Sportloto 6 out of 40. How to play Sportloto: all the rules

We advise you to pay attention to the interactive game of the popular Belarusian company “Sport-Pari”, which is called 6 out of 49. It is based on the SKS computer program, it is part of the State Register of Cash Registers. The presented lottery has the approval of the Ministry of Finance of Belarus.

Lottery 6 out of 49 in Belarus is an interactive game, where a public drawing of the prize fund is carried out, which is carried out on the state television channel “Belarus-2”. The presented game is broadcast 3 days a week. Every day bets are accepted, which is carried out using special electronic devices, most often these devices are located on large trading floors (supermarkets, hypermarkets, shopping and entertainment centers). In addition, it is possible to accept bets using online services - via the Internet and various mobile applications.

The rules of this popular game are quite simple:

  • The participant must guess from 3 to 6 drawn numbers.
  • If 3 numbers match in a row, the prize is a certain amount.

What do you need to place a bet?

All persons over the age of eighteen can participate in this type of lottery. They have to place bets. The bet is a combination that includes 6 digits, the choice ranges from 1 to 49. Bets can be made up to 20 hours 40 minutes before the day of the official drawing.

If a participant wants to place a bet in the terminal, then he must fill out a gaming coupon; it can be purchased at most points of sale; the player can also fill it out at a time convenient for him. It is considered that a person is participating in this lottery, then when he indicates 6 numbers that are successful for him, he must choose from the 49 numbers presented, for each draw separately, then the coupon is given to the operator, and the bet is paid.

The next procedure includes receiving a forecast check; this operation is carried out after you pay the bet and it is registered in the system. The participant in the drawing becomes the owner of 2 checks - one of which is a forecast check, and the other is a fiscal check. The forecast check is the main and only document confirming your participation in this type of drawing. Only with a check forecast can you legally receive your winnings. You must save it until the results of the drawing are announced. The fiscal receipt serves only to confirm the transfer of funds by you.

How should I fill out the coupon?

A company like “Sport-betting” distributes its coupons quite widely for various types of games. Filling out coupons is very easy and quick. To fill out the game coupon, you only need a dark pen. In the field for selecting the number of draws in which the player takes part, only a single value is noted.

After this, depending on the number of draws you have selected, you need to fill in from 1 to 6 fields. Next comes the procedure for selecting 6 numbers that are successful for you, but there is also such a function as automatic filling. Each field fully corresponds to the game combination (bet). If you made a mistake when crossing out numbers, then you cross out in the field called “Error” the number that you wanted to cross out, or you have the option of filling in a new field.

It is quite simple to calculate the final total winnings of the game; you need to multiply the bet price by the total selected number of draws.

How are the “Sportloto 6 out of 49” draws carried out?

The broadcast of the presented lotto can be seen on the republican TV channel “Belarus-2”. The broadcast takes place 3 times during the week at a certain time. The drawing is carried out in such a way that from the lottery drum, 49 balls with numbers from 1 to 49 were dropped into it, only 6 balls are drawn absolutely randomly. The presented balls form the main game combination. The process of extracting balls is carried out only automatically. A person cannot control this process and, accordingly, have any influence on the outcome of the drawing. If a situation occurs in which the lottery machine fails, the organizer himself, at the end of the agreed time for the additional television broadcast, holds another draw, the results of which will be considered valid, and the results of the previous one will be automatically invalidated.

Where can I get my winnings?

  • Your winnings, if they are up to five basic amounts, can be obtained at the official outlets of the Sport-betting company or specialized dealer outlets.
  • If your winnings are within the amount of three million rubles, then you can also receive it at official Sports Betting points.
  • Well, if the amount of your winnings was three million rubles or more, then you can receive it either in cash or to the player’s official card account after he has officially presented an identification document.

There is an analogue of this lottery called Sportloto 5 out of 36. Sportloto 5 out of 36 is also in demand in Belarus. But its conditions are somewhat different from the described lottery.

I would also like to note that you have a wonderful opportunity to find out the addresses closest to you at which payments for winnings are made and the availability of the required amount at points of sale. These clarifications can be made by calling the toll-free hotline number.

“Sportloto 5 out of 36” is the first electronic interactive game in Belarus, with which modern gaming technologies, popular all over the world, came to the republic. The game is played using a special computer system (SCS), which is included in the State Register of Cash Registers. The game received permission from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus (Certificate of registration of electronic interactive game No. 0000011 dated May 30, 2018).

All bets on the game are accepted at the points of sale of the Sport-Pari company using electronic terminals. Gaming processes are transparent, which allows government authorities to exercise full control over the conduct of the game and compliance with the player’s rights. Therefore, human intervention in the process of accepting and registering bets is reduced to zero.

The game "Sportloto 5 of 36" refers to "pool" games. The essence of "pool" games is the direct dependence of the size of the winnings on the total number of bets made by players. In other words, the more bets are made, the larger the prize fund or “pool” (from the English “pool” - fund, total amount) will be, and, therefore, the larger the winnings will be.

Advantages"Sportloto 5 out of 36"

    The Sportloto 5 out of 36 jackpot grows every minute and depends on the number of bets made.

    Draws take place 3 times a week on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays and are broadcast on the Belarus 2 channel.

    You get a win even if you match two numbers.

    The price of one bet is only 1 rub. 50 kopecks.

    The mathematical probability of "Sportloto 5 out of 36" is constructed in such a way that if at least 2% of the population of Belarus makes one bet on each draw of the game, then every week the jackpot will be formed in an amount of at least 60 0 00 rubles, and the more participants there are, the larger the jackpot will be.

How to place a bet

A player is any person over 18 years of age who has placed a bet. The player can place a bet at the point of sale of the Sport-betting company. You can find out the location of the point of sale closest to you. Bets are also accepted through a mobile and online application.

Fill out the game coupon. At the terminal of JSC "Sport-Pari" from the operator, you can receive a gaming coupon completely free of charge and fill it out in any convenient place.

Place a bet.

You give the completed gaming coupon to the terminal operator and pay for your bet. Get a check forecast.After the operator registers your bet and accepts payment for it, you will receive a forecast check and a fiscal check.

The forecast check is the only proof of participation in the game and serves as the main basis for receiving winnings. So be sure to save it. Simultaneously with the issuance of the forecast check, the player receives a fiscal check confirming the receipt of funds from him. The forecast check contains the following information:

Draws are broadcast on Belarusian television 3 times a week on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. During the official drawing, in the presence of a drawing commission, 5 balls and then 1 bonus ball are randomly drawn from a lottery drum into which 36 balls with numbers from 1 to 36 are loaded. The numbers drawn form a winning combination. A winning combination is a complete or partial match of the numbers of your game combination with the prize one. Winnings are paid out on 2 matches. Five matches is a jackpot win.

How to fill out a coupon

1. To make a regular bet, you need to cross out any 5 numbers from 1 to 36 in the playing field (using the X symbol). The coupon contains 8 playing fields. Each field corresponds to one game combination (bet). The number of fields to fill out depends on the player’s wishes. You can fill in the fields in any order. To fill out the coupon, you must use dark colored pen or ink. In case of a mistake or incorrect crossing out of numbers, the player can cross out the ERROR field in the corresponding field and fill in a new field instead. For example, we will make 2 combinations: 07-15-22-32-36 and 03-17-21-31-36

2. Be sure to indicate the number of draws. Only one of the values ​​is crossed out. By marking numbers from 1 to 8 in this field, you select the number of consecutive draws in which your gaming combination will be played. We will bet 2 combinations for 4 draws, because... our numbers will play for 2 weeks.

3. The cost of your participation in the game can be calculated by multiplying the bet price by the number of draws that you have chosen. In our case, 1 rub. 50 kopecks x2x4=12 rubles

You can practice filling out the playing field on the coupon

How are the "Sportloto 5 out of 36" draws carried out?

Draws are broadcast on Belarusian television 3 times a week on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. During the official drawing in the presence of a drawing commission, 5 balls are randomly drawn from a lottery drum into which 36 balls with numbers from 1 to 36 are loaded. The numbers drawn form a winning combination. A winning combination is a complete or partial match of the numbers of your game combination with the prize one. Winnings are paid out upon 2 matches. Five matches is a Jackpot win. from 600 rubles - at special payment points and the organizer’s offices, after the player presents a passport (residence permit).

To receive winnings over 300 rubles, you MUST call the Hotline "143" in advance.

At the moment, winnings are paid no later than 2 business days from the moment the player applies to receive the winnings or provides them with the card account number to which the winnings should be transferred.

You can check the addresses closest to you for the payment of winnings and the availability of the required amount at points of sale by calling the Hotline - “143” (from a landline phone and from mobile operators VELCOM, MTS, LIFE).

With best wishes,
Team "Sport-betting"

In 2016, there were 1,078 drawings of the Sportloto 6 out of 49 lottery. During this period, the amount of fees amounted to (on average) 452,683 rubles per draw. Considering that the bets in “6 out of 49” cost only 20 rubles, it turns out that a little more than 20 thousand combinations are involved in each draw, which is ridiculously small for a lottery with such a numerical formula. Since the probability of guessing 6 out of 49 is 1 in 13,983,816, then with the current number of bets it is hardly worth expecting that the main prize will be guessed more than 1-2 times a year.

Why, it’s a six, with such a “mass”, not even a five is guessed in every draw (chance 1 in 54,201)

Anti-record 2016, circulation No. 24236 - only 6200 combinations are involved

The lottery is saved only by the small cost of the bet compared to other games. Still, 20 rubles, this is five times less than in the flagship Stoloto lotteries. But there is also a significant drawback - the payment for the top five is small, 30-45 thousand rubles. In the same Gosloto lottery “6 out of 45” the chance of guessing a five is even higher - 1 in 34,808, and the payout for it is higher. Sometimes ten or more times...

Nevertheless, the Sportloto 6 out of 49 lottery works, the turnover is growing year by year - in 2015 it was 202 million, in 2016 it more than doubled and became 487 million rubles. This is due to the effect of a low base in the past and the small cost of the bet compared to other lotteries. The average turnover per circulation is also growing, this is clearly visible in the 2016 figures.

lottery 6 out of 49 for 2016, turnover for 2016, from draw No. 24231 to No. 25308 (with the exception of two)

But, in the diagram above, I deliberately excluded data from two circulations. Because they greatly change the overall picture. Here's what it looks like taking into account all the circulations.

lottery 6 out of 49 for 2016, turnover for 2016, from draw No. 24231 to No. 25308

Against the backdrop of average values, when the turnover of one draw is plus/minus 500 thousand rubles, the figures for these draws are impressive - No. 24996, the fees amounted to 28,267,400 rubles, No. 25216 - 21,743,760 rubles. This is 40-50 times more than usual! Two circulations brought the operator 50 million rubles, almost 10% of annual turnover! What's the secret? It's simple - these are distribution circulations

Distribution of accumulated

According to the law, if no one has guessed the main prize during the year, the operator is obliged to conduct a distribution draw in which the accumulated amount will be forcibly divided into other prize categories. This is an interesting option for players, as the payouts are larger than usual. If no one guesses the main prize.

circulation no., November 30, 2016
Players placed 1,087,188 bets (366,833 receipts). The winning combination is 33, 39, 30, 23, 31, 10 and bonus ball 45. No one matched 6 numbers or 5 + 1

  • 3 numbers - 300 rubles
  • 4 numbers - 7,225 rubles
  • 5 numbers - RUB 1,101,123.

5 numbers matched in 9 lottery tickets. The owners of eight of them received a winnings of 1,101,123 rubles each, and one - thanks to an expanded bet - won 4,633,242 rubles.

In 2017, the distribution circulation took place quite recently, on July 19, circulation No. 25900
By this time, more than 30 million had already accumulated, which were planned to be played out. The distribution was supposed to be according to the old scheme - 150 additional rubles for 3 guessed numbers. The remaining amount was distributed in the following percentage

  • 4 correct numbers - 35%
  • 5 correct numbers - 30%
  • 5 correct numbers + bonus ball - 35%.

Players, excited by the opportunity to once again take part in the pie, placed a record number of bets - 2,229,714 (778,658 receipts). But the distribution circulation did not take place. There was nothing left to distribute. Because one of the participants guessed 6 numbers and, single-handedly, won a record prize - 39 827 827 rub.

It is known that the ticket was issued in Moscow, on There is no further information about the winner. As well as other details or news - whether the winner visited Stoloto’s office or collected his prize - we don’t know all this yet. And we’re unlikely to find out at all; most likely the winner will join the ranks of a group no one has ever heard of. And he won't hear.

“Sportloto 6 out of 49” is a revived legend of Soviet times.

This is a numerical lottery, to participate in which you just need to fill out a game coupon and pay the lottery receipt. The main difference between “Sportloto 6 out of 49” and other games in which participants choose the numbers themselves is the bonus ball, which is issued by lottery equipment after a winning combination of 6 numbers is formed. If its number matches one of the numbers in your bet, in which 5 numbers have already been guessed, the amount of winnings awarded to you for 5 numbers will increase. The bonus ball belongs to the same set of balls as the main game combination, therefore only in “Sportloto 6 of 49” there are cases when on one ticket 6 numbers can be guessed 2 times (more precisely, 6 numbers of the winning combination + a combination of “5 numbers” + bonus ball")!

How is the lottery conducted?

The “Sportloto 6 out of 49” lottery is held in real time. This means that information about each purchased ticket is instantly sent to the gaming combination database, where the parameters of each bet made are stored - from its cost to the place and time of placing. Based on the results of the draw, this system allows us to instantly determine the number of winning bets and the size of the winnings in each category.

All information is duplicated on a special server of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy, which guarantees the reliability and transparency of the lottery.

Where to buy Sportloto 6 of 49 tickets?

To participate in the game “Sportloto 6 of 49”, select any of the options listed below.

How to play Sportloto 6 of 49?

The goal of the game is to guess from 3 to 6 numbers in one playing field. To participate in the draw, you need to fill out the game coupon and pay the lottery receipt. There are 6 fields in the game coupon.

The minimum lottery bet “Sportloto 6 out of 49” includes 6 numbers in one playing field and costs 20 rubles. If you choose more than 6 numbers on one playing field, such a bet is called an expanded bet and includes not one, but several combinations of 6 numbers. The probability and amount of winning on an expanded bet is significantly higher. For a detailed bet on you can choose from 7 to 17 numbers in one playing field. For an expanded bet on a paper slip, you can choose from 7 to 19 numbers. If you want these combinations to participate in several draws, indicate the number of draws in the special line at the bottom of the coupon.

numbers in the field
Combinations received Cost, rub.
6 1 20
7 7 140
8 28 560
9 84 1 680
10 210 4 200
11 462 9 240
12 924 18 480
13 1 716 34 320
14 3 003 60 060
15 5 005 100 100
16 8 008 160 160
17 12 376 247 520
18 18 564 371 280
19 27 132 542 640

How to place a bet on

Select from 6 to 17 numbers on the playing field. If you want the computer to select the numbers for you, click Automatic. Each coupon can contain from 1 to 6 playing fields. If you want these combinations to participate in several draws, indicate the number of draws. The transition to the game coupon for the next ticket is located at the bottom of the page.

Once you have made your selection, be sure to check the cost of your bet. Then click the “Add to Cart” button and all the coupons you filled out will be added to your cart.

You can pay for all receipts at once - using a Wallet or a plastic card - or each one separately, choosing payment methods that are convenient for you.

If you win, an SMS message with a code to receive your winnings will be sent to the number you specified during registration. Be sure to save this code, without it you will not be able to receive your winnings!

How to place a bet via SMS?

Easiest to do automatic bet on one playing field. To do this, you need to send a text from your mobile phone 649 to a short number 9999 and respond to the operator’s service message. The receipt will appear in your personal account within one to two hours.

You can pay your bet not only from your mobile phone balance, but also from the game Wallet of the site (text to send: 649 s) or from QIWI Wallet (text to send: 649 k).
If you want to send specific numbers, add them with a space after 649. To bet on multiple playing fields, separate the playing fields with a sign / .

The maximum payment amount per day depends on the telecom operator.

What is closing a sale?

Bets on the next draw are accepted until the start of the draw. After the sales are closed, the bets made are counted and the prize fund of the draw is calculated. Bets placed after the start of the drawing are automatically transferred to the next draw.

The prize fund of the game is 50% of the proceeds from lottery bets sold for the draw.

How are the draws done?

“Sportloto 6 of 49” drawings are held three times a day, at 09:30, 15:30 and 21:30 Moscow time, in the presence of a draw commission. To determine the winning combination, lottery equipment “Random Number Generator” is used. The accounting of bets and the accrual of winnings are fully automated and eliminate the possibility of third-party intervention. Only paid lottery receipts, which reflect the game combinations chosen by the participants, take part in the drawing of the prize fund of the circulation.

The winning combination consists of 6 numbers and is determined within a few seconds. After this, the results are automatically calculated, and the circulation commission signs the protocol.

In accordance with Article 18 of the Federal Law “On Lotteries”, for the drawing of the prize fund of each draw of a draw lottery, the organizer of the lottery creates a draw commission.

The functions of the circulation commission include:

checking the readiness of lottery equipment for operation;
conducting a draw for the prize pool of the lottery;
confirmation of the results of the drawing by signing the corresponding act and the official table of the results of the drawing, that is, the circulation protocol.

How is the prize fund distributed in the game “Sportloto 6 out of 49”?

The minimum guaranteed super prize is 10,000,000 rubles.

After determining the winning combination, the results are calculated. Bets in which 6, 5, 4 or 3 numbers match the numbers of the combination given by the random number generator win. A bet in which 5 numbers match the numbers of the winning combination, and one number matches the number of the bonus ball, is also considered winning. The game's prize fund is 50% of the proceeds.

The winnings in the game “Sportloto 6 out of 49” for 3 guessed numbers are fixed and amount to 150 rubles. Winnings in other categories are determined after calculating the winnings for 3 matched numbers. The payout fund for all other categories is determined as the difference between the amount of the prize fund of the draw and the amount payable for 3 guessed numbers. This fund is distributed between categories in the following percentage:

Payout of winnings for 4 guessed numbers - 22%
Payout of winnings for 5 guessed numbers - 10%
To pay out winnings for 5 guessed numbers + bonus ball - 16%
To pay out winnings for 6 guessed numbers (super prize) - 52% + accumulated super prize

If no one matches 6 numbers in the current draw, the accumulated amount goes to the next draw. Thus, the super prize for 6 guessed numbers in the game “Sportloto 6 out of 49” accumulates from draw to draw until it is played. If no one guesses all 6 numbers during the year, a distribution draw is held.

The winning amount for an expanded bet (using the example of 6 guessed numbers) is determined as follows: the number of combinations of 6 numbers that can be made from the bet is calculated, after which the winnings for each combination are calculated and the final winning amount is summed up. Then the number of winning combinations in other categories is counted, and the winnings from them are added to the amount awarded for 6 numbers.

How to find out the results of the draw and check the ticket?

The results of the drawings can be found on the website, as well as by phone +7 499 27-027-27 .

How to get your winnings?

To receive your winnings, contact our representative and present your lottery ticket and passport.

  • Winners can claim their winnings within 6 months from the date of the relevant draw.
  • After 6 months from the date of the draw, you can receive your winnings by contacting the central office only.
  • Payout of winnings up to 2,000 rubles produced at points of distribution of lottery tickets.
  • Winnings over 2,000 rubles You can also get them at lottery ticket distribution points. Check the amount of winnings paid out at a specific ticket distribution point at the time of purchase and in the section
    “Where to buy" or call information support numbers +7 499 27-027-27 .
  • Winnings over 1,000,000 rubles are paid only by bank transfer. To complete the documents, a personal visit to the central office is required.
  • To find out how to receive your winnings in your specific case by phone +7 499 27-027-27 .

The tax on winnings from the Sportloto 6 out of 49 lottery is 13%. The tax is paid by the winner himself. The tax return must be submitted by April of the year following receipt of the winnings. Payment of tax deductions is carried out until June of the year following receipt of the winnings.

Lottery organizer: Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Legal address: Russia, 109097, Moscow, st. Ilyinka, 9.

Lottery operator: LLC "Sportloto".

NAZAR AUDARYYZDAR! 12 mausymnan bastap LOTO 6/49 circulationdary әр сәрсеньдие 21:00-de “7 Arnada” өtedi. 08/15/2019 Utystars: Akmola region, ALMATY (15738, 1): 777_ML - 100,000 tenge;. Zhambyl region, TARAZ (Koygeldy, 158 A): Aladdin - 50,000 tenge;. Akmola region, ASTANA (20-40, 2): 3Diamond 2019 - 50,000 tenge;. Turkestan region, AKTOBE (Turgeneva, 100B): Zhomart3 - 50,000 tenge;. Karaganda region, SHAKHTINSK (Abay Ave., 79 A): 3Diamond 2019 - 50,000 tenge;. Kostanay region, KOSTANAY (Victory, 52 Green Bazaar market): Aladdin - 50,000 tenge;. Almaty region, ALMATY (,): 777_TL - 50,000 tenge; 3Diamond 2019 - 20,000 tenge;. Almaty region, ALMATY (Radostovets, 292): 3Diamond 2019 - 20,000 tenge;. Almaty region, ALMATY (Radostovets, 292): 777_TL - 20,000 tenge;. Almaty region, ALMATY (Zhibek Zholy Ave., 50/2/39 Shopping Center Quarter): 3Diamond 2019 - 20,000 tenge;. Mangystau region, AKTAU (TC Baiterek 27 microdistrict, B/N): 3Diamond 2019 - 20,000 tenge;. Almaty region, ALMATY (Pervomaisky microdistrict, Kapchagayskaya street, 34): Aladdin - 20,000 tenge;. Almaty region, TALDYKORGAN (Konaeva, 20 A): Aladdin - 20,000 tenge;. Kokshetau, KOKSHETAU (Auezova, 189 A): 777_ML - 20,000 tenge;. Akmola region, ASTANA (Republic Ave., 43): 3Diamond 2019 - 20,000 tenge;. Almaty region, village. Uzynagash (Zhambyla, 71): Aladdin - 20,000 tenge;. Turkestan region, SHYMKENT (Dzhambul street b.n., 0): Aladdin - 20,000 tenge;. East Kazakhstan region, OSKEMEN (Krylova, 112): Zhomart3 - 20,000 tenge;. Karaganda region, KOKSHETAU (Tashenova, 127 A): Zhomart3 - 20,000 tenge;. Semey, SEMEY (Auezova, 120 South Market (New Building)): 777_TL - 20,000 tenge;. Karaganda region, KARAGANDY (Bukhar Zhyrau Ave., 50 A): Altyn - 20,000 tenge;. Pavlodar region, PAVLODAR (May 1, 25): 3Diamond 2019 - 20,000 tenge;. West Kazakhstan region, KOSTANAY (Nauryz district, 6a): Zhomart3 - 20,000 tenge;. Akmola region, ASTANA (Karasakal Yerimbeta, 11 A): Zhomart3 - 20,000 tenge;. Semey, SEMEY (15 microdistrict Zataevich street, 31): 3Diamond 2019 - 20,000 tenge;. Almaty region, ALMATY (Mustafina, 5b/1): 777_TL - 20,000 tenge;. Almaty region, ALMATY (Shalyapina, corner of Altynsarin Ave. S.-W.): Zhomart3 - 20,000 tenge;. Almaty region, ALMATY (Rozybakieva, 33/1): 777_TL - 20,000 tenge;. Akmola region, Stepnogosk (Nurmagambetova, 129): 3Diamond 2019 - 20,000 tenge;. Akmola region, ASTANA (Akzhol, 31): Aladdin - 20,000 tenge; 3Diamond 2019 - 20,000 tenge;. Akmola region, ASTANA (Edil, 26): Altyn - 20,000 tenge;. Akmola region, ASTANA (Karaganda highway, 4): Aladdin - 20,000 tenge;. East Kazakhstan region, UST-KAMENOGORSK (Kabanbai Batyr, 144): Aladdin - 20,000 tenge;. Kyzylorda region, TALGAR (Konaev, 84): Aladdin - 20,000 tenge;. Almaty region, ALMATY (Suyunbaya, 2/8): 3Diamond 2019 - 20,000 tenge;. North Kazakhstan region, PETROPAVLOVSK (Sutyusheva, 58 b): 3Diamond 2019 - 20,000 tenge;. Mangystau region, AKTAU (4 microdistrict, 47): 777_ML - 20,000 tenge; .