Pregnant singer Anahit from “The Voice”: my Armenian nature makes itself felt. Pregnant singer Anahit from “The Voice”: my Armenian nature makes itself felt We can already bomb for the New Year

YEREVAN, September 29 - Sputnik. Armenian motifs left a noticeable mark on the performance of 26-year-old Anahit Poghosyan, who performed at the blind auditions of the musical project “The Voice” while seven months pregnant.

In an interview, the singer said that the Armenian timbre helped her.

The song that Anahit chose contains a certain magic. Usually people choose louder songs on projects to show off their voice, but Anahit decided to show her soul, sensuality, “to perform a beautiful song with an interesting meaning.”

“I studied the song for two years, I liked it. Looking through the recording, I noticed that my timbre was audible - oriental, Armenian or Caucasian, as it would be more correct to put it. My nature makes itself felt, and the song is different from the original,” Anahit said.

She said that her mentor Pelageya simply “goes crazy” about the timbre, and together they prepared a surprise for the audience.

"The third number should be one of the best. Maybe my girl will want to “go free” during the project, so we don’t know yet how everything will turn out. In any case, I thank you for your support. I want to thank Armenia, because I saw reaction. Everyone cried because of me, and I cried because the whole country reacted so sincerely. It’s very nice. I want to convey huge greetings and support,” Anait said.

According to her, the Armenian diaspora “is a strength.”

I put my all into it

Previously, Anahit already tried herself at castings, and did not pass the first two. But the girl continued to prepare and study purposefully. And last year, Anait passed the casting, but then, alas, all the teams were recruited and she was invited to the new season.

“Besides “The Voice,” very pleasant things have happened in my life. Probably, the most important happiness will soon appear. But “The Voice” also became a sharp turn for me, I realized that people still love me, they want to see me and hear," Anahit said.

There was no large-scale appearance on television, and small performances then, according to her, were still damp. Now she performs more consciously and professionally.

“I better understand what I want, what I do. It’s very nice that people reacted like that. Maybe my position played a role. Now, when I sing any song, I get goosebumps, I put my soul, my whole self. Therefore, the viewer, probably , I felt it,” Anahit said.

We can already bomb for the New Year

According to her, her husband is trying to help her. A lot of congratulations, messages, offers for solo concerts.

“I say, Lord, please let me give birth in October already. And for the New Year we can already bomb, do interesting programs,” Anait said.

She noted that, of course, she was ready to leave the project when the child was born. She considers this the main event in her life.

“I went to the project for some good memories, to tell my little girl about how we sing together on stage. But when all the judges turned around, the blood began to play, excitement appeared, I wanted more,” says Anait.

She notes that in life she is a “fighter” and is not used to giving up.

Armenian and Russian singer, participant in the 6th season of the television project “The Voice on Channel One”.

Biography Anahit Poghosyan

Anahit Poghosyan was born in Armenia in the family of a businessman and a housewife. From early childhood she showed interest in art and sang well. In 2000, the family moved to Ukraine, where Anait entered the philological faculty of the university. She studied Hindi for several years.

After graduating from university, Poghosyan moved to Moscow. At first she sang in karaoke clubs, but soon she was noticed by songwriter Karen Kavaleryan and advised her to start studying vocals with the famous teacher Raisa Syed Shah.

Anahit is married. In October 2017, it became known that she was expecting a child.

In her free time, the girl practices Thai boxing and yoga.

Creative path of Anahit Poghosyan

At the age of 19, the singer took part in the Ukrainian competition “ Superstar", and later became the star of the show " Sing if you can", in which the contestants sang in the most uncomfortable conditions for them.

In October 2017, Anahit participated in the “Blind Auditions” on the show “

The television project “The Voice,” where participants demonstrate their vocal skills to the judges, is needed not only for entertainment purposes and to raise the ratings of Channel One to unprecedented heights. This show gives an opportunity to show off talents from ordinary families, who, thanks to their perseverance and hard work, become new stars in the firmament of show business.

The oriental beauty Anahit Poghosyan instantly captivated us with her singing and acquired a multi-million army of music lovers, and Anna Pingina’s composition “Swallow” performed by a participant in the show became a real hit.

Childhood and youth

A talented girl was born on September 22, 1990 in sunny Armenia, the city of Yerevan. The girl grew up and was brought up in an exemplary family, her father owned his own business, and her mother ran a household and raised three children (Anait has a brother and a sister).

It is known that the future participant in the competitive show began to show her abilities from early childhood. The girl dressed up in sheets and staged impromptu concerts, performing popular compositions.

Little Anahit delighted her parents and guests with her ringing voice, and her dad was proud of his daughter’s success, predicting a happy future for her (unfortunately, the head of the family passed away in 2007).

In 2000, due to family circumstances, the future singer and her parents moved to Ukraine, where she continued to study at a comprehensive school. After receiving a certificate of secondary education, the future singer entered the university, where she studied the Indo-Aryan language Hindi. But, after studying for two years, Anahit decided to connect her life with music, especially since she inherited an extraordinary velvety voice from her grandfather.


After graduating from high school, Anahit set out on a free voyage and left to conquer the vastness of the very heart of Russia. In Moscow, the girl got a job working in karaoke, but later she admitted that such a start was not good for a novice singer.

However, Anahit Poghosyan was lucky: she was noticed by the popular songwriter Karen Kavaleryan and advised the future star to continue her vocal lessons. After the master’s instructions, Anahit began to improve her vocal abilities and tried to hit higher notes under the guidance of a teacher at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, Raisa Saed-Shah.

On September 22, 2017, Anahit decided to try her luck and begin her creative biography in the music program “The Voice,” which is broadcast in the evenings on Channel One. The essence of the show is that people from different parts of the world demonstrate their skills in front of the jury, thereby paving the way to the firmament of show business.

The qualifying stage of the TV show begins with “blind auditions”: the judges sit with their backs in front of the contestants and do not see the faces of the participants. In this way, music critics evaluate vocal abilities most objectively. Pressing the special red button and turning the chair means that the mentor is ready to take the performer of the song to his team.

After Anahit sang Anna Pingina’s touching composition “Swallow,” all the jury members turned to her. But the judges were surprised not only by Poghosyan’s voice, but also by the interesting position of the heroine - the oriental girl performed while she was seven months pregnant. The singer admitted that she was worried before going on stage, but yoga classes and thoughts about her future child helped her come to her senses.

Anahit Poghosyan in the show "The Voice"

The girl also shared in an interview that before participating in the project, she initially wanted to choose Dima Bilan as a mentor, but after the performance she gave preference to Pelageya. By the way, few people know that Anait got to Channel One only the fourth time.

She tried to compete in the fifth season of the project, but the teams were filled, and Anait had to wait for the next stage of the competition. At the casting, which took place in 2017, the beauty admitted that she “got a little pregnant,” but this did not bother the show’s producers.

It is worth noting that Anahit appeared in front of television cameras even before participating in “The Voice”. At the age of 19, she appeared in the program “SuperZirka” (“SuperStar”), and she was also lucky enough to attend the Ukrainian show “Sing if you can.”

On this project, the brave girl had to go through nine circles of hell: she sang in a transparent cube, and mice crawled on her head. Among other things, Anahit took part in the show “Intuition” (Ukrainian equivalent), where participants had to guess whether she was a vocalist or a mechanical engineer.

Also, according to rumors, Anahit performed in the program “Chance” with the song “Show Me Your Love”. The singer got into this program after the show “Karaoke on the Maidan”. It is not surprising that after so many appearances on TV screens, Anahit began to be recognized in her native Yerevan: the girl is often interviewed, and enthusiastic fans ask for an autograph.

“It happens that passersby just stop and say that they will root for me. They admire me, and it’s very nice,” Poghosyan said.

Personal life

The artist is a cheerful girl who is not afraid of difficulties and obstacles encountered along the way. In her free time from music, the girl goes in for sports. The beauty prefers seemingly incompatible things - yoga and Thai boxing. Anait did not tell reporters who her lover was, but the media learned that she dated her future lover for 4 months; in such a short period of time, the young people realized that they loved each other.

The singer admitted that she and her husband are opposites: her husband is cheerful, and she is serious. But, as you know, polarities only attract. Unfortunately, Poghosyan does not maintain a page on the social network Instagram, so fans cannot admire family photos or learn the latest news from the life of the talented folk singer.

Anahit Poghosyan now

In 2017, Anahit Poghosyan will become a mother for the first time; the happy vocalist and her loved one are expecting a girl, who is expected to be born in October or November. The Armenian is also preparing for performances, because “blind auditions” are only the beginning of musical competitions. This will be followed by “Fights”, “Knockouts” and other stages of the competition.


  • "Strong enough"
  • “My kitty”
  • "Broken heart"
  • "Tsunami"
  • "Martin"
  • Anahit Poghosyan (26 years old) was born in Yerevan (Armenia); in 2000, Anahit’s family moved to Ukraine.
  • Anahit Poghosyan dreamed of studying the Hindi language, but she enrolled in pop vocals in Kyiv. After graduating from university, she moved to Moscow.
  • After moving to Moscow, Anahit Poghosyan worked in karaoke. Karen Kavaleryan heard her and advised her to study more. Anahit began taking lessons from Raisa Saed-Shah, a teacher at the Gnessin Academy.
  • Anahit Poghosyan’s voice comes from her grandfather, her mother’s father.
  • Anahit Poghosyan’s father is a businessman, his mother is a housewife, and she was raising Anait’s brother and sister.
  • Dad Anahit Poghosyan was proud of his daughter’s vocal abilities, he always wanted to see her on the big stage, and witnessed many of her successes along the way. In 2007 he passed away.
  • As a child, Anahit Poghosyan wore glasses - one eye had poor vision.
  • In his free time from music, Anahit Poghosyan practices yoga.
  • At one time, Anahit Poghosyan was fond of Thai boxing.
  • Anahit Poghosyan dated her future husband for 4 months. Anait believes that they complement each other like plus and minus - he is cheerful, and she is serious.
  • Anahit Poghosyan came to Voice 6 pregnant (less than 2 months before giving birth), her friend in the support group, Elvira, was also expecting a child.

Dmitry Nagiyev: - What if, whoever turns around first, we name the child that? Boy? Girl?
Anahit Poghosyan: - Girl.
Dmitry Nagiyev: - A girl named Alexander Borisovich is suffering.

  • Anahit Poghosyan believes that the child even helps her sing.

Dmitry Nagiyev: - They say that only a woman giving birth can understand the agony that a man experiences at a temperature of 37.2.

  • On Blind Audition Voice 6 Anahit Poghosyan sang “Swallow” by Anna Pingina, soundtrack from the film “Steel Butterfly”. Buttons pressed in a row: Pelagia , Alexander Gradsky , Dima Bilan , Leonid Agutin.
  • “Ahhhh, again, again, again,” said Pelageya, pointing to her goosebumps.
  • The mentors began to praise Anait’s voice, timbre, and delivery. And then Agutin, knowingly, so to speak, asked: “What month is it for you?” Gradsky assumed that he was the fourth, but in fact he was the seventh.

Anahit Poghosyan: - Everyone told me at the project that you don’t look like a pregnant woman at all, you have endurance, you’re not capricious.

Leonid Agutin: - It’s similar or not similar, but you’ll have to give birth. I had it last year Nicole Knaus, also gave birth during the project, recovered, went out and sang even further. Yes, it happened. I am, of course, a pregnancy specialist..

Anahit Poghosyan: - I just wanted to say, maybe you won’t be tormented by pregnancy anymore this year? Should I experiment with this with someone else?

Anahit Poghosyan chose Pelageya.

  • , her performances before Voice 6. Anahit participated in many Ukrainian vocal TV shows. Anahit Poghosyan released her debut video “This is Love”.
  • IN Fights Voice 6 Ladislav Bubnar and Anahit Poghosyan sang “Piu che puoi” by Eros Ramazzotti and Cher. Anahit also sang a fragment of the Armenian song Khghja du indz Gusan Siphan. The guys sang so soulfully that the teachers were almost moved. At the end of the number they all stood up, even Gradsky.

Dmitry Nagiyev: - As my grandfather said: “Sadness has come, I’ll pump it up too.”

Alexander Gradsky: - Fantastic, brilliant performance, with the exception of the beginning, which was brilliant. I don't want to say anything more.

Dmitry Nagiev: - Come on? Leonid Nikolaevich, try to match - even shorter!

Leonid Agutin: - You won’t wait. It seemed to me that I was in a fairy tale, we have a negative character, such as Koschey the Immortal, but he met Anahit. She cried and the tear fell on him and he turned into a kind person. And so they got married and are expecting a child.. Anahit, your voice is like a wide river, flowing so calmly and softly.

Dmitry Nagiyev: - Dima, colleagues were short. Try it with a gesture.

  • In the Voice 6 Duels Ladislav Bubnar / Anahit Poghosyan, Pelageya chose Ladislav, explaining that in a month Anahit’s main project would not be the Voice, but her daughter.
  • Dmitry Nagiyev did not turn around his chairs; he agreed with the mentor: “Pelageya is right - nothing is more important”.
  • Anahit Poghosyan: - I won’t cry. Pelageechka, you are a sunshine person, I am very glad that I was on your team. Thank you everyone for these nice words. I’ll still continue to sing, right? And for me now the most important thing is what I heard from you. To be honest, I even thought about giving up after the next tour, because I’m in my 9th month, and you don’t know how to turn out - suddenly right on stage? This is also not possible. We will give birth, everything will be fine and we will see everyone a little later.
  • Behind the scenes, Anahit Poghosyan was supported by her husband and vocal teacher Raisa Syed-Shah.
  • On October 27, 2017, Anahit Poghosyan gave birth to a daughter, Mia.