Irkutsk Regional Theater for Young Spectators. Irkutsk Regional Theater for Young Spectators named after

Recently, he has increasingly begun to be mentioned in regional and central media. But not in connection with any particularly interesting performances, but for another, more prosaic reason. The ancient building of the Youth Theater is being destroyed, it is dangerous to be there. This was recognized by many special commissions, which allowed the artists to finalize the current season in the foyer and on the small stage - it is still relatively safe there.

“God forbid we wait for a collapse; it’s better to plan emergency operations clearly and in advance,” says the director of the Youth Theater, Viktor Stepanovich Tokarev. And the audience, as always, closely follows theatrical innovations.

Flour and leather as a gift

The same age as the last century, the Irkutsk Youth Theater has seen a lot in its lifetime. For more than 50 years, the theater has been located in one of the most beautiful buildings in the city. This house was bought by the Chita merchant of the first guild, Joseph Isaevich Giller, back in 1907. Soon the Central Hotel opened here, the Modern restaurant, a variety theater, and the first illusion theater in the city appeared.

At the beginning of the First World War, a military garrison was stationed in the building. For 600 people of the Siberian reserve artillery division, a theater foyer and basement were allocated. Soon, the merchant of the first guild had to forget about income forever - the real estate (houses and estates) of Sukachev, Tyshko, Patushinsky, Zverev, Rosen, Giller and other wealthy Irkutsk residents in 1918 were confiscated and transferred to the ownership of the Russian Federative Republic of Soviets. By inertia, the large brick building between Amurskaya and 1st Soldatskaya streets (soon also renamed) was called Giller’s house for a long time. But life filled it with other - although also theatrical - content.

In the spring of 1928, TRAM, the theater for working youth, appeared in Irkutsk. Future actors and actresses were selected as expected - according to a competition, and it was similar to today in Shchukinskoye; Thirty were selected from several hundred applicants.

The plays were also staged to suit the times, revolutionary and propaganda. "TRAM... should not use plays from the classical repertoire... They are unsuitable because their content does not correspond to the content of the work of the Komsomol..."

What time, such are the plays.

Irkutsk theater youth gathered at the Maratov Workers' Club. Eyewitnesses recall that the room was very beautiful; the ceiling was painted, for example, by young Boris Lebedinsky, the future People's Artist of Russia. It was said that the amazing blue and gold colors were requisitioned from church supplies.

The chefs - tannery workers - supported the artists. At Galina Kramova’s benefit evening, they brought gifts onto the stage to the stormy applause of the audience: a bag of flour and a piece of leather for shoes. The actress, beaming with joy, pressed soft, velvety skin to her face.

In 1936, after much negotiation and debate, the theater moved to Giller’s former house. And a year later, the Irkutsk TRAM received not only its own home, but also a new name: the theater for young spectators.

"Waiting for a natural playwright"

The archives of the Irkutsk Youth Theater contain old posters and programs. The ideology changed, the party line changed and, accordingly, the dramaturgy. Children's performances remained unchanged.

One of the most striking plays, “Puss in Boots” (based on Perrault’s fairy tale), was written by Irkutsk playwright Pavel Malyarevsky. The author of the music was also an Irkutsk resident, a talented conductor and composer Pavel Gogolev. These two names would later form the Irkutsk theatrical-fairytale era. Although this pre-war “Cat” was not free-thinking and independent, like other cats. “Overcoming many obstacles, he achieves the desired goal, finds happiness for the working people,” wrote “East Siberian Truth” about the play.

In the winter of 1941, the Youth Theater was sent on tour to Cheremkhovo. Its premises are occupied by the Moscow Theater of Satire, which arrived on tour in the capital of the Angara region. In the troupe there is a constellation of folk, honored ones: Lyubeznov, the Khenkin brothers, Milyutina, Dimant.

Having returned home, Irkutsk residents continue to work hard on their repertoire (Lermontov's "The Spaniards", Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night", plays by Schiller, Goldoni, plays from the Soviet repertoire).

The theater preserved the notebook of the oldest actor Pyotr Ivanovich Lavrov, which very accurately and in detail, day after day, recorded the work of the troupe during the war years, performances, countless concerts in front of the soldiers. The talented, erudite playwright Malyarevsky was then in charge.

Irkutsk poet Anatoly Prelovsky, laureate of the USSR State Prize, spoke about his meeting with him in post-war Moscow:

"- Here, I’m preparing a book... I’ve cut out a lot: it’s weak! I think I’ll stage another play... But what have you done in your life? Not enough! You’re in a hurry, otherwise you won’t have time, you’ll regret it like I do now.

And he laughed conspiratorially, as always:

Who will continue me? There's almost no one...

Who are you waiting for, Pavel Grigorievich?

And the playwright... from dramaturgy. Natural. This has not yet been born in Irkutsk. But it should... There is a theater, there is soil. Well, what kind of traditions..."

Did Malyarevsky think, did he know that at that very time a small book, “A Coincidence of Circumstances,” was already being published in Irkutsk, where a natural playwright from dramaturgy, Alexander Vampilov, was featured in scenes of urban Siberian life? It seems he never met his insightful predecessor...

"Don't you dare play that crap!"

The Irkutsk Youth Theater was already one of the best in the country in the early 60s. Its great fame is the sum of many components: talented actors and directors, musicians, artists, interesting drama. Theater Moscow, critics, theater experts and simply lovers of theatrical novelties have often come to Irkutsk. And Irkutsk parents frightened the children: if you don’t study well, you won’t go to the Golden Key. They say it helped. In addition to “Klyuchik”, the post-war Youth Theater showed “Vasilisa the Beautiful” and “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “The Tale of the Buffoon and Tsar Pea”, and also “Cinderella”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Silver Hoof”, “Puss in Boots” . Adult, “evening” dramaturgy was represented by plays by Arbuzov, Roshchin, Aksenov, Afinogenov, and later by Shukshin, Rasputin.

The audience at the evening performances was the most diverse: workers, students and scientists, pensioners, housewives and elegant society ladies. What attracted people to Tyuzov’s performances was a keen sense of time, the director’s and actor’s audacity and skill, and culture.

Among the crowd of spectators, the black-haired, brown-eyed young man did not stand out much. But those close to him knew: the young writer, playwright Vampilov. Here, at the Youth Theater, Alexander later brought his first play - “Farewell in June”.

“I read it and the next morning I gathered the artistic council,” recalls the former head of the Youth Theater Evert Korsakov. - He suggested including Vampilov’s play in the plan additionally. The Arts Council almost unanimously rejected my proposal: I can’t forgive myself for not insisting on my own then.

The fate of the plays of the young playwright to match the author is also tragic. A few years later, the Ministry of Culture, by a special resolution, banned their production in Soviet theaters. Of course, “Duck Hunt” was subjected to special ostracism.

People's Artist of Russia Veniamin Filimonov said: “Once the head of my course at Shchukinsky asked: “What are you staging? Are you thinking of defending yourself?” And when I called “Duck”, she flew into the air: “Don’t let me hear that again! To stage a play about this scumbag Zilov..." I began to object, saying that I interpret Zilov in a completely different way, not as a scumbag. She interrupted me: "Not only is Zilov a scumbag, he also takes upon himself the right to condemn others! If you don’t stop this idea, I’ll turn the whole school against you and you won’t be able to defend yourself.”

It was the spring of 1974, the brilliant Irkutsk playwright had been gone for more than a year.

Non-creative problems

In 1982, Vyacheslav Kokorin came to the theater. His six years as a director are a new era in the history of the Irkutsk Youth Theater.

The new director preferred to dig up something new, unusual, and loved unexplored paths. He surprised the public with his experiments and knew how to unite talented people. The most interesting artists worked with him: Viktor Nikonenko (today he stages plays in Europe), the daughter of the famous poet Tatyana Selvinskaya. During the Kokorin period, “Pilgrims” were born at the Youth Theater - the old orchestra had already disbanded at that time, the music of Vladimir Sokolov was one of the main components of the performances.

Irkutsk theatergoers remember many of the famous performances of the 80s - “Burn, Shine My Star”, “Cain”, “Ward Number Six”, “Hamlet”. The plays were generally selected, the most acute, problematic ones, endless sell-outs were for “The Night Tale”, “Who if not you?”, “Stop Malakhov”. Discussions and debates raged in the theater and newspapers; central newspapers and magazines began to write a lot about the Youth Theater, which does not happen very often.

The theater was named after Alexander Vampilov in 1987. But times gradually changed. Vyacheslav Kokorin left the theater a year later, 13 actors left with him. The traces of the dramatic events that had just happened in the theater were felt everywhere, recalled director Alexander Ishchenko.

The countdown to the new century at the Irkutsk Youth Theater began with actor and director by training Viktor Tokarev - in 2001 he became director of the theater. In addition to many creative problems, Viktor Stepanovich was faced with solving a very difficult and expensive task: saving an ancient, slowly dying building.

In the last decade, no renovations have been carried out here - there is no point. We are awaiting the start of a major renovation, keeping the building clean and in good working order with basic communications. We live, we hope, we work.

In two years, the Irkutsk Youth Theater will turn eight decades old. Eighty in total. There's a whole life ahead...

The Irkutsk Theater for Young Spectators named after A. Vampilov is one of the oldest youth theaters in Russia, which celebrated its 75th anniversary in October 2003. In 1928, the first troupe was recruited and the Theater of Working Youth (TRAM) was formed. The first performance based on the play of the Putilov worker Ivan Skorinko “Buzlivaya cohort" was shown on August 3, 1929. In 1937, the theater was reorganized and TRAM became a Youth Theater. The repertoire changed, a large place was devoted to children's and youth themes, plays were also staged for adult spectators

All the years of its existence, the Irkutsk Youth Theater has been guided by the traditions and school of Russian psychological theater. This direction is still followed today. In 1987, the Irkutsk Youth Theater was named after the famous playwright-compatriot Alexander Vampilov

The basis and creative core of the troupe are leading stage masters, from whom young people study - People's Artist of Russia Veniamin Filimonov, Honored Artists of Russia Valery Eliseev, Galina Protsenko, Lyubov Pochaeva, Nina Olkova, Lyudmila Strizhova, Nikolai Kabakov, stage veteran Oleg Mateosov. The theater's youth are wonderful and diverse.

Congratulations on your 75th birthday

Dear friends! I sincerely congratulate the team of the Irkutsk Regional Theater for Young Spectators named after. A. Vampilov, one of the oldest youth theaters in Russia, with a big and glorious anniversary - 75 years!

Your theater has always kept up with the times, focusing its work on the best examples of classical drama, attracting the attention of viewers to the problems of our time, striving to achieve the noble goals of developing spiritual and aesthetic values ​​among the younger generation.

Deep psychologism, high artistic truth, concern for the moral development of the personality of a young man became the basis of the creativity of the stage masters of the Irkutsk Youth Theater. V. Klimanova, T. Kozlitina, N. Kushnikova, N. Lysenko, P. Lavrov, P. Malyarevsky, P. Gogolev, S. Kazimirovsky, E. Korsakov, V. Simonovsky made a great contribution to its history and development , B. Preobrazhensky, L. Titov, V. Kokorin, V. Shesternikov, V. Zikora, L. Velyaminova, V. Gurkin and others.

Over the past decades of work, hundreds of thousands of Irkutsk residents and residents of the region have attended the theater’s performances. The artists' art was applauded by spectators from Siberia, the Far East, Central Asia, Ukraine, Mongolia, St. Petersburg, Moscow and other regions and cities.

The Irkutsk Theater for Young Spectators today is a well-coordinated and professional team, whose acting troupe includes such masters of the stage as People's Artist of Russia V. Filimonov, Honored Artists V. Eliseev, N. Olkova, L. Pochaeva, G. Protsenko, L. Strizhova , N. Kabakov, patriarch of the Tyuzov stage O. Mateosov. The coordinated work of technical and administrative personnel is important to ensure the creative process.

A special milestone in the history of the Youth Theater was the naming of it after our famous fellow countryman - playwright Alexander Vampilov. Imbued with hope and faith in man, remaining surprisingly modern, the creative legacy of A. Vampilov guides the creative path of the theater.

I wish all the workers of the Irkutsk Regional Theater a young viewer named after. A. Vampilov further fruitful work, interesting, deep and entertaining performances, responsive spectators, health and happiness to you and your loved ones.

I believe that our Youth Theater has many new creative discoveries ahead.

Governor of the Irkutsk Region Boris Aleksandrovich Govorin

Tokarev Viktor Stepanovich

In 1976 he graduated from the Irkutsk Theater School. After serving in the army in 1979 he came to the Irkutsk Youth Theater. While working as an artist, he staged on his stage the plays “Alexander Pushkin”, “...And I Was There...” and “The Snow Maiden” by A. Ostrovsky. In 1991, he was nominated by the team to the position of director. From 1995 to 1997, he trained as a director at the Mayakovsky Theater under the direction of People's Artist of the USSR A. A. Goncharov. In 1997 he was appointed chief director of the Youth Theater. Since 2001, director again. Staged the following plays: “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P. Malyarevsky, “The Stone Flower” by P. Bazhov, “Mowgli” by R. Kipling, “Twelve Months” by S. Marshak, “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by A. Pushkin, “Thumbelina” by H. Andresen , “Aibolit-2001” by K. Chukovsky, “The Eldest Son” and “We ran from the sunset” by A. Vampilov, “Baked pumpkin, or discord in Italian” by C. Goldoni.

Laureate of the I and II All-Russian theater festivals "Baikal meetings at Vampilov's". For screenwriting and directing work on a spiritual theme, he was awarded the. St. Innocent.

Stage director Yuvenaly Aleksandrovich Kalantarov

He staged 70 performances in Moscow and other Russian cities. Of these, 4 performances were in Irkutsk: “Talents and Fans” by Ostrovsky (1970), “Snow” by Yu. Chepurin (1971), “Two Fistfuls of Changes” by P. Muller (1971), “Cyrano de Bergerac” "E. Rostand (1972)

For every sage

A classic cocktail of women, money and love in 2 acts

(For adults only... And not only...)

Stage director, Honored Artist of Russia Yuvenaly Kalantarov (Moscow)

Artist Honored Artist of Ukraine and Crimea Yuri Surakevnch (Sevastopol)

Musical arrangement: Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Sergey Markidonov (Irkutsk)

Characters and performers:

Glumov art. Vladimir Privalov, art. Alexey Larionov

Glumova art. Lyudmila Popkova

Mamaev art. Mikhail Roizen

Mamaeva art. Marina Egorova, art. Elena Konstantinova

Krutitsky folk art. Russia Veniamin Filimonov, honored art. Russia Valery Eliseev

Gorodulin honored art. Russia Nikolay Kabakov

Kurchaev art. Aleksandr Kuznetsov

Turusin honored art. Russia Lyubov Pochaeva, honorable mention. art. Russia Galina Protsenko

Golutvin art. Nikolay Kulebyakin, art. Oleg Tupitsa

Mashenka art. Natalia Malamud, art. Tatyana Chadina

Manefa honored art. Russia Lyudmila Strizhova, art. Olga Tarnovskaya

Honored hanger art. Russia Lyubov Pochaeva, honored art. Russia Galina Protsenko, art. Maria Tolochko

Man (Krutitsky, Mamaev, Turusina) art. Mikhail Tsyban

Performance "For Every Wise Man" directed by Moscow director, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Yuvenaly Kalantarov on the stage of the Youth Theater. A. Vampilova once again gave reason to say that Ostrovsky is more topical and in demand today than ever. It's very modern. Human vices and passions, alas, remain unchanged, no matter what century we live in. And as long as humanity lives, just as long will virtue and vices live side by side. They are indestructible.

Juvenaly Kalantarov defined the theme of the play “On Every Wise Man” as follows: Glumov - glumovshchina - to mock. Glumov, a talented, serious person, perhaps an aspiring Swift or Saltykov-Shchedrin, spent years on the epigram, caused trouble, excited the audience, and suddenly told himself enough to fool around, he must finally start living. What does it mean to start living? Having a car, a dacha, a dowry, position, social status is a temptation to which we are all exposed. And, unfortunately, more and more people choose this path. Glumov committed a crime against himself and began to build a career on a crime against people against relationships of love and friendship. I bet everything on a lie. The prince of lies is Satan himself. And how did it end? Glumov was close to victory. But an accident occurred, according to Pushkin, “the invisible hand of God.” The weight fell off, supposedly. But Glumov is immortal. He continues in this world to fight for himself, for his right. There are people who elect him for all sorts of positions because he is a business person. It’s okay that he’s a dishonest person, a swindler. He's businesslike! There are many of these in post-reform Russia: talkers, swindlers, deceivers, swindlers. In our time, they have made large billions at the expense of “suckers”, you and me, who at that time were engaged in journalism, theater, teaching and treating children. These people are already in power. Personally, I think that there is hope: the Glumovs, who mock veterans, culture, the elderly, and children, will be pushed out of power.

The Irkutsk Regional Theater for Young Spectators named after Alexander Vampilov is one of the oldest youth theaters in Russia. It was founded in 1928 as the Theater of Working Youth (TRAM). In 1937, it was reorganized into the Theater for Young Spectators (TYUZ). The artists Vassa Klimanova, Nalezhda Kushnikova, Pyotr Lavrov, Taisiya Kozlitina, Vladimir Shesternikov, Nikolai Evtyukhov, Innokenty Korshunov brought fame to the Irkutsk Youth Theater.

The theater's activities have always been aimed at the patriotic and moral education of young people. The theater has a wide repertoire, staging Russian and foreign classics, fairy tales, and performances by contemporary authors on youth and school issues. During the year, the theater is visited by about 100 thousand spectators. The band is known in many cities of the country where it has been on tour - from the Far East to the Crimea, from Mongolia to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Since 1987, the theater has been named after the outstanding playwright of the 20th century, Alexander Vampilov.

The theater is a laureate of prestigious theater festivals: “Golden Knight” (Moscow), “Actors of Russia - Mikhail Shchepkin” (Belgorod), “Siberian Cat” (Kemerovo, Ulan-Ude) and others. In 2012, the Youth Theater named after. A. Vampilova became a participant in the International Theater Festival “Wandering Harlequin” (Italy).

Over the 90 years of activity, Vampilovites have visited all cities and towns of the Irkutsk region.

Over the years, the creative staff of the Youth Theater has produced well-known actors, directors, and playwrights in Russia and abroad: Pavel Malyarevsky (Irkutsk), Vladimir Gurkin (Moscow), Semyon Kazimirovsky (Sweden), Oleg Mokshanov (France) and others.

People's Artists of the Russian Federation were Vladimir Abashev (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), Vitaly Zikora (Moscow), Lyudmila Strizhova (Irkutsk), Veniamin Filimonov (Irkutsk).

Today the troupe employs seven “Honored Artists of the Russian Federation” and many talented young people. In recent years, performances based on the works of outstanding writers - fellow countrymen Valentin Rasputin and Alexander Vampilov - have become landmark productions. The award from the Governor of the Irkutsk Region was awarded to the play “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...” based on the story by Boris Vasiliev. The play “Legends of Gray Baikal,” based on Siberian folklore, was named the winner of the regional competition “Culture and Art of the Angara Region.”

Created in 1928 from young actors who participated in amateur club performances, in 1929 the first play “The Noisy Cohort” was shown. In the early years it was called TRAM (Theater of Working Youth). The performances contained much of the Blue Blouse, a kind of military propaganda brigade that was popular in those years. Gradually, Russian and foreign classics and fairy tales for young viewers entered the repertoire.

In 1937 the group received the status of the Theater for Young Spectators.

From the moment of its foundation, many actors linked their creative destiny with the theater until the end of their days - P. Lavrov, I. Korshunov, V. Shesternikov, N. Evtyukhov, M. Roshchin, Honored Artist of the RSFSR V. G. Klimanova. V. Ya. Konoplyansky, the head of the production department, N. T. Lysenko, the head of the musical part, the composer, and the head of the hairdressing workshop, V. M. Izmailova, devoted many years to the theater. The playwright, who was in charge of the literary department for a long time, played a major role in the development of the repertoire. His plays “Puss in Boots”, “Wonderful Treasure”, “Not Yours, Not Mine, but Ours” were first seen on the stage of the Youth Theater.

The most striking pre-war performance was The Gadfly. In the very first year of the war, the Youth Theater staged Malyarevsky’s fairy tale play “The Fall of the Island of Blutenbeil” - a poignant anti-fascist work, the greatest success in this performance fell to N. S. Evtyukhov. The play “Moskvichka” based on the play by V. Gusev was very popular.

After the war, the Youth Theater was famous for its performances staged by chief director Z. Vin. It was impossible to get into Jan Rainis' fairy tale "Blow the Wind", in which young actors K. Mylnikova and V. Korzun played the leading roles. The play “Cunning and Love” by Schiller, directed by K. V. Grushvitskaya, was a great success. B. Preobrazhensky, who built the action with jewelry precision, L. Titov, an adherent of the classical style, bright and shocking - entire eras in the life of the Youth Theater. In different seasons on the stage of the theater there were “Drama due to Lyrics”, “Shine, Shine, My Star”, “Night Tale”, “Lefty”, “Vanyushin’s Children”, the play “Forest Song” based on the play by Lesya Ukrainka was memorable, aroused keen interest in the Youth Theater (dir.). The Youth Theater was the first and only theater in the country to stage “High Voltage” by A. Platonov. I also remember “The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol. “City at Dawn” by A. Arbuzov turned out to be quite modern in the 1970s. The repertoire always included fairy tales: “The Magic Rings of Almanzor”, “The Brave Little Tailor”, “Little Mook”, “Pearls of the East”, “The Snow Queen”.

In recent years, especially after giving the theater its name, the Youth Theater has paid a lot of attention to the works of Siberian playwrights. Actors O. Mateosov, G. Protsenko, L. Pochaeva, V. Eliseev, O. Tarnovskaya, O. Mokshanov, N. Kabakov, V. Privalov, S. Snarsky, N. Olkova, L. Strizhova, V. Stepkin, V. Tokarev, L. Popkova, M. Roizen, etc. V. Filimonov, V. Eliseev, G. Protsenko were awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

A. Ishchenko’s productions were successful. He staged V. Shukshin's fairy tale "Until the Third Rooster", "Romeo and Juliet" by V. Shakespeare, "" and "Farewell in June" by A., "The Little Prince" based on the fairy tale by Exupery. The performances “Cinderella” by E. Schwartz, directed by V. Tovma, “The Snow Maiden” by A. Ostrovsky (directed by V. Tokarev) were successfully staged; the adventure novel by R. Sabatini “The Island of Captain Blood” was staged, staged by V. Tovma and A. Izmailova.

Along with older actors, a whole constellation of young actors takes part in the performances. At the annual festival “Irkutsk Spring” the winners were the following actors: Popkova (daughter of Baba Yaga, “Until the Third Rooster”), N. Kabakov (Andrei Belugin, “The Marriage of Belugin”), M. Tolochko (Annushka, “The Marriage of Belugin”), A. Izmailov (The Graceful Devil, “Until the Third Rooster”). The young artist N. Yudina was awarded a diploma from the conference “Youth. Creation. Modernity", the audience prizes were received by V. Privalov, A. Izmailov, V. Pradun, R. Mukhemedyarov. Irk was established in 1994. region Prize of the Foundation for the Promotion of Culture at the Faculty of Culture of the region. administration. One of the first this prize was awarded in 1996 to the Youth Theater actress L. Strizhova for her performance of the role of the old woman Anna in the play “The Deadline”.

Over the years of its activity, the Youth Theater has staged hundreds of performances that have been attended by millions of spectators.

Irkutsk Historical and local history dictionary. - Irkutsk: Sib. book, 2011

Young Spectator Theater Troupe

Over the years, the following actors played on the theater stage: V.I. Korzun, V.A. Filimonov, V.Ya. Konoplyansky, T.O. Zolotareva, T.S. Tuzovskaya, V.P. Manikhin, V.G. Klimanova, P.I. Lavrov, K.I. Tukaev, T.F. Kozlitina, M.I. Ermakova, I.G. Korshunov, V.I. Shesternikov, V.A. Eliseev, G.L. Protsenko, A.A. Buldakov, O.A. Tarnovskaya, Z.I. Zadorozhnaya, V.G. Zikora.

Today there are 35 artists in the troupe.

People's Artist of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Strizhova, Honored Artists of the Russian Federation Valery Eliseev, Galina Protsenko, Lyudmila Pochaeva, Nina Olkova, Nikolai Kabakov, Vladimir Privalov.

Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia Vladimir Bezrodnykh.

Honored cultural workers of the Russian Federation Tamara Terpugova, Lina Ioffe, Sergei Markidonov.


    Lyudmila Popkova,

    Oleg Tupitsa,

    Mikhail Roizen,

    Elena Konstantinova,

    Olga Derfler,

    Marina Egorova,

    Nikolay Leonidov,

    Vyacheslav Stepanov,

    Lyudmila Popkova,

    Valentina Pradun,

    Elena Grishchenko,

    Igor Bialous,

    Angela Markelova,

    Natalia Malamud,

    Nikolay Kulebyakin,

    Sergey Kuznetsov,

    Tatiana Chadina,

    Elena Ivochkina,

    Daria Sadovskaya,

    Dmitry Ivanov,

    Vadim Karionov,

    Evgeny Starukhin,

    Sergey Pavlov,

    Victoria Krinitskaya,

    Lyudmila Revtovich,

    Irina Kondenko.

Awards and achievements of the Irkutsk Youth Theater

In 2003, the theater became a laureate of the I International Theater Forum “Golden Knight” (Moscow).

The theater is a winner of the I, II, III, IV, V, festivals “Golden Knight”, I and II Interregional festivals for children and teenagers “Siberian Cat”, etc.

Projects and festivals of the Youth Theater named after. A. Vampilova

Festival "Blue Bird"- a festival of professional dramatic, musical, puppet theaters, amateur theater groups of the region creating performances addressed to children's audiences. Held in 2008, 14 creative teams took part.

Touring project "Theatrical booth" originated in 2006. Designed to bring theatrical art closer to spectators in remote villages, towns, small towns and regional centers of the Irkutsk region. In 2009, tours took place in the villages of Magistralny, Ulkan, Okunaysky, Klyuchi, Nebel and the village of Kazachinskoye, Kazachensko-Lena district, Irkutsk region, in the cities of Zima, Tulun, village. Kuitun, in the villages of Uyan, Tulyushka, Kundui, Kuitun district, in the cities of Usolye-Sibirskoye, Shelekhov. In 2010, the theater toured in Ust-Uda, in the villages of Svetlolobovo, Igzhey, Yugolok, Molka, Novaya Uda, and in the city.

Studios and clubs at the theater for young spectators

Studio "Moth"- children's plastic and dance studio at the Theater for Young Spectators named after. A. Vampilova. Created in 1997. Choreographer Arkady Veliyev has been working as the head of the studio for ten years. The purpose of this activity is the participation of young studio students in a theater performance.

Studio "Lark" is a vocal children's theater studio at the Theater for Young Spectators named after. A. Vampilova. Created in 1997. Head – Elena Zalepo. The main goal is the participation of children in theater productions. Literary club "Ellegy". Created in 2006. Ideological inspirer Lina Ioffe. At club meetings, the poetry of Boris Pasternak, Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva and other Russian poets is heard.

Repertoire of the theater for young spectators

The repertoire in the theater is for different ages, performances for children of younger and middle age, in evening performances there are Russian and foreign classics, youth themes.

    "Why are you leaving?" - Leonard Gersh, translation by Mich. Mishina. Director: Alexey Orlov

    “Scarlet Sails” - P. Morozov based on the works of A. Green. Director - Ksenia Torskaya.

    “Legends of gray Baikal” - L. Ioffe, V. Tokarev. Director - Honored Russian cultural worker Viktor Tokarev

    "The Decoration of the Shrew" - W. Shakespeare.

    “Stranger” - Yu. Klepikov. Director - Vyacheslav Sorokin (Moscow)

    "Fool" - Lope de Vega. Director - Lev Titov, Honored Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation

    "Cat's House" - S. Marshak. Director - Ksenia Torskaya

    "Bunny-Zznayka" - S. Mikhalkov. Director - Alexander Ishchenko, honorable mention. artist of the Russian Federation

    “Silver Hoof” - P. Bazhov. Production - Viktor Tokarev, honorable mention. cultural worker of the Russian Federation

    "Aibolit-2001" - K. Chukovsky, S. Markidonov. Production - Viktor Tokarev, honorable mention. cultural worker of the Russian Federation

    "Chipollino" - S. Prokofiev, I. Tokmakova. Director - Ksenia Torskaya

    "Thumbelina" - H.-H. Andersen.

    “I WAS too, a passer-by...” - M. Tsvetaeva. Director - Ksenia Torskaya.

History of the Youth Theater named after. A. Vampilova

The theater was founded in 1928 as TRAM (Working Youth Theatre). The first production by amateur artists is “The Noisy Cohort” by Ivan Skorinko. It was carried out in 1929 by professional director G.V. Brouwer, specially invited from Moscow.

In 1929, the TRAM team was already touring the cities and towns of Eastern Siberia.

In 1931, the public recognized the young theater as professional. In those early years, the foundation was laid for a professional troupe of stage masters: Pyotr Lavrov, Vassa Klimanova, Nadezhda Kushnikova, Taisiya Kozlitina, Vladimir Shesternikov, Nikolai Evtyukhov, Innokenty Korshunov and many others.

In 1934, the theater received permanent premises (Lenin St., 13), which belongs to it to this day, but requires restoration. Youth Theater is temporarily operating in another building - a branch of the theater, located on Lenin Street, 23.

In 1937, TRAM became the Youth Theater, which resulted in a change in the theater's repertoire, its reorientation towards performances for children and youth. The troupe consisted of 42 people.

During the Great Patriotic War, the theater team gave concerts and small performances in hospitals, factory floors and field camps. During the Great Patriotic War, the theater staged the following plays: “Twelfth Night” (1943, director Zakhary Vina), “Turandot, Princess of China” (1945, director G. A. Bogdanov), “Son of the Regiment”, “Youth of the Fathers” (director V. Ya. Moldavsky).

In 1987, the theater was named after the Irkutsk playwright. The theater staged several of his plays: “Farewell in June”, “The Suburb”, “Last Summer in Chulimsk”, “The Eldest Son”. In the playwright's anniversary year of 1997, the Irkutsk Youth Theater hosted the All-Russian festival "Baikal Meetings at Vampilov's", and the play "The Eldest Son" directed by Viktor Tokarev (now director of the theater) became the festival laureate.

The theater building consists of several buildings that appeared at different times, then united by common facades. The earliest part, facing Karl Marx Street, was built in 1860 as a residential building for the merchant V.N. Bryantsev, according to the project of A. E. Razgildyaev. In 1906-1907 entrepreneur I.I. Giller built an apartment building. In addition to the Central Hotel, there was a first-class restaurant "Modern", a cinema and concert hall "Globus" and a winter garden. Since 1937, the owner has been the Vampilov Theater for Young Spectators. The building is a typical product of perimeter development and has a very confusing layout.

The building of the Youth Theater, namely 3,210 sq. m of non-residential premises in the building on Lenina, 13, remain with the region. The appeal of the administrative directorate of the Ministry of Culture of Russia and Figaro LLC for recognition of ownership rights was rejected by the court of appeal. The first time the decision of the Irkutsk arbitration (the claim of the regional property ministry for recognition of property rights was satisfied in December) was canceled in June 2013, and in August the Federal Arbitration Court of the East Siberian District sent the case for re-examination.

During this time, the plaintiff clarified his requirements (now it was a question of recognition of ownership not for 3250.9, but for 3210.4 sq. m) and fulfilled all legal requirements aimed at formalizing ownership rights. Thus, the regional arbitration court again sided with the local department, and the administrative directorate of the Ministry of Culture and Figaro again filed an appeal. In their opinion, the Ministry of Property did not provide evidence of actual ownership of the premises. However, this time the January decision remained in force. The federal department can appeal it until September 2.

Interesting Facts about Youth Theater named after. A. Vampilova

On the initiative of the theater, a monument stone was erected at the site of Vampilov’s death.

In the mid-1980s, artists of the Irkutsk Youth Theater wrote poems in which they expressed their credo:

“Cleansing both your own and your neighbors’ souls from filth, We are getting better and everyone is getting better. Here, invisible threads stretch from heart to heart- There is no end to art, so create, create, create! Bringing to the stage the kindness in our acting souls, We play love, we hear the smell of fake flowers. Tears in our hearts and hot tears on our makeup... There is no end to art - people, be like this in life!”


Address: Irkutsk, Lenin street, 13.


  1. Dubovtseva I. They treat not only with medications // Theater. life. - 1964. - No. 24.
  2. Irkutsk Theater for Young Spectators: Prospect. - Irkutsk, 1962.
  3. Levikova A. Baba Vassa // Theater. life. - 1962. - No. 18.
  4. Levikova A. City in the sunshine // Ibid. - 1968. - No. 12.
  5. Gavrilina A. The reflection of a red scarf // Man at the ramp. - Irkutsk, 1970.
  6. Tokarev V. In an effort to do good // Irk. ramp - Irkutsk, 1994.
  7. Irkutsk Theater for Young Spectators named after A. Vampilov on the website
  8. Kazimirovsky Solomon, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, director
  9. The honorary title was awarded by Decree of the President of Russia No. 350 of April 10, 2006
  10. Awarded by Decree of the President of Russia No. 1614 of November 17, 2008


  1. Elena Korkina The building of the Youth Theater remained with the Irkutsk region // Competitor: newspaper - June 17, 2014

Created in 1928 from young actors who participated in amateur club performances, in 1929 the first play “The Noisy Cohort” was shown. In the early years it was called TRAM (Theater of Working Youth). The performances contained much of the Blue Blouse, a kind of military propaganda brigade that was popular in those years. Gradually, Russian and foreign classics and fairy tales for young viewers entered the repertoire.

In 1937 the group received the status of the Theater for Young Spectators.

From the moment of its foundation, many actors linked their creative destiny with the theater until the end of their days - P. Lavrov, I. Korshunov, V. Shesternikov, N. Evtyukhov, M. Roshchin, Honored Artist of the RSFSR V. G. Klimanova. V. Ya. Konoplyansky, the head of the production department, N. T. Lysenko, the head of the musical part, the composer, and the head of the hairdressing workshop, V. M. Izmailova, devoted many years to the theater. The playwright, who was in charge of the literary department for a long time, played a major role in the development of the repertoire. His plays “Puss in Boots”, “Wonderful Treasure”, “Not Yours, Not Mine, but Ours” were first seen on the stage of the Youth Theater.

The most striking pre-war performance was The Gadfly. In the very first year of the war, the Youth Theater staged Malyarevsky’s fairy tale play “The Fall of the Island of Blutenbeil” - a poignant anti-fascist work, the greatest success in this performance fell to N. S. Evtyukhov. The play “Moskvichka” based on the play by V. Gusev was very popular.

After the war, the Youth Theater was famous for its performances staged by chief director Z. Vin. It was impossible to get into Jan Rainis' fairy tale "Blow the Wind", in which young actors K. Mylnikova and V. Korzun played the leading roles. The play “Cunning and Love” by Schiller, directed by K. V. Grushvitskaya, was a great success. B. Preobrazhensky, who built the action with jewelry precision, L. Titov, an adherent of the classical style, bright and shocking - entire eras in the life of the Youth Theater. In different seasons on the stage of the theater there were “Drama due to Lyrics”, “Shine, Shine, My Star”, “Night Tale”, “Lefty”, “Vanyushin’s Children”, the play “Forest Song” based on the play by Lesya Ukrainka was memorable, aroused keen interest in the Youth Theater (dir.). The Youth Theater was the first and only theater in the country to stage “High Voltage” by A. Platonov. I also remember “The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol. “City at Dawn” by A. Arbuzov turned out to be quite modern in the 1970s. The repertoire always included fairy tales: “The Magic Rings of Almanzor”, “The Brave Little Tailor”, “Little Mook”, “Pearls of the East”, “The Snow Queen”.

In recent years, especially after giving the theater its name, the Youth Theater has paid a lot of attention to the works of Siberian playwrights. Actors O. Mateosov, G. Protsenko, L. Pochaeva, V. Eliseev, O. Tarnovskaya, O. Mokshanov, N. Kabakov, V. Privalov, S. Snarsky, N. Olkova, L. Strizhova, V. Stepkin, V. Tokarev, L. Popkova, M. Roizen, etc. V. Filimonov, V. Eliseev, G. Protsenko were awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

A. Ishchenko’s productions were successful. He staged V. Shukshin's fairy tale "Until the Third Rooster", "Romeo and Juliet" by V. Shakespeare, "" and "Farewell in June" by A., "The Little Prince" based on the fairy tale by Exupery. The performances “Cinderella” by E. Schwartz, directed by V. Tovma, “The Snow Maiden” by A. Ostrovsky (directed by V. Tokarev) were successfully staged; the adventure novel by R. Sabatini “The Island of Captain Blood” was staged, staged by V. Tovma and A. Izmailova.

Along with older actors, a whole constellation of young actors takes part in the performances. At the annual festival “Irkutsk Spring” the winners were the following actors: Popkova (daughter of Baba Yaga, “Until the Third Rooster”), N. Kabakov (Andrei Belugin, “The Marriage of Belugin”), M. Tolochko (Annushka, “The Marriage of Belugin”), A. Izmailov (The Graceful Devil, “Until the Third Rooster”). The young artist N. Yudina was awarded a diploma from the conference “Youth. Creation. Modernity", the audience prizes were received by V. Privalov, A. Izmailov, V. Pradun, R. Mukhemedyarov. Irk was established in 1994. region Prize of the Foundation for the Promotion of Culture at the Faculty of Culture of the region. administration. One of the first this prize was awarded in 1996 to the Youth Theater actress L. Strizhova for her performance of the role of the old woman Anna in the play “The Deadline”.

Over the years of its activity, the Youth Theater has staged hundreds of performances that have been attended by millions of spectators.

Irkutsk Historical and local history dictionary. - Irkutsk: Sib. book, 2011

Young Spectator Theater Troupe

Over the years, the following actors played on the theater stage: V.I. Korzun, V.A. Filimonov, V.Ya. Konoplyansky, T.O. Zolotareva, T.S. Tuzovskaya, V.P. Manikhin, V.G. Klimanova, P.I. Lavrov, K.I. Tukaev, T.F. Kozlitina, M.I. Ermakova, I.G. Korshunov, V.I. Shesternikov, V.A. Eliseev, G.L. Protsenko, A.A. Buldakov, O.A. Tarnovskaya, Z.I. Zadorozhnaya, V.G. Zikora.

Today there are 35 artists in the troupe.

People's Artist of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Strizhova, Honored Artists of the Russian Federation Valery Eliseev, Galina Protsenko, Lyudmila Pochaeva, Nina Olkova, Nikolai Kabakov, Vladimir Privalov.

Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia Vladimir Bezrodnykh.

Honored cultural workers of the Russian Federation Tamara Terpugova, Lina Ioffe, Sergei Markidonov.


    Lyudmila Popkova,

    Oleg Tupitsa,

    Mikhail Roizen,

    Elena Konstantinova,

    Olga Derfler,

    Marina Egorova,

    Nikolay Leonidov,

    Vyacheslav Stepanov,

    Lyudmila Popkova,

    Valentina Pradun,

    Elena Grishchenko,

    Igor Bialous,

    Angela Markelova,

    Natalia Malamud,

    Nikolay Kulebyakin,

    Sergey Kuznetsov,

    Tatiana Chadina,

    Elena Ivochkina,

    Daria Sadovskaya,

    Dmitry Ivanov,

    Vadim Karionov,

    Evgeny Starukhin,

    Sergey Pavlov,

    Victoria Krinitskaya,

    Lyudmila Revtovich,

    Irina Kondenko.

Awards and achievements of the Irkutsk Youth Theater

In 2003, the theater became a laureate of the I International Theater Forum “Golden Knight” (Moscow).

The theater is a winner of the I, II, III, IV, V, festivals “Golden Knight”, I and II Interregional festivals for children and teenagers “Siberian Cat”, etc.

Projects and festivals of the Youth Theater named after. A. Vampilova

Festival "Blue Bird"- a festival of professional dramatic, musical, puppet theaters, amateur theater groups of the region creating performances addressed to children's audiences. Held in 2008, 14 creative teams took part.

Touring project "Theatrical booth" originated in 2006. Designed to bring theatrical art closer to spectators in remote villages, towns, small towns and regional centers of the Irkutsk region. In 2009, tours took place in the villages of Magistralny, Ulkan, Okunaysky, Klyuchi, Nebel and the village of Kazachinskoye, Kazachensko-Lena district, Irkutsk region, in the cities of Zima, Tulun, village. Kuitun, in the villages of Uyan, Tulyushka, Kundui, Kuitun district, in the cities of Usolye-Sibirskoye, Shelekhov. In 2010, the theater toured in Ust-Uda, in the villages of Svetlolobovo, Igzhey, Yugolok, Molka, Novaya Uda, and in the city.

Studios and clubs at the theater for young spectators

Studio "Moth"- children's plastic and dance studio at the Theater for Young Spectators named after. A. Vampilova. Created in 1997. Choreographer Arkady Veliyev has been working as the head of the studio for ten years. The purpose of this activity is the participation of young studio students in a theater performance.

Studio "Lark" is a vocal children's theater studio at the Theater for Young Spectators named after. A. Vampilova. Created in 1997. Head – Elena Zalepo. The main goal is the participation of children in theater productions. Literary club "Ellegy". Created in 2006. Ideological inspirer Lina Ioffe. At club meetings, the poetry of Boris Pasternak, Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva and other Russian poets is heard.

Repertoire of the theater for young spectators

The repertoire in the theater is for different ages, performances for children of younger and middle age, in evening performances there are Russian and foreign classics, youth themes.

    "Why are you leaving?" - Leonard Gersh, translation by Mich. Mishina. Director: Alexey Orlov

    “Scarlet Sails” - P. Morozov based on the works of A. Green. Director - Ksenia Torskaya.

    “Legends of gray Baikal” - L. Ioffe, V. Tokarev. Director - Honored Russian cultural worker Viktor Tokarev

    "The Decoration of the Shrew" - W. Shakespeare.

    “Stranger” - Yu. Klepikov. Director - Vyacheslav Sorokin (Moscow)

    "Fool" - Lope de Vega. Director - Lev Titov, Honored Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation

    "Cat's House" - S. Marshak. Director - Ksenia Torskaya

    "Bunny-Zznayka" - S. Mikhalkov. Director - Alexander Ishchenko, honorable mention. artist of the Russian Federation

    “Silver Hoof” - P. Bazhov. Production - Viktor Tokarev, honorable mention. cultural worker of the Russian Federation

    "Aibolit-2001" - K. Chukovsky, S. Markidonov. Production - Viktor Tokarev, honorable mention. cultural worker of the Russian Federation

    "Chipollino" - S. Prokofiev, I. Tokmakova. Director - Ksenia Torskaya

    "Thumbelina" - H.-H. Andersen.

    “I WAS too, a passer-by...” - M. Tsvetaeva. Director - Ksenia Torskaya.

History of the Youth Theater named after. A. Vampilova

The theater was founded in 1928 as TRAM (Working Youth Theatre). The first production by amateur artists is “The Noisy Cohort” by Ivan Skorinko. It was carried out in 1929 by professional director G.V. Brouwer, specially invited from Moscow.

In 1929, the TRAM team was already touring the cities and towns of Eastern Siberia.

In 1931, the public recognized the young theater as professional. In those early years, the foundation was laid for a professional troupe of stage masters: Pyotr Lavrov, Vassa Klimanova, Nadezhda Kushnikova, Taisiya Kozlitina, Vladimir Shesternikov, Nikolai Evtyukhov, Innokenty Korshunov and many others.

In 1934, the theater received permanent premises (Lenin St., 13), which belongs to it to this day, but requires restoration. Youth Theater is temporarily operating in another building - a branch of the theater, located on Lenin Street, 23.

In 1937, TRAM became the Youth Theater, which resulted in a change in the theater's repertoire, its reorientation towards performances for children and youth. The troupe consisted of 42 people.

During the Great Patriotic War, the theater team gave concerts and small performances in hospitals, factory floors and field camps. During the Great Patriotic War, the theater staged the following plays: “Twelfth Night” (1943, director Zakhary Vina), “Turandot, Princess of China” (1945, director G. A. Bogdanov), “Son of the Regiment”, “Youth of the Fathers” (director V. Ya. Moldavsky).

In 1987, the theater was named after the Irkutsk playwright. The theater staged several of his plays: “Farewell in June”, “The Suburb”, “Last Summer in Chulimsk”, “The Eldest Son”. In the playwright's anniversary year of 1997, the Irkutsk Youth Theater hosted the All-Russian festival "Baikal Meetings at Vampilov's", and the play "The Eldest Son" directed by Viktor Tokarev (now director of the theater) became the festival laureate.

The theater building consists of several buildings that appeared at different times, then united by common facades. The earliest part, facing Karl Marx Street, was built in 1860 as a residential building for the merchant V.N. Bryantsev, according to the project of A. E. Razgildyaev. In 1906-1907 entrepreneur I.I. Giller built an apartment building. In addition to the Central Hotel, there was a first-class restaurant "Modern", a cinema and concert hall "Globus" and a winter garden. Since 1937, the owner has been the Vampilov Theater for Young Spectators. The building is a typical product of perimeter development and has a very confusing layout.

The building of the Youth Theater, namely 3,210 sq. m of non-residential premises in the building on Lenina, 13, remain with the region. The appeal of the administrative directorate of the Ministry of Culture of Russia and Figaro LLC for recognition of ownership rights was rejected by the court of appeal. The first time the decision of the Irkutsk arbitration (the claim of the regional property ministry for recognition of property rights was satisfied in December) was canceled in June 2013, and in August the Federal Arbitration Court of the East Siberian District sent the case for re-examination.

During this time, the plaintiff clarified his requirements (now it was a question of recognition of ownership not for 3250.9, but for 3210.4 sq. m) and fulfilled all legal requirements aimed at formalizing ownership rights. Thus, the regional arbitration court again sided with the local department, and the administrative directorate of the Ministry of Culture and Figaro again filed an appeal. In their opinion, the Ministry of Property did not provide evidence of actual ownership of the premises. However, this time the January decision remained in force. The federal department can appeal it until September 2.

Interesting Facts about Youth Theater named after. A. Vampilova

On the initiative of the theater, a monument stone was erected at the site of Vampilov’s death.

In the mid-1980s, artists of the Irkutsk Youth Theater wrote poems in which they expressed their credo:

“Cleansing both your own and your neighbors’ souls from filth, We are getting better and everyone is getting better. Here, invisible threads stretch from heart to heart- There is no end to art, so create, create, create! Bringing to the stage the kindness in our acting souls, We play love, we hear the smell of fake flowers. Tears in our hearts and hot tears on our makeup... There is no end to art - people, be like this in life!”


Address: Irkutsk, Lenin street, 13.


  1. Dubovtseva I. They treat not only with medications // Theater. life. - 1964. - No. 24.
  2. Irkutsk Theater for Young Spectators: Prospect. - Irkutsk, 1962.
  3. Levikova A. Baba Vassa // Theater. life. - 1962. - No. 18.
  4. Levikova A. City in the sunshine // Ibid. - 1968. - No. 12.
  5. Gavrilina A. The reflection of a red scarf // Man at the ramp. - Irkutsk, 1970.
  6. Tokarev V. In an effort to do good // Irk. ramp - Irkutsk, 1994.
  7. Irkutsk Theater for Young Spectators named after A. Vampilov on the website
  8. Kazimirovsky Solomon, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, director
  9. The honorary title was awarded by Decree of the President of Russia No. 350 of April 10, 2006
  10. Awarded by Decree of the President of Russia No. 1614 of November 17, 2008


  1. Elena Korkina The building of the Youth Theater remained with the Irkutsk region // Competitor: newspaper - June 17, 2014