Beaches of Tunisia - what are they like? In the hot country of Tunisia, the beach awaits guests from April to October.

Tunisia is the country where people first of all go to get to the sea. We have already told you, and now we want to tell you what they are beaches of Tunisia. From the article you will learn what you can expect from each of them, and you will be able to decide for yourself where are the best beaches in Tunisia– both according to objective criteria and according to your personal needs and tastes.

From the article you will learn

Where are the best beaches in Tunisia? general review

Most of coastline of Tunisia falls on beaches, so it is not at all surprising that this country has become such an attractive place for. And it’s not just the quantity, but also the quality of the beaches: there are almost no steep, rocky shores, especially close popular resorts.

You can come across a rocky slope only on a few sections of the coast of Mahdia and Hammamet, but otherwise the beaches consist of very fine and light sand, pleasant to the touch.

The width of the beach area in few places is more than 50 m, but this is usually compensated by its length and gentle descent into the water, which is especially tempting for families with children.

Many people consider white sand to be the standard at an exotic resort, and, unfortunately, pure white cannot be found here. But you can find something very close in Mahdia and, as well as in some places in Hammamet. All of these resorts can be considered a good choice for a beach holiday, although they have their own nuances.

When choosing a resort, you definitely need to decide for yourself how comfortable a vacation you want. All beaches in Tunisia are in municipal ownership, but their cleanliness is not at all the same, as are the amenities and the number of vacationers.

Beaches of the Monastir resort from the Ribat fortress (roll the mouse to see the panorama):

Hammamet and Sousse- resorts with the most developed tourist infrastructure, so their beaches are usually very crowded. This can be a plus as it means it usually has all the amenities and activities you'd expect from a beach holiday. But on the other hand, this is a minus for those who do not like crowds of people and prefer cleanliness.

Despite the fact that all officially recognized beaches must be cleaned on time, this does not always happen, and in Hammamet and Sousse the sand is often strewn with garbage and other human waste. The cleanliness of the sea also leaves much to be desired.

On beaches of Mahdia and Djerba island much more spacious. Here you can find many undeveloped corners. It's also much easier to find here "wild" beaches, but you have to be very careful with this. Local laws are very strict, and what is allowed in tourist areas may cause a very negative reaction from locals if they bump into you outside of them.

For girls in no case You should not relax on “wild” beaches unaccompanied by men. It is also highly undesirable to be caught expressing intimate feelings towards your loved one. And even more so for girls You shouldn't sunbathe topless in Tunisia or completely naked.

If exposure of the upper body by women is still creakingly permitted on the territory of some hotels, then complete nudity, regardless of gender, is prohibited. For the same reason, in Tunisia at all no nudist beaches.

Beaches of Hammamet

Almost all the beaches of Hammamet have been developed by the tourism industry, and for good reason: the sea here is very quiet, and the sand is fine and uniform. The beaches run along the coastline, almost without interruption; leaving the city, you can walk to Yasmine Hammamet, the yacht port, without leaving the sandy strip while walking.

In Hammamet there are almost no sections of the beach where there are no crowds of people, but the situation with this is much less sad than in Sousse. Behind purity of sand and sea they are monitored here, and not only on hotel grounds, and trash is removed on time and seaweed.

Beaches of Djerba

Djerba Island- the warmest resort in Tunisia due to its proximity to the Sahara and the fact that beaches on the northeast side islands protected from cold currents by a sandbar. The swimming season here is longer than in other places, but you need to prepare for the fact that the holiday will be quiet and measured. Due to the large width of the beaches (sometimes up to several hundred meters), there is spaciousness here even in the most developed places by civilization.

The beach of one of the hotels in Djerba in the photo panorama:

Only a small part of the coastline is occupied by hotels, and by renting a car you can easily find a deserted bay or lagoon. Unfortunately, the sea may not be very clean, not due to garbage, as in Sousse, but because of algae washed up on the shore. They are usually cleaned only on hotel premises. However, they will only bother those who like to splash around in shallow water: if you go further away, there will be no algae.

This is what one of the wild beaches on the island of Djerba in the Midoun area looks like (scroll the photo to see the full panorama):

Sand on Djerba not as fine and uniform as in other resorts. The best is in the south of the island, but it is the southern part that is the worst developed by tourism. In the northern and northeastern parts, where most hotels are located, the sand is coarse or mixed.

Mahdia beaches - white sand without algae

Almost all beach area of ​​Mahdia occupied by hotels that improve it in every possible way and take care of the cleanliness of the sand and sea. “Wild” beaches, incredibly picturesque, but not very convenient for swimming, can be found on the southern coast. It was here that local divers settled, attracted by the clear water of the local bays. And yet people usually don’t go to Mahdia for scuba diving.

This resort is simply ideal for a family holiday, especially with children. The descent into the sea is very gentle everywhere, so even kids will have room to turn around. The beaches here are not too wide, but this does not prevent them from being extremely attractive due to the fineness, like powder, and almost white sand. Algae near the shore A little, and they are usually cleaned on time.

What is the beach in Sousse?

Of all the listed resorts, Sousse is the least “beachy”. You are unlikely to be able to calmly sunbathe on clean sand or splash in the sea, and this is not only due to other vacationers, of whom many thousands come here. Locals who want to sell you their goods and services can be extremely annoying here, especially in the beach area.

On Municipal beaches of Sousse better overall don't meddle: despite the fact that specially appointed workers must clean them up, this does not happen everywhere, and local residents come here willingly, for the whole day and with their whole families, and they are not always positively disposed towards tourists.

Municipal beach Bou Jaafar in Sousse in the photo panorama (photo can be rotated with the mouse):

On the beaches divided between hotels, the situation is better. Moreover, the amenities and cleanliness of the beaches, and the quality of recreation in general, are heterogeneous here. The territory of the resort can be roughly divided into two zones, the zone of Sousse itself and the zone of the port of El Kantaoui, which was specially created for tourist needs. The closer to El Kantaoui, those better and more comfortable beaches(and the more luxurious hotels). Beaches directly around El Kantaoui meet the highest quality standards.

Sousse is most suitable for those vacationers who are going to spend a rather limited time at sea, but want to fully enjoy all the other types of entertainment that the exotic country has to offer.

Panorama of one of the beaches in Sousse:

Hotels with private beach in Tunisia

If you are going to Tunisia to swim and sunbathe, then in most cases it will be best for you to stay in hotel with private beach. There are many positive aspects to this choice. Beach areas managed by the hotel are usually cleaned by staff and the sea is cleared of algae. Rules of conduct are looser.

IN hotels enough high level is not allowed to your territory strangers, which is especially important if you are tired of annoying merchants who constantly invade your personal space on a public beach and try to force goods on you.

Medina Solaria And Thalasso, five stars, Hammamet

This hotel not only boasts a private beach four minutes away, but also many other attractive features. In addition to the beach, guests can enjoy several swimming pools, one of which has a hot tub and is located in a picturesque three-story garden with artificial grottoes and a slide. You can also enjoy spa and thalasso treatments here.

LTI Mahdia Beach, four stars, Mahdia

Decorated in traditional Tunisian style, the LTI Mahdia Beach Hotel not only has its own beach, but is located right on it. The sand on it is of the highest quality, which is typical for the beaches of Mahdia: fine and almost white. In addition to the sea, vacationers can enjoy swimming in a huge outdoor swimming pool of complex shape, which serves as a real decoration of the hotel. Additionally, the hotel has an indoor and heated pool. The rooms offer scenic views of the sea or garden.

Prices for tours to LTI Mahdia Beach start from 80 thousand for a week of vacation for two under the ultra all-inclusive program.

Club Calimera Yati Beach, four stars, Midoun (Djerba)

One of the best hotels for a beach holiday on the island of Djerba. The hotel has several swimming pools, including a pool near the bar. The hotel has a huge area and an equally huge selection of entertainment. The rooms are modern, the hotel was renovated in 2011. The most popular months for a holiday at this hotel are July, June, October.

The most popular holiday destinations among Russians are traditionally Türkiye and Egypt. But Tunisia is quite capable of competing for third place in this unofficial hit parade. Tunisia is a real pearl of the Mediterranean. These are picturesque bays, colorful palm trees, orange groves, bright sunshine and, of course, incredible beaches.

The holiday season in Tunisia lasts from April to November. However, it is still too early to swim in the Mediterranean Sea in mid-spring. Of course, there are brave souls who open the swimming season back in April, but the sea water temperature here remains between 16-18 degrees until the end of May. The truly beach season begins in Tunisia with the arrival of June. Water temperatures in the Mediterranean finally break 20 degrees, and air temperatures reach 30 degrees.

July and August are the hottest and most “beachy” time in Tunisia (as, indeed, almost everywhere else). The average daily air temperature is 35-37 degrees, and the water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea fluctuates around 26-28 degrees. This is when nature itself inclines you to spend as much time as possible on the beaches, or even better, directly in the sea. At the very least, it’s downright hot to do anything else, and between sitting in a hotel and relaxing on the beach, hardly anyone will choose the former.

September and October in Tunisia are a wonderfully fertile time for relaxation in general and beach holidays in particular. The air temperature drops noticeably compared to the summer heat - to 26-28 degrees, and the water temperature in the sea still remains warm (24-26 degrees). A real “velvet” season. In November, the process of cooling of the Mediterranean Sea begins, although for the first two to three weeks of the month the sea water temperature remains somewhere at the “October” level. In other words, in November tourists are given the last chance to taste the delights of a Tunisian beach holiday until the next holiday season.

The beach coast of Tunisia stretches for 1200 kilometers. All these 1200 kilometers are filled exclusively with sandy beaches, and the sand in Tunisia is unusual, snow-white. All Tunisian beaches are municipal - there are no private paid beaches in the country. However, many hotels are assigned certain sections of certain beaches. Thus, almost all hotels in Tunisia have their own beaches. The beaches assigned to the hotels are invariably clean and well-groomed, and various services and entertainment are provided on their territory. At the same time, Russian tourists should be aware that in most of the local hotels, sun loungers, sun loungers and sun umbrellas are provided for a fee, and beach towels are often not provided at all.

Beaches in Tunisian resorts

Mahdia is a very beautiful fishing town, rich in all kinds of attractions, with a well-developed tourist infrastructure. Its calling card is its beautiful beaches with clear sea water and dazzling white coastal sands. The main attractions of Mahdia are the medieval site of Mdina, the 16th-century fortress of Borj el-Kebir, the fortress gate of Scythian el-Kahla and others. However, most tourists still prefer relaxing on the magnificent local beaches to educational excursions.

Hammamet is the oldest and one of the largest Tunisian resorts. It is famous for its jasmine and olive groves, orange and lemon gardens, luxurious green parks, thalassotherapy centers and, of course, wonderful (characteristically wide) beaches. There are many beaches here: they occupy 14 kilometers of the Mediterranean coast. One of them has a water park. By the way, in the old days such celebrities as Guy de Maupassant, Oscar Wilde, Gustave Flaubert, Winston Churchill liked to relax in Hammamet.

Monastir is a quiet and cozy Mediterranean resort, perfect for a relaxing family holiday. Monastir is famous for its many interesting attractions, mild climate (not so hot in summer) and luxurious, well-equipped beaches. In particular, there is a yacht club here. In addition, Monastir is loved by divers for its picturesque underwater grottoes and rich marine fauna.

Sousse is a large Tunisian resort with a well-developed entertainment infrastructure. Here you can find a large number of fashionable and simply comfortable hotels, architectural and historical attractions, dance clubs, restaurants, thalassotherapy centers, etc. The sandy beaches of Sousse are considered one of the best beaches in the country. There is an artificial harbor for yachts, a water park and many water attractions and entertainment.

Tabarka is an ancient Phoenician port, and today it is one of the best resorts in Tunisia. Tabarka is known for its spectacular dense forests and coral reefs. Due to the presence of coral reefs, local beaches are incredibly popular among scuba diving enthusiasts. There are several large diving clubs located here, and on the seabed of Tabarka there is the largest coral reef in the entire Mediterranean Sea.


Tunisia is a Muslim country and in this regard, Russians vacationing there may experience certain mental difficulties and inconveniences. But from the point of view of natural conditions, a beach holiday in Tunisia is beautiful and unforgettable. Magnificent beaches and scenery plus six months of swimming season a year are reason enough for this. In addition, the resort coast of Tunisia is more than a thousand kilometers long - almost like in Egypt and much longer than, say, in Bulgaria, which provides extensive opportunities for choice. And choice is a great thing. Especially as pleasant as the choice of a beach resort.

Tunisia has just the perfect combination of bright sun and gentle warm sea; wide white beaches and the cool shade of southern trees. All these criteria have long been chosen by avid tourists. It is not for nothing that almost the entire northeastern part of Tunisia (coastal zone) is built up with hotels for every taste and level of income of vacationers.
Most of our visitors prefer to spend time in “their” hotels and not stray far from them, but in this article we will try to show how beautiful the beaches of Tunisia can be. We hope you will want to visit at least a couple of them.

The beaches of Tunisia are divided into private(owned by hotels or individuals) and municipal. Maintenance of the “private” beach is carried out under the supervision of the hotel management. If management takes this issue seriously, then the beach will be in perfect condition... Municipal beaches used to be monitored by separate services, but now there are none (or they don’t work).

1. Secluded Gammarth beaches .

A few tens of kilometers from the capital of the Republic of Tunisia (the name of the capital is exactly the same as the name of the country) is the small town of Gammarth.

It is unique in that the width of the beach line here is the largest on the Mediterranean coast, in some places reaching three hundred meters. But the sand is quite coarse and of a relatively dark sandy color, sometimes alternating with rocky outcroppings. The entrance to the water is very gentle and long, which will definitely appeal to families with children. And in windy weather, windsurfers will find something to do.

Despite the fact that there are quite a few luxury hotels on the beaches of Gammarth, it is very free and spacious. No one bothers each other, no one flashes before our eyes.

The fact that the summer residence of the country's president is located here suggests that the beaches of Gammarth are the best place Where Can holiday in Tunisia.

Try to visit the endless beaches of Gammarth and you will feel almost complete unity with the gentle sand and gentle sea.

2. Beaches of the island of Djerba

The island, located in the very south of the Tunisian Republic, not far from the great Sahara, embodies everything you imagined about paradise, only this wealth is nearby...

The warm climate (warmer than on the continent) means that you can sunbathe here all year round. There is no dominance of tourists in Djerba, only the highest class hotels, lush green vegetation, marvelous white wide beaches and unusually turquoise water of the Mediterranean Sea.

Note: Local residents of the island belong to the privileged segment of the population. And therefore, here you will not meet arrogant, annoying sellers or those who might offend you in any way.

Hotels carefully monitor the cleanliness of their beaches and provide a standard set of beach activities: yachting, windsurfing, fishing, and so on. But for those people who want to renounce the poverty of existence, it’s good to just wander along the gentle edge of the water at sunset.

The entrance to the water on some beaches of the island is very shallow. As they say, “a kilometer has passed, but the depth is ankle-deep.” Keep this in mind when choosing a hotel. Although this state of affairs will probably appeal to those who came to rest in Tunisia with kids.

Go to the northeast of the island - there better beaches of the island of Djerba, Where You will be greeted by very fine snow-white sand, and there are not so many vacationers.

An interesting feature of the island of Djerba is the flocks of pink flamingos in the lagoons. You just have to come to see them somewhere in November, only then do they fly to the island.

3. Snow-white beaches of Mahdia.

The resort town of Mahdia also boasts wide white beaches. According to many reviews from tourists, the sand is very fine and clean.

The beaches of this city are designed for relaxing lying in the sun or a leisurely stroll along the surf line. There are no particularly noisy entertainments here, but this is not necessary when there is such sand and such sea nearby!!! The entrance to the sea is very gentle, just right for little beginner explorers of the depths. Speaking of depths, the famous Jacques Cousteau found a galleon from the times of Ancient Rome filled with gold in the Mahdia region... Maybe someone is interested?

“Wild” beaches and unusual secluded places are scattered throughout the country in different secluded corners. Only at the moment (as of 2017) it is not advisable to explore the hidden places of the Tunisian coastline. It is safer for tourists to be in the “tourist zone” of the republic.

4. Beaches for children in the Monastir resort

Most of the hotels located in this city are aimed at families with children. Even the sea, it seems, is in no hurry to gain depth so that kids can safely play in shallow water. Eat in Tunisia places, Where sand better, but here, due to rocky inclusions, the water is distinguished by its transparency.

In order to relax on clean sand, it is better to go to the suburb of Monastir, to the city of Skanes. Here, in fact, the width of the beaches and clean, gentle sand can please picky vacationers.

5. For young people: discos on the beaches of Sousse.

The beaches of this city are far from the white sands of Djerba or Mahdia. But even here they are trying to maintain the reputation of the country with the best sandy beaches.

A special feature of Sousse is that absolutely all the beaches of the city are located across the road and are themselves quite narrow. But if you move closer to the Port el Kantaoui area, you will find the width, cleanliness and snow-whiteness of the beach.

And the biggest advantage of Sousse is that you can dance and have fun without going far from the sea.

Don’t forget, Tunisia is a Muslim country and there are some prohibitions here: drinking alcohol in public places is strictly forbidden, even on the beach you cannot completely undress (especially for women) and expressing any love feelings in public is also prohibited.

6. Reference beaches of Hammamet.

The beaches of this city are an example of what they should be like within the city and tourist area. This is the purity of the sand, its snow-whiteness. Even grains of sand, in their miniature size, try to get closer to the ideal.

Here, as in Djerba, and in Mahdia, it will be convenient for parents with children to relax: the entrance to the water is quite flat. Another reason why it is better for children to swim in Hammamet is that almost all the beaches here are located in lagoons where there is no strong sea waves. It will also be interesting for young people on the beaches of Hammamet - after all, the unofficial capital of tourism in Tunisia.

In the area of ​​the old city, the beaches are pebbly or with large rocky boulders; the sand becomes more uniform closer to the new city.

The Republic of Tunisia is a bright representative of countries where the sea, sun and incredible sand are classic indicators of the standard of beach holidays. And add to this an oriental flavor, an interesting history, the mysterious largest desert in the world and you will get an unforgettable vacation.

Tunisia is on the African continent, but there is very little Africa here. The Arabs turned the lands they had once conquered into another Muslim state. The French, to whom Tunisia belonged many years before, also left a huge imprint on its “face”. The dark-skinned Tunisians are completely different from the black African aborigines. The cities of Tunisia are a mixture of southern European architecture with Arab character and religion. This country is worth seeing in its entirety, but most people only appreciate the sandy beaches in Tunisia.

Unlike the European Mediterranean, where many beaches have been awarded an honorary blue flag for their cleanliness and amenities, Tunisia does not particularly monitor the ideal condition of its beaches. What's to blame for this? The mentality of the residents or lack of funds? It’s difficult to judge, but rather the latter.

Expensive hotels belonging to world-famous chains pay special attention to this. The sand is cleaned daily and traders and animals are kept away. Where there is no proper care, you can see a rather sad picture - algae, cigarette butts, plastic bottles and glasses floating in the water. On the shore there is dirt, human and animal waste, intrusive service “a la hot corn, pies, dried roach”. Most often this can be found on municipal beaches near large cities and ports. Far from civilization, the most you will find is algae on the beach.

Therefore, when choosing a hotel, read reviews on various sites. Be more specific, with photographs, talk to those who were there. But don't concentrate too much on it either. In reality, everything may be different. Especially this year, due to the state of emergency in the country, the authorities are very careful not to lose tourists. Perhaps, thanks to the difficulties, things will change for the better in the field of tourism in Tunisia.

Let's finally move on to the beaches.

The beaches in Tunisia are mostly sandy. Only in the north, in the area of ​​Tabarca and Bizerta, can you find rocky shores. There is a stone entrance to the water only in small areas near Hamammet, Mahdia, Monastir and on the island of Djerba.

White sand beaches of Tunisia

The standard of a beautiful beach is snow-white sand. A picture from the Maldives or from the Maldives immediately appears before your eyes. In Tunisia, the sand is light, but not as snow-white as in the tropics. However, you can find something similar here. On, in Zarzis, in Mahdia and in Hamammet. Oddly enough, in the north of the country, in Tabarka, there is also such a place. Beach surrounded by dunes "Zuira", will delight those who want to soak up the white sand, but in relatively cool water.

To make your vacation closer to this ideal, choose wide, long beaches where there are very few people. And besides, it is better to choose a less popular season.

Beaches of Tunisia for families with children

Since all the beaches in Tunisia are sandy, most places can be suitable for this purpose. Children who are just learning to swim need a gentle entrance to the sea. The ideal place for this is Hamammet. Due to its location in natural bays, there are practically no waves here. The sand is clean and fine. The depth of the bottom increases very smoothly, which is exactly what parents who are worried about their children will like.

Another nice place is Monastir. Here, even many hotels focus on young guests and arrange special entertainment for them. They set up separate seats in the restaurant and offer a children's menu. An additional plus is that the drive from the airport to the hotel is only a few minutes. The child will not have time to get tired.

Older children will enjoy the island of Djerba. Here you can not only relax, but also expand your knowledge about history and culture. See legendary places. Visit the reserve and see a rare, shy bird - the pink flamingo. Sail on a pirate ship. And much more. And the main thing is that this is an island. Which means it's cool!

There are water parks in Sousse and Hamammet, which for children can be a decisive factor in putting pressure on their parents to resolve the issue: “Where should I go on vacation?”

Diving beaches

The Mediterranean Sea is not as rich and beautiful as the warm tropical seas. But there are people here who want to go diving. Sunken ships, ancient amphorae, mysterious gold of pirates attract like a magnet. And it doesn’t matter at all that all these legends were invented by the owners of diving centers themselves in order to attract more people who want to dive into the mysterious sea world.

Divers in Tunisia have chosen several places:

  • northern coast from Tabarca to Bizerte. The shores are steep and rocky, and the water is clear throughout its depth. There are corals and all kinds of marine life here, not as bright as in Egypt, but still. Advice, dive where the “coral hunters” dive, watch their work;
  • another place in the north of the country is the La Galite archipelago. There is a sunken ship here that has lain for just over half a century, there are seals and, due to the fact that fishing is prohibited in the reserve, there is an abundance of all kinds of living creatures. There are even special three-day diving tours sold here;
  • a long tourist coast between Hamammet and Sfax with the most popular resorts of Tunisia. The depths here are shallow, no more than 20 meters. If you sail further from the coast, you can enjoy underwater life and sunken ships from the Second World War;
  • near Mahdia, Jacques Cousteau found a sunken ancient Roman galleon. Perhaps some valuable item from there is still waiting to be discovered;
  • the island of Djerba did not stand aside and is also ready to offer diving enthusiasts a lot of interesting things. For example, sunken ships, stingrays, hammerhead fish and about a hundred different species of fish. It is best to dive in the north and northeast of the island.

Wild beaches of Tunisia

Those who like to get away from the hustle and bustle will love wild holiday destinations. You can come here for a day from your hotel by renting suitable transport. Or you can stay here for a few days. You just need to first think about how you will spend the night and what to eat. After all, in such places you can forget about any infrastructure. This is actually why people come here.

There are a lot of wild beaches scattered across Tunisia. Essentially, you drive some distance from the tourist area and here you go - "wild" beach. The Internet and maps can help you.

They say that it is very beautiful on the beaches of El Khawaria and the Kerkennah Islands. Check if possible.

But I would also like to remind you about safety. Firstly, the current situation in Tunisia is not conducive to independent movement around the country. The Russian Foreign Ministry warns about this. Tourist areas are well guarded, but holidays "wild" coastlines can become a problem.

Secondly, Tunisia is a Muslim country. Not allowed here:

  • nudity of women;
  • their appearance on the street unaccompanied by men;
  • various and even quite innocent (in our opinion) manifestations of love between people;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages.

If in a tourist area there are different laws and no one will even stop you, then in "wild" In places you are left alone with local orders. At best, you will be reprimanded, at worst... Let's not talk about it.

We hope this information was useful to you.

Have a nice trip!

Coast of Tunisia: beaches of Hammamet, Sousse, Monastir, Mahdia and the island of Djerba. The best and most popular beaches in Tunisia.

Any Sandy Beach

    Sand beach

    Beaches of Gammarth

    On Gammarth beach, Russian tourists are as rare as a unicorn, which will serve as an excellent reason to stay here for those who are used to relaxing in a pleasant distance from their compatriots. From a natural point of view, the beaches of Gammarth will definitely not disappoint - they are long, with one of the widest coastlines in Tunisia and extremely secluded.

    Sand beach

    Beaches of Djerba

    The beaches of Djerba are very wide, in some places the coastal sand strip extends a good half kilometer into the territory. Hotel beaches are a little narrower, but rarely are their width less than one hundred meters. All beaches are sandy; rocky areas of the coast are rare.

    Sand beach

    Beaches of Mahdia

    The beaches of Mahdia do not need a separate characteristic - for all of Tunisia this is the benchmark for quality. Amazing white sand of incredibly fine grinding, a calm sea of ​​a fabulous azure color and the impressive width of the beach combined with its good landscaping - these are the strengths of the beaches of Mahdia.

    Sand beach

    Beaches of Monastir

    Among the features of the beaches of Monastir is a fairly narrow coastline, no more than 30-40 meters in the best cases. The entrance to the water is gentle, with a gradual decrease in depth; the shallow water extends deep into the sea for a considerable distance, making a holiday in Monastir suitable for families with children.

The picturesque beaches of the Mediterranean Sea are the main wealth of Tunisia, annually attracting hundreds of thousands of domestic tourists to the country. The beaches in Tunisia are truly wonderful - clean, fine sand, with a wide coastal strip and a gentle slope into the water. The length of the Tunisian coastline is almost 1200 km, of which more than 800 km are located on the magnificent beach strip of the main eastern coast of the country. From the northern suburb of the capital Gammarth to the island of Djerba, here you can find a beach to your liking: lively in Sousse, spacious and respectable in Hammamet, with surprisingly fine, silky sand in Mahdia and whole kilometers of undeveloped coastal space in Djerba.

The use of umbrellas on the beaches of Tunisia is always free, sunbeds and mattresses are free in most cases.

Beach season

The beach season in Tunisia lasts from June to October. In May the water is still cool (which, however, does not frighten those who come here on vacation during the May holidays), and at the end of October it already begins to cool down - the autumn nights take their toll. The peak season is July-August - then the beaches of Tunisia are busy not only with vacationers in hotels on the coast, but also with local residents, whole families coming here, as well as tourists from neighboring countries - Algeria and Libya. In the summer months, it is unusually pleasant to swim in the early morning - there are almost no people on the beach, the water is amazingly calm and warm, and the sun has not yet reached its hot midday zenith.

Swimming at night is not possible in all hotels - some hoteliers prohibit night swimming for safety reasons.

"Material" of beaches

All beaches in Tunisia are sandy, with light, very fine sand (finer only in the Sahara). The width of the coastline is from 15 to 50 m depending on the resort. Of course, Tunisia is far from the 300-meter ocean beaches, but there is no crowding: finding a beach that is not “overstayed” even in high season is quite possible.

Small areas of rocky coastline can be found in the north of Tunisia - in the vicinity of Tabarka and Bizerte - as well as on Cape Monastir and near the old city of Hammamet and Mahdia. They are partly natural, formed by rocks jutting out into the sea, and partly artificial, formed by stones that strengthen the foundation of the city walls. However, having sailed a short distance, you see a sandy bottom under your feet.

Rules of conduct on the beach

All Tunisian beaches are formally state-owned; there are no private beaches here, so you can swim wild everywhere without fear of stumbling upon a moralizing sign about private property or, God forbid, getting a charge of salt in a soft spot. Each hotel on the coast has its own section of the beach, and attempts by local security to access it are resolutely suppressed. Hotels located on the second line also have their own beaches; they are neatly squeezed between the “first lines”.

Topless is not prohibited in Tunisia, but nudism is prohibited. There are no nudist beaches in the country. Topless sunbathing is recommended only on hotel beaches. Also, you should not take walks along the seashore “in all its glory.”

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Trade on the beaches of Tunisia

Merchants of strange and not-so-extraordinary goods are a common sight on Tunisian beaches. Usually they comb the surf line back and forth, calling sunbathers to their “riches” in a loud voice. In high-level hotels, beach security does not allow merchants to approach vacationers on sunbeds - if you are interested in some product, it is better to approach the seller yourself. In mediocre hotels and cheap establishments, merchants freely approach sunbathing tourists, often sit down on a sunbed and can quite intrusively offer their goods. As a rule, a decisive “know!” enough to put off a traveling salesman.

Take your time to shop: exactly the same goods are sold outside the hotel - in tourist souvenir shops and markets in the old city, the medina. The price “in the city” is often 5-10 times lower than the beach price. For example, for the cost of a small fruit basket at the market you can buy a kilogram of each item presented in it: peaches, plums, grapes...

Paid and free

The use of umbrellas on the beaches of Tunisian hotels is always free, and sunbeds and mattresses are free in most cases. However, in budget hotels, mattresses may cost extra money. Beach towels are usually provided for a deposit left at the reception (returned after returning the towel at the end of the holiday). During your vacation, beach towels can be changed at least every day in a special box on the beach or by the pool - you just hand over the dirty ones and get clean ones in return. However, in some hotels they do not provide towels at all, and in others they do for an additional fee - this point needs to be clarified when booking.

The best beaches in Tunisia are the beaches of Hammamet and Mahdia, as well as a number of beaches on the island of Djerba.

"Wild" and urban beaches of Tunisia

There are many pristine, picturesque and completely deserted beaches on the coast of Tunisia. As a rule, this is the coastline between cities (for example, Hammamet and Sousse), after the end of the resort area. There may be only small villages on the shore, or there may be nothing at all - olive plantations and a strip of sand. To get to these “blue lagoons”, you will need to rent a car - public transport is usually long and confusing. It’s better not to expose yourself too much while on site. Despite the general safety of Tunisia, single girls should prefer a hotel beach, as they say, to avoid misunderstandings.

The city beaches of Tunisia during the season (July-August) are usually densely packed with local large families with no less numerous children. Tunisians love to go to the sea all day - from 9 am to 7 pm. They take food with them and sit under an umbrella brought from home and dug into the sand. It is always noisy here, children are noisy, playing ball, and the sea cannot be called clean - so a visit to the city beach is worth taking only for the sake of exoticism.

The best beaches in Tunisia

The best beaches in Tunisia are the beaches of Hammamet and Mahdia, as well as a number of beaches on the island of Djerba. In Sousse the sea within the city is not entirely clean, but in the Port el Kantaoui area the beaches are excellent. Monastir does not boast ideal beaches; the prettiest plots are in Skanes. The beaches in Gammarth are quite good, but those “facing” to the north often suffer from rough seas.