Biography from the anime Death Note: Character Nia. Biographies of heroes Death Note Death Note characters Matt

Yagami Light

Kiriji: Yagami Raito

Nickname: Kira

Date of Birth: In the manga: February 28, 1986
In the film: February 28, 1988
In anime: February 28, 1989
Date of Death: In the manga: January 28, 2010
In anime: January 28, 2013

Occupation: School student
Police officer
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 54 kg
Blood type: A

Anime voice actor: Mamoru Miyano
Actor in the film: Tatsuya Fujiwara

The main character of the anime, manga and film "Death Note". The best student in Japan at the beginning of the story, then a talented university student, then a policeman and, part-time, Kira. It was he who first found the Death Note, began to use it and received the name Kira. He believed that he could change the world for the better, and was ready to do anything to become the god of the new world. He had no attachments, was cold and calculating. He was killed by the Shinigami Ryuk.

According to the alternative ending of the manga, after death he ended up in the world of the Gods of Death, where he had to atone for all the murders committed with the help of the Death Note and then finally disappear. However, Light did not accept this and began to look for a way to escape.

Lauliet, El

English Lawliet
Nickname: L
Eral Coil
Ryuga Hideki

Date of Birth: In the manga: October 31, 1979
In the film: October 31, 1981
In anime: October 31, 1982
Date of Death: In the manga: November 5, 2004
In anime: November 5, 2007
Occupation: Detective
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Blood type: Unknown

Seiyuu in the anime: Kappei Yamaguchi (Japanese: 山口勝平 Yamaguchi Kappei?)
Actor in the film: Kenichi Matsuyama (Japanese: 松山ケンイチ Matsuyama Kenichi?)

A brilliant detective who took up the investigation of Kira's case. In addition to the pseudonym L, he was also known as Eral Coil and Denov (also talented detectives). Almost nothing is known about his life, except that he was raised in an orphanage in England. He loved sweets, always walked disheveled, sat with his feet on a chair. Having taken up the investigation of Kira’s case, he very quickly began to suspect Light, but could not find evidence of his guilt. Shinigami Rem was killed in accordance with Light's plan.

Amane Misa

Kanji: 弥海砂

Kana: あまねミサ
Kiriji: Amane Misa

Nickname: Misa-Misa
second Kira

Date of Birth: In the manga: December 25, 1984
In the film: December 25, 1986
In anime: December 25, 1987
Date of Death: In the manga: February 14, 2011
In the film: unknown
Occupation: Fashion model
Height: 152 cm
Weight: 36 kg
Blood type: AB (IV)

Seiyuu in the anime: Aya Hirano (Japanese: 平野綾 Hirano Aya?)
Actor in the film: Erika Toda (Japanese: 戸田恵梨香 Toda Erika?)

Famous model, Second Kira. Rem gave her the notebook of the deceased Jelous. The first Kira punished the killers of Misa's parents, and she decided to help Kira. Madly in love with Light, and ready to do anything for him. She made a deal twice, acquiring Shinigami eyes. She committed suicide a year after Light's death, on Valentine's Day.

Kehl, Michael

Katakana: メロ
English Mello

Real name: Michael Keehl
Date of Birth: In the manga: December 13, 1989
In anime: December 13, 1992
Date of Death: In the manga: January 26, 2010
In anime: January 26, 2013

Occupation: mafia / no specific occupation
Height: 171 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Blood type: A

Seiyuu in the anime: Nozomu Sasaki (Japanese: 望佐々木 Nozomu Sasaki?)

One of the candidates to be L's successor. Smart, but forced to always be second because of Near. After L's death, he left Wammy's orphanage to prove that he was number one and began searching for Kira with the help of the mafia. He was never shy about his methods, and repeatedly kidnapped people. I ate chocolate all the time. Died of a heart attack after writing his name in the Death Note.

River, Nate

Katakana: 二ア

English Near

Real name: Nate River
Date of Birth: In the manga: August 24, 1991
In anime: August 24, 1994
Date of death: −−
Occupation: Detective
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 40 kg
Blood type: B

Seiyuu in the anime: Noriko Hidaka (Japanese: 日高 のり子 Hidaka Noriko?)

L's successor, a pupil of the same orphanage. Having become the leader of the SPK team created to find Kira, he soon began to suspect Light, playing the role of L. After a long competition with Light, he was still able to obtain evidence of his guilt and survive. After that, he began to play the role that L once played - the role of the best detective, to whom all the police forces of the world are subordinate.

Teru Mikami

Supporter, and a little later - executor of Kira's will. Since childhood, the whole world was divided for him into good and evil. Those whom he considered evil were punished. He became a prosecutor to bring justice. Misa, on Light's instructions, sent him the Death Note. Teru exchanged the eyes of Death with Ryuk and began to punish the criminals.

Kiyomi Takada

At the beginning of the anime and manga - Light Yagami's classmate, whom he dated for a short time. Then - the famous TV presenter, “the voice of Kira,” Light’s lover. She believed that Kira was right and wanted to help him. And she was happy when Kira turned out to be the person she loved - Light. She became the link between Mikami and Light. When Near became suspicious of Mikami, she passed judgment in his place. Takada Kiyomi was kidnapped by Mello and killed him by writing his name on a piece of paper from the Death Note. After that, Light wrote her name in a notebook, and she committed suicide.

In the film, a character named Takada Kiyomi plays a different role. She is also a TV presenter, but her talents are not recognized by management and colleagues. Her further story is similar to the story of Higuchi, told in the manga and anime: she receives the Death Note from Rem, that is, she becomes the third Kira, begins to punish criminals, but soon L and Light discover her, arrest her, and Light kills her with a piece of paper from Death Notes.

Gods of Death:


The God of Death, who was very bored in his world, so he wrote a “user manual” for the Death Note and threw it into the human world. As it turned out later, it was not his notebook, but Sido’s notebook. The proximity to Light Yagami somewhat amused him (at least, he often repeated^ “people are so funny”). Ryuk never had any special feelings for Light, he did not want to help or hinder him. He loved apples, and even for the sake of being able to eat them, he sometimes listened to Light (for example, he found all the cameras installed by L).


The God of Death, who was present with Jealous at the time of his death and then gave his Notebook to Misa Amane. She felt sincere love for Misa and protected her from the threats of Light Yagami. When L became suspicious of Misa for the second time, Rem killed him and Watari. Misa's life was extended, but Rem died. The notebook left behind went to Light.

Immediately after the release of the Death Note manga, it gained a whole army of fans. It is not surprising that soon an anime and a film were also produced, and a large number of books were written. One of the main advantages of the Death Note anime is that the characters turned out to be colorful and well-developed. Therefore, it will be useful to talk about the main characters.

If you make a list of characters from the anime "Death Note", it will look something like this:

  • Light Yagami;
  • Al Lolight;
  • Misa Amane;
  • Mello;
  • Soichiro Yagami;
  • Teru Mikami;

Now let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Light Yagami

The main character, also known as Kira. Let's start with the list of characters from the anime "Death Note". He was lucky (or, conversely, unlucky) to discover a mysterious notebook in which it is enough to write down a person’s name in order to kill him. Using an amazing artifact, Kira decides to destroy all prominent criminals. The hero is well aware of the most dangerous of them, since his father is a policeman.

The fact that at first Light Yagami wanted to eliminate crime speaks of his intelligence and justice, because he wanted the common good, and did not use the Notebook solely for his own purposes. Alas, over time it begins to change. Enormous power led to the hero becoming arrogant and arrogant. When the detectives are on the trail of the Notebook, Kira begins to destroy them in order to prevent the survivors from conducting the investigation. And then the list included those who could somehow interfere with Light Yagami or get in his way.

Al Lolight

Next on the list of heroic characters in the anime “Death Note” is Al Lolight. However, his name is known only to a few - for most he remains a nameless and faceless detective, bearing the nickname L. We must admit that he is very good as a professional. They turn to him only in the most extreme cases, since he does not take on every case - his usual fee is $ 1 million for an investigation. However, he can take up work even if danger threatens thousands of people.

An interesting feature is that Al Lolight is able to eat sweets in huge quantities, but at the same time does not gain any weight, remaining just as thin. Well, the love of sweets is not only necessary for the efficient functioning of the brain, but also because the detective grew up in an orphanage, where he could not get such delicacies.

His main qualities are straightforwardness, honesty and impartiality.

Misa Amane

Another very colorful character from the anime "Death Note". Shikimori (an anime encyclopedia) highlights her habit of speaking about herself exclusively in the third person, calling herself by name "Misa-Misa". A well-known presenter and fashion model who managed to win the audience award in a frank magazine.

Her parents were killed, but Misa could not take revenge for their deaths. Therefore, when Kira, using the Notebook, punished the murderers, the girl decided to find him at all costs and thank him. After a lengthy investigation, she met Light Yagami and fell in love with him, completely losing her head. I am ready to do everything to help my lover, to be at least somewhat useful. As a result, he makes a deal with the god of death, receiving his eyes, which allow him to see what ordinary people do not notice.

Over time, it is she who becomes the keeper of the Death Note, and Misa uses it completely differently than Yagami did.


The Death Note character's full name is Night River, but he prefers a more secretive nickname.

A teenage boy who is well acquainted with Detective L and seriously aspires to take his place. Over time, his efforts were rewarded, and Nia truly becomes the heir to the talented detective. There is even a lot in common between them - both are extremely eccentric, passionless and rather reserved, which scares off many people.

Despite the close relationship, the death of detective L did not touch Near at all - he took the news quite calmly, only mentioning that he died because he “didn’t know how to play the game according to the right rules.”

He practically doesn’t talk to people, but he seems to be stuck in childhood, often entertaining himself with children’s toys, be it puppets or ordinary figures from Lego sets. Has a habit of using Tarot cards to build houses.

He is almost the exact opposite of another detective's assistant, Mello. The two colorful characters have only one thing in common - both are real geniuses.

He is distinguished by his prudence - he acts extremely unemotionally, which often allows him to achieve the desired result. Strictly adheres to both the spirit and letter of the law. Incapable of committing a crime, even if it allows him to solve a dangerous case or avenge a close friend (if Detective L can be called such).


When talking about the characters in the Death Note anime, one cannot fail to mention Mello, although in fact his name is Michael Kael. He is Detective L's assistant, a rival and at the same time partner of Near.

Unlike the latter, he is a surprisingly sociable person, quickly making new acquaintances, which often allows him to obtain important information in simpler and more reliable ways than those used by L and Nia. But at the same time, he is surprisingly impetuous, emotional, and almost never thinks about his actions, which often leads to very sad consequences for him. Always walks the fine line separating law from crime. In cases where it is necessary or beneficial, he can cross the line, which greatly angers his competitor Nia.

But still, he is no less brilliant than his partner. Therefore, he had the opportunity to become the heir of detective L. Since the deceased had not decided until the very end which of the assistants was more worthy of such a right, Mello refuses this opportunity, yielding to his friend and rival. As it turns out in the future, he goes into a criminal gang to find Light Yagami and take revenge on him.

He loves chocolate very much and eats it almost constantly.

Soichiro Yagami

The father of the main character Light Yagami, as well as his hunter. An exemplary policeman, deputy chief of the Japanese police. Later he specialized in catching criminals who committed serial and especially brutal murders. Until the very end, he is not ready to believe that it is his son who is hiding under the guise of the mysterious Kira, who kills people with the help of a magical artifact. But at the same time, he completely trusts detective L, since he is an indisputable authority for him.

An exemplary family man, he loves his wife and children very much. That is why, in a situation where his daughter is kidnapped, he does not hesitate to give up the Death Note in order to get Saya back. At the same time, he burns with fierce hatred for criminals.

Outwardly, he resembles a textbook detective - fit, tall, wears a narrow, neat mustache and glasses.

Toda Matsuda

Another detective working on the case of the elusive Kira. The most inexperienced and youngest, however, the lack of experience is fully compensated by his ardent disposition and dedication to the common cause. If necessary, he is ready to risk his life if this allows him to solve a dangerous and complex case. Until recently, he did not believe that Light Yagami could be a dangerous criminal and an unprincipled killer; he defended him, defending his innocence. When the truth was revealed, I was terribly upset.

It seems to Toda that he is calculating and smart, but this is nothing more than self-deception. In fact, this is a real boy - absent-minded, noisy, naive, but at the same time invariably honest.

Teru Mikami

Faithful friend and ally of Light Yagami. I chose the profession of a prosecutor because since childhood I was accustomed to dividing the whole world into black and white. Ready to protect good people at any cost, while mercilessly punishing bad people. At first he used the power given to him for this, but over time, that same Death Note fell into Teru’s hands. With her, administering justice the way he understands has become even easier. Using the eyes of Shinigami, he began to identify criminals, and the artifact made it possible to destroy them without trial.

In the anime, he was loyal to his friend Light Yagami to the end. When it was necessary to distract the attention of those around him in order to help someone escape, he did not hesitate to pierce his heart with a pen. In the manga, their relationship developed completely differently.


And of course, when talking about the characters of the anime “Death Note”, it is simply impossible not to mention Ryuk.

Unlike the heroes listed above, he is not a mortal man - he is one of the Shinigami, the gods of death.

It was Ryuk who realized that life was too boring, and decided to have a little fun by throwing an ancient artifact - the Death Note - into the world of mere mortals, where Light Yagami found it. The gods of death used the Notebook to kill people, thereby prolonging their lives.

He loves apples very much - in order to get them, he is ready to make a deal with mere mortals. For example, Light easily persuaded him to find surveillance cameras by bribing Ryuk with apples.


This concludes our article. From it you learned all the main characters of the anime "Death Note", saw their photos and read their brief characteristics. Surely this allowed fans to once again plunge into their favorite atmosphere of the anime, and those who had not yet watched it became at least a little interested.

Based on the manga of the same name by Tsugumi Oba and Takeshi Obata and its film adaptations


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Character Groups

Total characters - 64

L (Ryuzaki)

66 13 6

One of the main characters in the manga, anime series and films Death Note. Considered the best detective in the world. In the story, he opposes Kira. He solved many cases, but only took on those cases where more than a million dollars or the lives of ten people were at stake, in rare cases only those that interested him. He successfully hid his name, origin and face even from Interpol, but during the investigation of Kira’s case, he revealed his face to the most reliable police officers and two suspects. Also known as Al Lawlight, Erald Coyle, Deneuve

0 0 0

Mafiosi. Traded Sayu Yagami for the Death Note. He killed Miller to test the notebook's authenticity, and then Zack Irius and the plane's captain to cover his tracks. Ross promised that if Y462 succeeded in the exchange with the notebook, then Ross would forget about Y462's past failures. After Y462 placed the Death Note in a rocket and escaped in a helicopter, Ross blew up the helicopter to kill Y462 and eliminate the last link in the chain.

Adolf Tucker

0 0 0

One of the members of the SPK died

Aiber (Tierri Morrello)

0 0 0

Assistant L. Fraudster and swindler. An excellent psychologist, he can gain the trust of any person. During the company's investigation, Yotsuba provided great support by playing the role of Erald Coyle (one of L's alter egos) in front of Yotsuba's board members. After L's death, Light eliminated Aiber, causing him to have a heart attack. Loves arguments, and does not like weapons

Amane Misa

6 6 0

A famous fashion model and actress who won the Readers' Choice contest in 18 magazine. According to the film, she is a popular TV presenter. Few would recognize her as the killer who caused a commotion at the Sakura TV studio, the second Kira. Grateful to Kira for punishing her parents' killer, she is willing to do anything to find him. Having fallen in love with Light Yagami, she makes a deal with the god of death twice in order to obtain the eyes of the god of death and be useful to him. Often refers to himself in the third person, calling himself Misa-Misa

Watari (Quillsh Wammy)

2 0 0

Creator of Wammy's orphanage, teacher, right hand and faithful servant of L. Inventor and millionaire. Before L revealed his identity to the police from the Japanese investigation headquarters, he always went to police, FBI and Interpol meetings, representing L himself. An excellent sniper. Loves Earl Gray tea and doesn't like dirty rooms.

Gurren Hangfreeze (Ralph Bay)

0 0 0

Daril Mocry

0 0 0

One of the members of the SPK died

Demegawa Hitoshi

0 0 0

The director of the Sakura-TV channel considered himself Kira's confidant. He was killed by Mikami Teru after he became unnecessary, “crossed boundaries”, and arbitrarily began to beg money from people on television for the construction of the Kira Palace. In the film, his name is Yuji Demegawa. Loves money and doesn't like words

Jack Nylon (Kal Snyder)

0 0 0

One of the members of Ross's gang, a cowardly man, under pressure from his boss, became the owner of the Death Note and, in exchange for half of his life span, received the eyes of the god of death from Sido. Because of this, Misa was able to identify him because she did not see his life expectancy, and only the owners of the notebook can have this. After this, Light began to control him, forcing him to give up his hideout to the mafia. After twenty-three three days he dies of a heart attack. Likes brunettes, doesn't like Mello

John McEnloe (Lextor Henderson)

0 0 0

An SPK detective (formerly an FBI agent), N also described him as an "excellent pilot." After the mafia kidnapping of the Japanese police director, he came to the deputy director, Yagami Soichiro, to discuss with him the terms of cooperation, which implied the transfer of the Death Note, which was in the hands of the Japanese investigation headquarters, into the hands of the United States, which he failed, but he agreed on the cooperation of the Japanese police and SPK against the mafia. He later evacuates Soichiro and his daughter from the desert after a deal with the mafia. Escaped from the SEC after the massacre of group members

John Skyner

0 0 0

One of the members of the SPK died

George Sairas

0 0 0

Vice President of the USA. After his death, Hoopa became president. On behalf of the United States, he capitulated to Kira. Gave Kira secret information about the SPK. In the anime, he is immediately shown as the president and plays the role of Hoop. In the second full-length anime film, Death Note Rewrite 2: L's Successors, there is no mafia storyline and he was blackmailed by Light, who passed on the information he received to Takada and Mikami, who destroyed the SPK. Described in How to Read as a weak-willed person who clearly lacks leadership qualities

David Hoope

0 0 0

President of the U.S.A. Mello blackmailed him into supplying data on the SEC. I turned to L, who was Light at that time, for help. Provided L with a squad of mercenaries to eliminate Mello. Committed suicide after the operation failed, thinking that Mello could use it to use nuclear weapons. He is not present in the anime, his role is played by Cyrus. How to Read says that most likely he was eliminated by Kira

Zakk Irius

0 0 0

Mafiosi. Met Soichiro Yagami at Tokyo airport and accompanied him throughout the flight. He was killed through an entry in a death note on Ross's orders in order to eliminate leads to the gang.

Ide Hideki

0 0 0

A silent and calm man, who was one of the six policemen who risked working on Kira’s case together with L, but the increased security measures seemed to him a sign of distrust on the part of the great detective, and did not go to meet him. But after L's death, he returned to the investigation headquarters, although he claimed that it was only to work with Aizawa

Ill Ratt (Carl Darlingbin)

0 0 0

A member of the SPK, in the manga he is also a spy for Mello with the code name Y320, who supplies him with information from the organization's headquarters. However, this did not save him from death - Mello eliminated him, among others. Unlike most other SPK detectives, Ill did not die of a heart attack, but committed suicide under the influence of the notebook, shooting himself in the head with a pistol in front of the few survivors

Isak Gathane (Joe Morton)

0 0 0

Head of a special covert operations unit from the Middle East. On instructions from the president, he tried to capture Mello with his team, but during the operation, the god of death, Sido, began tearing off the soldiers’ helmets, after which Cal Snyder reported the names to his boss Gordon, who wrote them down in the death note. Does not appear in the anime due to these events being omitted from the plot

Kida Masahiko

0 0 0

Manages the finances of the secret committee. By decision of secret meetings, he hired Erald Coyle (in fact, the pseudonym L under which Aiber acted) to search for L. He panicked when Coyle contacted him. Graduated from the Technological Faculty of Too. Started working for Yotsuba Corporation in 1994. Married. Parents are professors in the field of biology. Hobby: collecting glasses. How to Read 13 describes him as "cool and collected" but not prepared for the unexpected. Loves performances and does not like contact lenses

Kitamura Koreyoshi

0 0 0

Deputy Director of the Japanese Police and Chief Soichiro Yagami. Reports that the police are stopping the search for Kira because of his threats to start killing politicians. How to read says that “he’s not a bad guy”

Kurt McBride

0 0 0

One of the members of the SPK died

Lind L. Taylor

0 0 0

A criminal sentenced to death. He played the role of L by addressing Kira on television and was killed by Light

0 0 0

Pupil of the same Wammy House as Nia, Mello, Matt. In the manga, it is shown once when he calls Near outside to play with the others. Having matured, she became a famous artist. At the request of Aizawa and Moga, she drew portraits of young Nia and Mello, who helped Light in his plans

Matsuda Tota

5 1 0

The youngest and most inexperienced at the investigation headquarters. Everyone, including L, tends to underestimate Matsuda's powers. Despite this, Matsuda is always ready to risk his life for the sake of the investigation. He would like to be smart, calculating, calm, but instead he is noisy, absent-minded, naive and always honest. During Kira's search for the corporation, Yotsuba was Amane Misa's manager. He believed more than anyone that Light was not Kira and always stood on his side, but when it was revealed that Light was still Kira, he was terribly upset. When Light tried to write Near's name, Matsuda shot Light in the arm and thus saved Near's life. In anger, he almost killed Light, but was stopped by other police officers. Also in the second part of the manga, he was in love with Saya, Light Yagami’s sister.

Mido Shingo

0 0 0

Very smart and thoughtful. Misa admits that he looks like Light. Together with Namikawa, they often discussed the necessary issues and drew the necessary conclusions, which greatly helped the secret committee. Just like Namikawa and Shimura, he was dissatisfied with Kira’s actions because even without killing his competitors they could become successful businessmen. Five months later, he is killed by Light along with the other five remaining members of Yotsuba's secret meetings. In the full-length director's cut of the anime Death Note Rewrite: The Visualizing God, he dies from falling from a skyscraper. Graduate of Touou Law Faculty. His father, Eigo Mido, is a member of the House of Councilors, the upper house of the Japanese Diet. Loves fencing and dislikes the financial world

Mikami Teru

4 2 0

Supporter, and a little later - executor of Kira's will. Since childhood, he clearly divided people into good and evil, punishing those whom he classified in the latter category. I chose the profession of a prosecutor to bring justice. Those whom he considered evil were punished. Misa, on Light's instructions, sent him the Death Note. Teru made a deal with Ryuk and, using the eyes of the shinigami, began to punish criminals. Having not received gratitude from Kira for his actions, he lost faith in him as his god in the manga, but in the anime he remained faithful to him and helped him escape by piercing his heart with a pen and thereby distracting the others. As described in the last chapter of the manga, he died in prison. According to Matsuda's theory, Near killed him using the sheets of a notebook

Misora ​​Naomi

2 0 0

Ray Penber's fiancee. After his death, she began to investigate and soon found out that Kira could kill not only through heart attacks. She knew that Ray Penber had been caught on a hijacked bus and had been forced to show his ID. It was enough to find out exactly who Rey was following that day. I wanted to report this to the investigation group, but, by chance, there was no one there. At the police station, she met with Light, who managed to extract from her all the information that she had managed to find out and even by cunning found out her real name. After which Light wrote down her name in a notebook, with a description that she must commit suicide so that her body is not found. L found out about Misora's disappearance, causing him to turn his attention to Ray Penber and those he was following, after which L began to suspect Light. Several years ago, she was an FBI agent and even worked under L on the case of the serial killer BB in Los Angeles, for which she performed well. These events are described in the prequel novel Death Note Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases. According to the book Death note: Another Note, he masters the martial art of capoeira. Loves leather clothes and doesn't like stalkers

Mogi Kanzo

1 1 0

Silent and hardworking, he spent all his time working on papers. Likes to cook, doesn't like it - using your professional qualities

Mello (Michael Keehl)

15 15 1

One of the candidates to be L's successor. Like L and Near, he has his own strange feature - he always eats chocolate. But Mello has a more impulsive character and the inability to fully think through his actions, unlike L and Near, which brings him a lot of trouble. But basically he is also gifted and is able to take L's place despite his penchant for crime

Matt (Mail Jeevas)

7 11 1

Mello's only assistant after the destruction of the Los Angeles mafia. Just like Near and Mello, he is a pupil of the Wammy Orphanage, where he was the third smartest genius from the orphanage, but was not chosen by L as a candidate for the role of heir. After Mello escaped, he escaped himself. Four years later, Matt was able to find Mello, Matt began to help Mello with all his might in the investigation. On instructions, Mello kept an eye on Misa, and later also on Aizawa and Mogi. He dies at the hands of Takada's guards, whom he distracted while Mello kidnapped the TV presenter herself. After his death, Mello expresses regret that his friend had to die. Later in the manga, it is reported that the Japanese authorities failed to find out Matt's identity, and the guards were forced to shoot him due to his dangerous behavior. Appears in Near's memories in Post series - One Shot among children listening to L through a computer. Matt's main traits are his ability to handle any technology, hacking and fast driving. In addition, he simply cannot live without video games and cigarettes; he spends his last breath puffing on a cigarette. Loves video games, dislikes open space

Namikawa Reiji

1 0 0

The youngest participant in the secret meetings in Yotsuba. He has high intelligence and the ability to influence people. He has a completely impartial face. At first he encouraged Kira’s activities in the company. But then, he begins to believe that the company will achieve success without Kira’s murders. Light, believing that Namikawa is the least like Kira of all, calls him and asks him to delay the deaths planned by the secret committee. Together with Shimura and Mido, he figured out that only Higuchi could be Kira. After which, at L’s request, he helped the investigation team in capturing Higuchi by calling him about the transmission that revealed Kira’s identity. Five months later, Light eliminated him, as well as the rest of the Yotsuba group, using heart attacks. The son of the head of the American branch of Yotsuba, he lived in the United States for six years. Graduate of the Faculty of Economics at Harvard University. He is a professional shogi player and holds a fourth dan rank in shogi. Loves chess and doesn't like useless subordinates

Near (Nate River)

6 4 0

One of the contenders for L's place, who later became his heir. While thinking about the investigation, he plays various children's games. Like L, he is eccentric, withdrawn and emotionless. L was definitely an authority figure for him, but after the news of the detective's death, Near states that "he lost because he couldn't play correctly." Unlike Mello, he has a calm and balanced character. He often plays with children's toys, and also constantly fiddles with his hair and sits on the floor. Near used Lego figures at the beginning of the second season, and puppets at the end, as images of his enemies. Sometimes uses tarot cards to build card houses. His communication with other people is minimal. It seems like there's no one in Wammy's house he can call a friend.

Ooi Takeshi

0 0 0

The most senior participant in secret meetings of which he is the chairman. Often manages other participants. Silent, always calm. He hates large events and never agrees to go to parties, although he was also at that party when Misa arrived. Just like the others, he was killed by Light. How to Read 13 describes him as "a tough guy who doesn't worry about details." Graduated from Vasyogi Faculty of Law. Single. His father serves in the Ministry of Defense. Loves weapon models and doesn't like bee nests

Osoreda Kiichiro

0 0 0

The criminal who was used by Kira to find out the name of Ray Penber

Otoharada Kuro

0 0 0

Kira's first victim. He took hostages in a kindergarten. Light still didn’t believe that the notebook was real, and tested its effect on him

Rushuall Bid (Al Meem)

0 0 0

Mafiosi. A veteran of the gang, he was killed by Misa using a Death Note before the police assault began.

Raye Penber

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One of twelve agents sent to check Japanese police officers and their families, on the instructions of L. He monitored the family members of Deputy Director Kitamura and Department Head Yagami. But Ryuk noticed his surveillance and told Light. And on the day when he had already decided to pass on the report that Light was not suspicious, he was forced to show Light his FBI agent badge because the bus was seized by a criminal (controlled by Kira). After this, Light, who learned his name, was able to control him. At the appointed time (written in the Death Note), Ray Penber came to the subway, where Light forced him to write on pieces of paper from the Notebook the names of all the FBI agents working in Japan on the Kira case. Ray Penber died of a heart attack after leaving a subway car. Loves Naomi Misora, doesn't like working overtime

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God of death. She first appeared to Misa Amana and has been protecting her ever since. In order to save Misa from persecution, he enters into an agreement with Light: if something happens to Misa, Rem promises to kill Light, and Rem undertakes to kill L. He fulfills his promise by writing L’s real name on a piece of paper from the Death Note, after which he disappears, crumbling into sand

Rod Ross (Dwhite Godon)

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The head of a mafia group from Los Angeles. A very cruel person. Loves champagne and doesn't like football

Roger Ruvie

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Quilsh's close friend Wammy (Watari), who became the director of Wammy House when he went with L to Japan to investigate the Kira case. After L and Watari died, he received a message that L was dead. He told Near and Mello that they were contenders for the role of the detective’s heir, but he did not have time to make his choice. Gives them the data collected during the investigation of Kira's case. He tried to persuade Mello and Near to work together to catch the killer of their predecessor, but Mello refused and left the orphanage. Later, when Near became the new L, Roger became his assistant as Watari. Likes the company of insects, does not like children


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Mafiosi. He was not killed like the others, he tried to take away the Death Note with Roy on Mello's orders, but the Japanese police arrested both of them. Dies when Mello's building explodes

Stephen Gevanni (Stephen Loud)

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Member of the SPK. Survived after the massacre of people working in this organization. He played an important role in Near's plans as he followed Mikami, studied his habits, which helped him get his Death Note, and then forge it in just one night, which made it possible to prove the guilt of the first Kira - Light Yagami. In Post Series - One Shot, he is shown with Restaur and Lidner, they continue to work with Near, who has become the new L. He is excellent at surveillance and picking locks. Likes to make ships in bottles, does not like arrogant bosses

Steeve Maison

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FBI Director. First appears when, at L's request, he sends agents to Japan to spy on the police. After their deaths, he informs the detective about the termination of the FBI investigation into Kira's case. Then he helps Nia open the SEC, introducing it to the US President. Killed by Mello using the Death Note

Shuichi Aizawa

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A respectable family man, he loves his wife, Eriko, and daughter, Yumi. For the sake of his family, he refuses to leave the police and help L. Although later, during the chase for Higuchi, he really helped the investigation headquarters, after which he joins the headquarters again. After L's death, L eventually begins to suspect Light of being Kira and contacts Near, agrees to cooperate with him and tells him some facts about the investigation. As shown in a special edition of the manga, which takes place three years later, Aizawa became the deputy chief of the Japanese police, that is, he took the place of the deceased Soichiro Yagami

Takada Kiyomi

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At the beginning of the anime and manga - Light Yagami's classmate, whom he dated for a short time. Then - the famous TV presenter, “the voice of Kira,” Light’s lover. She believed that Kira was right and wanted to help him. And she was happy when Kira turned out to be the person she loved - Light. She became the link between Mikami and Light. When Near became suspicious of Mikami, she passed judgment in his place. Takada Kiyomi was kidnapped by Mello and killed him by writing his name on a piece of paper from the Death Note. After that, Light wrote down her name on a piece of paper torn from a notebook, and she committed suicide. Due to the presence of her name in one Death Note and its absence in the other, Near was able to figure out which Notebook was real and eventually develop a plan to expose Kira.

I started watching Death Note with high expectations, well, in general, the anime met my expectations, but not entirely.
The following contains SPOILERS

At first I was happy with everything:

  • the reason for the appearance of notebooks in the human world

    (yes, gods get bored sometimes too)

  • GG’s motivation to use the notebook in order to create a “brave new world” in which evil would be punishable, because Light, like Ryuk, came to the conclusion that the world was “rotting before our eyes” and he was tired of it.
  • The logical conclusions that Light and. They made it clear to us why they came to these conclusions and not others.

    (although I often predicted plot twists and character actions, this was even better, because it confirmed their logic)

  • Very elaborate dialogues.
  • The heroes themselves (Light and L), to whom at the beginning I had no complaints: neither to their actions, nor to the personalities themselves.
  • Also, one can note the good drawing (the color scheme and style itself are very suitable for the plot), especially considering that this is 2006.

    Personally, I really liked the opening songs, and the musical accompaniment in general.

  • Minor characters who were around until exactly half of the anime, namely until the appearance of Kyosuke Higuchi.
  • And it was from this moment that the plot and the logic of actions began to gradually flow. And the further the end of the anime approached, the more it floated, especially the last third, where “successors” were introduced in the person of Mello and Near, whose conclusions were in no way substantiated. If L was presented to us not just as a genius who guesses everything just like that (that is, his mind is not some kind of superpower that you just use at a certain moment and immediately find out the answers to the necessary questions, as was the case with Nia. It was as if he gave a request for processing data and specific facts in his head and immediately received the result). L was a person who gradually made logical conclusions and the viewer understood why they were the way they were. About the same applies to Light, only he was also beginning to grow dumb (that is, his plans became less foolproof, and in general he focused on stupid details that he would not have missed before, while sometimes not noticing obvious things). I didn’t like that the author was trying to impose his opinion on the viewer, namely, he strives in every possible way towards the end to make Kira a complete antagonist, turning him into a madman, while showing his supporters as fanatical sectarians. I think he should have left the decision and assessment of Light’s actions to the viewers .

    (By the way, I was on Light’s side until the end, although I realized at the very beginning that everything would turn out to be his death, it simply couldn’t be any other way, because

    (Hypocrite: God level)

    Must have turned evil (through excessive power and the ruthless sacrifice of others for oneself), and evil must be punished)

    I also don’t understand the hate most people have towards Misa, but she did a lot of rash things and Light’s fate could have turned out in a completely different way, but she loved and was devoted to him to the end, blindly believing and doing everything he said.

    Her devotion even made her commit suicide after learning about Light's death.

    Light, in turn, simply used her, like everyone else. I feel sorry for her.

    And by the way, the scene where L wipes Light’s feet is an analogy to the scene from the Bible where Jesus washes Judas’ feet. There are a lot of analogies like this, especially in the openings.

    To summarize, in general, I liked the anime, especially the great beginning, then a good middle and a bad last part, which will lose to the first two (that’s why it’s bad, if you imagine that there’s nothing before it, then it would look a little better ). Even taking into account the listed disadvantages (and I haven’t described everything here), I still give

    (which is very rare for me, by the way, if we consider the 25th episode to be the last, then the minuses pale sharply against the backdrop of the pluses, + there is also, it seems, a continuation of the ending)

    Because "Death Note", for me personally, stands head and shoulders above other anime, which are thoughtlessly given dozens.

    "L, did you know that the gods of death only eat apples?"

    After 4 years, I finally pulled the notebook out of my plan. I've been enjoying mysteries lately, and good ones are hard to find. So my choice fell on the notebook. I knew that the anime was good and that I would like it, but I didn’t think that I would watch it continuously.

    The plot is generally simple. God throws a notebook with which you can kill people. This is where the most interesting turns begin. The main character Light is a very interesting character. He comes up with such machinations that sometimes I couldn’t even guess. And his war with L is absolutely incomparable. It is so well thought out down to the smallest detail with many plot twists. This is precisely the case when you cannot decide whether you are good or evil.
    The God of Death Ryuk is incomparable. He was made to look like a man, but at the same time he is the god of death. He doesn't feel like a supernatural being living at Gg's house. He thinks like a god and it may seem that he and Light have become friends, but

    he's still a god and he still doesn't care about people. He was just having fun, which is why he himself wrote Light's name in the notebook, because he became boring, which means he is no longer needed

    I also really liked Naomi. She proved herself to be an excellent agent. But then what happened to her?

    Knowing how dangerous it is to handle Kira’s case and how careful her actions are, she tells everything to the first schoolboy she meets, who turns out to be Kira. As expected, they killed him.

    Overall, the anime turned out to be very interesting, at least two thirds. That's when

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Nate River
Yes in the manga
Yes in anime
In the movie Yes
Nickname Nia
View Man
Gender Male
Age originally 13
18 years old at the end of the anime
21 in Special Edition
Height 155 cm.
Weight 40 kg.
Date of birth According to the manga: August 24, 1991
Based on anime: 08/24/1994
Date of death -
Cause of death -
Occupation Detective
Title One of the candidates for the role of successor L
Head of the SEC
Family Unknown, raised in boarding school
Spouse: No
Children No
Episodes Starting from 26
Voiced by Noriko Hidaka (Japanese: Hidaka Noriko)
Actor Narushi Fukuda

Nate River is one of the main characters in the manga and anime series Death Note. Known under the pseudonym N. While thinking about the investigation, he plays various children's games.

He was brought up from an early age in the same orphanage as L, with the expectation that in the future he would become his successor. After becoming the leader of the SPK team created to find Kira, he soon began to suspect Light was playing L's role.

Enters the arena after L's death as his successor. With the help of his arch rival, Mello defeats Light, proving that he is Kira.


Nia is probably one of the characters closest to L in spirit. Like L, he is eccentric, withdrawn and emotionless. L was definitely an authority figure for him, but after the news of the detective's death, Near states that "he lost because he couldn't play correctly." Unlike Mello, he has a calm and balanced character. He often plays with children's toys, and also constantly fiddles with his hair and sits on the floor. Near used Lego figures at the beginning of the second season, and puppets at the end, as images of his enemies. Sometimes he uses tarot cards for fortune telling or simply for building card houses. His communication with other people is minimal. It seems like there is no one in Wammy's house that he can call a friend. The name "Nate" - from the word "natural", and the surname "River" - "river", symbolize the transfer of talents to Nia from L. Nia is L's natural successor, "a natural genius blessed from above."

Nia and Mello

L died without appointing an heir. Mello and Near were equally brilliant, but had completely different characters: the former is annoyed by Near's calmness and prudence, while the latter does not like Mello's recklessness and impulsiveness. Nia has virtually no social skills, while Mello gets along well with people. Their working methods also differ. Mello is ready to work even with the mafia to capture Kira, and Nia adheres to the law. They couldn't work together, but by joining forces, they solved Kira's case.

Nia and Kira

After Mello's refusal to cooperate due to differences in character, Nia begins to investigate Kira's case, taking the pseudonym N. Having assembled a team of experienced detectives, he contacts Second L, who becomes his main suspect. Having exchanged the real Death Note for a fake one, during a meeting with Light he proves to everyone present at the meeting that Light is Kira. Thus, Near won the battle of brilliant minds, finishing L's case and exposing Kira.