Intelligence is more valuable than wealth. Master class "gold mines"

    See mind... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. estimate see ... Synonym dictionary

    Smetka I decomposition Ability to think quickly; resourcefulness, ingenuity. II decomposition Soft hair brush for sweeping. III decomposition 1. action under Ch. sweep II 2. Threads that sweep or baste something; basting... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    AWARENESS 1. AWARENESS, and; and. Razg. The ability to think quickly, find the right solution in any case. in business; sharpness. Krestyanskaya village Military village Show smarts. 2. AWARENESS, and; pl. genus. current, date tkam; and. 1. to Sweep away. 2. Special Hand brush... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    savvy- n. calculation, report, calculation, equal estimate, balance n. izgoda, taxation, creeping n. plan, intention n. excuse n. entrance, dossier, number, name, registration presmyatane, calculation... Bulgarian synonymous with riverman

    It’s not the wit that wanders; and then the smarts that lead others. See ERRORS ELIGIBILITY...

    Happiness is more valuable than heroism, and cleverness will deceive both. See ERRORS ELIGIBILITY... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

Happiness is more valuable than heroism, and cleverness will deceive both.

  • - I. and V. no, D. about/im, TV. about/them, Pr. about both/them, numbers...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - SMITKA, -and, female. . Ability to think quickly and calculate. Rabochaya village II. SMART, SMART see throw 2...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - about them, about them, about them, about them, about them. and wine no, used with nouns that do not have units. h. h., eg: about “their dignity”, about “their” scissors, about “their” ducks; Wed "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - enjoy life beyond measure Wed. I'm tired of burning my life at both ends, I crave quiet family happiness. A.V. Amphitheatres. To be a bull on a string...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Burning the candle at both ends and enjoying life is not in moderation. Wed. I'm tired of burning my life at both ends, I thirst for quiet family happiness. A.V. Amphitheaters. To be a bull on a string...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - A pig is coming out of the barn, along the snout at both ends...
  • - See ERRORS -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See HAPPINESS -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See LONELINESS -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see Happiness is more valuable than intelligence, wealth and...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Happiness is more valuable than wealth...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See HAPPINESS -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See HAPPINESS -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See HAPPINESS -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - ...

    Synonym dictionary

“Happiness is more valuable than heroism, and cleverness will deceive both.” in books

The heart won't deceive you

From the book Lyubov Polishchuk author Yaroshevskaya Anna

The heart will not deceive A warm spring day in 1967. Lyuba stood in a light cotton dress near the workshops she already loved and loved. Her beautiful thick hair was gently blown by the warm wind. She stood and thought about her fate. About why everything turned out this way. About,

"A bright day will deceive..."

From the book Light Burden author Kissin Samuil Viktorovich

“A bright day will deceive...” A bright day will deceive, A bright day will torment. A clear evening will look and teach you to be quiet. Come from home to the forest stream. The streams splash there, the stars sparkle there. The knife is both bright and sharp! I'll make my fire! We are not visible to anyone. We will be there until the morning. We'll be there until dawn

Russian savvy

From the book Testers author Vishenkov S

Russian savvy “Don’t rub your eyes,” Suprun told one of his pilots. “Your eyes are already red.” At the same time, Suprun forgot that his eyes were as inflamed as those of all the pilots of his group sitting here debriefing the recent battle. For the fifth day now they have not closed

Myths about happiness: what is happiness and how to achieve it?

From the book Reflections on Personal Development author Adizes Yitzhak Calderon

Myths about happiness: what is happiness and how to achieve it? We all want to be happy, don't we? The US Declaration of Independence even states that the pursuit of happiness is an inalienable human right. So how do people become happy? Do you agree with

In both types of sleep

From the book OPEN SECRET by the author

In both types of dreams We are all part of the party: the party continues even if we fall asleep, but our sleep is also part of the party.? Do you remember? When you look at the reflection of the moon in a pond, you are the moon looking at itself...? You are just an inference. Only

"If life deceives you..."

From the book Universal Reader. 3rd grade author Team of authors

“If life deceives you...” If life deceives you, Don’t be sad, don’t be angry! On the day of despondency, reconcile yourself: Believe, the day of joy will come. The heart lives in the future; The present is sad: Everything is instant, everything will pass; What will pass will happen

For both:

From the book How not to turn into Baba Yaga by Nonna Doctor

For both: ylang-ylang helps to guess and embody the most secret desires of a partner, increases the potency of a man and the receptivity of a woman; nutmeg allows you to feel each other better, enhances desires and sensations; neroli enhances sensuality, intensifies and prolongs

Chapter 1. About happiness in general and women's happiness in particular

From the book If you want to be happy, be it author Volgina Ksenia

Chapter 1. About happiness in general and women’s happiness in particular In fact, happiness is such a flexible and voluminous concept that it is almost impossible to derive a single “formula of happiness” that would suit absolutely all women and satisfy a wide variety of tastes and

Happiness of life, because life is happiness

From the book A mature woman owns the world [How to be happy in a man's world] author Lifshits Galina Markovna

Happiness in life, because life is happiness I would like to devote a few words to the most important topic. This topic is our specialty. Of course, you won’t be limited to a few phrases here. But still...Love of life. The ability to independently seek daily small joys. What would seem

God will never deceive you

From the book Love Without Borders. The path to amazingly happy love author Vujicic Nick

God will never deceive you. If God puts something in your heart, he will never deceive you. He may take something away, but only because He has a different plan for you. If you have had a bad experience in a personal relationship, then you may feel deceived and wounded.

Kyiv will still deceive

From the author's book

Kyiv will still deceive Putin’s proposal to “postpone the referendum on federalization,” without indicating the date of such a postponement and the exact conditions, was unexpected and disappointed many. An explanation suggests itself - Putin retreated and refused to support the rebel

Chernozem is more expensive than oil Chernozem is more expensive than oil Nina Zaitseva 02/20/2013

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 951 (8 2013) author Zavtra Newspaper


From the book To the Barrier! 2009 No. 04 author Newspaper Duel

WHO WILL DECEIVE WHOM The organization of work to attract foreign investment leaves much to be desired in Russia. This conclusion follows from a new report by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a subsidiary of the World Bank specializing in working with

11. I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquities, and I will put an end to the arrogance of the proud, and I will destroy the arrogance of the oppressors; 12. I will make people more valuable than fine gold, and men more valuable than the gold of Ophir.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

11. I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquities, and I will put an end to the arrogance of the proud, and I will destroy the arrogance of the oppressors; 12. I will make people more valuable than fine gold, and men more valuable than the gold of Ophir. Here the Lord Himself speaks. Peace - in Hebrew: tevel, proper. terrestrial

Chapter 5. Who will deceive the debtor the most?

From the book Credit Stories author Ryakin Evgeniy Vladimirovich

Chapter 5. Who will deceive the debtor the most? Credit brokers You can often find advertisements in which people offer their services for obtaining a loan. They call themselves credit brokers. But I would not rush with such a formulation. In my work experience, only

We often forget that there is something in life that is much more important than money. Here are 15 things to remember:

1. Relationship experience

Kiss someone, write someone a letter telling them how you feel. Take your time on your day off and prepare an interesting, tasty dish. Have a candlelit evening for your loved one.

2. Teaching Wisdom

If you think you know the answer, then you are not wise at all. Learn to be wise. Wisdom comes from knowing how little you really know.

3. Marriage

Your life will change greatly when you deeply and wholeheartedly accept another person into it. Striving to be the best will come from revealing every part of you directly to another loved one.

4. Friendships

Regular friendships and a friendly atmosphere are a wonderful proof of life. Friendship has nothing to do with the things you own or the actions you can do - the things and actions themselves revolve around people and their relationships.

5. Healthy body

6. Psychological health

Physical health cannot be perfect without psychological health. Expressing your feelings should be done in a healthy way. Problems that bother you need to be solved, not avoided.

7. Passion

What actions make you feel excited and fulfilled? The dish of your life will be poor and bland if you do not season it with spices that add pungency and taste.

8. Communication

The talent of expressing your thoughts and emotions to an impressionable audience is truly priceless. This allows you to share shades of the spiritual world with others. This is something that cannot be achieved with all the material benefits on this earth.

9. Self-reliance

Money comes and goes. And the ability to survive, or even thrive, without money means that it becomes less important.

10. Security

Focus all your efforts on creating a safe place where you can be protected from failure. By building the foundations of your security now, you can reap real rewards in the future.

11. Supporting others

The nature of most people providing support to other people brings a feeling of happiness and satisfaction, and this is something that cannot be replaced by any type of material wealth.

12. Self-development of personality

There are countless opportunities for improvement of each individual person as an individual - his actions, faith, etc. By improving your personality today, you improve your future.

13. Gratitude

There is an expression: “Happiness is when you thank God more often than you ask.” If you begin to thank life more often for what you have, your satisfaction with life will soon increase.

14. Hobbies

Many people, caught in the routine of life, do not know that true happiness does not depend on the state of capital or the number of things purchased. Move away from this. Learn new things, find something that will bring you sincere pleasure. Often, this is hidden in the most basic things - games, long walks, communication, favorite activities.

15. Spirituality

Spirituality, by and large, is the purpose of our life. By understanding yourself through reading, analysis, reflection, prayer, you can acquire incredible serenity, harmony, joy, which are sometimes very difficult to find in other places, and impossible to find with money.

The reading program for elementary school provides that children in the 4th grade get acquainted with the works of Leo Tolstoy, reflect on the human actions of the heroes of the fable “Two Comrades” and look for the answer to the question of what is the main idea of ​​the fable “How a Man Removed a Stone.” These works are small in volume, but deep in content; they teach children to think about how to act correctly.

The moral of this story is

Why are fables studied? What it is? Explanatory Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova defines a fable as “a short allegorical moralizing story.” Getting acquainted with this genre, children learn to understand its features, the main one of which is the presence of morality. What is it and what is meant by this word?

The fable not only makes fun of shortcomings and vices, but also forces one to draw some instructive conclusion about how one should (or should not) act. A story about some rules of behavior or communication, the author’s instructions constitute morality. For example, 4th grade children, in search of morality, must answer the question of what is the essence of L. Tolstoy’s fable “How a Man Removed a Stone” or “Two Comrades.”

Features of the fable genre

A fable can be recognized not only by the presence of a moral; it also has other distinctive features. It is always a short story that is entertaining and interesting. The author manages to present a deep instructive story in an easy, concise form. For example, the events themselves and the main idea of ​​Tolstoy’s fable “How a Man Removed a Stone” are expressed in just eight sentences. The small volume makes the work accessible to children; they read, analyze and retell it. Tolstoy uses the genre form of fable to express his thoughts; morality is expressed not by specific teachings, but allegorically. The reader must draw a conclusion for himself.

Fables have few descriptions and a lot of dialogue. This is how the “vitality” of the situation presented is achieved. The main idea of ​​the fable “How a man removed a stone” lies in three statements by different people on the same issue. Each of the characters gave the answer that they considered necessary, and the conclusion was suggested to the reader by the author in the last sentence.

A fable usually has several characters, each of which carries some kind of semantic meaning. In one of the fables studied by fourth-graders, these are two comrades, in another, two learned engineers and one simple man. The behavior or statement of one of the characters usually expresses the main idea. Tolstoy's fables “How a Man Removed a Stone” and “Two Comrades” are a vivid example of this.

The main idea of ​​one of the fables is expressed by a comrade abandoned in trouble to his “friend,” who at a difficult moment chose to flee, leaving his partner in danger. The main idea of ​​the fable “How a man removed a stone” was expressed by the author, but the bearer of the original idea for getting rid of a stone is a simple man who, by the way, embodies this idea, for which he receives a well-deserved reward.

The difference between the fables of Krylov and Tolstoy

In his works, Ivan Andreevich Krylov often makes animals, fish, and birds heroes, ridiculing human vices through their behavior. Of course, there are human characters in his fables. Leo Tolstoy expounds his teachings through the mouths of people; his fables are like short stories, incidents taken from life.

For his fables, Ivan Andreevich Krylov chose a poetic form; in Leo Tolstoy, the main idea of ​​the fable “How a Man Removed a Stone” and the fable “Two Comrades” is expressed in prose. Krylov's fables present to our attention comical situations; humorous characters end up in trouble because of their shortcomings.

Leo Tolstoy, without departing from the natural tone of the narrator of an everyday situation, creates for readers a terrible picture of a comrade left to be devoured by a bear or a city street in the middle of which lies a stone, which only a savvy man can remove.

Are fables needed today?

The fables were written by Leo Tolstoy a long time ago, many years ago. Do modern people who use taps, navigators, computers and mobile phones need them today? Does the main idea teach them something? The fables “How a Man Removed a Stone” and “Two Comrades” make you think and be smart, be kind and value friendship, and not abandon a friend in trouble. And in our century there are many human vices, so instructive stories - fables - are more relevant than ever; a person needs them for self-development, to become better, to get rid of bad qualities. A fable is an opportunity to see yourself from the outside and work on your shortcomings.

Everything ingenious is simple

Tolstoy's fables are similar to folk tales; they are close to folk wisdom, expressed in short sayings and proverbs. You can pick up sayings in Russian folklore that explain what the main idea of ​​the fable “How a man removed a stone” is. For example, “Where an ax doesn’t take you, ingenuity will take you.”

Leo Tolstoy, with the help of a short story, conveys to the reader the idea that in any business you need to be smart, then the most difficult task will become easy to accomplish.

Reading Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s fable “How a Man Removed a Stone,” a person understands that in any matter it is necessary to consider several possible solutions. These methods can be expensive and unsafe. For example, one of the engineers suggested that it would be rational to blow up a stone, but in this case city buildings could be damaged.

A simple man turned out to be smarter than the learned engineers, proposing a simple way - to dig a hole in the square. Contrasting folk ingenuity and everyday experience with rational scientific methods, Tolstoy shows that sometimes it is not worth complicating the task too much and it is worth paying attention to the search for the shortest and simplest way to solve the problem.

Sections: Primary School

Russian literature lesson in 2nd grade

1. Introduce one of the types of fairy tales - an everyday fairy tale.

2. Instill an interest in reading.

3. Work on expressive reading.

4. Develop speech, expand your vocabulary.

Lesson type: lesson of primary study and consolidation of new knowledge.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Working on reading skills:

  • independent reading;
  • patter reading;
  • expressive reading to a neighbor.

1. - What topic are we studying?(Folklore)

Name the genres of oral folk art (folk songs, nursery rhymes, riddles,

proverbs, fairy tales, tongue twisters, ditties, jokes)

Give examples.

re-enactment(2 students participate)

- Grandma, tell me a story.

What kind of fairy tale do you want, grandson?

Grandma, are fairy tales really different?

How would you answer this question? (On the board there is a support diagram)

I'm sure you all love fairy tales. What attracts you to them?

“A fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows!” (On the desk)

What can a fairy tale teach?

(The fairy tale teaches goodness and justice. Teaches you to understand someone else’s misfortune and always come to the rescue)

2. Let's check how you know fairy tales.

  1. What is the name of the device on which Baba Yaga flies?
  2. Who caught fish with their tail?
  3. Who said these words: “The fox is carrying me beyond the dark forests, beyond the high mountains, into distant spaces”?
  4. It didn’t lie on the window, it rolled along the path.
  5. The beautiful maiden is sad

She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun,
The poor thing is shedding tears.

(The teacher writes the students’ answers on the board)

There's another word hidden here. Find him.

What does the word AX mean? (Chopping tool...)

3. Primary reading.

Name the main characters of the fairy tale?

4. Independent reading.

Mark any words you don't understand as you read.

OBYVKA – short vacation

ROAD MAN – a person who is on the road.

SERVANT - military man, soldier

I BOUGHT - I regret it

NOTICED - noticed

WONDER - surprised

Why are there so many outdated words in the fairy tale?

Let's choose words that characterize the heroes.

How did these traits manifest themselves? Prove (Selective reading)

Who did you like best? Why?

What kind of fairy tale is this? Justify the answer.

Students are asked to draw conclusions about what is ridiculed in everyday fairy tales and what is glorified.

(!)In everyday fairy tales, laziness and greed are ridiculed, and the intelligence and ingenuity of ordinary people are glorified.

What lesson did you learn from reading this fairy tale?

What proverb can be chosen for a fairy tale?

1. Guess is no worse than reason.

2. Intelligence is more valuable than wealth.

3. A fool will turn sour, but a wise man will provide for everything.

(Work on the content of the proverb)


What kind of fairy tales are there?

Name the features of an everyday fairy tale.

Homework: (optionally)

  • expressive reading;
  • retelling;
  • try to compose an everyday fairy tale.