In what year did Batalov die? People's Artist of the USSR Alexey Batalov died

People's Artist of the USSR Alexei Batalov died on Thursday night in a Moscow hospital. The famous actor was 88 years old.

During another exacerbation of the disease in January of this year, Batalov fell at home and broke the femoral neck in his right leg, and a month later he underwent reconstructive surgery, after which he no longer left the hospital until his death. The day before his death, he was given communion by a priest within the walls of his hospital ward. Alexey Vladimirovich died in his sleep. The death was registered at 6 a.m. on June 15, 2017.

As the artist’s close friend Vladimir Ivanov told “”, Batalov will most likely be buried at the Preobrazhenskoye cemetery in Moscow.

“Alexey Vladimirovich himself asked to be buried at the Preobrazhenskoye cemetery next to his mother,” Ivanov said. According to him, director Nikita Mikhalkov, who will help organize the farewell, has already been informed about the actor’s death.

Alexey Batalov was born on November 20, 1928 in Vladimir into an acting family. From the age of five he grew up in the family of the writer Viktor Efimovich Ardov. In 1950, he graduated from the Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Art Theater School at the USSR Moscow Art Theater. Gorky. After which he entered the Central Theater of the Russian Army, where he served in the army, in 1953 he transferred to the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky (now the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater).

He starred in the films “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”, “The Rumyantsev Case”, “The Cranes Are Flying”, directed the films “The Overcoat”, “Three Fat Men” and others. Laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR named after. Vasiliev brothers (1966), State Prizes of the USSR (1981) and the Russian Federation (2005).

We invite you to recall interesting facts from the biography of the beloved actor of many generations of Russians.

First film

Batalov made his film debut at the age of 16, writes He played a cameo role in Lev Arnshtam’s film “Zoya,” which was dedicated to the feat of the young partisan Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

The artist played a schoolboy named Alyosha.

During the war, Batalov lived with his family in evacuation in Bugulma. There he first appeared on the theater stage (the play was staged by his mother, actress Nina Olshevskaya). When Alexey and his family arrived in Moscow, he began to study at a regular school. The creators of the film “Zoya” involved the entire class in which Batalov studied in the filming. The future famous artist received a short text. The actor himself recalled that after the command “Motor!” he could not utter a word - this tiny role was given to him with great difficulty. Later, the parents sternly reprimanded the aspiring actor for not being able to cope with his anxiety.

Instead of clothes

Alexey Batalov says: “I came from the army and had to return to the Moscow Art Theater. Anna Andreevna Akhmatova, a close friend at home, gave me a certain amount of money she received from translations so that I could dress up a little. I refused, but she insisted. Having warmly thanked him and counted the money, I went to the thrift store and bought... a used car.

Batalov’s first car was something like this - the Moskvich-400.

Anna Andreevna, seeing the car, said: “Very good.” Since then, this old, but most beloved “Muscovite” was called “Annushka”.

Personal life

Alexey Vladimirovich met his first wife, Irina Rotova, as a child. Irina was the daughter of the famous Soviet cartoonist Konstantin Pavlovich Rotov. The lovers got married as soon as they turned 18 years old.

The artist Rotov once received the task of drawing illustrations for “Uncle Stepa” by Sergei Mikhalkov. Konstantin Pavlovich copied the main character of the famous children's poem from his rather tall son-in-law, with whom he had very warm and friendly relations.

Alexey Batalov and Irina Rotova did not live together for very long. They had to separate because Batalov, by his own admission, did not devote enough time to his wife and daughter Nadya. The artist’s mother-in-law really did not like his profession.

New love came to Batalov completely unexpectedly - on the set of the film “Big Family” he met a circus performer, equestrian Gitana Leontenko and fell in love with her at first sight.

The actor’s second wife is a gypsy by nationality. They got married only a few years after they met.

After the birth of her daughter Masha, the wife had to leave the arena - the girl was born with a serious illness - cerebral palsy, and she required constant care. This became a serious test for the couple, but they did everything possible to make their daughter happy. Maria graduated from the VGIK Institute and is now engaged in literary activities. Alexei Batalov practically never sees his eldest daughter Nadezhda and her children and grandchildren.

People's glory

World fame came to Batalov after the release of Mikhail Kalatozov’s film “The Cranes Are Flying” in 1957.

In the Soviet Union, 28 million people watched this film. Screenings of the film in Europe were a huge success. The film “The Cranes Are Flying” became the only work of Russian filmmakers that received the main prize at the Cannes Film Festival.

The second wave of popular love came to Batalov after the premiere of Vladimir Menshov’s legendary film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.”

By the way, it was thanks to Batalov that actress Natalya Vavilova starred in this film. The fact is that her parents were categorically against Vavilova acting in films - they were preparing her for a diplomatic career. I personally came to their house and asked to let Natalya go to filming. Vavilova’s strict parents could not refuse the famous actor.

Clubfoot gait

Alexey Batalov was invited to play the main role in the film “The Lady with the Dog” based on the story by Chekhov. The film was advised by an old noblewoman, meticulous and corrosive, who remembered the pre-revolutionary era. Seeing Batalov walking, the old woman immediately said:

- He has a club foot. Russian intellectuals of that era did not walk like that.

Still from the film "Lady with a Dog".

The remark upset the artist, and he began to correct his gait, especially since the director kept making comments to him. In the end, Batalov got tired of all this, and his gait did not want to improve. We arrived in Crimea, in Yalta, and began to walk around the places of future filming. And suddenly some old boatman, seeing Batalov dressed for filming, shouted joyfully:

- Look, the hat is exactly the same as they wore before the revolution! I remember Anton Pavlovich Chekhov had one like this. And by the way, young man,” he turned to Batalov, “your gait is extremely reminiscent of Chekhov’s gait.” He was also a little clubbed.

Director's achievements

Alexey Vladimirovich tried his hand at directing. He shot three films - “The Overcoat”, “Three Fat Men” and “The Gambler”. The film adaptation of Olesha's fairy tale of the same name is recognized as the most successful work of director Batalov. He was very sensitive to the author's text, so the film very accurately conveys the mood and intent of the book.

Batalov also played the main role of the tightrope walker Tibul in the film.

During the filming of a dangerous scene of walking along a rope stretched over the square, the artist refused the help of a stunt double. He performed this trick on his own. His beloved wife taught him to walk on a tightrope. And it took him, according to some media reports, a year and two months!

Acting Professor

Alexey Vladimirovich has taught acting at VGIK since 1975. In the late 70s he became a professor, and in 1989 he headed the acting department.

In recent years, Batalov has not acted anywhere - the artist did not want to play in TV series and commercials, and he was not offered serious work.

From time to time he worked in a recording studio, because Alexey Batalov is the owner of a unique voice, which is used by the main characters of many Russian cartoons.

On Thursday, June 15, at the age of 89, People's Artist of the USSR Alexei Batalov died. A friend of the actor told about this.

Alexey Batalov. Photo: Anatoly Lomohov/Global Look

According to Vladimir Ivanov, Batalov died quietly in his sleep, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda. This happened in one of the Moscow hospitals, where the actor lay for about five months after a hip fracture. The night before, a priest came to Batalov and gave him communion.

The actor will most likely be buried at the Preobrazhenskoye cemetery in Moscow, Ivanov suggested. He himself asked for this - his mother’s grave is there. Director Nikita Mikhalkov will help with organizing the farewell.

The actor’s family confirmed the information about his death, clarifying that it happened at night.

Farewell to Alexei Batalov will take place in the Great Hall of the Central House of Cinematographers on Monday, June 19, Klim Lavrentyev, deputy chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, told RIA Novosti. The actor's funeral service will be held in the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God on Ordynka, and he will be buried at the Preobrazhenskoye cemetery.

The actor is known for the films “The Cranes Are Flying,” “My Dear Man,” “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” “The Star of Captivating Happiness,” “A Purely English Murder,” “The Lady with the Dog” and many others. And in the films “The Overcoat”, “Three Fat Men” and “The Gambler” he was also a director.

in the 1980s The magazine "Soviet Screen" called Alexei Batalov "a master of inconsistencies." He is probably the only one who embodied on the screen a mechanic-philosopher, a doctor-seducer, and a circus performer-revolutionary.

And in life he was a person who did not correspond to stereotypes. He lived in a small apartment, and at VGIK, where he was the director for many years, he occupied a modest office. He did not participate in acting parties and avoided any publicity.

In one of the films, the actor spoke not only about his great creative path, but also about his personal life.

Alexey Batalov was born on November 20, 1928 in Vladimir into a theater family. He first appeared on stage during the war in evacuation in Bugulma, where his mother organized a theater. He made his film debut in 1944, playing a cameo role in the film L.O. Arnstam "Zoe".

After graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School in Moscow, he became an actor in the Central Theater of the Soviet Army, where he served in the Soviet Army.

For six years - from 1953 to 1956 - he played on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. After that, until 1975, he was an actor and director at the Lenfilm film studio.

Then he taught acting at VGIK. As a course director, he graduated from seven acting workshops.

He wrote the books “Fate and Craft” and “Dialogues at Intermission,” as well as memoirs.

For many years he was secretary of the board of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR, chairman of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions commission for awards in the field of literature, art and journalism. He worked in the Soviet Peace Committee, the Peace Foundation, and the Rodina Association.

He was the president of the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts "Nika", an academician of the National Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of Russia.

Alexey Batalov is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, film director, screenwriter, teacher, master of artistic expression (reader) and public figure. He is an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.

He was awarded several State Prizes, Orders of Merit for the Fatherland, II and III degrees, two Orders of Lenin, and the Imperial Order of St. Anna, II degree.

Alexey Batalov is a talented Soviet and Russian actor, screenwriter, director and teacher. He became famous thanks to his brilliant roles in the films “The Cranes Are Flying” and “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” His movie characters became the pride of Russian cinema.

Having completed his acting career, he began teaching at VGIK, passing on all his knowledge to the new generation.

Childhood of Alexey Batalov

Alexey Batalov was born in Vladimir, into a creative family. His parents, Vladimir Batalov and Nina Olshevskaya, worked at the Moscow Art Theater. All childhood memories of the future actor were connected primarily with the theater.

In the 30s, Alexei's parents divorced. For the second time, his mother married the writer Viktor Ardov. Already as an adult, Batalov always spoke with warmth and respect about his stepfather, because Ardov took care of his stepson as his own son, trying to raise him to be a highly moral person. By the way, the famous comedian Anna Ardova is his niece.

It was not easy for the new family at first, since they lived next to Victor’s first wife. But a few years later they bought a new apartment and settled in the house of writers. Soviet cinema stars and great creators often visited the Ardovs: Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, Osip Mandelstam. Undoubtedly, they influenced the development of the personality of the future actor.

In 1941, Alexei’s childhood ended abruptly - war came... Mother and son were evacuated to Bugulma (Tataria). And even there the woman did not change her profession, independently organizing a small theater. 14-year-old Alexey helped his mother, and gradually took on small roles.

Education of Alexey Batalov

Alexey Batalov grew up in such an exalted artistic environment that he simply could not have any doubts about his future profession. The only thing he was unsure of was his abilities, because, he believed, without real talent there was nothing to do on the theater stage.

With the end of the war, the family returned to Moscow, where Alexei graduated from school and entered the Moscow Art Theater. After graduating in 1950, he spent the next three years working in the Soviet Army Theater.

Professional development of Alexey Batalov

Alexey Batalov first appeared on the silver screen during his school years. In 1944, he played in a film about the Soviet partisan Kosmodemyanskaya (“Zoya” directed by Leo Arnstam). The next film work followed only 10 years later, after leaving the army theater. She played the role of a worker from the film “Big Family” by Joseph Kheifits. Looking ahead, we note that the collaboration between the actor and the director turned out to be very fruitful: in 1955 Batalov played in the film “The Rumyantsev Case”, in 1960 in the film “The Lady with the Dog”, and in 1964 the film “Day of Happiness” was released. Kheifitz was the director of all these works.

In 1957, Alexey Batalov and Tatyana Samoilova appeared in the leading roles in the military melodrama “The Cranes Are Flying.” The surprisingly emotional film made a splash even at the Cannes Film Festival, winning the main award - the Palme d'Or.

Subsequently, Batalov played a variety of roles - ordinary students, workers, soldiers. However, all his heroes had a common feature - intelligence and fortitude. The only thing worth mentioning is the main role in the film “The Lady with the Dog,” based on the story of the same name by Anton Chekhov. The film deservedly won many awards, but it was not easy for the actor to cope with the image of Gurov.

The versatility of Alexey Batalov’s talents: career development

Alexey Batalov did not limit himself to just one area of ​​activity. Since the early 60s, the actor began to get involved in directing. In total, he made three films: “The Overcoat” (1959), “Three Fat Men” (1966) and “The Gambler” (1972). Many critics recognize the film “Three Fat Men” as the most successful, where Alexey also acted as an actor and director. The film adaptation of the classic work was distinguished by its reverent attitude towards the author's text, as well as the presence of numerous tricks without insurance. Batalov himself played the role of a tightrope walker and independently performed an extremely dangerous stunt.

Alexey Batalov about the film “Three Fat Men”

Radio shows occupied an important place in Batalov’s life. Thanks to the actor’s new hobby, well-known radio plays appeared: “A Hero of Our Time” by Mikhail Lermontov, “Cossacks” by Leo Tolstoy, “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare and many others.

Since 1974, the actor began dubbing cartoons. Viewers could hear his voice in the most famous Soviet cartoons: “Hedgehog in the Fog”, “Frog Traveler”, “Keys to Time”. Since 1975, Batalov taught at VGIK, and in 1980 he received a professorship and headed one of the departments.

Thus, we can safely say that Alexey Batalov for a long time was perhaps the most prominent figure in Russian cinema. So it may seem strange to someone that in 1979 the brilliant actor decided to play in a seemingly completely ordinary melodrama by Vladimir Menshov. However, the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” was eventually dissected into quotes and became an adornment of Russian cinema.

The director carefully selected the actor for the role of Gosha, but only Alexey turned out to be convincing. And who could more naturally play the role of a simple mechanic, casually meeting a woman on public transport, strictly raising the younger generation, sometimes drinking, but at the same time being able to make women all over the country fall in love with him? A different actor, a different manner, or even a different look could turn this sincere character into an ordinary boor. The charming Vera Alentova, Menshov’s wife, who played the main female role in the film, the “iron lady” Ekaterina Tikhomirova, also aroused admiration.

In 1981, “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” was awarded the American Film Academy Award. The Oscar in the category “Best Foreign Film” was a confirmation of the genius of the film. With this film, Batalov practically ended his acting career, devoting his time to teaching and dubbing for animated films. Among his latest acting works: “Speed”, “The Bridal Umbrella”, “The File of the Man in the Mercedes”, “Poltergeist 90”. Alexey Batalov also appeared with a cameo in the remake of Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Carnival Night: 50 Years Later.”

Personal life of Alexey Batalov

Alexei Batalov got married for the first time very early - he was barely 16 years old. This is probably why the marriage turned out to be fragile. His chosen one was the girl Irina Rotova, the daughter of the artist Konstantin Rotov, who had known the actor since childhood. Soon the young family had a daughter, Nadya. Her birth coincided with Alexey’s career takeoff: he worked constantly, but had no time left for his wife and child. Family ties could not withstand such tests and, when the daughter was three years old, the couple separated. Unfortunately, Batalov’s relationship with his eldest daughter did not work out and subsequently they practically did not communicate.

Batalov’s second chosen one was circus artist Gitana Leontenko. She worked in the circus from the age of 4 and masterfully performed deadly acts. The actor saw her during a circus performance and fell madly in love. For many years they met sporadically, without mutual obligations, until they got married in 1963.

This union turned out to be strong; happiness was overshadowed only by the illness of daughter Masha (born in 1968), who suffered from cerebral palsy. The parents believed that the girl received a terrible illness due to a medical error during childbirth. Gitana was forced to leave her job and devote herself to the child. And the actor himself gradually isolated himself from other people and even close relatives. He devoted his whole life to caring for his wife and daughter. His efforts brought worthy results. Maria Alekseevna has many achievements - she is involved in charity work, is a member of the Writers' Union, writes scripts; one of them was filmed (“The House on the Promenade des Anglais”).

"Alexey Batalov. I don't bargain with fate"

Death of Alexei Batalov

Even in his old age, Alexey Batalov was engaged in teaching. He was always very demanding about his work and was firmly convinced that an actor should play heroes who are capable of teaching and improving society.

Reports sometimes appeared in the press about Batalov's rather limited financial capabilities. The actor worked all his life not so much for money as for the love of art, and therefore did not accumulate huge capital. But he didn’t worry about himself and didn’t complain, because he lived a bright, interesting and worthy life.

He spent the last six months of his life in a hospital bed in one of the Moscow clinics, recovering from surgery (in January 2017 he was diagnosed with a femoral neck fracture). The actor’s death became known on the morning of June 15, 2017. At 6:00 Moscow time his heart stopped. As relatives reported, Alexey Batalov died in his sleep: he fell asleep in the evening and never woke up. He was 88 years old.

Russian actor Alexei Batalov died at the age of 88. The actor died in his sleep in one of the Moscow clinics. Five months before his death, the actor underwent surgery and was undergoing treatment.

Biography of Alexey Batalov

Alexey Batalov is a famous Soviet actor, film director and screenwriter, also engaged in social and teaching activities. In 1976 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR, and in 1989 he became a Hero of Socialist Labor.

Alexey Vladimirovich Batalov was born on November 20, 1928 in the city of Vladimir near the Moscow region. At the age of 5, the boy’s parents separated and Lesha’s mother, Nina Olyshevskaya, married a second time and moved with her son to Moscow to her new husband, the famous Soviet satirist Viktor Ardov.

Alexey Batalov played quite a few roles during his life. He has more than 30 film roles to his credit, but Batalov is best known for his role as Gosha in the famous film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.”

Alexey Vladimirovich made his film debut in 1944, receiving a role in Leo Arnstam’s film Zoya. Alexey received his next role only 10 years later: the aspiring film actor played the main character in the film “Big Family” directed by Joseph Kheifits.

Later, Joseph invites Alexey to appear in his other films: Alexey also starred in the films “The Rumyantsev Case” in 1955 and “Day of Happiness” in 1964. Kheifitz’s film “The Lady with the Dog,” in which Batalov played Gurov, was awarded many awards, not only domestic ones, but also international.

In 1956, the actor received a role in the film adaptation of the work “Mother” by Maxim Gorky. Participation in the film “The Cranes Are Flying,” which later became legendary, became truly significant for the artist. The audience really liked Batalov in the role of a soldier who did not return from the war.

The film “Nine Days of One Year” brought the artist the State Prize of the RSFSR in 1966. In subsequent years, the artist became interested in directing and dubbing, so he did not act in films. Only in the 70s did the actor return to the screens again.

Then Alexey Vladimirovich starred in the films “Running” in 1970, “No Return” in 1973, “Star of Captivating Happiness” and “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”, filmed in 1975.

Alexey managed to make the public fall in love with him again in 1980, when the cult film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” was released, in which the artist played locksmith Gosha. In 1981, this film won the Oscar for “Best Foreign Language Film” and the USSR State Prize.

Later, the actor can be seen in the works “Speed”, “Rest Time from Saturday to Monday”, “Stalin’s Funeral”, “Poltergeist-90”. In 2006, the actor played himself in the musical film “Carnival Night 2, or 50 Years Later,” dedicated to the anniversary of the cult film “Carnival Night.”

Personal life of Alexey Batalov

The personal life and first wife, as well as the biography of Alexei Batalov, are of interest to the general public. The actor's marriage happened at the age of 16. Such an early marriage was the reason for the fragility of the marriage. The hero’s bride was the daughter of the painter Konstantin Rotov, who had known Batalov since childhood. Alexey Vladimirovich believes that the reason for the marriage was not love, but childhood affection and friendship, tested over the years. In addition, the actor, endowed with natural shyness, rarely communicated with the opposite sex. Irina was an exception. This is how a wife appeared in the personal life of actor Alexei Batalov at such a young age.

Irina Rotova - the first wife of Alexei Batalov

Alexei Batalov and Irina Rotova had a daughter, Nadezhda. The growing popularity and rapid career growth did not allow the husband and father to spend enough time at home. As a result, after 3 years a completely predictable divorce took place. Alexey Batalov and his daughter do not communicate, which is clear from the biography, descriptions of his personal life and his photo in the public domain. The artist himself openly admits that he considers himself a terrible father for Nadezhda, which was the reason for his cool relationship with his former family. Several years ago, publications appeared that the actor bequeathed all his property to his wife and youngest daughter. Alexey Vladimirovich responded to the indignant remarks by saying that Nadezhda has her own life and that he does not participate in it. Meetings with the eldest daughter are rare; they occur no more than once a year.

Batalov's second wife was a circus rider from the age of 4. Gitana Leontenko amazed the actor with her masterly performance of the number. After a long period of fleeting meetings, the lovers decided to get married, which happened in 1963. Thus, more children appeared in the biography and personal life of Alexei Batalov.

The appearance of the baby did not bring the expected happiness: little Masha had cerebral palsy. As the girl's relatives suggest, the cause of the terrible disease was a medical error.

Gitana ended her career and completely devoted herself to caring for the child. Soon the father himself reduced his social circle and tried to spend all his free time with his family.

Gitana Leontenko - the second wife of Alexei Batalov

Increased care for the youngest daughter brought results. She was able to become a full-fledged member of society. Alexey Batalov himself is an honorary member of the board of an organization that helps disabled people with cerebral palsy. Maria Alekseevna actively participates in the lives of disabled children, which has become an important fact in the personal life and biography of Alexei Batalov. Because this indicates that all his efforts were not in vain. Maria studied at VGIK to be a screenwriter, wrote a book, and created a script based on which the film was made. After which she became a member of the Writers' Union.

Batalov's funeral

It also became known that Alexey Batalov asked to be buried next to his mother at the Preobrazhenskoye cemetery. The funeral and farewell are organized by Nikita Mikhalkov. Farewell to the actor will take place on June 19.