Son of a warrior. Batyrkhan Shukenov: secrets of his personal life, biography, unhappy love and creative joy

Batyrkhan Shukenov’s son Maksut and the singer’s common-law wife took part in Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk” on Channel One.

“I am Maksut Shukenov, the son of Batyrkhan Shukenov, and I want to tell you about my situation now. In general, the situation is very bad, because for the first time there is no dad. Mom cries almost every day, and I don’t know what to do...” - with these words the son of Batyrkhan Shukenov begins his address on a talk show.

6 years ago, the musician’s common-law wife Ekaterina Shelyakova and Maksut Shukenov moved to the USA. In Florida, a Kazakh artist built a house for his family for 680 thousand dollars. This spring, the musician managed to pay 25% of the amount - 190 thousand dollars. However, after his death, his son and common-law wife remained on the street.

“I would never have thought that instead of my own beautiful house I would be moving to a small room,” Shelyakova was upset.

The program showed a family moving from a large house to a friends room. The woman also added that apparently her car will also be taken away soon, because it is on credit.

“I would just like to talk about Batyr, tell what situation Maksut found himself in. Batyr was an icon in Kazakhstan and I think maybe there will be some philanthropists who will want to take care of only their son. I am able to feed myself,” she said common-law wife.

Shelyakova answered the presenter’s question about moving to Kazakhstan unequivocally.

“I don’t think that my son will be in chocolate there, because Batyr’s family lives quite modestly. People are not in some kind of big business. In principle, there is no place to live there either. Plus, if in America I can earn my own food and for gasoline, I don’t even see such an opportunity in Kazakhstan.”

A fragment of an interview with Batyrkhan’s brother, Baurzhan, was also shown.

“It is impossible to conflict with Katya. She is the mother of a child. We all understand this. She wrote down the monthly expenses. Those expenses that were written amounted to 4.5 thousand dollars a month. We are now separately raising money for real estate, there is already a serious amount. We contacted realtors, they said: we will find good housing, worthy of a child, near the school,” he noted.

According to Olzhas Baykanov, a close friend and former art director of the singer, Batyrkhan Shukenov through him monthly transferred $8,000 to Shelyakova and his son. The public fund named after Batyrkhan Shukenov, which has existed for four months, has collected about $1,500.

Singer Valery Meladze was the first to respond to help. Who paid for a year of study for Maksut Shukenov. The artist himself said on air that he had been friends with Batyr since 1990.

“We need to do everything to make the child feel good. Maybe, rather than living in poverty abroad, it’s better to live at home, here, among family and friends. He would know his native language, grow up among relatives,” noted Roza Rymbaeva, excerpt from an interview which was also shown on air.

Public figures, psychologists, and journalists also spoke in the studio. Many noticed that Catherine should reconsider her views on life and count on different conditions. However, everyone supported the ideas of helping the son of Batyrkhan Shukenov.

According to a colleague of the deceased lead singer of A-Studio, he was checked by cardiologists

Batyrkhan was only 52 years old. He didn't live three weeks before his next birthday.

“What could have led to such an early departure,” said the singer’s director Ruslan Magomedov and close friend, drummer Igor Javad-Zade.

As MK learned, 52-year-old Shukenov was alone in his apartment on Simferopol Boulevard. At about 10 p.m., the singer felt pain in his heart and dialed number “03.” Doctors realized at first glance that Shukenov had had a heart attack. The findings were confirmed by the results of the ECG, which was taken immediately.

Before their eyes, he lost consciousness. The resuscitation team tried to revive the patient for more than two hours, but to no avail. From time to time the singer came to his senses, but then passed out again. As a result, Shukenov’s heart stopped. The cause of death, according to preliminary data, was a massive heart attack.

Apparently, Shukenov became ill over the weekend, as the concierge at the house noticed that the singer did not look well. According to the woman, he was very pale.

The singer’s director, Ruslan Magomedov, told MK:

No signs of trouble. Batyr's career was on the rise. He participated in the One to One program, the third season of which started on February 8. Batyr was very successful. He masterfully managed to transform into Yuri Antonov, Leonid Agutin, Luciano Pavarotti... The day before he recorded a new song. At the beginning of May we were supposed to shoot a video for this song.

- Has Batyrkhan complained of heart pain before?

His heart was seized; attacks had happened before. But they were not as strong. At first, Batyr attributed everything to overwork. But his family insisted on an examination. He was being checked. Cardiologists did not find any pathologies in him.

Friends of the singer and musician still cannot believe that Batyrkhan is no longer alive.

Batyr was simply an incredible person,” says the singer’s close friend, drummer Igor Javad-Zade. - He had a sea of ​​charm. I don't remember anyone saying anything bad about him. Although show business is still that rotten swamp where it is difficult not to get dirty. But Batyr, as they say, was not pestered. He always performed in a snow-white shirt. So bright and pure - and was in life.

-What could have led to the tragedy?

In 2006, A-Studio guitarist Baglan Sadvakasov died in an accident. And Batyr died on takeoff. I think creative ambitions were to blame. We called him “firmach”. He always set the bar very high. Plowed and rehearsed like an ox. He started working in the Arai group, which accompanied the famous Kazakh singer Roza Rymbaeva. Then the team began to perform independently, the group was called “Alma-Ata-Studio”. Volodya Presnyakov brought recordings of their songs from a tour to Moscow. Alla Pugacheva heard and immediately picked up the phone: “Come urgently!” Soon the musicians joined her Song Theater and performed in “Christmas Meetings”. The name of the group was too long, they decided to shorten it to “A-Studio”. Their triumph began. Alla Borisovna Pugacheva also adored Batyr, often calling him “son.” He was also a favorite of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev. But it’s one thing when you work in a group, the musicians stick together and support each other. And it’s a completely different matter when you’re pursuing a solo career. Batyr considered that he had exhausted himself as part of A-Studio. I decided to go on a solo voyage. I started singing songs in my native language. This path turned out to be difficult, but he overcame it with honor. We have known each other for 30 years, I have not seen him in conflict with anyone.

Batyr was a trouble-free person, easy-going. One day we met at the studio, I was organizing a festival, I didn’t have a saxophonist. Batyr, putting aside all matters, immediately volunteered to help. The rehearsal lasted no more than 15 minutes, and he performed. And how! He was a virtuoso of alto and tenor saxophone. He could give any jazz musician a head start.

I remember him smiling. He was a joker, an expert at practical jokes. One day we were flying together on a plane. Suddenly a head appeared in the opening of the curtains, a man with a Kazakh accent began to scold the Russian guests. And then he broke into a smile. Everyone immediately recognized Batyr!

- Did he have problems on the personal front?

He married a second time and was very happy. He remained on good terms with his first wife, Katya, a Latvian by nationality. I constantly went to see my son Maksut in Jurmala. Then the boy and his mother went to live in America. Maksut is now 13 years old. He was constantly in touch with Batyr.

Batyr did not like to advertise his personal life. Friends say that seven years ago he married a dazzling beauty - Kazakh Aigerim. Despite the fact that her family lived in St. Petersburg, the young couple celebrated their wedding in the musician’s homeland, according to local customs. The couple went on their honeymoon to holy places in Turkestan.

Batyr was positive all the time, engaged in spiritual practices, traveled to India, says Igor Javad-Zade. “I remember telling me: “I went through three stages of teaching. And you need to grow spiritually.” He constantly worked on himself. But his heart could not stand it; apparently there were too many internal experiences. At the cost of his own health, he held back negative emotions. A good, pious man has left.

Friends recall that the debut disc of the Alma-Ata group was at one time called “The Path Without Stops.” It included 8 songs performed by Batyrkhan Shukenov. The name turned out to be prophetic. The singer did not spare himself. He worked and lived without stopping.

30/04/2015 - 11:42

Batyrkhan Shukenov died suddenly on April 28. Personal life, wife, children of Batyr Shukenov - a biography of the famous Kazakh singer, who spent a lot of time studying music in Russia.

[] May 18, 1962 in an ordinary family of economists with four children. Batyr had two brothers and a sister. The future saxophonist and lead singer of the popular group “A-Studio” graduated from school in Kzyl-Orda in 1979. Batyr attended a music club together with school, which had a strong influence on his life.

Immediately after school, Batyrkhan Shukenov decided to enter the Leningrad State Institute of Culture named after N.K. Krupskaya in the saxophone class. There he studied for a total of two years, then moved to the Alma-Ata State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy Sagyrbaev, where he continued his studies in the saxophone class.

While still at the conservatory, Batyr met famous musicians from the Arai group - Vladimir Mikloshich, Baygali Servebaev and Bulat Syzdykov. They invited an aspiring artist to join their group as a saxophonist. In 1983, Shukenov even became a laureate of the 7th All-Union Variety Artists Competition. In 1085, his studies at the Alma-Ata Conservatory ended, Batyrkhan went to serve in the army.

In 1987, the Araya musicians decided to leave their leader, Roza Rymbaeva, and create their own group, Alma-Ata. It was with participation in this group that Batyr Shukenov began his vocal career. Approximately after the founding of the new group, it released its first solo album, which included only 8 compositions. Two of them are written in Kazakh and performed by Shukenov. Then the group changes its name to the more sonorous “Alma-Ata Studio”, Batyr becomes its frontman.

1989 becomes a truly successful year for the group. Its participants write their first hit “Julia”. Alla Pugacheva finds out about “A-Studio” and invites them to her “Christmas meetings” - the team is making waves throughout the country.

During its activity, “A-Studio” recorded many songs that became cult songs: “Unloved”, “Soldier of Love”, “These Warm Summer Nights”, “White River”, “Stop, Night”. They have a busy touring schedule, many concerts, but A-Studio spends most of its time in Moscow.

In 2000, Shukenov left the composition of “A-Studio” and decided to devote himself to a solo career called “Batyr”. In 2002, his personal album “Otan Anna” (translated from Kazakh as “native land”) was released.

In 2007, Shukenov’s disc “Batyr LIVE” was released, he performed in Alma-Ata at the Palace of the Republic and became an advisor to Nursultan Nazarbayev (President of Kazakhstan) on culture.

Batyr Shukenov - personal life, children and wife. Not much is actually known about his personal life.

In 2002, Shukenov became a father, but he was not married to the child’s mother (her name is Ekaterina). Maksut is Batyr’s only son; he now lives with his mother in the city of Sarasota (USA), where he emigrated from Jurmala. The son will not be able to come to his father’s funeral, which will take place in Kazakhstan. The teenager simply does not have time to arrive on time.

Maksut also makes music, but in more modern directions. At the same time, according to Shukenov, his son also listens to his work.

In November 2008, Batyr married a 30-year-old girl, Aigerim. He met her in St. Petersburg. At the time of his marriage, Shukenov was already 46 years old, a late marriage. Virtually nothing is known about their relationship.

Dina Shukenova, the wife of Batyr’s older brother, Bauran Shukenova, states that the couple has been divorced for a long time. Shukenov himself called an ambulance on the evening of April 28 to his Moscow apartment. Dina Shukenova believes that Batyr’s death was caused by heavy workload: there are no other reasons for the singer’s untimely death.

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Batyrkhan Shukenov’s son Maksut and the singer’s common-law wife took part in Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk” on Channel One.

“I am Maksut Shukenov, the son of Batyrkhan Shukenov, and I want to tell you about my situation now. In general, the situation is very bad, because for the first time there is no dad. Mom cries almost every day, and I don’t know what to do...” - with these words, the son of Batyrkhan Shukenov begins his address on the talk show.

6 years ago, the musician’s common-law wife Ekaterina Shelyakova and Maksut Shukenov moved to the USA. In Florida, a Kazakh artist built a house for his family for 680 thousand dollars. This spring, the musician managed to pay 25% of the amount - 190 thousand dollars. However, after his death, his son and common-law wife remained on the street.

“I would never have thought that instead of my own beautiful house I would move to a small room” - wife,” Shelyakova was upset.

The program showed a family moving from a large house to a friends room. The woman also added that apparently her car will also be taken away soon, because it is on credit.

“I would just like to talk about Batyr, tell what situation Maksut found himself in. Bftyr was an icon in Kazakhstan and I think maybe there will be some philanthropists who will want to take care of only his son. I am able to feed myself,” said the common-law wife.

Shelyakova answered the presenter’s question about moving to Kazakhstan unequivocally.

“I don’t think that my son will be in chocolate there, because Batyr’s family lives quite modestly. People are not some kind of big business. In principle, there is no place to live there either. Plus, if in America I can earn money for food and gasoline, in Kazakhstan I don’t even see such an opportunity.”

A fragment of an interview with Batyrkhan’s brother, Baurzhan, was also shown.

“It is impossible to conflict with Katya. She is the child's mother. We all understand this. She wrote down her monthly expenses. Those expenses that were written amounted to 4.5 thousand dollars per month. We are now separately raising money for real estate; we already have a significant amount. We contacted realtors, they said: we will find good housing, worthy of a child, near the school,” he noted.

According to a close friend and former art director of the singer Olzhas Baykanov, Batyrkhan Shukenov through him monthly transferred $8,000 to Shelyakova and her son. The public foundation named after Batyrkhan Shukenov, which has existed for four months, has collected about $1,500.

Singer Valery Meladze was the first to respond to help. Who paid for a year of study for Maksut Shukenov. The artist himself said on air that he had been friends with Batyr since 1990.

“We need to do everything to make the child feel good. Maybe, rather than living in poverty abroad, it’s better to live at home, here, among family and friends. He would have known his native language, grown up among relatives,” noted Roza Rymbaeva, a fragment of an interview with whom was also shown on air.

Public figures, psychologists, and journalists also spoke in the studio. Many have noticed that Catherine should reconsider her views on life and count on other conditions. However, everyone supported the ideas of helping the son of Batyrkhan Shukenov.

// Photo: From the personal archive of Ekaterina Shelyakova

The death of the first soloist of A’Studio from a heart attack a year ago turned the lives of his relatives upside down. Ex-wife Ekaterina Shelyakova and 14-year-old son Maksut were left without a roof over their heads - the house in America that Batyrkhan Shukenov was building was taken away from the family as soon as payments on the loan stopped coming in. The singer's inheritance turned out to be poor. The one-room apartment in Moscow, where the body of the author of the hit “Julia” was found, turned out to be removable, and the talk about land in the Moscow region was fiction.

Only the fate of royalties remains unresolved. “Batyr’s family stated that his mother was ready to renounce her half of the intellectual property rights, but the notary had not yet signed any documents,” Ekaterina shared with StarHit. – I don’t know who is dealing with this issue on the part of the relatives; they regularly ignore meetings with my lawyer. Because of this, we cannot get money from the Russian Copyright Society and the Russian Union of Copyright Holders, where we need to bring a document about entering into an inheritance.”

Valery Meladze became the support for the woman and the singer’s only heir. “I am incredibly grateful to Valera, he always finds time to call and write to us,” she says. “Batyr’s friend Kanat Uskenov helps a lot.”

Even the common grief did not unite Catherine with the musician’s family - his mother and three brothers. “Relatives do not contact Maksut. Apparently, the big time difference is a hindrance,” sighs the widow. “We communicate only with Baurzhan, one of Batyr’s brothers, and solve legal and financial issues together.”

After the singer’s death, Catherine sued a construction company for a house in Florida. “Batyr managed to pay only a third of the loan - $190 thousand, and the remaining $460 thousand fell on Katya,” says Olzhas Baykanov, a close friend of the singer. “She didn’t have that kind of money, the land and cottage were taken away.” I was lucky, at least through the court I was able to get back part of the invested amount.”

Last summer, the Batyrkhan Shukenov Foundation was created in Kazakhstan, which has already held several charity concerts in Astana and Moscow.

“I thank the Kazakh and Russian artists who participated in the performances. Now we can afford our own corner,” admits Ekaterina. – In addition, thanks to the “Let Them Talk” program, after the release of which funds began to flow into the fund. We hope that in early May we will move from my friend’s apartment to a new house. Maksut and I still can’t get used to the fact that Batyr is no more. They even came up with a legend for themselves that he just went on tour.”