Study and career in anthropology abroad. How much does an anthropologist earn per month - income statistics Who are anthropologists and what is interesting about this profession

Anthropologists They study man as a biological species, from the point of view of his origin (anthropogenesis), development, diversity, originality (biological) of people of different ages, gender, and different nationalities. In many countries, anthropology includes ethnography, archeology, and a number of other disciplines, and human biology in these countries is also called physical or biological anthropology. The subject of interest of anthropologists can be not only the current state of humanity, but also its history.

Anthropology (anthropos-man + logos-teaching) is the doctrine of man as the highest product of nature. All properties and characteristics of a person are explained only by their natural origin. Anthropology emphasizes the unity of man and nature and contrasts with the idealistic and dualistic understanding of human nature. The term “Anthropology” is of Greek origin and literally translated means “the science of man” (from anthropos - man and logos - word, doctrine, science). Anthropology is a field of scientific knowledge whose subject of study is man. Science aims not only to describe this diversity, but also to determine the reasons leading to it. Based on the anthropocentricity of most spheres of knowledge (even everyday knowledge), we can conclude that anthropology, in a broad sense, is almost any modern science - most of them, above all else, are addressed to the topic of man.

The first use of the term dates back to antiquity. Aristotle (384-322 BC) was the first to use it to designate a field of knowledge that studies primarily the spiritual side of human nature. With this meaning the term existed for over a millennium. It has survived to this day, for example, in religious knowledge (theology), in philosophy, in many humanities (for example, in art history), and partly in psychology.


Includes a number of disciplines: physical anthropology, social anthropology, cultural anthropology (a discipline quite close to ethnology), linguistic anthropology, prehistoric anthropology. In philosophy there is a section of philosophical anthropology.

Within anthropology, a number of unique branches can be distinguished: historical anthropology, ethnic (study of the biological characteristics of different peoples), age, environmental (examination of the influence of natural and social environmental conditions on human growth and development), even sports (study of the influence of sports on the human body).

Living people and their communities can be the subject of various surveys, in particular measurements (anthropometry). By the way, anthropometry data are used in the design of clothing, furniture, consumer goods, in the design of not only housing, but also industrial, transport, school and similar equipment.

Past human communities are studied from fossil skeletons and skulls. Famous anthropologists - Eugene Dubois, who found the skull of Pithecanthropus, Robert Dart (the first find of Australopithecus), Louis Leakey, his wife Mary and son Robert (finds of Homo habilis and many species of Australopithecus).

In Russia it originated at the beginning of the 18th century and was formed by the middle of the 19th century. Significant contributions to anthropology were made by K.M. Baer, ​​N.N. Miklouho-Maclay, A.P. Bogdanov, D.N. Anuchin, V.V. Bunak, G.F. Debets, Ya.Ya. Roginsky, M.M. Gerasimov, V.P. Alekseev et al.

Information sources:

Anthropological knowledge is used in many areas of science and practice - in archaeology, medicine, pedagogy, labor psychology and engineering psychology, ethnology (from the Greek ethnos people). Accordingly, the anthropologist must have some orientation in these areas of knowledge and practice. Possible research at the intersections of anthropology and other sciences

Where and how do anthropologists work?

In the field of historical anthropology, the specialist’s work will be associated with archaeological expeditions and the subsequent processing of anthropological bone material. If an anthropologist studies modern populations (sets of people living in a certain territory), then he works on special anthropological expeditions. Expeditions set up their laboratories in local schools or clinics, where they organize surveys of the population. The program of such examinations can be the most extensive. Not only anthropological measurements are carried out. Even palm prints are collected and blood samples are taken. Subsequent study and processing of the collected material occurs partly on site, partly after the expedition, in laboratory conditions. Further work could be, for example, the study of the anthropological characteristics of individual groups of people that differ in age and gender. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to identify patterns of individual development in different population groups, life expectancy and other indicators characterizing a given community (demographic indicators). It is possible to study the anthropological characteristics of the population of areas that find themselves in extreme, from an environmental point of view, conditions. As a result of research, previously hidden but real threats (“risk factors”) to the health of the population of certain regions can be discovered. And this may be important for government decision-making.

Where do anthropologists study?

The specialty anthropologist can be obtained at the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University. A young specialist can engage in teaching and research at a university department where anthropology is included in the curriculum. Can work as an employee of an anthropological research institution, museum (in this case, teaching work is also not excluded).

Order of Friendship of Peoples Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology named after. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay of the Russian Academy of Sciences is the oldest humanitarian scientific institution in the country, originating from the Peter the Great's Kunstkamera. Today it is a leading research center in the field of socio-cultural and physical anthropology with a high international status. The purpose of the research is to study the ethnosocial and ethnocultural development of the peoples of the world in interaction with socio-political and economic processes. The Institute conducts field research in the territory of the former Soviet Union and other states, publishes about 50 books a year and periodicals: the magazine "Ethnographic Review", the yearbook "Races and Peoples", the almanac-yearbook "Bulletin of Anthropology", "Library of the Russian Ethnographer", "Ethnographic Library". The Institute publishes “Research on Applied and Urgent Ethnology”, monitors the ethno-confessional situation in the regions of Russia and other CIS and Baltic countries in order to promote more effective domestic and foreign policy of the state

There is a virtual project “Philosophical Anthropology” on the Internet, the strategic goal of which is to create an open communicative space for a broad discussion of philosophical and anthropological issues.

Materials used from sites:

Addition from team id015 Children of the Sun

An anthropologist should know: Biology, chemistry, biochemistry, genetics, anthropogenesis, anthropogeography, anthropometry, etc., methods of scientific research in the specialty. Professionally important qualities for the anthropologist: - memory; - attention; - a penchant for research work.

Information sources:

3. New Russian Encyclopedia, vol. 2, A-BAYAR, ed. "Encyclopedia", 2005

Beginning: 15000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 30000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 50000 ⃏ per month

* - information on salaries is given approximately based on vacancies on profiling sites. Salaries in a specific region or company may differ from those shown. Your income is greatly influenced by how you can apply yourself in your chosen field of activity. Income is not always limited only to what vacancies are offered to you on the labor market.

Demand for the profession

Not the most in demand profession.

Anthropologists work in research institutes and centers and teach in vocational schools.
Specialists in physical anthropology work in anthropological and archaeological institutions, in the field of forensic medicine, and human genetics.
A specialist in cultural anthropology can serve on commissions and act as an expert, advising government officials making political decisions.

Who is the profession suitable for?

Important qualities:

  • Logics
  • penchant for analysis
  • interest in biology/sociology.


  • study of the origin of the human species (anthropogenesis), development, diversity, biological uniqueness of humans depending on age, gender, nationality, race
Rate the profession: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Master's program "Cultural Anthropology" at the Faculty of Anthropology - these are four semesters with intensive lectures and seminars and research work of a master's student on his topic. The training ends with writing a master's thesis and receiving a master's diploma in the established format.

Fundamental courses are taught in the master's program on theory and history of cultural and social anthropology, folkloristics, sociolinguistics,linguistic anthropology, methods of field work, as well as elective courses. In addition, all students have the opportunity to attend elective courses at other faculties of the European University.

The final grade for a course most often consists of a grade for written work, a grade for work at a seminar on a given subject, and the exam grade itself. Examinations are both oral and written.

At the end of the second semester, students choose a supervisor and agree with him on the topic of the master's thesis.

The master's thesis of those students who plan to study further in a graduate-level program is usually a kind of pilot study on the topic of the proposed master's thesis.

Three-year professional training program “Cultural Anthropology” lasts six semesters and the main emphasis here is on conducting dissertation research, and the result is writing and defending a candidate's dissertation. The defense takes place in one of the institutions where there is a dissertation council in the relevant specialty, for example, the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (“Kunstkamera”), the Institute of Slavic and Balkan Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), the Russian State University for the Humanities, the Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University, etc. ..

As part of their studies at the faculty, students and listeners can engage in a wide range of topics related to anthropological issues:

  • anthropological study of everyday life
  • social memory problems
  • anthropology of ethnicity
  • anthropology of religion
  • migration studies
  • anthropological study of the city
  • cultural and anthropological studies of the current situation in Siberia and the North
  • anthropological study of the interaction between man and technology, in particular in the field of modern information technology
  • anthropology of disability
  • medical anthropology

Nordic issues:

  • anthropological study of the everyday life of the inhabitants of the Arctic, North and Siberia
  • anthropology of religion and modern shamanism
  • anthropological study of northern (mono)cities
  • research of the modern cultural and linguistic situation in Siberia and the North
  • anthropological study of human-technology interaction

folklore issues:

  • structure of folklore tradition (primarily Russian)
  • traditional folklore, theory
  • methodology and methods for analyzing plots and motives
  • modern methods of folkloristics and modern folklore material
  • poetics of folklore. Analysis of folklore texts at different levels
  • the relationship between folklore and “post-folklore”
  • individual genres, plots and motifs of traditional and modern folklore
  • specifics of urban folklore (urban folklore of the 19th century, modern urban folklore, folklore of social communities)
  • the place of religious folklore in the structure of folklore and in the system of religious ideas

sociolinguistic issues:

  • theoretical sociolinguistics, including the development of methods for sociolinguistic research
  • sociolinguistic study of the Russian Federation and post-Soviet states
  • sociolinguistic studies of small peoples of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East
  • research in the field of variational sociolinguistics
  • microsociolinguistic studies of various communication environments

Open lectures by faculty teachers

Anthropologist- a scientist specializing in the study of humans as a biological species.

Features of the profession

Anthropologists are interested in man not only in his unity with nature, but also in the context of his cultural environment. Therefore, anthropology also includes disciplines that study man in society.

The term "anthropology" appeared in ancient philosophy. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC) was the first to use it to designate a field of knowledge that studies primarily the spiritual side of human nature. Conventionally, anthropology can be divided into cultural And physical.

Cultural anthropology

In Russia, until recently, anthropology was understood mainly as physical anthropology, but since the 1990s, departments of social, political and philosophical anthropology began to appear in Russian universities. All of these are areas of cultural anthropology, which studies culture, civilization, social systems, and ethnic characteristics.

For example, social anthropology studies the manifestations of man in culture and society: in the family, in religion, economics, etc. Social anthropologists (socioanthropologists) study the principles of obtaining and using power in different societies, the economic behavior of people, identifies factors influencing the economy, but not taken into account by economic science. Cultural anthropology makes it possible to understand the essence of contradictions between different peoples, social strata, etc.

Physical anthropology

Specialists in this field are usually called anthropologists without any prefixes (socio-, ethno-, etc.). Physical anthropology is primarily concerned with the development of man as a biological species. She examines the remains of ancient people and the bodies of living people. The results of such research are used by archaeology, medicine, pedagogy, engineering psychology, ethnology (from the Greek ethnos people), etc.

The study of ancient people involves the study of fossil skeletons. Here are some important findings and discoveries in this direction.

Once a French amateur archaeologist Jacques Boucher de Perth(1788 - 1868) discovered ancient flint tools in quarries in the vicinity of Abbeville. He was one of the first to try to prove the existence of “antediluvian” people.

German schoolteacher Johann Fuhlrott. (1803 - 1877) in 1856 collected and described the bones of primitive man. This was the first scientific description of a Neanderthal.

Dutch anthropologist Eugene Dubois(trained as a military doctor, 1858 - 1940) was the first to discover the skull of Pithecanthropus.

Raymond Arthur Dart(South African physician, 1893 - 1988) discovered Australopithecus for science.

German anthropologist Franz Weidenreich(1873 - 1948) developed the concept of polycentrism (several centers) in the formation of modern races. (In his opinion, there were four of these centers.) He is also the author of the concept of orthogenesis - the internal desire of organisms to develop.

German anthropologist Hans Weinert(1887 - 1967) studied Pithecanthropus and Neanderthals. Author of the theory that modern man arose under the pressure of harsh conditions of the Ice Age.

American anthropologist Ales Hrdlicka(1869 - 1943) in 1927 put forward the concept of the Neanderthal phase in human evolution.

Australian primatologist Colin Peter Groves(1942-...) systematized primates, combining gorillas, chimpanzees and humans into one family Hominidae (hominids).

American anthropologist Claude Owen Lovejoy- specialist on australopithecines, author of the concept of the origin of bipedalism. He suggested (in the 1980s) that upright walking was promoted not so much by natural factors (climate, etc.) as by sexual behavior, family relationships and social organization.

This is only a small part of the scientists who formed the modern theory of human development as a species. But the end to the study of the history of Homo sapiens (i.e. us) has not yet been reached.

The study of modern man has practical significance for various areas of life. For example, measurements of physical data (anthropometry) are of interest to manufacturers of clothing, furniture, home builders, etc.


Anthropologists work in research institutes and centers and teach in vocational schools. Specialists in physical anthropology work in anthropological and archaeological institutions, in the field of forensic medicine, and human genetics.

A specialist in cultural anthropology can serve on commissions and act as an expert, advising government officials making political decisions.


Salary as of 11/18/2019

Russia 20000—50000 ₽

Important qualities

Logic, analytical skills, interest in biology/sociology.

Knowledge and skills

The scope of an anthropologist's knowledge depends on his scientific interests. For example, a specialist in physical anthropology needs knowledge in the field of biology (anatomy, paleopathology, genetics, etc.), archaeology, ethnography, etc.

Anthropology is a socio-cultural science that studies all aspects of human origin and development. Combining a wide range of disciplines, anthropologists engage in research into the social, economic, cultural, physical and religious development of humans and individual groups of people.

Being a kind of connecting link between the humanities and natural sciences, anthropology is unique and multidisciplinary. Speaking about the multidisciplinarity of anthropology, University College London characterizes it as “the most scientific of all humanities disciplines and the most humanitarian of all scientific disciplines.” This science expands the boundaries of knowledge and, moreover, provides qualified anthropologists with a variety of opportunities for conducting applied and research activities.

Below we will tell you more about where anthropologists study and how they work abroad...

Why study anthropology?

Interesting interdisciplinary education

Anthropology is a multifaceted and very interesting science that involves the study of many interrelated disciplines. By taking a course in anthropology, you will gain extensive new knowledge in a variety of areas, from art and culture to political science and sociology.

General cultural and intellectual development

A professional anthropologist, historically, since the 19th century, most often represents an intellectual and comprehensively developed person. This science allows a specialist to simultaneously plunge into the past, exploring the mysteries of history, and follow the socio-cultural trends of our time.

Social importance of anthropologists' work

Anthropology plays an important role in the modern world. Through their work and research, anthropologists help to root in the public consciousness such concepts as tolerance, tolerance, understanding of the diversity and multiculturalism of the world society. In other words, anthropology is important in the process of establishing dialogue between different ethnic, social, cultural and religious groups.

New ways of industry development

Today we all live in conditions of globalization, the actual “blurring of the boundaries” of individual states and the increasing dependence of some peoples on others. Under these conditions, anthropology as a science and the conclusions it reaches become important for a wide variety of industries, including education, the arts, diplomacy and international relations, politics, government, health care, and business. This significantly expands not only the scope of activity, but also the employment options of modern anthropologists, bringing science to a new level of development.


Students studying anthropology abroad can pursue one of the following popular specializations:

Training process and cost

Overseas undergraduate programs in anthropology last 3-4 years and lead to a Bachelor of Science degree. The learning process consists of lectures and seminars. Depending on the specific course, at the undergraduate level a student may major in general anthropology or a more specialized field. For admission to the course, an overall high level of academic performance is important; special attention is paid to the applicant’s grades in subjects such as mathematics, biology and foreign languages.

Master's programs last 1-2 years and usually involve a narrow specialization, for example, in cultural, social, biological, medical, linguistic, physical or philosophical anthropology. Many graduate students also pursue a dual degree in anthropology and another related discipline. History, archaeology, foreign languages, international relations or law are often chosen as additional disciplines.

For students pursuing a career in science, doctoral programs are also available, which can last from 3 to 6 years. They are usually of a research nature and involve the student working on one or another scientific project, as well as writing a doctoral dissertation.

Anthropological education abroad at an affordable price is offered by the American College of Lake County ($9,912 per year), ($989 per year at the master's and doctoral level), Czech (from $2,000 per year at the master's and doctoral level) and Danish ($9,240 per year). A year of study in Canadian will cost you $9,176, and a year of doctoral study in anthropology in New Zealand will cost you $4,626.

More expensive education in the field of anthropology is offered by the British ($44,551 per year), Canadian ($18,900 per year) and Australian ($19,000 per year).

Working conditions and salary

Given the broad profile of anthropology as a science, the scope of activity of professional anthropologists is also very diverse.

Oddly enough, only a small percentage of graduates are engaged in research and academic anthropological activities. The majority of graduates work in a variety of industries, applying anthropological knowledge in the field of social and public work, pedagogy, media and communications, journalism, marketing and the arts.

Many anthropologists work in government agencies, international companies, voluntary and charitable organizations, museums, universities and schools. From social researchers, educators, policy makers, and consultants to international relations specialists and museum curators, anthropologists have many careers available, depending on their undergraduate major. In general, most anthropology graduates do office work or work with people.

In the United States, the average salary for anthropologists is $49,536, with anthropologists with more than 20 years of experience earning the highest salaries, and the majority of industry professionals (86%) are men. The average starting salary for anthropologists in the UK is $25,673 - $32,433, increasing as the specialist gains experience and specializes more closely. Anthropologists receive the highest salaries in Western Europe, North America, as well as Australia and New Zealand. In Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia, the income of anthropologists is slightly lower.

Separately, we note that, due to the variety of employment options for professional anthropologists, it is difficult to name the exact average salary of all graduates who studied anthropology at the university. In this case, income largely depends on the employer and the scope of application of anthropological knowledge. Anthropologists working in the fields of media, communications, government and science have the highest salaries, while social welfare and charity workers have the lowest salaries.

Top Universities for Anthropology

College of Lake County, USA