Dance studio "World of Dance" announces enrollment of children in groups! Sample advertisement for a choreographic circle.

The leader of this wonderful team since 1989 is Evdokimova Marina Mikhailovna. More than 90 children of different ages attend the club.

Each group has its own lesson program, which is the author’s development of its leader. In the circle, children engage in various disciplines: create compositions on paper, fabric, and embody their fantasies in graphics and clay. The children learn to work with watercolor, ink, charcoal, gouache, wax pencils, and also make appliques using colored paper and straws. They learn to work with natural materials, plasticine, and master the techniques of origami, macrame and batik. A course “Interior Design” has been developed for older children. Marina Mikhailovna does a lot of methodological work, she has published 5 of her books on teaching children fine arts, 3 more books are in print, 4 creative notebooks have been published. Commissioned by the publishing house "School Press", she is developing a dictionary on art in pictures for children. Every year the art studio takes part in various exhibitions and competitions on an international scale. The children became winners of the International Children's Drawing Competition "The World of the Russian Word", their works will be presented at an exhibition in Germany, and they were also invited to take part in the publication of the primer in four countries of the world, took part in the All-Russian children's drawing competition "Talisman of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games" .

This year, at the Moskovsky Palace of Culture, one could see drawings by members of the Firebird art studio at exhibitions on various topics.

Addition to groups:

Preschoolers - 4 - 6 years old.

Adults and older students

The cost of classes is 2500 rubles/month.

Fine arts circle "Semitsvetik"

Head: Zharkikh Yulia Viktorovna

During classes, children work with paints (watercolor, gouache). This can help them see the world of colors, grasp the variety of color tones and form a stable visual image of color.

The children learn to sculpt from plasticine, work with paper and make crafts from it. All classes are held in a playful way, with musical accompaniment.

Drawing classes develop fine motor skills, targeted color perception, thinking, imagination and speech.

Group recruitment:

37 years.

The cost of classes is 2,300 rubles/month.

Dance and sports club "Spartak"

Ballroom dancing is perhaps the most beautiful, elegant and spectacular type of dance. On the floor, dance turns into a kind of theatrical performance, where a beautiful costume emphasizes the character and image of the dancers, where the synthesis of music and refined, flexible movements is an art. Whose heart didn’t skip a beat and light up with “white envy” when watching various ballroom dancing competitions? Even the most distant people from dance are pleased and interested in watching the skill of the dancers. After all, dance is, first of all, an expression of music and the emotions dictated by it. Dance is a desire for beauty, harmony, spirituality. A wonderful teacher, Marina Vladimirovna Grishko, teaches all this in her classes.

Children participate in competitions in Moscow, the Moscow region, International competitions, and take an active part in concert programs and cultural events.

Gold and silver medalists of the Ballroom Dancing Championship, the regional traditional tournament “Moscow Star”, winners of the International Festival “Moscow Nights”, the Russian Ballroom Dancing Championship, the Open interregional tournament “Empire Cup”. Winners of the Leninsky District Cup in ballroom dancing. Gold and silver medalists of the open classification tournament of the Regional Branch of the Moscow Region.

Gold and silver medalists of the competition Open classification tournament "Premiere 2013"



for those involved will take place

The cost of classes is 2,500 rubles. per month

Karate club "Oriental martial arts"

The club was created for children aged 5 years and older. Classes are conducted by an instructor of the Karate-Do Federation, bronze medalist of the 2002 World Championship. - Bakharev Maxim Vladimirovich. There are more than 40 children in the team.

Martial arts classes help a child develop willpower, perseverance, self-confidence, the ability to stand up for himself, the ability to overcome pain, fatigue and obstacles, and teamwork skills. Karate classes stimulate a child’s mental development - they teach them to focus attention, develop memory, and develop both logical and imaginative thinking.

The team takes an active part in regional and international tournaments, in events of the Palace of Culture, region and district.

This year, members of the circle won 11 medals at the Moscow Karate Championship, two bronze medals at the World Karate Championship in Portugal and 3rd place at the Karate Federation Championship.

Head Gold and bronze medalist of the 2011 World Championship, bronze medalist of the 2012 World Championship.

We invite those interested to join the following groups:

- 5-7 years old - junior group

- 9-14 years old - senior group


The cost of classes is 2,200 rubles.

Russian folk song choir “Okolitsa”

Head: Kosheva Tatyana Grigorievna

Accompanist: Galetsky Alexander Vladislavovich

Lukovsky Andrey Mikhailovich

The doors to the Russian folk choir “Okolitsa” are open to all lovers of folk songwriting. The team consists of more than 15 people. The ensemble's repertoire includes ancient Russian songs from many regions of Russia. The genre of song repertoire is varied: dance songs, Cossack games, ditties, songs with elements of movement, playing folk musical instruments: tambourines, rattles, spoons. The team takes an active part in competitions and concerts, both local and regional.

The team participated in the “United Russia” program of the Ostankino shopping center, in an event dedicated to the International Day of the Liberation of Prisoners of Nazi Camps.

Creative meetings were held between the Russian folk song choir “Okolitsa” and the Folk Collective, the Russian folk song choir “Moskovskaya Storonushka”.

The team participated in a concert program together with the German Cultural Foundation, which took place in the city of St. Petersburg and cities in Germany.

The team won a diploma from the XI regional festival of patriotic songs “Songs Born from the Heart” and the All-Russian Festival dedicated to Victory Day, which was held in St. Petersburg, Helsinki (Finland), and Stockholm (Sweden).

This year, the group became the winner of a diploma from the regional festival of patriotic songs “Songs Born from the Heart” and the UNESCO World Charity Project “Harmony of Art Unites the World” in Berlin, a Laureate of the VII International Festival of Choral Creativity “Star Crimea” in Yalta, an International Festival in Spain, France .

All Russian lovers are welcome

folk songs from 18 years and older

Choreographic group "Surprise"

The choreographic group was created for children aged 6 years and older. The team consists of more than 25 people. Children attend classes with great pleasure, work hard, learning complex steps: after all, learning to dance beautifully is a lot of work for every child. Having learned to dance, they masterfully control their body, feel at ease in any rhythm of music, dissolving in it. During classes, children study various areas of dance art: dances of the peoples of the world, modern dances, classical, etc. And all the strength and knowledge is given to the children by a wonderful teacher - Elena Viktorovna Smirnova.

The choreographic team is a Laureate of the International Competition “In the World of Dance” in Dagomys, takes an active part in competitions, festivals and concert programs. Participants in city, district, regional and international cultural events.

Winners of diplomas from the regional choreographic festival "Rainbow", the V International Festival of Arts "Priests of the Muses" in Tsarevo, Bulgaria, 2nd place in the festival "In the World of Dance" in Sochi. In May 2011, the group became the 2nd degree Laureate of the Open Russian competition-festival of children's choreographic groups "Blue Bird" in Balakovo, Saratov region, 3rd place in the International Festival of Youth Creativity "Albena's Smile" in Bulgaria, in 2012. reached the finals of the 13th city festival “Beauty.Fashion.Music”, laureates of the Interregional Open Festival of Children’s Art “Freckles-1012”, winner of the 1st degree diploma of the National Festival-Competition of Traditional Folk Art of Youth “Yeseninskaya Rus”, 3rd degree laureates of the 1st International Festival arts "Consonance", International Dance Festival "Blue Bird".

This year they received the Grand Prix at the International Arts Festival "Consonance" and took 1st place in the International Choreographic Grant Competition "Dance Assembly" with the support of the Government of St. Petersburg, the UNESCO Dance Council, and the International Center for Contemporary Dance "VORTEX" in St. Petersburg.

1st place in the XII international festival “Vivat, Italy!”

We invite children aged 4-9 years.

Cost of classes - first year - 2,800 rubles.

subsequent years - 2,500 rubles.


Children's theater studio "Young Actor Studio"

The children's theater studio "Young Actor" was created for children from 4 years old. The head of the children's theater studio is Galina Aleksandrovna Rivkovich. In the studio, children study acting, stage speech, plastic movements, and become acquainted with theatrical culture. Speech technique classes provide an opportunity to develop the speech apparatus and learn to speak correctly and beautifully. Stage movement classes are aimed at gaining control over your body.

Classes in the studio provide the opportunity to move, play, invent something, express fantasies, learn to be different, different, to prove that even the mood is subject to fantasy. The main task is the artistic, aesthetic and cultural development of the child. The inner spiritual world is enriched by familiarization with the theater, acquaintance with its history and various directions. Acting skills in the process of studying it are also useful for children in that they develop visual memory, logical thinking, a sense of partnership, coordination in space, and promote the expressiveness of internal and external plasticity and emotions. It forms a positive attitude towards each individual and the world as a whole, instills universal human values, reveals creative possibilities, and promotes the manifestation of talent through self-expression.

The Young Actor Studio takes an active part in International and All-Russian festivals, competitions and concert activities.

Children WITHOUT speech defects are accepted

from primary school age

First year of classes - PAYMENT 2000 rubles.

Those who continue are enrolled in the BUDGET GROUP based on the results of an interview with parents.

BASIC CONDITION: the child’s participation in performances and concert programs, including outdoor events and trips to festivals

Theater studio "Igra"

For children over 12 years old and adults. The head of the theater studio since 1989 is Andrey Vladimirovich Zascherinsky. During classes at the theater studio, you will develop your strengths and get rid of your shortcomings. Truly necessary qualities and capabilities of a person may not be revealed for many years. The ability to control oneself in public, to move beautifully and speak competently, the ability to captivate an audience - all this will be taught to you at the “Igra” theater studio.

During this time, truly talented people were “born” and raised in the theater studio of the Palace of Culture. From year to year, both children and adults flock to this group; everyone wants to try themselves on stage in different roles.

The studio hosts literary and themed evenings, performances, and master classes in theatrical art. Studio participants go to theaters and to creative meetings at the Shchukin Theater School, perform at the Chukovsky House-Museum, kindergartens and children's health camps in the city.

The team of the TS “Igra” constantly participates in organizing and holding youth and mass festivals in the Palace of Culture of the city of Moskovsky, Leninsky district and region, as well as in international cultural events.

Theater studio "Igra" won the Grand Prix of the Interregional Theater Festival "Friends of Melpomene" for the play "The Snow Queen" and 11 diplomas for performing roles in this play and for directing.

The studio received diplomas for participation in the V International Festival of Arts "Priests of the Muses" in Tsarevo, Bulgaria and a letter of gratitude for participation in the K. Chukovsky Children's Literature Festival.

We took part in the New Year's program at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2012-2013 Winners of the Grand Prix of the Fairytale Lukomorye festival and the Grand Prix of the First Open Interregional Festival of Theater Arts "Play, Actor!", 2nd degree Diploma of the XII theater festival "Friends of Melpomene", winners of the regional competition "Living Classics", 2nd degree Diploma and certificates 15th anniversary of the Moscow regional festival “Theatrical Zavalinka”, 1st degree laureates of the VI All-Russian festival of artistic creativity “I am entering the world of art”, holders of diplomas from the festival “Art-Lyceum 2013” ​​and festivals within the framework of cultural exchange between countries, organized by the Department of Family and Youth politics in Vietnam and Cambodia.

Women's handicraft club "Conversation"

The "Conversation" club was created for arts and crafts classes. The head of the club is Elena Valentinovna Kornilova. The purpose of meetings at the club is to introduce different types of handicrafts. Handicraft is an ageless form of applied art. During the classes, over a cup of tea, women share culinary recipes, knit, embroider, and make various beaded jewelry. The club is attended not only by those who want to learn handicrafts, but also by those for whom handicrafts are the main hobby in life. Club members present all their skills at various exhibitions.

Excursions to the exhibitions “Prima-Lex”, to Vernissage, and to the X exhibition-fair of Russian folk art crafts “Ladya. Spring fantasy 2012.”

The works of the circle participants in the cultural center could be seen at exhibitions of applied art:

“Christmas joy”, Artificial aging, Craquelure, Patina, Decoupage, “Gift for Valentine’s Day”, “Gifts for March 8”, “Easter souvenir”.

Participants of the exhibition - fair "Christmas Fantasy", held by the Prefecture of TiNAO

All embroidery lovers are invited,

knitting, making various crafts,

beaded jewelry and much more.

Classes are held 2 times a week.

The meeting will take place

Choreographic group "Silver Rain"

The choreographic group was created for children from 3 to 14 years old. The team led by Elena and Alexander Kukarin includes more than 30 people.

Dancing classes contribute to overall physical development, develop dexterity and coordination of movements. In addition, they help develop a sense of rhythm, understand the figurative language of music, and flexibility. Speaking in public develops self-confidence and gives the child the opportunity to express his or her individuality. Dance is the inner world reflected in movement, and along with other forms of art, it is the most natural way of self-expression. During the classes, children get acquainted with various types of choreographic art: classical and folk dance, modern plastic arts, develop individual and
ensemble mastery, master such personality qualities as hard work, discipline, striving for excellence, a sense of responsibility, and mutual assistance.

The team takes part in many competitions, festivals and concert programs.

We invite children from 3 years old and older.

The cost of classes is 2,500 rubles.

Children's theater group in English "Englishman"

The circle has more than 80 students and this large team has been led since 1992 by a very competent and experienced teacher Elena Nikolaevna Lebedeva. For each group, she develops an individual lesson plan with game elements, songs, poems, using colorful visual aids and audio materials.

Elena Nikolaevna stages performances in English, writes her own script for each performance, and draws characters for puppet shows herself. Children love to play different roles and help prepare for performances.

Open classes are very interesting: all kinds of competitions and quizzes invented by the teacher delight the children. Parents take an active part in play programs and open activities. They and their children participate in competitions and quizzes.

The work of the team was awarded with certificates and diplomas.

This year, the team held festive and themed events for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, New Year, Halloween and others. Children became winners of school and district Olympiads in English.

Enrollment of children in the group 7 -8 years old


Classes are held 2 times a week

/Tuesday Thursday/

The cost of classes is 3,000 rubles.

Variety group "Children of the Sun"

Boys and girls!
If you love to sing and dance,
If you are not afraid to perform on stage,
Bring your favorite song with you,
And quickly run to “Children of the Sun”!

meeting for new parents.

We invite children 5-12 years old

Audition days: September 5 and 6 from 4 to 7 p.m.
You can sign up for an audition now with the administrators of the cultural center.

Information for continuing classes.
Our dear Children and Parents!
In order to quickly form groups, create a schedule, and start classes, we ask you to register with the administrators of the cultural center before September 5!

The variety group “Children of the Sun” includes children aged 4 years and older. A talented and experienced teacher, Elena Petrovna Talanova, teaches children vocals, choreography, and acting. Currently, the repertoire of this group includes more than 25 songs. Elena Petrovna choreographs dance compositions for each song and develops sketches of costumes for performances. Singing classes contribute to the development of personality and creativity, improvement of physical health, improvement of the quality of one’s own attention, as well as the development of new positive habits. The process of voice production is aimed at revealing and developing its natural properties, as a result of which the voice acquires beauty and expressiveness, depth and volume. Singing in groups develops the ability to work as a team, especially when children share their ideas with each other. You will find all this in this team.

The team takes part in city, district, regional and international competitions, festivals and concert programs.

The members of the group received diplomas from the regional pop song festival-competition “Edelweiss”.

Every year the team takes part in organizing and holding the International Children's Film Festival "Scarlet Sails" in Montenegro, Greece, Bulgaria, Crimea, Gurzuf o/l "Artek". The main director and author of the script for the opening and closing show is the team leader.

The team received a letter of gratitude for their assistance in organizing and holding the Kinokadrik Children's Film Festival at the Moscow House of Arts.

Laureates of the 1st and 3rd degrees in the “Musical Drops” competition. Winners of a special prize from the representative office of Pierre Cardin. Invited to film in the film magazine “Yeralash”.

The team took part in the concert program as part of the “Hurry to Do Good!” campaign. in support of children with cystic fibrosis, in the Central House of Creativity “Khoroshovo-Mnevniki”, in the New Year’s program at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

At the invitation of the hero of the day, People's Artist of Russia, Alexander Domogarov, they took part in one of the most prestigious concert halls - Crocus City Hall, together with Alexander Rosenbaum, Georgy Leps, Alexander Marshal and many others. Other famous artists.

Zakharova Polina
Denisova Yana
Metsakon Nicole
Uzelkova Marina
Fedorova Dasha
Osipova Sasha
Khachatryan Gohar
Petrovskaya Olya
Litvinenko Sveta
Bakhramilovskaya Alena
Palamarchuk Anya
Kiseleva Lera

School of hip-hop and street dancing "Drive"

The dance group "Hip-Hop" will open the doors to modern dance for you - an immense multifaceted world that will bring many bright colors and opportunities into your life. Learning to dance hip-hop will strengthen your muscles and correct your figure, improve your well-being and mood, increase confidence and self-esteem, liberate you and open you up to communicate with like-minded people. Experienced teachers Ella Valentinovna and Leonid Vasilievich Kudryavtsev are waiting for you.

Holders of a diploma of participation in the qualifying round of the Russian championship in street dancing and hip-hop. The team spends the summer at the Children's health camps "Nadezhda XXI Century", where creative meetings between dance groups and master classes on street dancing are held.

Winners of diplomas as finalists of the Open Championship of Latvia and Eastern Europe in hip-hop and street dancing in Riga, International competitions in Minsk and the “Northern Battle” competition in St. Petersburg and many others. etc.

We invite everyone

from 5 to 16 years

Classes are held 2 times a week.

The cost of classes is 2,200 rubles.

Children's dance ensemble "Rossiyanka"

The dance ensemble "Rossiyanka" was created in 1987. The group is a Laureate and Diploma winner, winner of the Grand Prix and gold medals of many choreographic competitions and festivals. The interesting and successful activities of the group are facilitated by the extraordinary work of its permanent leader, Lyudmila Sergeevna Aseeva, who stages interesting competitive dance performances, invents and develops bright and original costumes. And the teacher - accompanist Tatyana Vitalievna Tokman, who does a lot of educational work with the participants and parents of the group. The main goal of the dance ensemble is to unite children of different ages in the genre of choreographic art, introducing them to different cultures embodied in dance.


stage of the Palace of Culture


10 - 12 years old - middle group

13 - 16 years old - senior group

Pop vocal studio "GENERATION NEXT"

Head: Gladkova Elvira Vladimirovna


The studio’s program for organizing the creative process of educating vocalists is based primarily on practical recommendations from Natalia Knyazhinskaya’s unique method of teaching vocals, prepared taking into account the rich experience of the Gnessin Institute, family secrets and traditions of vocal teaching, as well as the personal experience of a third-generation vocal teacher .

Program: developing a sustainable interest in singing

Expressive singing training

Development of musical abilities

Introduction to concert activities

Creating a comfortable psychological climate

The program provides a combination of both group and individual lessons.

AUDITIONS and ENROLLMENT based on the results of auditions take place from September, every Monday from 17:00 to 18:00

The conditions for selecting children into a vocal studio are, first of all, their desire to engage in this particular type of art and their ability to practice systematically.

Dance school "World of Dance" is one of the largest dance schools!
An ideal place for dancing! Sign up for groups by phone: +79788283010, +79788283007
At your disposal are two comfortable spacious rooms with powerful ventilation and mirrors to the ceiling, a dressing room with lockers, a chill-out, and friendly staff.
The bright colors of the dance halls, the positive atmosphere and attentive attitude towards each student will make your dance classes unforgettable!

We invite everyone who wants to learn art:
- oriental dance
- modern choreography
- hip-hop
- jazz-modern
- children's choreography
- classical and pop dance
- strip plastic and lady dance
- ballroom dancing
- go-go

Groups for CHILDREN and ADULTS!


Leader Ekaterina Khalezina - Two-time World Champion 2016, Honored Artist of the Republic of Crimea, European Champion 2015 in bellydance, winner of the 2015 World Cup in show, participant in the dance project on TNT 2015, professional choreographer, founder of the dance school "World of Dance" in Sevastopol .

The school is taught by talented, experienced teachers with higher choreographic education, professionals who have devoted their entire lives to the wonderful art of dance, and now are happy to pass on their own skills to young talents!

During the short period of existence of the studio, the “World of Dance” team was awarded many awards and honorary titles! Our students are also winners of major international festivals in solo performances!