Funeral of Kuzma Scriabin: family and friends said goodbye to the legendary artist. Why did Scriabin die? Versions of the death of a musician in an accident Kuzma Skryabin's body after the accident funeral

The funeral of Kuzma Scriabin took place. Andrey Kuzmenko was buried on February 5 in the Lviv region at the Bryukhovichesky cemetery in the family crypt immediately n after the farewell ceremony, which began the day before on Wednesday and lasted in the Transfiguration Church until Thursday morning.

Andrei Kuzmenko’s mother Olga Mikhailovna was led into church arm in arm. The woman is all in black and beside herself with grief. Father Viktor Kuzmich tries to more or less hold on, making his way into the church through the crowd. In one day, both aged several years, and the usually cheerful and active musician’s mother (Kuzma took after her) was completely unrecognizable in the grief-stricken woman with a dull look. His mother learned about her son's death from the news on Monday morning - as soon as she turned on the TV.

Coffin with Scriabin's body carried by the musicians of his group. There is also a wife, Svetlana, who behaved surprisingly steadfastly, and a daughter, Barbara.

Among the famous people at the ceremony, the singer Dzidzio and Lesyk were noticed, as well as the mayor of Lviv Andrey Sadovoy and the governor Oleg Synyutka.

In addition to family and friends, admirers of the musician also came to the church. They carried flowers, lamps, and portraits of the musician with black ribbons.

About two thousand people gathered near the church - fans of the Scriabin group and ordinary Lviv residents, and about two hundred more people in the church. There was a huge queue at the temple. At first, only relatives, friends and acquaintances were allowed into the church - all with red bands on their arms, so that it would be easier for the guards to distinguish them from strangers. After the Funeral Liturgy ended, everyone was able to say goodbye to the talented musician; the ceremony lasted until the morning.

It’s sad all day in Lviv, you can’t hear loud music or fun. It is very difficult for the people who came to say goodbye to Kuzma. They refrain from commenting and can barely hold back their tears. “We have lost a great Ukrainian who changed Ukrainian music. I thank him for his creativity and the joy he brought during his life,” said Lviv resident Elena.

Despite the large crowd of people on the street, the farewell ceremony itself took place very quickly. People linger near the coffin for a few seconds and immediately exit through other doors. In Lvov, fans of Kuzma Scriabin staged a flash mob: signs with quotes from the deceased’s songs were placed in different places at public transport stops or just on the streets. There is a poster right in front of the church: “I want to live here, not die.”

As soon as the funeral liturgy ended, Andrei was taken out of the Church of the Transfiguration in the center of the city.

Crowds of fans were already waiting for him on the street, who began to applaud as the coffin was carried to the hearse, following the long-standing tradition of seeing off artists on their last journey.

Many of the Lviv residents stood at the temple all night to wait for farewell to Andrey Kuzmenko.

After this, the funeral procession moved to the suburbs of Lvov - to Bryukhovichi, where Andrei’s parents live. At their request, the funeral took place in a local cemetery.

Since morning at the cemetery in the village of Bryukhovichi, where the musician’s parents live, they set up police, explosives and dog handler posts. The funeral procession with wreaths and bouquets of roses and lilies appeared around noon.

Everyone tried to control themselves, but, just in case, there was an ambulance nearby.

At the request of Kuzma’s relatives, the funeral ceremony was to be closed. Nevertheless, many people came to the cemetery. Among them were friends and acquaintances of Scriabin, his stage colleagues.

The leaders of the city and region also came to Scriabin's funeral - Mayor Andrei Sadovy, Oleg Sinyutka and Pyotr Kolodiy, as well as his friends, Ruslana Lyzhichko and Alexander Ksenofontov, Vladimir Bebeshko and his wife, Natalya Mogilevskaya, Vasily Virastyuk, Ekaterina Osadchaya, musicians of the groups "Druha Rika" ", "Piccardian Tertsia", "Dead Hump" and many others.

The singer and close friend of Kuzma “Skryabin” Ruslana, who dedicated a touching video to him, told how the singer was buried.

She shared that in the last minutes of saying goodbye to Kuzma, “even a bird in the cemetery began to sing, and the sky became clear and began to warm.”

“As soon as Andryusha was put in the crypt, the sun immediately came out and it became so hot that the snow began to melt... There were many of Andryusha’s friends at the funeral, not only from Ukraine. There were people at the cemetery, despite the fact that there was a request for a closed funeral a lot. While we were driving, people were constantly standing along the route all the time. I put a yellow-blue flag on Andryusha’s coffin... In the crypt we put a big, big white fluffy very light bear, which will be there with Andryusha,” said Ruslana.

Former President Leonid Kuchma also sent a wreath of fresh flowers and blue and yellow ribbons.

“He was a very strong public figure who really rooted for his country, worried and thought that something would change,” said Parasyuk, who became friends with Scriabin on Kiev’s Maidan.

The musicians of the Scriabin group will decide whether the group will exist without its leader a few days after the funeral. Now they ask not to speculate on Kuzma’s death.

Friends of the frontman say that Kuzma has always driven a car, had extensive driving experience, and the accident was a terrible coincidence. They say it is not worth putting forward additional versions. “People, don’t make things up, this is just an accident,” the Scriabin musicians address the group’s fans.

Also, according to Ruslana, when Kuzma was already put in the crypt, his mother came up and asked all the artists who loved the artist to step over all their “prejudices” and record a joint song for him.

Andrei Kuzmenko (Kuzma Scriabin) was buried in the family crypt. The parents bought it after learning about the death of their only son.

Kuzmenko's tomb is completely new, on the outskirts of the churchyard near the forest. This is a low “bunker” coated with cement in which several people can be buried. According to the most “rough” estimates, the cost of a crypt in the cemetery in Bryukhovichi is from 4 thousand hryvnia.

Andrei was his parents’ only son,” said local resident Vera, who sells flowers and lamps near the cemetery. - Mother and father want to be with him even after death.

Now the crypt can be seen from afar - it is all covered with wreaths. Let us remind you that

The musician's parents wanted to buy the crypt two months before his death.

Mother of Kuzma "Scriabin" Olga Mikhailovna told a story related to the family crypt in which the musician was buried, as stated in “Snidanku z 1+1”.

According to the singer’s mother, she and the artist’s father wanted to buy the crypt before his death. Kuzma's parents looked after the crypt in December, and in early February musician died in an accident .

“We go to Lvov near the cemetery, where Andryusha is buried now. And there are a lot of new crypts there. I never paid attention to them, we’ve been going from Lvov to Lvov for 10 years. And then at the end of December I was driving and noticed I say: “Listen, Victor (Kuzma’s father - editor’s note), come on, maybe we can buy such a crypt?” And he says: “Let’s buy it,” Olga Mikhailovna began to tell.

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However, at that moment, Kuzma’s mother was already restless inside, but she did not know what this could mean. Olga Mikhailovna calmed herself down with the thought that many people were buying the crypt, that it was so customary.

“Why did my heart sank so much? We went there, and they said that they only had one ready that could be sold. And when Andryusha died, I immediately told my husband to run to the village council and ask about the crypt that was ready, because he was alone,” explained the singer’s mother.

Olga Mikhailovna admitted that the fact that her son was buried in a crypt and not in a grave made it a little easier for her and her husband.

“If it weren’t for that crypt, we probably wouldn’t have survived with dad. Because to bury in a crypt, you just put it in a closet and lock it with a key. They put this teddy bear there, which he traveled with, they said, his beloved. When we did all this, then I was released,” the woman shared.

In the morning, police, explosives technicians and dog handlers were posted at the cemetery in the village of Bryukhovichi, where the musician’s parents live. The funeral procession with wreaths and bouquets of roses and lilies appeared around noon.

Everyone tried to control themselves, but, just in case, there was an ambulance nearby. About five thousand people came to say goodbye to Kuzma, among them were Natalya Mogilevskaya, Ruslana, Mikhail Khoma (DZIDZIO) and others. A wreath of fresh flowers and blue and yellow ribbons was sent by ex-President Leonid Kuchma.

Andrei Kuzmenko was buried in the family crypt. My parents bought it

Kuzmenko’s tomb is completely new, on the outskirts of the churchyard near the forest. This is a low “bunker” coated with cement in which several people can be buried. According to the most “rough” estimates, the cost of a crypt in the cemetery in Bryukhovichi is from 4 thousand hryvnia.

Andrei was his parents’ only son,” said local resident Vera, who sells flowers and lamps near the cemetery. - Mother and father want to be with him even after death.

Funeral service in the Church of the Transfiguration

About two thousand people gathered near the church - fans of the Scriabin group and ordinary Lviv residents, and about two hundred more people in the church. There was a huge queue at the temple. At first, only relatives, friends and acquaintances were allowed into the church - all with red bands on their arms, so that it would be easier for the guards to distinguish them from strangers. After the Funeral Liturgy ended, everyone was able to say goodbye to the talented musician; the ceremony lasted until the morning.

Andrei Kuzmenko’s mother Olga Mikhailovna was led into church arm in arm. The woman is all in black and beside herself with grief. Father Viktor Kuzmich tries to more or less hold on, making his way into the church through the crowd. In one day, both aged several years, and the usually cheerful and active musician’s mother (Kuzma took after her) was completely unrecognizable in the grief-stricken woman with a dull look. His mother learned about her son's death from the news on Monday morning - as soon as she turned on the TV.

The coffin with Scriabin's body was carried by the musicians of his group. There is also a wife, Svetlana, who behaved surprisingly steadfastly, and a daughter, Barbara.

Of the famous people at the ceremony, the singer Dzidzio and Lesyk have been noticed so far, as well as the mayor of Lviv Andrey Sadovoy and the governor Oleg Synyutka.

Gorsvet asked motorists not to park in the center of Lviv today and tomorrow in connection with the farewell ceremony and funeral of Andrei Kuzmenko, so as not to create inconvenience and traffic jams.

Video by Roman Kirik.

17:30. Ruslana came to the church to say goodbye to Kuzma - with white roses wrapped in a blue and yellow flag. Out of grief, the singer can barely control herself and cries. People began to be allowed into the church. They make announcements asking people to behave with more restraint and not jostle.

Diagram of the accident in which Kuzma Scriabin died. Infographics: CP in Ukraine

Kuzma grew up in the small town of Novoyavorovsk in the Lviv region. Later, his parents, Olga Mikhailovna and Viktor Kuzmich, moved closer to Lvov, to Bryukhovichi.

We asked to visit them. A cozy village with beautiful colorful mansions. There are flowers in the flower beds, mothers and children walk in the parks. Everyone here knows Kuzma’s parents.

We are greeted by the musician’s father, Viktor Kuzmich, a tall, fit man. We go to the guest house. The walls are covered with photographs of Kuzma, and on the table there is a stack of magazines with him on the cover. They are proud of their son. By the way, he is the only one they have...

We specially built this house for Andrei’s guests. When his musicians come to him, they need to have a separate room,” says Olga Mikhailovna. - And we moved to Bryukhovichi specifically to make it easier for my son to come to us.

Since then, the artist’s army of fans has found many warning symbols and ominous prophecies in his own songs and statements. Maybe Kuzya, as his friends and relatives affectionately called him, really felt and knew something?

Wrote two songs about the end of life

On the day of his death, a post appeared on the official page of the Scriabin group on Facebook:

These were supposed to be the words of a new song. For the new album:

Well, why is it so, that life lets us go?
Often it’s not at all as we ourselves believe it to be
We check for a sign, we don’t mark for a gram
As we let ourselves to the edge of the abyss

Demo version of Kuzma Scriabin's song "Leaf to the Presidents of Ukraine"

He was buried in a cemetery in the village of Bryukhovichi, where his parents live. This is near Lvov.

In the morning, police, explosives experts and dog handlers set up posts near the churchyard. The funeral procession with wreaths and bouquets of roses and lilies appeared around noon. Everyone tried to control themselves, but, just in case, there was an ambulance nearby. They say that Andrei Kuzmenko’s mother became ill while still in church during the Funeral Liturgy.

About five thousand people came to say goodbye to Kuzma, among them were Natalya Mogilevskaya, Ruslana, Mikhail Khoma (DZIDZIO) and others. A wreath of fresh flowers and blue and yellow ribbons was sent by ex-President Leonid Kuchma.


Andrei Kuzmenko was buried in the family crypt. My parents bought it

Kuzmenko’s tomb is completely new, on the outskirts of the churchyard near the forest. This is a low “bunker” coated with cement in which several people can be buried. According to the most “rough” estimates, the cost of a crypt in the cemetery in Bryukhovichi is from 4 thousand hryvnia.

Andrei was his parents’ only son,” said local resident Vera, who sells flowers and lamps near the cemetery. - Mother and father want to be with him even after death.

Now the crypt can be seen from afar - it is all covered with wreaths.

About two thousand people gathered near the church - fans of the Scriabin group and ordinary Lviv residents, and about two hundred more people in the church. At first, only relatives, friends and acquaintances were allowed into the church - all with red bands on their arms, so that it would be easier for the guards to distinguish them from strangers. After the Funeral Liturgy ended, everyone was able to say goodbye to the talented musician; the ceremony lasted until the morning.

Andrei Kuzmenko’s mother Olga Mikhailovna was led into church arm in arm. The woman is all in black and beside herself with grief. Father Viktor Kuzmich tries to more or less hold on, making his way into the church through the crowd. In one day, both aged several years, and the usually cheerful and active musician’s mother (Kuzma took after her) was completely unrecognizable in the grief-stricken woman with a dull look. His mother learned about her son's death from the news on Monday morning - as soon as she turned on the TV. The coffin with Scriabin's body was carried by the musicians of his group. There is also a wife, Svetlana, who behaved surprisingly steadfastly, and a daughter, Barbara.

Diagram of the accident in which Kuzma Scriabin died. Infographics: CP in Ukraine

Kuzma grew up in the small town of Novoyavorovsk in the Lviv region. Later, his parents, Olga Mikhailovna and Viktor Kuzmich, moved closer to Lvov, to Bryukhovichi.

We asked to visit them. A cozy village with beautiful colorful mansions. There are flowers in the flower beds, mothers and children walk in the parks. Everyone here knows Kuzma’s parents.

We are greeted by the musician’s father, Viktor Kuzmich, a tall, fit man. We go to the guest house. The walls are covered with photographs of Kuzma, and on the table there is a stack of magazines with him on the cover. They are proud of their son. By the way, he is the only one they have...

We specially built this house for Andrei’s guests. When his musicians come to him, they need to have a separate room,” says Olga Mikhailovna. - And we moved to Bryukhovichi specifically to make it easier for my son to come to us.

Since then, the artist’s army of fans has found many warning symbols and ominous prophecies in his own songs and statements. Maybe Kuzya, as his friends and relatives affectionately called him, really felt and knew something?

Wrote two songs about the end of life

On the day of his death, a post appeared on the official page of the Scriabin group on Facebook:

These were supposed to be the words of a new song. For the new album:

Well, why is it so, that life lets us go?
Often it’s not at all as we ourselves believe it to be
We check for a sign, we don’t mark for a gram
As we let ourselves to the edge of the abyss

Demo version of Kuzma Scriabin's song "Leaf to the Presidents of Ukraine"

Kuzma’s body was taken out of the Church of the Transfiguration to the applause of thousands of fans and friends. Several thousand people gathered around the temple.


Kuzma will be buried in the Kuzmenko family crypt.

The line of thousands of people at the musician’s coffin in the Church of the Transfiguration stood almost all night. Due to the crush, the area near the temple was fenced off with turnstiles.


There were so many people that they stood for three to four hours to get inside.

According to Lvov journalists, due to the number of people wishing to say goodbye to Kuzma, a crush arose. The musician’s father, Viktor Kuzmich, tried to more or less hold on as he made his way into the temple through the crowd. The singer's mother was led out by the arms; his wife, wearing large black glasses, could barely stand on her feet. Colleagues and friends of the musician - singers Natalya Mogilevskaya, Ruslana Lyzhichko, and strongman Vasily Virastyuk - came to the funeral.

The coffin with Scriabin's body was carried by the musicians of his group.

As Ruslana said, after the funeral, the musician’s mother asked his artist friends to record a common song dedicated to him.

On Monday morning, Andrei Kuzmenko was returning from a concert that took place in Krivoy Rog on Sunday. On the Kirovograd-Zaporozhye highway at 86 km (near the village of Ternovatka), a Toyota Sequoia, driven by Andrey, collided with a milk tanker. The musician died on the spot. His passenger, 32-year-old administrator of the Skryabin group Olga Lyubchenko, was hospitalized with chest bruises and fractures of three vertebrae. The passenger of the milk tanker was also taken to the city hospital.