Bookmaker office Fonbet. Bookmaker Fonbet Bookmaker support: chat and hotline

BC Fonbet is one of the oldest online bookmakers focused on the post-Soviet space. The website of this bookmaker was created in 2001 by the Russian company F.O.N., but in 2007 it was sold to new owners due to the ban on accepting sports bets on the Internet in Russia. The company received a license in Curacao (sublicense Antillephone N.V.).


The international bookmaker Fonbet accepts bets only on the website. She has several licensed domain names in the .com zone. The head office is located in Curacao (Willemstad, Landhuis Groot Kwartier, Groot Kwartier 12).

As of January 2017, the company’s services were used by more than 1 million active clients.

Please note that the international bookmaker Fonbet is not legally related to.


As part of its loyalty program, the bookmaker Fonbet offers its regular customers a “preferential express” bonus. The essence of the promotion is that if you put together an express bet of 6 or more events with odds of at least 1.6 and only one of the bets did not work, then the amount bet on the express bet will be returned to you. Express is not considered “preferential” if there was a refund (expense) on one of the bets.

Russian-language localization

The international bookmaker Fonbet is focused on the markets of Russia and the countries of the former USSR. The Russian version is the main one for the bookmaker’s website. The support service also communicates in Russian. You can create an account in rubles.

Payment systems and account currencies


You can top up your account at Fonbet using all popular payment systems in Russia, mobile operators and terminal solutions. The most common ones are VISA/MasterCard, QIWI Wallet, WebMoney, Yandex.Money,, Skrill. In total, this bookmaker supports about 20 methods for depositing funds.

The minimum deposit for most methods is 100 rubles. The maximum account replenishment amount for most methods is limited to 15 thousand rubles. You can top up large amounts through WebMoney – up to $10 thousand, Skrill – up to 10 thousand euros, Neteller – up to $2.5 thousand.

Deposits are credited instantly. The company does not charge fees for all methods.

Withdrawal of funds

Fonbet bookmaker supports withdrawal of funds through 14 payment systems.

The minimum amount for withdrawal varies from 100 rubles to $20. The maximum amount for withdrawal varies, and the company prefers not to indicate this information on the website. The commission is deducted only for payments to WebMoney (0.8%) and Skrill (0.5 euros per transfer). Withdrawal time takes up to three hours for all methods except VISA and MasterCard payment cards (1-3 business days).

You will find a complete list of payment methods for deposits and withdrawals below in this review and in the “personal account” of your gaming account.

Account currencies

On the website of this bookmaker you can open an account in Russian rubles, euros, dollars, hryvnias, Belarusian rubles, tenge, pounds, Australian and Canadian dollars, Norwegian and Swedish kroner, Swiss francs, drams, soms, lei and lari.

Line and bets on Fonbet


Fonbet has a wide range of popular sports and a fairly wide range of products. The office accepts bets on 16 sports, including virtual sports and e-sports. There is a sufficient selection of handicaps, traditional totals, and various combined bets (for example, outcome + total).

The bookmaker's margin averages 7.6-8%.

Bets are calculated within a few minutes.


Odds for events during the match are close to average.

The choice of live bets, even on unpopular events, is sufficient.

Maximum and minimum bets

The minimum bet amount is 50 rubles. The maximum bets can be called high, they reach the amount of 500 thousand rubles both in live and in pre-match.

Special Features

This office allows its clients to increase the maximum bet. To do this, you need to send a request in your “Personal Account” in the thematic section “Increase the maximum.” The office will contact you and offer a rate at the new maximum.

Platform and mobile betting

The company prefers to keep silent about information about the site’s software developer.

Fonbet has clients for computers with Windows and OS X and native applications for iOS and Android. You can download these applications on the main version of the office website.

You can also access the site from mobile devices. The functionality of the mobile version of the site is almost as good as the desktop version - only live chat is not available.

From our product and platform table later in this review, you will learn about the products and features available on each of the bookmaker's platforms.


BC Fonbet offers many services:

  • sports betting;
  • eSports betting;
  • betting on virtual sports;
  • casino;
  • live casino;
  • poker;
  • financial betting;
  • games;
  • bingo;
  • slot machines;
  • tote;
  • match center;
  • live broadcasts of matches.

Sports broadcasts are available on all bookmaker platforms and apps.


The Fonbet bookmaker support service is available around the clock by email, phone and live chat. She responds by e-mail within 10 minutes on average.

Support communicates in two languages: Russian and English.

Contact details for the Russian-language support service can be found below in this review.

Verification on Fonbet

Fonbet verifies clients by checking personal data and age. Typically this procedure begins after the first withdrawal request.


The bookmaker company Fonbet accepts bets on sports on the Internet based on a sublicense from Antlephone N.V., issued in Curacao (Netherlands Antilles). License number: 8048/JAZ2010-007. Expiration date unknown.


The Fonbet online bookmaker is designed for amateur players. The office has a neutral attitude towards professionals and speculators - such clients will have their maximums reduced.

Resolution of complaints

Fonbet and RB have an agreement to review complaints we receive about the bookmaker. If you believe that this bookmaker has violated your rights, please fill out. We will discuss your complaint with a company representative and try to help.

The Russian online bookmaker Fonbet offers bets on more than 15 sports, including e-sports and winter sports, as well as events from the world of show business. The selection of tournaments is quite varied and includes unpopular leagues.


The pre-match coverage of the office for popular football events is above average.

The average margin in the prematch is 6-8%.


The list of live bets is above average for most events. For unpopular matches during the event, Fonbet offers from 10 to 30 betting markets.

The average margin in live betting is 7-8%.

Bets are settled in approximately 10 minutes.

Maximum and minimum bets

The minimum and maximum bet size is displayed next to the amount entry line.

The maximum possible payout for one bet in prematch is 3 million rubles, in live bets – 1 million rubles.

Tax on winnings

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 214.7 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when paying winnings to a client, the bookmaker must withhold 13% personal income tax. Tax is deducted from the difference between the amount of winnings paid out and the amount of the online bet placed.


To start playing on an interactive bookmaker, you must visit one of the betting points of this company with your passport, sign an agreement on the processing of your personal data and receive a club card. After this, you can register on the bookmaker’s website, go through identification and play.


This bookmaker is not suitable for professional gambling and treats arbers, bettors and speculators neutrally: after being caught in a speculative game, the maximum bet available to the client is reduced.


The first betting point of the Russian bookmaker Fonbet was opened in the summer of 1994 in Moscow. The company first began accepting bets on the Internet in 2001 on a website in the domain, but after the ban on sports betting on the Internet in Russia in 2007, this site was sold to foreign investors.

In 1999, the Fonbet affiliate program was launched. In 2004, the bookmaker was one of the first to offer bets during sporting events – live. By 2011, the number of bookmaker betting points exceeded 1 thousand throughout Russia, with explosive growth occurring in the period after the relicensing of bookmakers in 2009. In 2014, so-called betting machines appeared in the company's clubs - terminals that allow the client to access a personal account and place bets without contacting a cashier and the attendant queues. In the operation of betting machines, BC Fonbet uses its own technology - FONAPS.

This company has been a member of the self-regulatory organization “Association of Bookmakers” since February 2016. Temporarily was a member of the First SRO.

Fonbet BC began accepting bets on the Internet again in November 2016, and announced the full launch of the interactive bookmaker in February 2017.


The Russian bookmaker Fonbet accepts sports bets through its website in the domain and at land-based betting points, the number of which at the beginning of 2017 exceeded 1 thousand in cities in 75 regions of Russia - this is the largest bookmaker network in the country. This bookmaker also accepts bets in other CIS countries.

LLC "F.O.N." (legal name) is registered in Moscow at the address: 127562, Dekabristov Street, 8.

Attention: the Russian bookmaker Fonbet today has no formal relationship with the online bookmaker Fonbet with a website in