Is it possible to make money playing in online casinos? Online casino for real money. Is it possible to make money? Play online casinos: win-win strategies for beating casinos at roulette

The idea of ​​consistently making money by playing in online casinos is not new, and is extremely tempting. Who would refuse pleasure and earnings at the same time? The point is that the money earned is enough to provide for daily essential needs, coupled with the pleasant little things of life.

To dispel all questions and doubts, let’s consider the option of playing in a virtual online casino as an idea for permanent full-time income. Is it possible to play in a casino to earn money? Let's look at this issue from a practical point of view.

First . Any game of chance is not suitable for gambling people (as paradoxical as this may sound). Most likely, each of us tried to play. Therefore, if you find yourself with a desire to “get even”, make it clear to yourself that a casino is not suitable for you as a way to make money, since you will not be able to think adequately if you are in the grip of strong emotions.

Any process of earning money is a certain list of methodical actions, a clear system where there is no place for affective feelings, such as excitement, which can disrupt the sequence of these actions, threatening the failure of the entire event.

Second. You cannot use your last money to play. In any game, as well as in business, there are streaks of failure. This scenario should always be kept in mind, although it is the worst and most undesirable. Therefore, do not expose your family to the danger of starvation and do not gamble with the money that is allocated to support the lives of your loved ones. The minimum, which should last you for several months, should always be inviolable.

Third . Set yourself specific goals. Your goal should be clearly defined - the amount of your winnings should be no less than in your regular job. At first, as a beginner, you are unlikely to win because you will have no experience. However, if you decide to try, this experience must be acquired and accumulated. And although it sounds a little strange, in gambling you must have skills and abilities.

Fourth. The approach to the game must be systematic and scientifically based. As mentioned above, it is not passion that should dictate how to play, but the rules of certain strategies, which are based on solid mathematical laws and probability theory. Using strategies does not guarantee winning, but it allows you to analyze the system, develop research skills and logical thinking, improving and possibly increasing the chances of a positive outcome. “Working” in a casino according to strategy, you get the advantage of sound control over the situation and understanding of all possible outcomes - what is happening and why.

Let's sum it up and try to understand whether it is possible to earn money consistently in a casino?

You can earn money by playing, but such earnings cannot be called stable in any case. Even if you are an experienced player, competent and versed in many systems and strategies of the game, you should not count on regular and constant income from playing in an online casino, since winnings will alternate with losses.

Each bet contains a previously calculated, so-called “casino advantage”, which always, ultimately, guarantees a win for the gambling organization. If you play and win today, tomorrow, most likely, you will give all your winnings back. In addition, when contacting a gambling establishment through a website on the Internet, you will not be able to find out for sure whether the software code of the casino website is compiled honestly, whether it really generates random events or adapts to the client’s game.

Of course, there is still the possibility of winning an incredible jackpot, which can truly change your life for the better overnight.

The conclusion is that you won’t be able to earn money consistently, however, to be fair, it’s worth saying that there is a ghostly chance of getting rich. Whether it is worth using it is up to everyone to decide for themselves, because the real probability of a big win, of course, is not zero, but still extremely small.

How to make money in online casinos and withdraw real money what profitable strategies exist. Effective bank call management, correct approach to betting.

For the time being, gamblers have fun playing in demo mode without depositing their own funds. But soon many people begin to want to receive prize money. Then the question arises of how to make money in a casino. There is a chance to win big rewards both for those who closely monitor their results and adhere to the strategy, and for those who change their bets solely under the influence of hints from intuition.

In which online casino on the Internet can you make money?

When choosing a club, pay attention to its reputation. Thus, the free Vulcan casino is distinguished by the fact that it regularly pays out prize money and has an impressive range of online slots in its assortment. You can choose another club, but it is important that it honestly follows the rules, which can be read on its website. And these rules themselves should allow gamers to win.

The main answer if you are interested in how to make money at a casino is to leave on time. Even a small win is preferable to the amount you came with (if it was less), and even large prizes are easy to lose if you don’t stop in time. This is what allows experienced gamblers to generally remain in the black.

When thinking about how to make money in a casino, you can detail this approach. So, if you are ready to spend a certain amount, you don’t have to do it on one machine. You can set a limit for yourself that can be “wasted” on one slot. And if this threshold is passed, move on to another emulator.

If you are interested in a game with a progressive jackpot, then start when its amount has already grown enough. While the prize size is very small, it is useless to spend large sums by setting the maximum bet. Start when the jackpot is already approaching a million. At this moment, the answer to the riddle of how to make money in an online casino will be closest to you.

Effective ways to make money in a casino

Beginners especially want to figure out how to make money in online casinos. After all, it is at first that you can lose quite significant resources. At the same time, at the very beginning there is a chance to win a lot. Not everyone, but many experienced players note that the words that “beginners are lucky” are not so far from the truth. Many of the experienced gamblers began their gambling history with large prize money, which tied them to the world of gambling for a long time.

Therefore, for those who are taking their first steps, you can start by simply setting a limit on the amount that cannot be lost and get started. You will learn how to make money in online casinos after gaining some experience. But right now, while your experience is minimal, there is a chance to hit a big jackpot. Again, don't get carried away. If you managed to win, it’s time to stop.

Another important point is to master any slot machine, poker or blackjack for free. Knowing the rules will help you understand what is happening on the screen, make the right moves and make the right decisions.

The gambling establishment itself also has its own characteristics. It wouldn't hurt to learn more about them. Find out how the withdrawal occurs, what is needed to wager the bonus, so that it does not turn out that a large amount was won in Totem Island or another slot machine, but it is not yet possible to withdraw it.

There are many strategies that answer the question of how to make money in online casinos. The Up the Ladder approach is one of the most popular. Its essence is to determine the minimum value below which the rate will not fall. You should start with him. If you manage to win, double your spending. If you lose, reduce your bet. This method is good for a wave of luck when you land winning combinations several times in a row.

Another strategy on how to make money in online casinos does not involve a mathematical basis. Based on the fact that “beginners are lucky,” bet a lot in the very first game. Many people believe that the first launch allows you to win big.

If, when choosing ways to make money in an online casino, you chose the maximum bet for the first start, then still take into account the amount of funds on hand. It is advisable to have enough for several machines. In other strategies, the bet amount should not exceed 3-5% of the entire bankroll.

It's very important to experiment. This is the only way to understandhow to make money in online casinos without investmentand stay in the black after making a deposit.

Is it possible to make money playing in a casino? “It’s a question that interests a lot of people and it’s not so easy to give a definite answer to it. Professional casino players can earn a wonderful living by doing just half an hour a day. Others play for fun, lose all their money and leave happy, because they got their share of pleasure. But there are also those people whom I feel sorry for the most, those who are overcome by passion. No gambler has yet achieved great success in playing casinos. Gambling is the worst trait of a person, which will only help you lose everything, but never win. So, if you know that you won’t be able to resist and the excitement will take over you in any case, then you simply won’t be able to make money by playing in a casino. If everything is fine with this, then the world of casinos is open to you.

What do you need to make money playing in a casino?

The most important factor for a successful player is the lack of passion, as we discussed above. After all, even the best strategy for playing casino roulette or any other game will never bring money to a gambler. A casino is a successful business only for its creator, which is helped by gamblers or players without a good strategy.

It is impossible to make money playing in a casino without a strategy. Randomly betting on any number in roulette is a very bad decision for a person who really wants to start earning money by playing. To play roulette profitably, each player must have his own strategy. Now you can say that there are no win-win strategies for playing roulette, and we completely agree with you. Yes, the mathematical expectation is always on the side of the casino, but using good strategies, this is checkmate. expectations can be very well shifted in your direction, which will allow you to earn good money in the long run. But, again, no strategy will help a gambler.

Another very important factor in successfully making money in a casino is knowing all the rules that need to be followed when using ANY strategy. On our website you will find good and truly working strategies for playing roulette and other casino games, but all of them will not be successful if you do not adhere to our simple rules.

Rule #1 - Winning Ceiling

This rule applies to absolutely all online casinos and it does not work for live casinos. But since we will play at home via the Internet, then this rule must be followed. Winning ceiling- the amount that the casino allows you to win. It is installed not on the day, but once per account immediately after you have replenished your deposit. Usually this is 20-30% of the deposit amount. Thus, if you top up your deposit with $100, the casino will give you an easy win of no more than 20-30 dollars. After which you need to withdraw all money from the account and delete it. Agree that earning 30% of your deposit in a couple of days is a very good result. If you want to continue the game (it’s a shame, now I’ll cut down another two tsun and withdraw it) - expect to lose all your money. It's better to make 30 dollars than to lose 100, right? After you have withdrawn your earnings, you need to clear all temporary browser files (or use a different browser), register a new account in an online casino and earn your 30% again.

Rule No. 2 - Game Bank

Each game has its own bank and it is formed by the losing bets of the players. Let's say a player lost $100 today, the casino took 2-3% of the loss amount, and the rest was placed in the game bank, from which winning bets will be paid. In order to make money playing in a casino, you need to know when the game banks are full and when they are empty. After all, when the bank is almost empty, the casino turns on the wagering system to fill it. In this case, the player may lose his money. So never play with an empty game bank, you can only play when the bank is full. How can you find out what bank it is now? -Using our strategies, you should win at a maximum of 3-4 steps. If you reach step 4, it’s not scary, but if you start reaching it on almost every bet, then the game bank is empty and the game should be stopped. You can come back in an hour and see if the situation has changed.

Rule No. 3 - Honest casino

To tell the truth, there are no 100% honest casinos. Any of them is just waiting to take your money for themselves. But, nevertheless, there are good casinos that value their reputation and they simply do not need unjustified losses of their clients’ deposits. Also, now there are already a lot of “handicraft” casinos that, even if you win, will not give you your money. It's better to avoid these. But we recommend playing only in online casinos. There have never been any delays in withdrawing money or dishonest fraud with them. At the moment this is the most reliable casino. Just look at the domain itself, they had to pay a very large sum for it, so these guys clearly didn’t come into this business for one day and their reputation is not just an empty word.

Greetings, dear readers. Today I would like to reveal a very dubious topic - making money in online casinos. To be honest, I initially planned to write an exposing article and show what scams are in online casinos. I have never had any doubt that online gambling is a scam and . But when I began to collect information, everything turned out to be not so clear-cut...

Is it possible to make money in an online casino?

First of all, it should be noted that any gambling, , online or offline, cannot be considered as a source of income. I'm not saying that you can't make money in a casino, you can win very big money, but the probability of this (at best) is 100:1.

Let's look at what an online casino is, how it makes money, and what the user's chance of winning is.


The basis of trust in an online casino is its honesty. How is it determined? It’s very simple - the presence of an algorithm for generating random numbers. In a real casino, no one has any doubt that everything happens by chance. But in online casinos, chance (randomness) is imitated by special programs.

Many companies are now producing such software:

  • Microgaming;
  • Gaminator;
  • PlayTech and others.

The created software is verified by a special international organization eCOGRA . Many foreign virtual casinos are certified by this organization; “our” services, as a rule, do not have such certification.

Casinos verified by eCOGRA:

  • All Slots Casino;
  • Platinum Play Casino;
  • Vip Club Casino;
  • Virtual City Casino;
  • All Jackpots Casino;

I don’t know by what criteria randomness is determined, but the fact that randomness is established by an algorithm already seems strange. If it was possible to edit the script, such an accident could be “tweaked” at your discretion.

Return percentage

The second feature of all virtual casinos is the return percentage. Slot machines are programmed so that the player enters a large amount and withdraws a smaller amount. Typically, the payout percentage for gaming slots is 92 - 98.

For example, you make a deposit of 100 USD at some online casino. When you spend all this money on spins, you will find 95 dollars won in your account.

Of course, the return percentage is not taken into account in each spin. It is designed for the future, and the longer you play, the more you lose.

Concept of variance

If we take the example of roulette, you can see how often bets on color (black - red) win and how rarely those who bet on numbers manage to win. Why this happens, I think everyone understands, everyone knows how many numbers there are on the roulette wheel, how many colors there are and where the chance of winning is greater.

What I'm getting at is that a game involving a bet on numbers would be considered highly dispersed, since a big win would likely be followed by a long string of losses.

In the case of a bet on black or red, the game will be low-variance, with frequent and small wins.

That is, variance is something like a measure of winnings in a certain period of time. And the only chance to make money in an online casino is to “inflate” the variance, that is, to play for high bets in slots with a high chance of winning.

Wager or casino bonus

Today, many users want to make money in online casinos without investment. Fortunately, this is quite feasible; most online casinos provide this opportunity and even give users large bonuses.

Often, with the help of such bonuses, it is possible to win big money, but to withdraw it... It’s all to blame for this damn wager, because of which all the money won is lost.

  • Wager - conditions that must be met in order to receive the money won. Typically, the wager applies only to bonus money and indicates to the player the minimum number of bets that must be made to withdraw money.

For example, you receive a bonus of 10 euros with a wager of 50x. This means that before ordering a payout you need to place bets in the amount of 10x50, that is, 500 euros. Therefore, you don’t have to hunt for bonuses, free casinos, etc., you’ll just waste your time.

In very rare cases, it is possible to receive money won from bonuses. But, as a rule, bonuses are issued only to warm up players, arouse excitement in them and force them to make a deposit.

Online casino in Runet

Most online casinos are not available in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries, since gambling is simply prohibited in these regions. However, this does not mean that there is no online gambling in these countries. A reliable way to block gaming sites has not yet been found. In general, the law does not prohibit players from using slots, but creating such sites is prohibited.

I still don’t understand why the most honest payment system on the Runet (WebMoney) cooperates with almost all online casinos. You won’t be able to withdraw money to WebMoney from any HYIP, but you can withdraw money from a casino. It turns out that the owners of the payment system consider such resources suitable for making money.

Here are the popular online casinos of Runet with withdrawal to WebMoney:

  1. JoyCasino;
  2. Volcano;
  3. Casino X;
  4. StarGames Casino.


Everyone will answer the question whether it is possible to make money in an online casino in their own way. Indeed, sometimes you can win a decent amount, but it will be just luck, which will not be repeated regularly. I know friends who have been playing for a long time, winning 500 rubles a day. At the same time, every day they lose at least 1,500 rubles and are happy, as if they had won a million.

In general, all gambling has a hypnotic effect, and if you play regularly, you will always be in the red.