Why is the hero ready to do anything? Oxxxymiron - "Hero with a Thousand Faces" (text)

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American mythologist Joseph Campbell spent many years studying the myths, legends and tales of different cultures. He noticed an interesting thing: all the stories had the same structure. Campbell called this structure the "monomyth," or "hero's journey."

It is important for everyone to know what a monomyth is, because it reflects our entire life down to the smallest detail.

website figured out what the “monomyth” is, and will tell you what path each hero takes and why it is so important to know.

Monomyth is an eternal story that repeats itself time after time at all times and for everyone.

The tale of Little Red Riding Hood, the labors of Hercules, the legend of King Arthur. Any book, Hollywood movie, TV series, game or cartoon. Everything has the same structure, the same stages.

The monomyth can be thought of as a circle. At the beginning of which the hero leaves home, overcomes obstacles, is reborn and returns home. In any story, it is always the same cycle that is familiar to us. To those who lived before us. And to those who will live after. But why does the same thing always happen?

To understand this, you need to know what stages each hero goes through

  • It all starts from home. The hero lives an ordinary life, there is a familiar world around him, a familiar environment. This is a situation in which nothing changes.
  • Then a call appears (person, desire, image). It is a call for change, a call to action that says there is something more. Something incredible and exciting outside of your environment. The hero may refuse to follow the call, then a feeling of loss and problem arises.

    To follow the call, the hero must understand why he is going there. Does he want change? Is he tired of sitting still? Is this important to him? And here it is enough to take responsibility and take a step. Cross the threshold, jump with a parachute, start a new business, go somewhere, change something.

    If the hero takes a step, he finds himself in a new world, a new reality. Everything is wrong here, the laws of the house don’t work here. This is a new space, opportunities and challenges. It is not yet clear by what principles this world works.

  • Therefore, the hero meets allies at the threshold. These are the people (or forces) that support and help you move forward. They help you make sense of this world. The choice of allies is very important at this stage (Remember? “Not Slytherin,” said Harry Potter.).

    Then the hero encounters obstacles, challenges, demons. A force arises that tries to lead you astray, slows you down, lulls you to sleep and crushes you.

    This force gains momentum until it reaches its culmination - the point of “death”. This is the most difficult test for a hero, the time to face his greatest fear. Sometimes the hero even dies, but only in order to gather strength and be reborn.

    When the hero passes this point, he receives a "gift of power", in the form of valuable experience, skill, recognition. He then puts the new knowledge into practice and makes it part of himself.

  • When the hero has gained new knowledge, he returns into your normal reality. Renewed, with new powers, skills and allies. He shares his story. And when the story is told, the cycle is completed.

You ask: “Why do I need this? How does this relate to ordinary life?

Each person goes through his own path throughout his life and becomes the hero of his own scenario. New job, new occupation, moving to another city, getting married, having a child, growing up, illness, relationships. These are all separate stories.

The essence of the hero's journey is to show how a person changes along his life path, changes something in himself. Everyone goes through their own unique path, leaves home, experiences difficult times, draws conclusions, gains experience and passes it on.

You are that hero. And the task of this article is to be the call that will force you to cross the threshold, decide to take action and receive the “gift of power” if you are worthy of it.

The house was on fire. Everyone who could got out of there, but there were still people inside. Having gathered on the street, the neighbors internally hurried the fire brigade, which was already on its way. But none of them dared to step into the smoky, flame-engulfed corridors again. Residents of nearby houses, who came up to see what was happening, did not dare to enter there either. However, the random passer-by did not hesitate for a minute. Seeing smoke and hearing screams from the balcony, he rushed into the building and was able to bring out the hostages of the fire alive and unharmed. "A real hero!" - said everyone who learned about the brave deed.

But what motivates people to perform such feats?
Who can become a hero?
What determines behavior in an extreme situation?
A psychologist and gestalt therapist told about this to “Image of Life”.
Ekaterina Lyubachevskaya.

Personal choice

Who are the heroes? It would seem that the answer is obvious: those who perform feats to save others. However, this is only one of the options, the most generalized.

Oddly enough, the definitions of different people differ greatly depending on what heroic images they have absorbed since childhood. Such standards usually become characters from books and films, and sometimes real people who inspire admiration. An example creates in a child a desire to live up to his ideal, to be better, and to demonstrate important moral qualities. But in a number of cases, “anti-heroes” who are not the most worthy from the point of view of universal human values ​​serve as role models. A child raised with such an ideal considers illegal behavior to be heroic.

In addition, each era has its own heroes, and their images change depending on the time.

So who are they today?

“A hero protects people,” says someone whose idol was Superman.

“He saves in trouble,” will answer the person whose childhood was spent next to the brave fireman.

“Keeps order,” a third noted.

And that's all true. However, unlike any “mythical” characters, be it Hercules or Superman, the real heroes from our reality are ordinary people. They do extraordinary things not because they feel their purpose in doing so. Heroes act on impulse and are ready to take risks and sometimes even sacrifice themselves for the sake of others.

Moreover, feats are not only physical, when a person enters a burning house to save others, or rushes into the water after a drowning person. They can also be moral. For example, it takes a lot of courage to speak out against the majority in someone's defense. Victory over oneself is also a feat, which requires no less effort.

The famous American psychologist Philip Zimbardo, who has extensively studied behavior, said: “The decision to act heroically is a choice that many of us must make at some point in time.”

So heroes are really not born. Everyone can become a hero under certain conditions.

Moreover, many of us already perform feats regularly, not grandiose in scale, but important and necessary. Emergency physicians save lives every day. A rehabilitation center specialist helps people get back on their feet after blows from fate. A young mother, walking with her child, buys food and feeds the homeless. A quiet girl picks up animals on the street and finds them a new home.

"False" exploits

The real feat is altruistic. He has only one motive - love for people. And it happens spontaneously, without weighing all the pros and cons.

However, an act that outwardly looks heroic cannot always be considered so. If a real, true feat comes from love for others, then when performing a “fake” one, a person is guided by completely different motives.

As a rule, there are three of them.

The first is the desire to assert oneself, show oneself on the positive side, and arouse admiration. Help as such is not important, and the people to whom it is provided are just a means to an end.

The second often remains unconscious to the “doer of good” himself. This is codependency - a painful, pathological dependence on another person and a feeling of responsibility for him. This is expressed in the fact that a person constantly plays the role of a “rescuer”, sometimes to the detriment of himself. Other people's problems are perceived by him as his own, and the “rescuer” begins to act to the detriment of his own needs and wants.

“Rescue” differs from heroism in that a voluntary helper does for others what they can and should handle themselves.

As a rule, codependency causes serious inconvenience to those who are subject to it. But working through the situation with a psychologist or psychotherapist can successfully solve this problem.

The third motive for striving to help others is unconscious guilt or one’s own desire to receive help. A person tries to compensate for his internal discomfort or satisfy his own needs through another. In this situation, as in the previous one, the help of a specialist can solve the problem.

"Special signs

Is it possible to somehow know the future “hero” in advance or understand how a person will behave in extreme conditions? A rather complex question that has occupied not only ordinary people, but also philosophers, psychologists and sociologists for decades. A person is very complex and multifaceted, he is able to surprise in the most ordinary things.

Let us highlight several signs by which it is still possible to predict human behavior.

The first is neuropsychic stability. It is this that determines the ability to remain calm in a stressful situation and act without succumbing to emotions. The degree of self-control and self-control depends on it.

The second is education. A person who has been instilled with spiritual and moral values ​​since childhood is more likely to commit a heroic act. But, unfortunately, more and more often ordinary manifestations of humanity are perceived as something extraordinary. In addition, people often confuse education and level of upbringing. Increasingly, preference is given to the first, and internal filling is forgotten.

The third is philanthropy. A true hero truly loves people. His actions are driven not by ideas, but by feelings. However, with a negative influence, this line is easy to cross. And then the hero can become a fanatic.

Test of heroism

Is it easy to be a hero? In fact, this is still a test! It is quite difficult to keep the line between real heroism and not go into narcissism. So valor may well become a way of self-affirmation.

It is not without reason that the most difficult test in the famous fairy tale “Water, Fire and Copper Pipes” is the test of glory. It is this that can distort initially good intentions. This is probably why real heroes don't seek fame. For example, many large donations to those in need are anonymous. Moreover, many try to forget or not remember the good deeds they have done.

Another difficulty that a person who has done something extraordinary may encounter is the search for adrenaline in the future. Sometimes a real addiction arises - the desire to experience strong experiences is so great. In this case, the person is already consciously looking for dangerous situations.

It happens that heroic actions (in particular, saving someone's life) can cause real post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is expressed in problems with sleep, anxiety, fears, and so on and is associated with experienced life risks and stress. In such a condition, a person necessarily needs the help of a specialist.

In any case, what would our lives be like without heroes? Not only those who commit grandiose deeds, but also ordinary ones, invisible at first glance, but making the world kinder and better. Of course, it’s wonderful to be a “large-scale” hero. But it’s no worse to remain just a Human!

Recorded by Yulia Mikhaleva

Cartoons, in addition to their entertainment function, do an excellent job of educating their young, susceptible viewers. What exactly? Life is the most capacious and correct definition, but it is too general. What and from whom should you learn more specifically when it comes to watching cartoons? Meet ten cartoon characters who can easily be role models for children. And only in a good way.

Bravest Hero: Moana

Why her: alone (a stupid rooster does not count) sailed from her native island towards complete uncertainty and constant mortal danger. argued with a demigod, was not afraid of coconut pirates, a giant crab and a jump into the abyss with monsters. She resisted the fiery deity and instructed the natural deity. And all this is the work of a young teenager, a girl who lived her life on a well-fed small island, not knowing troubles and trials. That's who had to be named. And not that girl.

Competitors: beautiful-haired, who risked going out into the world from captivity, the brave rat Remy (), who went to the kitchen to people for the sake of culinary art, brave Gib (), literally running away from death in the primitive world, and Ariel (), whose bold curiosity is stronger than the fear of death. But Moana has a better track record.

Most Honest Hero: Applejack

Why her: in fact, it is difficult to award this prize, because outright lies in cartoons are not very often, and these are mostly unlucky main characters and obvious villains. But the good secondary characters mostly tell the truth. Therefore, we thought and gave the prize to the pony Applejack, who literally personifies honesty, this is her element of harmony, her most important trait, and so on.

Competitors: Everyone gave up before the legendary magic of friendship, but in general there should be something here about the little pig Funtik, but his truthfulness played a bad joke on him, what do you think?

Hardest working hero: Scrat

Why him: While we were looking at the lists of hardworking characters, this mischievous squirrel rat jumped out from somewhere and stole the reward, which was shaped somewhat like an acorn. The issue resolved itself. When your child is too lazy to overcome obstacles, show him this incomparable animal, and through the veil of funny antics you will clearly see the enormous zeal that the universe for some reason endowed with Scrat from.

The Hero Who Embraced His Nature: Elsa

Why her: color of the skin. Height. Floor. Body type. Orientation. Belonging to the number of dangerous wizards or superheroes. All of these are components of personality that cannot be separated, hidden, and almost never changed. In order to accept yourself as you are, you need great courage, the ability to ignore other people's opinions, determination and a couple more points from our rating. And here the reward confidently goes to Elsa, who accepted her deadly magic, despite the orders of the frightened others.

Competitors:, who remained an ogre, who became a man, and who considers his rust beautiful.

Enjoy watching! And remember that you cannot choose who your child will look up to. But it’s up to you to show good examples and voice why they are worthy!

Even more interesting things in our group in

Every hunter can tell you a whole bunch of signs that, as he is sure, promise a good trophy or, conversely, failure. Traditional “No fluff, no feather!” It has long since passed from the realm of hunting into everyday life. Others sincerely believe that if (by chance!) you wear different socks while hunting, you will have good luck, and if the shoes are different colors, then the trophy will be unique.

The famous Russian writer and passionate hunter Sergei Aksakov collected hunting signs and believed that among hunters and fishermen so many beliefs and signs are associated with the constant connection of these people with nature, encounters with unknown, mysterious, often inexplicable phenomena.

Therefore, it was necessary to believe in miracles, in amazing and also inexplicable ways to protect yourself from various surprises, and to bring home a trophy.

Break a leg

The interesting thing is that this seemingly negative phrase has actually been used since ancient times as a wish for success and good luck. It first arose in the hunting environment, but the direct wish for “both fluff and feather” was forbidden to be uttered, so as not to. As you know, fluff means an animal, and a feather means a bird. This is all clear. But why does the traditional answer: “To hell” sound so strange? And the whole point is that whatever your wish, so is your thank you. Superstitious ancestors, not wanting to jinx the hunter who was going after his prey, warned him that everything would fly past his goal, so that he would come empty-handed. To which the hunter answered them: go to hell with such wishes.

And everyone believed that such a dialogue would satisfy the evil spirits, and they would not plot intrigues during the hunt.

There are many such rather strange rituals. For example, in Siberia, before going to the taiga, a hunter stood facing east and had to spit upward three times so that it hit himself, and rub himself three times, and then say “To the swamp” and go into the forest without looking back at the house.

Ancient rituals

The first rituals arose along with the emergence of humanity. People immediately began to look for ways to attract good luck. In 1937, in caves, French archaeologist Leon Pencar found rock paintings of ancient people, more than 15 thousand years old. The drawings contain many images of animals pierced with spears and hunting scenes. Experts believe that these are magical drawings from which they seemed to ask for forgiveness from the animals they were going to kill in order to feed themselves.

Some tribes in the jungles of Africa and New Zealand, before hunting in a special area in the center of the village, draw an animal that they are going to kill and pierce it with spears. The natives believe that such a ritual will bring them good luck.

Traditions before hound hunting

Hunting with hounds, like no other, has acquired many signs. As soon as you pick up this topic, they will immediately tell you that if a dog sways on the ground before a hunt, this means big trophies. A hare crossing the path of a hunter is a clear sign of an unsuccessful hunt. But a strange dog that has crossed the path means good luck, very quickly, and you need to be on your guard.

Before the hunt, each participant had to wash and clean his horse and dogs, wash himself in the bathhouse and sleep the night before the hunt himself.

If it was unsuccessful, they immediately began to find out who violated the ritual. There was always a sloth who either did not wash the dogs or was tempted by the embrace of his young wife.

However, the people also knew many ways to protect the hunter from encountering bad omens. Bathing, not only before a hunt, but also after it, was considered a sure cure for the evil eye, and dogs must also be washed. If bathing was impossible, then the dog and the hunter had to dry themselves with a damp red rag, which was always in the knapsack.

It was also obligatory to attach a red ribbon to the dog’s collar, and for each hunter a special cross made of weeping grass (willow loosestrife) was consecrated, which, according to legend, is capable of breaking all witchcraft spells.

Even today you can often see a hunting dog with a red ribbon on its collar.

Modern signs

Ways to attract good luck have improved and become more sophisticated. Among them there are some that are a little strange: when going hunting, you need to look at the bare thigh of a sleeping woman - this is good luck. Or an even more exotic sign: if a hunter meets a married woman on the way out of the house, he must return, sit down at home and go hunting again. There is no meaning in such signs. It’s just that someone was once unlucky while hunting, he connected it with a meeting with a neighbor when leaving the house, shared the observation with another, and he wrote on the Internet - that’s a sign for you.

Sometimes the signs are simply funny: if someone on a general hunt, excuse me, loudly lets out farts, then you can go home - there will be no luck. There will be no luck even if someone asks: “Where are you going?” But you will be very, very lucky if bird excrement falls from the sky on a hunter or dog, or if you accidentally step into something like that in a field or forest.

Hunters especially value shot taken from the carcass of their prey. They are collected and placed one at a time in new cartridges. It is believed that such a charge will never miss.

Another popular ritual is to put a blade of grass or a twig into the beak of a killed bird or bird as the last food. This way the trophy will not be offended by the hunter.

Superstition about mad dogs

Signs associated with weapons are especially valued and even have magical implications. For example, in order for it to love its owner, it is necessary to smear it every time with at least a drop of the blood of the captured trophy. And the new gun must be initiated with the blood of a raven. It is also stated that if an inexperienced hunter takes it on a religious holiday, it will break on the first hunt. Or if a hunter was almost injured three times by the same gun, but remained alive, this is his amulet gun and he can safely go hunting with it. Even if you buy it from the previous owner.

A twig in the trophy’s mouth is an essential element in hunting capercaillie and black grouse.

A hunter is also forbidden to shoot mad dogs while hunting - he will never have more luck.

If a person far from hunting read all this, he probably thought that hunters are very strange people, and before setting off on this task, they dance on their left heels, spit into the sky, make Tarzan screams and do other unusual things. In fact, most modern hunters do not believe in any signs and luck does not pass them by.

OPTION 11 OGE-2015

Part 2

Read the text and complete the tasks 2 – 14.

(1) The hunting season was already nearing its end when Jan met a familiar woodcutter one windy, frosty morning. (2) The woodcutter told him that he saw a giant deer in the forest, which “had a whole forest of antlers on its head.”

(3) Jan realized that this was exactly the deer that he had been tracking for a long time, and quickly walked in the direction that the woodcutter had shown him. (4) Soon he came across tracks that undoubtedly belonged to the Sand Hills deer.

(5) All day long the hunter followed the tracks and noted every little detail, rejoicing that this time the tracks were imprinted especially sharply on the snow. (6) He freed himself from excess clothing and things that hindered him, and now nothing prevented him from silently moving forward and forward.

(7) Suddenly, in the distance, something flashed among the bushes growing especially densely here. (8) “Maybe it’s a bird?” – thought Ian. (9) But, having looked closely, he realized: the gray spot in the bushes is the Sand Hills deer!

(10) How majestic he was! (11) Jan looked at him with reverent delight.

(12) To shoot at him now, when he was resting, unaware of the danger, would be a crime... (13) But Ian had longed for this meeting for a long time, he must shoot!

(14) “Shoot, shoot quickly! (15) After all, you achieved this!” - an inner voice told him. (16) But this voice sounded so uncertain, so weak... (17) And the gun trembled in Ian’s hand...

(18) At that moment the deer turned its head and looked straight at the hunter. (19) Yang and the Sand Hills deer finally met face to face. (20) The deer stood like a statue. (21) He stood and looked straight into Jan’s eyes.

(22) The thought of murder now seemed impossible. (23) Jan looked at the deer, and the deer did not take his smart, clear eyes off him. (24) They seemed to read each other’s eyes and hearts. (25) Yang could not take his life, and what had long been arising in him, what had been imperceptibly strengthened and matured, suddenly spoke powerfully and loudly:

(26) “Poor, beautiful animal! (27) For a long time we were enemies: I was the pursuer, you were the victim, but now everything has changed. (28) I pursued you for many days, and now you can stand before me without fear. (29) My hand will never rise to kill you. (30) Go, wander through the wooded hills without fear - I will never pursue you again. (31) The more I learn about life, the closer you become to me, and I cannot look at you as prey.

(32) Walk calmly, without fear. (33) We will never meet you. (34) About"Goodbye!"

(According to E. Seton-Thompson)*

* Ernest Seton-Thompson (1860 1946) Canadian writer. He became famous for his series of stories about wild animals and forest life with his own illustrations.

The answers to tasks 2 – 14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2. Which answer option contains the information needed tojustification answer to the question: “Why didn’t Ian shoot the deer?”

1) Jan had a faulty gun.

2) The season when hunting was allowed has already ended.

3) Jan did not want the hunt to turn into murder.

4) Killing a Sand Hills deer was considered a crime.

3. In which answer option is the means of expressive speech?sustainable comparison?

1) The woodcutter told him that he saw a giant deer in the forest, which “had a whole forest of antlers on its head.”

2) But this voice sounded so uncertain, so weak...

3) The deer stood like a statue.

4) Ian looked at the deer, and the deer did not take his smart, clear eyes off him.


4. From sentences 5 – 9, write down a word in which the spelling of the consonant isconsole depends on the subsequent consonant sound.

ABOUT answer: ________________________________.

5. From sentences 1 – 4, write down the word in which the spellingsuffix is not determined by the general rule (is an exception).

ABOUT answer: ________________________________.

6. Replace book word"reverent" in sentence 11 stylistically neutralsynonym. Write this synonym.

Answer: ________________________________.

7. Replace the phrase"hunting season" , built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with a connectioncontrol . Write the resulting phrase.

8. You writegrammatical basis proposals 7.

Answer: __________________________________ ________.

9. Find an offer among sentences 5 – 9with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers representing commas inintroductory word.

Ian understood 1 that this is exactly the deer 2 whom he has been tracking for a long time, 3 and quickly walked in the direction 4 what the woodcutter pointed out to him. Soon he found the tracks 5 belonged to 6 undoubtedly 7 Sandhills deer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

11. Specify quantitygrammar basics in sentence 27. Write the answer in numbers.

Answer: __________________________________________.

12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between the parts of a complex sentence connectedsubordinating communication

Shooting at him now, 1 when he was resting, 2 unaware of the danger, 3 would be a crime... But Ian had longed for this meeting for a long time, 4 he must shoot!

Answer: __________________________________________.

13. Among sentences 1 - 4, find a complex sentencewith heterogeneous (parallel) subordination subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

14. Find among sentences 26 - 31complex offerwith non-union and union coordinating connections . Write the number of this offer.

Answer: __________________________________________.

Part 3

Using the read text from part 2, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing the essay, write down the number chosen specific task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 . Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian linguist A.A. Zelenetsky:“Giving imagery to words is constantly being improved in modern speech through epithets.” Arguing your answer, prev.eat 2 (two) examples from the text you read.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of A.A. Zelenetsky. The volume of the essay should bewrite at least 70 words.

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: « Go, roam the wooded hills without fear - never again will I pursue you. The more I learn about life, the closer you become to me, and I can’t look at you as prey.”

Bring it in your essaytwo arguments from the text you read, confirming your reasons loans.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citationsroving.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 . How do you understand the meaning of the word HUMANITY? Formulate, etc. Comment on your definition. Write an essay-discussion on the topic:"What is humanity" taking the definition you gave as a thesis.ArgumeIn presenting your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments confirming your reasoning: one example – give an argument from the text you read, and second - from your life wow experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Text for presentation

I remembered hundreds of boys’ answers to the question: what kind of person do you want to become? - Strong, brave, courageous, smart, resourceful, fearless... And no one said: kind. Why is kindness not put on a par with such virtues as courage and bravery? But without kindness - genuine warmth of the heart - the spiritual beauty of a person is impossible.

Good feelings, emotional culture are the center of humanity. Today, when there is already enough evil in the world, we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind towards each other, towards the living world around us and do the most courageous acts in the name of good. Following the path of goodness is the most acceptable and only path for a person. It is tested, it is faithful, it is useful - both to the individual and to society as a whole.

Learning to feel and sympathize is the most difficult thing in education. If good feelings are not cultivated in childhood, you will never cultivate them, because they are acquired simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths, the main one of which is the value of life: someone else’s, your own, the life of the animal world and plants. In childhood, a person must go through an emotional school - the school of instilling good feelings. Humanity, kindness, goodwill are born in worries, worries, joys and sorrows.Lyakh.

(According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

183 words


OPTION 11 OGE-2015

Checking task 1


Checking assignments 2 – 14
