Test for knowledge of Tolstoy's biography. "A Man Who Loves Children"

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Tests on the works of Leo Tolstoy

(grades 8 – 10)

prepared by teacher of Russian language and literature Svetlana Petrovna Pechkazova



Explanatory note

Tests on the works of Leo Tolstoy allow you to determine the level of students’ knowledge of the writer’s work. The resource contains questions about the ideological content of his works,features of the genre, figurative and expressive means of language, questions on knowledge of the text.

For each question, three answer options are given.

The presented resource can be used in the final literature lesson on the writer’s work in grades 8-10.

Evaluation criteria:

“5” (excellent) - the work was completed flawlessly,

“4” (good) - correct answers account for 80% of the total number of questions,

“3” (satisfactory) - correct answers make up 50-70% of the total number of questions

Test on the works of Leo Tolstoy. 8th grade

"After the ball"

    The work was written in: a) 1903; b) 1904; c) 1905

    Genre of the work: a) story; b) essay; c) story.

    The work is based on a) an incident from the author’s life; b) an incident from the life of the author’s brother; c) a fictitious case.

    The artistic technique underlying the composition of the work:

a) the sequence of events described; b) the cyclical nature of the events presented; c) antithesis.

    Type of composition of the work:

a) a story within a story; b) first-person narration; c) the author's account of events.

    Original title of the work:

a) “Ball”; b) “Father and Daughter”; c) “Through the gauntlet.”

    How can you characterize the meaning of the title of the work:

a) the importance of the hero’s fate after the ball; b) the special significance of the scene of the massacre of the soldier;

c) the importance of the morning following the ball.

    Number of narrators in the work: a) one; b) two; c) several.

    The role of the introduction: a) show the place and time of the action; b) introduce the participants in the events; c) introduce the narrator.

    Theme of the work: a) a story about the love of Ivan Vasilyevich; b) a story about a colonel; c) showing Nikolaev Russia.

    The main idea of ​​the work: a) condemnation of despotism; b) a person’s personal responsibility for the life of society; c) condemnation of the thoughtless implementation of rules, because of which injustice flourishes.

    The image of the colonel: a) typical; b) tragic; c) exceptional.

    Narrative tone of the work:

a) neutral; b) emotionally charged; c) protocol dry.

Test on the works of Leo Tolstoy. 9th grade

Life and art

    Ye Maimin (researcher of L. Tolstoy’s work) wrote: “Tolstoy’s life is a path.

The path of continuous and ever new..." Continue the quote:

A. works, B. quests, C. disappointments.

    L.N. Tolstoy was born in: A. Moscow, B. Tula, V. Yasnaya Polyana.

    L.N. Tolstoy is related to: A. Pushkin, B. Lermontov, V. Gogol.

    My teenage years were spent in: A. Kazan, B. Tula, V. Yasnaya Polyana.

    Expelled from the university:

A. at his own request, B. for poor academic performance, C. for participation in political circles.

    L.N. Tolstoy developed as a writer: A. in Kazan, B. in Moscow, C. in the Caucasus.

    The first printed work of L. Tolstoy:

A. “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, B. “Sevastopol Stories”, C. “Childhood”.

    An autobiographical trilogy is a story: A. about the life of Nikolai Irtenev, B. about

relationships between people in society, V. about the moral development of the hero.

    Each person, according to Nikolai Irtenev, should: A. understand the device

world, B. have your own view of the meaning of life, C. constantly moral

improve yourself.

    Continue the quote “The main division of people at the time I am writing about was

people....": A. rich and poor, B. good and evil, C. decent and dishonest.


Test on the works of Leo Tolstoy. Grade 10

"War and Peace"

1. As L.N. Tolstoy himself defined the genre of “War and Peace”:

a) epic; b,) novel; c) poem; d) historical chronicle; d) chronicle.

2. In historical works, Napoleon was often contrasted with Alexander I. Who is opposed to Napoleon in the novel?

a) Alexander I; b) Kutuzov; c) A. Bolkonsky; d) Pierre Bezukhov; d) Nicholas I.

3. The action of the novel begins:

a) January 1812; b) May 1807; c) July 1805; d) April 1801; e) August 1804

4. How long does the novel last?

a) 10 years; b) about seven years; c) 25 years old; d) 15 years; e) approximately 8 years.

5. The novel begins with:

a) descriptions of the Battle of Shengraben; b) name day in the Rostov house; c) evenings with A.P. Sherer;

d) descriptions of the meeting between father and son Bolkonsky; e) descriptions of the review at Braunau.

6. How old is Natasha Rostova in volume 1? a) 16 years old; b) 20 years; at 10; d) 13 years old; d) 18 years old.

7. How many children were there in the Rostov family? a) six; b) five; at four; d) three.

8. L.N. Tolstoy divided the heroes of his novel into loved ones and unloved ones. Favorite characters included:

a) A. Bolkonsky; b) B. Drubetskoy; c) P. Bezukhov; d) M Bolkonskaya; d) Napoleon, f) Berg.

9. Why does Prince Andrey go to serve in the active army at the beginning of the novel?

a) he was driven by the desire for glory; b) he was guided by ideas about officer’s duty; c) to defend the homeland.

10. What attracted Pierre to Freemasonry? a) the opportunity to communicate with those in power; 6) the idea of ​​unity and brotherhood of people; c) an opportunity to escape from an unhappy marriage.

11. In whom does L.N. Tolstoy see the decisive force of history?

a) king; b) military leaders; c) people; d) senior officials; d) aristocracy.

12. Complete the phrase of L.N. Tolstoy: “There is and cannot be greatness where there is no...”:

a) great deeds; b) pride; c) desire for fame; d) simplicity, kindness and truth.

13. Which of the heroes embodies the best features of the Russian national character?

a) A. Bolkonsky; b) Helen Kuragina; c) Nikolay Rostov; d) Natasha Rostova; e) Boris Drubetskoy.

14. After what battle did Prince Andrei become disillusioned with his idol, Napoleon?

a) Shengrabenskoe; b) Preussisch-Eylau; c) Friedland; d) Austerlitz; d) Borodino.

15. We see the Battle of Borodino with our eyes:

a) N. Rostova; b) P. Bezukhova; c) A. Kuragin; d) A. Bolkonsky; d) Dolokhov.

16. How old is Nikolenka Bolkonsky at the end of the novel (epilogue)?

a) 12 years old; b) 13 years old; c) 14 years old; d) 16 years old; e) 15 years;

17. The marriage of Andrei Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova was upset due to:

a) disagreement of Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky; b) Count Rostov’s unkind attitude towards the groom; c) Natasha’s lack of dowry; d) Natasha’s secret relationship with Boris Drubetsky, e) Natasha’s fleeting infatuation with Anatoly Kuragin.

18. What event is the climax of the novel “War and Peace”?

a) Natasha Rostova’s first ball; b) Patriotic War of 1812; c) Peace of Tilsit;

d) council in Fili; e) military events of 1805.

19. Indicate the years of Leo Tolstoy’s life:

a) 1828-1910; b) 1801-1899; c) 1821-1898; d) 1828-1912; d) 1828-1909.



    Korschunova I.N., Lipin E.Yu. Tests on Russian literature. – M.: Bustard, 2000.

    Romashina N.F. Literature tests for current and general control. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2007

    Berezhnaya I.D. Current control of knowledge in literature. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008

Topic: "L.N. Tolstoy - a citizen. The writer's worldview. Philosophical views."

1. In what war did the father of the writer N.I. Tolstoy participate?

2. What ancient family did Tolstoy belong to on his mother’s side?

3. When did the turning point in Leo Tolstoy’s worldview occur?

4. When did the writer’s excommunication from the Orthodox Church occur?

5. At which station did Leo Tolstoy die?

Topic: "Novels by L.N. Tolstoy"

1.What does Tolstoy call the “club of the people’s war”?

2. How many characters are there in the novel?

3. Who had the “most golden heart” according to A. Bolkonsky?

4. Through whose eyes is the Battle of Borodino shown?

5.What is the main idea of ​​the novel?

6.What phrase initially began the writing of Tolstoy’s immortal novel?

7.Who was the “most necessary and useful” person in Denisov’s detachment?

8.Which member of the older generation was nicknamed the “Prussian King” in society?

9. The prototype of Princess Marya was Tolstoy’s mother, what was common between the heroine of the novel and her prototype?

10. “What is “War and Peace”? Is this not a novel, still less a poem, even less a historical chronicle?” Name the genre.

11.What real episode is included in the text of the novel from the life of Tanya Bers?

12. “An event contrary to human reason and all human nature has taken place.” What are we talking about?

13.What, according to the old Prince Bolkonsky, is the source of human vices and virtue?

14.What force controls everything?

15.Who owns the words: “You have to live, you have to love, you have to believe?”

16. “He won’t come up with anything, won’t do anything... but he will listen to everything, remember everything, put everything in its place, won’t interfere with anything useful and won’t allow anything harmful.” Who is this man?

17. Which of the heroes called themselves “the round soldier of the Absheron regiment”?

18. “She always looked prettier when she cried. Her radiant eyes acquired an irresistible charm.” Whose eyes?

19.Which heroine “was in love with the one she was looking at at that moment”?

20.What was the result of the Battle of Borodino according to Tolstoy?

21. “The essence of her life - love - is still alive in her. Love woke up and life woke up.” What love

brought Natasha back to life after the death of Prince Andrei?

22. Which of the novel’s heroes “...with painful anguish awaited the end of that matter, which he considered himself the cause of, but which he could not stop”?

23. “People are like rivers,” said Tolstoy, depicting the inner life of heroes. What is this process called?

24. Why was the novel called “Three Pores” at first? What is it about?

Insert the missing words into the lines of the characters in the novel:

- “I love nothing but… and human love” - A. Bolkonsky

- “A person cannot own anything while he is afraid...” - Pierre

- “There is no greatness where there is no...”

- “The French have ruined my house and are going to ruin Moscow. They are my enemies, they are all criminals. We need them..."

- “While Russia was..., a stranger could serve it, and there was an excellent minister”

- “Russia is saved. Thank you, Lord!” - and he …

- “He directed all his strength not to kill and exterminate people, but to...”

Proverbs by Platon Karataev.


1. “For a work to be good, you must love the main, main idea in it,” Tolstoy argued, what main idea did he love in this novel?

2.Epigraph to the novel: “Vengeance is mine and I will repay.” Explain its meaning.

3.Who is Maria Alexandrovna Hartung, whose appearance served to create the image of Anna?

4.Give the early title of the novel and explain it.

5. How does the novel “Anna Karenina” begin?

6. “This is not a person, but a machine, and an evil machine when it gets angry.” Who is this man?

8. Why did Tolstoy give A. Vronsky’s horse the nickname Fru-Fru?

9.What novel by Tolstoy did the critic V. Stasov say: “Tolstoy rose to such a height that Russian literature has never reached before”? This masterpiece “remains a bright, huge star of talent forever and ever”?

10.Give examples of barbarism (find in the passage).

11.Find historicism in the passage and explain it. “I understand that breakfast with Lafite is very pleasant, but don’t you really hate this luxury?”

12.Which of the classics of Soviet literature said that “Without knowing Tolstoy, you cannot consider yourself knowing your country, you cannot consider yourself a cultured person”?


1. How many editions and manuscripts of the novel did Tolstoy leave?

2. How was the novel received in ruling circles?

3. The novel was based on a real case told by the prosecutor. Can you say his name?

4. Which novel by Tolstoy is “Tearing off all and every kind of masks”?

5. At the beginning of which of Tolstoy’s novels there are these lines: “People believed that what was sacred... and what was important was what they themselves invented in order to rule over each other?”

6. The hero of which Tolstoy novel comes to the terrible conclusion: “Yes, the only proper place for an honest person in Russia at the present time is a prison!”?

Questions on the topic “L.N. Tolstoy in the Caucasus. Sevastopol stories".

1. Which works would you classify as belonging to the Caucasian cycle of L.N. Tolstoy?

2. What were the names of the main and secondary characters in the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”?

3. The story “Bulka” is about whom?

4. Why, even during the Chechen war, objects associated with the name of L.N. were not damaged? Tolstoy?

5. Who are Shamil and Hadji Murat?

6. Which Cossack army (name) guarded the Russian borders along the Terek?

7. Who besieged Sevastopol in 1854-1855?

8. Name the real heroes of the defense of Sevastopol.

9. What was most memorable and struck L.N. Tolstoy in this defense?

10. What else do you know about this heroic and tragic page of history?

Questions for the brain ring on the works of L.N. Tolstoy on the topic: "The pedagogical activity of L.N. Tolstoy. Publication of the ABC."

1. In 1860, Tolstoy intended to establish an educational society. What tasks did the writer set for him?

2. What classes were the students of the Yasnaya Polyana school divided into?

3. What teaching principle occupies a special place in Tolstoy’s didactic views?

4. What are the disadvantages of the Yasnaya Polyana school?

1. In what year did L. Tolstoy’s first trip abroad take place?

2.What countries did he visit?

3.What is the name of the story that was evidence of Tolstoy’s denial of European civilization?

4.What cultural centers did Tolstoy visit in Paris?

5.What did Tolstoy do at the Sorbonne?

6.Who did Tolstoy meet when he visited London?

7.Whose lecture did Tolstoy listen to at a literary evening while in London?

8. In what year did L. Tolstoy’s second trip abroad take place?

9.For what purpose did L. Tolstoy make his second trip to Europe in 1860-1861?

Questions for the game based on the works of L.N. Tolstoy on the topic “Childhood, adolescence, youth”

2. The leading theme of the trilogy.

3. The story should have consisted of 4 parts. But part 4 remained unwritten. What was the name of part 4?

4. Who served as the prototype for Sonechka Valakhina?

5. What is special about this autobiographical story?

6. In what city do all the actions take place?

7. Where does the story “Adolescence” begin?

8. What is the most memorable part of your classroom interior?

9. What language did Nikolenka’s mother know perfectly?

10. Father's favorite greyhound dog?

11. Karl Ivanovich’s favorite expression?

12. How many years did Karl Ivanovich live in the house?

13. A father's two main passions?

14. Two plays that maman played?

15. Grandmother's Angel Day. What are the traditions in the family?

16. What and who presented?

18. How has your attitude towards your grandmother changed?

19. What caused the quarrel between the brothers?

20. Who does Nikolenka hate and why?

21. Name Nikolenka’s actions that he cannot forget.

22. What did Volodya Nikolenka’s friends call him?

23. Who can be called a friend of adolescence and youth?

24. What word did Nikolai and Dmitry give to each other?

25. Where did Nikolenka go early in the morning after confession?

26. Who helped Nikolenka on her math exam and how?

27. How did Nikolenka’s father congratulate her on entering the university?

28. What did Volodya and Dubkov do?

29. “Live in your own way and don’t dance to anyone’s tune, that’s the best thing.” Who advises whom?

30. Who was Nikolai going to marry in his dreams?

31. Name two of Nikolai’s favorite activities in the village.

32. Finish the sentence: “Father was 48 years old when he for the second time...

33. What kind of vow was the basis of the friendship between Nikolai and Nekhlyudov?

Get to know the hero."

1. “The most common, coarse and bad features: small, gray eyes...”

2. “In a colorful cotton robe, belted with a belt of the same material, in a red knitted skull cap with a tassel and in soft goatskin boots.”

3. “Brown eyes, always expressing the same kindness and love, a mole on the neck, a little below where the little hairs curl, an embroidered white collar, a gentle dry hand.”

4. “His face was always calm - expressing consciousness of his dignity and at the same time subordination. Large, stately stature, strange, small steps, gait, habit of twitching his shoulder, small, always smiling eyes, large aquiline nose, irregular lips.”

5. “She was very ugly: red-haired, thin, short, a little lopsided.”

6. Who “knew mathematics perfectly and did not boast, saying that he would knock down the professor”?

7. “He was a man of about seventy, tall, in a military uniform with large epaulettes, from under the collar of which a large white cross was visible, and with a calm, open expression on his face. The freedom and simplicity of his movements amazed me.”

8. “And how good he is in this uniform! How the blue collar goes with his slightly penetrating black mustache! What a thin, long waist he has and a noble gait!”

9. “She is short in stature and, due to the English disease, she still has goose-like legs and a nasty waist. The only good thing about her whole figure is her eyes; and these eyes are truly beautiful - large, black, with an expression of importance and naivety"

10. “Light blue eyes and a smiling look, a straight nose with strong nostrils and a mouth with a bright smile, tiny dimples on pink transparent cheeks, white hands, the name of a clean girl still goes with her.”

Svetlana Morozova

Goals: to form an interest in reading for children literature; introduce students to the biography and creativity of L. N. Tolstoy; develop attention, logical thinking, Creative skills.

Decor: portrait of L.N. Tolstoy, exhibition of drawings by the writer's work, cards: proverbs, crossword; books by L.N. Tolstoy, statements about the writer, etc.

Progress of the game.

Leading. There is one proverb: “Whoever reads more knows more” Today we will find out which of you reads a lot and knows a lot.

Guys, our class hour is dedicated to the book, or more precisely, creativity your famous and favorite writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. We will hold an educational game in which two teams will meet (name the players, and a jury consisting of (introduce the jury members).

Who among you does not remember that evening hour when you are left alone in a dark room. I don’t want to sleep, and my eyes, getting used to the darkness, begin to distinguish items: here is the edge of the table, and then there is a closet with a huge mirror, and in it is reflected the chair where the doll, laid down for the night, sleeps. The world at these hours seems especially mysterious and huge, full of secrets. And questions arise, each more complex than the other...

Why can you see in the dark?

Where does the water go from the sea?

L.N. also thought about these questions. Tolstoy. I invite you to think about these questions as well.

Round 1 task.

The team receives an envelope, reads the question and after 1 minute gives its answer.

Where does the water go from the sea?

Why do trees crack in cold weather?

Now let's compare your answers with L.N.'s reasoning. Tolstoy

To the first round.

1. Where does water go from the sea?

From springs, springs and swamps, water flows into streams, from streams into rivers, from rivers into large rivers, and from large rivers it flows into the seas. From other sides other rivers flow into the seas, and all streams have flowed into the seas since the world created. Where does the water go from the sea? Why doesn't it flow over the edge?

Water from the sea rises in fog; the fog rises higher, the fog becomes clouds. The clouds are driven by the wind and spread across the ground. Water falls from the clouds to the ground. It flows from the ground into swamps and streams. From streams it flows into rivers, from rivers into the sea. From the sea again the water rises into the clouds, and the clouds spread across the earth...

2. Why do trees crack in cold weather?

Because there is dampness in the trees, and this dampness freezes like water. When water freezes, it disperses; and when there is no room for it to be heard, it tears apart the trees.

If you pour water into a bottle and leave it in the cold, the water will freeze and burst the bottle.

Why does water not shrink, like iron, from the cold, but expand when it freezes? Because when water freezes, its particles bind together differently and there are more empty spaces between them.

And if water were compressed by frost, like iron is compressed, then the upper water would freeze on the river and drown, because the ice would be heavier than water. Then the upper water would freeze again and drown, and so the lakes and rivers would freeze from bottom to top.

Leading. a lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy, as you already know, was born and lived in Yasnaya Polyana, less than a hundred kilometers from our village. He called on people to live in harmony with nature, treat it with care, love each other, never quarrel.

As a child, Levushka buried a green stick in the forest with his brothers. Believed: whoever finds it will be happy, his wishes will come true. They looked and didn’t find it. Since then Tolstoy always thought about"green stick" like a talisman. He had many desires, and one of them was to open a free public school in Yasnaya Polyana, which he did. The children and the teacher worked all the time day: classes ran from 8 to 12 in the morning, and then from 3 to 6 in the evening. In the mornings, children often kept the teacher until two o'clock in the afternoon to listen to his stories.

Second round task.

Now we invite you to read excerpts from the works of L.N. Tolstoy. You need to name the work itself

To the second round.

Excerpts from works:

“The fox called the crane for lunch and served the stew on a plate, the crane could not take anything with its long nose, and the fox ate everything herself.” ( "The Fox and the Crane")

“One girl left home for the forest. She got lost in the forest and began to look for the way home, but didn’t find it, but came to a house in the forest.” ( "Three Bears")

“The hares galloped to the lake to drown themselves. The frogs heard the hares and splashed into the water" ( "Hares and Frogs")

“There lived an old man with an old woman. They didn't have children. The old man went to the field to reap, and the old woman stayed at home to bake pancakes" ( "Lipunyushka")

“Seryozha took out a seed, sprinkled it on a board and put the net in the garden.” ("Bird")

“Once they let him attack a bear, and he grabbed the bear’s ear and hung like a leech” ( "Bulka")

“My mother bought plums and wanted to give them to the children after lunch.” ("Bone")

When the train passed, everyone saw that the girl was lying head down and not moving" ( "The Girl and the Mushrooms")

“The sheaves were already burning and crackling. When the entryway was filled with smoke, Masha got scared and ran back to the hut" ( "Fire")

“It has become difficult for mice to live without a cat” ("Mice and Cat")

“The dog walked along the plank across the river, and carried meat in its teeth.” ("The Dog and His Shadow")

“The guys went to school. My father left for the forest in the morning, my mother went to work as a day laborer" ( "Filipok")

“The important mouse entered from the crack guest in the upper room, and both climbed onto the table" ( "The Field and the City Mouse")

“Well, mother, I saw two animals. One is scary and the other is kind." ("Terrible Beast")

Leading. When Leo Nikolaevich opened a school for peasants children, he just turned 32 years old. He was young, energetic, and a master at inventing various games and riddles.

Third round task.

The teams have a crossword puzzle on their tables, and by solving it you will learn about one of your favorite genres literature L. N. Tolstoy(see attached).

To the third round.

Questions for the crossword:

1) There’s a lot of thread, but you can’t wind it into a ball.” (Web)

2) It goes along the sea, but when it reaches the shore it disappears. (Wave)

3) There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow)

4) A woman is sitting in the beds, covered in patches; whoever looks will cry. (Onion)

5) Grandfather is building a bridge without an axe. (Freezing)

6) Without arms, without legs - he knocks under the window, asking to come into the house. (Wind)

7) She eats quickly, chews finely, does not eat herself, and does not give to others. (Saw)

8) Walks through the forest - it won’t crack, walks through the water - it won’t splash. (Month)

9) Seventy clothes, all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

Leading. The central word in the crossword puzzle is... (proverb).

If we look into "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language", then we learn that “A PROVERB is a short saying with an edifying

(i.e. instructive) content."

Indeed, a sentence of 3-5 words contains a deep meaning.

IV round task.

Now I have in my hands several envelopes with proverbs, or rather, with words from which proverbs need to be made.

To the fourth round:

o Summer gathers and winter eats.

o The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.

o Alone in the field is not a warrior.

o You can’t hide an awl in a bag.

Leading. a lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote short stories on the themes of proverbs.

Task Y of the round.

I will read some of them, and you choose from the proverbs proposed on the board the one that suits the story.

To the fifth round.

Stories on the theme of proverbs:

The dog was lying under the barn in the hay. The cow wanted some hay, she came under the barn, stuck her head in and just grabbed a piece of hay - the dog growled and rushed under her. The cow walked away and said (She doesn’t eat it herself, and doesn’t give it to me.)

The master traveled abroad. I came to my place and started planting rye with my hands. The guys said (The raven flew overseas, but did not become any smarter.)

The girl loved play in the street, and when he comes to the house, he’s bored.

Mother asked:

Why are you bored?

It's boring at home.

Mother said (A stupid bird doesn’t like its home.)

Two fishermen were pulling a net. When things got hard, alone said:

The seine is not good.

Another said:

No, the net is good, but you are pulling weakly.

And they began to quarrel. While they were arguing, all the fish left... (It became a matter of controversy)

Leading. Subsequently, riddles and proverbs, as well as fairy tales and stories that L.N. Tolstoy told the children, entered books:

"ABC", which helped children learn to read, better understand the world around them, the joys and sorrows of people, the beauty of the Russian language;

"Russian books for reading", where answers were given to many children's questions that arose during the lessons.

Now books Lev Nikolaevich are printed in millions of copies. You are already familiar with some of the books. Books not only attract us with their content, but also with interesting illustrations.

Round VI task.

Here are drawings made for the works of L.N. Tolstoy. Task: determine which stories, fairy tales, and epics they are drawn for.

For the sixth round, drawings in A-3 format (8 pictures).

Leading. Let's imagine Yasnaya Polyana, the guys are starting a lesson... The guys are very inquisitive and they really want to answer their Teacher's questions correctly.

VII round task.

Now we'll do a little quiz. A statement is read to the teams in turn and they respond. "Yes" or "No" .

To the seventh round.


1. Leo Tolstoy born in the nineteenth century. (Yes)

2. Lived Tolstoy in the city of Shchekino. (No)

3. Tolstoy created"ABC" For children. (Yes)

4. Died Tolstoy in the nineteenth century. (No)

5. Tolstoy buried in Yasnaya Polyana. (Yes)

6. Yasnaya Polyana is now an estate museum. (Yes)

7. Filip’s brother’s name was Kiryushka. (No)

8. In were "Bounce" we are talking about a hare. (No)

9. Work "Swans"- this is a description. (Yes)

10. Bulka is the name of the dog. (Yes)

Leading. Our today is coming to an end a game, which was dedicated

L.N. Tolstoy and his work. With this wonderful person we meet in early childhood, and comprehend and rediscover it for ourselves throughout our subsequent lives.

It's time to let the jury speak.

(Congratulations to the winners).

Well done! Did you like it a game? Guys, read more and remember that a day lived without a book is a wasted day!


Collections of works by L.N. Tolstoy.

L.N. Tolstoy was born on August 28, 1828, that is, the number of the month and the number of the year coincide in the century; In addition, August is the eighth month, the date of birth can be designated as follows

QUESTION “Mother was sitting in the living room and pouring tea; With one hand she held the kettle, with the other the tap of the samovar, from which water flowed through the top of the kettle onto the tray. But although she looked intently, she did not notice this, nor did she notice that we had entered...” ANSWER

QUESTION “No matter how much you do good for people, no matter how attached you are, apparently you can’t expect gratitude, Nikolai? I have been living in this house for twelve years and I can say before God, Nikolai, that I loved them and cared for them more than if they were my own children...” ANSWER

QUESTION He “was very handsome, stately, tall. Fresh old man. His face was very ruddy, with a white curled mustache a la Nikolas I, white sideburns drawn up to the mustache and with temples combed forward... a gentle, joyful smile was in his shining eyes and lips.” ANSWER

QUESTION He “is not limited to depicting the results of the psychological process: he is interested in the process itself, and the subtle phenomena of this inner life, replacing one after another with extreme speed and inexhaustible variety, are masterfully depicted ... by Tolstoy.” ANSWER
FINAL QUESTION Which of the characters in the novel said this? “The entire economy, most importantly the situation of the entire people, must completely change. Instead of poverty, there is common wealth. Contentment; instead of enmity there is agreement and a connection of interests. In a word, the revolution is bloodless, but the greatest revolution..." KONSTANTIN LEVIN

FINAL QUESTION Whose portrait is this? “... his eyes, always dull, looked duller than usual, old lips from a half-curled mustache and fat, freshly shaved cheeks propped up by a high collar with regular sausages left behind, a sideburn and a chin pressed to the collar gave his face an expression of dissatisfaction and even anger” NICHOLAS I

INTERNET - RESOURCES screensaver portrait of L.N. Tolstoy Yasnaya Polyana estate jpg cover of the book “Morning of the Landowner” jpg portrait of J. J. Rousseau Tolstoy L.N., Chekhov A.P., Gorky A.M. writer's office jpg still from the movie "War and Peace" jpg cover of the book "Childhood" cover of the book "Prisoner of the Caucasus" jpg cover of the book "Hadji - Murat" jpg illustration for the story "After the Ball" by Andrei Bolkonsky jpg story "Childhood" jpg "After the Ball" " JDI/AAAAAAAAPO4/eLuUhdOEpTs/s400/Vrubel_Anna-Karenina_with-son.jpghttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/_1oeI_YTvkMU/SYlmJ5D- JDI/AAAAAAAAAPO4/eLuUhdOEpTs/s400/Vrubel_Anna-Karenina_with-son.jpg " Anna Karenina" Natasha Rostova jpg “Prisoner of the Caucasus” jpg Pierre Bezukhov

INTERNET - RESOURCES frame from the film “Anna Karenina” _zvuki_val_sa.jpghttp://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/b/2/25/9/ _ _Vladimir_Pervuninskiy__Pod _zvuki_val_sa.jpg “After the Ball” Cover of the book “Anna Karenina” jpg I.S. Turgenev jpg N.A. Nekrasov jpg A. S. Suvorin - editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Novoe Vremya” N. G. Chernyshevsky A. M. Gorky gif daisies

Quiz game
"A Journey through the Works of Leo Tolstoy"
(for primary classes)
Purpose of the game:
to enhance children's knowledge of the works of Leo Tolstoy;
develop creative abilities;
cultivate friendship and mutual respect.
portrait of Leo Tolstoy, statements of the writer, exhibition of children's books
drawings, numbers, task cards, illustrations, sheets Az, colored
pencils. pens, markers.
Progress of the event
1. Introduction
Leo Tolstoy's pen includes stories and fairy tales, fables and epics, histories and
descriptions, were, educational books and stories for adults, novels and stories. (novel
epic "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "ABC for Children"....)
His books foster feelings of justice and kindness, respect for work
and love for
native land.
“Failure to admit the injustice of one’s actions requires lying.”
(L.N. Tolstoy)
2. Presentation of teams and jury
Today we will play a game based on works. great Russian writer
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, author of wonderful works for children and
We have 2 teams competing: 1 team of Ekaterina Kitaeva, 2 Ivanova
The motto of the game: Be able to lose with dignity and not envy another
It’s an honor to nobly keep despondency away from the threshold!
Members of the jury: Dyakova G.I.,......
3. Announcement of competitions
(5 tests for each team. 1b for the correct answer.)
Who is faster?
1. In what city did the incident described in the story “The Lion and the Dog” take place?
a) in Moscow b) in London c) in Paris d) in Kyiv
2. What bird did Seryozha keep in the cage in the story “Bird”?
a) siskin b) nightingale c) sparrow d) rook
3. Off the coast of which continent was the ship in the story “Shark”?
a) America b) Australia c) Africa d) Antarctica
4. The name of Philip's brother in the story "Philippok"?
a) Vanya b) Slava c) Fedya d) Kostya
5. How many kittens were born to the cat from “Kitten”?

a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 2
Guessing game!
 Name the story and its moment captured by the artist in the illustrations.
(“Eagle”, “Bulka”, “Fire dogs”, “Two comrades”, 2 for each team)
 Which work are the lines taken from? (each team has 2 cards)
"One ship went around the world and was returning home. The weather was calm,
people were on deck all day...." ("Jump")
"Our ship was anchored off the coast of Africa. It was a beautiful day, there was a wind blowing from the sea
fresh wind, but in the evening the weather changed..."("Shark")
"There lived an old man and an old woman. They had no children. The old man went to the field to plow, and
the old woman stayed at home to bake pancakes..." ("Lipunyushka")
"In a square in one city there was a huge stone. It took up a lot of space and
interfered with driving around the city..."(How a man removed a stone")
 Continue the story:
Team 1." The old man was planting apple trees. They said to him: "Why do you need these apple trees? For a long time
wait for fruit from these apple trees, and you won’t eat an apple from them?”
(...The old man said: “I won’t eat, others will eat, they will thank me!”)
2nd team." Varya was a siskin. The siskin lived in a cage and never sang. Varya came to
chizhu: "It's time for you, chizh. to sing!"
(..."Let me go free, in freedom I will sing all day long")
Teams ask each other 2 questions from Tolstoy’s works.
You for me, I for you
Teams draw an excerpt for any work of the writer and defend it. (on
sheet A3)
A dramatization of any Tolstoy fable.
(5 questions for each captain. You need to answer quickly)
Captains competition
o The main culprit of the story described in the story “The Jump” almost
1 captain
ended in tragedy (monkey)
o Forest predator from the fable “Two Comrades” (bear)
o In what year did Leo Tolstoy die? (in 1910)
o What did mom buy in the story “The Pit” (plums)

o Two true friends living together in the same cage? (lion and dog)
2 captain
o In which estate was Leo Tolstoy born? (Yasnaya Polyana)
o From whom did Vasya save the kitten in the story “Kitten” (from dogs)
o A little boy who really wanted to study? (Filipok)
o The sea monster that almost swallowed the bathing boys? (shark)
o Who did Bob save in the story "Fire Dogs"? (girl)
4. Summing up. Jury speech. Team awards.
5. A melody sounds. Teams leave