Children's drawings with wax crayons. How to draw for a child? Crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens: pros and cons

Drawing with wax crayons can become your baby's favorite activity.

Wax crayons are one of the best materials for drawing, which is distinguished not only by a wide range of creative possibilities, but also by its environmental friendliness and safety. Crayons from well-known manufacturers are made from natural beeswax, and natural plant dyes are used as coloring pigments. Even one-year-old babies can draw with crayons - large triangular-shaped pencils have been invented for the smallest artists. This unusual chalk is comfortable to hold in your hands, it is less likely to break and leaves a wide mark, since it has a thickened lead. But even if you offer your child the usual set of thin cylindrical crayons, you can rest assured that the drawing lesson will be a great success!

Complete benefits

You can start getting acquainted with new material with the help of coloring books intended for children of primary preschool age, that is, with a bold outline and simple drawings. As they work, kids will easily understand the advantage of wax crayons over other materials. Firstly, crayons, unlike colored pencils, do not need constant sharpening. Secondly, crayons do not get dirty like markers or paints. Thirdly, they draw not only with the tip, but even with the side surface! True, to discover this, you need to get rid of the paper wrapper. Also, break thin long crayons in half in advance, since they will break anyway during coloring - kids always work with incredible diligence.

For anyone and everyone

Creative types can be encouraged to draw with crayons on thick colored paper or on special paper for pastels - its velvety surface is suitable
never better. Drawings on a dark background are especially expressive. For example, black paper is a wonderful basis for depicting fireworks or a city at night. And on a dark blue background, bright yellow stars and a moon or lilac fish will look great. It doesn’t matter if the baby is too small for plot drawing - two-year-old artists produce magnificent abstract compositions. Kids also love to squeeze several crayons in their palms at the same time and draw a colorful rainbow!

By template

Kids can also be taught to hatch patterns - works made using this technique look as if they were drawn by real artists, they are so graphic and airy. For classes
you will need cardboard templates about 5 cm in size. When choosing images, choose characters or objects that have a simple outline, otherwise the child is unlikely to cope with the task. The cut out template should be placed on a sheet of paper and, holding it with your palm, try to apply shading both to the edge of the template and to the area around it. When the template is removed, an unfilled figure will remain in its place.

Water repellent

In addition to colored paper and templates, wax crayons have another companion - watercolor paints. At first glance, it seems that these two materials
are incompatible because wax repels water. But it is precisely this property that allows one to achieve amazing results - pictures drawn with wax crayons and watercolors are unusually expressive. There are no special secrets in this technique: first you need to draw a “wax” picture, and then paint over it with watercolor paint. The only wish is that the paper be special, that is, intended for painting with watercolors, since an ordinary landscape sheet can become deformed from moisture, swelling with waves.

Waste-free production

If your child is interested in “wax” drawing, then you won’t be able to get by with just one box of crayons. And very soon the moment will come when crayons the length of
one centimeter will be everywhere. But don’t rush to throw them away - the debris can be recycled, after which the baby will have a lot of new crayons, and special ones at that! Processing occurs in several stages: the first is folding the crayons into a heat-resistant form, for example, into cookie cutters; then bake in the microwave or oven for 2-3 minutes; then - cooling the molten wax mass at room temperature; the last stage is removal from the mold. The updated crayons will still leave bright marks on the paper, but you can also take them for a walk to draw on the asphalt - no rain will wash away these drawings!

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  • /" target="_blank">; padding- left: 0px; margin-left: 15px; font-family: verdana, geneva, sans-serif;
  • A walk with crayons is not only drawings on the asphalt, but also fun games and exciting activities.
  • Crayons are not only drawings on the asphalt, but also fun games and exciting activities.

    Place and equipment

    A chalk walk, like any new activity, requires a little preparation. Firstly, you should pay special attention to the choice of crayons: they should leave a clear greasy mark, not crumble or break under strong pressure, and be large enough. Secondly, you need to decide on the location in advance. The main requirements for the site are a flat surface, distance from the roadway, and the absence of cyclists, skateboarders and rollerbladers. And thirdly, for a walk you should choose comfortable and practical clothes and shoes, because the baby will spend most of the time squatting. Adults should also take care of their outfits - this time they won’t be able to sit on a bench. Moms and dads will have to constantly squat and bend over, so high heels and formal suits will not be entirely appropriate. It’s good if you have a pack of wet wipes in your “travel” bag - they will help you quickly clean children’s hands and faces.

    Land arts

    To teach your child to draw on the asphalt, just scatter a few crayons in front of him - he will immediately choose the brightest one and scratch it on the ground.
    A start has been made: a few of these strokes and you’ll get grains. Mom just needs to draw a chicken and the first picture is ready! In the same way, you can depict rain and a cloud, grass and a flower - that is, the child draws dots or strokes, and adults complete the drawing of a more complex object.

    The next stage is drawing the line. It doesn’t matter at all whether it turns out smooth or crooked, the main thing is that the baby doesn’t lift the chalk from the ground for at least a few seconds. You can complete this task with the help of a story about a path: after drawing a house and a man, the mother must show how to draw a path that will help you not get lost. Then the baby tries to depict the same path. If your child fails, don’t be upset - next time he will definitely succeed. In any case, the example of a mother enthusiastically drawing a frog or an airplane will inspire him to new achievements.

    General plan

    If your little one is not impressed by the drawing, invite him to play with the drawn city - this fun should appeal to little motorists. For this game you will need white chalk and toy cars. The endless expanses of asphalt can accommodate your favorite racing car, a truck with a bus, and a full set of construction equipment - in short, your entire home fleet! Road markings will help you avoid accidents and accidents. The condition of the roads is impeccable: brand new road signs, clear dividing lines, free parking, traffic lights and, of course, pedestrian crossings for dolls! In addition to roads, you can draw houses, shops, squares and amusement parks - perhaps this is what an ideal city looks like.

    Fun workout

    Crayons are an indispensable thing in many outdoor games. Three-year-old children can be entertained with the fun game “Mushroom Rain”, which is
    a variation of the famous "Musical Chairs" competition. Before the game starts, you need to draw large circles on the playground, the number of which should be one less than the number of children playing. The host announces that the circles are mushroom caps, and the players are forest animals that hide under the mushrooms when it starts to rain. At the command “Sunny!” the players begin to run around the circles, and when the leader shouts: “Rain!”, the kids must hide under the fungus, that is, take a free circle. Anyone who fails to do this will have to leave the game. After each stage, the leader takes chalk and crosses out one circle, explaining that the mushroom picker picked this mushroom and put it in his basket, so it is no longer possible to hide under it. The winner of the game is the player who occupied the last house.

    Work from home

    Hiding from imaginary rain is one thing, but getting caught in a real downpour is a completely different matter. And if people can hide under an umbrella, then, alas, there is nothing you can do to help the drawings on the asphalt - they will be mercilessly washed away by the water. The upset baby can be consoled by the fact that thanks to the rain, there will be room on the playground for new pictures, and before the sun comes out, you can draw at home with crayons. As you know, the main friend of crayons is a slate board, but if you don’t have one, then you can draw on colored paper, but it is important that it is not glossy. You can buy special paper for drawing with crayons at an artist store or make it yourself - to do this you need to take a sponge and tint a large sheet with diluted gouache paint. Drawing with crayons on paper has a number of advantages: for example, a baby can be taught to rub the chalk with his fingers and then he will get fluffy sheep and delicate clouds. If a young artist likes the unusual material and he is making obvious progress, you can give him a set of real art pastels - it will help enrich the palette and expand his creative possibilities.

    But all this is ahead, but for now, ordinary crayons are enough for the baby - despite their simplicity, they will help make many bright discoveries!

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    • Broken wax crayons can be given a rebirth
    • Broken wax crayons can be given a second life: all the pieces should be placed in a small baking dish, previously greased with oil or fat. The oven temperature should be no more than 100 degrees. Melting time is from five to ten minutes.

      The crayons should soften and mix, and after cooling completely, we take out the colored pancake from the mold, which you can use to draw again.

      Unfortunately, of all the listed actions, the baby is only allowed to collect the crayons and put them in the mold, but then he will have a lot of fun when he rolls the new crayons on paper or asphalt!

Drawing lesson for children 8-9 years old

Master class on drawing. Study of mixed media: wax crayons + watercolor.

Thematic composition “Round Dance of Fishes” in mixed media: wax crayons and watercolors.

Age category – 8-9 years
The master class is intended for beginners: introducing students to new mixed media - wax crayons and watercolors. This technique can be used to perform work in any genre of fine art: decorative landscape, portrait, still life, decorative easel composition, postcard, ornamental composition, illustration. For children of a younger age category (7 years and younger), fish templates can be used.
Type of lesson: practical. The activity of mastering new knowledge and skills.
View: image on a plane from memory, representation.
Target: acquisition of skills in working with various graphic and painting materials.
Tasks: search for an expressive coloristic and compositional solution.
Educational: introduction to mixed media - wax crayons and watercolors.
Educational: development of skills in various techniques;
- development of combination skills in decorative images;
- development of imagination, fantasy, creative potential;
- development of associative, figurative thinking, ability to imagine;
- development of the eye, imagination, ability to create an image;
Educators: nurturing students' attention, conscientious attitude to work, instilling discipline, accuracy, independence, instilling a sense of love for the homeland, admiration for the beauty of their native land.
Knowledge: statics, dynamics, frieze image, symmetry, asymmetry, compositional center, balance, proportionality, scale, format, contrast, nuance, color.
Skills: carry out work competently and consistently, apply various technical techniques to convey the artistic concept.
Skill: application of various technical techniques in work.
Methods used in the lesson:
by the nature of students’ cognitive activity:
- explanatory - illustrative;
- reproductive;
- method of creative tasks;
- partially – search;
- research.
By source of knowledge:
- verbal;
- visual;
- practical.
Form of the lesson:
Lesson - conversation
Equipment and materials needed for the lesson

For students:
- a sheet of A3 paper,
- eraser,
- simple pencils,
- cutter or sharpener;
- watercolor;
- a jar for water;
- brushes;
- wax crayons;
- fish templates;
- colour pencils.
For the teacher:
a) books with illustrations.
b) reproductions of artists’ works in various techniques.
c) graphic materials and a sheet of A3 paper.
d) methodological manuals.
e) work of students from the school fund.
Progress of the lesson.
I. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.
II. Introductory conversation. Presentation of new material.
You can start the lesson by reading poems on the topic and asking questions: where are fish found in nature? Where, besides natural reservoirs, can fish live? What fish do children know? What fish live in children's aquariums and their characteristics?

Literary series:

At sunset the pond sleeps.
Circles float on the water -
These are small fish
They played out here and there.
I like to splash water on them,
To flash your scales for a moment, -
The fishes jump out into the air.
It's like we're diving.
"Gold fish".

This fish is not simple,
This fish is a goldfish.
You will find understanding with her,

Will fulfill three wishes!

"Fish in an aquarium."
There are fish in the aquarium,
They have their own little world:
There are stones and snails,
And a stream of bubbles.

Sasha has a home pond
His name is aquarium.
And there are many secrets
In this glass pond.
It has a green garden under water,
Gray moss hangs from the stones,
There are driftwood at the bottom,
Where catfish and crayfish sleep.
There is a glass grotto in the garden,
There the fish dance in a circle,
And crawl on the tiles
Horned snails.
A big fish swam up
Stopped by the glass
Stands, breathes through his cheeks,
And moves its fins,
And he says something to Sasha,
But he doesn't hear her.

Behind transparent glass
Rybok round dance,
Not sad, not crying
The people there.
Among the green grass,
Like lights
In the New Year tree
On winter days.
The bright shine of the fish
Like tinsel.
Let your smiles
Gives to children.

The fish house is not for people
There are no windows or doors in it,
No sweets, no kids,
Not a computer game
They live there far from the cat,
Silent fishes
water bubbles,
Yes, funny worms
Four pencils
I'll paint them with flowers
Blue, red and simple,
And, of course, gold!

The aquarium has a pussy,
I got close to the fish.
Trying to catch it with his paw
And she just can’t understand
What little fish are behind the glass!
Can't reach the pussy.
So, pussy, eat your food
From a cat's bowl.
Still she sits
Looking at the aquarium
And tries again
Catch at least ONE fish.

My aquarium is not the sea,
The underwater world is small.
There are a lot of fish living in it,
And life there is real.
Decorate the bottom of the shell
And a toy frigate.
Pearl beads are scattered along the bottom.
Wonderful algae garden.
There lives a goldfish there
The scales glisten with fire.
Beautiful tail flutters
And floats to the crystal house.
And there are also snails
They can crawl on glass.
The fish are playing catch up
Feed, grabbing on the fly.
My aquarium is not a fairy tale.
Requires a lot of care.
Change water, clean bottom
I grow up from troubles.

Students are shown photographs of different types of fish. During the show, attention is focused on the variety of shapes, colors, and sizes.

The first stage of work is to complete a sketch in which you need to place various fish, algae, and pebbles on the bottom. It is advisable to place the fish in different places of the format, at different levels, of different sizes. It is better if the fish swim in different directions.

The most successful sketch is enlarged. On a large format, details are clarified and added.
The following explains the technique in which the work will be performed.
Watercolor, thanks to its transparency properties, allows you to create light and airy compositions.
Wax crayons are a graphic art material that allows you to create bright compositions that are unique in their texture. Wax crayons can be used with the tip, end or flat, using the side surface of the chalk. The chalk leaves a mark on the surface of the paper in the form of a stroke. Closely spaced strokes form a spot. The crayons have a rich, bright color. The main property of wax is to repel water. The method of working in this technique is based on this property. The combination of watercolor and wax crayons gives a completely unexpected effect: if you go over the wax with watercolor, then the places on the paper not painted over with crayons will be colored with paint. This technique of work is called mixed.
The next stage of work is drawing the outline of the fish with wax crayons.

You can draw the contours of the fish only with white chalk. A paraffin household candle may also be suitable for these purposes. But for the outline to look neat, the pencil drawing should be barely visible. If the pressure on the pencil when making the contour was very strong, then it needs to be loosened with an eraser or a kneader. You also need to draw the fins, scales, eyes and tails of the fish. In addition to white chalk, colored crayons can be used for outline. It is better to use contrasting colors. If the fish is red, then the outline can be green, if it is orange, the outline is purple, and the fish is yellow, the outline is blue. Different tonal relationships can also be taken into account. For paler fish, take a more saturated contour tone and vice versa. In this case, if the outline was blue, then it is better to use a more purple or blue paint for the water. The outline can also be black.

After this, the silhouette of the fish is wetted with water.

Then, in accordance with the sketch, the fish are drawn in watercolors.

Since the fish swim in water that has a cold blue color (we use blue, cyan and violet paints), it is better to paint the fish in a warm color.
To convey the plan and show some fish closer, we perform them in brighter and more saturated tones. We paint those that are further away in paler tones. You can draw on top of the wax pattern using various techniques: filling, stretching, pouring one color into another. Excess paint from the wax can be removed with a semi-dry brush.
After all the fish are completed, the remaining space of the sheet is wetted and filled with cold blue, violet and cyan paints.

Use enough water on the brush to create interesting infusions of one color into another and color stretches. The smoother the transition of colors and tones, the more impressive the work will look.

After all the work is completed, an exhibition of works is organized. Students tell what kind of fish they depicted, how they live, and come up with an interesting story.

The lesson concludes that the possibilities of this mixed technique are great. And in the future, children can use it in other tasks. The works of students from the school fund are demonstrated: thematic compositions on the theme "Space" Kaluga Elena Nikolaevna, methodologist of the MBOU DOD Center for Children's Creativity in the city of Surazh, Bryansk Region

The drawing can be done with children 7-10 years old.
The master class will also be useful for additional education teachers, fine arts and primary school teachers, and enthusiastic and creative parents.

Purpose of the master class: The lesson can be included in a course for beginners to paint with watercolors; the drawing is framed in a passe-partout and the frame can be used for a gift or interior decoration.
Target: draw autumn flowers, conveying their texture and characteristic features
Learn to combine watercolor techniques and wax crayons in a drawing
Develop composition skills
Cultivate a love for nature
Develop aesthetic taste
Get the joy of creativity

The sun in the sky was surprised:
- What a miracle happened?
Maybe the stars were lit?
The asters have bloomed!

The whole earth is an elegant carpet -
Bright, colorful, ceremonial.
Variegated caps are blooming,
Like festive fireworks.

One hundred shades and varieties
These joyful flowers:
Pink, red -
The most beautiful! Tatiana Lavrova

Materials and equipment
. A4 sheet of paper
. Wax crayons
. Simple pencil
. Watercolor paints
. Container with water
. Squirrel brush No. 6

Sequence of work:

We draw ovals on a sheet of paper with a pencil - we outline the size and location of the asters’ flowers. We draw without pressing hard on the pencil so that the lines are barely visible. Asters should be approximately the same size. In order for the composition to be harmonious, 2 flowers should not be placed on the same line vertically or horizontally. Inside the large ovals we draw small ovals - the centers of the flowers.

Use yellow wax crayon to paint over the centers of the asters. To do this, draw a spiral in a small oval. There is no need to completely paint over the oval; you need to leave some space for watercolor.

Using wax crayons we draw the petals of asters. To do this, draw lines from the middle of the flower to the edge, like the rays of the sun. Draw with chalk and apply pressure so that the line is bright and bold. Asters can be painted in any color you like. For this pattern it is better to choose 2-3 colors.

Draw leaves using green wax chalk.

To make the composition complete, we add small flowers to our bouquet. Draw small snowflakes on the free space of the sheet with yellow wax chalk. We draw them, combining them into inflorescences of several pieces. We work with chalk in the same way, with pressure.

Now let's start working with watercolors. We paint the background of the picture with ocher. We apply the paint completely to the sheet, excluding only the places where asters are painted. Add green spots between the asters. Where on the sheet the elements of the drawing are drawn with chalk, the paint will not apply, since the chalk is waxy and greasy, that is, it is simply impossible to paint over the line with watercolors.

After the background has dried, draw the asters. We take paint of the same color as the asters, but a more saturated shade so that the paint does not merge with the wax chalk and apply strokes from the middle to the edge on top of the petals drawn with chalk. We paint the middle of the flower with yellow paint.

We paint the leaves with green paint.

We paint small flowers with orange paint. On top of the yellow snowflakes we apply watercolor strokes in the same direction in which we painted the snowflake with chalk. We also apply an orange stroke from below to the middle to give it volume.
The drawing is ready. All that remains is to arrange it in a passe-partout.

Works of my students

Drawing wax crayons requires the artist to know the basics of pencil drawing. In pastels, as when working with a simple pencil, there are concepts of perspective and proportions.

The shape and texture of drawing objects are conveyed using light, shadow, color gradation and the direction of strokes. First, you need to understand how wax pastels behave on paper.

Try painting different types of paper (whatman paper, watercolor, pastel, cardboard or coated paper) with the same color. This will give you an idea of ​​how wax crayons behave on different materials. Mix several different colors by applying them to paper and rubbing them together. This will give you an idea of ​​how different colors mix and what kind of results you can get when mixing.

Wax crayons are sharpened with a knife, like regular pencils.

Drawing with wax crayons begins with a sketch, which is done with light strokes. The sketch can be made with a simple pencil or chalk in the dominant color of the future painting. The sketch indicates the outlines of objects that will be depicted in the drawing, as well as the outlines of white or light areas.

The next stage of the drawing is filling the sketch with color. Wax crayons, like oil crayons, are applied to the drawing in layers, from dark to light colors. If you need to mix two colors, then: first apply a darker color, then a light color, then the colors are mixed by rubbing them into the paper with your fingertips.

Before you start mixing the tones in the drawing, mix them on another piece of paper. This way you won’t go wrong with the choice of tones to mix. When you have distributed all the colors throughout the sketch, according to the intended composition, you need to rub them into the drawing paper. Shake off the crayon crumbs and gradually add color as needed.

Wax pastels should have a smooth, glossy surface through which the texture of the paper does not show through. In the end, the work is brought to perfection by applying highlights and shadows, drawing finer lines and small details. When finishing the work, you need to remember that by excessively pressing on the chalk used to draw on the erased background, you can move the wax already lying on the drawing. Apply the finishing touches lightly and carefully.

There is also a method for creating wax pastels called sgraffito. This translated means “scratching”. This is the same engraving method that we talked about when getting to know COLORED PENCILS.

For this method, you will need, in addition to paper and wax crayons, either a palette knife, or a stationery (craft) knife, or a special stack. Wax pastels are applied to the paper in dense layers. First light pastel, and then dark. Next, a drawing is scratched onto the surface using a stack (or other tools). Such a drawing will resemble an engraving. Using the scratching method you can create both two-color and multi-color works.

The following method of drawing with wax crayons is original and easy to perform. It is called “stained glass enamel”.

To master it, you need to place a metal or porcelain surface that can withstand the heat of tealights on a mesh stand under which lit tealights are placed. Even a metal sheet intended for baking dough or a ceramic flat pan will do. A sheet of newspaper is placed on a warm surface, followed by drawing paper. Next begins the magic of drawing with wax crayons, which melt on a warm surface. Such work will have the appearance of bright and rich enamel.

The next technique of drawing with wax crayons is called “encaustic”. To do this, you need to take an iron with a solid soleplate (i.e., without holes for steam) and set its heating to minimum. You will also need wax crayons and thick cardboard with a smooth surface. We turn the iron, which is slightly heated, upside down and apply a design on it with wax crayons. Then we sharply turn it over and move it along the cardboard. We get fantastic abstract wax stains, which can then be brought to perfection by drawing more subtle and precise details. Masters can not only “stamp” abstract drawings, but also create real masterpieces by drawing details with the edge of the sole of the iron.

Another method is to wash the wax with turpentine or white spirit. Light strokes of wax crayons create a design, and then the wax is blurred with turpentine and a brush. Synthetic art brushes will come in handy here. You will get a surprisingly light, transparent like watercolor drawing.

When choosing what to draw for a child, parents often go to two extremes. Some people buy very expensive art supplies, such as wax crayons or pastels. Others are limited to low-grade pencils that constantly break, and felt-tip pens that dry out quickly. The artist and mother of two daughters tells us what children really like to draw with, how to extend the life of markers with a homemade holder, and the life of crayons by making multi-colored “cupcakes.”

I rarely buy expensive art supplies, but I really like wax crayons. They are made from beeswax with natural dyes and have very vibrant colors. Expensive crayons are sold in pencil and block form and are thicker than regular wax crayons, making them easier for kids to work with and harder to break. They last for several years. The only drawback of such crayons (besides the price) is that they do not wash off.

From leftover wax crayons you can “bake” colorful cupcakes for playing with dolls.

Wax crayons (from 2 years old)


  • Leftover wax crayons without paper wrapper
  • Silicone muffin tins or metal ice cube tray (look for shapes shaped like hearts, stars, or other shapes)
  1. Place leftover wax crayons into silicone molds, matching colors in each mold if desired.

  1. Place the molds on a baking sheet lined with foil. Place the pan in a 350°F oven for twenty minutes or until the crayons have melted.
  2. Remove the pans from the oven and cool.
  3. Remove the figures from the molds and you are ready to play.

My family loves oil pastels. These crayons glide smoothly and easily across paper, have rich colors, and are inexpensive. We use them for regular drawings, paint over pastels, and more. They are also good for drawing on dark paper, such as construction paper or brown craft paper.

For very young children, in my opinion, the best oil pastels are those in a hard plastic case with a retractable stem. Thanks to this packaging, you don't have to worry about your child breaking the pastel. And the plastic case is comfortable to hold in your hand.


Children love to draw with crayons on the asphalt; they are easily washed off their hands and clothes, but what should they draw on at home? You can turn a wall or door into a chalkboard using special chalkboard paint.

Colour pencils

In my opinion, colored pencils are good for children five years old and older, because to draw with pencils you have to learn some things (shading, using not only the tip but also the side of the lead, pressure, you also need to be able to sharpen them, etc.) , and this will work better for a child with already developed motor skills. Young children may find it more convenient to work with thick or triangular pencils.

Markers are brighter than wax crayons and colored pencils, which is why children simply adore them. Their main drawback is that they can dry out if the cap is not put on tightly. To avoid this and to make it easier for little ones to close the caps, we use a very simple marker holder. In addition, it is a convenient stand in which all the markers are visible.


  • Plastic bowl
  • Petrolatum
  • A piece of cute fabric slightly larger than the inside of the bowl
  • Milk carton, bucket or old bowl (for mixing plaster)
  • Old spoon or wooden stick (for mixing plaster)
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Set of felt-tip pens

Buy markers that are easy to find in every store. After all, the holder will serve you for several years, and the markers will need to be changed periodically.

  1. Get all your materials ready because once the plaster is ready you will have to work quickly.
  2. Coat the inside of a plastic bowl with Vaseline.
  3. Wet the cloth and wring it out until it is almost dry. Place face down in a bowl and spread out as much as possible. The fabric should extend a few centimeters beyond the edges of the bowl.

  1. Mix the plaster of Paris in a milk carton or old bowl, following the instructions on the package. If desired, you can add food coloring to tint the mixture.
  2. Fill a bowl lined with a cloth with plaster of Paris.
  3. Remove the caps from the markers and immerse each one in plaster about halfway (so that the markers can then be inserted into them). Having arranged the caps in this way, try not to move them; you want the plaster to hold them tightly.
  4. If you wish, you can add beads to the plaster. Press it in until the plaster is dry.

  1. Let the plaster dry, then insert the markers into the caps. (Loosely at first, just to keep the markers from drying out. You can put the caps on tightly the next day.) Leave the plaster to harden overnight. Throw any leftover plaster into the trash, not the sink. Otherwise he will clog your pipes.
  2. Turn the bowl over and carefully pull out the marker holder.
  3. Cover it with one or two layers of glue to protect the surface, but don't forget the fabric. The holder is ready!

Author Jin Van't Hal studied art history, author of a blog about creative activities with children, mother of two children


We are now painting with finger paints. Mine likes it))

I certainly don’t recommend drawing with crayons - chalk is an alkali, it makes your hands dry and your skin begins to peel off.

Nowadays there are felt-tip pens, I don’t know on what basis, but not alcohol, they wash and wash well, well, except from wallpaper at home :)

06/27/2015 16:14:58, Tanyshenciya

Comment on the article "What to draw for a child? Crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens: pros and cons"

Pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens - choose the best. Now there is 1 set of felt-tip pens, 1 thicker markers, 1 pencils, 1 wax markers. What should a child draw with? Crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens: pros and cons. Do not allow children to chew on wax crayons!

pencils and markers. How to draw for a child? Crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens: pros and cons. In my opinion, colored pencils are good for children five years and older because of the use of pencils and markers for drawing.

A drawing on paper can be stitched on a machine without thread. You get holes. Then powder, you can just use chalk, and then use a marker pencil, that is, finish drawing everything. Or you can use a white corrector, well, the one that removes mistakes. He will be stronger.

Markers. How to draw for a child? Crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens: pros and cons. In my opinion, colored pencils are good for children five years and older because of the use of pencils and markers for drawing.

There are safe crayons. Our eldest has a board for drawing with crayons and markers. The little one began to sit next to her and ask her to draw. I agree, but now it’s difficult to get such chalk in stores; they usually sell it with some kind of glue, as the sellers explained to me.

You can suggest drawing on paper and then hanging it on the wall. when there is not enough space on the computer for photos, videos, music and copying disks, you buy another screw. Only very good photographs are taken on paper and placed in albums along with the children’s drawings...

Crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens: pros and cons. Crayons. Colour pencils. Felt pens and markers. When choosing what to draw for a child, parents often go to two extremes.

colorful drawings. but remember, I showed off the rainbow cat drawn by Danka? tell me urgently that someone also has children... drawing on paper with ordinary pencils, wax pencils or felt-tip pens; 3) drawing with colorful crayons on the street.

URGENT: ate a felt-tip pen. Traveling with children. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. How to draw for a child? Crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens: pros and cons.

The drawing should be solemnly hung out for everyone to see and everyone in the household should be shown how cool Melka’s son is - he eats a couple of crayons in a couple of seconds. "Drawing" at this age is also an exploration of the world, the child tries materials on paper, walls, asphalt, and your...

At what age do children draw with felt-tip pens and, most importantly, how to teach these markers to close? How to draw for a child? Crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens: pros and cons. In my opinion, colored pencils are good for children aged five and above because...

How to draw for a child? Crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens: pros and cons. Felt-tip pens: (Child (1.7), having received the felt-tip pens, immediately rushes to draw wallpaper, furniture, etc. How can I explain to her that this cannot be done?

Learn to draw?!. Drawing. Early development. Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, learning to read, SABZh groups. Should I learn to draw? To be more precise, it’s like this: at home I give my child drawing tools (paints, paper, pencils...

What to draw on for a child? 4 surfaces for winter drawings. DIY crafts from wax crayons and a stand for felt-tip pens. A sheet of paper, cardboard or canvas on which an artist paints is called fine art, or painting...

draw - when?. Age standards. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. We started using crayons when we were 10 months old (I just somehow didn’t think of giving them one earlier), we still draw on paper without enthusiasm, but on asphalt...

We use Crayola wax crayons and they say they are non-toxic. He chewed a little and stopped. The main thing for us is to satisfy the interest, I tried to draw with chalk for the first time yesterday, but first I also tried it by heart: (I’ve never put any poop in my mouth before, and yesterday...

colorful drawings. A yellow cow with pink horns and a tail, a yellow bear with an orange head, a red belly, lilac ears and paws, a red hedgehog with an orange muzzle and a yellow nose, a blue elephant, a blue snake in purple...

pencils break - it “breaks” me to sharpen, paints are too early and a lot of hassle (especially for me), washable felt-tip pens, a set of 48 pieces, were brought to us as a gift - melancholy, maybe this can be washed off from clothes. What to draw for a child? Crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens: pros and cons.

How to draw for a child? Crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens: pros and cons. Felt pens and markers. When choosing what to draw for a child, parents often go to two extremes. And the plastic case is comfortable to hold in your hand.

Pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens - choose the best. Now there is 1 set of felt-tip pens, 1 thicker markers, 1 pencils, 1 wax crayons. How to draw for a child? Crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens: pros and cons. Tell me about paints and pencils (+).