Drawing the right hemisphere lessons. What is the trick of right-hemisphere drawing or how to get colored rabbits out of a gouache hat according to your desire

« Right hemisphere drawing“- this is the name of the new teaching method. There are more than enough people who want to know how to learn to draw! We will help you find answers to your questions.

This technology emerged quite recently, but has already conquered the whole world. The point of this method is to show people that anyone can draw. All class participants achieve success. Some are a little faster, others a little slower, but everyone certainly begins to create their first masterpieces. These courses help people believe in yourself, develop individuality, creativity, intuition.

Right-brain drawing is the fastest way to learn to draw.
The first painting is already after 45 minutes of class!

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The “Right Hemisphere Drawing” training consists of two parts:

    Classic right-hemisphere drawing.

    In this part of the training, each participant will draw 3 small, but already worthy of attention works. This part of the lesson is held in a light, playful manner.
    Psychological barriers and restrictions like: “I don’t know how”, “I can’t do it” are removed. You get the maximum creative spirit and a charge of inspiration. This is a very exciting activity, accessible to absolutely everyone.

    Classic right-hemisphere drawing.

    In this part of the training, each participant will draw 3 small, but already worthy of attention works. This part of the lesson is held in a light, playful manner.
    Psychological barriers and restrictions like: “I don’t know how”, “I can’t do it” are removed. You get the maximum creative spirit and a charge of inspiration. This is a very exciting activity, accessible to absolutely everyone.

    Classic right-hemisphere drawing.

    In this part of the training, each participant will draw 3 small, but already worthy of attention works. This part of the lesson is held in a light, playful manner.
    Psychological barriers and restrictions like: “I don’t know how”, “I can’t do it” are removed. You get the maximum creative spirit and a charge of inspiration. This is a very exciting activity, accessible to absolutely everyone.

    Classic right-hemisphere drawing.

    In this part of the training, each participant will draw 3 small, but already worthy of attention works. This part of the lesson is held in a light, playful manner.
    Psychological barriers and restrictions like: “I don’t know how”, “I can’t do it” are removed. You get the maximum creative spirit and a charge of inspiration. This is a very exciting activity, accessible to absolutely everyone.

    Classic right-hemisphere drawing.

    In this part of the training, each participant will draw 3 small, but already worthy of attention works. This part of the lesson is held in a light, playful manner.
    Psychological barriers and restrictions like: “I don’t know how”, “I can’t do it” are removed. You get the maximum creative spirit and a charge of inspiration. This is a very exciting activity, accessible to absolutely everyone.

Coffee break with tea, coffee and cookies

    Right-hemisphere oil painting

    In this part of the lesson, we begin the more complex, but no less interesting process of painting in oil. From group work you move to an individual format where we apply the acquired knowledge.
    You will now confidently hold a brush, mix colors more boldly, and feel like a real artist.
    Everyone will paint one impressive picture. Canvas sizes are 25x30 or 30x40. The plot is your choice.

    Right-hemisphere oil painting

    In this part of the lesson, we begin the more complex, but no less interesting process of painting in oil. From group work you move to an individual format where we apply the acquired knowledge.
    You will now confidently hold a brush, mix colors more boldly, and feel like a real artist.
    Everyone will paint one impressive picture. Canvas sizes are 25x30 or 30x40. The plot is your choice.

    Right-hemisphere oil painting

    In this part of the lesson, we begin the more complex, but no less interesting process of painting in oil. From group work you move to an individual format where we apply the acquired knowledge.
    You will now confidently hold a brush, mix colors more boldly, and feel like a real artist.
    Everyone will paint one impressive picture. Canvas sizes are 25x30 or 30x40. The plot is your choice.

    Right-hemisphere oil painting

    In this part of the lesson, we begin the more complex, but no less interesting process of painting in oil. From group work you move to an individual format where we apply the acquired knowledge.
    You will now confidently hold a brush, mix colors more boldly, and feel like a real artist.
    Everyone will paint one impressive picture. Canvas sizes are 25x30 or 30x40. The plot is your choice.

Who is suitable for intuitive drawing training?

  • For beginners without drawing experience - training is the first step to development
  • For aspiring artists who want to gain more creative freedom
  • Anyone who is passionate about creativity and wants to get a boost of inspiration
  • Adults and children over 7 years old

The seven-hour training can be divided into 2 parts, each of which you can complete on any day. For example: on the first day you paint with gouache, on the second day you paint in oil.


Saturday 13:00

Duration 7 hours
(break 1 hour)

The price includes: canvases,
brushes, paints, palettes,
aprons, coffee break

2500 rub. instead of 3500


Select a date next Saturday at 13:00 another date

The first oil paintings are a brilliant result of the second part of the training!

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What is right-hemisphere drawing?

Right-brain drawing is a new effective teaching method based on increasing the activity of the creative part of the brain. During the training, you will get rid of the limiting barriers associated with drawing and easily enter the world of art!

Do you want to know how to learn to draw easily and quickly? How to paint a finished picture in just one hour? In a very short time, in just one day, you will master basic drawing skills, create your own masterpiece and believe in yourself. Sign up for your first lesson and get a 1000 rubles discount!

Right-hemisphere drawing is one of the latest and most original innovations in the field of painting. Its essence lies in an extraordinary approach to teaching drawing and secrets that anyone can learn today. All you have to do is come to our school and get acquainted with this unique technique.

During the training you will become familiar with simple skills and work practices with oil paints and gouache, namely:

  • learn how to make a beautiful background;
  • learn how to prepare for working with oil and gouache;
  • gain experience in selecting and mixing paints to obtain the desired shades;
  • get acquainted with brushes, their types and purposes;
  • immediately learn to draw the sky, clouds, water, mountains, palm trees and so on.;
  • You will paint one large oil painting and three gouache works.

What is the main secret of right-hemisphere drawing? It lies in the fact that during the classes you will use your right hemisphere, which is responsible for the figurative, emotional vision of the world. With the help of our teachers, you will gradually achieve success in your new creative endeavor, see with your own eyes what can be done in one day, and reveal your sensuality and imagination.

Right-hemisphere drawing is gradually gaining popularity all over the world. And this is not surprising! Because people are interested in discovering new facets for themselves, revealing their creative potential, imaginative thinking and intuition. However, this is not the only thing you will get at the training. You will be able to feel self-confidence when you see the end result of your work, get rid of uncertainty and fears that nothing will work out, limiting beliefs that drawing is long and difficult. All drawing courses of our school.

At the right-hemisphere drawing training, you will learn:

  • how real artists draw;
  • what they know and what you didn’t know: how to draw houses;
  • how to organize work on a painting.

Also, have fun, learn a lot of new things, believe in yourself, and spend your free time interestingly.

Right-brain drawing is for you if you:

  • want to learn how to draw;
  • want to diversify your leisure time;
  • want to develop your creative abilities;
  • Do you want to test your strength?

Everyone knows that the human brain consists of two hemispheres. They are responsible for different aspects of our activities. With the help of the left hemisphere, we perceive the world around us, we can hear, see, speak and reason. We perceive words, sounds, letters, numbers thanks to the work of this part of the brain. The right hemisphere helps us think creatively, dream and fantasize. Accordingly, in all creative people this half of the brain is more developed.

It just so happens that people with an analytical mindset cannot think creatively. Their left hemisphere predominates over the right. They can easily solve the most complex mathematical problems, and if you ask them to draw something, it will be banal straight lines, circles and ovals. People with a poorly developed right hemisphere are more susceptible to depression and mental disorders. In order to easily overcome difficult situations and think creatively, it is necessary to develop the functioning of this part of the brain.

Development of the right hemisphere of the brain

Developing the right hemisphere enhances intuition, the ability to answer complex questions and open up many new possibilities. Scientists have proven that drawing can help activate the functioning of this half of the brain. It is called right-hemisphere drawing.

To do this you will need to perform several simple exercises. For example: draw a picture that hangs upside down. The left hemisphere will not cope with the task, for it this is not a clearly defined task, therefore, the right hemisphere will get involved in the work. You can try to draw a negative in the same way. This will teach you how to work with samples.

This technique was developed by Roger Sperry, who first published it in 1968 and received the Nobel Prize in 1981. Right-brain drawing triggers creative thinking and helps you understand yourself. The world around us opens up in a different color, becomes alive and accessible.

Right-hemisphere drawing technique

The right-hemisphere drawing technique was developed by Betty Edwards. She devoted many years to this and as a result published the book “Discover the Artist in You.” The easy language in which she outlined the essence of the method is accessible and understandable to any audience. Betty Edwards argued that drawing is not at all difficult, you just need to discover a special vision of the environment. Stop being afraid of it. Every person knows how to draw, but habitual perception interferes with this ability. More than half of people are sure that they have neither the ability nor the talent to practice fine arts. In her book, the teacher proved the opposite and compared drawing to riding a bicycle. At first glance, everything is quite simple: you need to sit on a bicycle, pedal, keep your balance and ride. But, as it turns out, everything is not so easy and not everyone can do it. To acquire such skills requires going through a lot of training. Same with drawing. You need to depict what you see, you just need to learn to see correctly.

Every person knows how to draw, but habitual perception interferes with this ability. More than half of people are sure that they have neither the ability nor the talent to practice fine arts.

The book describes everything step by step. A large number of artists, teachers and psychologists became interested in this technique. This method helps to turn off the left hemisphere of the brain and work only with the right hemisphere. Thanks to this, masterpieces are created.

The Betty Edwards method reveals the following possibilities:

1. Perceive light and shadow.

2. Perceive space.

3. Determine the relationship between objects and their parts.

4. Perception of the edges of an object.

5. Drawing objects from memory.

6. Draw using your imagination.

The benefits of right-hemisphere drawing

During such drawing, the right hemisphere of the brain very quickly comes into play. Thanks to this, you can not only quickly learn fine arts skills, but also significantly increase any other activity. The brain begins to work at full capacity after 30 minutes of training. This allows you to save physical energy, and inspiration relieves fatigue and gives a surge of new strength. The necessary vision opens, images that the brain once recorded pop up in memory.

For whom is the technique useful?

This technique is useful for both adults and children. They show interest in drawing from the first year of life. At first these are scribbles that don’t make any sense. At 2 years old, children draw more consciously and each of their works means something. For example: having depicted several well-known symbols (circles, dots, sticks), the child will receive the image of a man; if he makes the symbols larger, he will get a big man. This is how the child begins to draw his family. By the age of 5, the baby remembers even more symbols and can depict what he sees every day: a house, a tree, a flower, and so on. At 10–12 years old, children try to draw objects more realistic. Not everyone succeeds in this and therefore the desire disappears; as a result, already in adulthood, artistic development remains at the level of a 12-year-old child. If you manage to maintain this desire, this is a guaranteed success and the prospect of becoming a good artist.

Personal experience

This method is of interest to many mothers, it allows them to do more with their children. This helps both the child and mother to be more confident in their abilities. This technique has been proven to have a beneficial effect on pregnant women. The psyche of a woman preparing for motherhood is very restless. Right-hemisphere drawing helps to find harmony and has a positive effect on the baby in the womb. It will not be surprising if the child born in the future becomes talented and purposeful.

This technique is often used by psychologists to solve problems in families. This helps all family members to open up on the other side, which leads to a closer relationship between children and parents.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that right-hemisphere drawing not only teaches art, but also changes a person’s thinking as a whole. Both hemispheres are equally important for human life. After all, artists also need to be able to read, count, write and think. Learning to draw is practiced to reveal all aspects of personality, not just to become an artist. Starting the active work of the hemispheres helps to achieve harmony in a person’s inner world.


A small child picks up a brush and enthusiastically moves it across the sheet of paper, smears the paint with his finger and is rightfully proud of his masterpiece. It doesn’t matter to him whether he does it correctly or not, the main thing is to enjoy the process. As a person grows up, he becomes more and more surrounded by conventions and certain stereotypes. Childhood enthusiasm disappears, and in its place is the fear of doing the wrong thing. Right-hemisphere drawing helps to overcome the pressure and return a child’s attitude to artistic creativity. This technique appeared in the middle of the 20th century, and since then has continued to systematically conquer the world. Each generation brings something new, giving it development in accordance with changing realities.

What was wrong with the left?

Scientists have long proven that the right and left hemispheres are responsible for different human abilities and thoughts. The left is formal perception, logic, symbols and reason. The right is our intuition, emotions, feelings, inspiration. Modern life is designed in such a way that people trust the left hemisphere more. Constantly learn to listen to reason, not feelings.

Classical drawing training is designed for a long period of time. Training goes from simple to complex. You will have to spend a long time and tediously drawing various cubes and balls with a pencil, learning to build perspective. It will take a lot of time to listen to lectures about color, its combination, the direction of light and shadow. Gradually the student moves on to more complex forms, and only after a few months the teacher allows him to paint more complex landscapes and still lifes.

Before you start working on a complex painting, you first need to carefully lay everything out into the foreground, background and center. Make a few sketches, work on the sketches, and only after that the masterpiece comes into being. returns drawing to the field of creativity from the sphere of analytical thinking. The absence of analysis helps to calm down and remove restrictions from painting. Creativity is accompanied by relaxation and enjoyment of the process itself, and not the result.

Other principles

Classical drawing involves long-term training in technique and numerous techniques. What is the difference between right-hemisphere drawing? His technique is based on the discovery of unconscious creativity and blocking fears.

When a small child first draws, he first simply marks the sheet and only then determines what it looks like. Over time, under the influence of learning, certain symbols begin to be reproduced. The head is a circle, the leg or hand is a stick, the eyes are dots, and so on. When an adult picks up a pencil, intending to reproduce a portrait, the left one slips in symbols that came from childhood. As a result, instead of a masterpiece, children's scribbles appear on paper.

The main task is to get rid of these symbols, for which you need to push logic into the background and bring intuition and inspiration forward. Learn to transfer your vision of an object onto paper, and not the symbol that denotes it. By and large, you just need to learn to see an object as an object, and not its image processed by the brain.

Right-hemisphere drawing is a little simpler and more natural than academic drawing. There is no need to make complex sketches and sketches, just pick up a brush and start creating. To make the picture look natural, it is enough to know a few simple techniques. You can develop right-hemisphere drawing at home on your own.

Where is this taught?

This is a very popular topic now. Right-hemisphere drawing training is carried out mainly in special creative development centers, among other master classes. What the event organizers promise:

  • Learn drawing in just one day.
  • Good mood and emotional uplift.
  • Believe in yourself, after training you will never again say that you can’t draw.
  • You will be able to decorate your apartment with your own paintings, and you will not have to rack your brains over what to give to friends and family for the holiday.
  • The techniques are very simple, and everyone can easily transfer their skills to others. After training, you will be able to copy paintings by your favorite artists.

The lesson lasts several hours with a short break for a cup of tea. First, several simple exercises are carried out to activate the mood for right-hemisphere drawing. Gouache, paper, brushes and an apron are given to each participant to avoid getting dirty. Their price is included in the course price in advance.

Any person can undergo training - from a child to a pensioner. People with different skill levels study together in the same program. For some, this is the first step to drawing. Those who already know how to draw also come, but want to learn something new and discover unknown facets of creativity.

Feedback from participants

Many are skeptical, going on a right-hemisphere zombie journey, they believe, suspecting that it is impossible to learn drawing in just one day. But the wariness quickly disappears when their brush paints the first masterpiece. Even more positive emotions come with increasing confidence in your abilities.

Those who have mastered right-hemisphere drawing leave good reviews. Even those who come to class with a fair amount of skepticism go home happy and satisfied with themselves. Few people feel that they have wasted their money. There is a small percentage of people who have formalized their thoughts so much that they can no longer switch to creative paths and open themselves to something new.

Judging by the reviews, right-hemisphere drawing helps not only to develop creatively. With constant drawing using this technique, your whole life changes for the better. It becomes easier to find a solution, because you have paints at hand. A rested mind itself gives answers to questions that previously seemed difficult.

Self-learning possible

There is an experienced teacher at the training, a special atmosphere is created for fruitful creativity, and there is definitely no one to distract you. But not everyone has the opportunity to pay for these classes, and not all cities have special schools. What about those who still passionately want to learn?

You can learn the right-hemisphere drawing method on your own. Its founder is Betty Edwards. She taught mainly graphic drawing. Her students drew a portrait of themselves at the beginning of the course, and repeated the same thing at the end. The result is simply amazing.

The Russian school slightly changed right-hemisphere drawing. The exercises here are mainly done in gouache. In the learning process, you can learn to make paintings that are not much different from the works of great artists. Particular emphasis is placed on landscapes.

Studying the material on your own will be a little more difficult. But for a person who is serious about changing his life, nothing is impossible.

How to determine the work of the hemisphere

How to determine when the desired function is activated in the brain, and right-hemisphere drawing begins? Exercises to create a conflict between reason and intuition will help with this. You will need a classic optical illusion. What is drawn - a vase or two profiles? Everyone pays attention to different elements, but that’s not the point.

To do the exercise, you need to cut this picture in half. Right-handers take the left side, left-handers take the right. Place the picture with half a vase on a blank sheet of paper. Let's start the exercise:

  1. Draw a pencil along the finished profile, while mentally or out loud saying the names of the parts of the face: forehead, nose, lips, chin.
  2. Now you need to complete the picture immediately after speaking.
  3. At the moment of drawing, the mind will begin to dictate previously spoken words. This is where a conflict between consciousness and subconscious arises - profiles, pronouncing words, are almost impossible.

It is worth considering how this problem was solved. If, without paying attention to symmetry, the subject simply drew a profile, then logic has prevailed. When you manage to abstract from words and draw lines, right-hemisphere drawing is activated.

Upside down

There is a very interesting way to improve perception for the right-hemisphere drawing technique. You need to choose any drawing where there are only contours and nothing else, like in a children's coloring book. Then turn the image over and redraw it upside down.

The left side of the brain does not perceive an inverted picture well, so it will be very difficult to draw. You just need to copy the lines as they are. Watch the location of the strokes relative to the sheet and other parts of the drawing.

There is no need to first transfer the general and then draw small details. The slightest mistake in this case will lead to disruption of the entire composition. You can cover part of the image with your hand or another sheet of paper so that only the part that is being drawn is perceived.

If suddenly the realization came that each line is just a part of a single picture, and drawing turned into putting together a puzzle from them, then the right hemisphere has started working. But this fragile state is very easy to break.

Contour drawing

This is another right-brain drawing task. It can be easily done at home. To do this you need a pencil, a piece of paper and tape. We fasten the paper to the table with tape and turn sideways so that the working hand remains on the table. We fold the fingers of the other hand together to form many small folds and wrinkles, and place them on our knees. You should be comfortable. You will have to sit like this without moving. We time it for 5 minutes.

Once the countdown begins, you can no longer look at the sheet. The eyes should very slowly follow the lines of the folds on the hand. Speed ​​- approximately 1 mm per second, not faster. The other hand, which holds a pencil, repeats the movement of the eyes on a piece of paper. Continue drawing continuously in this manner until the timer goes off. There is no need to worry about the result; in this task, achieving image accuracy is not the main thing.

During the exercise, a problem may arise - either the eyes move too quickly, or the hand runs ahead. The main goal is to achieve synchronization of vision and pencil movement.

The task is designed to maximize visual perception. You can continue the lesson with a wad of paper, a drapery on a chair and other objects with many multidirectional lines. After just a few repetitions, the world begins to look completely different.


For a new exercise, you will have to make an auxiliary tool - a viewfinder. It consists of a cardboard frame and transparent plastic or glass inserted into it. Once the frame is ready, you can begin the task.

We aim the viewfinder at the selected object, this could again be a hand. We secure it so that it does not move, and take a comfortable position. During the exercise, only the working arm should move, and nothing else. Close one eye so that the picture does not blur. Using a permanent marker, we trace all the lines and contours of the object in the viewfinder directly on the glass. This is another way to learn to see an object and draw it, and not a symbol.

The next stage is transferring the image from glass to paper. This must be done strictly along the lines, as in the exercise of drawing upside down. The process should gradually turn into a redrawing of the reality around you. With the modern way of thinking, it is very difficult to get rid of stereotypes and begin to see the world as it really is. With this skill, pictures will begin to appear on their own.

Little artists

Right-brain drawing is a natural activity for children. A small child initially has a more developed intuitive and creative beginning, until we began to drown it out with our training and upbringing. Children do not need to deliberately fantasize; for them, the dream becomes an integral part of reality.

The first drawings are unique in their own way. It doesn’t matter what came out and what didn’t, what is important is the creative process itself and the pleasure of the fact that a brush or pencil leaves a mark on paper. A simple scrawl can turn out to be a winter night, windy, and after 5 minutes it will turn into a mother’s portrait.

For adults, the task turns out to be very difficult. Most often they turn into symbols: love is a heart, hope is a dove. The peculiarity of children's drawings is that children are not familiar with symbolism until adults talk about it. A bright spot of color may turn out to be a portrait, until the child is told that the head is round and the eyes can be drawn with dots.

The main task of parents is not to spoil the child’s original creative perception of the world. You should never tell a young artist that he is drawing incorrectly; this can completely change his picture of the world. There is no need to impose your symbols and your vision. The child often transfers onto paper not the image of the object itself, but its perception or feelings associated with it. No child has ever drawn the sun as a yellow circle with a smile and eyes on his own until he was shown it.

For those who still believe that right-hemisphere drawing is a zombie, the path to a new vision of the world is inaccessible. It’s still not possible to become a real artist in one day. But paintings created using this kind of thinking deserve pride of place on the living room wall. Creativity influences our entire lives and allows us to become a harmonious person. In addition, drawing perfectly relieves stress and nervous tension and even helps cope with depression.

Good afternoon, my beloved and dear ones! Continuing the topic, today I propose to dwell in more detail directly on creativity and touch on the issue of right-hemisphere drawing.

In general, the process of drawing itself is an entertaining and useful thing not only for children, but also for adults. But it turns out that this type of creativity is not at all the fine art to which we are accustomed. This is a special technique that, in a short period of time, turns a person completely far from drawing into almost Leonardo da Vinci, who, by the way, was brilliant.

So, let's get to know what it is, right-hemisphere art, and how it is possible.

Lesson plan:

How did it all start?

Each of us is a creator at heart, especially our children, who have not yet come to the conclusion that they are doing something wrong, feel this way.

Only as we grow older do we realize that nature does not give artistic talent to everyone. Well, not everyone can convey feelings and emotions on canvas in such a way that those around them will take their breath away, or at least paint flowers or trees so that they want to hang the picture on the wall in their home interior.

And so, when “Come on! I can’t do anything!”, we quickly give up on this, get a weak B in drawing at school and are content with little, without returning to this in adulthood. And it’s completely in vain, as practitioners of right-hemisphere creativity claim.

The fact that it is possible to reveal talent even in the most “untalented” was first discussed back in the 70s and 80s, when psychobiologist Roger Walcott Sperry, with his studies of the brain, opened a window into the inner world for science, declaring publicly that every part of the brain is hotel mechanism.

It became clear that the right half develops imaginative vision and thinking according to the principle of a mosaic, when a whole image emerges from small pieces of different information.

It was then that the artists took into account the explanation of why one is a mathematician and the other a writer. Among them was an American, a doctor in the field of art, Betty Edwards, who developed a method of express training in drawing skills. Her special exercises transfer the brain to “P-mode”, during which, without analysis, when the evaluating factor is turned off, the vision of the object is transferred to a piece of paper. And then off we go...

What's the point?

How are future artists taught in professional institutions? Dali “stencils” are a set of techniques and techniques laid down by art masters many years ago. Use it! But supporters of the right-brain approach shout: “This deprives you of individuality! This is copying someone else’s inner world!”

And you can create your own, unique, as right-hemisphere geniuses can, only by depriving yourself of logic and turning on your feelings to the fullest. They are sure that when you don’t think about how it should be right and how it should be good, but just take a brush and start painting, then you get your own art, and not someone else’s art.

Therefore, drawing is not under the control of logical thinking, which is guided by the left hemisphere, but creativity through intuition, internal knowledge and the ability to hear oneself, for which the right part of our brain is responsible, is the basis of such a right-hemisphere technique.

At the same time, according to teachers, this technique can in a short time teach you to draw not only individual objects, but entire pictures, saturated with the depth of feelings and multifaceted images.

Of course, I will not cause anger among those who have completed a full course in art school, because such a technique will not make a real creator out of you. I completely agree with this. But on the other hand, right-hemisphere drawing does not have such a professional task! His goal is to gain confidence, open up possibilities, teach experimentation and show that drawing is accessible to everyone.

At the same time, those who are sure that this method of express education does not provide artistic foundations are completely mistaken. This is absolutely not true! The right teacher will give you the basics of drawing, introduce you to techniques, teach you how to work with oil and gouache, watercolor and pencil, but all this not in a template version, but with an active search for something new without fear of a white canvas.

Today, artists practicing right-brain drawing (Note! This is taught by artists, not just outsiders!) have developed their own techniques, for example, they paint with their fingers, or there is a method in which they completely ignore the boundaries of the canvas.

And after completing the course, you can continue to use the equipment at home and enjoy it yourself and delight your family and friends with masterpieces.

Who is it suitable for?

I’ll answer right away: everyone! Everyone without exception!

Let's now watch a very interesting drawing lesson. And let’s make sure that drawing is easy!

Happy creativity!