Normal amount of calories. How many calories does a man need per day: approximate norm

Hello my dear readers! A real man should take care of his health. To do this, you need to know what and in what quantities you can eat. First of all, you need to determine what the daily calorie intake is for men.

The composition of the dishes is also important. It's worth eating a balanced diet. Each person should receive a certain amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. We need vitamins and microelements contained in foods. But, if you decide to take your health seriously, first calculate your daily calorie intake. This is the first priority.

Every person needs food. After all, we get energy from it. Many of us remember that the unit of measurement is the kilojoule. Indeed, the energy value on many products is also indicated in kilojoules. But for an ordinary person who is not keen on physics, this is inconvenient. Therefore, it was decided to equate 1 kilojoule to 4.186 calories.

The number of calories differs depending on the composition of the products. There are 9 kcal in 1 gram of fat. And in 1 gram of carbohydrates and carbohydrates there are 4 kcal. But not only the quantitative composition is important. All elements are absorbed differently. There are also carbohydrates. The latter are digested more slowly, and more energy is spent on this. Therefore they are more useful. But let's take a closer look at the quantitative indicators for now.

Do you know exactly how many calories you need per day? It all depends on energy consumption. If you play sports, your body expends more energy. Youth also has an influence. Young people need more energy.

Why do you need to know your norm?

If we start consuming more than we should, our body reacts instantly. Extra centimeters begin to appear on the stomach and sides. Unspent calories are converted into fats. The figure loses its relief and begins to “float”. In addition, overeating has a negative impact on health. After all, obesity leads to many diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

Hunger doesn't do us any good either. By starting to sharply reduce the number of calories, we force our body to “panic”. As a result, muscle mass is destroyed, not fat. We become lethargic and irritable. However, without getting the desired result.

To keep yourself in great shape, you need to watch your diet and exercise. To always look your best, you don’t need to be afraid to ask for help. I really like the fitness trainings of Vladimir Molodov. He has good training for girls. And of course there is a great one training « Super relief" for men. He is the champion of Russia in bodybuilding and trains many celebrities. He will inspire anyone with his example!

Daily value for men

Approximate figures for daily calorie intake are known. On average, each man needs from 2400 to 3000 kcal. However, this figure may increase or decrease depending on lifestyle. Plus goals are important. If a person wants to lose weight, then the number of calories needs to be reduced.

For a young person from 19 to 30 years old, 2400 kcal is considered the norm. Provided that he leads a sedentary lifestyle. A man with the same data, but aged from 31 to 50, requires 2200 kcal. And from 51 years old, even less - 2000 kcal per day. If a man plays sports, then energy consumption increases. Therefore, the daily calorie intake should increase. To be more precise, your daily calorie intake depends on 4 main factors:

  1. Your weight - the higher it is, the more you need to consume so that your weight does not change.
  2. Your height – tall people need to eat more :)
  3. Your age – as you age, your body consumes less energy
  4. Your physical activity - if you work physically or go to workout regularly, then you need more calories than an office worker who has never seen a gym.

Formulas for calculating the daily value

The most common 2 formulas for calculating calorie intake are:

  • Harris-Benedict formula
  • Mifflin-San Geor formula

The first was proposed in 1919 (a modified version is now used). For a long time she was the only one. Now the Mifflin-San Geor formula is becoming more popular. It was developed quite recently, and nutritionists prefer to use it because... it is easier for calculations. On the jelly itself, the results of both formulas are very close.

Below I will give calculations using both formulas with examples. You can decide for yourself which formula suits you best.

First, measure your height and weight. Also determine what kind of lifestyle you lead. This information is needed to select the physical activity ratio:

  • if you do not play sports and spend most of the day passively, then your coefficient is 1.2;
  • when playing sports 3 times a week – 1.375;
  • at 5 times a week – 1.4625;
  • when you are engaged in physical labor and train intensively – 1.55;
  • if your sports activities are daily, then your coefficient is 1.6375;
  • your daily classes are intensive or not once a day – 1.725;
  • and, if you also work physically, then the coefficient is 1.9.

Harris–Benedict formula

The formula itself is:

(88.36 + 13.4 * weight in kg + 4.8 * height in cm – 5.7 * age) * physical activity coefficient

Let's do the math for an example. A 40-year-old man weighing 88 kg and height 184 cm goes in for sports 5 times a week:

(88,36 + 13,4 * 88 + 4,8 * 184 – 5,7 * 40) * 1,4625 = 2812 kcal

Mifflin Formula - St. George

(10 * weight in kg + 6.25 * height in cm – 5 * age + 5) * physical activity coefficient

And again an example with the same man:

(10 * 88 + 6,25 * 184 – 5 * 40 + 5) * 1,4625 = 2684 kcal

As you can see, the difference in calculations using different formulas is within 5%, i.e. essentially not significant. You can take the average :)

If you want to simplify the task, you can use . He will easily calculate your norm.

That's all I wanted to tell you. Don't forget and share the article on social networks.

The source of energy for humans is food. With food, our body receives nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which, when broken down, form energy. The unit of energy measurement was the amount of energy required to heat 1 g of water by 1 degree - 1 calorie.

The main source of energy in food is carbohydrates - they are the easiest for the body to process. When 1 g of carbohydrates is broken down, about 4 kcal are released. Proteins provide the same amount of energy when they are broken down into amino acids, but they are much more difficult for the body to process. The most energy-intensive, but also the most difficult to process, are fats; when breaking down 1 g of fat, the body receives 9 kcal, but also spends a lot, but the body spends fats reluctantly, preferring to store them in subcutaneous fat tissue.

How many calories you need per day depends on how much energy your body expends. Our body constantly consumes energy - with every heartbeat, with every breath we spend calories. In order to compensate for the body’s expenses for vital activity, for digesting food, for muscle and brain activity, we need to consume as many calories daily as the body spent. This is the daily calorie intake that we need to maintain our activity, ensure all vital processes in the body and maintain our weight.

How many calories a person needs per day depends on many factors, this value is influenced by the person’s gender, age, health status, weight, level of physical activity, person’s metabolic rate, even the time of year - in winter our metabolism is faster than in summer, and consumption We have higher calories per day in winter.

If we want to lose a few kilograms, we reduce our calorie intake per day, if we want to gain weight, then we exceed the daily calorie intake.

According to WHO recommendations, fluctuations in daily caloric intake should not exceed 20% - only then can we change our weight without causing harm to health. Exceeding this threshold is fraught with the fact that our body will not be able to navigate such significant changes for it, stress will arise for it, metabolic processes will be disrupted, which will affect our health, psyche and appearance.

How many calories does a person need per day?

Children are like little motors - they are always in motion, their energy consumption is 3-4 times higher than that of an adult. The older we get, the slower our metabolism becomes, the lower our calorie intake per day. Elderly people spend 30-40% less energy than a person 30-35 years old.

The caloric intake per day for a man is higher than for a woman. The energy expenditure of athletes exceeds the energy expenditure of people who do not engage in sports. Pregnant and breastfeeding women need more calories than average women. How many calories a person needs per day depends on his lifestyle, his regimen, and specific life circumstances. Of course, when calculating calories per day, it is impossible to take into account all these circumstances, but there are formulas that give average daily calorie needs depending on age, gender, weight, height and degree of physical activity, and allow you to more or less accurately answer the question: how many calories does a person need per day?

Daily calorie calculation for men and women

One of the formulas that allows you to calculate how many calories a person needs per day is the Muffin-Geor formula. Calculation of calories per day is carried out in 2 stages: first, the value of calories for the basal metabolism is calculated, and then, depending on the degree of physical activity of a person, the daily calorie intake is calculated.

Basic metabolism is calculated using the formula:

  • for women: 9.99 x weight (in kg) + 6.25 x height (in cm) - 4.92 x age – 161;
  • for men: 9.99 x weight (in kg) + 6.25 x height (in cm) - 4.92 x age + 5.

In order to calculate the rate of calorie consumption per day, the resulting value must be multiplied by the coefficient of human physical activity:

  • sedentary lifestyle and lack of additional physical activity - 1.2;
  • slight physical activity (sports activities 1-3 times a week) - 1.375;
  • average degree of physical activity (sports 3-5 days a week) - 1.55;
  • high physical activity (sports activity every day) - 1.725;
  • very high physical activity (intense training every day, heavy physical work or two workouts a day, sports competitions) -1.9.

The daily calorie intake calculated in this way shows how many calories a person needs to consume to maintain the weight that he currently has. If a person is faced with the task of gaining weight, then he must exceed this norm by 20%. To lose weight, you need to create a 20% calorie deficit per day.

Consequences of a daily calorie deficit

Most diets ignore WHO recommendations for a 20% calorie deficit in the daily diet for safe weight loss - in pursuit of quick results, many diets limit calorie intake by 1.5-2 times or even more. However, we must not forget how many calories a person needs per day for normal functioning - if the body does not receive this amount of calories, negative changes begin to occur in it, which affect human health.

With a strong decrease in calorie intake per day, the body ceases to have enough energy to support all the processes occurring in it. It is unusual and very difficult for him to obtain energy from fats; it is easier for him to reduce the metabolic rate, and compensate for the lack of carbohydrates in the diet by consuming his own muscles as energy resources - especially since modern man uses his muscles little, and the body believes that they are for him. just not needed. A decrease in energy consumption occurs due to a general slowdown of all metabolic processes and savings on some that seem unimportant to the body. This, for example, produces growth hormones, hormones that improve mood, ensures mental and physical activity, nourishes hair and nails, as well as skin and some organs (for example, eyes), and maintains sexual energy. All this leads to a deterioration in metabolism in general. Digestion, nutrition of organs and tissues are disrupted, and proteins used for energy, when broken down, form toxic substances (for example, acetone), which poison the body. Then, when you stop the diet and return to your normal diet, your body does not rebuild its metabolism in the same way - metabolism is disrupted, food absorption is worse, so you need more food to get all the necessary nutrients, and you eat more (and you no longer control how many calories you need per day). At the same time, your metabolism is reduced, and the body, having detected excess food, seeks to store it in fat in case the hunger strike continues or repeats. This leads to weight gain again, and as a result, you may gain even more than you lost.

Calories are the energy that our body spends for its full functioning. How many calories you need to consume per day is determined by such criteria as gender and age, the presence or absence of physical activity in everyday life, and lifestyle.

This is due to the fact that a young body requires more energy for development and growth, the daily rate of calories expended by men and women differs, and different amounts of calories are spent on different types of activity.

In order to determine, first find out how many of them are required normally for an ordinary person. Especially for those who are not going to lose weight.

How many calories is normal for men to consume per day?

With a sedentary lifestyle that does not include sports, two thousand calories per day is enough for men over the age of fifty.

With the same lifestyle, a man from thirty to fifty will need 2200 kcal per day.

If the same men lead a moderately active lifestyle, for example, do daily exercises and walk for an hour a day, then they should add another 200 - 400 calories per day to the above figures.

With an active, athletic lifestyle, men from eighteen to thirty years old should adhere to a daily allowance of three thousand calories. Men over thirty can reduce this figure by 100 - 200 calories. And for representatives of the stronger sex after fifty, it is recommended to consume from 2500 to 2800 calories.

Calories per day in foods that women should normally consume

With a sedentary lifestyle, ladies after fifty need no more than 1600 calories per day. Women in the age group from 26 to 50 need 1800 kcal, and girls under 26 - two thousand.

With a moderate active lifestyle, the same indicators need to be increased by 200 units.

And with full activity, the average daily caloric intake for women under thirty is 2400 kcal, for women from 30 to 60 - 2200, and for women from sixty and above - two thousand calories.

The number of calories per day for weight loss, of course, will be less than the usual norm. But if a person wants to get better, then vice versa.

In addition to the above factors, the calculation of calories per day should also be based on the ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the food consumed. These are key microelements that provide strength and energy to the body.

A Brief Overview of Micronutrients

When you are losing weight, you need to strive not only to reduce the number of calories consumed per day, but also to ensure that these calories are correctly distributed and bring maximum benefit to the body.

First microelement

Carbohydrates are the body's main energy resource. And they should account for 60% of calories consumed per day.

Carbohydrates can be simple and complex, or in another way - harmful and beneficial. A person who wants to lose weight should only consume complex foods, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and products made from them. It is advisable to completely exclude chocolate, buns, ice cream, pasta and potatoes (especially fried ones) from the diet. What is their difference? Simple carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the body, this leads to a sharp rise in blood, but it also falls sharply, after which the person begins to feel severe hunger and fatigue. It takes longer for the body to process them, and they are more nutritious, meaning satiety remains for a longer time. When they are absorbed, blood sugar remains at a normal level, which does not cause fluctuations in mood and well-being.

Second microelement

Proteins are the building blocks of the body. Human nails and hair, organs and muscles are made up of protein.

Its daily rate should be 15%. When making your daily calorie menu, make sure that at least 200 of them come from protein.

Proteins can be of animal or plant origin. Which ones to choose depends on your preferences. So-called “animal” products contain this microelement in larger quantities. But you can eat more plant foods without exceeding the maximum number of calories per day for weight loss.

Third trace element

Fats are the main component for activating the body's protective function. Also, these microelements are directly involved in metabolic processes.

Fats should be 25-30% in the daily diet. For example, out of 1000 calories per day, 250 should be allocated specifically to fats. However, more than half of them should be unsaturated. They are also called “healthy”. They are found in milk and dairy products, fish and nuts, and olive oil. The amount should be reduced as much as possible in the diet. They are not only harmful to your figure, but also contribute to the acquisition of various heart diseases.

Count calories and lose weight

If you want to always stay in shape, you need to learn how to calculate calories per day. To do this, you need to find out the number corresponding to your basal metabolic rate.

For men, it is one calorie per kilogram of body weight per hour. For the weaker sex, this is 0.9 calories per kilogram per hour.

If you are a woman and you weigh 70 kg, then the basal metabolic rate is calculated as follows:

0.9 calories x 70 kilograms x 24 hours. That would be 1701.6 calories, round up to get 1702 calories per day.

In order to calculate the number of calories per day for losing weight to the desired result, you need to replace the existing weight in the formula with the one you want to gain.

For example, you want to weigh 60 kilograms.

0.9 calories x 60 kilograms x 24 hours = 1296 calories. This is your daily requirement to lose weight.

However, these calculations are correct for people with a sedentary lifestyle. At the same time, if you play sports and you are a man, then add 400 - 500 to the resulting figure. If you play sports and you are a woman, then add another 250 - 350 kcal.

Take care of your weight loss safety

If you really have problems with weight, then lose weight only under the supervision of a doctor. If you just decide to lose a few kilograms, for example, for the beach season, then it will be enough to exclude simple carbohydrates and saturated fats from your daily menu and add more physical activity to your daily routine.

Losing weight should promote health and beauty, and not harm them.

When you lose weight very quickly, your liver suffers greatly. After all, the fats we hate are not burned anywhere and do not disappear from the body, as is commonly thought, they are simply processed into other chemical elements. The first sign of excessively rapid weight loss is the appearance of fatty acids in the blood plasma in large quantities. This is poison for her, and the liver rushes to the rescue and begins to cleanse the blood. These fats are already accumulating in it, but in a different form. This may well lead to cirrhosis of the liver, and as you know, people die from it.

In order to lose weight, you do not need to starve or take any special medications. This hasn't benefited anyone yet. You shouldn’t trust advertisements about miracle remedies that will allow you to eat as much as you want, whatever you want, and lose weight at the same time. This doesn't happen. You can't fool the body. You just need to control yourself to spend more calories daily than you consume. Exhausting diets, among other things, cause hair loss and nails to deteriorate. Fasting has a detrimental effect on the heart and muscle function.

In addition to maintaining the balance of microelements, you also need to consume the required amount of fiber and fluid per day. It is advisable to eat food at the same time every day. For people losing weight, three meals a day with the last meal three to three and a half hours before bedtime would be ideal. Before creating a menu, study the ratio of essential microelements in them in advance. Prepare delicious, healthy, balanced and beautiful food.

Remember that losing weight should be safe and bring joy and ease.

In order to lose weight correctly and not harm your body, nutritionists recommend using calorie calculation techniques. The essence of these techniques is quite simple: you need to calculate your daily calorie intake in order to make a decision on how much you need to reduce the number of calories entering your body daily in order for the weight loss process to begin. Interestingly, calories for men and calories for women are not the same. The average woman should consume fewer calories per day than the average man, even if they weigh the same. The calorie intake for men is about 2500 kcal, while the figure for women is 2000 kcal.

The reason for this difference in calorie standards between men and women lies in the different rates of metabolic processes in the body of representatives of the weaker and stronger sexes. As offensive as it may be for women, it is much easier for men to lose weight, despite the fact that they usually eat several times more. Maintaining slimness is facilitated by a much faster metabolism than women. The need for an increased amount of calories for men is also due to the fact that they, as a rule, have increased muscle mass, and muscle, as we know, requires much more energy than fat.

How else are men different from women?

Main differences:

  • Men need more protein. This stems from the fact that men have more muscle mass than women. However, an increased protein content is necessary for those representatives of the stronger sex who play sports or do work that involves increased physical activity. Otherwise, the calorie intake for men may be equal to the average.
  • Fat is stored differently in men and women. We have all heard that obesity can occur in a “male” or “female” pattern. This means that in women, fat is usually deposited on the stomach and thighs, and in men in the upper abdomen. This type of fat is easier to remove if you engage in intense exercise. That's why it's easier for men to get rid of belly fat and regain their slim figure.
  • Dieting is more difficult for men. It is a rare man who will be able to easily switch to a diet regimen and begin to calculate the calorie intake for men. This is much easier to do for representatives of the fair sex, who are concerned about their appearance and are ready to endure any hardship for its sake. However, calories are no less important for men than for women, and it is much easier for them to achieve the desired result. If a man follows a diet and adheres to how many calories a man needs per day, then within a couple of months he will again become slim and fit.
  • Men and women also have different safe weight loss standards. As you know, there are certain weight loss standards that must be followed so that losing weight does not lead to health problems. For women, this figure averages 2 kg per month or 0.5 kg per week. But for representatives of the stronger sex, the rate of weight loss is twice as large and amounts to 4 kg or 1 kg per week. This difference is again explained by the fact that men's metabolism is faster.

No matter how offensive it may be for women, nature itself has arranged everything in such a way that a man can remain slim without much expense. In a woman’s body, everything is aimed at bearing and giving birth to children, which is why extra pounds are easily stored “in reserve”, and the body is in no hurry to part with them. But a man can gain weight, but with a certain desire it is easy to get rid of it. It would be stupid not to take advantage of such a wonderful feature of your body. However, before making a decision to lose weight, it is necessary to find out exactly how many calories a man needs so that his body does not lack energy, as well as how many calories a man needs in order to lose weight.

Today there are different methods for calculating calories for men. Nutritionists do not recommend taking the average figure of 2500 kcal as a basis, since it does not at all describe the individual needs of the body of a particular man. To calculate the number of calories per day for men, you can use, for example, the following formula:

The physical activity index is 1.1 for low levels of physical activity, 1.3 for moderate levels and 1.5 for high levels.

Having carried out the appropriate calculations, we will get the number of calories per day for a man that he needs to receive to maintain weight. If a man adheres to this norm, he will be able to maintain his figure without changes, but if you change this value up or down, this will lead to an increase or decrease in weight, respectively.

Naturally, in order for the weight loss process to go faster, physical exercise must be added to the mandatory calorie calculation of the menu. Men are lucky in this sense and genetics is on their side. They need to put in much less effort for the weight to start coming off. According to studies, women burn 16% fewer calories daily than men, and their metabolism is 6% slower.

Nutritionists recommend that men who have embarked on the path of losing weight consume more protein in order to ensure the growth of muscle mass, which in turn will lead to the consumption of fat reserves, because muscle tissue requires large energy expenditures. Knowing exactly the caloric intake for a man, you can regulate your diet so that fat reserves are consumed faster.

In their diet, men should also pay attention to the types of fats they consume. Most often these are animal fats, classified as saturated fats, or fats found in fast food products. If men switch to consuming monounsaturated fats in their diet, then this fact alone will contribute to rapid and effective weight loss.

The amount of consumption of certain dishes will allow you to maintain a balanced diet. Indeed, in addition to calories, it is worth paying attention to the presence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Especially if a man is trying to lose weight. In addition, the daily caloric intake rate is also important for those who engage in heavy physical labor or regularly train or visit gyms. Without the required amount of kcal, you simply won’t have enough strength to do it. At the same time, with an excess of calories, body weight will gradually increase and the problem of how to lose excess weight will arise.

Food is an integral element that no one can do without. At the same time, you need to consume a certain amount of foods that will fill the body with the necessary substances and also provide the necessary energy for a man’s activities.

The energy obtained from food products is measured in kcal. On the label of any of them you can see a column in which the number of calories per 100 g is indicated. Depending on what product is consumed, the minimum calories that the body will receive will be different. At the same time, it is also worth paying attention to other elements that an adult man should consume every day. These include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The latter, in turn, can be of various types.

The most significant points in the calculation are:

  • Weight. The higher this indicator, the more energy the body needs so that body weight does not change.
  • Height. In this case, the same dependence applies as for weight. The larger a person, the more calories he needs.
  • Age. The younger you are, the more kcal you spend.
  • Indicator of physical activity, frequency of sports.

The most accurate formulas for calculating calorie intake

There are many formulas that allow you to determine your daily calorie intake. The most accurate and popular are two: the Mifflin San Geor formula and the Harris-Benedict formula. Despite the differences in setting the coefficients, they are based on the same indicators: height, weight, age, physical activity. The latter was created a century ago. Of course, today several amendments and adjustments have been made to it. The Mifflin-San Geor formula was invented relatively recently. But, despite this, it quite accurately determines the daily calorie intake depending on the indicators.

When calculating, one of the following indicators of physical activity can be used:

  • For passive behavior and lack of regular exercise, a coefficient of 1.2 is used.
  • If there are regular visits to the gym (3 times a week), then this indicator should be 1.375.
  • With more frequent training (5 times a week), the coefficient increases to 1.4625.
  • For frequent training and for work that involves heavy physical labor, it is necessary to use a coefficient of 1.6375.
  • If gym classes are more frequent and can be carried out several times a day, then an indicator of 1.725 should be used.
  • For frequent sports activities that take place several times a day, which are supplemented by physical work, it is necessary to use a coefficient of 1.9 in the formula.

Harris-Benedict formula

They look like this:

(88.36+13.4*body weight in kg+4.8*height in cm-5.7*number of years)*physical activity coefficient

Initial data:

  • Height – 184.
  • Weight – 88.
  • Age – 40.
  • Physical activity – going to the gym 5 times a week.

The calculation will look like:

(88.36+13.4*88+4.8*184-5.7*40)*1.4625=2812 kcal.

Mifflin-St. Geor Formula

The original formula is as follows:

(10*weight kg+6.25*height in cm-5*number of years+5)*physical activity indicator.

With the same initial data given above, the calculation will be as follows: