Malysheva's age transmits health. Elena Malysheva: biography, personal life, children, family, husband (photo)

In this article, we present to our readers the life path of a famous Russian TV presenter. She gained her main popularity thanks to her programs, where she tells everyone about various diseases. This activity earned Elena Malysheva the unofficial title of TV doctor.

It is noteworthy that medical programs are gaining fame not only thanks to practical advice, but also to the Internet. The fact is that Malysheva’s show is quite famous among users of social networks, who create various memes and jokes from fragments. Viral videos are especially popular. Thanks to this, one more merit of Elena can be noted - a large number of people became acquainted with medical issues in a very accessible explanation. Next, we’ll take a closer look at Malysheva’s path to television.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Malysheva

Before talking about the biography, it is worth saying a few words about external data. This will be convenient for new fans - without photographs, you can form the image of an idol. Therefore, we will present to you the basics - height, weight, age. How old is Elena Malysheva? Russian TV viewers of any generation ask. We asked - we answer. The TV presenter's approximate height is just over 167 centimeters, with a weight of 63 kilograms.

In March 2018, Elena Malysheva celebrated her 57th birthday. Photos in her youth and now are easy to find using the Internet and see for yourself what changes have affected this woman.

Biography of Elena Malysheva

The biography of Elena Malysheva began in 1961. Kemerovo is considered to be her birthplace. It is noteworthy that the family of the future TV presenter mainly consisted of “medical people.” Father Vasily and mother Galina worked at a local hospital.

After graduating from school with a gold medal, there was no long thought about the further place of study - the choice immediately fell on the Medical Institute in my hometown. Studying was relatively easy, and already in 1984, Elena had a diploma with honors. In order not to waste precious time, she decides to go to Moscow, where she will continue her studies in her chosen specialties. In the capital, Malysheva enters the Academy of Medical Sciences, where three years later she defends her thesis. The main topic is the prevention of heart disease.

Before television, she worked as a therapist, eventually receiving the position of professor at Moscow State Medical University.

In 1992, Elena Malysheva appeared on television for the first time. At that time, in his native Kemerovo, the “Recipe” program was broadcast, where a doctor was invited.

After a series of events, the aspiring presenter notices that there are no useful and educational medical programs on television. She managed to get through to the Administration and leave a complaint about the current situation. Friends began to persuade Elena to launch a TV show herself. With their help, she managed to meet the right people, and Malysheva was immediately hired on local television.

A year later, “Lazaret” was launched, where a woman immediately took over as host. A little time passed, and she was invited to the capital. The first program on central television was called “Did you call the doctor?”, and its launch happened in 1994. Of course, Malysheva did not forget about her own education and attended European universities. By the way, after 4 years, she returns to the “Health” show again.

In the summer of 2010, a new program will start - “Live Healthy!”, hosted by Elena. Notably, this show is getting mixed reviews. It all has to do with the fact that the TV presenter often raises slippery and risky issues. Until now, she has been practicing medicine, trying to bring to the masses topics that people rarely think about seriously.

Many criticize Malysheva’s programs due to the fact that they do not bring anything new, but only adopt the experience of foreign medical programs. But, despite various controversies, the show has a large audience that continues to follow each new episode.

Personal life of Elena Malysheva

The personal life of Elena Malysheva is not replete with various scandals and gossip. It is unlikely that you will even come across such a headline in weekly publications - everything is so transparent here.

The TV presenter met her future husband in her hometown, when she was just starting to build a medical career. After receiving their diplomas, they move to the capital of Russia and legalize their relationship. After some time, the first-born is born, but we’ll talk about the children a little lower. It is noteworthy that Elena happily talks about her family and always adds that she is happy in her private life.

Family of Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva's family was directly connected with medicine. It’s no wonder why the TV presenter has such a passion for treating people. The head of the family, Vasily Shabunin, like his wife Galina, have worked as doctors all their lives.

In addition to the future TV presenter, her family brought up her sister Maria and brother Lesha, who also chose their parents’ profession. The sister moved to Tuapse, where she works as a neurologist, and her brother became a famous surgeon. Due to her popularity on the Internet, Elena often became the main character of various conspiracy theories. The most interesting of them is that Malysheva is the ancestor of Leon Trotsky. Some users found a resemblance. Of course, she does not undertake to comment on such rumors.

Children of Elena Malysheva

The children of Elena Malysheva are a rare topic that is raised in the media for the sake of scandals or rumors. Everything here is clear and ordinary, and there is no reason for “conspiracy theories”, as for the famous TV presenter. At the moment, she has two children who were born two years apart. The eldest son chose his parents' profession and received a medical education, unlike the younger one.

Several years ago, in 2015, the Russian TV presenter had her first grandson, who was named Igor. Elena herself says that she is very happy about the addition to the family, and happily spends her free time with her children and grandchildren.

Son of Elena Malysheva - Yuri

Elena Malysheva’s first son, Yuri, was born in the spring of 1988 and is the first-born of a TV presenter. Now he is already 30 years old. In 2014, Yuri met Karina, who is Armenian by nationality. A little later, the young people got married, and in the winter of 2015, Igor, Malysheva’s grandson, was born. Using the Internet, you can find photographs of the entire happy family in its entirety.

Like his parents, Yuri decided to connect his life with medicine, and after school he graduated from the corresponding university. Along the way, he appears on television, and for some time hosted the program “Live Healthy!” together with mother Elena.

Son of Elena Malysheva - Vasily

Elena Malysheva’s second son, Vasily, was born two years later than his older brother, in December 1990. It is noteworthy that the youngest stepson decided to move away from his parents’ profession and not receive a medical education. Thus, Vasily is the first in the Malysheva family to choose a different path. He himself admits that his parents did not agree with their son’s choice for a long time, but in the end they gave in.

Vasily is a lawyer by training, and is now developing his own business. The main direction is programming. The dream of Elena Malysheva’s son is to create convenient software that will take medicine to a new perfect level.

By the way, when Vasily was not yet one year old, he suffered from a serious illness that required surgical intervention. The teledoctor was quickly able to recognize the symptoms and go with her son to the right hospital. It was this event that influenced Elena - she decided to become a TV presenter.

Elena Malysheva's husband - Igor Malyshev

Elena Malysheva’s husband, Igor Malyshev, was born in January 1959. By education, he is a doctor. Works at the capital's medical and dental university. He holds a doctorate in medical sciences and is also involved in molecular biology. He has received many awards for his works and achievements in the field of science.

The future spouses met while studying at a medical university. The exact date of the wedding is not known, but it is known that the event took place before the birth of the first son. In some episodes of her programs, the TV presenter raises the topic of her family. Elena says that Igor has great restraint, seriousness and calmness. He rarely watches programs with his wife’s participation, and if necessary, he talks about the shortcomings. It is noteworthy that there are no disputes on this basis in the family.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home. Menu for the week

A few years ago, the TV presenter increased her popularity by introducing a highly effective diet. It is noteworthy that Elena Malysheva’s diet for losing weight at home was already known before its official release. The menu for the week can be created using the website, which was launched recently.

In addition to losing weight, you can use a balanced nutrition program that will help you maintain your weight within the same range. Also, some diseases are taken into account, and a diet is also formed, avoiding harmful foods. Also, there is a program where anyone can monitor the effectiveness of one or another weight loss method. Of course, some “recipes” were received skeptically by Internet users who directly claim fraud on Elena’s part.

Photo by Elena Malysheva in Maxim magazine

Personally, the TV presenter said that she herself uses the presented diets. Therefore, some users began to expect a photo of Elena Malysheva in Maxim magazine. As far as we know now, an invitation to take candid photos from a glossy publication has not yet been sent to the TV doctor. However, it is unlikely that she will agree to participate in a photo shoot naked, because she is a family person, and many will not understand such an action.

The only thing that can be recommended to those who are interested in Elena’s figure is to find vacation photos where the TV presenter is in a swimsuit. This will help evaluate the quality of the developed diets and understand whether it is worth using one or another method of keeping fit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Malysheva

A career as a TV presenter requires a large number of fans. Social networks help in communicating with fans, so the query “Instagram and Wikipedia of Elena Malysheva” is quite popular among those who follow the activities of the TV doctor. For example, the free encyclopedia contains all the basic information about her life, as well as the awards that the doctor received for her work.

Elena’s official pages gather a large number of subscribers who are interested in their health and figure. In addition, on social networks you can find announcements of TV shows with Malysheva’s participation. Also, anyone can find a question of interest and read the doctor’s answer.

In this article, we present to our readers the life path of a famous Russian TV presenter. She gained her main popularity thanks to her programs, where she tells everyone about various diseases. This activity earned Elena Malysheva the unofficial title of TV doctor.

It is noteworthy that medical programs are gaining fame not only thanks to practical advice, but also to the Internet. The fact is that Malysheva’s show is quite famous among users of social networks, who create various memes and jokes from fragments. Viral videos are especially popular. Thanks to this, one more merit of Elena can be noted - a large number of people became acquainted with medical issues in a very accessible explanation. Next, we’ll take a closer look at Malysheva’s path to television.

Before talking about the biography, it is worth saying a few words about external data. This will be convenient for new fans - without photographs, you can form the image of an idol. Therefore, we will present to you the basics - height, weight, age. How old is Elena Malysheva? Russian TV viewers of any generation ask. We asked - we answer. The TV presenter's approximate height is just over 167 centimeters, with a weight of 63 kilograms.

In March 2018, Elena Malysheva celebrated her 57th birthday. Photos in her youth and now are easy to find using the Internet and see for yourself what changes have affected this woman.

Biography of Elena Malysheva

The biography of Elena Malysheva began in 1961. Kemerovo is considered to be her birthplace. It is noteworthy that the family of the future TV presenter mainly consisted of “medical people.” Father Vasily and mother Galina worked at a local hospital.

After graduating from school with a gold medal, there was no long thought about the further place of study - the choice immediately fell on the Medical Institute in my hometown. Studying was relatively easy, and already in 1984, Elena had a diploma with honors. In order not to waste precious time, she decides to go to Moscow, where she will continue her studies in her chosen specialties. In the capital, Malysheva enters the Academy of Medical Sciences, where three years later she defends her thesis. The main topic is the prevention of heart disease.

Before television, she worked as a therapist, eventually receiving the position of professor at Moscow State Medical University.

In 1992, Elena Malysheva appeared on television for the first time. At that time, in his native Kemerovo, the “Recipe” program was broadcast, where a doctor was invited.

After a series of events, the aspiring presenter notices that there are no useful and educational medical programs on television. She managed to get through to the Administration and leave a complaint about the current situation. Friends began to persuade Elena to launch a TV show herself. With their help, she managed to meet the right people, and Malysheva was immediately hired on local television.

A year later, “Lazaret” was launched, where a woman immediately took over as host. A little time passed, and she was invited to the capital. The first program on central television was called “Did you call the doctor?”, and its launch happened in 1994. Of course, Malysheva did not forget about her own education and attended European universities. By the way, after 4 years, she returns to the “Health” show again.

In the summer of 2010, a new program will start - “Live Healthy!”, hosted by Elena. Notably, this show is getting mixed reviews. It all has to do with the fact that the TV presenter often raises slippery and risky issues. Until now, she has been practicing medicine, trying to bring to the masses topics that people rarely think about seriously.

Many criticize Malysheva’s programs due to the fact that they do not bring anything new, but only adopt the experience of foreign medical programs. But, despite various controversies, the show has a large audience that continues to follow each new episode.

Personal life of Elena Malysheva

The personal life of Elena Malysheva is not replete with various scandals and gossip. It is unlikely that you will even come across such a headline in weekly publications - everything is so transparent here.

The TV presenter met her future husband in her hometown, when she was just starting to build a medical career. After receiving their diplomas, they move to the capital of Russia and legalize their relationship. After some time, the first-born is born, but we’ll talk about the children a little lower. It is noteworthy that Elena happily talks about her family and always adds that she is happy in her private life.

Family of Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva's family was directly connected with medicine. It’s no wonder why the TV presenter has such a passion for treating people. The head of the family, Vasily Shabunin, like his wife Galina, have worked as doctors all their lives.

In addition to the future TV presenter, her family brought up her sister Maria and brother Lesha, who also chose their parents’ profession. The sister moved to Tuapse, where she works as a neurologist, and her brother became a famous surgeon. Due to her popularity on the Internet, Elena often became the main character of various conspiracy theories. The most interesting of them is that Malysheva is the ancestor of Leon Trotsky. Some users found a resemblance. Of course, she does not undertake to comment on such rumors.

Children of Elena Malysheva

The children of Elena Malysheva are a rare topic that is raised in the media for the sake of scandals or rumors. Everything here is clear and ordinary, and there is no reason for “conspiracy theories”, as for the famous TV presenter. At the moment, she has two children who were born two years apart. The eldest son chose his parents' profession and received a medical education, unlike the younger one.

Several years ago, in 2015, the Russian TV presenter had her first grandson, who was named Igor. Elena herself says that she is very happy about the addition to the family, and happily spends her free time with her children and grandchildren.

Son of Elena Malysheva - Yuri

Elena Malysheva’s first son, Yuri, was born in the spring of 1988 and is the first-born of a TV presenter. Now he is already 30 years old. In 2014, Yuri met Karina, who is Armenian by nationality. A little later, the young people got married, and in the winter of 2015, Igor, Malysheva’s grandson, was born. Using the Internet, you can find photographs of the entire happy family in its entirety.

Like his parents, Yuri decided to connect his life with medicine, and after school he graduated from the corresponding university. Along the way, he appears on television, and for some time hosted the program “Live Healthy!” together with mother Elena.

Son of Elena Malysheva - Vasily

Elena Malysheva’s second son, Vasily, was born two years later than his older brother, in December 1990. It is noteworthy that the youngest stepson decided to move away from his parents’ profession and not receive a medical education. Thus, Vasily is the first in the Malysheva family to choose a different path. He himself admits that his parents did not agree with their son’s choice for a long time, but in the end they gave in.

Vasily is a lawyer by training, and is now developing his own business. The main direction is programming. The dream of Elena Malysheva’s son is to create convenient software that will take medicine to a new perfect level.

By the way, when Vasily was not yet one year old, he suffered from a serious illness that required surgical intervention. The teledoctor was quickly able to recognize the symptoms and go with her son to the right hospital. It was this event that influenced Elena - she decided to become a TV presenter.

Elena Malysheva's husband - Igor Malyshev

Elena Malysheva’s husband, Igor Malyshev, was born in January 1959. By education, he is a doctor. Works at the capital's medical and dental university. He holds a doctorate in medical sciences and is also involved in molecular biology. He has received many awards for his works and achievements in the field of science.

The future spouses met while studying at a medical university. The exact date of the wedding is not known, but it is known that the event took place before the birth of the first son. In some episodes of her programs, the TV presenter raises the topic of her family. Elena says that Igor has great restraint, seriousness and calmness. He rarely watches programs with his wife’s participation, and if necessary, he talks about the shortcomings. It is noteworthy that there are no disputes on this basis in the family.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home. Menu for the week

A few years ago, the TV presenter increased her popularity by introducing a highly effective diet. It is noteworthy that Elena Malysheva’s diet for losing weight at home was already known before its official release. The menu for the week can be created using the website, which was launched recently.

In addition to losing weight, you can use a balanced nutrition program that will help you maintain your weight within the same range. Also, some diseases are taken into account, and a diet is also formed, avoiding harmful foods. Also, there is a program where anyone can monitor the effectiveness of one or another weight loss method. Of course, some “recipes” were received skeptically by Internet users who directly claim fraud on Elena’s part.

Personally, the TV presenter said that she herself uses the presented diets. Therefore, some users began to expect a photo of Elena Malysheva in Maxim magazine. As far as we know now, an invitation to take candid photos from a glossy publication has not yet been sent to the TV doctor. However, it is unlikely that she will agree to participate in a photo shoot naked, because she is a family person, and many will not understand such an action.

The only thing that can be recommended to those who are interested in Elena’s figure is to find vacation photos where the TV presenter is in a swimsuit. This will help evaluate the quality of the developed diets and understand whether it is worth using one or another method of keeping fit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Malysheva

A career as a TV presenter requires a large number of fans. Social networks help in communicating with fans, so the query “Instagram and Wikipedia of Elena Malysheva” is quite popular among those who follow the activities of the TV doctor. For example, the free encyclopedia contains all the basic information about her life, as well as the awards that the doctor received for her work.

Elena’s official pages gather a large number of subscribers who are interested in their health and figure. In addition, on social networks you can find announcements of TV shows with Malysheva’s participation. Also, anyone can find a question of interest and read the doctor’s answer.

Greetings to regular readers and guests of the site! The article “Elena Malysheva: biography, personal life, video” is about the life of a doctor of medical sciences, a popular Russian host of the TV shows “Live Healthy” and “Health”.

Elena Malysheva: biography, personal life of the dear doctor

Childhood and family

The Shabunin family can be called a family of hereditary doctors. Three children, like their parents, also chose this profession. Lena was born on March 13, 1961 in the city of Kemerovo, where she spent her childhood. Studying at school was easy and relaxed for the girl, so her graduation from school was awarded a gold medal.

Shabunin family

It is not surprising that the medical institute in Kemerovo, the Faculty of Medicine, was chosen for further study. And here there was a brilliant study, which was noted with a honors diploma. The older sister Marina also became a doctor and chose the field of neurology. Brother Alexey is a surgeon, became the chief physician of the State Clinical Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin.

Television career

After graduating from medical school, her studies continued in graduate school. After 3 years, Elena Shabunina defended her dissertation and began working as a general practitioner. Then she was an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine of the Second Medical Institute of the capital.

  • Since 1992, Elena began her career on Kemerovo television. Recipe program.

  • Two years later, she was offered a job in the “Have you called the doctor?” program. where she worked as a presenter and author of the program.

  • In the same 1994, in the USA, she took a course to train the most talented journalists in Europe. The offer was valid for those who dealt with the topic of health.

  • In 1997, Malysheva headed the “Health” program broadcast on the ORT channel; she was also its author and presenter. In addition to the TV channel, the program was also broadcast on Radio Russia.

  • Just 10 years later she became a Doctor of Medical Sciences, having defended her dissertation for an academic degree.

  • Since 2010, she began hosting the program “Live Healthy” on Channel One. At the same time, Elena Vasilievna is actively involved in writing scientific publications.

  • Since 2012, she began promoting a diet developed according to her own methodology.

A little about diet

Her marriage can be called happy. She is married to Igor Yuryevich Malyshev. He is a physician, engaged in science, has the title of professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Conducts numerous research and development in molecular biology, for which he has been repeatedly awarded the Russian Presidential Prize.


  1. The eldest son, Yuri, was born in 1988, followed in the footsteps of his parents and received a medical education. He is the creative producer of the program “Live Healthy!”. Married, has a son.

  2. The youngest son, Vasily, born in 1990, chose the profession of lawyer.


All the programs hosted by the outrageous Malysheva are distinguished by their originality. Each program has show elements. The viewer is intrigued. But many of the programs were subject to serious criticism from the public.

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Biography, life story of Yuri Igorevich Malyshev

Malyshev Yuri Igorevich is the son of a Soviet, Russian doctor and teacher, known as the host of the popular “Health” program on TV.


Yuri was born on March 16, 1988. He became the successor of the family dynasty of doctors, because his father, Igor Yuryevich, is also a doctor by profession. Malyshev Sr. Doctor of Medical Sciences and Professor of Moscow Dental University. Yuri's younger brother, who went to live in the USA, decided to devote his life to jurisprudence.


Just like his star mother, Yuri decided to become a doctor, so he went to get a medical education. And he also went to work on television, to help his mother. He was entrusted with the position of creative producer of the program “Live Healthy!”

How unconventionally Yuri Malyshev approached solving the problems assigned to him was evidenced by the following fact: he came up with a song about testicles, which became a real hit on TV. And he not only invented it, but also appeared before television viewers in the form of one of the male gonads. The audience perceived the shocking performance differently. Some laughed until they cried, others were indignant. She herself expressed pride in her son, who was literally bursting with all sorts of ideas and made programs on highly specialized topics much more interesting.

Yuri began to combine work in the studio with listening to lectures at the institute. , according to her, she did not spoil her son much with a decent salary. Moreover, he worked for one year without receiving a penny.



The fact that Yuri Igorevich officially tied himself into marital ties became known from his mother. The TV presenter, speaking to reporters, could not hide her joy. According to him, the event took place in a solemn atmosphere. Colleagues from the television workshop were invited to the celebration. We had a great time, after which the happy newlyweds flew off to spend their honeymoon in the USA.

Thanks to Yuri, the professor became a grandmother: her eldest son had a boy. The birth of her grandson touched the presenter so much that she initiated the appearance of a new section in her program called “I am a grandmother!” Since then, the doctor of medical sciences began to tell television viewers about how the country’s small citizens grow and develop.

By the way, for a long time I did not dare to tell the media about my grandson. She only dared to do this during a holiday program aired on February 23. And she not only told about her grandson, but also showed a photograph of a dark-haired boy. Before this, she said, she did not want to attract the attention of the paparazzi to the identity of the young mother. The host of the health program has always had excellent relations with the Armenian girl Karina, the mother of the baby and the wife of her son.

In the world of television, Elena Malysheva is known to viewers as one of the most extraordinary and provocative TV presenters. Therefore, such an interesting personality is often discussed on forums or her image is parodied.

Born on March 13, 1961 in a family of doctors, accordingly, when choosing a profession, young Lena gave preference to medicine, although for some time she had ambitions of a journalistic nature. While receiving a medical education, Elena met her future husband, Igor Malyshev, who at that time had already achieved considerable heights in medicine.

Yuri gave birth to her first child on March 16, 1988, and her son went to study in the footsteps of his parents. But he did not stay to work in this field and took the post of creative producer in the program “Live Healthy!”, which is hosted by his mother. At the age of 26, Yuri married his beloved Karina, and on January 25, 2015, his son Igor was born. The baby turned 2 years old in 2017, and his father Yuri celebrated his 29th birthday in the spring and is actively raising the child with his family.

Elena gave birth to her second child several years after the birth of Yuri; the youngest son, Vasily, was born on December 21, 1990; he was often ill as a child. Little Vasya’s health problems caused his mother to appear on television, because she needed money for treatment, as well as imported medicines. There was no fear in front of cameras, and the TV doctor felt relaxed on air. It was not for nothing that in her youth she had a desire to study to be a journalist.

The youngest son of Elena Malysheva, having completed his education, works as a lawyer to this day and at the moment, unlike his older brother, is not married, although he turns 27 years old in the winter of 2017.

In March 2017, Elena Vasilyevna turned 56 years old, and her husband Igor celebrated his 58th birthday on January 17, 2017, but age does not prevent them from leading an active lifestyle, eating a healthy diet and having fun in the fresh air.

Elena Vasilievna has been married to Igor Malyshev for more than 25 years. Over the years, the couple managed to raise two sons and become grandparents, without losing their care and love for each other. They claim that they do not have medical discussions, and they know how to resolve disagreements in everyday life and find a compromise in any life situations. They also instilled in their children a love of physical education, a balanced diet and an active lifestyle, so it is not surprising to hear from their sons that their parents are role models.

The presenter has been a co-founder of the commercial project “Elena Malysheva’s Diet” for more than five years. The essence of such nutrition is to maximize the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables and minimize fats in the diet, including those of animal origin. The woman proves by her example that you can be in shape and look healthy regardless of age.

Video on the topic