, having heard his songs, would be able
to feel what he felt when he wrote them and did not leave him
little hope that someday these songs will be heard
among the people and they will resound throughout the country.

Having freed himself, he began to work on recording his songs professionally,
and began looking for a vocalist who could bring his songs to a wider audience
listeners. This is how Vladimir Zhdamirov appeared in the group, who at that time sang
at rural discos and wedding parties in the Voronezh outback and even
I didn’t think about a career as a musician, the lead singer of a group.

Zhdamirov Vladimir Nikolaevich is a famous musician, one of the creators of a separate direction of chanson. We will talk about the biography and work of this talented person in this article.


This prominent musical figure was born on August 6, 1958. He was not the only child in the family, so he grew up in conditions of fierce competition, since each of the children wanted to receive more attention and praise from their parents.

Parents surrounded their children with constant attention and care, and, despite the difficult and difficult years of hardship, they tried to fence in their childhood, showing only the good side of life. And they never, ever focused on the bad. It's as if she doesn't exist at all.

Only the children still could not help but see the truth. Everything around was not that bad, but not good at the same time. Gradually, life deteriorated, and the child’s inquisitive mind understood this perfectly. But while the family was responsible for them, until they were left to the streets, the children could take the word of their mother and father. Having matured, they set off with their own feet to plow the expanses of their vast homeland. And that’s when the truth came out.


The guy’s youth was, to put it mildly, unsafe. In his youth there was hooliganism and constant arrests at the police station. The young guy lived life to the fullest. For him there was only one day, and everything besides it - let it all burn with fire and be lost! Several times the teenager came close to actually going to jail. But thanks to his parents’ connections, and simply incredible cosmic luck, the young man avoided the shameful stigma of “criminal” in those days.

It couldn't go on like this any longer. Since his parents were involved in art, and the guy’s brother, not just anyone, but in the field of the dance genre, it is not surprising that Vladimir decided to forget about the crooked and narrow road of a criminal and, with his father’s parting words, decided to seriously engage in music and independent creativity.

Quickly getting the hang of it, the guy begins trying to record his own songs. Little by little, his ability to play the guitar and his strengthened voice allowed him to record his first test songs. His personal level as a musician is growing, and the guy urgently strives to find like-minded people.

Becoming an artist

Well, then time rushed to run. It started, it went, it spun, it spun. Homemade guitars that were made in the evenings in the courtyard while drinking alcoholic beverages. VIA, work at dances and weddings, amid the noise of drunken guests and shouts of “Bitter” to the newlyweds. Vladimir tries to perform constantly, but his busy schedule gradually kills his desire to write real music. A musician's career is limited to such small performances, and although he has a stable income and some kind of fame, the man wants something more. Something else, but what, unfortunately, he doesn’t know at all.

A new turn in the biography of Vladimir Zhdamirov occurred in 1997, when he met Oleg Simonov. Oleg had just been released from prison, where he wrote most of the lyrics for future songs. Vladimir was one of many performers to whom Oleg offered cooperation, but he turned out to be the only one whose voice, charisma and dedication helped make the right choice, which determined the fate of both for years to come. Their first joint project was called “Distant Light”, and, as many believe, it became a turning point in the lives of the project’s authors, forever changing their small world of music, showing it to the world exactly as the creators themselves saw it.


Relations within the team did not develop almost immediately after its founding. No, two adults with a wealth of experience behind them did not make demonstrative scenes and did not quarrel over trifles, as if this was what their life consisted of. But sometimes there were real conflicts of interest. The two musicians could not decide what their young group should become in the world of music and in what direction they would move.

For this reason, success came to the group after quite a long time, and the musicians had to put a lot of effort into this. The first songs of Vladimir Zhdamirov were not very warmly received by the public. The team, of course, attended events for money and gave a number of concerts. But the music of Vladimir Zhdamirov and his group was of average quality, and people immediately heard it and could not sufficiently enjoy the singing and playing of the men.

We had to sit down and negotiate among ourselves. The reconciliation between the two sides took a long time, but gradually, with the opening and emergence of dialogue, the quality of the songs began to improve. Of course, the new songs did not bring worldwide fame, but people had already begun to wait for them, somehow showing the singers signs of love and attention.

The end of the work of "Distant Light"

The group ended its existence in the “Distant Light” format for several reasons. Firstly, there were much fewer ideas for songs, and it seemed like creative differences, forgotten and buried in the ground, began to appear again. The musicians did not want to go through the most unpleasant moments of creativity again and decided to end it on a high note, remaining friends.

Secondly, it began to seem to spectators and listeners at concerts that musicians can do much more than they express emotionally and show in the quality of the music they wrote. Letters from fans began to increasingly contain hopes that the musicians would make a truly gorgeous project that would once again return them to the Olympus of Russian music.

Due to these circumstances, the men made a joint decision to open a new chapter in their lives. They say little about this stage, but from the words that journalists managed to extract from them, it is clear that now, after so much time, they do not regret anything.


In 2002, the group released their first album entitled “First Album”. The disc was a stunning success. The listeners finally got something new, but there were also those among them who did not like the new music. But even without them, the group had an impressive fan base, and in a short time the Butyrka group became one of the most popular chanson performers in Russia.

Of course, such news could not but affect the creativity and goal-setting of the group. The main thing in this story is that fame was not accidental at all. The listeners finally received the desired piece of normal creativity, and the singer’s voice and delivery also played their role. New glory.

The new album was released at the end of 2002. The band decided to strike while it was hot and attacked the music like a wild dog on a man. The album by Vladimir Zhdamirov and his team was liked by the public again. The group has already firmly established itself in the positions it occupied. The creativity of Vladimir Zhdamirov and the entire team was appreciated, which means they could rest a little and think about what to do now with the fame and with the responsibility placed on their courageous shoulders. The number of corporate events, performances and simply concerts has doubled, if not tripled, in one month. Everyone wanted to listen and watch the musicians and their presentation live. The price tag for performances has increased, and along with it, the artists’ opinion of themselves has also grown.


The group began receiving all kinds of national awards and honors. The musicians give up writing new songs and tour all over the country with the old and proven program. They are warmly welcomed in every city, they are stars and deserve the warmth and loyalty of people’s hearts. They always have full houses, but sometimes they play at half capacity. But even such performances are liked by the public.

Artists begin to attend thematic programs, expand their staff and open new vacancies. Now they are not just musicians, they are a brand, and the task of the brand is to live up to the level.

Problems within the team

But nothing lasts forever under the sun. The group, of course, had problems and disagreements, which they skillfully hid from the audience. But even if you can deceive them, you certainly can’t deceive them by exposing yourself.

In December 2013, personnel changes took place in the team, which will become the final chord in life, and most importantly, in the work of the once famous group. Instead of Vladimir, a new vocalist is hired. Before this, no one informs the man about the previously made decision, which, in fact, is a behind-the-scenes game of other participants.

A new twist in the biography - Vladimir Zhdamirov is faced with a choice, but to the latter’s credit, he simply accepts it as a fact. Of course, it’s difficult for him, of course, he doesn’t want to leave his partners. But the choice was not made by him, which means nothing depends on him.

Vladimir gathers musicians who do not want to work without him, and together they leave Butyrka, leaving this musical project behind.

After "Butyrka"

After saying goodbye to the group, Vladimir was in a difficult situation. He did not have the rights to perform his songs, nor did he have the opportunity to immediately begin writing new ones. Studios were expensive, so to begin with, the creative association of people who left Butyrka worked somehow, preparing to just start from scratch. Cheap corporate events have returned, and the atmosphere of communication between musicians and listeners has returned. He again begins to read his letters himself, again begins to answer them and be interested in the opinions of fans. The passing of fame does him good, and soon he records his first solo album, which begins to spin and sound in the world.

Solo debut

On the first day of winter 2014, the official release of his debut solo album “Spring Behind the Fence” took place. Vladimir Zhdamirov is not upset. He continues to do what he loves - music. The song "Spring" by Vladimir Zhdamirov became popular on the radio. The tour begins, people's love returns to the singer.