Proverbs, legends and fairy tales about the need to love and protect nature in the creativity of the peoples of the region. Eco-box "Beautiful Planet": Ecological parables Legend parable about nature for children

1. Green dress of the earth
(Great Commonwealth; miracle of the tree; mighty blade of grass)

2. Tales of trees
(Red Forest; Black Forest; practical tasks and questions)

3. Tales of Flowers
(Spring flowers; forest outfits; indoor flowers)

Excerpts from a book on caring for the environment


M. Skrebtsova

An oak tree grew in one village. He was old, old. No one knew exactly how old he was. The old people said that when they were children, the oak tree already seemed old. The village loved oak. There were many signs and beliefs surrounding him. You couldn’t swear rudely near an oak tree - you’d certainly get sick later. It was impossible to throw garbage on the ground near the oak tree - to unexpected misfortunes. It was forbidden to break off branches from an oak tree - they said it would lead to death. And there were joyful signs too. At the oak tree, the young people declared their love so that the love would grow stronger; Future mothers came to the oak tree and gained strength; newborn children were brought to the oak tree so that they could grow up healthy; The sick were brought to the oak tree so that the power of the tree would flow into them. Sometimes the oak actually helped. More often than not, everything went in people’s lives the way they themselves wanted it to. However, oak was treated with respect.

One day the house near the oak tree was sold. The new owner knew nothing about the oak tree and decided to cut it down as soon as he settled in the new place:

You look out the window - there is only an oak tree before your eyes. He blocks all the light for me.

But this is not an easy task - cutting down an oak tree. The owner needed help. He began to go from house to house, asking if anyone would help. Nobody wanted to listen to him. On the contrary, people dissuaded him and frightened him with signs. And the owner, at least take henna, stands his ground:

If you don’t want to, I can handle it alone, without help.

Just before his plan, he had a dream. Lightning is flashing, there is a hurricane outside, the old oak tree is creaking with all its branches and twigs, as if talking to the wind:

I've outlived my time, the wind is enough. No longer nice to people. Previously, a good husband and wife lived here, talked to me, admired my beauty. I have never known grief. I have not withstood such hurricanes. The human heart filled me with warmth and kindness. And now my strength has disappeared, I don’t feel a human heart near me, I’m lonely, I’m dying.

A crash was heard and the oak tree tilted. The gusts of wind were so strong that the whole house shook.

The owner thought in horror:

Lord, if it falls on my house, there will be no living place left from me and from my house.

He ran out into the street in what he was wearing and begged:

Don't fall, hold on, buddy! You are still strong enough to die. Look, the wind has already begun to subside, hold on. The owner ran up to the oak tree itself, hugged it, grabbed it as best he could, and began to support it...

The tree was cracking with all its branches. At one moment it shuddered and swayed so strongly that the whole earth around shook, and the owner woke up at that moment...

The first thing he did was rush to the window. The morning sun was shining, and the oak tree stood as if nothing had happened. The owner's heart was relieved.

God be with you, live in good health, since you are so gentle.

Since then, the owner and the oak tree have become best friends.

What do you think, if the owner had not had this dream, would he have fulfilled his plans?

Write a fairy tale about the friendship between the owner and the oak tree.

What do you think a person should be like to make friends with a tree? Would you like to make friends with any tree and why?

Which tree do you think hurts more when it is cut down: an old one or a young one?


M. Skrebtsova

Once a girl picked a bouquet of blue snowdrops in the forest. It was cold and damp in the forest. The snow hasn't melted yet. The girl took pity on the delicate flowers on fragile legs and said:

You were in a hurry to get out of the ground, and now you’re freezing. Although your brown legs are dressed in warm fluff, you yourself are so defenseless, you cannot cope with the cold! I'll take you home.

That's what the girl did. At home, she put her flowers in a jar of water. But she soon noticed that the flower heads had hung up and began to wither.

The girl was upset and cried. Suddenly he hears a voice:

Do not Cry. It's too late to cry now. We copses can only grow in the forest. We are firmly connected to the earth. Our roots did not sleep under the snow in winter; they grew buds in the spring. Our buds became strong and hardy, and so we blossomed into blue flowers.

The girl was surprised, leaned over the flowers and asked:

Weren't you chilly in the damp wind in the forest?

One of the flowers answers:

Of course it was cold. But someone must meet the red spring. If she sees that no one is meeting her, she won’t want to come. So we are in a hurry to get out from under the snow. That's why we are snowdrops. Spring is always happy when it sees us. With the joy of spring, the air immediately becomes warm, and we warm up.

Forgive me, copses,” the girl asked, “that I prevented you from meeting spring.”

The copses answer:

We are not offended by you, spring has just begun. Our sister coppices will soon bloom throughout all the coppices. It’s not for nothing that we were given the name Pereleski. So there is someone to welcome the red spring.

After this incident, the girl no longer collected coppice, but often came to admire them and asked them about everything.

Your blue flowers and copses are good, but your leaves don’t suit you at all, they are so rough and covered in spots,” said the girl.

“Our leaves are great workers,” answered the copses. - They grew up last year and all summer they absorbed the sun’s warmth and collected reserves in the rhizome. Then we spent the whole winter under the snow, helping the rhizomes grow our buds. No wonder they look like that. As soon as we fade, the old leaves will be replaced by young leaves. At first they are covered with a soft fluff, but soon they will become smooth in order to better absorb the sun’s warmth and collect more reserves.

Since then, the girl came to the copses every spring, and their thin voices rang joyfully:

Hello, girl, from the red spring!


What new things did you learn about copses from this fairy tale?

What feelings do the first spring flowers evoke in your soul?

Draw a spring fairy in a dress decorated with copses.

What do you think the girl will become when she grows up? Write a fairy tale about how a girl became friends with all the flowers in the forest.

How do you think people can help herbs and flowers? How, in turn, can flowers and herbs help a person?

Write a fairy tale about how forest herbs and flowers invited a girl to a forest festival.


M. Skrebtsova

One day one fragrant violet woke up a night violet. She really wanted to understand why the night violet was not like all other violets.

She asks her:

Why are you, sister, not like us? Your dress is completely different. You have white flowers gathered in a tassel on a thick green stem, while we have one flower on a thin stem. Our flowers are like little eyes with eyelash petals in different directions, and yours are like upper and lower lips and a long spur. Your character is also not ours, not violet. We hide in the grass, and you raise your stem higher than everyone else. But most of all I’m interested in why you sleep during the day and smell fragrant at night? You're missing out on everything interesting! Every day spring gives the forest something amazing.

The night violet answers her:

If everyone sleeps at night, who will feed the night forest butterflies? For nocturnal insects, nocturnal flowers must grow. Besides, sister, there are no less miracles in the forest at night: spring doesn’t go to bed at night. In addition, I am not from the violet family at all, but from the orchid family. You and I, violet, are similar in scent, so people called me night violet because of the fragrant smell. Spring itself calls me forest spirits of the night.

So don’t bother me, sister, to sleep and gain strength for the night. Bumblebees, bees, flies and butterflies - they haven’t woken me up during the day for a long time, they protect my sleep. So that they don’t confuse my white flowers with some other flowers, I try not to smell them during the day.

There is nothing to say to the fragrant violet, she realized that each flower has its own forest happiness.

If you see white night violet flowers in a long tassel in the forest, do not be surprised that insects do not fly up to them. This flower's life is scheduled according to its own clock.


Whose forest life do you think is easier and more interesting: night violets or fragrant violets? What other flowers don't sleep at night?

Write a fairy tale about how one night violet and a night butterfly were friends.

Write a fairy tale about how moths celebrated the birthday of a night violet.

Write a fairy tale about how a fragrant violet once decided to live the nightlife.


M. Skrebtsova

The forest greeted the fairy of each spring month with different gifts. The time had come for the new Fairy to go into the forest, and he was already preparing flowers for her in his meadows. One day the April Fairy returned from the forest with a basket full of flowers. There were all sorts of flowers in it: the fashionable lungwort, the fragile coppice, the flirtatious anemone, and the golden little rams. Her sister, Fairy May, flew up to her and gasped:

Oh, sister, what flowers the Forest gave you! I wish I could receive such a gift. Does Les have enough strength and time for me?

The April Fairy answers her sister:

The forest is waiting for you, can't wait. He started growing flowers for you while I was there. I was going to pick them, but he didn’t let me, he said they were yours. Fly, sister, to him quickly.

The May Fairy flew into the forest, landed on a fragrant forest clearing and looked around. Between two wide and green leaves, white fragrant bells rose on long stems and rang quietly. The Fairy leaned over to them, put them in her basket and said:

Thank you, Les, for greeting me with May lilies of the valley - my favorite flowers of spring.

The forest rustled with its branches:

If you bend down lower, you will notice another gift from me. He is more modest than the lily of the valley, but also handsome. They call him Maynik. This is the little brother of the lily of the valley, so its greenish-white buds and red berries are smaller.

Fairy May looked and saw that right next to her feet a tiny flower was growing with a spikelet of white fragrant flowers. Two green leaves of the spikelet embraced, just like a lily of the valley. The Maynik flowers emitted a surprisingly delicate jasmine scent that Fairy May could not breathe.

Here the Forest called the Fairy again:

Fairy May fluttered merrily and flew to another forest clearing. The clearing greeted her with a blue-violet fragrance. Fairy May took a closer look and understood everything. It was in the grass that the fragrant violets bloomed.

The Fairy picked up a bouquet of violets and said:

What fragrant gifts you have, dear Les. It’s like a bouquet of spring perfume has gathered in my basket.

Les answers her:

I have prepared another fragrant gift for you. Run along this forest path and you will see him.

The Fairy walked along the forest path. Meanwhile it was getting dark. The Fairy was worried that she wouldn’t find the forest gift in the dark, but the Forest reassured her:

Don’t worry, beauty, these flowers themselves will show you the path in the dark.

Indeed, the darker it became, the more the amazing aroma called to the Fairy. She went straight to the smell and saw white clusters of flowers on tall thick stems flaunting. Night butterflies hover around.

The forest says to the Fairy:

Take, Fairy, orchids into your basket - the most fragrant May flowers. They smell sweet only at dusk. This is why they are called night violets.

The Fairy spent the night in a clearing with night violets, and all night she had fragrant dreams. In the morning she washed herself with dew and moved on. He sees that under the fir trees there is a continuous carpet of light green leaves with hearts on thin stems, and between them white and pink flowers are shaking their heads in the warm breeze. The Fairy's shoe touched the flower carpet, the flowers and leaves immediately closed and drooped.

The Fairy is confused and doesn’t know what to do:

Les explains to her:

Don't worry, Fairy. These are sour sours. They are the most delicate and sensitive of all spring flowers. As soon as you touch the sour slightly, it immediately begins to wither, as if falling asleep. If you stop disturbing her, she will straighten out again.

The Fairy asks the Forest:

How can I get such a touch-me-not into my basket?

Les answers:

Just rip it off with your hands. Kislichka will probably be happy with the warm hands of spring, and nothing will happen to her.

The fairy did so, and the sorrel joined the other May flowers in her basket.

Soon the Fairy's basket was filled with May flowers. Such a fragrance emanated from the basket, as if all the most wonderful smells of May had merged together.

Fairy May bowed to the Forest for magical gifts, and he said:

It’s you, Fairy, who I should thank. Without you, I would not have been able to grow any of these flowers. They are all children of May. Fairy May smiled at the Forest and flew away to her sisters. The Good Forest did not even have time to get bored when the beautiful Fairy of June descended onto one of its clearings with an empty basket, which he still had to fill.

A person must be a friend to all living things... This is an old, ever-fading, but often forgotten truth. Nature - a tree, an animal, a flower, a bird - we must love it, take care of it, protect it. An animal should make a person want to caress it, warm it, and not torment it. Remember the words of Sergei Yesenin: “And I never hit animals, like our smaller brothers, on the head...”. Not only aphorisms of great people, but also some Russian folk proverbs dedicated theme of respect for nature and love for it.

Love for nature and living beings can be compared to a litmus test: it will unmistakably show what kind of heart a person has - whether good or evil lives in him. Kindness is a great power, without kindness there is no person. And cruelty is born very easily. And it is especially easy to poison a person’s soul with it when he is small and has not yet had time to experience anything in life.

This is why it is so important to study in school lessons proverbs about love for nature and respect for it, about protecting the environment. There are not many such proverbs and sayings in the collection of folk wisdom, because in former times people’s lives were much more closely connected with nature than they are now. Peasants and collective farmers worked in the fields, obtained food in the forest and in reservoirs. But at all times, one thing is important: nature must be valued and protected. Nature is our home.

Proverbs about protecting nature

What you save today will be useful tomorrow.
Don’t expect mercy from nature, plant a little garden yourself and grow it yourself.
All nature is beautiful in spring.
Life is given for good deeds.
Good to sow, good to reap.
There is no bad land, there are bad owners.
The bird is small, but it protects its nest.
Money is not wealth - frugality and reason.
They teach us both for better and for worse from a young age.
A tree is soon planted, but not soon its fruit is eaten.
As is the garden, so are the apples.
The garden is red with a fence, and the vine is with grapes.
A good gardener has a good garden.
A good gardener is a large gooseberry.
Life is not bright in days, but bright in deeds.
Some live - only chew bread, sleep - smoke the sky.
Live more humbly, it will be nicer for everyone.
A cruel disposition will not be right.
A good deed will not go without reward.
The swallow sang about a good deed.
A good deed - and it’s like the sun has warmed us.
What goes around comes around.
As it comes back, so will it respond.
A good seed is a good seed.
The protective forest belt is our pride and beauty.
Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.
God saves man, who save himself.
Thrift is the best wealth.
Protect it like the apple of your eye.
You can't wash away natural beauty with soap.
Don't spit in the well - you'll need to drink the water.
Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

Groves and forests - the whole region is beautiful.
The green fence is a living delight.
A tree is expensive not only for its fruits, but also for its leaves.
Plant a forest in a field - there will be more bread.
In a pine forest - to pray, in a birch forest - to have fun.

Protect nature! Proverbs

Proverbs about the need to protect nature:

Without time to destroy the forest, there will be nothing to cut down the hut from.
Living near the forest means you won't go hungry.
And the birch tree’s tears flow when the bark is torn off.
Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before it strikes.
He who has not planted a tree should not lie in the shade.
Whoever removes the bark from a tree kills it.
The forest does not cry for its wood, but for its growth it dries.
If there is a lot of forest, don’t destroy it; if there is a little forest, take care; if there is no forest, plant it.
A man is cutting down a pine tree and hitting the mushrooms with wood chips.
Don't take care of the undergrowth, and you won't even see a tree.
Not everything that grows is strigi.
It's not hard to cut down a tree, but it's hard to grow a forest.
One person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred people leave a trail, a thousand leave a desert.
One spark burns an entire forest.
The plant is the decoration of the earth.
It’s easy to ruin, but what does it feel like in your soul?
If you say it, you won’t turn it back; if you write it, you won’t erase it; If you cut it off, you won’t be able to attach it.
Cutting down a tree takes five minutes, growing it takes a hundred years.
It takes a second to break a tree, but it takes years to grow it.
The trees were cut down - goodbye to the birds.
A tree that is cut down will not grow again.
So the forest cried for you on your ax handle.
A stork on the roof means peace in the house.
The boron has been brought down, and the nightingale is crying for the nest.
There would be a forest, and the nightingales would fly.
To destroy a nest is to kill yourself.
The nightingale does not need a golden cage, but he needs an earthly branch.
Feed the birds in winter, they will repay you with kindness in summer.
The bushes were cut down - goodbye, birds.
Know how to hunt, know how to take care of game.
The Volga is the mother of all rivers.

The earth feeds people...

The earth feeds people like a mother does children.
Native land is a cradle, foreign land is a leaky trough.
The native land is better than a foreign land full of silver and gold.
The native bush is dear to the hare.

Without an owner, the earth is an orphan.
The earth loves affection.
Then water the earth, protect the earth with your breasts.
Mother Earth is your nurse.
For fish - water, for birds - air, and for man - the whole earth.
The land is a grave for the enemy, but protection for us.
The earth rests in winter and blooms in spring.
The earth is a nurse, and she also asks for food.
The mother of cheese, the earth, feeds everyone, gives everyone water, clothes everyone, warms everyone with her body.
Although the earth feeds, it also asks for food.
The land is black, but white bread will give birth.
The earth loves care.
The earth is a plate: what you put in is what you take out.

Don't harm the earth - plant oats.

Children love flowers and care.
Where there is a flower, there is honey.

Proverbs about love for nature

From your native land - die, don’t leave.
Your own land is sweet even in a handful.
The Motherland is dearest to our people.
The Holy Russian land is great, and the sun is everywhere.
Every bird loves its nest.
Everyone has their own side.
Where someone is born, that’s where they will come in handy.
Each has its own sweet land.
On my native side, even the pebble is familiar.
There is no more beautiful country in the world than ours.
Homeland is more beautiful than the sun, more valuable than gold.
The native land is a paradise for the heart.
The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid.
Without love for a person there is no love for the Motherland.
Take care of your beloved land, like your mother.
Seek goodness on the side, but love home in the old way.
Only he will be honored who loves his homeland not in word, but in deed.
Where the pine tree is mature, there it is red.
Beloved homeland - mother, darling.
And wormwood grows on its roots.
And the dog knows his side.
Whoever loves mother earth and cheese will not be hungry.
Whoever cherishes the earth, the earth takes pity on him.
Respect the earth, it gives a harvest.
The Volga is the mother of all rivers.

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Assignment from The world around us, grade 3, part 1, workbook with answers, Pleshakov: Write down proverbs, legends, fairy tales of the peoples of your region, which say that it is necessary to love and take care of nature.

Here are a few proverbs in Russian about the need to protect nature:

Proverbs about the need to protect forests, trees, plants

Without time to destroy the forest, there will be nothing to cut down the hut from.
Living near a forest means you won't go hungry.
The oak and hornbeam fall from the small ax.
And the birch tree’s tears flow when the bark is torn off.
Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before it strikes.
He who has not planted a tree should not lie in the shade
Whoever removes the bark from a tree kills it.
The forest does not cry for its wood, but for its growth it dries.
There is a lot of forest - don’t destroy it, a little forest - take care, no forest - plant it.
A man is cutting down a pine tree and hitting the mushrooms with wood chips.
Don't take care of the undergrowth, and you won't even see a tree.
Not everything that grows is strigi.
It's not hard to cut down a tree, but it's hard to grow a forest.
One person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred people leave a trail, a thousand leave a desert.
One spark burns an entire forest.
The plant is a decoration of the earth.
It’s easy to ruin, but what does it feel like in your soul?
If you say it, you won’t turn it back; if you write it, you won’t erase it; If you cut it off, you won’t be able to attach it.
Cutting down a tree takes five minutes, growing it takes a hundred years.
So the forest cried for you on your ax handle.

Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, GPD teacher, primary school teacher of category I, MBOU “Secondary school No. 1”, Kashira, Moscow region.
Purpose of the material: for home and extracurricular reading for children of primary school age, for everyone who appreciates parables as a genre of fiction.
Target:education of moral universal qualities.
Tasks:develop the ability to “see and appreciate” the beauty of nature; to form a sense of responsibility for one’s actions, to show the inextricable connection between Man and Nature, to show in an allegorical image what the reluctance to “preserve” nature will lead to.

A long time ago, in ancient times, great Creators lived on our Planet: Air, Water, Fire and Earth. They lived amicably and never quarreled.
Every day the Sun rose in the sky. It woke up slowly and, slowly, extended its long warm rays to people, as if caressing everyone and inspiring them to do good deeds.
The Earth generously thanked the Inhabitants of the Planet. Every year she gave them a rich harvest, because they were careful, zealous owners of the land on which they lived.

Water fed the Earth. She carried her clean, transparent waters so far and deep that every blade of grass, every tree on the Planet was washed and turned green under the gentle rays of the kind Sun, and a light breeze gently bowed their tops as a sign of gratitude.
Fire gave people warmth and light. Helped satisfy their hunger. In every house the hearth burned and did not go out, gathering close and dear people around it. The table was bursting with abundance and variety of food.
The inhabitants of the Planet are accustomed to the fact that their life flows measuredly and calmly. They had everything that Fertile Nature could give them: clean Air, fertile Lands, deep Rivers, the warmth of the family hearth.
There were many animals and birds in the forest; they filled the entire area with joyful rustling and singing. Fish splashed in the rivers and seas, sparkling with multi-colored scales under the rays of the playful Sun. Butterflies fluttered in the air, they circled over the fields and meadows, as if they were performing an endless dance of love, filling this World with beauty and happiness.
But one day a Man envied the butterflies, their light, carefree fluttering above the ground:
- I am the Lord of the Earth, Sun and Water! I am the Lord and Tamer of Fire!
Why do you do nothing all day, just flutter and circle above us, while I have to work to earn my clothes and food? And even to light a fire, I have to bend over! I also want to receive EVERYTHING, without working or straining, to spend time in idleness and fun!
The butterflies did not answer, flapped their colorful wings for the last time and disappeared from the “face of the Earth.” Together with them, all the extraordinary beauty that filled this Planet dissolved in an instant. The sun was offended that there were no colors left and nothing more to play and shimmer under its radiant light. It made its rays red hot, they dried up the rivers and seas, and there was nothing to feed the Earth with. The trees shed their green attire, the grass and flowers withered, the animals left, the birds flew away to distant lands.
Only Fire was in no hurry to leave Man without playing with him enough:
- Oh, are you tired of setting me on fire to keep warm and cook food?
I will prove that I do not need your participation!
At that same second, Fire burst out and rushed to walk around the Planet, showing all its destructive power and power. Behind him were burned houses, cities, scorched forests and fields. People wept over the remnants of their destroyed lives, and the Fire continued to burn brighter and stronger.
- Human! You decided to disrupt the harmony of life on the Planet, imagining yourself to be the Master and Master! So think about how and where you will be able to “manage” and what to “command” if there is nothing and no one left on this sinful Earth?
The man knelt down, hugged and pressed the earth to his lips, dry from tears, and barely audibly whispered, turning to the only savior he knew, passing every word he said through his wounded soul:
- I realized that, first of all, I must protect this Planet from myself! Only Man can destroy everything at once, and only Man himself can fix it all!!!
So let's remain Human, let's try to save our Planet, so that one moment we don't end up living among soulless stones under the rays of the scorching sun!