Summary of a drawing lesson in the junior group “Ladybug. Notes on visual arts (modeling) for the second junior group “Ladybug”

Program content: Teach children to draw an expressive image of the Ladybug; Improve the technique of painting with gouache, the ability to correctly draw with a brush and a cotton swab; Develop a sense of shape and color; To cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, to arouse a desire to protect wildlife and interest in insects.



Lesson notes

according to fine arts

in the second junior group

on the topic of:

Drawing "LADYBUG"


Grigorieva E.V.

Naberezhnye Chelny, 2014

Program content:

  • Teach children to draw an expressive image of the Ladybug;
  • Improve the technique of painting with gouache, the ability to correctly draw with a brush and a cotton swab;
  • Develop a sense of shape and color;
  • To cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, to arouse a desire to protect wildlife and interest in insects.


  • Sheets of paper;
  • Gouache red and black;
  • Brushes and cotton swabs;
  • Backing sheets, pour-on containers with water, napkins for blotting brushes.

Visual material:

  • Ladybug toy or picture of a ladybug.

Preliminary work:

  • Watching a ladybug.
  • Learning nursery rhymes:


black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit on chairs. The melody of the song "Ladybug" is playing.


Oh, look at the meadow

A small bug is flying.

(The teacher hums, imitating the flight of a bug)

Right on your palm

This little one sat down.

(The teacher shows the hand on which the toy Ladybug sits.)

Educator: Guys, today this insect came to visit us. Tell me please, what is it called?

Children: "Ladybug"

Educator: Well done guys! Do you recognize? This is a ladybug. We often met them during our walks. Tell me, what kind of ladybugs are they? Do you like them? Why? How should you behave when encountering this insect? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Now let’s become “Ladybugs”.

We are spinning around ourselves - we are spinning, we have turned into ladybugs!

Educator: Now let’s dance the “Ladybird” dance

  • We will now turn our hands into wings. Like this. (Quickly moves his fingers - these are “bug wings”; the children repeat his actions).
  • Our legs. Like this. (We rise on our toes).
  • And all the bugs can buzz quietly. Like this. F – F – F (Children repeat after the teacher).
  • Look, now you and I are real bugs. Let's fly!
  • We’ll buzz a little: w – w – w (Children fly like “bugs” around the whole hall and buzz).
  • Let's sit on the flowers. (Stand and squat slightly) - swing on flowers.

Educator: Well done, kids! You tried really hard. Guys, imagine that a ladybug has arrived. Shall we try to catch her?

(The teacher pretends to be trying to catch an imaginary bug. Performs grasping movements above his head: with one hand, the other hand, both hands at the same time).

Children repeat the movements shown.

Educator: Let's unclench our fists and see if we could catch the ladybug.

The children, following the teacher, slowly unclench their fists.

Educator: Did you catch a bug?

Children: no, the bug flew away.

Educator: I’m sure, guys, that none of you will ever offend the little bug. After all, compared to them, you are real giants. And the big and strong should protect the small and weak, and not offend. Guys, let's draw a ladybug in the air and show with our hands how beautiful it is. (Children follow the teacher).

Educator: Guys, we are now going to draw a ladybug on this piece of paper (show the piece of paper). Like this one. (Showing the completed sample drawing).

What shape is the back of the Ladybug? Round. What color? Red. It is convenient to paint the red back with a brush.

When painting the back, remember that you move the brush lightly, only in one direction.

Then rinse the brush thoroughly in one water, rinse in another and dip the bristles of the brush on a napkin. We paint with gouache paint, but she doesn’t like excess water. Now dip the bristles of the brush into black paint and draw the head of the Ladybug in a semicircle. Paint it over.

Draw mustaches on the head. How many are there? Two antennae - two small straight lines. Divide the back of the ladybug in half with a black line. Draw a line with the very tip of the brush bristle.

What color are the dots on the ladybug? Black? How many are there? Six. What will be more convenient for drawing dots? With a cotton swab.

Draw three dots on one side and three on the other. (The teacher helps the children as they work).

Educator: Guys, our lesson for today is over. What did you like most? (Answers). What beautiful ladybugs you guys made. Like real ones. Well done! Take care of them, do not offend them. Show all your friends, and moms and dads. And come up with a name for Ladybug.

Abstract of the NEO on artistic and aesthetic development in the second junior group on the topic: "Ladybug"

developed by teacher: Evlampieva O.V.

Goal: expand and clarify children's knowledge about insects.


  1. expand children's vocabulary on the topic: insects.
  2. instill in children a love of nature.
  3. develop speech, memory, attention, creativity.
  4. develop fine motor skills of the hand.

Integration of educational areas: Social and communicative development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.


Sheets of paper with the outline of ladybugs, gouache, brushes, napkins, cotton swabs, cups of water.

Preliminary work:

  1. Watching a ladybug on a walk. Conversation in a circle with children, looking at pictures of insects. Reading riddles.
  2. Learning nursery rhymes:

Black head
Fly to the sky
Bring us some bread

Black and white
Just not burnt.

GCD move:

Organizational moment: Gathering of children to music in a common circle. Carrying out spatial orientation tasks with children. Raise your arms up, arms to the sides, behind your back, stop, take a step forward, step back, step to the right, step to the left. Then the teacher says: let’s hold hands and smile at each other.

Educator: Guys! I'll tell you a riddle now. A red, small lump, with a few dots on its back, it doesn’t scream or sing, but crawls along a leaf. (Ladybug)

Children: Ladybug.

Educator: That's right, well done! Please tell me what insects do you know? Educator: let's pass the flower around in a circle and name the insects. Children take turns naming insects (Children's answers) butterfly, ant, grasshopper, dragonfly, bee. Educator: that's right, well done guys!


And now I suggest you do finger exercises about a ladybug together.

black head, (clench and unclench your fists)
Fly to the sky (raise your hands up)
Bring us bread (put your hands to your chest)

Black and white (clench fists alternately)
Just not burnt. (threaten with finger)

Educator: Guys, look at the picture and tell me which ladybug?

Children's answers: (round, red, beautiful, with mustache).

Educator: Maybe some of you saw her?

(children's answers) Yes, on a walk.

Educator: I suggest you play a game: Earth, water, air. The teacher chooses the driver, and the remaining players stand in a circle. The driver begins to walk in front of the players and touch each of the children with his hand. At the same time he says: Water, earth, air.” He stops in front of some player. If the driver stops at the word air, then the player must name the bird. If you stopped on the word "Earth" then you need to name the animal, If "water" either a fish or a sea creature living in the water.

Educator: Well done, guys! We had fun playing. Now let's color the ladybugs in beautiful, bright outfits with black dots. Do you agree?

Educator: Let's prepare our fingers for work, let's play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics
Let's count our fingers together
We call insects (compress and unclench)
Butterfly, grasshopper, dragonfly

This is a beetle with a green belly. (bend your fingers into a fist one by one)
Who's calling here? (rotate with little finger)
Oh, a mosquito is flying here!
Hide! (we hide our hands behind our backs).

Educator: Guys, we are now going to decorate the ladybug. Like this one. (Show picture). What shape is the back of a ladybug? Round. What color? Red. It is convenient to paint the red back with a brush. When painting the back, remember that you move the brush lightly, only in one direction. Then rinse the brush thoroughly in one water, rinse in another and dip the bristles of the brush on a napkin. Now let's take a cotton swab, pick up black paint and draw dots, and then the cow's head - a semicircle, paint it with black paint. Divide the back of the ladybug in half with a black line. Draw a line with the very tip of the brush bristle. And draw the grass with green gouache in straight lines.

Educator: Let's have a rest. I suggest you stand in a circle and do our physical exercise. /Perform actions in accordance with the content of the poem/

Our scarlet flowers open their petals,
The breeze breathes a little,
The petals are swaying,
Our scarlet flowers cover their petals,

Quietly falling asleep
They shake their heads.

Result: Educator: Guys, what beautiful ladybugs you turned out, I suggest you decorate our drawing corner with your works.

Integration of areas“Cognition”, “Artistic creativity”, “reading fiction”.

Program content:

Introduce the ladybug to children - to form a concept about insects; evoke an emotional response; expand children's ideas about summer;

Strengthen basic appliqué skills;

Develop imagination and thinking;

Cultivate accuracy, perseverance, patience; respect for nature.

Equipment: a beautiful box, a toy - a ladybug, black ovals, red circles and semicircles according to the number of children, glue, rags, oilcloths, black felt-tip pens, a sheet of tinted paper - “clearing”.

Progress of the lesson

I draw the children's attention:

Guys, look what I brought you today!

I show the children a beautiful box:

What do you think might be in it? (children's assumptions).

I look into the box:

Do you know what's there? Guess:

Red wings, black peas.
Who is this walking on my palm?

This babe puts it on
The dress is red with polka dots.
And he can fly deftly

That's right, guys, it's a ladybug. A ladybug is actually a beetle, an insect with such an unusual coloring. It has an oval body, bright red or orange, decorated with black dots. Ladybug can crawl and fly. She has wings.

Guys, what do you think these insects eat? (children's answers) Ladybugs are very useful insects. They eat other insects - “harmful” ones that live on plants that people need, eat and destroy them.

It's summer now and we often see ladybugs on the street. What do you think they do in winter? (Children's answers). They “sleep” correctly. In winter, ladybugs hide under the bark of trees, in dry snags, stumps, and even burrow into the ground.

Physical education minute.

We are ladybugs - fast and dexterous!

(running in place)

We crawl along the lush grass,

(wave-like movements with hands)

And then we’ll go for a walk in the forest.

(walking in place)

Blueberries and mushrooms in the forest

(reach up)

Tired legs from walking


And we have been wanting to eat for a long time...

Let's fly home soon!

(“flying” to the tables)

Materials for making appliqué are prepared on the tables.

Well done, guys! Now let’s make such beautiful and bright ladybugs with you (show the children various options for finished works). The black oval is the body and head of our ladybug, the red circle (semicircle) is her wings. Let's put our cow in the clearing.

Children, following the example of the teacher, post images.

How different ladybugs are for everyone. Well, now let's glue our work. We will apply glue to the parts on oilcloth and start with the black body. Gently press the piece onto the clearing with a cloth. Now the wings...

Children perform the applique as shown by the teacher.

Guys, look, what is our insect missing? (black dots on the wings) That's right, let's take a black felt-tip pen and draw them.

I hang all the work on the board:

Well done guys, look what a wonderful clearing we have.

Ladybug climbs
On a blade of grass very deftly.
Wings like petals
And dots turn black on them.
The back is visible from afar -
It's bright red.
I'll take it in my palm,
I'll chat with her a little.
About the weather and about children,
And then it’s time for her to fly.
Spreads its wings deftly
And my little cow flies!

Open lesson

in drawing in the second junior group

Theme: "Ladybug"

Program content:


1. Teach children to draw an expressive image of an insect.

2. Continue learning how to create a composition based on a green leaf.

3. Improve the technique of painting with gouache, the ability to combine two drawing tools - a brush and a cotton swab.

4. Develop a sense of shape and color, interest in insects.

5. Evoke an emotional response in children to the content of the poem about the ladybug.
6. Cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, understand its fragility, and evoke a desire to protect it.


A toy “Ladybug” or a picture (photo) depicting a ladybug. Sheets of paper cut in the shape of a leaf and tinted green. Gouache red and black. Brushes and cotton swabs.

Backing sheets, pour-on containers with water, napkins for blotting brushes.

Preliminary work:

1. Watching a ladybug.

2. Learning nursery rhymes:


black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, look who's visiting us today!, (Show a picture or toy). Do you recognize?
This is a ladybug We often met ladybugs during our walks.
Tell me, what kind of ladybugs are they? Do you like them? Why? How should you behave when encountering this insect?

Ladybugs need to be protected correctly. Listen to the story written by Andrey Usachev. It tells the story of one ladybug.


Once upon a time there lived a ladybug. One day she came out of her house and saw the bright sun. And it saw a ladybug. He smiled and tickled her with warm rays. And when the sun illuminated the back of the ladybug, everyone saw that she had no spots. All the insects in the area began to laugh at her.

What kind of ladybug are you if you don’t have black spots, they said.

“You’re just a red beetle,” others echoed. Even the sun disappeared behind the clouds. And the ladybug began to cry, but then the sun came out again. Ladybug stopped crying, turned her face to the sun, and they began to smile at each other.

Let's help the ladybugs find the black spots. Now we will draw a ladybug with black spots. Do you agree? But first we will do some physical education.

Physical education lesson “Ladybugs”.

We are ladybugs (jumping) -

Fast and agile (running in place)!

We crawl along the lush grass (wave-like movements with our hands),

And then we’ll go for a walk in the forest (we go in a circle).

In the forest there are blueberries (we stretch up) and mushrooms (we crouch)…

My legs are tired from walking (bending)!

And we’ve been wanting to eat for a long time (we’re stroking our tummy)…

Let’s fly home soon (“fly” us to our seats)!

Guys, we are now going to draw a ladybug on this green leaf (show the leaf). Like this one. (Showing the completed sample drawing).

What shape is the back of the Ladybug? Round. What color? Red. It is convenient to paint the red back with a brush.

When painting the back, remember that you move the brush lightly, only in one direction.

Then rinse the brush thoroughly in one water, rinse in another and dip the bristles of the brush on a napkin. We paint with gouache paint, but she doesn’t like excess water. Now dip the bristles of the brush into black paint and draw the head of the Ladybug in a semicircle. Paint it over.

Draw mustaches on the head. How many are there? Two antennae - two small straight lines. Divide the back of the ladybug in half with a black line. Draw a line with the very tip of the brush bristle.

What color are the dots on the ladybug? Black? How many are there? Six. What will be more convenient for drawing dots? With a cotton swab.

Draw three dots on one side and three on the other.

What beautiful ladybugs you guys made. Like real, live ladybugs. Well done!

Olga Shuvaikina

Program content- Teach children to draw bright, expressive images of insects. Show the possibility of creating a composition based on a green leaf cut out of paper by the teacher. Evoke an emotional response to beautiful natural objects. Improve your painting technique.

Develop a sense of shape and color.

Materials, equipment - Green leaves, gouache paints red and black. brushes, cotton swabs, jars of water, brushes, napkins. Picture of a ladybug.

Methods, techniques- Verbal: conversation, explanation.

Visual: viewing, showing.

Practical: independent work.

Gaming: didactic game.

GCD move:


Organizing time:

Guys! Do you remember what time of year it is now? (Summer). That's right summer. And in the summer there are a lot of insects flying and crawling.

Please tell me what insects do you know? (Answers)

(Children call insects at the forefront of the flower circle)

I'm not a turtle at all

Not a cow! I am a bug.

Red house above me

Like a shell behind your back.

These are wings

Everything is polka dot and painted.

If I don't want to crawl

I'll take it and fly!

R. Zaitseva

Who is the poem talking about? Correct about ladybug

Guys, someone came to visit us (a toy ladybug appears).

Learned? Who is this? (ladybug) .


Guys, tell me what kind of ladybug is it (round, red, beautiful, with antennae).

Do you like her? Why? (children's answers).

How about we fly like ladybugs?


Outdoor game "Ladybugs".

(Children run after the teacher in the group, waving their arms - “flying”).

The ladybug got tired and sat down in a beautiful clearing.

Oh guys, the ladybug doesn’t want to fly away, she’s probably bored alone. Let's make our ladybug happy and draw babies or friends for her. Only guys they should be like her

Let's decorate the ladybugs. Do you agree? Then let's get our fingers ready for work.


Finger gymnastics “Friendship”.

Boys and girls are friends in our group

(fingers rhythmically lock)

You and I will make friends little fingers

One two three four five

One two three four five


Demonstration of drawing technique.

Guys, we are now going to decorate the ladybug. Like this one. (Showing the completed sample drawing).

What shape is the back of a ladybug? Round. What color? Red. It is convenient to paint the red back with a brush.

When painting the back, remember that you move the brush lightly, only in one direction.

Then rinse the brush thoroughly in one water,

rinse in another and dip the bristles of the brush on a napkin. We paint with gouache paint, but she doesn’t like excess water. Now dip the bristles of the brush into black paint and draw the ladybug's head - a semicircle. Paint it over.

Divide the back of the ladybug in half with a black line. Draw a line with the very tip of the brush bristle.

What color are the dots on a ladybug? Black? How many are there? Six.

Draw three dots on one side and three on the other.


Guys, look what a beautiful, magical meadow we have, let's lay out our ladybugs in our magical meadow.

What wonderful ladybugs you have made, now they look like their mother - red wings and black dots!

Publications on the topic:

Goal: to improve the skill of plucking small pieces of plasticine from a whole piece, to practice rolling balls and pressing with the index finger.

Summary of an integrated lesson on artistic creativity for children of the junior group “Ladybug” Summary of an integrated lesson in artistic creativity for children of the younger group. Topic: "Ladybug". Summary of the integrated.

Educational field: Artistic and aesthetic development (relief modeling) Purpose: To arouse interest in creating the image of a “ladybug”.

Abstract of GCD for unconventional drawing “Ladybug” Summary of GCD for unconventional drawing “Ladybug” Author. Andryushchenko Elena Vladimirovna Educator of the Central Regional Educational Institution No. 2, Kropotkin.

Goal: To enrich parent-child relationships with the experience of joint creative work. Objectives: Educational: to teach children to create expressive art.

Summary of educational activities in the second junior group “Ladybug on a leaf” Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution - combined type kindergarten No. 3 "Rainbow" in the city of Asino, Tomsk region.