I dreamed of a white angel. Angel interpretation of dream book

Be careful with your dreams: they can come true - that’s what dreams of an angel with wings mean. The dream book notes the increased energy of the sleeper who received such a sign in a dream. This means that his evil and good thoughts become material as never before. The details of the dream will tell you how to use the gift from above.

Interpretations by psychologist Miller

Interpreting why an angel with wings is dreamed of, Miller’s dream book warns that a bright image in a dream will stir up the entire emotional spectrum in reality. In the near future, peace will not shine even for the most imperturbable dreamer. This is a time of incredible news, hopes and disappointments, repentance and consolation.

Go ahead, everything is in your hands

Medea's dream book reminds you that the angel with wings that you dreamed of has no other hands except yours. His mission is to inspire, unobtrusively guide, support; the remaining accomplishments are the task of the sleeper himself.

For a similar reason, the famous Italian psychologist A. Meneghetti considers a dream to be unconstructive: too openly it reflects the willingness to shift responsibility even to an imaginary entity.

For an unmarried lady, the image promises a passionate affair with a young man. What it will lead to will be indicated by the sensations in the dream. Seeing an angel happens to men who are tired of amorous adventures and dream of spiritual intimacy.

Unusual Cherubs

Predictions of why an angel with wings is dreamed of reminds us that in a dream not only the messenger of heaven appears, but also an evil spirit in his guise. For example, Lucifag, sent by black forces, or the six-winged Seraphim - a demon from Ancient Babylon.

The second option is often preferable: it happens that a traditional angel promises bad things, and its demonic antipode is ready to motivate or warn.

  • An angel with black wings portends unexpected help from outside;
  • The dark messenger in a dream calls for making a choice in favor of knowledge;
  • Where you happen to see a symbol in a dream, it is advisable to “spread straw” in reality;
  • Meeting black entities in a dream foreshadows a feeling of fullness of life.

Sage Navi mentions an “exam”, which is fraught with evasion. Respect your choice and be adamant.

Soaring across the sky

If you dreamed of an angel with wings flying across the sky, the Esoteric Dream Book believes that the dreamer has been granted a special mission by fate. Perhaps he himself guesses about this.

The Pharaonic interpretation considers cherubs in the heavens to be harbingers of great news. When you dreamed that they were rushing towards you, such a detail confirms and strengthens the interpretation of the dream.

If this is not the first time you see flying celestial beings in a dream, the dream book recommends watching your speech. Now, in terms of impact, every phrase you utter is equivalent to a powerful affirmation that can influence the fate of the speaker and listeners.

Transform into a messenger from heaven

It’s interesting to know why you dream of acquiring angel wings yourself. The numerological dream book promises female dreamers health and sparkling flirtation. Men can win fame and honor in the occult field.

If you happen to see yourself floating in the company of angels, the clairvoyant Vanga advises not to waste money. Save for a rainy day and don’t forget about your loved ones in need.

Sometimes seeing yourself with angel wings happens at a time when a relative or friend needs help, and you have the power to provide it, says Nostradamus.


The Muslim dream book will tell you why you dream that angels with wings visited the abode of the sleeping person. You dreamed of a very alarming sign, warning that your home and property are in danger. There is a high probability of robbery and theft.

If you are lucky enough to stay with the cherubs, the dream book claims that in one of the cities, the name of which in translation sounds like “city of angels” (for example, Los Angeles or Taiwan), a fateful event will occur.

What to fear?

Some predictions about what angels dream about sound completely disappointing. The Tarot Dream Book says that the image you dreamed of means an insurmountable obstacle on the way to your cherished goal.

Why do you dream about an angel? The bright image of the heavenly messenger mainly has a calming effect on people. Having seen a beautiful cherub in their dreams, they wake up peaceful and rested. However, what do the night dreams in which he appears promise, are they a good or bad omen? Remembering the details of the dream, it’s easy to figure it out.

Why do you dream about an angel: Miller’s dream book

How does the famous psychologist Miller consider it necessary to interpret such angels, if you believe his opinion? The appearance of a heavenly messenger in night dreams does not always foreshadow changes for the better. A dream can predict important incidents that will make a person happy or sad. It is very likely that the dreamer’s fate will soon change.

To understand whether an angel appearing in a dream predicts joyful events, you need to remember the mood that the person was in during sleep. If the sleeper experienced pleasure when the heavenly messenger appeared, in reality he may receive an unexpected inheritance. If the emotions were negative, the dreamer in real life should be wary of gossip, which could destroy his relationship with a loved one or ruin his career.

Predictions of Nostradamus

Why believe the opinion of the famous astrologer Nostradamus? The fortune teller interprets the appearance of cherubs in night dreams as a symbol of peace and tranquility. Changes for the better are coming, which will definitely be felt by the entire population of the planet. an angel means that someone from your inner circle needs friendly support.

Unfortunately, not all of Nostradamus’ predictions associated with heavenly messengers in dreams promise only good things. An angel calling the “owner” of a dream to heaven predicts a serious illness for him. Not only the dreamer may get sick, one of the people dear to him may also find himself bedridden for a long time. If a city inhabited by angels appears in night dreams, a person can count on a trip to a beautiful place that will happen in the near future.

Vanga's Dream Book

How does the angels compiled by the famous fortune teller Vanga interpret the appearance of cherubs in night dreams, if you trust her opinion? In general, a heavenly messenger visiting a person during a night's rest promises good luck and happiness. However, it is bad if it appears over the head of one of your dear people - friends or relatives. This can be regarded as a warning about his imminent death, which cannot be prevented.

The appearance of a cherub behind the back of a person unfamiliar to the dreamer indicates that he is about to learn about the passing of a celebrity, a millionaire. Seeing yourself as an angel - night dreams with such a plot foreshadow imminent ruin. You can prevent it only by starting to plan your expenses and avoiding risky investments. Having heard the call of the heavenly messenger, you should be attentive to your own health, especially if you had a dream in the midst of some epidemic.

Flying Angels

Why do you dream of angels in heaven? Seeing this, he can rejoice, as good news awaits him. If in the dreamer's night dreams heavenly messengers fly over his house, he should think about the safety of his money, since he may lose it as a result of deception.

Should a person be worried if in a dream he saw himself flying with cherubs? Night dreams with a similar plot remind the dreamer of his mission and obligations to other people. Fulfilling one's duty can be a difficult task, but at the end of the journey, the “owner” of the dream will receive honor and respect.

If a woman sees herself flying with heavenly messengers in a dream, this predicts a speedy recovery. Cherubs flying towards a representative of either sex promise a letter containing good news. Regular meetings with angels in night dreams indicate that a person should become kinder to loved ones and be more attentive to his actions and words.

Erotic dream book

Why do you dream of an angel if the “mistress” of the dream is a woman? Night dreams with such a plot can predict the love that a young guy will arouse in her heart. Pleasant emotions during sleep, in which cherubs appear, are promised to representatives of both sexes a strong marriage without conflicts, complete mutual understanding in the family.

Seeing an angel in a dream, a man should think about his sex life; perhaps he changes partners too often. A cherub waving a fiery sword predicts a deterioration in the dreamer's reputation. It is possible that this will be associated with an affair with the wrong person.

Black Angel

Why do you dream of a black angel if a young girl sees a dream? If the demon takes the form of a gloomy young man, devoid of face, or an evil old woman, in real life the dreamer will be forced to choose one of two admirers. She can test them with time, since the most persistent will be the one who deserves her. The black angel that appears in the nightmares of a mature lady testifies to her fear of intimacy, which poisons her waking life.

What does the appearance of a black angel in men's dreams mean? It is possible that a person has been suffering for a long time from secret love, but the chosen one is too good for him, unavailable for one reason or another. It is likely that you should choose the one that is nearby and is ready to reciprocate your feelings.

Should a person worry if in his night dreams he enters into battle with a demon? This dream can be regarded as a warning about an upcoming rivalry with someone in reality. Having defeated the black angel in your nightmare, there is no doubt that in the real world the dreamer will be the master of the situation in the fight against enemies, competitors, and illness.

Guardian angel

Fortunately, it’s not just demons that appear in people’s dreams. Why do you dream about a guardian angel? Such a dream allows a person to understand that he is not alone in this world, that higher powers never cease to take care of him and protect him from dangers. The appearance of a guardian angel in night dreams is a reason to calm down, get rid of worries and fears.

What to think if a guardian angel appears in a dream, appearing before a person in the form of a mortal boy or girl? This suggests that someone from the dreamer’s environment in reality will protect him from harm and will not allow him to do the wrong thing.

The Rising and the Fallen

The appearance of an archangel in night dreams warns of the imminent receipt of important news. It is possible that the life of the “owner” of the dream will soon turn upside down; he will be able to achieve goals that seemed unattainable just yesterday, get rid of suffering and problems, and find peace of mind.

Why do you dream of an angel with wings, especially if they are huge and white? Night dreams with such a plot foreshadow the intervention of heavenly messengers in the dreamer’s actions. It is possible that he will miraculously be able to cope with this difficult task. Also, such a dream can promise quick relief from the fears that poison life.

A fallen angel appearing in a dream is not a good sign. It is likely that a person is on the verge of temptation and is ready to succumb to a risky hobby. This may also be a warning that someone has decided to fight the dreamer by turning to the possibilities of black magic.

Other options

Sometimes cherubs appearing in night dreams take the form of people, but the sleeping person has no doubt about who is in front of him. Seeing in a dream an angel who is disguised as a beautiful young man, you can rejoice. A person will soon experience spiritual enlightenment; such a dream can also promise him protection and friendly support in a difficult situation.

Why do you dream of angels-children? Only good people can see such a dream, whose purity of thoughts cannot be doubted. It can be interpreted as a prediction of good news that awaits the “owner” of the dream very soon.

In night dreams, a person can not only see heavenly messengers, but also receive messages about them. Such dreams should be regarded as a promise of a quick meeting, an acquaintance with an amazing person. Having received an angel, the dreamer should think hard. It is possible that he forgot about the purpose to which he was going to devote himself.

It is wonderful if the heavenly messenger smiles in a dream. Such a dream may foretell a quick acquaintance with a person who will become the dreamer’s true love. It’s worth taking a closer look at your immediate circle; it’s likely that your chosen one is very close. A weeping angel, on the other hand, does not bode well. Most likely, the “owner” of such a dream constantly violates the norms of public morality, sacrifices his principles for the sake of personal gain.

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Seeing an Angel in a dream

An angel in a dream symbolizes your fear of death.

If one of your loved ones or acquaintances turns into an angel, then this symbolizes your fears about their health.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

What does the dream Angel mean?

Seeing an angel in a dream is a sign of calm and peace. There will come a time when all people will live happily.

If you dreamed that you were an angel, then such a dream means that one of the people close to you really needs your help and you are able to help him.

If in a dream an angel calls you to heaven, the dream warns of a serious illness that threatens you or one of your relatives.

To see in a dream a city in which angels live - such a dream indicates that in the future your life will somehow come into contact with a state with the beautiful name Taiwan (“Taiwan” translated means “city of angels”)

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Nostradamus

Seeing an Angel in a dream

talking to him means the imminent death of one of the relatives
see him - you will meet a good friend

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream about Angel

Denotes a negative, alien influence that does not belong to human nature. According to various parameters, it does not correspond to earthly existence. The image is not positive. Indicates to the dreamer the presence of something foreign and unfamiliar. This symbol is an indicator of the impact of negative psychology.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What does an Angel mean in a dream?

If someone sees in a dream the close angels, such as Gabriel, Michael, Israfil and Azrael in joy, pleasure, good condition and good disposition, that person will achieve a high place in matters of religion and in worldly affairs and a respectable rank, and the gates knowledge and wisdom will be revealed before his face, and he will be safe from all disasters. And if the one who sees such a dream is sick, he will receive healing, and if he is overcome by fear or grief, he will be completely freed from them. And if someone sees that he is fighting with one of the angels, especially with Azrael or Michael, this means that his death is near, i.e. he should repent of his sins and resort to God. If someone sees in a dream that he is flying with angels, he will receive the gift of honor and glory as a miracle worker, and in the end his lot will be martyrdom for the faith. If anyone sees that many angels have gathered in a city or village, some scientist or pious person will soon die in that place, or some person will be killed in a violent and cruel way. If someone sees that angels are gathering in his home from all sides, then he should protect the building from thieves.

Interpretation of dreams from the Muslim dream book

Angel Dream Meaning

The angel dreams of increasing honors and wealth. Seeing flying angels in a dream is good news. If these dreams often visit you, this is a bad sign; Beware of ill-considered words.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

What does an Angel mean in a dream?

Angel - With white wings, or a traditional look - to sadness, death of loved ones. Someone who called himself an angel - help, support.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Angel

Angel - happiness, joy, prosperity; meeting a good friend - talking to him means the imminent death of relatives.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

What does an angel predict in a dream?

Angel - to see an angel is good news or a warning before an unreasonable act; hearing it is an unkind fortune-telling; to be one is success for a healthy person, patience for a sick person. Talking to an angel means the imminent death of one of your relatives; just seeing him means you will meet a beautiful woman. An angel in a dream means happiness, joy, peace of mind.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Interpretation of sleep Angel

A dream in which you see a sad angel is a harbinger of great sadness or the imminent death of one of your close relatives or friends. If an angel spoke to you in a dream, then your friends will not leave you in difficult times. If in a dream you see a beautiful angel and your soul rejoices, then in reality you will receive very pleasant news or an extraordinary incident that will make you happy and will be of great importance for your future. Sometimes such a dream predicts to you that you will soon meet a pleasant person with whom you will be connected by mutual affection. Perhaps in the future this affection will develop into great feelings. In general, an angel in your dreams is a symbol of a calm life, joy, prosperity and happiness in your home, which heaven itself will send to you in the form of an angel. This dream is especially favorable for prisoners and people burdened with big problems and thirsting for participation and sympathy, because for some it promises consolation, and for others it calls for repentance. For rich people, such a dream predicts that their income will increase if they are attentive to the poor and suffering people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does an angel dream predict?

The appearance of an angel in a dream foreshadows a woman's passionate love for an innocent young man. If the dream is pleasant, a marriage awaits you, which they say is “made in heaven.” A man's dream of an angel expresses his satiety with sexual relationships and his desire for romantic ones.

If you dreamed of an angel threatening with a fiery sword, be careful and think carefully about your actions. Such a dream warns that you risk losing the respect of friends and loved ones through a relationship that disgraces you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Angel

A sign of rest and peace. In your life, as they say, everything will work out, problems will be solved with minimal intervention from you. If you had a dream in which you see yourself as an angel, your relatives or friends need your help, and it is entirely within your power to help them. A black angel means that soon you will have to be tormented by doubts about the correctness of your actions. Don't regret anything, listen to your intuition. If an angel calls you to follow him in a dream, the dream foreshadows a serious illness for you or your family. If the angel in your dream is sad and even sheds tears, think about your actions. Perhaps, for the sake of your career, you sacrificed the norms of morality and conscience. A smiling angel foretells the appearance of true love, and the main thing is not to miss it, to recognize it in time.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

Angel dream prediction

Seeing an angel in a dream means a successful completion of the matter; to be an angel means repentance for an unrighteous life. Seeing a singing angel means a revolution in your life. Seeing a dead angel means the loss of children; black angel - to debauchery.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the Dream Interpreter

Why do you dream about an angel?

Seeing an angel approaching you in a dream means good news for you (receiving a letter, telegram, etc.).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Dreams

Seeing an Angel in a dream

"guardian angel" help, protection. "A real angel" purity, innocence. “Arguing about how many angels can fit on the point of a needle” is irrelevant, a useless discussion, a futility of effort.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

What does the dream Angel mean?

If someone sees an angel in a dream, then in life he will achieve honor and glory. If he sees the most honorable of the angels, the goodness, happiness and mercy of Allah will befall him, rains will descend, his earthly lot will increase, and the death of a Shahid (martyr for the faith) will befall him. If he sees that angels have descended into the mosque, then this is a command to do a lot of good, offer prayers (dua) to Allah, and give alms (sadaqa). If they descended onto the streets, then this is an appeal to him to stop doing evil, and it is also a command to maintain accuracy in measurements and scales. If you see angels on graves, this is interpreted as the spread of the disease cholera (waba) among the Ulama (learned theologians) and the death of ascetics who, in the name of Allah, abandoned the blessings of earthly life. Ibn Sirin said: “We were informed that in Mecca, Abul Fadl Ahmad bin Imran al-Harawi, may Allah Almighty protect him, said that Abu Bakr Jaafar bin al-Hayat ash-Sheikh Salih saw the Prophet, s.a.w., in a dream . He said that next to the Prophet, s.a.w., was sitting a group of poor ascetics. Suddenly, he continued, the heavens opened up, and the Archangel Gabriel, a.s., appeared accompanied by angels. The angels were holding basins in their hands and jugs of water.They began to pour water on the hands of the poor and wash their feet.

When it was my turn,” he continued, “I extended my hands and heard some angels say to others: “Do not pour water on his hands. He is not one of them.” Then I turned to the Prophet, s.a.w., and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I may not be one of them, but I love them.” And the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, answered: “The believer is together with those whom he loves.” And water spilled on my hands so that I could wash them.

The appearance of angels in dreams, known as angels bearing news, signifies signs warning of impending major changes in the lives of those who encounter angels in dreams. Greatness, strength, power, a joyful event, victory after oppression, healing after illness, peace after fear, prosperity after difficulties, wealth after poverty, liberation after hardship await these persons. A person who sees angels in a dream will have to perform Hajj or take part in ghazavat and give his life for faith.

If someone sees in a dream how he is fighting with Jibril and Mikail, a.s., or is arguing with them, then this means that in such a situation he will have to experience the wrath of the Almighty from time to time, for his opinion coincides with with the opinion of the Jews, God forbid!

If in a dream Jibril, a.s., gives the sleeping person some food, then this means that this person, inshaAllah, will be among the inhabitants of Paradise. The appearance of Archangel Jibril, a.s., with a sad or worried face is a sign that the person who sees this angel in a dream will face difficulties and punishment. It is known that Jibril, a.s., is also the angel of punishment.

A meeting in a dream with Mikail, a.s., indicates that the one who saw this dream will achieve what he wants in the present and future life, if he is pious and devout, but if he is not, then let him beware.

If they see in a dream that Mikail, a.s., appears in any city or village, then the residents of these places will experience heavy rain and a decrease in prices. If Mikail, a.s., speaks to the sleeping person or gives him some thing, then this is a sign of prosperity, happiness and joy, because it is known that Mikail, a.s., is an angel of mercy. They say that such a dream indicates the coming of justice after tyranny and the death of cruel tyrants in this country.

If someone sees in a dream Israfil, a.s., with a saddened face and blowing a trumpet, the sounds of which are heard, in the opinion of the person seeing this dream, only to him alone, then this person will die. If he believes that the sound of the trumpet of Israfil, a.s., was also heard by the inhabitants of this area, then a quick inevitable death will occur there.

Meeting in a dream with the angel of death (Azrael, a.s.), whose face expresses joy, means that the one who saw the dream will give his life in the fight for faith.

Seeing the angel of death angry in a dream foretells death without repentance. If someone sees a dream as if he was fighting with the angel of death, and he defeated him, then this person will die. If the angel of death could not overcome him, then this means that the one who saw the dream will be on the verge of death, but then Allah will save him from death. And they say that whoever sees the angel of death in a dream will have a long life.

It is said that Hamza al-Zayat said: “I saw the angel of death in a dream and asked him: “O angel of death! I conjure you in the name of Allah! Tell me, has the Almighty written down anything good about me?" He replied: "Yes! And the sign of this is that you will die in Helwan." And indeed, Hamza al-Zayyat died in Helwan.

To see in a dream that one of the angels foretells the birth of a son to someone means that this person will have a son who will become a scholar-theologian, an amiable and noble person, from the words of the Almighty: “Truly Allah will illuminate you with good news,” as well as : “I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you a pure boy.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Seeing an Angel in a dream

If an angel appeared to you in a dream, you will soon be able to gain new impressions.

A dream can bring changes in fate.

If the dream is pleasant, then you will receive good news from friends or an inheritance from unknown relatives.

A dream can warn about possible gossip around you: be careful that they do not destroy your cordial relationships.

Nostradamus claimed that an angel seen in a dream is a warning sign. This is how he interpreted dreams about an angel.

If you dream that you yourself are an angel, then someone close to you really needs your help and you are able to help him.

An angel calling to heaven warns of a serious illness that threatens you or one of your relatives.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga believed that seeing an angel in a dream is a very good sign. It means that calm and very happy times await you. But an angel who appears above the head of someone close foretells that the soul of this person will soon depart to another world.

An angel behind the back of a person unknown to you means that you will soon learn about the death of a high-ranking person with whom you are personally acquainted.

If you dreamed that you were an angel, then you need to analyze whether you are managing your income correctly. Think about your neighbors and share your profits with them, otherwise you can lose your wealth very quickly.

Like Nostradamus, Vanga believed that if an angel calls to heaven in a dream, then such a dream warns of a serious illness. She advised seeking help from healers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What do Angel dreams mean?

Important news, letter. A serious and relevant conversation with a person of the same sex. The time has come to repent of your sins before the victim.

Visiting church is not excluded.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

Dream about Angel

Seeing an angel is an honor, joy, recovery, a blessing from above for your deeds / deliverance.

An angel with a fiery sword drives you away - a warning against spiritual immaturity, hasty and chaotic spiritual development.

An angel flying with a trumpet - important changes / troubles that you will witness / the need for spiritual mobilization.

Angel with a cup - the beginning of trials.

An angel with a burning heart is a test of great love.

Seeing angelic faces around is for a healthy person: the beginning of a new spiritual path, renewal.

An angel cutting your chest, bringing a branch, a wreath, fire, an angel waking you up - great works.

An angel kissing you in a dream is a calling that cannot be avoided.

An angel slaying demons and protecting you - pure joy.

Angels bending over you - salvation in trouble / honor.

An angel disperses the darkness with his appearance, leads you somewhere - good hope.

He saves you from trouble - strengthening faith / it is necessary to overcome fear and uncertainty.

Listen to him, talk to him - if the speeches are not shameful, everything is true.

Scary dreams about angels are a very special path of suffering and salvation.

Fighting an angel means victory over the forces of evil in you.

Angels cleanse your ears or eyes - the need to pay attention to some minor circumstance / awakening of clairvoyance or clairaudience in you.

Interpretation of dreams from

When angels come in a dream, even a person who does not have the habit of consulting dream books wonders what kind of news the heavenly messengers brought him. Why do celestial beings, enlightened and fallen, dream?

The Silent Messenger

When a person sees a bright image of an angel in a dream, then, even without receiving any signs from him, he feels peace and tranquility. Heavenly messengers will bring grace into real life by their very appearances. Cases have accumulated - they will be successfully resolved, troubles have come - they will recede, illnesses have tormented you - the long-awaited recovery will come.

With such dreams, you need to be careful what you wish for. Why might a lonely mature woman dream of angels? Perhaps she will be overwhelmed by a passionate feeling for the innocent young man. If in a dream she experienced pleasant sensations, then the relationship will lead to marriage - one of those “made in heaven.” In any case, this is the prediction given by the Erotic Dream Book.

A man dreams of angels when he is fed up with sexual adventures and the only thing his soul is truly drawn to is emotional intimacy with an interesting, intelligent woman. If someone dreams of a figurine of an angel or another material image of a heavenly messenger, dream books foretell: romantic relationships will be complemented by carnal joys.

Flying angel

Dream books say that a person has a special mission, a duty to other people, if in a dream he flew with angels. No matter what hardships his destiny may cost him, his labors will bring great benefit, and he himself will be surrounded by honor.

If you start dreaming about flying angels often, this is a reminder: words can cause damage to both those around you and yourself. Watch your speech, put good thoughts into the right words. Angels are flying towards you - expect a telegram or letter with good news.

The Rising and the Fallen

Particularly important news will be received if an archangel appears in a dream. Dream books unanimously attach great importance to this image. What will be revealed to the dreamer in the near future will change his life; what was previously unattainable will become a reality. Liberation from the burden of negative emotions, spiritual cleansing, and wise calm are destined.

An angel with huge white wings is a sign that higher powers will intervene in life. If the dreamer was unable to cope with some task, he will suddenly find the right solution. The gates of knowledge and wisdom will open before them, as they say in the Islamic dream book. If a person suffers from fears, he will now be freed from them.

On the contrary, dream books predict troubles for those who see a fallen angel from a dangerous passion for black magic, sorcery, and fortune telling. Avoid contacts with otherworldly forces, they respond with unbearable sorrows.

Angels and Demons

After a date with an angel in a dream, marriage, the birth of a child, or some fateful meeting may occur, but even after a meeting with a demon, problems in your personal life can lead to an unexpected outcome.

The demon seen by a woman in a dream is a reflection of her fear of men, whom she subconsciously perceives as rapists and enslavers. What could he be dreaming about? Dream books open her eyes to the cause of problems in her intimate life, call for wisdom and openness in order to harmonize married life and become happy.

Why then does a man dream of a demon? Among the representatives of the stronger sex there are those who are shy in front of a woman, especially if they are fascinated by her beauty and are burning with the desire to immediately possess an absolutely unattainable person. Dream books recommend that they compare desires and reality, choose a worthy object of adoration among those who are nearby.

If a black angel appeared in a dream to a young girl in the form of an old woman or a gloomy young man without a face, this means that two young people are competing over her, and it is difficult for her to make a choice. You can leave the situation as it is: anyway, soon one will give up, and the one who is worthy of her love will remain.

For anyone who has doubts in reality and suddenly sees a black angel in a dream, the dream book for the whole family recommends relying on intuition. A white angel is a sign that everything will work out by itself.

Cunning and protection

When the angel of death hovers over your head in a dream, this prophesies problems at work, even dismissal, although such a turn of events may later turn out to be successful. Why do you dream if a person enters into a fight with a black angel? Such a dream is a reflection of the real situation and the need to resist it.

If in a dream a person defeats a dark angel, dream books claim that in reality he will become the master of the situation: he will be cured of illnesses, he will gain the upper hand in the confrontation with ill-wishers.

Guardian angel is a symbol that a person is under the protection of higher powers. All dream books when interpreting this image are unanimous in their opinion - nothing bad can happen to the dreamer.

Why do you dream of meeting a guardian angel in a dream? It will protect you from wrong actions in reality, help you avoid temptations, and ward off trouble.

Cute angel

Why do we dream of angels in the form of people, but at the same time the dreamer knows for sure: these are angels? When in a dream they appear in the form of beautiful young men or warriors, this prophesies help, protection and some kind of spiritual revelation. If an angel appears in the form of a child, the dream book speaks of the purity of the dreamer’s thoughts and predicts bright, amazing news.

Receiving a message from an angel is a sign of an upcoming meeting with an extraordinary person. An angel's kiss reminds one of a calling to which one should devote oneself.


  • I saw in a dream a little girl about seven or eight years old, of unearthly beauty, blue eyes, blond curls and all in white clothes. I asked her why are you here? She answered (sort of), “I came to visit you.” I asked, “why aren’t you scared alone here?” She didn’t answer, she just laughed loudly. It’s strange, I usually don’t remember dreams, but this one was a blast.

  • A very strange dream. I was in a math lesson, a tornado appeared outside the window and approached the school, and from it, a girl about 2-4 years old flew out of it, right into the window next to where I was sitting, all in white, looking only at me. As soon as I looked into her eyes, she was immediately sucked into a tornado. I was surprised why the window didn’t break? A few minutes later in the class someone shouted - look, is it an angel!? It really was an angel; it flew to the top very, very slowly. Suddenly a tornado sucked the angel. The tornado approached the school again. We were very scared and a very small angel flew out of the tornado onto my window and when the angel turned around it was that girl and she flew away to heaven.

  • In a dream, in the soft white clouds, I saw the face of a male angel with amazing eyes, and I talked to him. He came down from heaven, I asked “can I hug him?” he allowed, and I stroked his white wings; it was such grace! This is something! What was it all about? It's nice to the point of tears.

  • I dreamed that I was studying at school, I saw old classmates on the carpet and teachers, and then somehow I realized that I had become an angel and I had wings. Suddenly I go out of the school and meet the former class teacher and decide to show her who I am, and I spread my wings, and my wings were orange fiery, as if they were burning with fire, very beautiful. She just opened her mouth, I picked her up and flew over the school, and for some reason she calmed down. And then suddenly everything disappeared, and I was already going home and on the way I met my cat, she grabbed me by the finger and led me across the road to an uninhabited house and showed the kittens that she hid when she gave birth and began to lick them.

Of death.

If one of your loved ones or acquaintances turns into an angel- this symbolizes your fears about their health.

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing an angel in a dream- good sign . Calm and very happy times await you.

Seeing an angel above the head of someone close to you in a dream- a harbinger of the fact that soon the soul of this person will depart to another world.

If in a dream you see an angel behind the back of a person unknown to you- in a not so distant time you will receive unexpected news about the death of a high-ranking, noble person known to you personally.

Such a dream warns you of a serious illness that threatens your body. Contact your doctors, they will help you.

Jewish dream book

Solomon's Dream Book

Angel- happiness, joy, peace of mind.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Angel translates as messenger- therefore, in a dream, angels play the role of carriers of a certain message. If necessary, in addition to the usual classic functions, they can provide additional assistance.

Dream book for the whole family

Angel- a sign of peace and tranquility. In your life, as they say, everything will work out, problems will be solved with minimal intervention from you.

If you had a dream in which you see yourself as an angel- your relatives or friends need your help, and it is entirely within your power to help them.

Black Angel- means that soon you will have to be tormented by doubts about the correctness of your actions. Don't regret anything, listen to your intuition.

If an angel calls you to follow him in a dream- a dream portends a serious illness for you or your family.

If the angel in your dream is sad and even sheds tears- think about your actions. Perhaps, for the sake of your career, you sacrificed the norms of morality and conscience.

Smiling Angel- foreshadows the appearance of true love, and the main thing is not to miss it, to recognize it in time.

Dream book for a bitch

Angel- big changes in life.

Talk, communicate with an angel- news from old friends, unexpected profit.

Seeing a sad angel- possible complications in love affairs.

New family dream book

If an angel appeared to you in a dream- you will soon be able to get new impressions.
This dream can bring changes in fate.

If the dream is pleasant- you will receive good news from friends or an inheritance from unknown relatives. A dream can warn about possible gossip around you: be careful that they do not destroy your cordial relationships.

Modern combined dream book

Dreamed angel- portends joy, happiness, and if you are sick - a speedy recovery.

If you saw angels in a dream- this means that some conflicting feelings await you in the near future. Some future impressions will confuse and disturb your soul. This dream promises a change of fate.

If the dream about angels is unusually pleasant- then you will receive news about the well-being of friends or an inheritance from unknown relatives. The dream may be a warning about possible gossip that will affect your affairs or cordial relationships.

For good people, a dream about angels- consolation, he encourages the evil to repent.

Eastern women's dream book

See an angel- to meet a good person.

If an angel tells you something- expect good news.

Angel without a face or with a scroll in his hands- your health is at risk.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing an angel in a dream- a sign of calm and peace. There will come a time when all people will live happily.

If you dreamed that you were an angel- such a dream means that one of the people close to you really needs your help and you are able to help him.

If in a dream an angel calls you to heaven- the dream warns of a serious illness that threatens you or one of your relatives.

To dream of a city where angels live- such a dream indicates that in the future your life will somehow come into contact with a state with the beautiful name Taiwan (‘Taiwan’ translated means ‘city of angels’).

Children's dream book

Angel- to good news.

Complete dream book of the New Era

To dream that one of the angels- portends the birth of a son to someone, means that this person will have a son who will become a scholar-theologian, an amiable and noble person, according to the saying of the Almighty: “Truly Allah will illuminate you with good news,” and also: “I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you a pure boy."

If you see angels with fruit dishes in a dream- this will mean that the one who sees this dream will pass away as one who died for his faith.

Seeing one of the angels entering someone's house in a dream- a warning about a possible thief entering this house.

If someone sees in a dream how an angel takes away a weapon from him- this means a loss of strength and well-being for this person, it is even possible that he will separate from his wife.

If anyone sees angels in a dream in any place that cause him fear- Troubles and war may occur in this area. The appearance of angels on the battlefield in a dream signifies victory over enemies.

And if someone sees in a dream how angels prostrate before him or bow to him- this person will achieve the fulfillment of his cherished desires, rise in his deeds and become famous.

If someone sees himself in a dream as if fighting with an angel- he will find himself in a difficult and humiliating position after his former greatness.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.