Darkness I don’t want to live statuses. Statuses about life are sad

There are probably no people who do not surf the expanses of social networks. Statuses have become an integral part of them. It’s hard to imagine a page without a specific phrase that conveys the user’s mood. Status is a small quote that each person can set in a special window. Statuses about life are sad phrases, this is a message to the user’s friends or guests, which shows that the physical and emotional state of the owner of the status leaves much to be desired. If you yourself cannot beautifully formulate your mood at a certain moment, then you can use a selection of statuses presented on the Internet.

I will be the drunkest at their wedding and I will shout -Bitterly- the loudest, because I will really be very bitter-

We will definitely meet in a couple of years - You will see what I have become - you will look into my happy eyes - And then we will see which of us will get hurt -

Sometimes I wander the streets, remembering those old times that will never come back.

Sometimes you really want to feel like a character in a film in which you can cut out a few frames at any time.

The worst loneliness is loneliness in a crowd: when everyone around you is laughing, but YOU want to cry -

Sometimes you have to be happy about what didn’t happen and be upset about what has already happened...

You trust, but they betray you. You believe, but you are deceived. You love, but they cheat on you. How can you avoid becoming a heartless bastard?

The worst thing is when you really need support, you hold the phone in your hand and don’t know whose number to dial -

True suffering is when those who need more air from you are happy without you!

Sometimes you really want something to end in at least a hundred years, but it ends before it even begins!

I constantly forget that everything is fine with me -

The cruelest thing is to break up without explanation. Leave silently, leaving the person alone with a bunch of razor-sharp questions to which only you know the answers.

It’s probably stupid to wait for a call from that person who most likely doesn’t have your number...

I don’t want to live, but I’m too lazy to shoot myself.

Sometimes a word hurts more than any knife, and this wound remains for life.

It's spring outside, but inside my soul it's cold and lonely, as always -

Everything inside hurts, as if something is about to die -

There are two types of depression: spring - -nobody loves me - and autumn - fuck you all!-

The most cheerful people have a sad soul.

A smile is a protective reaction of the soul - if a person smiles, this does not mean that he is happy, he just does not show that he is feeling bad -

Think about how dear those people were who you don’t even say hello to now -

It's easy to swallow grievances, it's hard to digest them -

I don’t want anything else - I’m tired of being sad - :-((

I’ll look out the window, it’s raining - I’ll look at the chat, there are no messages from you - I’ll look into your eyes, there’s blue emptiness in them -

Better come and strike! It won’t hurt as much as listening to your lies that you tell while looking into my eyes.

There will always be someone who wants to ruin their life.

Why can't you update your life like a page on the Internet?

Promise me one thing - that when you feel bad, you will write only to me.

I want to go back to the time when the most severe disappointment was the Kinder toy that you already have.

One small snowflake can sometimes give as much happiness and joy as even a person cannot -

You told me one thing and did something completely different...

Even if you really want to, you won’t be able to get back what was lost in the past -

I'm wondering, am I the only one trying to drown out the pain by turning up the volume in my headphones?

When our parents are alive, we don't value them. When they die, we are very sorry.

And dreams are not going to come true -

Dreams Come True. At a specific moment. Usually this moment is called - no need for anything anymore -.

I need a psychologist, a bottle of whiskey and a new pair of boots -

How do I lose friends?.. They fall in love with me.

The scriptwriters of my life smoke nervously in the kitchen.

Sometimes you really want to set the status to -Invisible-..

Dear heaven, please stop displaying my state of mind. It's raining enough already.

It's so hard to understand that there is nothing left to lose -

It's hard being a girl. Drink only after 18, and eat only before

The memories are overwhelming. Thoughts are suffocating. And feelings kill -

Every morning I wake up with hope, but go to bed with disappointment...

If you are sad alone, then loneliness triples.

Beautiful things don't last.

tired of it. I'm sick of it. Sick of all. I'm tired…

Tired of enduring, tired of wanting, tired of loving, tired of suffering, I said that’s it, I won’t be yours, I forgot that you were for me. I decided that that’s it, I’m on my own...

I'm tired of lying to my friends that everything is fine.

Not apathy... Not depression... But I’m tired... everything just infuriates me...

In life, what you get most tired of is not physical exertion and everyday problems, but the insincerity, lies and betrayal of people you trust.

I'm tired of being decent and sweet, stop being patient.

You bother me with your uncertainty! I don’t understand what you want from me. But most of all I don’t understand why I can’t score on you!

I'm tired of going back, starting from scratch.

Severe fatigue is when you even dream that you are sleeping.

Frankly, I’m tired of this silent virtual love - now I’m thinking about how to present all this to the living and real Olenka and Nadenka!

My Guardian Angel... I’m tired again... Give me your hand, please, and hug me with your wing... Hold me tight so that I don’t fall... And if I stumble, You lift me up...

I’m already tired of enduring swings from happy hysterics to howling into the pillow...

The wife doesn’t do a damn thing at home... she cooked, cleaned, washed, ironed, went to the store... and her husband is tired at work...


No...I’m not looking for easy ways... But I’m already tired of walking along the broken road of my life...

Sometimes I am so tired that I painfully want someone to give me hot tea, cover me with a blanket, and sleep in a calm, serene sleep...

Do you think I'm strong and can do anything? Dulks! I also want to curl up in the corner and cry quietly! (((

It’s just that sometimes people get tired of everything: from people, from the environment, from life. They just need to rest - alone.

How I long for kindness! ... But not begged for, but pure... How I want the purity that has disappeared from the lips of the spoken... How I want to live without quarrels! ...

What you will never get tired of is the taste of Happiness!

I'm tired of being with you and without you at once.

I want to become for a short time a girl with big eyes, with ice cream in one hand and a scoop in the other, and only think that the weather is beautiful today...

Tired of lies and fake smiles.

A woman's fatigue is a natural consequence of a man's inattention.

If I look strong but act like a complete fool, it means I'm still strong, I'm just very tired.

It’s scary when a loved one gradually becomes a stranger... and there is no more strength to connect the unconnected!

People get tired... They get tired of feeling, waiting, loving, understanding... There comes a time when you don’t want anything, you don’t care about everything...

Tired. Mentally squeezed dry. Tired of lies and pain. Tired of being strong. I want to be strong. I want to be needed. And nothing else is needed.

How pleasant is fatigue, when the work was to your liking and the result is pleasing to the eye)

Probably the only thing that keeps me from leaving is curiosity - what will happen next, and hope, hope for the best, hope that everything will change... But one day, I’ll just get tired of waiting, and I’ll leave, I’ll leave without regret...

How hard... how hard... how hard... And tired... tired... tired of unnecessary communication.

Tired of being a business man, saving up for repairs or buying a car, fighting with stubble every morning, and looking smartly at stupid pictures...

I'm tired of crying quietly into my pillow.

The big girl is tired... tired of everything... tired of everything...

You need to start resting BEFORE you feel tired.

Tired of joking, believing in good fairy tales.

Now people who are very tired after work go to relax on the Internet...

Sometimes you tolerate, forgive, close your eyes to everything, and then because of some little thing you turn around and silently leave

Fatigue is when, while working at the computer, you turn your gaze to the wall calendar and try to move the cursor to the desired date.

Why, when you get tired of everything, you can’t stop breathing, even for a little while. so as not to live, not to think about anything, not to hope for anything, not to expect anything and not to remember anything?

You can run around, be tired, exhausted, have serious problems, have a cold, but still be absolutely happy. Absolutely.

Tired. There is no need for these descriptions: from whom, why. Just tired. Very tired.

If your relatives are sitting on your head, show them your “Hollywood smile” more often. It will make you feel better, and so will they...))))

I'm tired of everything!!! I’ll find a rope... I’ll choose a tree higher... I’m tired of everything... Go to hell... I’ll swing above the roof!!! I’ll tie the swing tighter, and like in childhood, I’ll forget about everything...

I'm tired of looking for a pair to wear in the morning.

Lord save my marriage! Send your husband a business trip!

You can close the door and go into loneliness, but life is designed in such a way that if you are alone, you will get tired of yourself...

Hey, you! Slow down. My stop. You've won yours! I lost mine. I came with nothing, I will leave with nothing.

Tired of life... And just tired...

Tired of everything. But there's nowhere to run. I would fall face down on the floor and lie there... lie...

A woman leaves because she is simply tired of constantly proving that she is better than THAT, OTHER, THIRD,

Darling, I have so much boiling over... Please be an anti-scale agent today...

When a WOMAN freezes from fatigue, she should not be rebooted... but UNLOADED!

Love cannot get tired... people get tired and slowly begin to live out love...

It happens that there is nothing to say and time seems to have stopped, and there is nowhere to rush, to run, and you are already a little tired.

Lately, more and more often I want to break loose, and stand up right in the middle of the street and scream how all this has swayed me. I'm so tired.

I'm sick of you... I'm tired of this pain...

Tired of enduring, tired of forgiving, tired of crying into my pillow at night, tired of living in this chaos... Constantly being silent... as if not noticing... Pretending that it doesn’t hurt, afraid of losing... I’m so tired of all this...

If I survive this day without him, then I’ll cope later...

The poster says: TIRED? HAVE A REST!

Tired of pain and other mistakes.

How tired I am - Only God knows... Although I didn’t tell Him everything... But if He was able to believe in me... I’ll rest for the night... And that’s it - I’ll start over!

Tired is when you come home and don’t turn on the computer. No, it's dead...

Everything is fine. Just tired. From everything. And everyone.

I'm tired and want to go to my arms, but what kind of arms do I want to go to the Maldives?

I decided to be kind... Still, there aren’t enough cartridges for everyone!!!

A person gets tired of everything, and even of love.

Sometimes you really want to cry, but you don’t know the reason... it’s just that everything is somehow tired, painful, overwhelming...

Caught a cold. I'm sneezing. I'm already tired of making wishes...

I’m tired, ... I can’t do it anymore, and my heart is in splinters, as if in delirium, the splinters don’t go away over the years, over the years sometimes they break out. And the memory, the infection, does not let go, I forgave... then why does this happen(?)

My guardian angel was tired, apparently he just left, flapping his wings, maybe I offended him with something, I boasted a lot about my strength.

Sometimes even a bitch wants to be a white fluffy kitten.

A woman gets tired not from work and worries, but from the cruel indifference and misunderstanding of those she loves.

The most long-awaited meeting of the whole day is the meeting with the bed.

Sometimes there are moments when you want to go somewhere away from everything and everyone. Don't live in memories, don't think about anything. Just go... to where it’s quiet and peaceful

Fatigue is the best indicator that the day was not in vain!

Someday this moment will come - I will get tired of waiting for you. I’ll get tired of making plans, thinking about you. And I'll leave...

But she was happy and knew almost no tears... Through pain and screaming: I AM STRONG, she whispered: I’m tired...

As my teacher once said: “Are you tired? Tired is when you fall asleep on a roller coaster!”

I will urgently scrap the self-destruction program.

Ah, winter, winter!!! And we scold you and condemn you, but you still don’t leave... come on, scratch it already, from here until December!!!)))

By the time the New Year arrives, I’m always terribly tired... And only my money gains wings, and my wallet feels extraordinary lightness!

I'm tired of this city. I'm tired of being here without you.

I'm so tired of everything!!! It looks like I have what’s his name, vitamin deficiency... lack of sleep... loss of money... lack of energy...

I'M TIRED of being STRONG, I want to be WEAKER... It's hard to have nerves of iron... After all, the weak in life are usually pitied, and the STRONG are pushed off cliffs out of spite...

A woman sleeps so little that a man is always getting enough sleep for her...

And in the morning there is coffee and a tired look. Yes, everything is fine... But it’s enough...

I'm strong - and that's a plus. But I’m so tired - that’s a minus...

For a very tired person, the princess is a frog, and the stone is a pillow.

Idleness sometimes makes you more tired.

Fatigue is not a reason to take it out on your loved ones.

I have nowhere to put your promises!!!

You didn’t believe me so often that one day I stopped believing you...

I’m tired of falling asleep at night without you, I would of course endure it, but I can’t wait that long.

Instead of words there were ellipses... instead of shine... tears in my eyes... how I want to go back to childhood... to a girl with a smile on her lips...

Tired of being steel!

It’s very difficult for me, you hear, without you, this world has become so uncomfortable And the word “we” suddenly turned into “I” And I’m tired of it.

I decided to solve the crossword puzzle. I GUESSED ONE WORD and was tired.

I’m tired of sweeping away the fragments of my stupid, fragile love from my soul...

God, teach him to write first. I'm tired.

The only person who never gets tired, even when her legs give way from fatigue, is... a woman... a real woman.

You are proud. And I'm tired.

I began to look at the globe more and more often..., especially at the areas of uninhabited islands...

I want to get tired... Tired of Happiness!

Statuses about everything I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired

If it gets really bad, call me. We will smoke together, even if we quit, even if we smoke with each other.

Some idiot is now cutting his wrists, trying to die, and at the same time, somewhere, a child is dying, who so wanted to live...

Sorry dear, but I'm tired. Forgive me, but I'll go. I've been looking for the key for too long, but I can't see the right thing in my heart.

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

There is no point in happiness if there is no one to share it with...

I have heard a lot in life - promises, oaths, but the best thing I have heard is silence. There are no lies in it.

There are times when the best lighting for your further path is a flaming bridge behind you!

No one knows what is really in the soul of a person who always smiles at everyone...

When people do not agree on the main thing, they diverge over trifles.

Some people have something to remember, while others have only what they want to forget.

The resentment will go away, the trust will not return.

We are often not happy with life, and we often do things where we take revenge only on those who are hurt... For those who don't care...

People who hurt us don’t want to do us harm, they want to do themselves good!

The station saw more sincere kisses than the registry office. And the walls of the hospital heard more sincere prayers than the church.

It will take some time! And you will come to my page... Perhaps, not at all by chance... You will look at my photo, where I smile sweetly and tenderly. And it will hurt you when you realize that I will never be closer than on the monitor...

They got it with theirs: “everything will be fine.” It will be, I know... But I feel bad now...

Sometimes we say the most frank things as a joke, so that no one understands that it is true...

What a pity that memory cannot be killed. She alone is ruining our lives. How painful it is to remember everything and live... With the ridiculous phrase: “Time heals”

It's hard when a person is in your thoughts more often than next to you.

Bitter tears quietly fell on the pillow... I am not your love, but just a toy...

We hide tears behind dark glasses, bad moods behind smiles, broken hearts behind beautiful appearance. And people think that everything is always fine with us...

In our world, in order to be loved, you need to have beautiful breasts, butt, face, but the soul is just... a public toilet.

I know that sometimes ships sink at sea. They, like me, swam into someone’s heart, but could not get out of there.

Not to miss. Not to wait. Do not believe. Not to love. Does not work.

It's so painful, it's insulting. It’s so hard if you love him and see that everything is fine with him.

You will open your whole soul to him, and he will tell you “it’s clear...”

And it doesn’t seem to be sad... And it doesn’t even hurt... My soul is simply empty... And tears involuntarily...

When you feel bad because of one person, you feel sick of the whole world......

Sometimes the happiest moments become the saddest memories.

Time heals almost everything. Just give it time.

Just don't cry, just don't break down... You need to smile, just smile...

Friends say in my ear: “Everything will be fine, just don’t lose heart!” I nod to them dryly: “Everything will be fine”... And I fall, I fall, I lose heart...

  • my mood began to change so often...that I no longer understand whether I’m feeling good or bad? depression or mental joy? I don’t know.. that’s why I don’t want to live.. because in this life you’re still missing.
  • I certainly don’t want to live without you, but I can
  • And I don't want to live anymore. no, not because he doesn't notice or we're just friends. No. I just don't want to. there's no point anymore. not because of him. but I live because I love my parents, friends, and loved ones and I don’t want to cause them such pain.
  • I don't want to live anymore. but I live. I don’t want to love but I love... I want to scream in pain but I’m silent. and only HE helps me cope with all this... only he... I should be grateful to him... but alas. he's been seeing me for a long time
  • What a paradox: just today I thought that I don’t want to live, that I don’t need anything, I’m tired of everything and it won’t get better... but damn, I had to write to him, give him a hint... and I suddenly realize that I’m suffocating with happiness and I love him so much life! but most importantly...I love HIM so much!
  • I don't want to live like in the series anymore..
  • I don’t want to live for someone, I want to live for myself... now I won’t think about someone, dream, love, suffer... I will become that girl who can only say... that now we are only friends.. .)
  • I don’t want to live... and in this you helped me even more... I’m sitting with my laptop near the window, their photo is open on the laptop... I look out the window... it’s raining... I’m sitting crying and I hate this cruel world...¦
  • - I want to live a real life, I don’t want to live in dreams anymore... - Do you have a last wish? - You said that you can read my thoughts...
  • I don't want to live with a cheapskate like you! Here is your wedding ring! -Where is the box?
  • Damn, it really infuriates me when all sorts of fagots who have a lot of guys, friends, and life is great, say, “teach me to love life” or “nobody loves me. I don’t want to live” shut up bitch. Live and Enjoy Life!
  • - Free cash register! “My wife left me, my car was stolen, my house burned down, and my children live with someone else’s uncle!” I don't want to live anymore! - What do we have to do with it? - Give me one hamburger! - Guy, don’t do this, you’re still young!
  • Good husbands are not chosen, they are raised
  • How often people you would sell your soul for disappoint you. You found the sea for them, and they threw you onto land.
  • and our parents have already determined our life: “we’ll have a wedding and we’ll have two wonderful kids - a boy and a girl.” If only they knew how we fight every day..
  • People were given speech to hide their thoughts. Talleyrand
  • How good life is when you are surrounded by your parents, friends, you are healthy and beautiful, everything is in your hands and as you want, so it will be. Your failures are all the little things in life that give you invaluable experience.
  • Life is learned from books and works of art, perhaps even more than from life itself. Theodore Dreiser
  • If you are afraid to do something, then this is exactly what you need to do first.
  • I'm awesome, my girl is awesome, and in general life is a fucking thing)
  • You can't escape life's lessons.

Forget the past. They don’t leave the good ones, and they don’t return to the bad ones.

Sometimes a wild melancholy comes over you, you get up, go to the window, look at the stars, decide to change your life, and then sit back at the computer.

Don't try to hold someone back. You shouldn't be jealous of someone. Believe me, if a person feels good with you, he will not go anywhere.

Sometimes she just wanted to stop someone on the street, someone good, kind-looking, and say: “I feel bad.” Virginia Woolf "Mrs. Dalloway"

Each of us is dedicated. To someone or someone.

People do not change... The person who is, will remain so, his essence is constant. And then you make a choice: accept him like this or part with him forever.

When I leave, I’m really leaving... I can try to return it, but it’s unlikely that I’ll at least turn around...

"Time is passing!" - you are used to speaking due to an established incorrect concept. Time is eternal: you pass!

Never tell a person that you can’t live without him... you can, if you have a mind in your head... but your eyes will become different and it will be difficult to breathe at first...

A handful of people incapable of physical intimacy. It’s so easy to tell the monitor about the most intimate things, but to say “hello” when meeting is a colossal problem.

You need to cry when the rain is crying... Then it will be unclear which of you is shedding tears

Once in your life there comes a time when you lie on the floor, look up and realize - you don’t want to fight anymore.

The wider you open your arms, the easier it is to crucify you.

Life is what happens to you just when you have completely different plans...

Yes, they say that failure makes us stronger, but it's hard to breathe when no one believes in you.

Life is beautiful even when tears are flowing down your cheeks... but when you cry, you don’t think so...

You will sit and be sad until you understand that no one will color your life except you.

Life gives you a lot of topics to think about, but little time!

It's a pity that life can't be photoshopped... cut off sadness, draw happiness, cover up loneliness and make love brighter.

Life is controlled by two people - Horseradish and Toad, horseradish knows everything, and the toad strangles everyone...

Life is designed in such a way that when you are sad, you can only find peace with someone who is also feeling bad...

In life, anything can happen, after all the bad things that have happened in your life, good things can still happen. You just need to be able to wait and not give up. And you will be fine

Those people who have forgiven most often and endured the longest usually leave once and for all!

Perhaps the whole meaning of this life comes down to being needed by at least someone. After all, if no one thinks about you, then it’s as if you don’t exist...

But this is really scary. It's scary to live your whole life and end up completely alone. No family, no friends, no one.

Life is a dangerous adventure that never ends well for anyone...

And I closed the gates to my soul. Someone simply cannot understand me... They often tell me that I am beautiful... I would like to exchange beauty for happiness...

There are fragments of the horror of existence in my soul. It's like you're in the other world. And what is not surprising is not above, but below: suffering, torment, ugliness, pain. Aversion to life awakens before the fear of the gaze of death in the still living.